From: Shaden Smith shaden@cs.umn.edu
Date: November 11, 2015
Subject: Announcing SPLATT v1.0
We would like to announce the version 1.0 release of the Surprisingly
ParalleL spArse Tensor Toolkit (SPLATT). SPLATT is open source
software for factoring large, sparse tensors with an arbitrary number
of modes. SPLATT is a hybrid MPI+OpenMP code and thus exploits both
shared- and distributed-memory parallelism.
SPLATT is written in C and ships with an executable, GNU Octave/Matlab
interface, and C/C++ API. Primary functionality in version 1.0 is
computation of the Canonical Polyadic Decomposition, also known as
CANDECOMP/PARAFAC. With this computation we also export a kernel for
Matricized Tensor Times Khatri-Rao Product (MTTKRP), which can be used
in other tensor codes.
Information about SPLATT is available at:
From: Timo Betcke t.betcke@ucl.ac.uk
Date: November 16, 2015
Subject: BEM++ 3.0 Released
We are happy to announce the release of BEM++ 3.0. BEM++ is a Python
based Galerkin boundary element library for three dimensional Laplace,
Helmholtz and Maxwell problems. Notable features of version 3.0
- Built-in H-Matrix compression
- Support for FEM/BEM coupling for scalar problems with FEniCS
- High-Frequency OSRC Preconditioners for Helmholtz
- Operator preconditioning on dual grids
- Initial support for multitrace operators
- Redevelopment of the Python interface to support Python 2 and 3
- Core assembly routines implemented in C++ with support for
multithreading using Intel TBB
- Several online tutorials in IPython Notebook format
- Novel website and documentation
For source and binary image downloads and the full documentation
please visit http://www.bempp.org .
From: Bruce Bailey Bailey@siam.org
Date: November 06, 2015
Subject: New Book, Variational Methods for Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Elliptic Problems
Variational Methods for the Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Elliptic
Problems, by Roland Glowinski.
xx + 462 pages / Softcover / ISBN 978-1-611973-77-8 / List Price $79.00
/ CBMS & SIAM Member Price $55.30 / Order Code CB86
The author addresses computational methods that have proven efficient
for the solution of a large variety of nonlinear elliptic
problems. These methods can be applied to many problems in science and
engineering, but this book focuses on their application to problems in
continuum mechanics and physics.
This book differs from others on the topic by presenting examples of
the power and versatility of operator-splitting methods; providing a
detailed introduction to alternating direction methods of multipliers
and their applicability to the solution of nonlinear (possibly
nonsmooth) problems from science and engineering; and showing that
nonlinear least-squares methods, combined with operator-splitting and
conjugate gradient algorithms, provide efficient tools for the
solution of highly nonlinear problems.
To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, preface, and index, please visit
From: Anja Milde anja.milde@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
Date: November 09, 2015
Subject: Modeling Day Rhein-Neckar on Open Data, Germany, Dec 2015
10th Modeling Day Rhein-Neckar on "Open Data"
December 3, 2015 - 2PM
Print Media Academy
Kurfürstenanlage 52-60
69115 Heidelberg, GERMANY
The HGS MathComp's 10th Modeling Day on "Open Data" takes place on
December 3, 2015, at the Print Media Academy in Heidelberg. The
half-day event starts at 2PM and offers a platform for both
practitioners and scientists to discuss innovations, determine
similarities and differences of applied modeling approaches, as well
as maintain mutual exchange of experiences.
This Modeling Day addresses questions concerning the topic "Open Data"
and offers a variety of possibilities for discussion with
representatives in the field.
With impulse talks we shed light on the subject from different
perspectives, and debate opportunities and risks:
- Principles of publishing Open Data
- Benefits and downside of Open Data for companies
- Quality Management in Open Data projects
- Business models based on Open Data
The Modeling Day will solely be held in German.
Participation is free of charge. Registration is kindly requested.
From: Esmond G. Ng EGNg@lbl.gov
Date: November 09, 2015
Subject: DOE Computational Climate Science, USA, Jan 2016
A workshop to discuss bold, new computational ideas to address longer-
term science needs for climate modeling is being convened January 26-
28, 2016 in Rockville, MD. As the climate science community explores a
host of critical science questions to be answered over the next 10+
years, with the aim of informing stakeholders about the ongoing
changes in global and local climate, there is a growing recognition of
the expanding requirements for multiscale, global, coupled Earth
system models. We expect them to provide much more detail and
fidelity, with a much better understanding of their uncertainties,
while still executing robustly and efficiently on ever larger and more
complex computing systems.
The DOE Office of Science BER and ASCR programs are sponsoring the
event, titled "Advancing Cross-cutting Ideas for Computational Climate
Science", or AXICCS 2016. It is a grassroots effort to generate fresh
thinking that will mold the optimal science directions and motivate
the latest and as yet to be uncovered ASCR developments that will be
required to handle new requirements. A report outlining the
challenges, strategies to address them, and possible avenues for
execution will be one of the outcomes of the event. A website with
details and logistics will be provided shortly.
A key aspect to achieve the workshop goals is to brainstorm before the
event, and to accomplish this we are soliciting community input in the
form of "ideas" papers. Overall space at the event is limited, but we
plan to accommodate the lead authors of these ideas papers via a
presentation (oral or poster) and acknowledgement in the workshop
report. Some of those selected will be included in the workshop
write-up. Details about the format for the ideas papers and templates
to download are provided at
http://www.csm.ornl.gov/workshops/AXICCS/paper.html. Ideas papers
must be submitted through a link to EasyChair no later than 5:00pm
Eastern Time on Nov 24, 2015, and official invitations to present will
be sent to selected lead authors by Dec 9, 2015. Attendees will need
to cover their own travel expenses.
From: Michele Ruggeri michele.ruggeri@tuwien.ac.at
Date: November 16, 2015
Subject: Micromagnetics: Analysis, Numerics, Applications, Austria, Feb 2016
"Micromagnetics: Analysis, Numerics, Applications (MANA 2016)" will be
held on February 18-19 at TU Wien (Vienna, Austria). The aim of the
workshop is to bring together some of the leading researchers working
in micromagnetics, and initiate intensive idea exchanges and possibly
new collaborations. The workshop will consist of 12 invited talks and
a poster presentation.
Confirmed speakers:
- Lubomir Banas (Bielefeld, Germany)
- Gilles Carbou (Pau, France)
- Michael J. Donahue (NIST, USA)
- Carlos J. Garcia-Cervera (Santa Barbara, USA)
- Gino Hrkac (Exeter, UK)
- Martin Kruzik (Prague, Czech Republic)
- Christof Melcher (Aachen, Germany)
- Andreas Prohl (Tuebingen, Germany)
- Thomas Schrefl (Krems, Austria)
- Claudio Serpico (Naples, Italy)
- Franck Sueur (Bordeaux, France)
- Thanh Tran (Sydney, Australia)
Organizers: Dirk Praetorius, Michele Ruggeri (TU Wien)
Registration deadline: January 15, 2016
The tentative program as well as information about the registration
procedure and the submission of posters can be found at the workshop
webpage: http://www.asc.tuwien.ac.at/~praetorius/mana2016/
From: Hans De Sterck hans.desterck@monash.edu
Date: November 16, 2015
Subject: Monash Workshop on Numerical PDEs, Australia, Feb 2016
The first "Monash Workshop on Numerical PDEs" will be held at Monash
University's School of Mathematical Sciences on February 15-19 2015. A
broad selection of topics will be covered, including, among others:
multilevel methods, CFD, finite elements, mimetic schemes, virtual
finite elements, numerical relativity, high-dimensional problems, and
Confirmed invited speakers include: Remi Abgrall (University of
Zürich), Rob Falgout (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Jörg
Frauendiener (University of Otago), Clinton Groth (University of
Toronto), Markus Hegland (ANU Canberra), Gianmarco Manzini (Los Alamos
National Laboratory), Neela Nataraj (IIT Bombay), Jacob Schroeder
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Ian Sloan (UNSW Sydney).
For more information, please visit:
The deadline for online registration and submission of abstracts for
contributed presentations is December 15. There is no registration
fee. Limited travel support is available for students and postdocs.
From: Tomas Bodnar Tomas.Bodnar@fs.cvut.cz
Date: November 11, 2015
Subject: Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics, Czech Republic, Feb 2016
Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2016
Prague, February 10-12, 2016
The aim of the conference is to discuss contemporary problems of fluid
mechanics and to bring out latest results. Scope of the conference
covers the whole field of fluid mechanics. Papers on experimental,
numerical and theoretical investigations of problems in fluid
mechanics are welcome. Also reports on new mathematical and/or
experimental approaches to solution of fluid flow problems are of
great interest.
Participants should register before December 1, 2015. Papers should be
uploaded through the web page no later than December 20, 2015.
From: Bernard Haasdonk haasdonk@mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de
Date: November 16, 2015
Subject: MORML 2016 (Deadline Dec 15), Germany, Mar 2016
Workshop on "Data-Driven Model Order Reduction and Machine Learning
(MORML 2016)" to be held from March 30 - April 1, 2016 at the
University of Stuttgart, Germany.
Topics of interest include: Loewner approach, data-driven methods,
data assimilation, state estimation of noisy systems, Kalman
filtering; greedy procedures, adaptivity/localization, clustering,
manifold learning, nonlinear approximations, regression, kernel
methods, error surrogates; stability analysis, conservation of
physical properties, error quantification and convergence; and
applications of these techniques.
Keynote speakers (confirmed):
Christopher A. Beattie (Virginia Tech, USA),
Kevin T. Carlberg (Sandia National Laboratories, USA),
Yvon Maday (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, France),
John Shawe-Taylor (University College London, UK)
Invited speakers (confirmed):
Jörg Fehr (U Stuttgart, Germany),
Jochen Garcke (Fraunhofer SCAI and U Bonn, Germany),
Sara Grundel (MPI Magdeburg, Germany),
Serkan Gugercin (Virginia Tech, USA),
Nathan Kutz (U Washington, USA),
Andrea Manzoni (EPFL, Switzerland)
Abstract submission deadline for contributions: December 15, 2015
From: Pamela Bye pam.bye@ima.org.uk
Date: November 13, 2015
Subject: Quantitative Modelling, Health and Social Care, UK, Mar 2016
Challenges and Opportunities in a Big Data Era
21-23 March 2016, Asia House, London
The aim of the conference is to bring together health care managers,
clinicians, management consultants, and mathematicians, operational
researchers, statisticians, health economists, computing and data
scientists from across the world with a view to bridging the gap
between the respective communities and to exploring recent
developments in quantitative modelling and identifying fruitful
avenues for further research.
We invite researchers in all relevant problem domains and
methodologies to submit abstracts of 300 words by Friday 18th December
2015 by e-mail to conferences@ima.org.uk. Case studies and
methodological papers are both welcome. Please state whether your
title is intended for oral or poster presentation. Authors of accepted
abstracts will be notified by the end of January 2016. Poster
presentations are particularly welcome as they stimulate discussion
and feedback. We are also planning a special poster presentation
session for research students and others to show their work in
Contact information
For scientific queries please contact: Thierry Chaussalet,
For general conference queries please contact Lizzi Lake, Conference
E-mail: conferences@ima.org.uk Tel: +44 (0) 1702 354 020
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Catherine Richards
House, 16 Nelson Street, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS1 1EF, UK.
From: Ider Tseveendorj Ider.Tseveendorj@uvsq.fr
Date: November 10, 2015
Subject: Optimization: Techniques and Applications, Mongolia, Jul 2016
The 10th International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and
Applications. July 23-26, 2016, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
The goal of the 10th ICOTA is to provide an international forum for
scientist, researchers, software developers, and practitioners to
exchange ideas and approaches, to present research findings and
state-of-the-art solutions, to share experiences on potentials and
limits, and to open new avenues of research and development, on all
issues and topics related to optimization and its applications.
Topics in the 10th ICOTA include, but not limited to, those listed in
the following: Optimization theory and numerical algorithms: linear
programming, nonlinear programming, integer programming, network
programming, semi-definite programming, stochastic programming,
dynamic programming, optimal control, global optimization, nonsmooth
optimization, semi-infinite programming, multi-objective optimization,
variational inequalities, complementarity problems, mathematical
programs with equilibrium constraint.
Algorithm: design, analysis, implementation of traditional mathematical
programming methodology, modern techniques such as meta-heuristic
for combinatorial and continuous optimization.
Application: engineering, nonlinear systems, stochastic system control,
data/text mining from large databases, intelligent information and
technology, systems science, knowledge management, information and
communication networks, transportation, scheduling, logistics, finance,
game theory, industrial engineering, management science, operations
Deadline for extended abstract submission : May 31, 2016
For further details, please contact Prof. R. Enkhbat
(renkhbat46"at"yahoo.com) or visit the conference homepage
From: Shaun Forth s.a.forth@cranfield.ac.uk
Date: November 08, 2015
Subject: Algorithmic Differentiation (AD2016), UK, Sep 2016
AD2016 - 7th International Conference on Algorithmic Differentiation
First Announcement and notice of call for Extended Abstracts
Monday 12th - Thursday 15th September 2016
Christ Church Oxford, UK
This conference is targeted at: users of algorithmic differentiation
(AD) from all application areas (eg, optimization, inverse problems,
uncertainty quantification, computational finance); AD algorithm
researchers; AD tool developers.
The September 2016 conference will comprise both oral and poster
presentations. Authors interested in presenting at AD2016 should start
preparing a 4 page extended abstract for submission in January-March
2016. Acceptance of presentations for the conference will be based on
reviews of the extended abstracts by our 26 member Programme
Committee. Contributors to AD2016 may submit extended versions of
their papers to a special edition of the journal Optimization Methods
and Software to be edited by Andreas Griewank.
We thank SIAM and SIAM-UKIE for financial support.
For further details please refer to the conference website
or direct enquiries to:
Dr Shaun Forth
Cranfield University
From: Assefaw Gebremedhin assefaw@eecs.wsu.edu
Date: November 15, 2015
Subject: SIAM Combinatorial Scientific Computing, USA, Oct 2016
SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing 2016 (CSC16)
Albuquerque, NM, USA, October 10-12, 2016
With the continuing advances in high-performance computing, the role
of computational science and engineering (CSE) has extensively grown
in importance over the last decades. At the same time scientific
simulations continue to face a number of challenges and generate
massive amounts of data. Many of the underlying problems here are
combinatorial in nature and unified by a common set of abstractions,
data structures, and algorithms, often based on graphs and
hypergraphs. On a related front, data science and analytics have
emerged as powerful methods of inquiry across a broad range of domains
and pose various fundamental challenges associated with size and
complexity of data that would greatly benefit from combinatorial
methods. CSC16 provides a forum for researchers interested in the
interaction of combinatorial mathematics and algorithms with CSE
and/or data science.
Authors are invited to submit manuscripts that present original
unpublished research in all areas of combinatorial scientific
computing. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to,
- Combinatorial (discrete) models in scientific computing
- Graph and hypergraph algorithms in scientific computing
- Sparse matrix computations
- Combinatorial problems in data science and network science
- Combinatorial problems in Algorithmic Differentiation
- Combinatorial problems in optimization
- Applications of combinatorial scientific computing
Submission deadline (for both papers and abstracts): May 2, 2016.
From: Eric Darve darve@stanford.edu
Date: November 09, 2015
Subject: Faculty Position, Comp Math and Scientific Computing, Stanford Univ
To apply: https://icme.stanford.edu/positions
For questions: icme-facultysearch@stanford.edu
The Institute for Computational & Mathematical Engineering (ICME) at
Stanford University (http://icme.stanford.edu) invites applications
for a faculty appointment at the assistant professor or untenured
associate professor level, in all areas of foundational computational
mathematics and scientific computing.
Applications should include a research plan (max. 4 pages), teaching
plan (max. 2 pages), a detailed resume including a publications list,
and the names and addresses of at least five references.
Review of applications will begin on December 18th 2015, and
applications will continue to be accepted until the position is
Stanford University is an equal opportunity employer and is committed
to increasing the diversity of its faculty. It welcomes nominations of
and applications from women, members of minority groups, protected
veterans and individuals with disabilities, as well as from others who
would bring additional dimensions to the university's research,
teaching and clinical missions.
From: Alex Pothen apothen@purdue.edu
Date: November 12, 2015
Subject: Faculty Position, Optimization, Purdue Univ
Faculty Opening in Numerical Optimization within
a Next Generation Manufacturing and Enabling Methodologies Cluster
Purdue University has identified Next Generation Manufacturing as a
major thrust for cross-disciplinary research and education. Our effort
is in consonance with the national initiative to re-invigorate
American manufacturing industry, stimulate economic development, and
accelerate innovation. We are currently accepting applications for a
tenure-track or tenured position at the Assistant/Associate/Full
Professor levels in Numerical Optimization as part of this faculty
cluster. The position is in the Computer Science department, with up
to a 25% appointment in one of the Engineering departments (e.g.,
Industrial Engineering).
Purdue's Next Generation Manufacturing initiative aims to combine
latest advances in tailored materials and novel manufacturing
processes; multi-scale modeling of products, services and systems;
and, on-demand, customer-driven product and supply-chain design
enabled by ubiquitous cyberinfrastructure to sustainably deliver
personalized products, anywhere, anytime, with the efficiency of mass
production. This effort builds on Purdue's core strengths in the
Colleges of Engineering and Science, the Purdue Polytechnic Institute,
the Krannert School of Management, and Discovery Park, and leverages
its participation in federal manufacturing initiatives.
We invite applications from candidates with research and teaching
interests aligning with this initiative. The successful candidate will
join a strong manufacturing faculty cluster on campus, and will have a
unique opportunity to help shape Purdue's vision and
research/education agenda in manufacturing. Candidates must hold a
Ph.D. or equivalent degree in Computer Science or Computational
Mathematics. They should have a distinguished academic record,
exceptional potential for world-class research, and a commitment to
teaching and collaborative interdisciplinary activities.
Submit applications online at
including curriculum vitae, teaching and research plans, and names of
four references. For information / questions regarding applications
contact Guler Senem, Faculty Recruitment Coordinator, College of
Engineering, at sguler@purdue.edu. Review of applications will begin
on November 2, 2015, and will continue until positions are filled. A
background check will be required for employment in this position.
Purdue University is an EOE/AA employer. All individuals, including
minorities, women, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are
encouraged to apply.
From: erwin Hernandez erwin.hernandez@usm.cl
Date: November 13, 2015
Subject: Faculty Positions, UTFSM, Chile
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa MarÃÂa, ValparaÃÂso, Chile
Department of Mathematics
Two faculty positions
Applications are invited for two faculty positions at all ranks in the
Department of Mathematics (DMAT) within the Universidad Técnica
Federico Santa MarÃÂa, ValparaÃÂso, Chile.
Deadline: January 4, 2016
Send applications or ask for further information to
postulaciones.rrhh@usm.cl and andrea.costagliola@usm.cl
Desired skills and experience: Successful candidates must possess a
Ph.D., be eligible to work in Chile, and have excellent communication
skills in Spanish. Candidates should also demonstrate abilities in
high quality research for competitive funding, teaching both
undergraduate and graduate courses, advising PhD students, and
providing appropriate service to the department, university and the
profession. The department is seeking applicants with particular
interest in Numerical Analysis, Differential Equations, Statistics,
Complex Geometry, Optimization and Dynamical Systems. Interested
applicants should submit a curriculum vitae (CV), cover letter, two
letters of recommendation, copy of PhD and other grades, more relevant
publications, and statement of research interests.
About the employer: Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, in
Valparaiso, Chile, is one of the top engineering universities of Chile
(listed among the top 300 universities according to Times Higher
Education Ranking 2014-2015). The Department of Mathematics is the
responsible of Math courses for different Engineering programs and has
its own undergraduate (BS Math, Mathematical Engineering) and graduate
(Master and PhD) programs.
From: Wei Cai wcai@uncc.edu
Date: November 15, 2015
Subject: Tenure Track Positions, Beijing Computational Science Research Center
Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC)
(http://www.csrc.ac.cn/) has two tenure track openings at Its
Algorithms Division for strongly-motivated researchers to conduct high
quality computational algorithms research in the following targeted
- Numerical Linear Algebra for parallel high performance computing
- HPC CFD or CEM with expertise in parallel program languages and
- Quantum Monte Carlo methods;
- Density functional theory calculation;
- Ab initio MD and Classical MD;
- Image and data analysis.
Monthly salary for the positions is RMB 25,000-42,000 depending on
qualification and center research funding, housing, and transportation
benefits are also provided. CSRC will assist the successful eligible
candidate to apply for China's global talent program for young
scientists with awards of considerable compensation and research
Applications should consist of curriculum vitae, including a list of
publications, summary of future research plans, and three letters of
reference. Please identify the tenure track position in your
application. Application materials should be electronically sent to
Ms. Ying Fan by email fanying@csrc.ac.cn with a subject line Algorithm
Tenure Track. Positions are available immediately.
From: Human Resource n.antillon@jobtarget.com
Date: November 09, 2015
Subject: Tenure Track Positions, ORIE, Cornell Univ
Tenure-Track Positions
School of Operations Research & Information Engineering Cornell
University's School of Operations Research and Information Engineering
(ORIE) seeks to fill two tenured/tenure-track faculty positions for
its Ithaca campus. Applicants with research interests in e-commerce-
and healthcare-related areas of supply chain logistics, or
high-dimensional statistics/machine learning, will receive primary
consideration. One of the positions may include responsibilities
within Cornell's Systems Engineering Program.
Please apply online at
https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/6473. All applications
completed by November 30, 2015 will receive full consideration, but
candidates are urged to submit all required material as soon as
possible. Applications will be accepted until the positions are
Diversity and Inclusion are a part of Cornell University's
heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO,
Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities. We strongly
encourage qualified women and minority candidates to apply.
From: Nick Trefethen trefethen@maths.ox.ac.uk
Date: November 13, 2015
Subject: Associate Professor Position, NA Group, Oxford
A permanent Associate Professor position is available in the Numerical
Analysis Group at Oxford in the area of numerical analysis and
scientific computing. The NA Group is part of Oxford's Mathematical
Institute in the spectacular new Andrew Wiles Building, and the
position also includes a tutorial fellowship in Oriel College, founded
in 1326. For details see http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/node/15440 and
http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/groups/numerical-analysis. The deadline for
applications is 14 December 2015, and interviews of shortlisted
candidates will probably be held the first week of February. If you
have questions, feel free to contact me at trefethen@maths.ox.ac.uk.
The title of Professor may be available for candidates with sufficient
seniority, and candidates at all levels are encouraged to apply.
From: Fred J. Hickernell hickernell@iit.edu
Date: November 12, 2015
Subject: Visiting Assistant Professor, Applied Mathematics, Illinois Tech
The Department of Applied Mathematics at IIT invites applications for
at least one Visiting Assistant Professor position beginning in August
2016. This is a two-year term appointment with both research and
teaching responsibilities.
The successful candidate must have a PhD degree in mathematics,
statistics, or a closely related discipline. Candidates must also have
demonstrated the potential for excellent research that has a
connection with one or more of our existing faculty
members. Prospective applicants are encouraged to identify one or more
faculty members in our department with whom they might collaborate.
More details about our department can be found at
To apply, please submit the following through www.MathJobs.org: i) a
cover letter expressing your interest in the position(s) and
highlighting how your research agenda meshes with our ongoing
research, ii) your curriculum vitae, and iii) succinct teaching and
research statements. At least three confidential reference letters
(one addressing teaching effectiveness) should also be submitted
through MathJobs. Questions regarding this position may be addressed
to Fred J. Hickernell, Chair, Department of Applied Mathematics,
amsearch@iit.edu, (312) 567-8983.
Applications will be reviewed starting early December, 2015, and on a
continuing basis until the position is filled. We especially encourage
applications from women and under-represented groups. IIT is an
Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer.
From: Marlis Hochbruck marlis.hochbruck@kit.edu
Date: November 12, 2015
Subject: Junior Research Group Leader Position, KIT, Germany
Junior Research Group Leader in Mathematics at Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology, Germany
The Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1173 "Wave phenomena -
analysis and numerics" at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
announces the position of a Junior Research Group Leader in
Mathematics in one of the research fields Analysis and/or Numerical
Analysis of Partial Differential Equations related to wave phenomena.
The CRC is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Its goal is
to analytically understand, numerically simulate, and eventually
manipulate wave propagation under realistic scenarios by intertwining
analysis and numerics. See http://www.waves.kit.edu for a list of
participating scientists, project descriptions.
More details on the position, the required qualification and the
application procedure can be found at http://www.waves.kit.edu/jobs.
Job description: With this position the CRC promotes outstanding young
scientists on their path towards a scientific career. The Junior
Research Group Leader will independently develop her/his own research
projects which are expected to fit to the profile of the CRC. The
successful candidate can apply for a KIT Associate Fellowship which
allows to supervise doctoral researchers. The position is endowed with
a PhD position and includes a budget for travel and guests. It is
temporary and limited to three years.
Starting date: April 1st, 2016, or later
Applications should be submitted to office@waves.kit.edu
Deadline: January 10th, 2016.
From: Jayant Kalagnanam jayant@us.ibm.com
Date: November 11, 2015
Subject: Research Positions, IBM Research
The Math Sciences and Analytics group is looking to hire researchers
with a strong background in applied math (with applications to machine
learning), machine learning and/or statistical methods. The candidate
should have a Ph.D. in computer science or a related field (such as
applied math and nonlinear methods applied to machine learning) with a
concentration in machine learning, data mining, statistical learning
and AI. Post graduate experience with applied problems and project is
a plus. The candidate should have demonstrated creative and
innovative research as evidenced by research papers in top conferences
and journals that is based on applied work with novel mathematical
approaches and techniques. . Experience with handling large data
sizes and techniques to analyze such big data problems would be a
plus. Ability to design and implement parallel algorithms is highly
The candidate is expected to be well versed in modern data analysis
tools such as SPSS, R, Matlab, python and should be able to work
software teams towards building analytics based solutions and
platforms Ability to work independently and perform the role of
technical lead for customer projects is highly desirable.
From: Yves Lucet yves.lucet@ubc.ca
Date: November 12, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Road Design Optimization, Univ of British Columbia, Canada
The Center for Optimization, Convex Analysis, and Nonsmooth Analysis
(COCANA, http://cocana.ok.ubc.ca/) is currently inviting applications
for a postdoctoral fellow focused in Optimization and Road Design. The
successful applicant will work with a combination of Drs. Y. Lucet, W.
Hare, J. Loeppky, and S. Tesfamariam, to advance research in
optimization of road design.
Applicants must have completed, or be nearing completion, of a
Ph.D. in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics, or a
related discipline. In addition, they must have strong software
engineering and programming skills. The problems in Road Design are
wide and varied. As such, the ideal candidate will have expertise
covering at least 2 of the following areas (listed alphabetically):
Applied Optimization, Derivative-Free Optimization, Linear
Programming, Prototype Modeling Software, Network flow optimization,
Sensitivity Analysis, Surrogate Modeling, and/or Uncertainty
Quantification. In addition, as this is a time sensitive client-based
project, the following soft skills are desirable: communication skills
with industrial collaborators, project management skills, supervision
and mentoring of undergraduate and master's students.
Details on the position and how to apply can be found at
From: Luis Nunes Vicente lnv@mat.uc.pt
Date: November 14, 2015
Subject: PhD Positions, UC|UP Joint PhD Program, Mathematics, Portugal
The UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics, run by the Universities of
Coimbra and Porto, in Portugal, welcomes applications for the academic
year of 2016/2017.
The Program will offer a number of doctoral scholarships (covering
tuition fees and living expenses) to selected candidates. Funding will
be made available from the support of the national agency FCT and the
associated research centers.
All areas of Mathematics are covered in the Program, in particular:
Algebra, Analysis/Differential Equations, Discrete
Mathematics/Combinatorics, Dynamical Systems, Geometry/Topology,
Numerical Analysis/Optimization, and Probability/Statistics.
The first call for applications is open from December 1, 2015 to
January 31, 2016: http://www.mat.uc.pt/phd_prog
Extensive information about the Program is available at the website
(and additional questions can be posed using phd_prog@mat.uc.pt).
From: Yves Lucet yves.lucet@ubc.ca
Date: November 12, 2015
Subject: PhD and MSc Positions, Univ of British Columbia, Canada
The Center for Optimization, Convex Analysis, and Nonsmooth Analysis
(COCANA, http://cocana.ok.ubc.ca/) has received funding for several
graduate positions at the MSc or PhD level for several optimization
related projects e.g. road design optimization, computational convex
analysis, derivative-free optimization algorithms. The positions are
fully funded through a combination of research assistantships,
scholarships, and teaching assistantships.
Applicants with a background in computer science, mathematics,
statistics, or civil engineering are encouraged to apply. For more
information see the Optimization theme in our Interdisciplinary
Graduate Studies Program at
programs/igs.html. Questions on the program or the funding
opportunities can be sent to yves.lucet@ubc.ca
From: Prof. Roderick Melnik rmelnik@wlu.ca
Date: November 07, 2015
Subject: Contents, Journal of Coupled Systems & Multiscale Dynamics, 3 (1)
Contents, Journal of Coupled Systems & Multiscale Dynamics, 3(1)
Link to the journal: http://www.aspbs.com/jcsmd/
Multiphysics/multiscale modeling and applications of coupled processes
in biological and nanotechnological systems, by Giovanna Guidoboni and
Riccardo Sacco
The mathematical modelling of affinity-based drug delivery systems
(Review Article), by Tuoi T. N. Vo and M. G. Meere
Hemodynamic simulations in the cerebral venous network: A study on the
influence of different modeling assumptions, by Vincent Chabannes,
Mourad Ismail, Christophe Prud'homme, and Marcela Szopos
Theoretical analysis of the relationship between changes in retinal
blood flow and ocular perfusion pressure, by Simone Cassani, Alon
Harris, Brent Siesky, and Julia Arciero
On the influence of solid-liquid mass transfer in the modelling of
drug release from stents, by Sean McGinty and Giuseppe Pontrelli
Three-dimensional numerical simulation of ion nanochannels, by Paolo
Airoldi, Aurelio G. Mauri, Riccardo Sacco, and Joseph W. Jerome
Progress in modeling of semiconductor structures with heterojunctions,
by Timothy Costa, David H. Foster, and Malgorzata Peszynska
Remarks on diverging rarefaction waves interactions for the nonlinear
wave system, by Ilija Jegdic and Katarina Jegdic
From: Chi-Wang Shu shu@dam.brown.edu
Date: November 07, 2015
Subject: Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 65 (3)
Journal of Scientific Computing
Volume 65, Number 3, December 2015
Staggered Momentum Conservative Scheme For Radial Dam Break
Simulation, I. Magdalena, N. Erwina and S.R. Pudjaprasetya,
A Priori Error Estimates for Some Discontinuous Galerkin Immersed
Finite Element Methods, Tao Lin, Qing Yang and Xu Zhang, pp.875-894.
A New Steplength Selection for Scaled Gradient Methods with
Application to Image Deblurring, Federica Porta, Marco Prato and Luca
Zanni, pp.895-919.
Two-Level Coupled and Decoupled Parallel Correction Methods for
Stationary Incompressible Magnetohydrodynamics, Guo-Dong Zhang, Yan
Zhang and Yinnian He, pp.920-939.
Error Estimates of a Pressure-Stabilized Characteristics Finite
Element Scheme for the Oseen Equations, Hirofumi Notsu and Masahisa
Tabata, pp.940-955.
Equal Order Discontinuous Finite Volume Element Methods for the Stokes
Problem, Sarvesh Kumar and Ricardo Ruiz-Baier, pp.956-978.
Second Order Accurate IMEX Methods for Option Pricing Under Merton and
Kou Jump-Diffusion Models, Mohan K. Kadalbajoo, Lok Pati Tripathi and
Alpesh Kumar, pp.979-1024.
A New Stabilization Method for the Elasticity Problem, Dong-yang Shi,
Ming-hao Li and Chao Xu, pp.1025-1038.
Theoretical and Numerical Investigation of the Finite Cell Method,
Monique Dauge, Alexander Duster and Ernst Rank, pp.1039-1064.
Fast Disk Conformal Parameterization of Simply-Connected Open
Surfaces, Pui Tung Choi and Lok Ming Lui, pp.1065-1090.
Comparison of Numerical Solvers for Anisotropic Diffusion Equations
Arising in Plasma Physics, Nicolas Crouseilles, Matthieu Kuhn and
Guillaume Latu, pp.1091-1128.
A Splitting in Time Scheme and Augmented Lagrangian Method for a
Nematic Liquid Crystal Problem, F. Guillen-Gonzalez and J. Koko,
Recovering Exponential Accuracy in Fourier Spectral Methods Involving
Piecewise Smooth Functions with Unbounded Derivative Singularities,
Zheng Chen and Chi-Wang Shu, pp.1145-1165.
Alternating Direction Implicit Galerkin Methods for an Evolution
Equation with a Positive-Type Memory Term, Morrakot Khebchareon, Amiya
K. Pani and Graeme Fairweather, pp.1166-1188.
Simple Finite Element Numerical Simulation of Incompressible Flow Over
Non-rectangular Domains and the Super-Convergence Analysis, Yunhua
Xue, Cheng Wang and Jian-Guo Liu, pp.1189-1216.
An ADI Crank-Nicolson Orthogonal Spline Collocation Method for the
Two-Dimensional Fractional Diffusion-Wave Equation, Graeme
Fairweather, Xuehua Yang, Da Xu and Haixiang Zhang, pp.1217-1239.
A Kansa-Radial Basis Function Method for Elliptic Boundary Value
Problems in Annular Domains, Xiao-Yan Liu, Andreas Karageorghis and
C.S. Chen, pp.1240-1269.
Analysis of an Augmented HDG Method for a Class of Quasi-Newtonian
Stokes Flows, Gabriel N. Gatica and Filander A. Sequeira,
End of Digest