From: Bernard Beauzamy bernard.beauzamy@scmsa.com
Date: November 06, 2015
Subject: 7th Mathematical Competitive Game
The 7th competitive game, organised jointly by the French Federation
of Mathematical Games and SCM just started. It will provide 2000 Euros
as prizes.
The theme for this year is malfunctions in sensors' networks, in
partnership with the French "Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté
To see the annoucement :
Please inform your students and colleagues.
From: Chao Yang CYang@lbl.gov
Date: November 02, 2015
Subject: 2015 Bay Area Scientific Computing Day, USA, Dec 2015
The Bay Area Scientific Computing Day (BASCD) is an annual one-day
meeting focused on fostering interactions and collaborations between
researchers in the fields of scientific computing and computational
science and engineering from the San Francisco Bay Area and nearby
regions. The event provides junior researchers a venue to present
their work to the local community, and for the Bay Area scientific and
computational science and engineering communities at large to
interchange views on today’s multidisciplinary computational
challenges and state-of-the-art developments.
This year, the event will be held on Friday, December 11, 2015 at
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. More information about the
meeting can be found at
The registration deadline for the meeting is Nov 30, 2015.
From: Nick Hale nickhale@sun.ac.za
Date: November 04, 2015
Subject: SANUM 2016, South Africa, Mar 2016
The 2016 South African Symposium on Numerical and Applied Mathematics
(SANUM 2016) will be held at the University of Stellenbosch, South
Africa, on 22nd to 24th March. Plenary speakers (some still TBC)
- Folkmar Borneman (TU Munich)
- Nick Higham (University of Manchester)
- Elizabeth Mansfield (University of Kent)
- Beatrice Pelloni (University of Reading)
- Nick Trefethen (University of Oxford)
- Walter Van Assche (KU Leuven)
Since 2016 marks the 40th anniversary of the conference we hope to
make the event extra special. In addition to the world class array of
plenary speakers we plan to organise a wine tasting and conference
dinner in the famous winelands of Stellenbosch. Further details and a
pre-registration link can be found at the conference webpage:
From: Pamela Bye pam.bye@ima.org.uk
Date: October 30, 2015
Subject: Theoretical and Computational Discrete Mathematics, UK, Mar 2016
Tuesday 22 – Wednesday 23 March 2016, The Enterprise Centre,
University of Derby
Conference webpage: http://tinyurl.com/IMA-DiscreteMaths
The conference will showcase theoretical and computational advances in
the general field of discrete mathematics. It is open to researchers
working with mathematical structures and abstract constructs, and to
those involved in the theory and practise of discrete algorithmic
computing. Results which establish links between different areas of
discrete mathematics are welcomed, as are applications and the
development of new tools. The purpose of this event is to highlight
progress in the field through the development of novel theories,
methodologies, and applications accordingly.
Extended abstracts are solicited from areas including: Graph Theory;
Network Visualisation; Combinatorics (Algebraic, Analytic,
Enumerative, Extremal, Probabilistic, Geometric, Algorithmic); Number
Theory; Discrete Probability; Matroid Theory; Cryptography; Computer
Science; Large-Scale Networks; Ordered Sets and Permutations; Designs;
Topology; Information Processing; Discrete Mathematics of Data Mining;
Optimization (Discrete, Combinatorial); Theory and Applications of
Sequences; Operations Research and Analytics.
Abstracts of up to 500 words are invited to be submitted for either
oral or poster presentation to conferences@ima.org.uk by Friday 13
November 2015 (please indicate if you have a preference for oral or
poster presentation). Posters are encouraged particularly from PhD
students, and there will be a prize for the best poster presentation.
For technical or informal queries, please contact Peter Larcombe,
Conference Chair: p.j.larcombe@derby.ac.uk
From: ICERM danielle_izzi@icerm.brown.edu
Date: October 29, 2015
Subject: Hyperbolic Geometry and Free Groups, USA, May 2016
Effective and Algorithmic Methods in Hyperbolic Geometry and Free
Groups (May 16 - 20, 2016)
The recent proof of Thurston's virtual fibering conjecture brought
together tools at the forefront of geometric group theory, dynamics,
and hyperbolic geometry. We still lack, however, an effective or
constructive understanding of three-dimensional hyperbolic geometry,
and more generally, 3-manifold topology. For example, a closed
hyperbolic 3- manifold admits a finite cover which fibers over the
circle, but can one construct such a cover from a presentation of the
fundamental group? Can one implement an algorithm -- perhaps with the
help of preexisting software such as SnapPea -- to obtain such a
While much work remains, both computation and theory have progressed.
Fast algorithms have been developed for running computations in the
mapping class group and other finitely generated groups, as well as
for recognizing certain types 3-manifolds and knot and link
complements up to homeomorphism. These have been supplemented by a new
wave of constructive theorems which explicitly relate the algebra of
the fundamental group of a hyperbolic 3-manifold to its geometry, and
to the geometry of various simplicial complexes, such as the curve
complex. This ICERM workshop will focus on such advances, as well as
on the development of new algorithms and extension of algorithmic
techniques to the study of free groups. The workshop aims to bring
together researchers from a broad range of related fields to work
towards a more effective and quantitative understanding of 3-manifold
topology, geometric group theory, and hyperbolic geometry.
From: Kati Wolter wolter@zib.de
Date: November 05, 2015
Subject: Mixed Integer Programming (MIP 2016), USA, May 2016
We are pleased to announce that the 2016 workshop in Mixed Integer
Programming (MIP 2016) will be held May 23rd-26th at the University of
Miami, in Coral Gables, FL. The 2016 Mixed Integer Programming
workshop will be the thirteenth in a series of annual workshops held
in North America designed to bring the integer programming community
together to discuss very recent developments in the field. The
workshop consists of a single track of invited talks and features a
poster session that provides an additional opportunity to share and
discuss recent research in MIP. Registration details, a list of
confirmed speakers, a call for participation in the poster session,
and information about student travel awards will be made in a
subsequent announcement. Please see the workshop website at
https://sites.google.com/site/mipworkshop2016/ for updates.
From: Krassimir Georgiev krtgeorgiev@gmail.com
Date: November 05, 2015
Subject: Numerical Methods, Bulgaria, May 2016
International Conference on "Numerical Methods for Scientific
Computations and Advanced Applications"
The conference is organized by the Institute of Information and
Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in
cooperation with SIAM. The conference is scheduled for May 29-June 2,
2016, with arrival: May 29 and departure: noon June 2. The conference
will be held in town of Hissar (Bulgaria),
Specific topics of interest (but not limited to) are: Multiscale and
multiphysics problems; Robust preconditioning;Monte Carlo methods;
Optimization and control systems; Scalable parallel algorithms;
Advanced computing for innovations.
Registration: February 15, 2016
Submission of extended abstracts: March 1, 2016
Notification of acceptance: April 1, 2016
From: ICERM danielle_izzi@icerm.brown.edu
Date: October 29, 2015
Subject: Algorithmic Coding Theory, USA, Jun 2016
Algorithmic Coding Theory (June 13 - 17, 2016)
In the theory of error correcting codes, a sender (Alice) wants to
send a message to a receiver (Bob), over a noisy channel. Strategies
for Alice and Bob have been studied since the works of Shannon and
Hamming from the late 1940's, from many different communities. Coding
theory is a fundamental solution to challenges that arise in
communication, storage, cryptography, and others; as the world
changes, our challenges in these areas change, and the scenario
changes for Alice and Bob. Fueled by these new scenarios, coding
theory remains a rapidly advancing area of research.
One trend in many of these new scenarios in coding theory is the need
for algorithmic solutions. For many problems in coding theory, it is
possible to come up with nearly optimal solutions
(information-theoretically speaking) which are likely very hard for
Alice and Bob to actually implement. The goal of algorithmic coding
theory is to design solutions which are not only combinatorially good,
but are also computationally efficient.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers from
several different communities -- applied math, theoretical computer
science, communications and electrical engineering -- to focus on a
few quickly- moving topics in algorithmic coding theory. Topics will
include: Polar codes; Codes for interactive communication; Local
decoding and coding for distributed storage; Non-malleable codes.
From: Marco Bittencourt mlb@fem.unicamp.br
Date: October 30, 2015
Subject: ICOSAHOM 2016, Brazil Jun 2016
ICOSAHOM'16, International Conference on Spectral and High-Order
Methods 2016
June 27- July 01 2016, Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL
Minisymposium Proposal: Submission Deadline, December 15 2015
The 11th International Conference on Spectral and High-Order Methods,
will be hosted by the University of Campinas and Pontifical University
of Rio de Janeiro in city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on June 27 - July
01, 2016. The purpose of this conference series is to bring together
researchers and practitioners with an interest in the theoretical,
computational and applied aspects of high-order and spectral methods
for the solution of differential equations.
Plenary speakers: Paola F. Antonietti, Georges-Henri Cottet David
Kopriva, Gianluigi Rozza, Li-Lian Wang, Beth Wingate, Erik Burman,
Abimael Loula
All interested participants are encouraged to submit a minisymposium
proposal. For submission guidelines as well as additional conference
information, please vist the conference webpage:
If you have questions, please email us at icosahom2016@puc-rio.br
From: ICERM danielle_izzi@icerm.brown.edu
Date: October 29, 2015
Subject: Illustrating Mathematics, USA, Jun 2016
Illustrating Mathematics
(June 27 - July 1, 2016)
Research and outreach are normally thought to divide mathematics in
two. This separation is, however, completely artificial; it is
impossible to “find†a mathematical idea without explaining
it. Exploration and exposition are two sides of the same coin. One
striking example of this is the epochal work of William Thurston;
often his theorems were accompanied by pictures, and computer
programs, illustrating the underlying ideas.
The goal of this conference is to bring together mathematicians from a
range of fields, and practitioners from the digital arts (animation,
3D printing, laser cutting, CNC routing, virtual reality, computer
games, etc). The attendees will share their expertise in mathematics
and with the procedural tools used to illustrate mathematics. In
addition to talks in the traditional style, we plan to hold several
workshops to train attendees about a variety of digital media, in
particular 3D printing.
From: Amos Lawless a.s.lawless@reading.ac.uk
Date: November 06, 2015
Subject: Data Assimilation, UK, Jul 2016
It is our pleasure to announce the first call for the 5th
International Symposium on Data Assimilation (ISDA) 2016 to take place
on July 18-22 at the University of Reading, U.K., home to the Data
Assimilation Research Centre.
The ISDA 2016, follows the success of the ISDA 2015 held at the RIKEN
Advanced Institute for Computational Science (AICS), Kobe, Japan and
previous symposia held in Germany (LMU (2014), DWD (2012-2013)). The
symposium will bring together about 150 researchers and consist of
invited talks from leading scientists, short oral presentations with
extended discussion, and extended poster sessions.
The deadline for abstract submission is the 5th February 2016.
Instructions for abstract submission and further information can be
found on the symposium website: http://www.isda2016.net
From: ICERM danielle_izzi@icerm.brown.edu
Date: October 29, 2015
Subject: Stochastic numerical algorithms, USA, Jul 2016
Stochastic numerical algorithms, multiscale modeling and high-
dimensional data analytics (July 18  22, 2016)
This workshop is concerned with sampling challenges, modeling and
simulation for data-rich applications in high dimensions. It brings
together mathematicians, statisticians and computational scientists to
explore the interplay between computational applied mathematics and
data science. On the agenda will be novel developments in the study
of complex phenomena based on data-analytic techniques, such as
efficient calculation of ergodic (long term) averages and statistical
inference under a wide range of geometric, physical and analytical
constraints. In applied mathematics and computational science, in
particular in molecular modeling, image analysis and geosciences,
among others, many objects of interest are high-dimensional and
stochastic, and a wide variety of techniques have been developed for
sampling and approximating the quantities of interest. Similar issues
arise in the area of data science and statistical modeling, where
learning problems in the presence of high-dimensional data require
efficient computational algorithms for sampling and approximation.
The workshop will focus on recent advances in the design of rigorous
discrete-dynamics based sampling approaches, algorithms development
for large-scale data analysis and stochastic dynamical systems,
scalable and rigorous numerical methods for stochastic differential
equations and sampling from high-dimensional distributions, and
exploitation of low- dimensional structures in high-dimensional data
and stochastic dynamical systems for model reduction and efficient
Monte-Carlo schemes. The meeting will foster the interchange and
deployment of the latest methodologies for sampling and approximation.
From: Pamela Bye pam.bye@ima.org.uk
Date: October 30, 2015
Subject: Turbulence, Waves and Mixing, UK, Jul 2016
In Honour of Lord Julian Hunt’s 75th Birthday
Wednesday 6 – Friday 8 July 2016 King’s College Cambridge, UK
The theme of this conference is to discuss, with review lectures and
contributed papers, the ongoing developments of research in
‘turbulence, waves and mixing’ and their applications in industry,
environment and geo/astro and mathematical physics. Our understanding
and the fundamental questions about turbulence and mixing have kept
developing since O. Reynolds and Boussinesq made turbulence a subject
in 1880s. Pioneers such as Taylor, Prandtl, Richardson (of King’s
College), Kolmogorov (his paper was published 75 years ago!) and
others developed the dynamical and statistical approaches. Conceptual
developments and advances in practical modelling and prediction during
the past 75 years, have benefitted from 3-dimensional measurement
techniques and computer simulations at very high Reynolds number (>10
5), so that for example patterns, organised eddy structures, particle
trajectories and conditional analysis can be better quantified and
applied in practice. Papers at the conference cover a wide swath of
topics from large scale instabilities that generate turbulence to
small scale eddies that dissipates turbulence. Research into the
interactions between turbulence and waves in engineering and
geophysics, which are equally interesting and controversial, are also
included in the conference, such as advances in water waves, KdV,
solitons, Tsunami and Air-Sea interactions.
Papers will be accepted for the conference based on a 500 word
abstract for oral presentation. Abstracts should be submitted by
Friday 13 November 2015 to Easychair via
https://easychair.org/conferences/? conf=imatwm2016. Please visit the
conference webpage in order to download the required template:
vesmixing.html Successful authors will be notified in January 2016 and
invited to submit a paper for inclusion in the conference proceedings
11 March 2016.
From: ICERM danielle_izzi@icerm.brown.edu
Date: October 29, 2015
Subject: Cycles on Moduli Spaces, USA, Aug 2016
Cycles on Moduli Spaces, Geometric Invariant Theory, and Dynamics
(August 1 – 5, 2016)
A moduli space parameterizes geometric objects with alike structures
and encodes in itself the geometry of all possible families of such
objects. This workshop will focus on three aspects of moduli spaces:
Cycles, Geometric Invariant Theory, and Dynamics. One of our main
goals is to synthesize the recent progress on moduli of abelian
differentials on algebraic curves motivated by dynamics and in the GIT
constructions of related moduli spaces, with the view towards better
understanding of geometric cycles on these moduli spaces. In many
cases, computer programming and experiments are important tools to
discover new phenomena, both in dynamics and in the study of cycles on
moduli spaces. Hence many talks will emphasize computational and
experimental aspects of these ï¬Âelds and the workshop will feature a
computational problem session whose goal is to disseminate
computational techniques and problems to a wider body of researchers.
From: Alex Pothen apothen@purdue.edu
Date: October 30, 2015
Subject: Faculty Positions, Computer Science, Purdue Univ
The Department of Computer Science at Purdue University is in a phase
of significant growth. Applications are solicited for seven
tenure-track and tenured positions at the Assistant, Associate and
Full Professor levels. Outstanding candidates in all areas of computer
science will be considered. Review of applications and candidate
interviews will begin early in October 2015, and will continue until
the positions are filled.
The Department of Computer Science offers a stimulating academic
environment with research programs in most areas of computer
science. Information about the department and a description of open
positions are available at http://www.cs.purdue.edu Applicants should
hold a PhD in Computer Science, or related discipline, be committed to
excellence in teaching, and have demonstrated excellence in
research. Successful candidates will be expected to conduct research
in their fields of expertise, teach courses in computer science, and
participate in other department and university activities. Salary and
benefits are competitive, and Purdue is a dual career friendly
Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply online at
https://hiring.science.purdue.edu. Alternatively, hard-copy
applications can be sent to:
Faculty Search Chair
Department of Computer Science
305 N. University Street
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907
A background check will be required for employment. Purdue
University is an EEO/AA employer fully committed to achieving a
diverse workforce. All individuals, including minorities, women,
individuals with disabilities, and protected veterans are
encouraged to apply.
From: Carlos Jerez-Hanckes cjerez@ing.puc.cl
Date: October 27, 2015
Subject: Faculty Positions, Mathematical & Computational Engineering, PUC Chile
The School of Engineering and the Faculty of Mathematics of the
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC) invites applications
for two full-time faculty positions to join the Mathematical and
Computational Engineering group.
Applications are invited in all areas of Applied Mathematics and
Computational Science and Engineering. However, preference will be
given to applicants in Numerical Analysis, Numerical Linear Algebra
and Uncertainty Quantification.
Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in a related discipline. Candidates do
not need to know Spanish at the time of applying, but should be
prepared to learn the language well enough to begin teaching in it in
the short term. Applications will be accepted by January 31st, 2016
but late applications may be considered until the position is filled.
To find out more, please visit
From: Yulia Hristova yuliagh@umich.edu
Date: October 28, 2015
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Statistics, Univ of Michigan-Dearborn
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters
University of Michigan-Dearborn
Dearborn, Michigan
The University of Michigan-Dearborn (http://umdearborn.edu/math)
invites applications for one tenure-track assistant professor position
in statistics beginning September 1, 2016. The position requires a
Ph.D. in statistics, biostatistics, data science or related fields,
and a strong commitment to teaching undergraduate and graduate
statistics courses.
Applications will be reviewed as they are received. The committee
will continue to accept application materials until the position is
filled or the search closed. For any questions, please contact
Belinda Soliz, Secretary for the Statistics Search Committee, at
For the complete job announcement and directions on how to apply,
visit: https://umdearborn.edu/casl/mathjobs/
The University of Michigan-Dearborn is an equal
opportunity/affirmative action employer.
From: Tim Phillips PhillipsTN@cf.ac.uk
Date: October 28, 2015
Subject: Lectureship Positions, Mathematics, Cardiff Univ
The School of Mathematics at Cardiff University invites applications
for 4 Lectureships in Algebra and Topology (2 posts), Financial
Mathematics and Mathematics to support collaboration with Computer
Science. The creation of these posts is part of an ongoing expansion
of the School which has seen a significant increase in the number of
undergraduates, postgraduates and staff over the last three years.
Applicants for these posts should have a record of or potential to
produce research that reaches the highest international standards of
excellence in terms of originality, significance and rigour and have
the ability to deliver high-quality teaching at undergraduate and
postgraduate levels.
Lecturer in Mathematics: This post is being created to establish
further collaboration with the School of Computer Science and
Informatics and in an area that will promote intra-disciplinary
research within the School of Mathematics. Areas of interest include
numerical algorithms, analysis of graphs, image and signal processing,
computer security, optimization, statistical modelling, machine
learning and big data analysis. Informal enquiries to
PhillipsTN@cf.ac.uk or MarlettaM@cf.ac.uk. Further information about
the position and the required documents for application can be found
Lecturer in Financial Mathematics: This post is being created to
support the development of a new and exciting degree scheme in
Financial Mathematics. Informal enquiries to PhillipsTN@cf.ac.uk or
Harper@cf.ac.uk. Further information about the position and the
required documents for application can be found at
Lecturer in Algebra and Topology (2 Posts): These posts are being
created to increase the breadth of Pure Mathematics in the
School. Informal enquiries to EvansDE@cf.ac.uk or
PhillipsTN@cf.ac.uk. Further information about the position and the
required documents for application can be found at
Closing date: Tuesday, 10 November 2015
From: Marco Kupiainen marco.kupiainen@smhi.se
Date: November 02, 2015
Subject: Scientific Computing Position
The Rossby Centre at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological
Institute looks for an expert in scientific computing to work on
development of future climate models. We offer a stimulating research
environment with a high degree of external contacts and flexible
working conditions.
For more information please look:
From: Chai Wah Wu cwwu@us.ibm.com
Date: October 27, 2015
Subject: IBM Herman Goldstine Postdoc Fellowship Position, Mathematical Sciences
2016-2017 IBM Herman Goldstine Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship in
Mathematical Sciences
The Mathematical Sciences Department of the IBM Thomas J. Watson
Research Center invites applications for its 2016-2017 Herman
Goldstine Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship for research in
mathematical and computer sciences. The fellowship provides scientists
of outstanding ability an opportunity to advance their scholarship as
resident department members at the Research Center. Areas of active
research in the department include: algorithms (approximation,
randomized, and on- line); complex systems; data mining (machine
learning, pattern recognition, computational statistics); dynamical
systems; high- performance computing (scientific computing, parallel
computing, big- data); inverse problems; numerical analysis;
optimization (discrete, continuous, global and stochastic); operations
research; probability theory (stochastic models, risk management,
queues & queuing networks, simulation); and statistics (time-series,
multivariate analysis, spatiotemporal analysis, design of experiments
& reliability). Candidates must have received a Ph.D. after September
2011, or should expect to receive one before the fellowship commences
in the second half of 2016 (usually in September). Up to two
fellowships will be awarded with a stipend between $105,000 and
$130,000 (depending on experience).
Applications must be received between November 9, 2015 and January 12,
2016. Complete details are available at
IBM is committed to work-place diversity, and is proud to be an equal-
opportunity employer.
From: Xiao Chen chen73@llnl.gov
Date: October 27, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, LLNL
The Center for Applied Scientific Computing (CASC) has an opening for
a postdoctoral researcher to perform research and development in
uncertainty quantification, data assimilation, and model
reduction. Specific research opportunities exist for the development
of scalable algorithms for stochastic data assimilation and their
application to several areas of our programmatic interest including
subsurface technology and engineering research, seismic inversion,
power grid management, and reservoir simulation. Candidate will work
with other members of Uncertainty Quantification Team, as well as
application researchers internally and externally to the
Laboratory. Candidate will be expected to perform independent research
contributing both to the theory and the development of novel
large-dimensional stochastic data assimilation techniques, and to
pursue complementary research interests. This position will report to
the Computational Physics Group Leader within CASC.
Location: Livermore, CA
Category: Post Docs
Organization: Computation
Posting Requirement: External Posting
Job ID: 100383
Job Code: Post-Dr Research Staff 1 (PDS.1)
Date Posted: October 22 2015
NOTE: This is a one year Postdoctoral appointment with the possibility
of extension to a maximum of three years. Eligible candidates are
recent PhDs within five years of the month of the degree award at time
of hire date.
From: Larisa Beilina larisa@chalmers.se
Date: October 30, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis for Nanophotonics
A postdoctoral fellowship position is now open at the Department of
Applied Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg,
Sweden. The position is for 6 months and can be extended pending
further funding. Candidates are expected to have a Ph.D. in applied
physics/mathematics, engineering, scientific computing or an area
related to the scientific computing. The candidate should be familiar
with the theory and applications of numerical analysis, mathematical
physics, PDEs, and the finite-element method. It is an advantage if
the candidate has knowledge of optics or electromagnetism and
experience with object-oriented programming in C++/PETSc using MPI.
The position will focus on the development of a numerical method to
optimize nanostructures (e.g., metamaterials or nonmagnetic
invisibility cloaks) with arbitrary geometries in a nonparametric way
using existing software package WavES (waves24.com), and adapt it for
application to nanophotonic problems.
Applications should be done electronically via link
by December 1, 2015. The preferred start date is January 1, 2016.
For questions, please contact:
Philippe Tassin, philippe.tassin [at] chalmers.se
Larisa Beilina, larisa.beilina [at] chalmers.se
From: Gustavo C. Buscaglia gustavo.buscaglia@gmail.com
Date: October 30, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Univ of Sao Paulo
Post-Doctoral Position in Applied Mathematical Modelling and
Computational Mathematics
University of São Paulo at São Carlos – ICMC- Department of Applied
Mathematics and Statistics
Location: São Carlos – São Paulo State- Brazil
Title: Models for measured-surface simulation of lubricated
contacts in the mixed regime.
Supervisor: Gustavo C. Buscaglia
The Center for Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry
(CEPID-CeMEAI) has one post-doc position available, starting
immediately. The plan and requirements are described below. The
monthly salary is R$5908,00 (approx. USD 1500,00) tax free. The
appointed post-doc will also receive return travel from his/her
country to Brazil paid by the grant. CeMEAI is a consortium of several
Universities in São Paulo State. The position is initially for one
year, renewable for a second year pending on suitable performance.
The purpose of this project is to extend the available computer model
to the mixed (high load) lubrication regime, considering the measured
surface topographies exactly. This will allow for quantitative
performance predictions of numerous new surface coatings and surface
finishing techniques that are attracting industrial interest nowadays,
mainly for applications in the mixed regime. Simulations using
measured topographies will also allow for the correlation between
surface performance and relevant surface statistical parameters.
The successful applicant will collaborate with the team lead by G.
Buscaglia and R. Ausas, with a proven record of research projects
and industrial collaborations in the field. A doctoral degree in
Applied Mathematics, Engineering or a related area is required,
together with experience in Computational Fluid Dynamics by finite
elements or finite volumes. Candidates showing familiarity with
lubrication problems and experience in high performance computing
will be given preference.
Interested candidates should e-mail a CV and two letters of
recommendation from university professors before November 30, 2015 to
Prof. Gustavo C. Buscaglia
Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação
Univ. de Sao Paulo
Av. Trab. Sao-Carlense, 400, CEP 13560-970, Sao Carlos, SP, Brasil
TEL: 55-16-33738176
From: Anja Hedrich on behalf of Gitta Kutyniok hedrich@math.tu-berlin.de
Date: October 29, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, TU Berlin
Technische Universität Berlin offers an open position:
Research Assistant - PostDoc - salary grade E13 TV-L Berliner
Hochschulen / part-time employment may be possible
Faculty II - Department of Mathematics/ Applied Functional Analysis Group
Reference number: II-450/15E (starting at 01/01/16 / until 31/12/17
/ closing date for applications 13/11/15)
Working field: Research within the Applied Functional Analysis Group
in the EU project "Data Learning on Manifolds and Future Challenges
Requirements: Successful candidates must have completed a university
degree (Diplom, Master or equivalent) and a PhD in Mathematics or
Computer Sciences and have a strong background in image processing as
well as good programming skills. Research contributions to at least
one of the areas of Applied Harmonic Analysis, Compressed Sensing,
Dictionary Learning and/or Sparse Approximation would be an asset. /
More information about the position can be obtained from Ms Hedrich
(phone +49 (0)30 314-27327, hedrich@math.tu-berlin.de) Please send
your application with the reference number and the appropriate
documents (cover letter mentioning the project reference number, CV,
list of publications, and transcript of records) preferably by email
in a single pdf file to Ms Hedrich (hedrich@math.tu-berlin.de) or in
writing to Technische Universität Berlin - Der Präsident - Fakultät
II, Institut für Mathematik, FG Angewandte Funktionalanalysis, Frau
Prof. Dr. Kutyniok, Sekr. MA 5-4, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623
Berlin. To ensure equal opportunities between women and men,
applications by women with the required qualifications are explicitly
desired. Qualified individuals with disabilities will be favored.
Please send copies only. Original documents will not be returned. The
vacancy is also available on the internet at
From: Mark Walkley m.a.walkley@leeds.ac.uk
Date: November 04, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Fibre Network Modelling, Univ of Leeds (UK)
We are offering a fully-funded PhD position in the computational
modelling of fibre networks, based in the School of Computing,
University of Leeds, UK.
The application deadline is Jan. 15th 2016.
This inter-disciplinary research project will combine (bio-)physics,
numerical analysis and parallel programming to develop an optimal
solver for the mechanical properties of cross-linked fibre
networks. All necessary skills with be developed under the guidance of
the expert supervision team. Multiple application domains for this
research already exist in Leeds, in the form of peptide gels, tissue
engineering scaffolds and non-woven fabrics, and it is expected that
frequent contact with this local expertise will help drive the
direction of the project.
Further information is available online:
Please send any queries to one of the supervisors:
David Head: d.head@leeds.ac.uk
Mark Walkley: cscmaw@leeds.ac.uk
From: Anja Hedrich on behalf of Gitta Kutyniok hedrich@math.tu-berlin.de
Date: October 29, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, TU Berlin
Technische Universität Berlin offers an open position:
Research Assistant - PhD candidate - salary grade E13 TV-L Berliner
Hochschulen / part-time employment may be possible
Faculty II - Department of Mathematics/ Applied Functional Analysis
Reference number: II-451/15E (starting at 01/01/16 / until
31/12/17, extension is intended / closing date for applications
Working field: Research within the Applied Functional Analysis Group
in the EU project "Data Learning on Manifolds and Future Challenges
(DEDALE)". PhD thesis preparation is possible.
Requirements: Successful candidates must have completed a university
degree (Diplom, Master or equivalent) in Mathematics, Computer
Sciences or Electrical Engineering, and have a strong background
(excellent grades) in discrete mathematics as well as good programming
skills. Knowledge in mathematical and image processing (in particular,
Applied Harmonic Analysis, Frame Theory and Compressed Sensing) would
be an asset. / More information about the position can be obtained
from Ms Hedrich (phone +49 (0)30 314-27327, hedrich@math.tu-berlin.de)
Please send your application with the reference number and the
appropriate documents (cover letter mentioning the project reference
number, CV, list of publications, and transcript of records)
preferably by email in a single pdf file to Ms Hedrich
(hedrich@math.tu-berlin.de) or in writing to Technische Universität
Berlin - Der Präsident - Fakultät II, Institut für Mathematik, FG
Angewandte Funktionalanalysis, Frau Prof. Dr. Kutyniok, Sekr. MA 5-4,
Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin. To ensure equal opportunities
between women and men, applications by women with the required
qualifications are explicitly desired. Qualified individuals with
disabilities will be favored. Please send copies only. Original
documents will not be returned. The vacancy is also available on the
internet at http://www.personalabteilung.tu-berlin.de/menue/jobs/
From: Ed Saff constr.approx@vanderbilt.edu
Date: November 03, 2015
Subject: Contents, Constructive Approximation, 42 (3)
Constructive Approximation
Volume 42 Number 3
Table of Contents
Erratum to: On 2D Newest Vertex Bisection: Optimality of Mesh- Closure
and H^1-Stability of L_2-Projection, Michael Karkulik, David Pavlicek,
Dirk Praetorius, Pages 349-352
Approximation of Mixed Order Sobolev Functions on the d-Torus:
Asymptotics, Preasymptotics, and d-Dependence, Thomas Kuehn, Winfried
Sickel, Tino Ullrich, Pages 353-398
Equilibrium Measures for a Class of Potentials with Discrete
Rotational Symmetries, F. Balogh, D. Merzi, Pages 399-424
Holder Regularity of Geometric Subdivision Schemes, T. Ewald, U. Reif,
M. Sabin, Pages 425-458
Hermite Multiplier Sequences and Their Associated Operators, Tamas
Forgacs, Andrzej Piotrowski, Pages 459-479
Spacings in Orthogonal and Symplectic Random Matrix Ensembles,
Kristina Schubert, Pages 481-518
Spectrality of Self-Similar Tiles, Xiaoye Fu, Xinggang He, Ka-Sing
Lau, Pages 519-541
From: Suzanne Eves suzie.eves@oup.com
Date: October 27, 2015
Subject: Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 35 (4)
Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 35(4)
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
Links to all articles in this issue are available online at:
Multilevel preconditioning of discontinuous Galerkin spectral element
methods. Part I: geometrically conforming meshes, Kolja Brix, Martin
Campos Pinto, Claudio Canuto, and Wolfgang Dahmen
Hyperbolic cross approximation for the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann
equation, E. Fonn, P. Grohs, and R. Hiptmair
Analysis of trace finite element methods for surface partial
differential equations, Arnold Reusken
Medius analysis and comparison results for first-order finite element
methods in linear elasticity, C. Carstensen and M. Schedensack
Analysis of symmetric interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin methods
for the Allen–Cahn equation and the mean curvature flow, Xiaobing Feng
and Yukun Li
Robust a posteriori error estimates for stabilized finite element
methods, L. Tobiska and R. Verfürth
Analysis of compatible discrete operator schemes for the Stokes
equations on polyhedral meshes, Jérôme Bonelle and Alexandre Ern
A frequency-independent boundary element method for scattering by
two-dimensional screens and apertures, D. P. Hewett, S. Langdon, and
S. N. Chandler-Wilde
Some analytical results for an algebraic flux correction scheme for a
steady convection–diffusion equation in one dimension, Gabriel
R. Barrenechea, Volker John, and Petr Knobloch
An asymptotic relationship between coupling methods for stochastically
modeled population processes, David F. Anderson and Masanori Koyama
Morley finite element method for the eigenvalues of the biharmonic
operator, Dietmar Gallistl
An SPD stabilized finite element method for the Stokes equations,
Huoyuan Duan, Roger C. E. Tan, Suh-Yuh Yang, and Cheng-Shu You
Christoffel–Darboux-type formulae for orthonormal rational functions
with arbitrary complex poles, Karl Deckers
Order of convergence of the finite element method for the p(x)-
Laplacian, Leandro M. Del Pezzo and Sandra MartÃÂnez
Convergence analysis on multigrid methods for elliptic problems with
large jumps in coefficients, Hui Zheng and Jinbiao Wu
An accurate and robust finite element level set redistancing method
Patrick Esser and Jörg Grande
Convergence and quasi-optimal complexity of adaptive finite element
computations for multiple eigenvalues, Xiaoying Dai, Lianhua He, and
Aihui Zhou
From: Claude Brezinski claude.brezinski@univ-lille1.fr
Date: October 27, 2015
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 70 (3)
Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 70, Issue 3
A hybrid iterative method with averaged mappings for hierarchical
fixed point problems and variational inequalities, Bin Fan
A finite-step construction of totally nonnegative matrices with
specified eigenvalues, Kanae Akaiwa, Yoshimasa Nakamura, Masashi
Iwasaki, Hisayoshi Tsutsumi, Koichi Kondo
Sparse grid quadrature on products of spheres, Markus Hegland, Paul
Computing recurrence coefficients of multiple orthogonal polynomials,
Galina Filipuk, Maciej Haneczok, Walter Van Assche
Seventh-order derivative-free iterative method for solving nonlinear
systems, Xiaofeng Wang, Tie Zhang, Weiyi Qian, Mingyan Teng
A new line search strategy for finding separating hyperplane in
projection-based methods, Keyvan Amini, Ahmad Kamandi
A family of iterative methods that uses divided differences of first
and second orders, J.A. Ezquerro, M. Grau-Sanchez,
M.A. Hernandez-Veron, M. Noguera
Operator compact method of accuracy two in time and four in space for
the solution of time dependent Burgers-Huxley equation, R.K. Mohanty,
Weizhong Dai, Don Liu
The cohesiveness of G-symplectic methods, J.C. Butcher
A compact finite difference method for a class of time fractional
convection-diffusion-wave equations with variable coefficients,
Yuan-Ming Wang
On the maximum relative error when computing integer powers by
iterated multiplications in floating-point arithmetic, Stef Graillat,
Vincent Lefevre, Jean-Michel Muller
A finite difference method for an inverse Sturm-Liouville problem in
impedance form, Qin Gao, Zhengda Huang, Xiaoliang Cheng
End of Digest