Appendix D: ECMA Script Language Binding
This appendix contains the complete ECMA Script [ECMAScript] binding for the Level 2 Document Object Model HTML
Exceptions handling is only supported by ECMAScript implementation
compliant with the Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition ([ECMAScript]).
- Object HTMLDOMImplementation
- HTMLDOMImplementation has the all the properties and methods of DOMImplementation as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLDOMImplementation object has the following methods:
- createHTMLDocument(title)
- This method returns a HTMLDocument.
The title parameter is of type String.
- Object HTMLCollection
- The HTMLCollection object has the following properties:
- length
This read-only property is of type int.
- The HTMLCollection object has the following methods:
- item(index)
- This method returns a Node.
The index parameter is of type int.
Note: This object can also be dereferenced using square bracket notation (e.g. obj[1]). Dereferencing with an integer index is equivalent to invoking the item method with that index.
- namedItem(name)
- This method returns a Node.
The name parameter is of type String.
Note: This object can also be dereferenced using square bracket notation (e.g. obj["foo"]). Dereferencing using a string index is equivalent to invoking the namedItem method with that index.
- Object HTMLDocument
- HTMLDocument has the all the properties and methods of Document as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLDocument object has the following properties:
- title
This property is of type String.
- referrer
This read-only property is of type String.
- domain
This read-only property is of type String.
This read-only property is of type String.
- body
This property is of type HTMLElement.
- images
This read-only property is of type HTMLCollection.
- applets
This read-only property is of type HTMLCollection.
- links
This read-only property is of type HTMLCollection.
- forms
This read-only property is of type HTMLCollection.
- anchors
This read-only property is of type HTMLCollection.
- cookie
This property is of type String.
- The HTMLDocument object has the following methods:
- open()
- This method has no return value.
- close()
- This method has no return value.
- write(text)
- This method has no return value.
The text parameter is of type String.
- writeln(text)
- This method has no return value.
The text parameter is of type String.
- getElementsByName(elementName)
- This method returns a NodeList.
The elementName parameter is of type String.
- Object HTMLElement
- HTMLElement has the all the properties and methods of Element as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLElement object has the following properties:
- id
This property is of type String.
- title
This property is of type String.
- lang
This property is of type String.
- dir
This property is of type String.
- className
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLHtmlElement
- HTMLHtmlElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLHtmlElement object has the following properties:
- version
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLHeadElement
- HTMLHeadElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLHeadElement object has the following properties:
- profile
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLLinkElement
- HTMLLinkElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLLinkElement object has the following properties:
- disabled
This property is of type boolean.
- charset
This property is of type String.
- href
This property is of type String.
- hreflang
This property is of type String.
- media
This property is of type String.
- rel
This property is of type String.
- rev
This property is of type String.
- target
This property is of type String.
- type
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLTitleElement
- HTMLTitleElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLTitleElement object has the following properties:
- text
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLMetaElement
- HTMLMetaElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLMetaElement object has the following properties:
- content
This property is of type String.
- httpEquiv
This property is of type String.
- name
This property is of type String.
- scheme
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLBaseElement
- HTMLBaseElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLBaseElement object has the following properties:
- href
This property is of type String.
- target
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLIsIndexElement
- HTMLIsIndexElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLIsIndexElement object has the following properties:
- form
This read-only property is of type HTMLFormElement.
- prompt
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLStyleElement
- HTMLStyleElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLStyleElement object has the following properties:
- disabled
This property is of type boolean.
- media
This property is of type String.
- type
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLBodyElement
- HTMLBodyElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLBodyElement object has the following properties:
- aLink
This property is of type String.
- background
This property is of type String.
- bgColor
This property is of type String.
- link
This property is of type String.
- text
This property is of type String.
- vLink
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLFormElement
- HTMLFormElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLFormElement object has the following properties:
- elements
This read-only property is of type HTMLCollection.
- length
This read-only property is of type long.
- name
This property is of type String.
- acceptCharset
This property is of type String.
- action
This property is of type String.
- enctype
This property is of type String.
- method
This property is of type String.
- target
This property is of type String.
- The HTMLFormElement object has the following methods:
- submit()
- This method has no return value.
- reset()
- This method has no return value.
- Object HTMLSelectElement
- HTMLSelectElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLSelectElement object has the following properties:
- type
This read-only property is of type String.
- selectedIndex
This property is of type long.
- value
This property is of type String.
- length
This read-only property is of type long.
- form
This read-only property is of type HTMLFormElement.
- options
This read-only property is of type HTMLCollection.
- disabled
This property is of type boolean.
- multiple
This property is of type boolean.
- name
This property is of type String.
- size
This property is of type long.
- tabIndex
This property is of type long.
- The HTMLSelectElement object has the following methods:
- add(element, before)
- This method has no return value.
The element parameter is of type HTMLElement.
The before parameter is of type HTMLElement.
This method can raise a DOMException.
- remove(index)
- This method has no return value.
The index parameter is of type long.
- blur()
- This method has no return value.
- focus()
- This method has no return value.
- Object HTMLOptGroupElement
- HTMLOptGroupElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLOptGroupElement object has the following properties:
- disabled
This property is of type boolean.
- label
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLOptionElement
- HTMLOptionElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLOptionElement object has the following properties:
- form
This read-only property is of type HTMLFormElement.
- defaultSelected
This property is of type boolean.
- text
This read-only property is of type String.
- index
This read-only property is of type long.
- disabled
This property is of type boolean.
- label
This property is of type String.
- selected
This property is of type boolean.
- value
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLInputElement
- HTMLInputElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLInputElement object has the following properties:
- defaultValue
This property is of type String.
- defaultChecked
This property is of type boolean.
- form
This read-only property is of type HTMLFormElement.
- accept
This property is of type String.
- accessKey
This property is of type String.
- align
This property is of type String.
- alt
This property is of type String.
- checked
This property is of type boolean.
- disabled
This property is of type boolean.
- maxLength
This property is of type long.
- name
This property is of type String.
- readOnly
This property is of type boolean.
- size
This property is of type String.
- src
This property is of type String.
- tabIndex
This property is of type long.
- type
This property is of type String.
- useMap
This property is of type String.
- value
This property is of type String.
- The HTMLInputElement object has the following methods:
- blur()
- This method has no return value.
- focus()
- This method has no return value.
- select()
- This method has no return value.
- click()
- This method has no return value.
- Object HTMLTextAreaElement
- HTMLTextAreaElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLTextAreaElement object has the following properties:
- defaultValue
This property is of type String.
- form
This read-only property is of type HTMLFormElement.
- accessKey
This property is of type String.
- cols
This property is of type long.
- disabled
This property is of type boolean.
- name
This property is of type String.
- readOnly
This property is of type boolean.
- rows
This property is of type long.
- tabIndex
This property is of type long.
- type
This read-only property is of type String.
- value
This property is of type String.
- The HTMLTextAreaElement object has the following methods:
- blur()
- This method has no return value.
- focus()
- This method has no return value.
- select()
- This method has no return value.
- Object HTMLButtonElement
- HTMLButtonElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLButtonElement object has the following properties:
- form
This read-only property is of type HTMLFormElement.
- accessKey
This property is of type String.
- disabled
This property is of type boolean.
- name
This property is of type String.
- tabIndex
This property is of type long.
- type
This read-only property is of type String.
- value
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLLabelElement
- HTMLLabelElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLLabelElement object has the following properties:
- form
This read-only property is of type HTMLFormElement.
- accessKey
This property is of type String.
- htmlFor
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLFieldSetElement
- HTMLFieldSetElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLFieldSetElement object has the following properties:
- form
This read-only property is of type HTMLFormElement.
- Object HTMLLegendElement
- HTMLLegendElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLLegendElement object has the following properties:
- form
This read-only property is of type HTMLFormElement.
- accessKey
This property is of type String.
- align
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLUListElement
- HTMLUListElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLUListElement object has the following properties:
- compact
This property is of type boolean.
- type
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLOListElement
- HTMLOListElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLOListElement object has the following properties:
- compact
This property is of type boolean.
- start
This property is of type long.
- type
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLDListElement
- HTMLDListElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLDListElement object has the following properties:
- compact
This property is of type boolean.
- Object HTMLDirectoryElement
- HTMLDirectoryElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLDirectoryElement object has the following properties:
- compact
This property is of type boolean.
- Object HTMLMenuElement
- HTMLMenuElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLMenuElement object has the following properties:
- compact
This property is of type boolean.
- Object HTMLLIElement
- HTMLLIElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLLIElement object has the following properties:
- type
This property is of type String.
- value
This property is of type long.
- Object HTMLDivElement
- HTMLDivElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLDivElement object has the following properties:
- align
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLParagraphElement
- HTMLParagraphElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLParagraphElement object has the following properties:
- align
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLHeadingElement
- HTMLHeadingElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLHeadingElement object has the following properties:
- align
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLQuoteElement
- HTMLQuoteElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLQuoteElement object has the following properties:
- cite
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLPreElement
- HTMLPreElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLPreElement object has the following properties:
- width
This property is of type long.
- Object HTMLBRElement
- HTMLBRElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLBRElement object has the following properties:
- clear
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLBaseFontElement
- HTMLBaseFontElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLBaseFontElement object has the following properties:
- color
This property is of type String.
- face
This property is of type String.
- size
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLFontElement
- HTMLFontElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLFontElement object has the following properties:
- color
This property is of type String.
- face
This property is of type String.
- size
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLHRElement
- HTMLHRElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLHRElement object has the following properties:
- align
This property is of type String.
- noShade
This property is of type boolean.
- size
This property is of type String.
- width
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLModElement
- HTMLModElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLModElement object has the following properties:
- cite
This property is of type String.
- dateTime
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLAnchorElement
- HTMLAnchorElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLAnchorElement object has the following properties:
- accessKey
This property is of type String.
- charset
This property is of type String.
- coords
This property is of type String.
- href
This property is of type String.
- hreflang
This property is of type String.
- name
This property is of type String.
- rel
This property is of type String.
- rev
This property is of type String.
- shape
This property is of type String.
- tabIndex
This property is of type long.
- target
This property is of type String.
- type
This property is of type String.
- The HTMLAnchorElement object has the following methods:
- blur()
- This method has no return value.
- focus()
- This method has no return value.
- Object HTMLImageElement
- HTMLImageElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLImageElement object has the following properties:
- lowSrc
This property is of type String.
- name
This property is of type String.
- align
This property is of type String.
- alt
This property is of type String.
- border
This property is of type String.
- height
This property is of type String.
- hspace
This property is of type String.
- isMap
This property is of type boolean.
- longDesc
This property is of type String.
- src
This property is of type String.
- useMap
This property is of type String.
- vspace
This property is of type String.
- width
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLObjectElement
- HTMLObjectElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLObjectElement object has the following properties:
- form
This read-only property is of type HTMLFormElement.
- code
This property is of type String.
- align
This property is of type String.
- archive
This property is of type String.
- border
This property is of type String.
- codeBase
This property is of type String.
- codeType
This property is of type String.
- data
This property is of type String.
- declare
This property is of type boolean.
- height
This property is of type String.
- hspace
This property is of type String.
- name
This property is of type String.
- standby
This property is of type String.
- tabIndex
This property is of type long.
- type
This property is of type String.
- useMap
This property is of type String.
- vspace
This property is of type String.
- width
This property is of type String.
- contentDocument
This read-only property is of type Document.
- Object HTMLParamElement
- HTMLParamElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLParamElement object has the following properties:
- name
This property is of type String.
- type
This property is of type String.
- value
This property is of type String.
- valueType
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLAppletElement
- HTMLAppletElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLAppletElement object has the following properties:
- align
This property is of type String.
- alt
This property is of type String.
- archive
This property is of type String.
- code
This property is of type String.
- codeBase
This property is of type String.
- height
This property is of type String.
- hspace
This property is of type String.
- name
This property is of type String.
- object
This property is of type String.
- vspace
This property is of type String.
- width
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLMapElement
- HTMLMapElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLMapElement object has the following properties:
- areas
This read-only property is of type HTMLCollection.
- name
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLAreaElement
- HTMLAreaElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLAreaElement object has the following properties:
- accessKey
This property is of type String.
- alt
This property is of type String.
- coords
This property is of type String.
- href
This property is of type String.
- noHref
This property is of type boolean.
- shape
This property is of type String.
- tabIndex
This property is of type long.
- target
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLScriptElement
- HTMLScriptElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLScriptElement object has the following properties:
- text
This property is of type String.
- htmlFor
This property is of type String.
- event
This property is of type String.
- charset
This property is of type String.
- defer
This property is of type boolean.
- src
This property is of type String.
- type
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLTableElement
- HTMLTableElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLTableElement object has the following properties:
- caption
This property is of type HTMLTableCaptionElement.
- tHead
This property is of type HTMLTableSectionElement.
- tFoot
This property is of type HTMLTableSectionElement.
- rows
This read-only property is of type HTMLCollection.
- tBodies
This read-only property is of type HTMLCollection.
- align
This property is of type String.
- bgColor
This property is of type String.
- border
This property is of type String.
- cellPadding
This property is of type String.
- cellSpacing
This property is of type String.
- frame
This property is of type String.
- rules
This property is of type String.
- summary
This property is of type String.
- width
This property is of type String.
- The HTMLTableElement object has the following methods:
- createTHead()
- This method returns a HTMLElement.
- deleteTHead()
- This method has no return value.
- createTFoot()
- This method returns a HTMLElement.
- deleteTFoot()
- This method has no return value.
- createCaption()
- This method returns a HTMLElement.
- deleteCaption()
- This method has no return value.
- insertRow(index)
- This method returns a HTMLElement.
The index parameter is of type long.
This method can raise a DOMException.
- deleteRow(index)
- This method has no return value.
The index parameter is of type long.
This method can raise a DOMException.
- Object HTMLTableCaptionElement
- HTMLTableCaptionElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLTableCaptionElement object has the following properties:
- align
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLTableColElement
- HTMLTableColElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLTableColElement object has the following properties:
- align
This property is of type String.
- ch
This property is of type String.
- chOff
This property is of type String.
- span
This property is of type long.
- vAlign
This property is of type String.
- width
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLTableSectionElement
- HTMLTableSectionElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLTableSectionElement object has the following properties:
- align
This property is of type String.
- ch
This property is of type String.
- chOff
This property is of type String.
- vAlign
This property is of type String.
- rows
This read-only property is of type HTMLCollection.
- The HTMLTableSectionElement object has the following methods:
- insertRow(index)
- This method returns a HTMLElement.
The index parameter is of type long.
This method can raise a DOMException.
- deleteRow(index)
- This method has no return value.
The index parameter is of type long.
This method can raise a DOMException.
- Object HTMLTableRowElement
- HTMLTableRowElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLTableRowElement object has the following properties:
- rowIndex
This read-only property is of type long.
- sectionRowIndex
This read-only property is of type long.
- cells
This read-only property is of type HTMLCollection.
- align
This property is of type String.
- bgColor
This property is of type String.
- ch
This property is of type String.
- chOff
This property is of type String.
- vAlign
This property is of type String.
- The HTMLTableRowElement object has the following methods:
- insertCell(index)
- This method returns a HTMLElement.
The index parameter is of type long.
This method can raise a DOMException.
- deleteCell(index)
- This method has no return value.
The index parameter is of type long.
This method can raise a DOMException.
- Object HTMLTableCellElement
- HTMLTableCellElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLTableCellElement object has the following properties:
- cellIndex
This read-only property is of type long.
- abbr
This property is of type String.
- align
This property is of type String.
- axis
This property is of type String.
- bgColor
This property is of type String.
- ch
This property is of type String.
- chOff
This property is of type String.
- colSpan
This property is of type long.
- headers
This property is of type String.
- height
This property is of type String.
- noWrap
This property is of type boolean.
- rowSpan
This property is of type long.
- scope
This property is of type String.
- vAlign
This property is of type String.
- width
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLFrameSetElement
- HTMLFrameSetElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLFrameSetElement object has the following properties:
- cols
This property is of type String.
- rows
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLFrameElement
- HTMLFrameElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLFrameElement object has the following properties:
- frameBorder
This property is of type String.
- longDesc
This property is of type String.
- marginHeight
This property is of type String.
- marginWidth
This property is of type String.
- name
This property is of type String.
- noResize
This property is of type boolean.
- scrolling
This property is of type String.
- src
This property is of type String.
- contentDocument
This read-only property is of type Document.
- Object HTMLIFrameElement
- HTMLIFrameElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLIFrameElement object has the following properties:
- align
This property is of type String.
- frameBorder
This property is of type String.
- height
This property is of type String.
- longDesc
This property is of type String.
- marginHeight
This property is of type String.
- marginWidth
This property is of type String.
- name
This property is of type String.
- scrolling
This property is of type String.
- src
This property is of type String.
- width
This property is of type String.
- contentDocument
This read-only property is of type Document.