Appendix D: ECMAScript
Language Binding
This appendix contains the complete ECMAScript [ECMAScript] binding for the Level
2 Document Object Model HTML definitions.
Note: Exceptions handling is only supported by ECMAScript
implementation conformant with the Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
- Objects that implement the HTMLDOMImplementation
- Objects that implement the HTMLDOMImplementation
interface have all properties and functions of the
DOMImplementation interface as well as the properties and
functions defined below.
- Functions of objects that implement the
HTMLDOMImplementation interface:
- createHTMLDocument(title)
- This function returns an object that implements the
HTMLDocument interface.
The title parameter is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLCollection
- Properties of objects that implement the HTMLCollection
- length
- This read-only property is a Number.
- Functions of objects that implement the HTMLCollection
- item(index)
- This function returns an object that implements the Node
The index parameter is a Number.
Note: This object can also be dereferenced using square
bracket notation (e.g. obj[1]). Dereferencing with an integer
index is equivalent to invoking the item function
with that index.
- namedItem(name)
- This function returns an object that implements the Node
The name parameter is a String.
Note: This object can also be dereferenced using square
bracket notation (e.g. obj["foo"]). Dereferencing using a string
index is equivalent to invoking the namedItem function with
that index.
- Objects that implement the HTMLDocument interface:
- Objects that implement the HTMLDocument interface have
all properties and functions of the Document interface as
well as the properties and functions defined below.
- Properties of objects that implement the HTMLDocument
- title
- This property is a String.
- referrer
- This read-only property is a String.
- domain
- This read-only property is a String.
- This read-only property is a String.
- body
- This property is an object that implements the
HTMLElement interface.
- images
- This read-only property is an object that implements the
HTMLCollection interface.
- applets
- This read-only property is an object that implements the
HTMLCollection interface.
- links
- This read-only property is an object that implements the
HTMLCollection interface.
- forms
- This read-only property is an object that implements the
HTMLCollection interface.
- anchors
- This read-only property is an object that implements the
HTMLCollection interface.
- cookie
- This property is a String and can raise an objewct that
implements DOMException interface on setting.
- Functions of objects that implement the HTMLDocument
- open()
- This function has no return value.
- close()
- This function has no return value.
- write(text)
- This function has no return value.
The text parameter is a String.
- writeln(text)
- This function has no return value.
The text parameter is a String.
- getElementsByName(elementName)
- This function returns an object that implements the
NodeList interface.
The elementName parameter is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLElement interface:
- Objects that implement the HTMLElement interface have
all properties and functions of the Element interface as
well as the properties and functions defined below.
- Properties of objects that implement the HTMLElement
- id
- This property is a String.
- title
- This property is a String.
- lang
- This property is a String.
- dir
- This property is a String.
- className
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLHtmlElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLHtmlElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the HTMLHtmlElement
- version
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLHeadElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLHeadElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the HTMLHeadElement
- profile
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLLinkElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLLinkElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the HTMLLinkElement
- disabled
- This property is a Boolean.
- charset
- This property is a String.
- href
- This property is a String.
- hreflang
- This property is a String.
- media
- This property is a String.
- rel
- This property is a String.
- rev
- This property is a String.
- target
- This property is a String.
- type
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLTitleElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLTitleElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLTitleElement interface:
- text
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLMetaElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLMetaElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the HTMLMetaElement
- content
- This property is a String.
- httpEquiv
- This property is a String.
- name
- This property is a String.
- scheme
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLBaseElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLBaseElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the HTMLBaseElement
- href
- This property is a String.
- target
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLIsIndexElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLIsIndexElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLIsIndexElement interface:
- form
- This read-only property is an object that implements the
HTMLFormElement interface.
- prompt
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLStyleElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLStyleElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLStyleElement interface:
- disabled
- This property is a Boolean.
- media
- This property is a String.
- type
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLBodyElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLBodyElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the HTMLBodyElement
- aLink
- This property is a String.
- background
- This property is a String.
- bgColor
- This property is a String.
- link
- This property is a String.
- text
- This property is a String.
- vLink
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLFormElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLFormElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the HTMLFormElement
- elements
- This read-only property is an object that implements the
HTMLCollection interface.
- length
- This read-only property is a Number.
- name
- This property is a String.
- acceptCharset
- This property is a String.
- action
- This property is a String.
- enctype
- This property is a String.
- method
- This property is a String.
- target
- This property is a String.
- Functions of objects that implement the HTMLFormElement
- submit()
- This function has no return value.
- reset()
- This function has no return value.
- Objects that implement the HTMLSelectElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLSelectElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLSelectElement interface:
- type
- This read-only property is a String.
- selectedIndex
- This property is a Number.
- value
- This property is a String.
- length
- This read-only property is a Number.
- form
- This read-only property is an object that implements the
HTMLFormElement interface.
- options
- This read-only property is an object that implements the
HTMLCollection interface.
- disabled
- This property is a Boolean.
- multiple
- This property is a Boolean.
- name
- This property is a String.
- size
- This property is a Number.
- tabIndex
- This property is a Number.
- Functions of objects that implement the
HTMLSelectElement interface:
- add(element, before)
- This function has no return value.
The element parameter is an object that implements the
HTMLElement interface.
The before parameter is an object that implements the
HTMLElement interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the
DOMException interface.
- remove(index)
- This function has no return value.
The index parameter is a Number.
- blur()
- This function has no return value.
- focus()
- This function has no return value.
- Objects that implement the HTMLOptGroupElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLOptGroupElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLOptGroupElement interface:
- disabled
- This property is a Boolean.
- label
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLOptionElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLOptionElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLOptionElement interface:
- form
- This read-only property is an object that implements the
HTMLFormElement interface.
- defaultSelected
- This property is a Boolean.
- text
- This read-only property is a String.
- index
- This read-only property is a Number.
- disabled
- This property is a Boolean.
- label
- This property is a String.
- selected
- This property is a Boolean.
- value
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLInputElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLInputElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLInputElement interface:
- defaultValue
- This property is a String.
- defaultChecked
- This property is a Boolean.
- form
- This read-only property is an object that implements the
HTMLFormElement interface.
- accept
- This property is a String.
- accessKey
- This property is a String.
- align
- This property is a String.
- alt
- This property is a String.
- checked
- This property is a Boolean.
- disabled
- This property is a Boolean.
- maxLength
- This property is a Number.
- name
- This property is a String.
- readOnly
- This property is a Boolean.
- size
- This property is a String.
- src
- This property is a String.
- tabIndex
- This property is a Number.
- type
- This property is a String.
- useMap
- This property is a String.
- value
- This property is a String.
- Functions of objects that implement the HTMLInputElement
- blur()
- This function has no return value.
- focus()
- This function has no return value.
- select()
- This function has no return value.
- click()
- This function has no return value.
- Objects that implement the HTMLTextAreaElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLTextAreaElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLTextAreaElement interface:
- defaultValue
- This property is a String.
- form
- This read-only property is an object that implements the
HTMLFormElement interface.
- accessKey
- This property is a String.
- cols
- This property is a Number.
- disabled
- This property is a Boolean.
- name
- This property is a String.
- readOnly
- This property is a Boolean.
- rows
- This property is a Number.
- tabIndex
- This property is a Number.
- type
- This read-only property is a String.
- value
- This property is a String.
- Functions of objects that implement the
HTMLTextAreaElement interface:
- blur()
- This function has no return value.
- focus()
- This function has no return value.
- select()
- This function has no return value.
- Objects that implement the HTMLButtonElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLButtonElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLButtonElement interface:
- form
- This read-only property is an object that implements the
HTMLFormElement interface.
- accessKey
- This property is a String.
- disabled
- This property is a Boolean.
- name
- This property is a String.
- tabIndex
- This property is a Number.
- type
- This read-only property is a String.
- value
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLLabelElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLLabelElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLLabelElement interface:
- form
- This read-only property is an object that implements the
HTMLFormElement interface.
- accessKey
- This property is a String.
- htmlFor
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLFieldSetElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLFieldSetElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLFieldSetElement interface:
- form
- This read-only property is an object that implements the
HTMLFormElement interface.
- Objects that implement the HTMLLegendElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLLegendElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLLegendElement interface:
- form
- This read-only property is an object that implements the
HTMLFormElement interface.
- accessKey
- This property is a String.
- align
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLUListElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLUListElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLUListElement interface:
- compact
- This property is a Boolean.
- type
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLOListElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLOListElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLOListElement interface:
- compact
- This property is a Boolean.
- start
- This property is a Number.
- type
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLDListElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLDListElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLDListElement interface:
- compact
- This property is a Boolean.
- Objects that implement the HTMLDirectoryElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLDirectoryElement
interface have all properties and functions of the
HTMLElement interface as well as the properties and
functions defined below.
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLDirectoryElement interface:
- compact
- This property is a Boolean.
- Objects that implement the HTMLMenuElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLMenuElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the HTMLMenuElement
- compact
- This property is a Boolean.
- Objects that implement the HTMLLIElement interface:
- Objects that implement the HTMLLIElement interface have
all properties and functions of the HTMLElement interface as
well as the properties and functions defined below.
- Properties of objects that implement the HTMLLIElement
- type
- This property is a String.
- value
- This property is a Number.
- Objects that implement the HTMLDivElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLDivElement interface have
all properties and functions of the HTMLElement interface as
well as the properties and functions defined below.
- Properties of objects that implement the HTMLDivElement
- align
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLParagraphElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLParagraphElement
interface have all properties and functions of the
HTMLElement interface as well as the properties and
functions defined below.
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLParagraphElement interface:
- align
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLHeadingElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLHeadingElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLHeadingElement interface:
- align
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLQuoteElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLQuoteElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLQuoteElement interface:
- cite
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLPreElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLPreElement interface have
all properties and functions of the HTMLElement interface as
well as the properties and functions defined below.
- Properties of objects that implement the HTMLPreElement
- width
- This property is a Number.
- Objects that implement the HTMLBRElement interface:
- Objects that implement the HTMLBRElement interface have
all properties and functions of the HTMLElement interface as
well as the properties and functions defined below.
- Properties of objects that implement the HTMLBRElement
- clear
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLBaseFontElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLBaseFontElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLBaseFontElement interface:
- color
- This property is a String.
- face
- This property is a String.
- size
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLFontElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLFontElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the HTMLFontElement
- color
- This property is a String.
- face
- This property is a String.
- size
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLHRElement interface:
- Objects that implement the HTMLHRElement interface have
all properties and functions of the HTMLElement interface as
well as the properties and functions defined below.
- Properties of objects that implement the HTMLHRElement
- align
- This property is a String.
- noShade
- This property is a Boolean.
- size
- This property is a String.
- width
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLModElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLModElement interface have
all properties and functions of the HTMLElement interface as
well as the properties and functions defined below.
- Properties of objects that implement the HTMLModElement
- cite
- This property is a String.
- dateTime
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLAnchorElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLAnchorElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLAnchorElement interface:
- accessKey
- This property is a String.
- charset
- This property is a String.
- coords
- This property is a String.
- href
- This property is a String.
- hreflang
- This property is a String.
- name
- This property is a String.
- rel
- This property is a String.
- rev
- This property is a String.
- shape
- This property is a String.
- tabIndex
- This property is a Number.
- target
- This property is a String.
- type
- This property is a String.
- Functions of objects that implement the
HTMLAnchorElement interface:
- blur()
- This function has no return value.
- focus()
- This function has no return value.
- Objects that implement the HTMLImageElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLImageElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLImageElement interface:
- name
- This property is a String.
- align
- This property is a String.
- alt
- This property is a String.
- border
- This property is a Number.
- height
- This property is a Number.
- hspace
- This property is a Number.
- isMap
- This property is a Boolean.
- longDesc
- This property is a String.
- src
- This property is a String.
- useMap
- This property is a String.
- vspace
- This property is a Number.
- width
- This property is a Number.
- Objects that implement the HTMLObjectElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLObjectElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLObjectElement interface:
- code
- This property is a String.
- align
- This property is a String.
- archive
- This property is a String.
- border
- This property is a String.
- codeBase
- This property is a String.
- codeType
- This property is a String.
- data
- This property is a String.
- declare
- This property is a Boolean.
- height
- This property is a String.
- hspace
- This property is a String.
- name
- This property is a String.
- standby
- This property is a String.
- tabIndex
- This property is a Number.
- type
- This property is a String.
- useMap
- This property is a String.
- vspace
- This property is a String.
- width
- This property is a String.
- contentDocument
- This read-only property is an object that implements the
Document interface.
- Objects that implement the HTMLParamElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLParamElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLParamElement interface:
- name
- This property is a String.
- type
- This property is a String.
- value
- This property is a String.
- valueType
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLAppletElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLAppletElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLAppletElement interface:
- align
- This property is a String.
- alt
- This property is a String.
- archive
- This property is a String.
- code
- This property is a String.
- codeBase
- This property is a String.
- height
- This property is a String.
- hspace
- This property is a String.
- name
- This property is a String.
- object
- This property is a String.
- vspace
- This property is a String.
- width
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLMapElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLMapElement interface have
all properties and functions of the HTMLElement interface as
well as the properties and functions defined below.
- Properties of objects that implement the HTMLMapElement
- areas
- This read-only property is an object that implements the
HTMLCollection interface.
- name
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLAreaElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLAreaElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the HTMLAreaElement
- accessKey
- This property is a String.
- alt
- This property is a String.
- coords
- This property is a String.
- href
- This property is a String.
- noHref
- This property is a Boolean.
- shape
- This property is a String.
- tabIndex
- This property is a Number.
- target
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLScriptElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLScriptElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLScriptElement interface:
- text
- This property is a String.
- htmlFor
- This property is a String.
- event
- This property is a String.
- charset
- This property is a String.
- defer
- This property is a Boolean.
- src
- This property is a String.
- type
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLTableElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLTableElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLTableElement interface:
- caption
- This property is an object that implements the
HTMLTableCaptionElement interface.
- tHead
- This property is an object that implements the
HTMLTableSectionElement interface.
- tFoot
- This property is an object that implements the
HTMLTableSectionElement interface.
- rows
- This read-only property is an object that implements the
HTMLCollection interface.
- tBodies
- This read-only property is an object that implements the
HTMLCollection interface.
- align
- This property is a String.
- bgColor
- This property is a String.
- border
- This property is a String.
- cellPadding
- This property is a String.
- cellSpacing
- This property is a String.
- frame
- This property is a String.
- rules
- This property is a String.
- summary
- This property is a String.
- width
- This property is a String.
- Functions of objects that implement the HTMLTableElement
- createTHead()
- This function returns an object that implements the
HTMLElement interface.
- deleteTHead()
- This function has no return value.
- createTFoot()
- This function returns an object that implements the
HTMLElement interface.
- deleteTFoot()
- This function has no return value.
- createCaption()
- This function returns an object that implements the
HTMLElement interface.
- deleteCaption()
- This function has no return value.
- insertRow(index)
- This function returns an object that implements the
HTMLElement interface.
The index parameter is a Number.
This function can raise an object that implements the
DOMException interface.
- deleteRow(index)
- This function has no return value.
The index parameter is a Number.
This function can raise an object that implements the
DOMException interface.
- Objects that implement the HTMLTableCaptionElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLTableCaptionElement
interface have all properties and functions of the
HTMLElement interface as well as the properties and
functions defined below.
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLTableCaptionElement interface:
- align
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLTableColElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLTableColElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLTableColElement interface:
- align
- This property is a String.
- ch
- This property is a String.
- chOff
- This property is a String.
- span
- This property is a Number.
- vAlign
- This property is a String.
- width
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLTableSectionElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLTableSectionElement
interface have all properties and functions of the
HTMLElement interface as well as the properties and
functions defined below.
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLTableSectionElement interface:
- align
- This property is a String.
- ch
- This property is a String.
- chOff
- This property is a String.
- vAlign
- This property is a String.
- rows
- This read-only property is an object that implements the
HTMLCollection interface.
- Functions of objects that implement the
HTMLTableSectionElement interface:
- insertRow(index)
- This function returns an object that implements the
HTMLElement interface.
The index parameter is a Number.
This function can raise an object that implements the
DOMException interface.
- deleteRow(index)
- This function has no return value.
The index parameter is a Number.
This function can raise an object that implements the
DOMException interface.
- Objects that implement the HTMLTableRowElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLTableRowElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLTableRowElement interface:
- rowIndex
- This read-only property is a Number.
- sectionRowIndex
- This read-only property is a Number.
- cells
- This read-only property is an object that implements the
HTMLCollection interface.
- align
- This property is a String.
- bgColor
- This property is a String.
- ch
- This property is a String.
- chOff
- This property is a String.
- vAlign
- This property is a String.
- Functions of objects that implement the
HTMLTableRowElement interface:
- insertCell(index)
- This function returns an object that implements the
HTMLElement interface.
The index parameter is a Number.
This function can raise an object that implements the
DOMException interface.
- deleteCell(index)
- This function has no return value.
The index parameter is a Number.
This function can raise an object that implements the
DOMException interface.
- Objects that implement the HTMLTableCellElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLTableCellElement
interface have all properties and functions of the
HTMLElement interface as well as the properties and
functions defined below.
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLTableCellElement interface:
- cellIndex
- This read-only property is a Number.
- abbr
- This property is a String.
- align
- This property is a String.
- axis
- This property is a String.
- bgColor
- This property is a String.
- ch
- This property is a String.
- chOff
- This property is a String.
- colSpan
- This property is a Number.
- headers
- This property is a String.
- height
- This property is a String.
- noWrap
- This property is a Boolean.
- rowSpan
- This property is a Number.
- scope
- This property is a String.
- vAlign
- This property is a String.
- width
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLFrameSetElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLFrameSetElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLFrameSetElement interface:
- cols
- This property is a String.
- rows
- This property is a String.
- Objects that implement the HTMLFrameElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLFrameElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLFrameElement interface:
- frameBorder
- This property is a String.
- longDesc
- This property is a String.
- marginHeight
- This property is a String.
- marginWidth
- This property is a String.
- name
- This property is a String.
- noResize
- This property is a Boolean.
- scrolling
- This property is a String.
- src
- This property is a String.
- contentDocument
- This read-only property is an object that implements the
Document interface.
- Objects that implement the HTMLIFrameElement
- Objects that implement the HTMLIFrameElement interface
have all properties and functions of the HTMLElement
interface as well as the properties and functions defined
- Properties of objects that implement the
HTMLIFrameElement interface:
- align
- This property is a String.
- frameBorder
- This property is a String.
- height
- This property is a String.
- longDesc
- This property is a String.
- marginHeight
- This property is a String.
- marginWidth
- This property is a String.
- name
- This property is a String.
- scrolling
- This property is a String.
- src
- This property is a String.
- width
- This property is a String.
- contentDocument
- This read-only property is an object that implements the
Document interface.
HTMLAnchorElement objects in String
expressions are
evaluated as HTMLAnchorElement.href
For example:
alert(" The absolute URI is " + myAnchorElement);
is equivalent to
alert(" The absolute URI is " + myAnchorElement.href);