Prev: ISOAMSR Glyphs Extended | Up: Chapter 6 | Next: MMALIAS Glyphs |
REC-MathML-19980407 |
Name | Unicode | Glyph | Description | Entity group |
acd | E3A6 | ac current | ISOTECH | |
aleph | 2135 | /aleph aleph, Hebrew | ISOTECH | |
And | E374 | double logical and | ISOTECH | |
and | 2227 | logical and | ISOTECH | |
andand | E36E | two logical and | ISOTECH | |
andd | E394 | and, horizontal dash | ISOTECH | |
andslope | E50A | sloping large and | ISOTECH |
andv | E391 | and with middle stem | ISOTECH | |
angrt | 221F | right (90 degree) angle | ISOTECH | |
angsph | 2222 | /sphericalangle angle-spherical | ISOTECH | |
angst | 212B | Angstrom capital A, ring | ISOTECH | |
ap | 2248 | approximate | ISOTECH | |
apacir | E38C | approximate, circumflex accent | ISOTECH | |
approx | 2248 | approximate | MMALIAS ap | |
awconint | 2233 | contour integral, anti-clockwise | ISOTECH |
awint | E39B | anti clock-wise integration | ISOTECH | |
becaus | 2235 | because | ISOTECH | |
Because | 2235 | because | MMALIAS becaus | |
because | 2235 | because | MMALIAS becaus | |
bernou | 212C | Bernoulli function (script capital B) | ISOTECH | |
blacksquare | 25A0 | square, filled | MMALIAS squarf | |
bne | E388 | reverse not equal | ISOTECH | |
bnequiv | E387 | reverse not equivalent | ISOTECH |
bNot | E3AD | reverse not with two horizontal strokes | ISOTECH | |
bnot | 2310 | reverse not | ISOTECH | |
bot | 22A5 | bottom | MMALIAS bottom | |
bottom | 22A5 | bottom | ISOTECH | |
cap | 2229 | intersection | ISOTECH | |
Cconint | 2230 | triple contour integral operator | ISOTECH | |
circ | 2218 | composite function (small circle) | MMALIAS compfn | |
cirfnint | E395 | circulation function | ISOTECH |
ClockwiseContourIntegral | 2232 | contour integral, clockwise | MMALIAS cwconint | |
compfn | 2218 | composite function (small circle) | ISOTECH | |
cong | 2245 | congruent with | ISOTECH | |
Congruent | 2261 | identical with | MMALIAS equiv | |
Conint | 222F | double contour integral operator | ISOTECH | |
conint | 222E | contour integral operator | ISOTECH | |
ContourIntegral | 222E | contour integral operator | MMALIAS conint | |
CounterClockwiseContourIntegral | 2233 | contour integral, anti-clockwise | MMALIAS awconint |
ctdot | 22EF | /cdots, three dots, centered | ISOTECH | |
cup | 222A | union or logical sum | ISOTECH | |
cwconint | 2232 | contour integral, clockwise | ISOTECH | |
cwint | 2231 | clockwise integral | ISOTECH | |
cylcty | 232D | cylindricity | ISOTECH | |
Del | 2207 | del, Hamilton operator | MMALIAS nabla | |
disin | E3A0 | set membership, long horizontal stroke | ISOTECH | |
Dot | 0308 | dieresis or umlaut mark | ISOTECH |
DotDot | 20DC | four dots above | ISOTECH | |
DoubleContourIntegral | 222F | double contour integral operator | MMALIAS Conint | |
DoubleLeftArrow | 21D0 | is implied by | MMALIAS lArr | |
DoubleRightArrow | 21D2 | implies | MMALIAS rArr | |
DoubleVerticalBar | 2225 | parallel | MMALIAS par | |
DownTee | 22A4 | top | MMALIAS top | |
dsol | E3A9 | solidus, bar above | ISOTECH | |
dtdot | 22F1 | /ddots, three dots, descending | ISOTECH |
dwangle | E3AA | large downward pointing angle | ISOTECH | |
Element | 2208 | set membership, variant | MMALIAS isinv | |
elinters | E3A7 | electrical intersection | ISOTECH | |
epar | 22D5 | parallel, equal; equal or parallel | ISOTECH | |
eparsl | E384 | parallel, slanted, equal; homothetically congruent to | ISOTECH | |
equiv | 2261 | identical with | ISOTECH | |
eqvparsl | E386 | equivalent, equal; congruent and parallel | ISOTECH | |
exist | 2203 | /exists at least one exists | ISOTECH |
Exists | 2203 | /exists at least one exists | MMALIAS exist | |
fltns | E381 | flatness | ISOTECH | |
ForAll | 2200 | /forall for all | MMALIAS forall | |
forall | 2200 | /forall for all | ISOTECH | |
fpartint | E396 | finite part integral | ISOTECH | |
ge | 2265 | greater-than-or-equal | ISOTECH | |
geq | 2265 | greater-than-or-equal | MMALIAS ge | |
GreaterEqual | 2265 | greater-than-or-equal | MMALIAS ge |
hamilt | 210B | Hamiltonian (script capital H) | ISOTECH | |
iff | E365 | /iff if and only if | ISOTECH | |
iiiint | E378 | quadruple integral operator | MMALIAS qint | |
iiint | 222D | triple integral operator | MMALIAS tint | |
iinfin | E372 | infinity sign, incomplete | ISOTECH | |
imped | E50B | impedance | ISOTECH | |
Implies | 21D2 | implies | MMALIAS rArr | |
in | 220A | set membership | MMALIAS isin |
infin | 221E | /infty infinity | ISOTECH | |
infintie | E50C | tie, infinity | ISOTECH | |
Int | 222C | double integral operator | ISOTECH | |
int | 222B | integral operator | ISOTECH | |
Integral | 222B | integral operator | MMALIAS int | |
intlarhk | E39A | integral, left arrow with hook | ISOTECH | |
isin | 220A | set membership | ISOTECH | |
isindot | E39C | set membership, dot above | ISOTECH |
isinE | E39E | set membership, two horizontal strokes | ISOTECH | |
isins | E3A4 | set membership, vertical bar on horizontal stroke | ISOTECH | |
isinsv | E3A2 | large set membership, vertical bar on horizontal stroke | ISOTECH | |
isinv | 2208 | set membership, variant | ISOTECH | |
lagran | 2112 | Lagrangian (script capital L) | ISOTECH | |
Lang | 300A | left angle bracket, double | ISOTECH | |
lang | 3008 | left angle bracket | ISOTECH | |
langle | 3008 | left angle bracket | MMALIAS lang |
lArr | 21D0 | is implied by | ISOTECH | |
lbbrk | 3014 | left broken bracket | ISOTECH | |
le | 2264 | less-than-or-equal | ISOTECH | |
LeftAngleBracket | 3008 | left angle bracket | MMALIAS lang | |
Leftarrow | 21D0 | is implied by | MMALIAS lArr | |
leq | 2264 | less-than-or-equal | MMALIAS le | |
loang | 3018 | left open angular bracket | ISOTECH | |
lobrk | 301A | left open bracket | ISOTECH |
lopar | E379 | left open parenthesis | ISOTECH | |
lowast | 2217 | low asterisk | ISOTECH | |
minus | 2212 | minus sign | ISOTECH | |
MinusPlus | 2213 | minus-or-plus sign | MMALIAS mnplus | |
mnplus | 2213 | minus-or-plus sign | ISOTECH | |
mp | 2213 | minus-or-plus sign | MMALIAS mnplus | |
nabla | 2207 | del, Hamilton operator | ISOTECH | |
ne | 2260 | not equal | ISOTECH |
nedot | E38A | not equal, dot | ISOTECH | |
nhpar | E38D | not, horizontal, parallel | ISOTECH | |
ni | 220D | contains | ISOTECH | |
nis | E3A5 | contains, vertical bar on horizontal stroke | ISOTECH | |
nisd | E3A1 | contains, long horizontal stroke | ISOTECH | |
niv | 220B | contains, variant | ISOTECH | |
Not | E3AC | not with two horizontal strokes | ISOTECH | |
NotElement | 2209 | negated set membership | MMALIAS notin |
NotEqual | 2260 | not equal | MMALIAS ne | |
notin | 2209 | negated set membership | ISOTECH | |
notindot | E39D | negated set membership, dot above | ISOTECH | |
notinE | E50D | negated set membership, two horizontal strokes | ISOTECH | |
notinva | E370 | negated set membership, variant | ISOTECH | |
notinvb | E37B | negated set membership, variant | ISOTECH | |
notinvc | E37C | negated set membership, variant | ISOTECH | |
notni | 220C | negated contains | ISOTECH |
notniva | 220C | negated contains, variant | ISOTECH | |
notnivb | E37D | contains, variant | ISOTECH | |
notnivc | E37E | contains, variant | ISOTECH | |
NotReverseElement | 220C | negated contains, variant | MMALIAS notniva | |
nparsl | E389 | not parallel, slanted | ISOTECH | |
npart | E390 | not partial differential | ISOTECH | |
npolint | E399 | line integration, not including the pole | ISOTECH | |
nvinfin | E38E | not, vert, infinity | ISOTECH |
oint | 222E | contour integral operator | MMALIAS conint | |
olcross | E3A8 | circle, cross | ISOTECH | |
Or | E375 | double logical or | ISOTECH | |
or | 2228 | logical or | ISOTECH | |
ord | E393 | or, horizontal dash | ISOTECH | |
order | 2134 | order of (script small o) | ISOTECH | |
oror | E50E | two logical or | ISOTECH | |
orslope | E3AE | sloping large or | ISOTECH |
orv | E392 | or with middle stem | ISOTECH | |
par | 2225 | parallel | ISOTECH | |
parallel | 2225 | parallel | MMALIAS par | |
parsl | E382 | parallel, slanted | ISOTECH | |
part | 2202 | /partial partial differential | ISOTECH | |
PartialD | 2202 | /partial partial differential | MMALIAS part | |
permil | 2030 | per thousand | ISOTECH | |
perp | 22A5 | perpendicular | ISOTECH |
pertenk | 2031 | per 10 thousand | ISOTECH | |
phmmat | 2133 | physics M-matrix (script capital M) | ISOTECH | |
pointint | E376 | integral around a point operator | ISOTECH | |
Prime | 2033 | double prime or second | ISOTECH | |
prime | 2032 | /prime prime or minute | ISOTECH | |
profalar | 232E | all-around profile | ISOTECH | |
profline | 2312 | profile of a line | ISOTECH | |
profsurf | 2313 | profile of a surface | ISOTECH |
prop | 221D | is proportional to | ISOTECH | |
Proportional | 221D | is proportional to | MMALIAS prop | |
propto | 221D | is proportional to | MMALIAS prop | |
qint | E378 | quadruple integral operator | ISOTECH | |
qprime | E371 | quadruple prime | ISOTECH | |
quatint | E377 | quaternion integral operator | ISOTECH | |
radic | 221A | /surd radical | ISOTECH | |
Rang | 300B | right angle bracket, double | ISOTECH |
rang | 3009 | right angle bracket | ISOTECH | |
rangle | 3009 | right angle bracket | MMALIAS rang | |
rArr | 21D2 | implies | ISOTECH | |
rbbrk | 3015 | right broken bracket | ISOTECH | |
ReverseElement | 220B | contains, variant | MMALIAS niv | |
RightAngleBracket | 3009 | right angle bracket | MMALIAS rang | |
Rightarrow | 21D2 | implies | MMALIAS rArr | |
roang | 3019 | right open angular bracket | ISOTECH |
robrk | 301B | right open bracket | ISOTECH | |
ropar | E37A | right open parenthesis | ISOTECH | |
rppolint | E397 | line integration, rectangular path around pole | ISOTECH | |
scpolint | E398 | line integration, semi-circular path around pole | ISOTECH | |
sim | 223C | similar | ISOTECH | |
simdot | E38B | similar, dot | ISOTECH | |
sime | 2243 | similar, equals | ISOTECH | |
simeq | 2243 | similar, equals | MMALIAS sime |
SmallCircle | 2218 | composite function (small circle) | MMALIAS compfn | |
smeparsl | E385 | similar, parallel, slanted, equal | ISOTECH | |
Sqrt | 221A | /surd radical | MMALIAS radic | |
square | 25A1 | square | ISOTECH | |
squarf | 25A0 | square, filled | ISOTECH | |
strns | E380 | straightness | ISOTECH | |
sub | 2282 | subset or is implied by | ISOTECH | |
sube | 2286 | subset, equals | ISOTECH |
Subset | 2282 | subset or is implied by | MMALIAS sub | |
subset | 2282 | subset or is implied by | MMALIAS sub | |
subseteq | 2286 | subset, equals | MMALIAS sube | |
SubsetEqual | 2286 | subset, equals | MMALIAS sube | |
SuchThat | 220D | contains | MMALIAS ni | |
sup | 2283 | superset or implies | ISOTECH | |
supe | 2287 | superset, equals | ISOTECH | |
Superset | 2283 | superset or implies | MMALIAS sup |
SupersetEqual | 2287 | superset, equals | MMALIAS supe | |
supset | 2283 | superset or implies | MMALIAS sup | |
supseteq | 2287 | superset, equals | MMALIAS supe | |
tdot | 20DB | three dots above | ISOTECH | |
there4 | 2234 | therefore | ISOTECH | |
Therefore | 2234 | therefore | MMALIAS there4 | |
therefore | 2234 | therefore | MMALIAS there4 | |
Tilde | 223C | similar | MMALIAS sim |
TildeEqual | 2243 | similar, equals | MMALIAS sime | |
TildeFullEqual | 2245 | congruent with | MMALIAS cong | |
TildeTilde | 2248 | approximate | MMALIAS ap | |
tint | 222D | triple integral operator | ISOTECH | |
top | 22A4 | top | ISOTECH | |
topbot | 2336 | top and bottom | ISOTECH | |
topcir | E383 | top, circle below | ISOTECH | |
tprime | 2034 | triple prime | ISOTECH |
TripleDot | 20DB | three dots above | MMALIAS tdot | |
UpTee | 22A5 | perpendicular | MMALIAS perp | |
utdot | 22F0 | three dots, ascending | ISOTECH | |
uwangle | E3AB | large upward pointing angle | ISOTECH | |
vangrt | 22BE | right angle, variant (with arc) | ISOTECH | |
vee | 2228 | logical or | MMALIAS or | |
veeeq | 225A | logical or, equals | ISOTECH | |
Verbar | 2016 | double vertical bar | ISOTECH |
Vert | 2016 | double vertical bar | MMALIAS Verbar | |
wedge | 2227 | logical and | MMALIAS and | |
wedgeq | 2259 | corresponds to (wedge, equals) | ISOTECH | |
xnis | E3A3 | large contains, vertical bar on horizontal stroke | ISOTECH |