CSS3 module: text

W3C Working Draft 17 May 2001

This version:
Latest version:
Previous version:
Michel Suignard (Microsoft)
Chris Lilley (W3C)
Original CSS2 authors
Bert Bos (W3C)
Tantek Çelik (Microsoft)
Marcin Sawicki (former editor)
Michel Suignard (Microsoft)
Chris Wilson (Microsoft)
Steve Zilles (Adobe)


This document presents a set of CSS text formatting properties. In addition to what was already existing in CSS 2 [CSS2], many new properties are addressing basic requirements in international context (mostly East Asian and Bidirectional). However, their usage is not limited to those instances.

Status of This Document

This document is a working draft of the CSS working group which is part of the Style activity. It contains a proposal for features to be included in CSS level 3.

This document has been produced as a combined effort of the W3C Internationalization Activity, and the Style Activity. It also includes extensive contribution made by members of the XSL Working Group (members only). Finally, some of the proposal surfaced first in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 Specification [SVG1.0]. The text has been duplicated in this document to reflect which properties and specification should be eventually referenced in CSS itself.

The previous title of this draft was "International Layout."

Feedback is very much welcomed. Comments can be sent directly to the editor, but the mailing list www-style@w3.org (see instructions) is also open and is preferred for discussion of this and other drafts in the Style area.

This working draft may be updated, replaced or rendered obsolete by other W3C documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use W3C Working Drafts as reference material or to cite them as other than "work in progress". Its publication does not imply endorsement by the W3C membership or the CSS & FP Working Group (members only).

To find the latest version of this working draft, please follow the "Latest version" link above, or visit the list of W3C Technical Reports.


1. Dependencies on other modules

This CSS3 module depends on the following other CSS3 modules:

It has non-normative (informative) references to the following other CSS3 modules:

2. Introduction

In both CSS1 and CSS2, text formatting has been limited to simple effects like for example: text decoration, text alignment and character spacing. However, International typography contains types of formatting that could not be achieved without using special workarounds or graphics.

Along with already existing text related properties, this document presents a number of new CSS properties to represent such formatting. For example, the features this proposal covers include two of the most important features for East Asian typography: vertical text and layout grid.

There is a number of illustrations in this document for which the following legend is used:

Symbolic wide-cell glyph representation - wide-cell glyph (e.g. Han) which is the n-th character in the text run,
Symbolic narrow-cell glyph representation - narrow-cell glyph (e.g. Roman) which is the n-th glyph in the text run,
Symbolic connected glyph representation - connected glyph (e.g. Arabic) which is the n-th glyph in the text run.

Many typographical properties in East Asian typography depends on the fact that a character is typically rendered as either a wide or narrow character. All characters described by the Unicode Standard can be categorized by a width property. This is covered by a Unicode Technical report (TR#11) available from the Unicode Web site.

The orientation which the above symbols assume in the diagrams corresponds to the orientation that the glyphs they represent are intended to assume when rendered in the UA. Spacing between these characters in the diagrams is usually symbolic, unless intentionally changed to make a point.

3. Text layout

3.1. Text layout introduction

This section describes the text layout features supported by CSS, which includes support for various international writing directions, such as left-to-right (e.g., Roman scripts), right-to-left (e.g., Hebrew or Arabic), bidirectional (e.g., mixing Roman with Arabic) and vertical (e.g., Asian scripts).

The 'writing-mode' property determines an inline progression and a line to line progression, also called block progression. For example, Roman scripts are typically written left to right and top to bottom. The glyph orientation determines the orientation of the rendered visual shape of characters relative to the primary text advance direction.

Within a line, the adjustment to the current text position is based on the current glyph orientation relative to the text advance direction, the metrics of the glyph just rendered, kerning tables in the font and the current values of various attributes and properties, such as the spacing properties.

Bi-directionality introduces another level of complexity in text layout, as in many combinations of 'writing-mode' and glyph orientation values the proper directionality of text will be determined by an algorithm. The Unicode standard ([UNICODE], section 3.12) defines such an algorithm consisting of an implicit part based on character properties, as well as explicit controls for embeddings and overrides. It is also possible to override the inherent directionality of the content characters by using of combination of the 'writing-mode' and 'unicode-bidi' properties.

CSS3 relies on this algorithm to achieve proper text bidirectional rendering. However reordering of characters only occurs for specific values of the glyph orientation properties. See their description for the exact conditions.

CSS2 specified the 'direction' property which is a subset of the 'writing-mode' property as it only determines an inline progression. The 'direction' property may still be used when no line to line progression change is desired.

The HTML 4.0 specification ([HTML40], section 8.2) defines bi-directionality behavior for HTML elements. Conforming HTML user agents may therefore ignore the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties in author and user style sheets. The style sheet rules that would achieve the bidi behavior specified in [HTML40] are given in the sample style sheet. The HTML 4.0 specification also contains more information on bidirectionality issues. Note that HTML 4.0 does not cover the more general case described by the 'writing-mode' property.

Finally, this module uses extensively the 'before', 'after', 'start' and 'end' notation to specify the four edge of a box relative to its text advance direction, independently of its absolute positioning in terms of 'top', 'bottom', 'left' and 'right' (corresponding respectively to the 'before', 'after', 'start' and 'end' positions in a typical Western text layout). This notation is also used extensively in [XSL] for the same purpose.

3.2. Setting the primary text advance direction: the 'writing-mode' and 'direction' properties

The 'writing-mode' property specifies whether the primary text advance direction shall be left-to-right, right-to-left, or top-to-bottom. (Note that even when the primary text advance direction if left-to-right or right-to-left, some or all of the content within a given element might advance in the opposite direction because of the Unicode [UNICODE] bidirectional algorithm or because of explicit text advance overrides due to this property or 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi'. This property also changes the 'direction' property for the element. For more on bidirectional text, see the section about Embedding and override.

Value: lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | tb-lr | bt-rl | bt-lr | lr | rl | tb | inherit
Initial: lr-tb
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
lr-tb | lr
Sets the primary text advance direction to left-to-right, and the line progression direction to top-to-bottom as is common in most Roman-based documents. For most characters, the current text position is advanced from left to right after each glyph is rendered. The 'direction' property is set to 'ltr'.
rl-tb | rl
Sets the primary text advance direction to right-to-left, and the line progression direction to top-to-bottom as is common in Arabic or Hebrew scripts. The direction property is set to 'rtl'.
tb-rl | tb
Sets the primary text advance direction to top-to-bottom, and the line progression direction to right-to-left as is common in Asian scripts. The baseline alignment may be different in this context. Typically, the dominant baseline runs through the center of the upright glyphs. The direction property is set to 'ltr'.
Sets the primary text advance direction to top-to-bottom, and the line progression direction to left-to-right. Though hardly as frequent as horizontal, this type of vertical layout also occurs in Latin based documents, particularly in table column or row labels. The baseline alignment may be different in this context. Typically, the dominant baseline runs through the center of the upright glyphs. The direction property is set to 'ltr'.
Sets the primary text advance direction to bottom-to-top, and the line progression direction to right-to-left. This value only exists to cover the case of the direction property value 'rtl' applied to an element where the current writing-mode property value is 'tb-rl' or 'tb'. The direction property is set to 'rtl'.
Sets the primary text advance direction to bottom-to-top, and the line progression direction to left-to-right. This value only exists to cover the case of the direction property value 'rtl' applied to an element where the current writing-mode property value is 'tb-lr'. The direction property is set to 'rtl'.

The combination of primary text advance direction and line progression direction set by the writing-mode property is also referred as a flow orientation. In such contexts, the values: lr-tb, lr, rl-tb and rl correspond to horizontal flow orientations, and the others (tb-rl, tb, tb-lr, bt-rl, bt-lr) correspond to vertical flow orientations.

For horizontal flow orientations, the top and bottom margins can be collapsed. For vertical flow orientations, the left and right margin can be collapsed. See Collapsing margins in the CSS3 Box module [forthcoming] for the details of collapsing margins.

This property also specifies the direction of table column layout, the direction of the overflow oriented in the same way as the primary text advance direction (e.g. for writing-mode: lr-tb a block element will overflow horizontally on the right) , the initial alignment of text and the position of an incomplete last line in a block in case of 'text-align: justify'.

For the 'writing-mode' property to have any effect on inline-level elements, one or both of the following conditions must be met:

An inline-level element that has a different writing-mode value than its parent becomes an inline-block element.

Editor's note: The 'width' and 'height' property descriptions in the CSS3 Box module need to be updated to describe the algorithm for vertical flow orientations in more details. For example, in vertical flow orientations, it is expected that the height will be no more than the minimum of the parent layout height (minus margin and border) and the element optimum height. The element optimum height is typically determined as being 10 ideographic characters 'advance width' long. This mechanism is required to avoid 'infinitely' long vertical lines or single line vertical flow (would look like rtl horizontal Japanese). In particular section 7.2 of the box module should discuss the case of 'auto' for vertical flow element contained in an horizontal flow element.

Here is a diagram of a horizontal flow (writing-mode: lr-tb):

Figure showing how a block with

Here is a diagram for a vertical flow used in East Asia (writing-mode: tb-lr) :

Figure showing how a block with

And finally, here is a diagram for another flow used for Uyghur and Mongolian (writing-mode: tb-lr):

Figure showing how a block with

In East Asian documents, it is often preferred to display certain Latin-based strings, such as numerals in a year, always in a horizontal layout flow regardless of the flow mode of the line of text these strings appear in, as in:

Layout of Tate Naka Yoko, showing a group of glyphs appearing
horizontally in a vertical column of text Example of Tate Naka Yoko, showing the
year 1996 appearing horizontally in a column of vertical text

Figure 2.2.1: Horizontal in vertical (a.k.a "Tate-chu-yoko")

This effect is known as "Tate chu yoko". In order to achieve it, the Latin string should be enclosed within a SPAN element with an horizontal flow orientation, as in:

<span STYLE="writing-mode: lr-tb">1996</span>

This is an application of changing the flow of an inline element as described earlier. Line breaking is normally disabled for such runs of text. This can be accomplished using the CSS 'white-space: nowrap' setting.

Value: ltr | rtl | inherit
Initial: ltr
Applies to: all elements, but see prose
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

Values for this property have the following meanings:

Left-to-right direction.
Right-to-left direction.

This property specifies the line direction component of the text advance direction and the direction of embeddings and overrides (see 'unicode-bidi') for the Unicode bidirectional algorithm. The values 'ltr' and 'rtl' have to be interpreted 'relatively' to the line direction. In addition, it specifies the direction of table column layout, the direction of the overflow oriented in the same way as the primary text advance direction (e.g. for writing-mode: lr-tb a block element will overflow horizontally on the right) , the initial alignment of text and the position of an incomplete last line in a block in case of 'text-align: justify'. For the 'direction' property to have any effect on inline-level elements, the 'unicode-bidi' property's value must be 'embed' or 'bidi-override' and the glyph orientation of the characters within the element must be 'auto' or 90/-90 degree in vertical layout or 0/180 degree in horizontal layout.

The usage of the 'direction' property for block-level elements is discouraged in CSS3 as the 'writing-mode' property supersedes it.

Note. The 'writing-mode' and 'direction' properties, when specified for table column elements, are not inherited by cells in the column since columns don't exist in the document tree. Thus, CSS cannot easily capture the "dir" attribute inheritance rules described in [HTML40], section

Note. The 'writing-mode' and 'direction' properties interact with each other. As such, 'writing-mode' resets the 'direction' value. Similarly, modifying 'direction' after 'writing-mode' changes effectively the 'writing-mode' value to the opposite inline progression. For example, 'direction:rtl' applied to an element with 'writing-mode:lr-tb' effectively makes 'writing-mode:rl-tb'. This is one of the main reason why the mixed usage of these two properties is discouraged or at least they should be used with great caution.

Note. These properties do not affect the positioning of background images.

3.3. Glyph orientation within a text run: the 'glyph-orientation-vertical' and 'glyph-orientation-horizontal' properties

In some cases, it is required to alter the orientation of a sequence of characters relative to the primary text advance direction. The requirement is particularly applicable to vertical layouts of East Asian documents, where sometimes half-width Roman text is to be displayed horizontally and other times vertically.

Two properties control the glyph orientation relative to the primary text advance direction. 'glyph-orientation-vertical' controls glyph orientation when the primary text advance direction is vertical. 'glyph-orientation-horizontal' controls glyph orientation when the primary text advance direction is horizontal. It is necessary to distinguish between vertical and horizontal for the following reasons:

Value: <angle> | auto | inherit
Initial: auto
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
The User Agent may round the value of the angle to the values of glyph rotation supported by the user agent. Conforming user agents may only support the following values: 0deg, 90deg, 180deg and 270deg.
A value of "0deg" indicates that all glyphs are oriented with the bottom of the glyphs toward the primary text advance direction, resulting in glyphs which are stacked vertically on top of each other. A value of "90deg" indicates a rotation of 90 degrees clockwise from the "0deg" orientation. For characters which have this property set to 90 or 270 degree, reordering is first applied according to the Unicode Bidi algorithm and then the resulting glyphs are rotated according to the <angle> value.
The glyph orientation relative to the primary text advance direction is determined automatically based on the Unicode character number of the rendered character.

Full-width ideographic and full-width Roman glyphs (excluding ideographic punctuation) are oriented as if an <angle> of "0deg" had been specified (i.e., glyphs are oriented with the bottom of the glyphs toward the primary text advance direction, resulting in glyphs which are stacked vertically on top of each other).

Ideographic punctuation and other ideographic characters having alternate horizontal and vertical glyph shapes shall use the vertical shape of the glyph.

Text which is not full-width will be set as if an <angle> of "90deg" had been specified; thus, half-width Roman text will be rotated 90 degree clockwise versus full-width ideographic and full-width Roman text.

Hebrew and Arabic text are also rotated 90 degree clockwise. The visual order of this text is determined by the bidirectional algorithm applied prior to the rotation.

Note. A value of auto will generally produce the expected results in common uses of mixing Japanese with European characters; however, the exact algorithms are based on complex interactions between many factors, including font design, and thus different algorithms might be employed in different processing environments. For precise control, specify explicit <angle> values.

This property specifies the orientation of glyphs relative to the inline progression determined by the 'writing-mode' property. This property is applied only to text written in a vertical writing-mode. Conforming user agents may do the following in increasing levels of supports:

  1. support only the 90deg value,
  2. support the 0deg, 90deg, 180deg and 270deg values.

The value of this property affects both the alignment and height of the glyph area generated for the affected glyphs. If a glyph is oriented so that the normal orientation of the glyph is parallel to the dominant-baseline, then the vertical alignment-point of the rotated glyph is aligned with the alignment-baseline appropriate to that glyph. The baseline to which the rotated glyph is aligned is the vertical baseline identified by the "alignment-baseline" for the script to which the glyph belongs. The height of the glyph area is determined from the height font characteristic for the glyph.

The horizontal alignment points, baselines and heights (computed as glyph advance width) are used if the normal orientation of the glyph is perpendicular to the dominant-baseline.

The diagrams below illustrate different uses of 'glyph-orientation-vertical'. The diagram on the left shows the result of the mixing of full-width ideographic characters with half-width Roman characters when 'glyph-orientation-vertical' for the Roman characters is either auto or "90deg". The diagram on the right show the result of mixing full-width ideographic characters with half-width Roman characters when Roman characters are specified to have a 'glyph-orientation-vertical' of "0deg".

Layout of mixed glyphs in vertical-ideographic mode.
Wide-cell glyphs are upright, Non-wide-cell glyphs are rotated by 90
degrees. Example of mixed Japanese and English in vertical-ideographic layout.
Japanese glyphs are upright, English rotated. Layout of mixed glyphs in
vertical mode. All glyphs are upright. Example of mixed Japanese and English in
vertical layout. All glyphs are upright.

The bidi algorithm and the 'glyph-orientation-vertical' property have the following interaction:

  1. The bidi algorithm is applied separately to each contiguous text range having the same glyph-orientation-vertical value. In other words a change in the property value reset the bidi algorithm.
  2. When the glyph-orientation-vertical value is 270 degree, all mirroring symbols after all due bidi processing are mirrored (that is, their glyph is inverted along the 'horizontal' axis) before being rotated 270 degree clockwise. This is done to achieve the desired rendering result, which is to have the mirroring characters pointing 'inward' the text they are enclosing.
Value: <angle> | inherit
Initial: 0deg
Applies to: all inline-level elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
The user agent may round the value of the angle to the values of glyph rotation supported by the user agent. A value of "0deg" indicates that all glyphs are oriented with the right edge of the glyphs toward the primary text advance direction, resulting in glyphs which are positioned side by side. A value of "90deg" indicates an orientation of 90 degrees clockwise from the "0" orientation. For characters which have this property set to 0 or 180 degree, reordering is first applied according to the Unicode Bidi algorithm and then the resulting glyphs are rotated clockwise according to the <angle> value.

This property specifies the orientation of glyphs relative to the inline progression determined by the 'writing-mode' property. This property is applied only to text written in a horizontal writing-mode. Conforming user agents may do the following in increasing levels of supports:

  1. support only the 0deg value,
  2. support the 0deg, 90deg, 180deg and 270deg values.

The value of this property affects both the alignment and width of the glyph area generated for the affected glyphs. If a glyph is oriented so that the normal orientation of the glyph is parallel to the dominant-baseline, then the vertical alignment-point of the rotated glyph is aligned with the alignment-baseline appropriate to that glyph. The baseline to which the rotated glyph is aligned is the horizontal baseline identified by the "alignment-baseline" for the script to which the glyph belongs. The width of the glyph area is determined from the vertical width font characteristic for the glyph.

The horizontal alignment points, baselines and widths are used if the normal orientation of the glyph is perpendicular to the dominant-baseline.

3.4. Embedding and override: the 'unicode-bidi' property

Value: normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit
Initial: normal
Applies to: all elements, but see prose
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property allows further control of the Unicode bidirectional algorithm by allowing new embedding level or direction override. Values for this property have the following meanings:

The element does not open an additional level of embedding with respect to the bidirectional algorithm. For inline-level elements, implicit reordering works across element boundaries.
If the element is inline-level, this value opens an additional level of embedding with respect to the bidirectional algorithm. The direction of this embedding level is given by the 'direction' property. Inside the element, reordering is done implicitly. This corresponds to adding a LRE (U+202A; for 'direction: ltr') or RLE (U+202B; for 'direction: rtl') at the start of the element and a PDF (U+202C) at the end of the element.
If the element is inline-level or a block-level element that contains only inline-level elements, this creates an override. This means that inside the element, reordering is strictly in sequence according to the 'direction' property; the implicit part of the bidirectional algorithm is ignored. This corresponds to adding a LRO (U+202D; for 'direction: ltr') or RLO (U+202E; for 'direction: rtl') at the start of the element and a PDF (U+202C) at the end of the element.

The final order of characters in each block-level element is the same as if the bidi control codes had been added as described above, mark-up had been stripped, and the resulting character sequence had been passed to an implementation of the Unicode bidirectional algorithm for plain text that produced the same line-breaks as the styled text. In this process, non-textual entities such as images are treated as neutral characters, unless their 'unicode-bidi' property has a value other than 'normal', in which case they are treated as strong characters in the 'direction' specified for the element.

Note. In order to be able to flow inline boxes in a uniform direction (either entirely left-to-right or entirely right-to-left), more inline boxes (including anonymous inline boxes) may have to be created, and some inline boxes may have to be split up and reordered before flowing.

Because the Unicode algorithm has a limit of 61 levels of embedding, care should be taken not to use 'unicode-bidi' with a value other than 'normal' unless appropriate. In particular, a value of 'inherit' should be used with extreme caution. However, for elements that are, in general, intended to be displayed as blocks, a setting of 'unicode-bidi: embed' is preferred to keep the element together in case display is changed to inline (see example below).

The following example shows an XML document with bidirectional text. It illustrates an important design principle: DTD designers should take bidi into account both in the language proper (elements and attributes) and in any accompanying style sheets. The style sheets should be designed so that bidi rules are separate from other style rules. The bidi rules should not be overridden by other style sheets so that the document language's or DTD's bidi behavior is preserved.


In this example, lowercase letters stand for inherently left-to-right characters and uppercase letters represent inherently right-to-left characters:

  <PAR>english9 english10 english11 HEBREW12 HEBREW13</PAR>
  <PAR>english14 english15 english16</PAR>
  <PAR>english17 <HE-QUO>HEBREW18 english19 HEBREW20</HE-QUO></PAR>

Since this is XML, the style sheet is responsible for setting the writing direction. This is the style sheet:

/* Rules for bidi */
HEBREW, HE-QUO  {direction: rtl; unicode-bidi: embed}
ENGLISH         {direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed}

/* Rules for presentation */
HEBREW, ENGLISH, PAR  {display: block}
EMPH                  {font-weight: bold}

The HEBREW element is a block with a right-to-left base direction, the ENGLISH element is a block with a left-to-right base direction. The PARs are blocks that inherit the base direction from their parents. Thus, the first two PARs are read starting at the top right, the final three are read starting at the top left. Please note that HEBREW and ENGLISH are chosen as element names for explicitness only; in general, element names should convey structure without reference to language.

The EMPH element is inline-level, and since its value for 'unicode-bidi' is 'normal' (the initial value), it has no effect on the ordering of the text. The HE-QUO element, on the other hand, creates an embedding.

The formatting of this text might look like this if the line length is long:

               5WERBEH 4WERBEH english3 2WERBEH 1WERBEH

                                8WERBEH 7WERBEH 6WERBEH

english9 english10 english11 13WERBEH 12WERBEH

english14 english15 english16

english17 20WERBEH english19 18WERBEH

Note that the HE-QUO embedding causes HEBREW18 to be to the right of english19.

If lines have to be broken, it might be more like this:

  -EH 4WERBEH english3


english9 english10 en-
glish11 12WERBEH

english14 english15

english17 18WERBEH
20WERBEH english19

Because HEBREW18 must be read before english19, it is on the line above english19. Just breaking the long line from the earlier formatting would not have worked. Note also that the first syllable from english19 might have fit on the previous line, but hyphenation of left-to-right words in a right-to-left context, and vice versa, is usually suppressed to avoid having to display a hyphen in the middle of a line.

3.5. Script character classification: the 'script' property

In text layout, many of the behaviors are related to a character classification based on scripts. For example, line breaking or text justification behaviors depend on the 'dominant' script of the textual content of an element. This can be heuristically determined by finding the first character that has an unambiguous script identifier in an element. It can also be explicitly specified by using the 'script' property.

Value: auto | none | <script> | inherit
Initial: auto
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

Values have the following meanings:

Use the first character descendant[, after any reordering due to character direction and bi-directionality,] which has an unambiguous script identifier to determine the dominant script of the element's content. This determines the computed script value. Each textual component of the element may however behave in typographical related behaviors as dictated by its script identifier. In the absence of any textual components with a clear script identifier (or no textual content at all), the computed value is 'Latin'.
Indicates the script is unknown or is not significant to the proper formatting of this element.
A script definition in conformance with [ISO15924]. All textual components of the element must behave in typography related behaviors as dictated by this script value, not the inherent script value of these textual components.

4. Text alignment and justification

4.1. Text alignment:the 'text-align' property

Value: start | end | left | right | center | justify | <string> | inherit
Initial: start
Applies to: block-level elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property describes how inline content of a block is aligned. Values have the following meanings:

The text is aligned on the start of the inline progression as determined by the current text advance direction.
The text is aligned on the end of the inline progression as determined by the current text advance direction.
left, right
In horizontal inline progression, the text is aligned on the left or right respectively. In vertical inline progression, the alignment is UA dependent. The values 'start' and 'end' should be used instead. The usage of 'left' and 'right' is deprecated in CSS3.
The text is center aligned.
The text is justified. The justification algorithm can be further refined by using the 'text-justify' property. Conforming user agents may interpret the value 'justify' as 'start'
Specifies a string on which cells in a table column will align (see the section on horizontal alignment in a column for details and an example). This value applies only to table cells. If set on other elements, it will be treated as 'start'.

A block of text is a stack of line boxes. In the case of 'start', 'end', 'left', 'right' and 'center', this property specifies how the inline boxes within each line box align with respect to the line box's start and end sides; alignment is not with respect to the viewport. In the case of 'justify', the UA may stretch the inline boxes in addition to adjusting their positions. (See also 'letter-spacing' and 'word-spacing'.)


In this example, note that since 'text-align' is inherited, all block-level elements inside the DIV element with 'class=center' will have their inline content centered.

DIV.center { text-align: center }

4.2. Justification: the 'text-justify' property

Value: auto | inter-word | inter-ideograph | distribute | newspaper | inter-cluster | kashida | inherit
Initial: auto
Applies to: block-level elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property selects the type of justify alignment. It affects the text layout only if 'text-align' is set to 'justify'. That way, UA's that do not support this property will still render the text as fully justified, which most of the time is at least partially correct. Typically the text-justify property does not affect the last line, unless the last line itself is justified. Most of the text-justify values affects writing systems in very specific ways. These writing systems (or group of) are:

The text-justification behavior of textual components is guided by the script classification of the characters. The 'script' property allows to modify the behavior of these components.

Depending on the text-justify value, spacing may be altered between words or letters.

The possible values for the text-justify property are:

The UA determines the justification algorithm to follow, based on a balance between performance and adequate presentation quality. Inter-word expansion is typically used for all scripts that use space as word delimiter. However, if the kashida-space property has a non zero value it is recommended to use kashida elongation for Arabic text.
Selects the simplest and fastest full justification behavior, which spreads the text evenly across the line by increasing the width of the space between words only. The concept of a word is script dependent, the exact algorithm is determined by the User Agent. A minimum, justification is expected to occur at each white space boundary. No expansion or compression occurs within the words, i.e. no additional letter spacing is created. No kashida effect takes place.

The diagram below illustrates this mode, by showing how the characters are laid out in the last two lines of an element:

Diagram showing glyph distribution in inter-word justification

Figure 3.2.1: Mixed glyph layout in the last two lines in an inter-word justified element

For example a viewer could render an 'inter-word' justified paragraph in the following way:

Example of inter-word justification applied to mixed Japanese
and English text

Figure 3.2.2: Inter-word justification applied to mixed text

Selects the justification behavior in which both inter-word and inter-letter spacing can be expanded or reduced to spread the text across the whole line. Also, text distribution on any given line may depend on the layout or the contents of the previous or the following several lines. This is the significantly slower and more sophisticated type of the full justify behavior preferred in newspaper and magazines, as it is especially useful for narrow columns. For example, typically, compression is tried first. If unsuccessful, expansion occurs: inter-word spaces are expanded up to a threshold, and finally inter-letter expansion is performed. This is applied to all scripts groups except Devanagari and other South Asian writing systems using baseline connectors. The threshold value may be related to the column width (in number of characters). The exact layout algorithm is determined by the User Agent.

The diagram below illustrates this mode:

Diagram showing character distribution in newspaper

Figure 3.2.3: Mixed character layout in the last two lines of a newspaper justified element

In this mode, letter-spacing modification only occurs for the CJK group. Others only use inter-word expansion. No kashida effect takes place. This is the preferred justification in the context of the Japanese writing system, but not Latin nor Korean.

The diagram below illustrates this mode:

Diagram showing glyph distribution in inter-ideograph

Figure 3.2.4: Mixed glyph layout in the last two lines in an inter-ideograph justified element

Below is an example of how this mode would work:

Example of inter-ideograph justification applied to mixed
Japanese and English text

Figure 3.2.5: Inter-ideograph justification applied to mixed text

Like 'newspaper' it allows letter spacing modification for most script groups (except Hindi), but unlike newspaper, it does not prioritize between word spacing and letter spacing, i.e. the space character gets the same letter spacing modification as others. And by consequence there are no variation between narrow and wide column. This value is best used in East Asian context.

The diagram below illustrates this mode:

Diagram showing character distribution in distribute

Figure 3.2.6: Mixed character layout in the last two lines of a distribute justified element

For example a viewer could render a 'distribute' justified paragraph in the following way:

Example of distribute justification applied to mixed Japanese
and English text

Figure 3.2.7: Distribute justification applied to mixed text

Plays the same role as inter-ideograph but for South Eastern Asian scripts. That is letter spacing only occurs for clusters belonging to those scripts. A cluster is defined as a group of characters formatted as a single unit.
Plays the same role as inter-ideograph but for Arabic through the Kashida effect. That is, no letter spacing occurs for other scripts.

The following table describes the expansion/compression strategy for the combination of each script groups and the text-justify property value for each relevant text-justify property value:

text-justify property value
Script groups auto* inter-word newspaper inter-ideograph distribute inter-cluster kashida
Latin word-spacing only* word-spacing only prioritization between word-spacing and letter-spacing word-spacing only word-spacing only word-spacing only word-spacing only
CJK no extra spacing* no extra spacing letter-spacing letter-spacing letter-spacing no extra spacing no extra spacing
Devanagari* word-spacing* word-spacing word-spacing word-spacing word-spacing word-spacing word-spacing
Arabic kashida and word-spacing* word-spacing kashida and word-spacing word-spacing kashida and word-spacing word-spacing kashida and word-spacing
SE Asian clusters inter-cluster spacing* inter-cluster spacing inter-cluster spacing no extra spacing inter-cluster spacing inter-cluster spacing no extra spacing

Figure 3.2.8: Interaction between text-justify values and script groups

*The values shown for the auto column are only a recommendation. The UAs might implement a different strategy.

*The Devanagari entry represents as well other scripts and writing systems used in India that use baseline connectors like Bengali and Gurmukhi.

4.3. Last line alignment: the 'text-align-last' property'

Value: auto | start | end | center | justify | size | inherit
Initial: auto
Applies to: block-level elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property describes how the last line of the inline content of a block is aligned. This also applies to the only line of a block if it contains a single line, the line preceding a BR element and to last lines of anonymous blocks. Typically the last line is aligned like the other lines of the block element, this is set by the 'text-align' property. However, in some situations like when the 'text-align' property is set to 'justify', the last line may be aligned differently.

Values have the following meanings:

The last line will be aligned like the other lines, that is determined by the value of the 'text-align' property. However, if the 'text-align' property is set to the value 'justify', the last line will be aligned to the start of the inline progression.
start, end and center
Start, end and center text respectively.
The last line will be justified like the other lines, using the justification type set by the 'text-justify' property. Note however that if there is no expansion opportunity in the last line, the line might not appeared justified.
The line content is scaled to fit on the line. All the fonts on the line must be scaled by the same factor, and that factor must be as small as possible (i.e. fit as much on a line as possible). Typically this value is used for single line element.

The following example shows the usage of the alignment properties in a case where all lines are justified in a distributed justification. This is commonly found in East Asian typography:

 { text-align: justify; text-justify: distribute; text-align-last: justify }

4.4. Minimum and maximum font size: the 'min-font-size' and 'max-font-size' property

Value: <font-size> | inherit
Initial: 0
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: element's computed 'font-size'
Media: visual

If 'text-align-last' is 'size', the fonts of the last line of an element are not allowed to become smaller than the smaller of 'font-size' and 'min-font-size'.

Value: <font-size> | auto | inherit
Initial: auto
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: element's computed 'font-size'
Media: visual

If 'text-align-last' is 'size', the fonts of the last line of an element are not allowed to become larger than the larger of 'font-size' and 'max-font-size'. 'auto' means that there is no limit.

4.5. Additional compression: The 'text-justify-trim' property

Value: none | punctuation | punct-and-kana | inherit
Initial: punctuation
Applies to: block-level elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This sets the individual font blank space compression permissions for the text justification algorithm, when 'text-justify' is anything other than 'inter-word'. This special type of space compression occurs on the font level, i.e. the blank space within the character area itself may be reduced without affecting the appearance of the glyph. This applies to wide-cell glyphs only. Possible values:

No wide-cell font space compression is allowed.

Diagram of glyph layout with no compression

Figure 3.4.1: Glyph layout with no compression

Space can be taken away only from wide-cell punctuation glyphs.

Diagram of glyph layout with punctuation compression

Figure 3.4.2: Glyph layout with punctuation compression

Space compression is allowed on wide-cell punctuation and wide-cell Kana glyphs.

Diagram of character layout with punct-and-kana compression

Figure 3.4.3: Character layout with punctuation and Kana compression

4.6. Kashida effect: the 'text-kashida-space' property'

Value: <percentage> | inherit
Initial: 0%
Applies to: block-level elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: as described
Media: visual

Kashida is a typographic effect used in Arabic writing systems that allows character elongation at some carefully chosen points in Arabic. Each elongation can be accomplished using a number of kashida glyphs, a single graphic or character elongation on each side of the kashida point. (The UA may use either mechanism based on font or system capability). The text-kashida-space property expresses the ratio of the kashida expansion size to the white space expansion size, 0% means no kashida expansion, 100% means kashida expansion only . This property can be used with any justification style where kashida expansion is used (currently text-justify: auto, kashida, distribute and newspaper).

In the diagram below showing two identical paragraphs of Arabic text, the blue line in the second line (not justified) shows the length that is used for kashida and divided among the elongation opportunities in the first line (justified), as indicated by the red underlines:

Example of kashida applied to Arabic text

Figure 3.5: Kashida applied to Arabic text

In that example no expansion occurs between the word themselves, indicating that the text-kashida-space property is set to 100%.

5. Baseline alignment

5.1. Baseline information provided by fonts

The glyphs of a given script are positioned so that a particular point on each glyph, the alignment-point, is aligned with the alignment-points of the other glyphs in that script. The glyphs of different scripts are typically aligned at different points on the glyph. For example, Western glyphs are aligned on the bottoms of the capital letters, certain Indic glyphs (including glyphs from the Devanagari, Gurmukhi and Bengali scripts) are aligned at the top of a horizontal stroke near the top of the glyphs and East Asian glyphs are aligned either at the bottom or center of the EM box of the glyph. Within a script and within a line of text having a single font-size, the sequence of alignment-points defines, in the inline-progression-direction, a geometric line called a baseline. Western and most other alphabetic and syllabic glyphs are aligned to an "alphabetic" baseline, the above Indic glyphs are aligned to a "hanging" baseline and the East Asian glyphs are aligned to an "ideographic" baseline.

three alignment points

This figure shows the vertical position of the alignment-point for alphabetic and many syllabic scripts, illustrated by a Roman "A"; for certain Indic scripts, illustrated by a Gurmukhi syllable "ji"; and for ideographic scripts, illustrated by the ideographic glyph meaning "country". The thin black rectangle around the ideographic glyph illustrates the EM box for that glyph and shows the typical positioning of the "black marks" of the glyph within the EM box.

A baseline-table specifies the position of one or more baselines in the design space coordinate system. The function of the baseline table is to facilitate the alignment of different scripts with respect to each other when they are mixed on the same text line. Because the desired relative alignments may depend on which script is dominant in a line (or block), there may be a different baseline table for each script. In addition, different alignment positions are needed for horizontal and vertical writing modes. Therefore, the font may have a set of baseline tables: typically, one or more for horizontal writing-modes and zero or more for vertical writing-modes.

different baseline positions

Examples of horizontal and vertical baseline positions. The thin lined box in each example is the "EM box". For the Latin glyphs, only the EM box of the first glyph is shown. Example 1 shows typical Latin text written horizontally. This text is positioned relative to the alphabetic baseline, shown in blue. Example 2 shows a typical ideographic glyph positioned on the horizontal ideographic baseline. Note that the EM Box is positioned differently for these two cases. Examples 3 and 4 show the same set of baselines used in vertical writing. The Latin text, example 3, is shown with a glyph-orientation of 90 degrees which is typical for proportionally space Latin glyphs in vertical writing. Even though the ideographic glyph in Example 4 is positioned on the vertical ideographic baseline, because it is centered in the EM box, all glyphs with the same EM Box are centered, vertically, with respect to one another.

The font tables for a font include font characteristics for the individual glyphs in the font. CSS assumes that the font tables include, for each glyph in the font, one width value, one alignment-baseline and one alignment-point for the horizontal writing-modes. If vertical writing-modes are supported, then each glyph must have another width value, alignment-baseline and alignment-point for the vertical writing-modes. (Even though it is specified as a width, for vertical writing-modes the width is used in the vertical direction.)

The script to which a glyph belongs determines an alignment-baseline to which the glyph is to be aligned. The position of this baseline in the design space coordinate system determines the default block progression direction position of the alignment-point. The inline progression direction position of the alignment-point is on the start-edge of the glyph.

alignment in em box

This figure shows glyphs from three different scripts, each with its EM box and within the EM box, the baseline table applicable to that glyph. The alignment-point of each glyph is shown by an "X" on the start edge of the EM box and by making alignment-baseline blue. The baseline-table of the parent element of the characters that mapped to these glyphs is shown as a set of dashed lines.

5.2. Baseline identifiers

The baseline alignment properties control the alignment of child element with respect to their parent. The positions of these baselines are illustrated in the following figure:

different baselines

This figure shows samples of Gurmukhi (a hanging Indic script), Latin and ideographic scripts together with most of the baselines defined below. The thin line around the ideographic glyphs symbolizes the EM box in which these glyphs are centered. In this figure, the position of the "text-before-edge" and "text-after-edge" baselines is computed assuming that the "alphabetic" baseline is the dominant-baseline. The "central" baseline has been omitted from the figure, but it lies halfway between the "text-before-edge" and "text-after-edge" baselines, just about where the "math" baseline is shown.

The baseline-identifiers below are used in this specification. Some of these are determined by baseline-tables contained in a font as described in the section describing the baseline information provided by fonts. Others are computed from other font characteristics as described below.


This identifies the baseline used by most alphabetic and syllabic scripts. These include, but are not limited to, many Western, Southern Indic, Southeast Asian (non-ideographic) scripts.


This identifies the baseline used by ideographic scripts. For historical reasons, this baseline is at the bottom of the ideographic EM box and not in the center of the ideographic EM box. See the "central" baseline. The ideographic scripts include Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese Chu Nom.


This identifies the baseline used by certain Indic scripts. These scripts include Devanagari, Gurmukhi and Bengali.


This identifies the baseline used by mathematical symbols.


This identifies a computed baseline that is at the center of the EM box. This baseline lies halfway between the text-before-edge and text-after-edge baselines.

Note. For ideographic fonts, this baseline is often used to align the glyphs; it is an alternative to the ideographic baseline.


This identifies a baseline that is offset from the alphabetic baseline in the shift-direction by 1/2 the value of the x-height font characteristic. The position of this baseline may be obtained from the font data or, for fonts that have a font characteristic for "x-height", it may be computed using 1/2 the "x-height". Lacking either of these pieces of information, the position of this baseline may be approximated by the "central" baseline.


This identifies the before-edge of the EM box. The position of this baseline may be specified in the baseline-table or it may be calculated.

Note. The position of this baseline is normally around or at the top of the ascenders, but it may not encompass all accents that can appear above a glyph. For these fonts the value of the "ascent" font characteristic is used. For ideographic fonts, the position of this baseline is normally 1 EM in the shift-direction from the "ideographic" baseline. However, some ideographic fonts have a reduced width in the inline-progression-direction to allow tighter setting. When such a font, designed only for vertical writing-modes, is used in a horizontal writing-mode, the "text-before-edge" baseline may be less than 1 EM from the text-after-edge.


This identifies the after-edge of the EM box. The position of this baseline may be specified in the baseline-table or it may be calculated.

Note. For fonts with descenders, the position of this baseline is normally around or at the bottom of the descenders. For these fonts the value of the "descent" font characteristic is used. For ideographic fonts, the position of this baseline is normally at the "ideographic" baseline.

There are, in addition, two computed baselines that are only defined for line boxes. For each line box, there is a dominant-baseline, a baseline-table and a baseline-table font-size which are those of the nearest ancestor element that completely contains the whole line. The "before-edge" and "after-edge" baselines are defined as follows.


The offset of the "before-edge" baseline of the line from the dominant-baseline of the line is determined by ignoring all inline boxes whose alignment-baseline is either "before-edge" or "after-edge". For the "before-edge", extents are measured from the dominant-baseline in the direction toward the top (relative) of the box. The "before-edge" baseline offset is set to the maximum extent of the "before-edges" of the allocation-rectangles of the remaining areas. If all the inline-areas in a line-area are aligned either to the "before-edge" or to the "after-edge", then use the offset of the "text-before-edge" baseline of the line as the offset of the "before-edge" baseline of the line.


The offset of the "after-edge" baseline of the line from the dominant-baseline of the line is determined by ignoring all inline boxes whose alignment-baseline is after-edge. For the "after-edge", extents are measured from the dominant-baseline in the direction toward the bottom (relative) of the reference-area. The "after-edge" baseline offset is set to the negative of the maximum of (1) the maximum extent of the "after-edges" of the allocation-rectangles of the remaining areas and (2) the maximum height of the allocation-rectangles of the areas that are ignored minus the offset of the "before-edge" baseline of the line.

Note. If all the inline-areas in a line-area are aligned to the "after-edge" then the specification for the "before-edge" will set the "before-edge" baseline to coincide with the "text-before-baseline" of the line. Then, case (2) above will determine an offset to the "bottom-edge" baseline that will align the "before-edge" of the area with the greatest height to its allocation-rectangle to "before-edge" baseline.

Note. The above specifications for "before-edge" and "after-edge" have the following three properties: (1) the allocation-rectangles of all the areas are below the "before-edge", (2) the allocation-rectangles of all the areas are above the "after-edge", and (3) the distance between the "before-edge" and the "after-edge" cannot be decreased without violating (1) or (2). The specified placement of the "before-edge" and "after-edge" is not the only way that (1)-(3) can be satisfied, but it is the only way they can be satisfied with the smallest possible offset to the "before-edge".

Examples showing "before-edge" and "after-edge" alignment:

aligning text and images

The rectangles with lines or arrows are images with an intrinsic size as shown. The rectangles with no arrows represent images that receive the default, dominant baseline, alignment. The alignment of the other rectangles is at the furthest point from the arrow head (which is in the middle when there are two arrowheads). Examples 1 and 2 show the "before-edge" alignment is determined by the tallest non-"before-edge" aligned objects: in example 1 this is the default aligned, arrowhead free rectangular image and in example 2 this is the double headed arrow rectangle. Examples 3 and 4 show defaulting to the "text-before-edge" when all the boxes have either "before-edge" or "after-edge" alignment. In example 3, the images with "before-edge" alignment has a taller member than do the "after-edge" aligned images. In example 4, the tallest image is in the "after-edge" aligned set. Example 5 is a repetition of example 2 with largest image being an "after-edge" aligned image.

There are also four baselines that are defined only for horizontal writing-modes.


This baseline is the same as the "before-edge" baseline in a horizontal writing-mode and is undefined in a vertical writing mode.


This baseline is the same as the "text-before-edge" baseline in a horizontal writing-mode and is undefined in a vertical writing mode.


This baseline is the same as the "after-edge" baseline in a horizontal writing-mode and is undefined in a vertical writing mode.


This baseline is the same as the "text-after-edge" baseline in a horizontal writing-mode and is undefined in a vertical writing mode.

5.3. Overview of the baseline alignment process

The alignment of an element with respect to its parent is determined by three things: the scaled-baseline-table of the parent and the alignment-baseline and alignment-point of the element being aligned. Prior to alignment, the scaled-baseline-table of the parent may be shifted. The property specifications below provide the information necessary to align the parent and child elements.

There are four properties that control alignment of elements to the above set of baselines: 'dominant-baseline', 'alignment-baseline', 'baseline-shift' and 'alignment-adjust'. These properties are all independent and are designed so that typically only the specification of one of the properties is needed to achieve a particular alignment goal.

The primary baseline alignment property is the 'dominant-baseline' property. This property has a compound value with three components. The dominant-baseline-identifier component is the default 'alignment-baseline' to be used when aligning two inline areas. The baseline-table component specifies the positions of the baselines in the font design space coordinates. The baseline-table acts something like a musical staff; it defines particular points along the block-progression-direction to which glyphs and inline elements can be aligned. The baseline-table 'font-size' component provides a scaling factor for the baseline-table.

Because the value of the 'font-family' property is a list of fonts, to insure a consistent choice of baseline-table we define the nominal font in a font list as the first font in the list for which a glyph data is available. This is the first that could contain a glyph for each character encountered. (For this definition, glyph data is assumed to be present if a font substitution is made or if the font is synthesized.) This definition insures a content independent determination of the font and baseline table that is to be used.

For convenience, the specification will sometimes refer to the baseline identified by the dominant-baseline-identifier component of the "dominant-baseline" property as the "dominant baseline" (in an abuse of terminology).

The model also assumes that each glyph has a 'alignment-baseline' value which specifies the baseline with which the glyph is to be aligned. (The 'alignment-baseline' is called the "Baseline Tag" in the OpenType baseline-table description.) The initial value of the 'alignment-baseline' property uses the baseline identifier associated with the given glyph. Alternate values for 'alignment-baseline' can be useful for glyphs such as a "*" which are ambiguous with respect to script membership.

The model assumes that the font from which the glyph is drawn also has a baseline table, the font baseline-table. This baseline table has offsets in units-per-em from the (0,0) point to each of the baselines the font knows about. In particular, it has the offset from the glyph's (0,0) point to the baseline identified by the 'alignment-baseline'.

The offset values in the baseline-table are in "design units" which means fractional units of the EM. CSS calls these "units-per-em". Thus, the current 'font-size' is used to determine the actual offset from the dominant baseline to the alternate baselines.

The glyph is aligned so that its baseline identified by its 'alignment-baseline' is aligned with the baseline with the same name from the dominant baseline-table.

The offset from the dominant baseline of the parent to the baseline identified by the 'alignment-baseline' is computed using the dominant baseline-table and dominant baseline-table font-size. The font baseline-table and font-size applicable to the glyph are used to compute the offset from the identified baseline to the (0,0) point of the glyph. This second offset is subtracted from the first offset to get the position of the (0,0) point in the shift direction. Both offsets are computed by multiplying the baseline value from the baseline-table times the appropriate font-size value.

If the 'alignment-baseline' identifies the dominant baseline, then the first offset is zero and the glyph is aligned with the dominant baseline; otherwise, the glyph is aligned with the chosen alternate baseline.

The third baseline alignment property is the 'baseline-shift' property. Like the properties other than the "dominant-baseline" property, this property does not change the baseline-table or the baseline-table font-size. It does shift the whole baseline table of the parent element so that when an inner inline element is aligned to one of the parents baselines, the position of the inner inline element is shifted.

The fourth alignment property is the 'alignment-adjust' property. This property is primarily used for elements, such as some graphics, that do not belong to a particular script and do not have a predefined alignment point. The "alignment-adjust" property allows the author to assign where, on the start-edge of the object, the alignment point for that element lies.

In addition to the following definition of these properties, an informative appendix: B provides usage examples of these properties.

5.4. Dominant baseline: the 'dominant-baseline' property

Value: auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size|
ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit
Initial: auto
Applies to: inline-level elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

The 'dominant-baseline' property is used to determine or re-determine a scaled-baseline-table. A scaled-baseline-table is a compound value with three components:

Some values of the property re-determine all three values; other only reestablish the baseline-table font-size. Values for the property have the following meaning:

If this property occurs on a block or inline-block element, then the value of the baseline-identifier depends on the value of the 'script' property. If the value of the script property is 'auto, the baseline-identifier is 'alphabetic' for horizontal 'writing-mode' values and 'central' for vertical 'writing-mode' values. If the value of the script property is other than 'auto', the baseline-identifier value is based on that script. The 'writing-mode' value, whether horizontal or vertical is used to select the baseline-table that correspond to that baseline-identifier. The baseline-table font-size component is set to the value of the 'font-size' property on this element.
Otherwise, if this property occurs on an inline-level element, then the baseline-identifier and the baseline-table components remain the same as those of the parent element. The baseline-table font-size also remains the same as the parent's one, unless the computed 'baseline-shift' value actually shifts the baseline; then the baseline-table font-size is set to the value of the 'font-size' property on this element. If there is no parent element, the dominant-baseline components are set as for the block elements.
The dominant baseline-identifier is set using the computed value of the 'script' property. The 'writing-mode' value, whether horizontal or vertical is used to select the baseline-table that correspond to that baseline-identifier. The baseline-table font-size component is set to the value of the 'font-size' property on this element.
The dominant baseline-identifier, the baseline-table and the baseline-table font-size remain the same as that of the parent.
The dominant baseline-identifier and the baseline table remain the same, but the baseline-table font-size is changed to the value of the 'font-size' property on this element. This re-scales the baseline table for the current 'font-size'.
The dominant baseline-identifier is set to the 'ideographic' baseline using the baseline-table and baseline-table font-size of the parent, the baseline table is changed to correspond to the 'ideographic' baseline, and the baseline-table font-size is changed to the value of the 'font-size' property on this element.
The dominant baseline-identifier is set to the 'hanging' baseline using the baseline-table and baseline-table font-size of the parent, the baseline table is changed to correspond to the 'hanging' baseline, and the baseline-table font-size is changed to the value of the 'font-size' property on this element.
The dominant baseline-identifier is set to the 'alphabetic' baseline using the baseline-table and baseline-table font-size of the parent, the baseline table is changed to correspond to the 'alphabetic' baseline, and the baseline-table font-size is changed to the value of the 'font-size' property on this element. (The 'alphabetic' baseline is the standard baseline for Roman scripts.)
The dominant baseline-identifier is set to the 'mathematical' baseline using the baseline-table and baseline-table font-size of the parent, the baseline table is changed to correspond to the 'mathematical' baseline, and the baseline-table font-size is changed to the value of the 'font-size' property on this element.

If there is no baseline-table in the nominal font or if the baseline-table lacks an entry for the desired baseline, then the user agent may use heuristics to determine the position of the desired baseline.

5.5. Aligning the alignment point of an element:the 'alignment-baseline' property

Value: baseline | auto-script | before-edge | text-before-edge | after-edge | text-after-edge |
central | middle | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit
Initial: baseline
Applies to: inline-level elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property specifies how an inline-level element is aligned with respect to its parent. That is, to which of the parent's baselines the alignment point of this element is aligned. Unlike the 'dominant-baseline' property the 'alignment-baseline' property has no effect on its children dominant-baselines.

Note: The 'alignment-adjust' property specifies how the alignment point is determined and defaults to the baseline with the same name as the computed value of the alignment-baseline property.

Except for 'auto-script', all baseline values refer to the respective baseline-identifier components of the dominant-baseline of the parent, and glyphs within the element are aligned similarly to the element itself. The description for 'auto-script' covers these points specifically. The property values have the following meanings:

The alignment-point of the element being aligned is aligned with the dominant baseline of the parent.
If the element 'script' property value is 'auto', the alignment point of each glyph is aligned with the baseline-identifier of the script to which the glyph belongs. If the element 'script' property value is other than 'auto', the alignment point of each glyph is aligned with the baseline-identifier specified by the 'script' property. The baseline-identifier position is determined by using the relevant information related to the parent element dominant-baseline set. The alignment point of the element itself is aligned as for the 'baseline' value.
The alignment point of the box is aligned with the 'before-edge' baseline of the parent.
The alignment-point of the element being aligned is aligned with the 'text-before-edge' baseline of the parent.
The alignment point of the box is aligned with the 'after-edge' baseline of the parent.
The alignment-point of the element being aligned is aligned with the 'text-after-edge' baseline of the parent.
The alignment point of the box is aligned with the 'central' baseline of the parent.
The alignment point of the box is aligned with the 'middle' baseline of the parent.
The alignment-point of the element being aligned is aligned with the 'ideographic' baseline of the parent.
The alignment-point of the element being aligned is aligned with the lower baseline of the parent.
The alignment-point of the element being aligned is aligned with the hanging baseline of the parent.
The alignment-point of the element being aligned is aligned with the mathematical baseline of the parent.

The values: before-edge, text-before-edge, after-edge and text-after-edge all works relatively to the writing-mode property values. For example 'before-edge' means 'top' in an horizontal writing mode and 'right' in a vertical writing mode.

Note. The reason why 'baseline' is the initial value instead of 'auto-script' (called 'auto' in the similar XSL property) has to do with the fact that most fonts today are designed with an alignment point located at the 'alphabetical' level, even for glyphs belonging to non Latin scripts. User agents have to deal with that constraint, and therefore they use the 'baseline' value as initial.

5.6. Setting the alignment point:the 'alignment-adjust' property

Value: auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | <percentage> | <length> | inherit
Initial: auto
Applies to: inline-level elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: refers to the 'line-height' of the element
Media: visual

The 'alignment-adjust' property allows more precise alignment of elements, such as graphics, that do not have a baseline-table or lack the desired baseline in their baseline-table. With the 'alignment-adjust' property, the position of the baseline identified by the 'alignment-baseline' can be explicitly determined. It also determines precisely the alignment point for each glyph within a textual element. The user agent should use heuristics to determine the position of a non existing baseline for a given element.

Values for the property have the following meaning:

For each glyph corresponding to textual information within the element, the alignment-point is the intersection of the start-edge of the glyph box and the block-progression-direction position of the alignment point from the font. Padding, border or margin do not affect that alignment point. The alignment point of the inline-level element itself is at the intersection of the start-edge of the first inline box and the baseline identified by the 'alignment-baseline' property if this baselines exists in the baseline-table for the element dominant-baseline. If the inline element is an inline block, the alignment point occurs on the last line of the inline block element. If that specific baseline does not exist, the user agent may use heuristics to determine where that missing baseline would be. For other inline box content like images, the user agent will use heuristics to determine the position of the alignment point. For example when the resulting baseline is 'alphabetic' or 'ideographic', it is expected that the alignment point will be at the intersection of the start-edge and the after-edge of the inline box, including its respective margin. If the resulting baseline is 'hanging', the intersection of the start-edge and the before-edge of the inline box, including its respective margin should be used instead.
The alignment point is at the intersection of the start-edge of the element and the dominant-baseline of the element.
The alignment point is at the intersection of the start-edge of the element and the 'before-edge' baseline of the element.
The alignment point is at the intersection of the start-edge of the element and the 'text-before-edge' baseline of the element.
The alignment point is at the intersection of the start-edge of the element and the 'central' baseline of the element.
The alignment point is at the intersection of the start-edge of the element and the 'middle' baseline of the element.
The alignment point is at the intersection of the start-edge of the element and the 'after-edge' baseline of the element.
The alignment point is at the intersection of the start-edge of the element and the 'text-after-edge' baseline of the element.
The alignment point is at the intersection of the start-edge of the element and the 'ideographic' baseline of the element.
The alignment point is at the intersection of the start-edge of the element and the 'alphabetic' baseline of the element.
The alignment point is at the intersection of the start-edge of the element and the 'hanging' baseline of the element.
The alignment point is at the intersection of the start-edge of the element and the 'mathematical' baseline of the element.
The computed value of the property is this percentage multiplied by the computed 'line-height' of the element (this includes the margin for replaced elements) . The alignment point is on the start-edge of the inline box. Its position along the start-edge relative to the intersection of the dominant-baseline and the start-edge is offset by the computed value. The offset is opposite to the shift-direction (positive value) or in the shift-direction (negative value). A value of '0%' makes the dominant-baseline the alignment point.
The alignment-point is on the start-edge of the inline box. Its position along the start-edge relative to the intersection of the dominant-baseline and the start-edge is offset by the <length> value. The offset is opposite to the shift-direction (positive value) or in the shift-direction (negative value). A value of '0cm' makes the dominant-baseline the alignment point.

5.7. Repositioning the dominant baseline:the 'baseline-shift' property

Value: baseline | sub | super | <percentage> | <length> | inherit
Initial: baseline
Applies to: inline-level elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: refers to the 'line-height' of the parent element
Media: visual

The 'baseline-shift' property allows repositioning of the dominant-baseline relative to the dominant-baseline. The shifted object might be a sub- or superscript. Within the shifted element, the whole baseline table is offset; not just a single baseline. For sub- and superscript, the amount of offset is determined from the nominal font of the parent.

Values for the property have the following meaning:

There is no baseline shift; the dominant baseline remains in its original position.
The dominant baseline is shifted to the default position for subscripts. The offset for this position is determined by the font data for the parent nominal font as adjusted by the dominant baseline-table font-size of the parent element. If there is no applicable font data the User Agent may use heuristic to determine the offset.
The dominant baseline is shifted to the default position for superscripts. The offset for this position is determined by the font data for the parent nominal font as adjusted by the dominant baseline-table font-size of the parent element. If there is no applicable font data the User Agent may use heuristic to determine the offset.
The computed value of the property is this percentage multiplied by the computed 'line-height' of the parent element. The dominant-baseline is shifted in the shift-direction (positive value) or opposite to the shift-direction (negative value) of the parent area by the computed value. A value of '0%' is equivalent to 'baseline'.
The dominant-baseline is shifted in the shift-direction (positive value) or opposite to the shift-direction (negative value) of the parent area by the <length> value. A value of '0cm' is equivalent to 'baseline'.

Note. Although it may seem that 'baseline-shift' and 'alignment-adjust' properties are doing the same thing, there are important differences. For 'alignment-adjust' the percentage values refer to the 'line-height' of the element being aligned. For 'baseline-shift the percentage values refer to the 'line-height' of the parent element. Similarly, it is the 'sub' and 'super' offsets of the parent that are used to align the shifted baseline rather than the 'sub' and 'super' offsets of the element being positioned. To ensure a consistent sub- or superscript position, it makes more sense to use the parent as the reference rather than the subscript element which may have a changed "line-height" due to "font-size" changes in the sub- or superscript element.
Using the "alignment-adjust" property is more suitable for positioning elements, such as graphics, that have no internal textual structure. Using the "baseline-shift" property is intended for sub- and superscripts where the positioned element may itself be textual. The baseline-shift provides a way to define a specific baseline offset other than the named offsets that are defined relative to the dominant-baseline. In addition, having "baseline-shift" makes it easier for tool to generate the relevant properties; many formatting programs already have a notion of baseline shift.

5.8. Vertical alignment: the 'vertical-align' property, relation with the baseline alignment properties

Value: auto | auto-script | baseline | sub | super | top | text-top | central | middle | bottom | text-bottom | <percentage> | <length> | inherit
Initial: auto
Applies to: inline-level and 'table-cell' elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: refers to the 'line-height' of the element itself
Media: visual

This property affects the vertical positioning inside a line box of the boxes generated by an inline-level element. The following values only have meaning with respect to a parent inline-level element, or to a parent block-level element, if that element generates anonymous inline boxes; they have no effect if no such parent exists.

Note. Values of this property have slightly different meanings in the context of tables. Please consult the section on table height algorithms for details.

Align the dominant baseline of the parent box with the equivalent, or heuristically reconstructed, baseline of the element. If the box doesn't have a baseline, align the bottom of the box, including its margin with the parent's dominant baseline. If the inline box has several lines (inline block element), use the last line baseline. If there is no parent or if there is a change of flow orientation between this element and its parent, the dominant baseline is set to 'alphabetic' for horizontal flow and 'central' for vertical flow.
Align the script preferred baseline of the element (determined by first visible character in the element after reordering) with the equivalent baseline of the parent element.
Align the 'alphabetic' baseline of the box with the 'alphabetic' baseline of the parent box. If the box doesn't have an 'alphabetic' baseline, align the bottom of the box, including its margin for replaced elements, with the parent's 'alphabetic' baseline. The dominant baseline is set to 'alphabetic' if there is no parent or if there is a flow orientation change between this element and its parent, otherwise it is set to 'no-change'.
Align the vertical midpoint of the box with the central baseline of the parent box.
Align the vertical midpoint of the box with the baseline of the parent box plus half the x-height of the parent.
Lower the baseline of the box to the proper position for subscripts of the parent's box. (This value has no effect on the font size of the element's text.)
Raise the baseline of the box to the proper position for superscripts of the parent's box. (This value has no effect on the font size of the element's text.)
Align the top of the box with the before-edge of the parent element's font.
Align the bottom of the box with the after-edge of the parent element's font.
Raise (positive value) or lower (negative value) the box by this distance (a percentage of the computed 'line-height' of the element). The value '0%' means the same as 'baseline'.
Raise (positive value) or lower (negative value) the box by this distance. The value '0cm' means the same as 'baseline'.

The remaining values refer to the line box in which the generated box appears:

Align the top of the box with the before-edge of the line box.
Align the bottom of the box with the after-edge of the line box.

The 'vertical-align' is not a shorthand for the baseline alignment properties as setting them has no effect on the vertical-align property. But setting the vertical-align property can be seen as a macro of these alignment properties as it will set them as follows:

vertical-align value alignment-baseline alignment-adjust baseline-shift dominant-baseline
auto baseline auto baseline auto
baseline baseline auto baseline alphabetic (if no parent or different flow from parent)
no-change (otherwise)
sub baseline auto sub auto
super baseline auto super auto
top before-edge auto baseline auto
text-top text-before-edge auto baseline auto
middle middle auto baseline auto
bottom after-edge auto baseline auto
text-bottom text-after-edge auto baseline auto
<percentage> baseline <percentage> baseline auto
<length> baseline <length> baseline auto

Editor's note: There are the following differences with the XSL definition:

  1. The initial value of alignment-baseline is baseline instead of 'auto-script' (value called 'auto' in XSL). This reflects user agent current practice.

  2. 'vertical-align: baseline' maps to dominant-baseline:'alphabetic' or 'no-change' (instead of auto)

  3. 'vertical-align: auto' (proposed as new initial value) maps to 'dominant-baseline:auto'.

Editor's note: It is tempting to make vertical-align a shorthand property of the four other alignment properties, there are however several issues:

  1. Vertical-align is a simple enumerated property, changing it to a shorthand would create issues from a DOM point of view.

  2. The names of the values of the individual properties are not designed to be used in a single shorthand notation, unless a strict sequence is enforced, like having dominant-baseline first, followed by alignment-base, alignment-adjust and baseline-shift. The usage could be cumbersome.

6. Indentation: the 'text-indent' property

Value: <length> | <percentage> | inherit
Initial: 0
Applies to: block-level elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: refers to width of containing block
Media: visual

This property specifies the indentation of the first line of text in a block. More precisely, it specifies the indentation of the first box that flows into the block's first line box. The box is indented with respect to the starting edge of the line box. User agents should render this indentation as blank space.

Values have the following meanings:

The indentation is a fixed length.
The indentation is a percentage of the containing block width.

The value of 'text-indent' may be negative, but there may be implementation-specific limits.


The following example causes a '3em' text indent.

  P { text-indent: 3em }

7. Line breaking

7.1. Types of line breaking

In documents written in Latin-based languages, where runs of characters make up words and words are separated by spaces or hyphens, line breaking is relatively simple. In the most general case, (assuming no hyphenation dictionary is available to the UA), a line break can occur only at whitespace characters or hyphens, including U+ 00AD SOFT HYPHEN.

In ideographic typography, however, where what appears as a single glyph can represent an entire word and no spaces nor any other word separating characters are needed, a line breaking opportunity is not as obvious as a space. It can occur after or before many other characters. Certain line breaking restrictions still apply, but they are not as strict as they are in Latin typography.

(As a side note, Thai is another interesting example with its own special line breaking rules. Since Thai words are made up of runs of characters, it resembles Latin in that respect. But the lack of spaces as word delimiters, or in fact any consistent word delimiters, makes it similar to CJK. Thai, like Latin in the absence of a hyphenating dictionary, never breaks inside of words. In fact, a knowledge of the vocabulary is necessary to be able to correctly break a line of Thai text.). Finally, the Unicode character: U+200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE can be inserted in such scripts to specify an explicit line breaking opportunity.

A number of levels of line-breaking "strictness" can be used in Japanese typography. These levels add or remove line breaking restrictions. The model presented in this specification distinguishes between two most commonly used line breaking levels for Japanese text, using the 'line-break' property.

In ideographic typography, it is also possible, though not always preferred, to allow line breaks to occur inside of quoted Latin and Hangul (Korean) words without following the line breaking rules of those particular scripts. The model proposed in this document gives the author control over that behavior through the 'word-break-CJK' property.

Finally, additional word breaking opportunities are controlled by 'word-break-wrap' and 'word-break-inside', allowing emergency word breaking for long words and hyphenation. All these properties are also available through the 'word-break' short hand property.

Line breaking is also covered by a Unicode Technical Report (TR#14), available from the Unicode Web site. It contains a detailed recommendation and corresponding data for each Unicode character.

7.2. Line breaking: the 'line-break' property

Value: normal | strict | inherit
Initial: normal
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property selects the set of line breaking rules to be used for text. The values described below are especially useful to CJK authors, but the property itself is open to other, not yet specified settings for non-CJK authors as well. (This is an area for future expansion.)

Selects the normal line breaking mode for CJK. While the UA is free to define its own line breaking restrictions for the 'normal' mode, it is recommended that breaks between small katakana and hiragana characters be allowed. That is the preference in modern Japanese typography, that is especially desirable for narrow columns. Japanese katakana words tend to be long, and it is more preferable to allow line breaks to occur among such characters than to have excessive expansion due to justification.
Selects a more restrictive line breaking mode for CJK text. While the UA is free to define its own line breaking restrictions for the 'strict' mode, it is recommended that the restrictions specified by the JIS X-4051 be followed. That implies that in this mode, small katakana and hiragana characters are not allowed to start a line.

In Japanese, a set of line breaking restrictions is referred to as "Kinsoku". JIS X-4051 [JIS] is a popular source of reference for this behavior using the strict set of rules. This architecture involves character classification into line breaking behavior classes. Those classes are then analyzed in a two dimensional behavior table where each row-column position represents a pair action to be taken at the occurrence of these classes. For example, given a closing character class and an opening character class, the intersection in that table of these two classes (the first character belonging to the opening class and the second belonging to the closing class) will indicate no line breaking opportunity. The rules described by JIS X-4051 have been superseded by the Unicode Technical Report #14 mentioned earlier.

Note that both values, 'normal' and 'strict' imply that a set of line-breaking restrictions is in use. In fact, there appears to be no valid line breaking mode in CJK in which line breaks can appear just anywhere among ideographs.

7.3. Word breaking: the 'word-break-CJK', 'word-break-wrap', 'word-break-inside' properties and the shorthand 'word-break' property

Value: normal | break-all | keep-all | inherit
Initial: normal
Applies to: block-level elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property controls line-breaking behavior inside of words from a CJK point of view. Possible values:

Keeps non-CJK scripts together (according to their own rules), while Hangul and CJK (including the Korean Hanja characters) break everywhere or according to the rules of the 'line-break' mode. Note however that the behavior of non-CJK scripts can be superseded by using the value 'emergency' in the 'word-break-wrap' property, or the value 'hyphenate' in the 'word-break-inside' property.
Same as 'normal' for CJK and Hangul, but non-CJK scripts can break anywhere. This option is used mostly in a context where the text is predominantly using CJK characters with few non-CJK excerpts and it is desired that the text be better distributed on each line. The UAs may however limit the break everywhere behavior for script using clusters like Thai.
Same as 'normal' for all non-CJK scripts. CJK and Hangul are kept together. This option should only be used in the context of CJK used in small clusters like in the Korean writing system.

The following example shows a paragraph style where all non-CJK scripts can break anywhere.

P.anywordbreaks { word-break: break-all }
Value: normal | emergency | inherit
Initial: normal
Applies to: block-level elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property controls the wrapping behavior for words. It allows a word to be split arbitrarily at the end of a line if the word cannot fit in a single line. For example, this deals with the situation of very long words constrained in a fixed with container with no scrolling allowed. Possible values:

A word should always stay in a single line. Note however that this can be superseded by using the value 'break-all' in the 'word-break-CJK' property, or the value 'hyphenate' in the 'word-break-inside' property.
This allows a breaking opportunity to be created even if other analysis have failed to detect another one. For example, this deals with the situation of very long words constrained in a fixed with container with no scrolling allowed.
Value: normal | hyphenate | inherit
Initial: normal
Applies to: block-level elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property controls the hyphenation behavior inside of words. Possible values:

A word should always stay in a single line. Note however that this can be superseded by using the value 'break-all' in the 'word-break-CJK' property, or the value 'emergency' in the 'word-break-wrap' property. Moreover, explicit hyphenation characters (hyphen, soft hyphen, etc...) still create line breaking opportunities.
Words can be broken at an appropriate hyphenation point. It requires that the user agent have an hyphenation dictionary for the language of the text being broken. Setting this value activates the hyphenation engine in the user agent.
Value: <'word-break-CJK'> || <'word-break-wrap'> || <'word-break-inside'> | inherit
Initial: see individual properties
Applies to: block-level elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

The 'word-break' property is a shorthand property for setting 'word-break-CJK', 'word-break-wrap' and 'word-break-inside', at the same place in the style sheet.

All word-break related properties are first reset to their initial values (all 'normal'). Then, those properties that are given explicit values in the 'word-break' shorthand are set to those values.

For example, the following rule:

P { word-break: emergency }

is equivalent to:

P { word-break-CJK: normal }
P { word-break-wrap: emergency }
P { word-break-inside: normal }

8. Text Wrapping, Whitespace Control and Text Overflow

The 'white-space' property in CSS2 actually controls two independent axes: whether or not to wrap text when it reaches the flow edge of its containing block box, and whether or not to collapse white space present in the source. Two new properties are introduced in CSS3 to represent these independent axes to allow independent author/user control over white-space. The 'white-space' property is redefined as a shortcut property which sets the values of these two new properties.

8.1. Space collapsing: the 'text-space' property

Value: normal | honor | inherit
Initial: normal
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property controls whether or not white space in text stream is collapsed, or kept as is.

collapse white space present in the contents of the element.
keep white space as is present in the contents of the element. render/layout each white space character as is appropriate for that character. Carriage returns in the source cause line breaks. The 'text-align: justify' and 'text-align-last: justify' property values are ignored.

8.2. Text wrapping: the 'text-wrap' property

Value: normal | none | inherit
Initial: normal
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property controls whether or not text wraps when it reaches the flow edge of its containing block box

wrap text as appropriate for the text content. Starting and ending space and tab characters are ignored. The specific line breaking algorithm is determined by the 'line-break' and word-break' properties.
do not wrap text content. Text content longer than what will fit within its containing block box overflows past the flow edge of the content box.

8.3. Whitespace: the 'white-space' property

Value: normal | pre | nowrap | inherit
Initial: normal
Applies to: block-level elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property declares how whitespace inside the element is handled. Setting a value on the 'white-space' property set the respective values on 'text-space' and 'text-wrap'.

white-space text-space text-wrap

normal normal normal
nowrap normal none
pre honor none


The following examples show what whitespace behavior is expected from the PRE and P elements, and the "nowrap" attribute in HTML.

PRE        { white-space: pre }
P          { white-space: normal }
TD[nowrap] { white-space: nowrap }

Conforming user agents may ignore the 'white-space' property in author and user style sheets but must specify a value for it in the default style sheet.

8.4. Text overflow:the 'text-overflow-mode', 'text-overflow-ellipsis' properties and the shorthand 'text-overflow' property

Text overflow deals with the situation where some textual content is clipped when it overflows the element's box in its text advance direction as determined by the writing-mode property value. This situation may only occur when the 'overflow' property has the values: hidden, scroll and auto (in the latter case only when the UA behavior results in content scrolling).

Text overflow allows the author to introduce a visual hint at the two ending boundaries of the text flow within the element box (after and end). The hint is typically an ellipsis character "...", although the actual character representation may vary. An image may also be substituted. Setting a non empty string (or an uri for an image) for either text flow boundary enables the presentation of the hint. If both hints should appear, only the 'after' hint is rendered. Initially, only the end of line hint is shown (correspond to the right of any over flown lines for left to right primary text advance direction).

The text-overflow is divided in properties: 'text-overflow-mode' that controls the presentation of hint characters, 'text-overflow-ellipsis' that controls the values of the hint characters presented at the box boundaries and a shorthand property: 'text-overflow'.

Value: clip | ellipsis | ellipsis-word | inherit
Initial: clip
Applies to: all block-level elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
clip text as appropriate for the text content. Glyphs representation of the text may be only partially rendered.
an ellipsis string is inserted at each box boundaries where a text overflow occurs. The values of these ellipsis strings is determined by the 'text-overflow-ellipsis' property. The insertions take place at the boundary of the last full glyph representation of a line of text.
similar to 'ellipsis', but the insertions take place the boundary of the last full glyph representation of a word within the line of text.

The hint characters only replace textual information. If the clipping occurs on a replaced element, standard clipping occurs.

Although the property is not inherited, overflowing children blocks that are either statically or relatively positioned and do not have a specified width or height will be hinted as specified by their parent text-overflow-mode property value. Consider the following example:

<p><span>I didn't like the play,</span> but then I saw
it under adverse conditions - the curtain was up.
<div class="attributed-to">_Groucho_Marx_</div>

Here is the style sheet controlling the overflow situations:

div { width:100px; border: thin solid red; overflow: hidden;
       text-overflow-mode:ellipsis;font-size:14px }
span { white-space : nowrap; }
div.attributed-to { position: relative;left:8px }

This will result in the content of the span to be partially visible and the ellipsis will be shown, the inner div which is relatively positioned will only show a partial ellipsis as it is offset by few pixels: Image
of ellipsis in text overflow

Other children blocks, like absolute positioned blocks, or blocks with specified width or height won't show hinting. For example, setting the p element of the previous figure with the following style:

p { width :100px; margin-top : 50px; margin-left : 50px; }

will result on no ellipsis shown for its content (because it has a specified width and furthermore the text wrapping occurs in the 'hidden' overflow area of its parent element). This would be shown like this: Image of a child block element without ellipsis

In other words, the text-overflow-mode only affects the textual content of a block element which participate in its own inline flow.

Value: [<ellipsis-end> | uri [, <ellipsis-after> | uri]?]?]?] | inherit
Initial: "..."
Applies to: all block-level elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
controls the value of the hint characters presented after the text flow within each line of an element box. It takes as value a text string. An empty string disables the hint. The initial value is '...'. In a horizontal text flow ('writing-mode' = 'lr-tb), the hint string would appear on each line of the element box where the text overflows on the right.
controls the value of the hint character presented after the text flow within an element box. It takes as value a text string. An empty string disables the hints. The initial value is empty. In a horizontal text flow, the hint string would appear on the right side of the last line. If <ellipsis-after> is non empty and would appear at the same location than <ellipsis-end>, only <ellipsis-after> is shown.
And uri can replace any of the string value and set an image to be used as the hint indication. Being specified is equivalent to a non empty string for the respective ellipsis.

The font-size used for the ellipsis characters is the element font-size.

Value: <'text-overflow-mode'> || <'text-overflow-ellipsis'> | inherit
Initial: not defined for shorthand properties
Applies to: all block-level elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property is the shorthand for 'text-overflow-mode' and 'text-overflow-ellipsis'.

9. Text spacing

9.1. Letter spacing:the 'letter-spacing' property

Value: normal | <length> | inherit
Initial: normal
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property specifies spacing behavior between text characters. Values have the following meanings:

The spacing is the normal spacing for the current font. It is typically zero-length. However, this value allows the user agent to alter the space between characters in order to justify text.
This value indicates inter-character space in addition to the default space between characters. The value is added to the advance width of each spacing characters or group of characters that are clustered in single grapheme unit (like in Thai, Khmer, etc.), including the last character of the element. Characters which are joined together by effect of applying a cursive font to them, or by standard typography rules (Arabic script, Northern Indian scripts like Devanagari) have the valued added to each spacing characters. Combining characters (not spacing) do not get any letter-spacing effect, only the combination of the base character and its combining characters does.
For justification purposes, user agents should minimize effect on letter-spacing as much as possible (priority to word-spacing expansion/compression as opposed to character-spacing expansion/compression).
Values may be negative, but there may be implementation-specific limits. The justification algorithm may further modify the inter-character spacing.

Because of the visual disruptive effect of modifying letter-spacing on writing systems which used joined characters, like for example Arabic, the usage of this property is discouraged in those cases.

There are cases like Japanese or Chinese writing systems where justification will change all letter-spacing effects as there is no other opportunity in the line to expand or compress the character content in order to fit the line span.

Character spacing algorithms are user agent-dependent. For example, the spacing will not occur necessarily between each characters, but instead between each glyph that constitutes either a letter or a cluster unit. Furthermore this property should not be used for scripts and/or fonts that link characters together (cursive fonts for Roman scripts, all Arabic cases, Indic scripts with headline like Devanagari, etc...). Character spacing may also be influenced by justification (see the 'text-align' property).


In this example, the space between characters in BLOCKQUOTE elements is increased by '0.1em'.

BLOCKQUOTE { letter-spacing: 0.1em }

In the following example, the user agent is requested not to alter inter-character space:

BLOCKQUOTE { letter-spacing: 0cm }   /* Same as '0' */

When the resultant space between two characters is not the same as the default space, user agents should not use ligatures.

Conforming user agents may consider the value of the 'letter-spacing' property to be 'normal'.

9.2. Word spacing:the 'word-spacing' property

Value: normal | none | <length> | inherit
Initial: normal
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property specifies spacing behavior between words. Values have the following meanings:

The normal inter-word space, as defined by the current font and/or the user agent. If the inter-word boundary is delimited by one or several white-space characters, they should be visible. If there are no characters, the user agent doesn't have to create an additional character advance width.
There is no inter-word space. All white-space characters are treated like zero-length characters.
This value indicates inter-word space in addition to the default space between words. Values may be negative, but there may be implementation-specific limits.

Word spacing algorithms are user agent-dependent. Determining word boundary is typically done by detecting white space characters. There are however many scripts and writing systems that do not separate their words by any character (like Japanese, Chinese, Thai, etc...), detecting word boundaries in these cases require dictionary based algorithms that may not be supported by all user agents. Word spacing is also influenced by justification (see the 'text-align' property).


In this example, the word-spacing between each word in H1 elements is increased by '1em'.

H1 { word-spacing: 1em }

Conforming user agents may consider the value of the 'word-spacing' property to be 'normal'.

9.3. Punctuation trimming:the 'punctuation-trim' property

Value: none | start | inherit
Initial: none
Applies to: block-level elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property determines whether or not a full-width punctuation mark character should be trimmed if it appears at the beginning of a line, so that its "ink" lines up with the first glyph in the line above and below. In some scenarios, it may be preferable for the author not to allow leading punctuation marks to be trimmed, for example when it is more important that the glyphs tend to line up vertically. In other scenarios such an effect is desirable, for example when it is more important for the author that as much text as possible fits on a single line.

Possible values:

Leading punctuation is not trimmed.

Diagram of glyph layout without leading punctuation compressionExample of
Japanese text without leading punctuation compression

Figure 8.3.1: Glyph layout with no leading punctuation compression

Leading punctuation is trimmed.

Diagram of glyph layout with leading punctuation compressionExample of
Japanese text with leading punctuation compression

Figure 8.3.2: Glyph layout with leading punctuation compression

(Note that this property may in the future be expanded to cover other punctuation behaviors for other types of punctuation as well, not just wide-cell.)

9.4. Adding space:the 'text-autospace' property

Value: none | [ideograph-numeric || ideograph-alpha || ideograph-space || ideograph-parenthesis]| inherit
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

When a run of non-ideographic or numeric characters appears inside of ideographic text, a certain amount of space is often preferred on both sides of the non-ideographic text to separate it from the surrounding ideographic glyphs. This property controls the creation of that space when rendering the text. That added width does not correspond to the insertion of additional space characters, but instead to the width increment of existing glyphs.

(A commonly used algorithm for determining this behavior is specified in JIS X-4051 [JIS].)

This property is additive with the 'word-spacing' and 'letter-spacing' [CSS2] properties, that is, the amount of spacing contributed by the 'letter-spacing' setting (if any) is added to the spacing created by 'text-autospace'. The same applies to 'word-spacing'.

Possible values:

No extra space is created.
Creates extra spacing between runs of ideographic text and numeric glyphs.
Creates extra spacing between runs of ideographic text and non-ideographic text, such as Latin-based, Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic or Hebrew.
Extends the width of the space character while surrounded by ideographs.
Creates extra spacing between normal (non wide) parenthesis and ideographs.
<SPAN style="text-autospace:none">[ideographs]1997[ideographs]</SPAN>

would appear as:

Diagram of glyph layout without autospaceExample of Japanese text
mixed with a number without autospace

Figure 8.4.1: Mixed glyph layout when autospace is disabled


<span STYLE="text-autospace:ideograph-numeric">[ideographs]1997[ideographs]</span>

would appear more like:

Diagram of glyph layout with autospaceExample of Japanese text
mixed with a number without autospace

Figure 8.4.2: Mixed glyph layout when autospace is enabled

9.5. Text kerning:the 'kerning-mode' and 'kerning-pair-threshold' property

Value: none | [pair || contextual] | inherit
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property controls all kerning effects. Some kerning effects are based on information located explicitly on fonts (pair-kerning). Others are based on context and typical ink placement within characters and don't rely on font information. Pair kerning is used mainly for Latin, Greek and Cyrillic scripts, while contextual kerning is more common in East Asian context. A typical example of pair kerning is the pair 'Wa'. A good example of contextual kerning is the pair '[[' (when using the wide width variant). Possible values:

no kerning is enabled
enables pair kerning
enables contextual kerning
Value: auto | <length> | inherit
Initial: auto
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property controls the font size threshold, above which pair kerning would be active (if enabled).

10. Text decoration

10.1. Introduction

Until CSS2, the only text decorations available were available through the 'text-decoration' property exposing itself various effects underline, overline, line-through, etc... and the text-shadows property. However the text-decoration property has some limitations stemming from its syntax, which allows for multiple 'text-decoration' formatting effects to be specified at the same time but it precludes finer control over each of those formatting effects. More specifically, it offers no way to control the color or line style of the underline, overline or line-through.

CSS3 extends the model by introducing new properties allowing additional controls over those formatting effects. CSS3 also makes turning these formatting effects on or off possible without affecting any other 'text-decoration' settings.

Furthermore, to reflect the usage of underline in East Asian vertical writing, a new control is offered on the underline positioning, this allows the underline to appear before (on the right in vertical text flow) or after (on the left in vertical text flow) the formatted text. The property is called 'text-underline-position'.

The 'text-decoration' property itself is now a shorthand property for all these new properties.

These properties describe decorations that are added to the text of an element. If they are specified for a block-level element, it affects all inline-level descendants of the element. If they are specified for (or affects) an inline-level element, it affects all boxes generated by the element. If the element has no content or no text content (e.g., the IMG element in HTML), user agents must ignore these properties.

Finally, user agents may chose either to average thickness and positions of the 'line' text-decorations based on the children text size and baselines, or to process each children separately. The following figure shows the averaging for underline: image of underline averaging

On these 3 segments of underline text, the underline bar is drawn lower and thicker as the ratio of large text increase for the each consecutive underlined text segment.

Note: Typically the underline superscript text segments are averaged, while the subscript segments are not.

10.2. Underline control: the 'text-underline-style', 'text-underline-color', 'text-underline-mode', 'text-underline-position' properties and the shorthand 'text-underline' property

Value: none | solid | double | dotted | thick | dashed | dot-dash | dot-dot-dash | wave | single-accounting | double-accounting | inherit
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property specifies the underline style. Possible values:

no underline
solid line underline
double line underline.
dotted underline.
single line underline using a greater line width.
dashed underline style.
underline style consisting of a dot-and-dash pattern.
underline style consisting of two-dots-and-a-dash pattern.
wavy underline.
single line drawn below the bottom of the character, rather than just below the baseline.
double line drawn below the bottom of the character, rather than just below the baseline.

All the new underline styles

Figure 9.2.1: The new underline styles

Value: auto | <color> | inherit
Initial: auto
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property specifies the color for the underline.

The initial value 'auto' means that the color of the underline is determined by the 'color' property.

Value: continuous | words | inherit
Initial: continuous
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property specifies the mode for the underline, that is whether the underline is continuous or whether it appears only under words and not whitespace. Possible values:

this value means that the underline is continuous.
this means that only non-whitespace text will be underlined.
Value: auto-pos | before | after | inherit
Initial: auto-pos
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property sets the position of the underline when set through the text-decoration property. It can appear either 'before' (above in an horizontal flow) or after (below in an horizontal flow) the run of text in relation to its baseline orientation. This property is typically used in vertical writing context where it may be desired to have the underline appear 'before' the run of text. This results on having the underline appearing on the right side of the vertical writing column. Possible values:

In horizontal inline progression, the underline if set will appear after the text. In vertical inline progression, if the language is set to Japanese, the underline if set will appear before the text.
the underline if set will appear before the text.
the underline if set will appear after the text.
Value: <'text-underline-style'> || <'text-underline-color'> || <'text-underline-mode'> || <'text-underline-position'>| inherit
Initial: not defined for shorthand properties
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property is the shorthand for 'text-underline-style', 'text-underline-color', 'text-underline-mode' and 'text-underline-position'.

10.3. Line-through control: the 'text-line-through-style', 'text-line-through-color', 'text-line-through-mode', properties and the shorthand 'text-line-through' property

Value: none | solid | double | dotted | thick | dashed | dot-dash | dot-dot-dash | wave | inherit
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property specifies the line-through style. Possible values:

no line-through
single line line-through
double line line-through.
dotted line-through.
single line line-through using a greater line width.
dashed line-through style.
line-through style consisting of a dot-and-dash pattern.
line-through style consisting of two-dots-one-dash pattern.
wavy line-through.
Value: auto | <color> | inherit
Initial: auto
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property specifies the color for the line-through.

The initial value 'auto' means that the color of the line is determined by the 'color' property.

Value: continuous | words | inherit
Initial: continuous
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property specifies the mode for the line-through, that is whether the line-through is continuous or whether it appears only through words and not whitespace. Possible values:

this value means that the line-through is continuous.
this means that only non-whitespace text will have the line through it.
Value: <'text-line-through-style'> || <'text-line-through-color'> || <'text-line-through-mode'> | inherit
Initial: not defined for shorthand properties
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property is the shorthand for 'text-line-through-style', 'text-line-through-color' and 'text-line-through-mode'.

10.4. Overline control: the 'text-overline-style', 'text-overline-color', 'text-overline-mode' properties and the shorthand 'text-overline' property

Value: none | solid | double | dotted | thick | dashed | dot-dash | dot-dot-dash | wave | inherit
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property specifies the overline style. Possible values:

no overline
single line overline
double line overline.
dotted overline.
single line overline using a greater line width.
dashed overline style.
overline style consisting of a dot-and-dash pattern.
overline style consisting of two-dots-one-dash pattern.
wavy overline.
Value: auto | <color> | inherit
Initial: auto
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property specifies the color for the overline.

The initial value 'auto' means that the color of the line is determined by the 'color' property.

Value: continuous | words | inherit
Initial: continuous
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property specifies the mode for the overline, that is whether the overline is continuous or whether it appears only over words and not whitespace. Possible values:

this value means that the overline is continuous.
this means that only non-whitespace text will be overlined.
Value: <'text-overline-style'> || <'text-overline-color'> || <'text-overline-mode'> | inherit
Initial: not defined for shorthand properties
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property is the shorthand for 'text-overline-style', 'text-overline-color' and 'text-overline-mode'.

10.5. Underlining, overlining, lining through, and blinking: the 'text-decoration' shorthand property

Value: none | [ underline || overline || line-through || blink || <'text-underline'> || <'text-overline'> || <'text-line-through'>] | inherit
Initial: see individual properties
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no (see prose)
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property describes decorations that are added to the text of an element. If the property is specified for a block-level element, it affects all inline-level descendants of the element. If it is specified for (or affects) an inline-level element, it affects all boxes generated by the element. If the element has no content or no text content (e.g., the IMG element in HTML), user agents must ignore this property.

Values are a combination of the properties part of the shorthand description (text-underline, text-overline and text-line-through) and a set of explicit values as following:

Produces no text decoration, is equivalent at using:
{ text-underline: none; text-overline: none; text-line-through: none; }
The textual content of the element is underlined, is equivalent at using:
{ text-underline-style: solid; }
The textual content of the element has a line above it, is equivalent at using:
{ text-overline-style: solid; }
The textual content of the element has a line through the middle, is equivalent at using:
{ text-line-through-style: solid; }
Text blinks (alternates between visible and invisible). Conforming user agents are not required to support this value.

The color(s) required for the text decoration are initially derived from the 'color' property value, but can be modified by using the individual properties. In addition if a text decoration style only exists for some of the text decoration, the result is that the other decoration styles remain at their initial value, for example, in the following example:

P { text-decoration: "single accounting" blue; }

The content of the P element will be underlined in blue with 'single accounting' underlining style. No other text decorations have that style, so they remain at their initial value (none).

This property is not inherited, but descendant boxes of a block box should be formatted with the same decoration (e.g., they should all be underlined). The color of decorations should remain the same even if descendant elements have different 'color' values.


In the following example for HTML, the text content of all A elements acting as hyperlinks will be underlined:

A[href] { text-decoration: underline }

10.6. Text shadows: the 'text-shadow' property

Value: none | [<color> || <length> <length> <length>? ,]* [<color> || <length> <length> <length>?] | inherit
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no (see prose)
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property accepts a comma-separated list of shadow effects to be applied to the text of the element. The shadow effects are applied in the order specified and may thus overlay each other, but they will never overlay the text itself. Shadow effects do not alter the size of a box, but may extend beyond its boundaries. The stack level of the shadow effects is the same as for the element itself.

Each shadow effect must specify a shadow offset and may optionally specify a blur radius and a shadow color.

A shadow offset is specified with two <length> values that indicate the distance from the text. The first length value specifies the horizontal distance to the right of the text. A negative horizontal length value places the shadow to the left of the text. The second length value specifies the vertical distance below the text. A negative vertical length value places the shadow above the text.

A blur radius may optionally be specified after the shadow offset. The blur radius is a length value that indicates the boundaries of the blur effect. The exact algorithm for computing the blur effect is not specified.

A color value may optionally be specified before or after the length values of the shadow effect. The color value will be used as the basis for the shadow effect. If no color is specified, the value of the 'color' property will be used instead.

Text shadows may be used with the :first-letter and :first-line pseudo-elements.


The example below will set a text shadow to the right and below the element's text. Since no color has been specified, the shadow will have the same color as the element itself, and since no blur radius is specified, the text shadow will not be blurred:

H1 { text-shadow: 0.2em 0.2em }

The next example will place a shadow to the right and below the element's text. The shadow will have a 5px blur radius and will be red.

H2 { text-shadow: 3px 3px 5px red }

The next example specifies a list of shadow effects. The first shadow will be to the right and below the element's text and will be red with no blurring. The second shadow will overlay the first shadow effect, and it will be yellow, blurred, and placed to the left and below the text. The third shadow effect will be placed to the right and above the text. Since no shadow color is specified for the third shadow effect, the value of the element's 'color' property will be used:

H2 { text-shadow: 3px 3px red, yellow -3px 3px 2px, 3px -3px }


Consider this example:

SPAN.glow {
    background: white;
    color: white;
    text-shadow: black 0px 0px 5px;

Here, the 'background' and 'color' properties have the same value and the 'text-shadow' property is used to create a "solar eclipse" effect:

Solar eclipse effect

Note. This property is not defined in CSS1. Some shadow effects (such as the one in the last example) may render text invisible in UAs that only support CSS1.

11. Document grid

11.1. What is document grid?

It is very common for the glyphs in documents written in East Asian languages, such as Chinese or Japanese, to be laid out on the page according to a specified one- or two-dimensional grid. The concept of grid can also be used in other, non-ideographic contexts such as Braille or monospaced layout.

The diagram below represents a fragment of horizontal text on a page with mixed wide-cell and narrow-cell glyphs that a Japanese user intended to be laid out on a grid which resulted in 9 glyphs per line (gray grid lines shown for clarity):

Example of strict (genko) grid applied to mixed Japanese and
English in horizontal layout.

Figure 10.1: 'Genko' grid applied to mixed text

The grid affects not only the placement of the glyphs, but it can also modify the behavior of several other layout-related behaviors, such as indent size, margins or paragraph alignment.

One can distinguish between three types of grid: a strict one, used mostly in Chinese, but also occasionally in Japanese (a.k.a. "genko"), a loose one, frequently used in Japanese and sometimes in Korean, as well as a fixed one, potentially useful for non-ideographic text, such as Braille or mono-spaced layout in general.

The grid type entails a set of layout rules that determine how much flexibility the UA is allowed to have when laying out a line of text.

Different grids can be defined for different parts of the document.

The grid can be selectively disabled in either dimension on fragments of text.

Line grid can be disabled for individual paragraphs. If line grid is disabled for a paragraph, the lines of the paragraph are laid out just as if no line grid were specified. The glyphs in a paragraph with line grid disabled still follow the character grid, if one is specified.

The CSS model described in this section exposes the necessary grid parameters the author needs to control.

11.2. Type of grid:the 'layout-grid-type' property

Value: loose | strict | fixed | inherit
Initial: loose
Applies to: block-level elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

Specifies the type of grid to use. Each grid type entails a different set of rules for rendering contents when a grid is enabled and specified. Possible values:

Grid type used in Japanese and sometimes Korean, where a constant width increment is applied to all glyphs as follows:

The diagram below illustrates this type of grid:

Diagram showing the spacing increment distribution in loose

Figure 10.2.1: Spacing increment distribution in loose grid. dF represents the amount of spacing applied between wide-cell glyphs. In the loose grid context, that amount is set by 'layout-grid-char'.

Example of loose grid applied to mixed Japanese and English

Figure 10.2.2: Loose grid applied to mixed text

In this mode, if only wide-cell glyphs or exact narrow-cell glyphs (like some katakana glyphs) are used, the result may effectively look like a strict grid. However, since all other width adjustments are active (text justification, character width adjustment, text autospace, etc), the end result is typically a loosely aligned grid layout. Apart from the start of the text flow, the grid will appear as 'broken' as soon as non ideographic characters appear in the flow.

Grid type traditionally used in Chinese, as well as occasionally in Japanese (a.k.a. "Genko") and Korean. This mode applies in the following ways to the various character sets:

Mixed glyph layout in strict grid

Figure 10.2.3: Mixed glyph layout in strict grid

Object layout in strict grid. Large rectangular object is
centered horizontally within 2 grid spaces

Figure 10.2.4: Object layout in strict grid

The strict mode disables all special text justification and glyph width adjustment normally applied to the contents of the element.

If a line break opportunity cannot be found in a text run going over the line boundary, then that text run will be pushed down to the next line and the last part of the previous line will be left blank.

Here is an example of mixed text in strict grid:

Example of strict grid applied to mixed Japanese and English
text in horizontal layout

Figure 10.2.5: Strict grid applied to mixed text

This type of grid can be used to achieve mono-spaced layout. The layout rules are simple: all non-connected glyphs are treated as equal, that is every glyph is centered within a single grid space by default. Runs of connected glyphs are treated as strips the same way as in 'strict' grid. Justification or any other character-width changing behaviors are disabled.

Layout in fixed grid mode. All glyphs equally spread out.

Figure 10.2.6: Mixed glyph layout in fixed grid

For example:

Example of fixed grid mode in mixed Japanese and English text in
horizontal layout

Figure 10.2.7: Fixed grid applied to mixed text

11.3. Line grid value:the 'layout-grid-line' property

Value: none | auto | <length> | <percentage> | inherit
Initial: none
Applies to: block-level elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: relative to element total line height (see prose)
Media: visual

This property sets the line grid value for an element. If the text layout flow of the element is horizontal, this property can be thought of as the "vertical" grid size or grid height. In other words, it always determines the line spacing increment, regardless of the layout flow mode. Its effect is visually somewhat similar to the effect of applying a 'line-height' value to an element. As for the 'line-height' property, 'layout-grid-line' has an effect relative to the block-progression-direction. It affects the height in horizontal flow modes, and the width in vertical flow modes (the layout flow mode is controlled by the 'writing-mode' property).

Note that in order for this property to have an effect, 'layout-grid-mode' must be set to 'line' or 'both' (the latter is its initial value).

When this property is set to anything other than 'none', a line of text is vertically centered within the grid row and baseline-aligned by default. If the computed line-height is larger than the grid space, then the whole line box is centered within the smallest number of grid rows necessary for the line box to fit in. The starting alignment point is moved accordingly. This is illustrated below, where a represents the numerical 'layout-grid-line' value, b and c are half the difference between the computed line-heights and either the layout-grid-line value or twice the value respectively.:

Layout of contents within grid showing the contents vertically
centered within their grid rows

Figure 10.3.2: Layout of contents within line grid, where a represents the layout-grid-line value, and the alignment baseline is at the bottom (after-edge).

Possible values:

No line grid is specified.
The grid line size is determined by the computed line-height.
Size of the line grid's unit space (a.k.a. "line pitch").
Size of the line grid's unit space relative to the logical height of the parent element. If the parent has no explicit height, it is treated as 'auto'.

As for regular line-height computation, the ruby box is treated especially. In a similar fashion to the line-height determination process, only the ruby base element is considered for centering purpose, however the above and/or the after space should be sufficient to fit the ruby text above and/or after the base text within the grid-line space. If this is not the case, the grid-line size needs to be increased in multiple of grid rows until the whole ruby box fits.

The following mark-up:

DIV.section1 { writing-mode: lr-tb; layout-grid-line: .5in }

would make each line of text in a horizontally laid out section of a document to be rendered within 0.5 inch of vertical space. It is also equivalent to having a line-height of 0.5 in, as shown below:

Example of a layout-grid-line setting applied to mixed Japanese
and English text in horizontal layout

Figure 10.3.3: Enlarged line grid applied to mixed text in horizontal layout flow

If the section's layout flow is vertical, then 0.5in is the width of each column of vertical text. This time, the 0.5in value applies to the 'width' of each cell:

Example of a layout-grid-line setting applied to mixed Japanese
and English text in vertical-ideographic layout

Figure 10.3.4: Enlarged line grid applied to mixed text in vertical layout flow

If the author preferred a specific number of lines (20 for example) to appear in an element, he would use a percentage value:

DIV.section1 { layout-grid-line: 5% }

11.4. Character grid value: the 'layout-grid-char' property

Value: none | auto | <length> | <percentage> | inherit
Initial: none
Applies to: block-level elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: relative to element line width (see prose)
Media: visual

This property affects the dimension perpendicular to that controlled by 'layout-grid-line'. It controls the character (or "horizontal", if in horizontal layout) grid size for an element if the 'layout-grid-type' property is set to 'strict' or 'fixed'. However, if 'layout-grid-type' is 'loose', then this property sets the size of the increment added to each wide-cell glyph, and, indirectly, of that added to each narrow-cell glyph, as per the description in the specification of 'layout-grid-type'. Its effect in 'loose' grid is somewhat similar to the effect of the 'letter-spacing' property. The 'layout-grid-line' property has an effect relative to the block-progression-direction. It affects the width horizontal flow modes, and the height in vertical flow modes (the layout flow mode is controlled by the 'writing-mode' property).

Note that in order for this property to have an effect, 'layout-grid-mode' must be set to 'char' or 'both' (the latter is its initial value).

Possible values:

No character grid.
The width of the widest glyph in the element's font is used as the character grid.
Width of the grid's unit space.
Width of the grid's unit space relative to the logical width of the parent element. If the parent has no explicit width, it is treated as 'auto'.
DIV.section1 { layout-grid-char: .5in }

would make each glyph in a horizontally laid out part of a document rendered within 0.5 inch of horizontal space:

Example of a layout-grid-char setting applied to mixed Japanese
and English text in horizontal layout

Figure 10.4.1: Enlarged character grid applied to mixed text in horizontal layout

If the section's layout flow is vertical, then 0.5in becomes the vertical distance between consecutive characters in a column:

Example of a layout-grid-char setting applied to mixed Japanese
and English text in vertical-ideographic layout

Figure 10.4.2: Enlarged character grid applied to mixed text in vertical-ideographic layout

If the author preferred a specific number of glyphs (5 for example) to appear in a line, he would set the character grid to a percentage value:

DIV.section1 { layout-grid-char: 20% }

11.5. Grid mode: the 'layout-grid-mode' property

Value: none | line | char | both | inherit
Initial: both
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property selectively enables or disables the two dimensions of the grid. Possible values:

No grid is active in either dimension.
only line grid is used. Character grid is disabled. This is the value recommended for use inline to disable horizontal grid on runs of text and turn them into "strips" that are laid out within the grid as a single unit, regardless of the nature of the glyphs contained within it.
Only character grid is used. Line grid is disabled. This is the value recommended for use on block-level elements, such as paragraphs, for which the line grid is intended to be disabled.
Enables the grid in both dimensions (if both are specified). This setting is necessary to fully enable layout grid on an element. This is the initial value.

11.6. Layout-grid: the shorthand 'layout-grid' property

Value: none | [<mode> || <type> || [<line> [<char>]? ] ] | inherit
Initial: not defined for shorthand properties
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: allowed on <char> and <line>
Media: visual

The 'layout-grid' property is a shorthand property for setting 'layout-grid-mode', 'layout-grid-type', 'layout-grid-line' and 'layout-grid-char' at the same time in the style sheet. Using the value 'none' on the shorthand property sets the 'layout-grid-mode' to 'none'. Using the value "none none" sets both the 'layout-grid-mode' and 'layout-grid-line' to 'none', and using the value "none none none" sets the previous properties as well as 'layout-grid-char' to 'none'.

The first numerical, percentage or 'auto' value specified sets 'layout-grid-line'. If a second numerical, percentage or 'auto' value is present, it sets 'layout-grid-char'. For example:

DIV.section1 { layout-grid: both strict .5in 20% }

The 'layout-grid' property above is set to have the 'layout-grid-type' set to 'strict', 'layout-grid-mode' to 'both', 'layout-grid-line' to 0.5in and the 'layout-grid-char' to 20% of the parent width.


11.7. The 'gd' length unit

The existence of a grid in an element makes it possible and very useful to express various measurements in that element in terms of grid units. Grid units are used very frequently in East Asian typography, especially for the left, right, top and bottom element margins.

Therefore a new length unit is necessary: gd to enable the author to specify the various measurements in terms of the grid.

For example, consider the following style:

P { layout-grid: strict both 20pt 15pt; margin: 1gd 3gd 1gd 2gd }

This way, all P elements would effectively acquire a 15pt top margin, a 60pt right margin, a 15pt bottom margin and a 40pt left margin.

If no grid is specified, the gd unit should be treated the same as the em unit.

Editor's note. This should be moved to the Unit definition module.

12. Miscellaneous text formatting

12.1. Capitalization: the 'text-transform' property

Value: capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property controls capitalization effects of an element's text. Values have the following meanings:

Puts the first character of each word in uppercase.
Puts all characters of each word in uppercase.
Puts all characters of each word in lowercase.
No capitalization effects.

Although limited, the case mapping process has some language dependencies. Some well known examples are Turkish and Greek. See HTML [HTML40] for ways to find the language of an HTML element. XML uses an attribute called XML:LANG, and there may be other language-specific language-specific methods to determine the language.

The case mapping rules for the character repertoire specified by the Unicode Standard 3.0 can be found on the Unicode Consortium web site: http://www.unicode.org.

Conforming user agents must support case mapping rules according to the Unicode Standard 3.0 for all characters specified by that standard. Note that the conformance rule is more stringent than the ones specified in earlier versions of CSS.


In this example, all text in an H1 element is transformed to uppercase text.

H1 { text-transform: uppercase }

12.2. Punctuation wrapping: the 'punctuation-wrap' property

Value: none | start | end | both | inherit
Initial: none
Applies to: block-level elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property determines whether a punctuation mark, if one is present, may be placed outside the content area in the padding or margin area, at the start or at the end of a full line of text. Allowing a punctuation to 'hang' at the end of a line is is a common practice in East Asian typography. It is the responsibility of the style writer to create meaningful padding and margin areas to allow effective rendering of the punctuation. It should also be noted that compression may occur in the line, including compression of the punctuation characters independently of this effect.

Possible values:

Punctuation is not allowed to be placed outside the content area.
A leading punctuation, if present, may overhang at the start of the content area. It is placed in the padding or margin area.
An ending punctuation, if present, may overhang at the end of the content area. It is placed in the padding or margin area.
A punctuation, if present, may overhang at either the start or the end of the content area.

Here is an example where overhanging is not allowed:

Example of Japanese text with hanging punctuation disabled

Figure 11.2.1: No hanging punctuation allowed (the punctuation and the character preceding it shown in blue for clarity)

In the following example overhanging is allowed at the end of the content area.

Example of Japanese text with hanging punctuation enabled

Figure 11.2.2: Hanging punctuation appearing in the end of line padding area (the punctuation and the character preceding it shown in blue for clarity)

Note: User agents should follow the convention of the scripts for trimming either only the first lines or all lines. For example, in Roman text, only a punctuation appearing at the starting point of the first line may be placed outside the content area. It would look improper in other lines. The following figure shows a correct usage. Example of
leading punctuation in Roman typography

12.3. Combining text:the 'text-combine' property'

Value: none | letters | lines | inherit
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property controls the creation of composite characters (a.k.a. "kumimoji") or lines (a.k.a. "warichu").

Possible values:

No composite characters are created.
Combines glyphs to fit within the space of a single wide-cell glyph, by reducing them in size and stacking them next to and/or on top of each other. This effect is not directly defined in the JIS [JIS] but is commonly used in Asian typography.

No more than 5 glyphs can be combined at a time. If more than five are included inside of the element with this property setting, only the first five should be combined. The rest should be rendered as regular text. The following texts shows the arrangement for 2, 3, 4 and 5 characters:

Diagram of two-character kumimoji

Diagram of three-character kumimoji

Diagram of four-character kumimoji

Diagram of five-character kumimoji

Figure 11.3.1: The valid "Kumimoji" arrangements

The following mark-up:

SPAN.kumimoji { text-combine: letters }

could make the following 4 characters appear as one (shown in blue for clarity):

Example of four-character kumimoji in Japanese

Figure 11.3.2: "Kumimoji" applied to four characters

Combines the glyphs so they fit into two lines of equal length and height, whose combined height is equal to or slightly greater than the height of the line they appear in, according to a special set of rules [JIS]. The combined lines appear inline with the surrounding text. This combination is restricted to two lines as specified by the JIS. This is the typical usage found in Asian context for this feature.

Diagram of character layout in warichu

Figure 11.3.3: Glyph layout in "Warichu"

The following mark-up:

SPAN.warichu { text-combine: lines }

would make the enclosed text look like the following (shown in blue for clarity):

Example of warichu in Japanese

Figure 11.3.4: "Warichu" applied to 10 characters

Note that "warichu" is allowed to break across lines, though the exact algorithm to accomplish that can be non-trivial. Also, Warichu text is usually enclosed within parentheses. Those parentheses are inserted by the author.

13. Properties index

Property Values Initial Applies to Inh. Percentages Media
'alignment-adjust' auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | <percentage> | <length> | inherit auto inline-level elements no refers to the 'line-height' of the element visual
'alignment-baseline' baseline | auto-script | before-edge | text-before-edge | after-edge | text-after-edge | central | middle | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit baseline inline-level elements no N/A visual
'baseline-shift' baseline | sub | super | <percentage> | <length> | inherit baseline inline-level elements no refers to the 'line-height' of the parent element visual
'direction' ltr | rtl | inherit ltr all elements, but see prose yes N/A visual
'dominant-baseline' auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size| ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit auto inline-level elements no N/A visual
'glyph-orientation-horizontal' <angle> | inherit 0deg all inline-level elements yes N/A visual
'glyph-orientation-vertical' <angle> | auto | inherit auto all elements yes N/A visual
'kerning-mode' none | [pair || contextual] | inherit none all elements yes N/A visual
'kerning-pair-threshold' auto | <length> | inherit auto all elements yes N/A visual
'layout-grid' none | [<mode> || <type> || [<line> [<char>]? ] ] | inherit not defined for shorthand properties all elements yes allowed on <char> and <line> visual
'layout-grid-char' none | auto | <length> | <percentage> | inherit none block-level elements yes relative to element line width (see prose) visual
'layout-grid-line' none | auto | <length> | <percentage> | inherit none block-level elements yes relative to element total line height (see prose) visual
'layout-grid-mode' none | line | char | both | inherit both all elements yes N/A visual
'layout-grid-type' loose | strict | fixed | inherit loose block-level elements yes N/A visual
'letter-spacing' normal | <length> | inherit normal all elements yes N/A visual
'line-break' normal | strict | inherit normal all elements yes N/A visual
'max-font-size' <font-size> | auto | inherit auto all elements yes element's computed 'font-size' visual
'min-font-size' <font-size> | inherit 0 all elements yes element's computed 'font-size' visual
'punctuation-trim' none | start | inherit none block-level elements yes N/A visual
'punctuation-wrap' none | start | end | both | inherit none block-level elements yes N/A visual
'script' auto | none | <script> | inherit auto all elements yes N/A visual
'text-align' start | end | left | right | center | justify | <string> | inherit start block-level elements yes N/A visual
'text-align-last' auto | start | end | center | justify | size | inherit auto block-level elements yes N/A visual
'text-autospace' none | [ideograph-numeric || ideograph-alpha || ideograph-space || ideograph-parenthesis]| inherit none all elements yes N/A visual
'text-combine' none | letters | lines | inherit none all elements no N/A visual
'text-decoration' none | [ underline || overline || line-through || blink || <'text-underline'> || <'text-overline'> || <'text-line-through'>] | inherit see individual properties all elements no (see prose) N/A visual
'text-indent' <length> | <percentage> | inherit 0 block-level elements yes refers to width of containing block visual
'text-justify' auto | inter-word | inter-ideograph | distribute | newspaper | inter-cluster | kashida | inherit auto block-level elements yes N/A visual
'text-justify-trim' none | punctuation | punct-and-kana | inherit punctuation block-level elements yes N/A visual
'text-kashida-space' <percentage> | inherit 0% block-level elements yes as described visual
'text-line-through' <'text-line-through-style'> || <'text-line-through-color'> || <'text-line-through-mode'> | inherit not defined for shorthand properties all elements no N/A visual
'text-line-through-color' auto | <color> | inherit auto all elements no N/A visual
'text-line-through-mode' continuous | words | inherit continuous all elements no N/A visual
'text-line-through-style' none | solid | double | dotted | thick | dashed | dot-dash | dot-dot-dash | wave | inherit none all elements no N/A visual
'text-overflow' <'text-overflow-mode'> || <'text-overflow-ellipsis'> | inherit not defined for shorthand properties all block-level elements no N/A visual
'text-overflow-ellipsis' [<ellipsis-end> | uri [, <ellipsis-after> | uri]?]?]?] | inherit "..." all block-level elements no N/A visual
'text-overflow-mode' clip | ellipsis | ellipsis-word | inherit clip all block-level elements no N/A visual
'text-overline' <'text-overline-style'> || <'text-overline-color'> || <'text-overline-mode'> | inherit not defined for shorthand properties all elements no N/A visual
'text-overline-color' auto | <color> | inherit auto all elements no N/A visual
'text-overline-mode' continuous | words | inherit continuous all elements no N/A visual
'text-overline-style' none | solid | double | dotted | thick | dashed | dot-dash | dot-dot-dash | wave | inherit none all elements no N/A visual
'text-shadow' none | [<color> || <length> <length> <length>? ,]* [<color> || <length> <length> <length>?] | inherit none all elements no (see prose) N/A visual
'text-space' normal | honor | inherit normal all elements yes N/A visual
'text-transform' capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit none all elements yes N/A visual
'text-underline' <'text-underline-style'> || <'text-underline-color'> || <'text-underline-mode'> || <'text-underline-position'>| inherit not defined for shorthand properties all elements no N/A visual
'text-underline-color' auto | <color> | inherit auto all elements no N/A visual
'text-underline-mode' continuous | words | inherit continuous all elements no N/A visual
'text-underline-position' auto-pos | before | after | inherit auto-pos all elements no N/A visual
'text-underline-style' none | solid | double | dotted | thick | dashed | dot-dash | dot-dot-dash | wave | single-accounting | double-accounting | inherit none all elements no N/A visual
'text-wrap' normal | none | inherit normal all elements yes N/A visual
'unicode-bidi' normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit normal all elements, but see prose no N/A visual
'vertical-align' auto | auto-script | baseline | sub | super | top | text-top | central | middle | bottom | text-bottom | <percentage> | <length> | inherit auto inline-level and 'table-cell' elements no refers to the 'line-height' of the element itself visual
'white-space' normal | pre | nowrap | inherit normal block-level elements yes N/A visual
'word-break' <'word-break-CJK'> || <'word-break-wrap'> || <'word-break-inside'> | inherit see individual properties block-level elements yes N/A visual
'word-break-CJK' normal | break-all | keep-all | inherit normal block-level elements yes N/A visual
'word-break-inside' normal | hyphenate | inherit normal block-level elements yes N/A visual
'word-break-wrap' normal | emergency | inherit normal block-level elements yes N/A visual
'word-spacing' normal | none | <length> | inherit normal all elements yes N/A visual
'writing-mode' lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | tb-lr | bt-rl | bt-lr | lr | rl | tb | inherit lr-tb all elements yes N/A visual

14. Profiles

There are 3 modules defined by this chapter:

CSS1 text model:

CSS2 text model:

CSS3 text model:

The CSS1 text module is made of the following properties/values:

Name Values Initial value Applies to
(Default: all)
Inherited? Percentages
(Default: N/A)
Media groups
'letter-spacing' normal | <length> normal yes N/A
'text-align' left | right | center | justify start block-level elements yes N/A
'text-decoration' none | [ underline || overline || line-through || blink ] none no (see prose) N/A
'text-indent' <length> | <percentage> | inherit 0 block-level elements yes refers to width of containing block N/A
'text-transform' capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit none yes N/A
'vertical-align' baseline | sub | super | top | text-top | middle | bottom | text-bottom | <percentage> baseline inline-level no N/A
'word-spacing' normal | <length> normal N/A
'white-space' normal | pre | nowrap normal block-level elements yes N/A

The following table describes the CSS2 text module. Because all properties have added the 'inherit' value and have a media type, all CSS1 properties have been specified below as well. The properties added are: 'direction', 'text-shadow' and 'unicode-bidi'. In addition the 'text-align' and 'vertical-align' have new values: <string> and <length> respectively. Finally 'vertical-align' also applies to table-cell elements.

.Name Values Initial value Applies to
(Default: all)
Inherited? Percentages
(Default: N/A)
Media groups
'direction' ltr | rtl | inherit ltr all elements, but see prose yes visual
'letter-spacing' normal | <length> | inherit normal yes visual
'text-align' left | right | center | justify | <string> | inherit start block-level elements yes visual
'text-decoration' none | [ underline || overline || line-through || blink] | inherit none no (see prose) visual
'text-indent' <length> | <percentage> | inherit 0 block-level elements yes refers to width of containing block visual
'text-shadow' none | [<color> || <length> <length> <length>? ,]* [<color> || <length> <length> <length>?] | inherit none no (see prose) visual
'text-transform' capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit none yes visual
'unicode-bidi' normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit normal all elements, but see prose no visual
'vertical-align' baseline | sub | super | top | text-top | central | middle | bottom | text-bottom | <percentage> | <length> | inherit baseline inline-level and table-cell elements no visual
'white-space' normal | pre | nowrap | inherit normal block-level elements yes visual
'word-spacing' normal | <length> | inherit normal visual

The CSS3 module add the following properties:

It also modifies the following properties as described:

15. Glossary

37 characters and 4 tone markings used as phonetics in Chinese, especially standard Mandarin.
Subset of the Korean writing system.
Subset of the Korean writing system that utilizes ideographic characters borrowed or adapted from the Chinese writing system. Also see Kanji.
Subset of the Japanese writing system consisting of phonetic characters to represent Japanese words. Also see Katakana.
Ideogram, Ideograph
Character in the Chinese (or East Asian in general) writing system that represents a thing or an idea but not a particular word or phrase for it.
Syllabic subset of the Japanese system of writing that can be used exclusively for writing foreign words or in combination with kanji.
Subset of the Japanese writing system that utilizes ideographic characters borrowed or adapted from Chinese writing. Also see Hanja.
Arabic elongation character.
Subset of the Japanese writing system consisting of phonetic characters used to represent Roman words. Also see Hiragana.
Japanese term for a set (or sets) of line breaking restrictions.
Composite character consisting of up to 5 characters that are reduced in size and combined to fit within the space of a single character.
Logograph, Logogram
Character in the Chinese (or East Asian in general) writing system that represents an entire word.
A run of text that appears in the vicinity of another run of text and serves as an annotation or a pronunciation guide for that text.
"Tate chu yoko"
Run of horizontal text inside of a column of vertical text; frequently used in East Asian documents for displaying certain numbers, such as years.
A run of text of reduced font size that appears inside of a line of text as two lines of equal height and length

Appendix A: Vertical Layout Effect on CSS Properties

Note that the contents of this section are currently under discussion among the XSL, CSS&FP and I18N Working Groups.

In general, the existing [CSS2] properties that imply directionality or position are absolute, i.e. "left" means "left" and "top" means "top" regardless of the writing mode of the page. The purpose of this appendix however is to list the exceptions to that rule and clarify ambiguities. If a property does not appear in this list, it is intended to be interpreted as absolute, i.e. it does not rotate when the layout mode changes.

CSS Property Effect in vertical layout
'background-attachment' relative (logical) in the way that if it is set to 'scroll', then the scrolling of the background will occur in whatever direction the scrolling of the text occurs.
'clear' [see note]
'direction' relative (logical), i.e. ltr implies top-to-bottom character progression in vertical layout
'display' relative (logical), i.e. the values that are directional (table-) are relative to the element orientation as specified by the writing mode.
'float' [see note]
'font-size' relative (logical) i.e. the dimensions of each character rotate with the character
'font-size-adjust' relative (logical) i.e. the dimensions of each character rotate with the character
'font-stretch' relative (logical) i.e. the dimensions of each character rotate with the character
'layout-grid-char' relative to the line direction
'layout-grid-line' relative to the line direction
'letter-spacing' relative (logical), i.e. this controls the amount of spacing between consecutive letters, regardless of whether one follows the other horizontally or vertically
'line-height' relative (logical), i.e. this controls the "height" of a line if horizontal, or the "width", if vertical. In other words, this controls the size of the line in the dimension perpendicular to the baseline.
'list-style-position' relative (logical) i.e. inside/outside do not imply any particular direction. Therefore the positioning of the list bullet that this property controls takes place in the dimension parallel to the baseline.
'marker-offset' relative (logical) i.e. the distance specified here is in the dimension parallel to the baseline
'orphans' relative (logical) i.e. this property counts lines, whichever way they are oriented
'overflow' relative (logical) i.e. if it is set to 'scroll', the scrolling of the contents will occur in whatever direction it is necessary for it to occur.
'page-break-after' relative (logical), since the property does not imply any particular direction. It implies a page break after the element, i.e. in the direction in which the next line of text would appear relative to the previous one.
'page-break-before' relative (logical), since the property does not imply any particular direction. It implies a page break before the element, i.e. in the direction in which the next line of text would appear relative to the last line of the element.
'quotes' relative (logical), the concept of open-quotes and close-quotes is already used in CSS. Note that the quote glyph may vary depending on the glyph-orientation.
'text-align' 'left' and 'right' are physical in horizontal inline progression and UA dependent in vertical inline progression. 'start' and 'end' are always relative.
'text-decoration' relative (logical), i.e. underline and overline are parallel to the baseline. Underline appears on the left side of a vertical column and overline appears on the right
'text-indent' relative (logical), i.e. it affects the amount of spacing before the first letter in a paragraph in the dimension parallel to the baseline
'unicode-bidi' relative (logical), i.e. it affects glyph progression regardless of layout
'vertical-align' relative (logical), top and bottom values maps to before and after-edge values in baseline alignment properties
'widows' relative (logical) in the way that this property counts lines whichever way they are oriented
'word-spacing' relative (logical), i.e. this controls the amount of spacing between consecutive words, regardless of whether one follows the other horizontally or vertically

Editor's note: Clear and float are two properties where the name of the values are really misnomer. 'top' and 'bottom' which have been proposed are pretty much meaningless in a vertical flow. Interpreting them in a relative meaning is also problematic. The editor is suggesting to:

Appendix B: Usage of baseline alignment (informative)

The following appendix shows some examples of baseline alignment, exercising the related properties .

A simple example of alignment is shown in the following figure. The figure shows the presentation of two inline elements, one inside the other. These inline elements make up the content of a line in a block where the writing-mode is "lr-tb" and the font is "Helvetica". The structure of the example is as follows:

<p><span class="outer">Apex <span class="inner">Top</span></span></p>

with the style being defined as:

p { writing-mode: lr-tb; font: Helvetica; }
span { alignment-baseline: auto-script; }

The other baseline alignment initial values apply. Since a horizontal writing-mode is in use, the dominant-baseline-identifier is set to "alphabetic" and the baseline-table is taken from the nominal-font for the block in which the line appears, which, in this case, is Helvetica.

In the figure, the positions of the baselines relative to the current font size are shown as red (staff) lines. These lines are labeled with abbreviations of the names of the baselines (e.g., TBE for "text-before-edge"). The baseline identified by the dominant-baseline-identifier (A) is shown in blue. There is a break in the staff lines to separately show the inner inline element. This is not necessary for this example, but this distinction will become important in subsequent examples.

The "alignment-baseline" property is the primary control on the positioning of an inner element with respect to its parent. The initial value of the "alignment-baseline" property is "baseline". This aligns the dominant-baseline of the inner inline element with the dominant baseline of the outer inline element. This is shown by the short blue line that connects the two separated staffs (A) in the figure.

The glyphs that are in the content of the two elements are aligned based on the script to which the glyph belongs. Since this example only has Latin glyphs, they are aligned to the "alphabetic" baseline.

alphabetic baseline

An inner inline element containing Latin characters aligned to an outer inline element also containing Latin characters.

In the next figure, the content of the inner inline element is in Gurmukhi, the script of the Punjabi language. The Gurmukhi syllables are read as, "guru". Rather than use Unicode values for these characters, they are symbolized by placing the Latin transliteration in italic type. The structure of the example becomes (assuming the same style):

<p><span class="outer">Apex <span class="inner">guru</span></span></p>

The only change from the previous example is that the glyphs of the Gurmukhi script are aligned to the "hanging" baseline of the inner inline element. The alignment of that element itself, with respect to the outer inline element, is unchanged. The "hanging" baseline position is computed from the font-table part of the dominant-baseline set of the parent element (in this case the outer inline element which is getting itself the set from its parent, the block element).

alphabetic alignment

An inner inline element containing Gurmukhi characters aligned to an outer inline element containing Latin characters.

In the next figure, fragments of the text of the previous examples make up the content of the outer inline element. The inner inline element has a change of font-size, however. The structure is:

<p><span class="outer">Apguru <span class="inner">Exji</span></span></p>

with the following style:

p { writing-mode: lr-tb; font: Helvetica; }
span { alignment-baseline: auto-script; }
span.inner { font-size: .75em; }

In this example, the alignment of the inner inline element itself does not change, nor does the alignment of the smaller glyphs inside the inner element. The Latin glyphs are still aligned to the "alphabetic" baseline and the Gurmukhi glyphs, which are pronounced "ji" are aligned to the "hanging" baseline. Note also that just changing the "font-size" property did not change the baseline-table in effect in the inner inline element.

baselines and font size

The inner inline element has a reduced font-size.

The next figure is equivalent to the previous example with the Gurmukhi character replaced by ideographic characters. These are aligned to the "ideographic" baseline.

baselines and font size

The previous figure redone with ideographic glyphs instead of Gurmukhi glyphs. The EM boxes are shown for the ideograms to clarify the alignment of these glyphs.

To change the scaling of the lines of the baseline table, it is necessary to use the "dominant-baseline" property on the inner inline element. The value of "reset-size" causes the baseline-table font-size to be reset from the font-size of the element on which the "dominant-baseline" property appears. The next figure shows the effect of this, using the structure:

<p><span class="outer">Apguru <span class="inner">Exji</span></span></p>

with the following style:

p { writing-mode: lr-tb; font: Helvetica; }
span { alignment-baseline: auto-script; }
span.inner { font-size: .75em; dominant-baseline: reset-size; }

The alignment of the inner inline element, with respect to the outer inline element, is still determined by aligning the dominant baselines (alphabetic). But, the baseline-table of the inner inline element has been rescaled to the font-size of the inner inline element. Hence the smaller glyphs align with each other.

baseline tables

The baseline-table of the inner inline element has been resized to match the font-size of the inner inline element.

But, what if it is more important that the small Gurmukhi glyphs align with the large Gurmukhi glyphs than having the Latin glyphs align. There are at least two ways to achieve this. The structure:

<p><span class="outer">Apguru <span class="inner">Exji</span></span></p>

with the following style:

p { writing-mode: lr-tb; font: Helvetica; }
span { alignment-baseline: auto-script; }
span.outer {dominant-baseline: hanging }
span.inner { font-size: .75em; dominant-baseline: reset-size; }

is illustrated in the next figure. The "hanging" baseline becomes the dominant baseline and the initial value of the "alignment-baseline" property causes the (newly) dominant "hanging" baselines to be aligned as is shown by the connection of the blue baselines.

dominant baseline

Changing the dominant baseline to the "hanging" baseline causes the inner inline element to be aligned on its parent's "hanging" baseline.

It is also possible to achieve the effect of the above figure without changing the dominant baseline. Instead it is sufficient to explicitly specify that the inner inline element is aligned on its "hanging" baseline. This is done by:

<p><span class="outer">Apguru <span class="inner">Exji</span></span></p>

with the following style:

p { writing-mode: lr-tb; font: Helvetica; }
span { alignment-baseline: auto-script; }
span.inner { font-size: .75em; dominant-baseline: reset-size; alignment-baseline: hanging; }

The only change this approach would make in the above figure is to color the "hanging" baseline red and keep the "alphabetic" baseline as the (blue) dominant baseline. This baseline in the inner inline element would not (as it does not in the above figure) align with the "alphabetic" baseline in the outer inline element.

Another baseline alignment property is the "baseline-shift" property. Like the properties other than the "dominant-baseline" property, this property does not change the baseline-table or the baseline-table font-size. It does shift the whole baseline table of the parent element so that when an inner inline element is aligned to one of the parents baselines, the position of the inner inline element is shifted. This is illustrated in the next figure. The structure which creates this figure is:

<p><span class="outer">Apex <span class="inner">1ji</span></span></p>

with the following style:

p { writing-mode: lr-tb; font: Helvetica; }
span { alignment-baseline: auto-script; }
span.inner { baseline-shift: super; }

Because the whole set of baseline-table staff lines are shifted to the position of the superscript baseline: it does not matter to which baseline the glyphs in the superscript are aligned. The European number "1" is aligned to the "alphabetic" baseline and the Gurmukhi syllable "ji" is aligned to the "hanging" baseline.

baseline shift

Using a "baseline-shift" for a superscript (or a subscript).

It is more common for the font-size of the superscript text to be smaller than the font-size of the text to which it is appended. Consider:

<p><span class="outer">Apex <span class="inner">1ji</span></span></p>

with the following style:

p { writing-mode: lr-tb; font: Helvetica; }
span { alignment-baseline: auto-script; }
span.inner { baseline-shift: super; font-size: .75em; }

Because changing the font-size on a superscript (or subscript) is common, this is the one case where changing the font-size does cause the baseline-table font-size to be reset when the "dominant-baseline" property has its initial value. After the rescaling, the default alignment to the dominant baseline positions the inline element for the superscript to the dominant baseline position in the shifted baseline-table of the parent element.

baseline shift

Reducing the font-size of the superscript automatically resets the baseline-table size so that mixed languages in the superscript stay mutually aligned.


This specification would not have been possible without the help from:

Ayman Aldahleh, Stephen Deach, Martin Dürst, Laurie Anna Edlund, Ben Errez, Yaniv Feinberg, Arye Gittelman, Richard Ishida, Koji Ishii, Masayasu Ishikawa, Michael Jochimsen, Eric LeVine, Chris Pratley, Rahul Sonnad, Frank Tang, Chris Thrasher, Masafumi Yabe.


Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 (CSS2) Specification, W3C Recommendation
Bert Bos, Håkon Wium Lie, Chris Lilley and Ian Jacobs, 12 May 1998
Available at: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2
HTML 4.0 Specification, W3C Recommendation
Dave Raggett, Arnaud Le Hors and Ian Jacobs, 18 December 1997, latest revised 24 December 1999
Available at: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40
[ISO 15924]
International Organization for Standardization. ISO 15924:1998. Code for the representation of names of scripts. Draft International Standard.
[SVG 1.0]
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 Specification
John Ferraiolo, 03 March 2000
Available at: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/
The Unicode Standard Version 3.0
The Unicode Consortium, Addison-Wesley, 2000. ISBN 0-201-61633-5
Additional technical reports (including TR#14) available at: http://www.unicode.org/
Line composition rules for Japanese documents
JIS X 4051-1995, Japanese Standards Association, 1995 (in Japanese)
Ruby Annotation, W3C Working Draft
Masayasu Ishikawa (and others), 17 December 1999
Available at: http://www.w3.org/TR/ruby
Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Specification, W3C Working Draft
Stephen Deach, 27 March 2000
Available at: http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl

Changes from Previous Working Draft

Section Comments
2. Text layout
  • writing-mode: minor changes concerning baseline alignments (central instead of ideographic)
  • glyph-orientation-vertical and glyph-orientation-horizontal now use the <angle> unit instead of the <quadrant>. Added text about various levels of conformance.
  • added a 'script' property, makes description of other properties (like text-justify and especially baseline-alignment) easier to describe and also more aligned with XSL
4. Baseline Alignment
  • Pretty much a full rewrite, based on the XSL CR text.
  • 4.1 (baseline information provided by fonts) is derived from XSL section 7.7.1
  • 4.2 (baseline identifiers) is derived from XSL section 7.12 intro
  • All properties description have been intensively edited to better match XSL definition, the minor differences are show at the end of the vertical-align description.
7.4 Text overflow
  • Simplification of the property, it now only deals with end of textual flow (after and end)
  • Provided images to illustrate special cases.
8. Text spacing
  • Added 'none' to word-spacing + minor editing
9. Text decoration
  • Text-decoration is now a shorthand of all other properties
  • Changed all text-...-style initial values to 'none'
  • correct color to say that 'auto' value is determined by color property
10. Document grid
  • Better description of grid-layout-line in respect to inline-box alignment
  • Added text about ruby case (similar to what is done with line-height)
11.2 Punctuation wrap
  • Added text and picture about non East Asian case
11.4 Text fitting
  • Removed
13. Profiles
  • New section, describes CSS1 and CSS2
Annex B Usage of baseline alignment
  • New section, derived from XSL 7.12 intro