Test Traffic Measurement Project
                              Security Document

                         Olaf Kolkman (okolkman@ripe.net)
                         Henk Uijterwaal (henk@ripe.net)

                                  RIPE NCC
                               March 27, 1998

                            Document: RIPE-179.ps
                                Version: 1.0

1 Introduction

This document is part of a series that describes the design, setup and
implementation of the Test-Traffic project at the RIPE-NCC [1]. Here we
will discuss the security issues that are relevant to the test-traffic
measurement program. This is a dynamic document, which will be updated when
need arrises.

The test-traffic measurement boxes are connected to networks that are vital
for ISP operations. Some of the security issues that come to mind when
thinking about of hosting such a box are:

   * Use of the test-boxes to generate a very high load on the network.
     (Denial of service attack).
   * Using the test-box as a stepping stone to other machines in the
   * Using the box as a packet sniffer. However, if a measurement machine
     should be compromised it will not be useful for packet sniffing if it
     is on a switched network. If there is the possibility to put the
     test-traffic machine in a switched network we advice to do so.

These kind of 'attacks' can only be done by persons having control over the
test-measurement box. In the section 2 we describe how we secure the
test-boxes so that only authorized personnel can access the machines.

Not important for the day-to-say operation of the hosting ISP but important
to the project itself is the issue of data integrity. In section 3 we will
address the issues that have to do with the measurements itself.

2 Securing the test-boxes

Our policy is to implement mechanisms and procedures so that only authorized
personnel has access to the machine. To check the success of these measures
we constantly monitor the system on unauthorized changes.

2.1 The OS

The operating system we the test-boxes is FreeBSD 2.2. Since this operating
system is freely available, `hackers' might find security holes faster than
in proprietary systems. On the other hand there is a broad user base that
checks and upgrades the system if needed. The open nature of the OS also
implies that the security policy cannot be based on 'security through

We actively track the mailing list and web sites on FreeBSD security issues
and immediately take action when security holes are discovered.

2.2 Access

The machine is accessible via the network and physically through the use of
a console.

2.2.1 Physical access

Physical access to the machine should be restricted to persons that are
trusted by the network operator where the box is positioned. The network
operator should realize that somebody with access to the machine and proper
knowledge can become root without difficulty.

Technical contacts at the site should only connect a console to the test-box
when asked by RIPE NCC personnel. (See appendix A for further information on
how such a request will be made)

2.2.2 Network access

Only ssh connections are allowed to and from the machine

Access to a user shell on the machine over the network can only be
established using ssh [2]. The authentication takes place over an encrypted
channel using RSA based authentication.

In order to reduce the risk exploits of (yet unknown) bugs in network
daemons all the services except those that are strictly necessary for
operations have been disabled. The disabled services include all the daemons
from the rsh suite, telnetd and ftpd. Services 'listening' to specific ports
are specified in table 1

                         Table 1: Services listening
                             to external traffic

                       protocol  protocol port number

                       tcp       ssh      22

                       udp       ntp      123

                                 syslog   514

                                 router   520

To reduce the risk that a compromised system is used as a stepping stone we
removed most of the network client programs (telnet, ftp etc) and utilities
such as compilers. Note, however, that these measures do not provide
security as such; a powerful shell language like Perl needs to remain on the
system for the measurement software, can be used for any network client or
server task. We believe that the disabling of these services has a delaying
and hopefully discouraging effect on trespassers.

2.3 System Monitoring

The system is monitored using scripts that

   * Check on the file system content,
   * Check on change of file permissions and ownership.
   * Check general system health (availability of resources etc).

The data generated by these scripts is collected and checked at by the
test-traffic operators on a regular basis.

2.4 Additional comments

If we notice that a machine has been compromised we will contact the local
technical contact (see section A) and take appropriate actions. If a
technical contact at the ISP has a strong suspicion of a hacking attempt
originating from our test-box at his site, he may switch the system off (see
appendix B). We prefer you contact our operation staff first before
performing an emergency system stop, but always contact us after a security
related event.

The hosting ISP's can increase security in the following ways.

   * Place the measurement machine in a locked rack in an area with access
   * Be careful not to add the host name or IP address of the test-box in
     local configuration files. (As a bad example, you might run scripts
     that use your zone file as an input for /etc/host.equiv).

Please notify us when you are applying (router) filters. This will allow us
to perform more efficient trouble shooting.

3 Measurement integrity

Measurement may be influenced either per accident or my malicious intend.
Although we consider this very improbable, we can think of the following

   * Modification of time on the test-boxes. This might be done through the
     use of the ntp daemon control program xntpdc. As a countermeasure we
     only accept control commands from xntpdc after proper authentication.
   * Denial of service attacks on the test-box or the local network. In
     cases this becomes an issue countermeasures can be configuring in
     routers of the hosting ISP.
   * Benchmark optimizing. Although we consider this kind of attack very
     improbable we implemented handles in the software design to somewhat
     disguise the measurement packets.

In general, the data will constantly monitor on internal consistency.


1    H. Uijterwaal, O. Kolkman, ``Internet Delay Measurements using
     Test-Traffic, Design Note'', RIPE-158 .

2    T. Ylonen, ``The SSH (Secure Shell) Remote Login Protocol'', See
     http://www.cs.hut.fi/ssh/RFC for the current work on the RFC. The Unix
     implementation available from ftp://ftp.cs.hut.fi:/pub/ssh

Document history

   * December, 1997. Olaf Kolkman. First draft release version 0a.
   * February 5, 1998. Olaf Kolkman. Second draft release version 0b.
   * February 28, 1998. Olaf Kolkman. Public release, version 1.0.
   * March 27, 1998. Henk Uijterwaal. Put in RIPE document store.

A Procedure: Request for local support

The test-measurement boxes do not need any support from the local technical
contact during normal operations. In the rare events that local support is
needed the RIPE NCC operators will contact the local technical contact with
a request for local support.

You can expect requests for operations by letter, email, phone or fax.
Please check the identity of the requester in one of the following ways.

   * Some requests for operations will come with a reference to the
     test-traffic web-site (http://www.ripe.net/test-traffic). If you do not
     find information concerning the request than do not perform any action
     on the test-traffic box but send a mail to ops-tt@ripe.net
   * If the request is received by e-mail please check the PGP signature.
   * If the request is done by surface-mail, fax or telephone please call
     the RIPE NCC for confirmation. Telephone numbers can be found on our
     web-page or in section C.

If you doubt the reliability of a request please contact the test-traffic

B Procedure: Emergency shutdown

Halting the machine is a task that is preferably performed by the
test-traffic operator. However there might be cases a system needs to be
shutdown. In the case such a emergency shutdown is needed proceed as

   * connect a keyboard and monitor to the box.
   * Give the 3 finger salute (ctrl-alt-del)
   * Contact the Ripe NCC test-traffic operators.

A power-cycle will normally be sufficient to reboot the machine.

C Test Traffic Contact information

 Address:         RIPE NCC

                  Test Traffic Measurement Project

                  Singel 258

                  1016 AB Amsterdam

                  The Netherlands

 Telephone:       +31 20 5354444

 Fax:             +31 20 5354445

 email:           ops-tt@ripe.net (for operational issues)

                  tt-project@ripe.net (for other issues)

 URL:             http://www.ripe.net/test-traffic

 Project Members: Henk Uijterwaal

                  Olaf Kolkman

                  Daniel Karrenberg

 PGP Fingerprint  pub 1024/861884CD 1998/02/05

                  RIPE NCC Test Traffic Project

                  Key fingerprint =

                  97 B5 07 E3 66 23 FA 35 9C 5B A3 07 00 6D B7 36