From: Linda Petzold petzold@cs.ucsb.edu
Date: July 18, 2015
Subject: Announcing StochSS V1.6
We are pleased to announce the release of StochSS Version 1.6!
StochSS: Stochastic Simulation Service, is an integrated development
environment for modeling and simulation of discrete stochastic
biochemical systems. An easy to use GUI enables researchers to
quickly develop and simulate biological models on a desktop or laptop,
which can then be expanded or combined to incorporate increasing
levels of complexity. As the demand for computational power
increases, StochSS is able to seamlessly scale up by deploying cloud
computing resources. The software currently supports simulation of
ODE and well-mixed discrete stochastic models, parameter estimation of
discrete stochastic models, and simulation of spatial stochastic
New capabilities of Version 1.6 include:
- Spatial visualization now supports animation, wireframe
rendering, and mesh slicing
- FlexCloud: run ‘cloud’ jobs on dedicated hardware (in addition
to using EC2)
- Import SBML models
- Many bug fixes and stability enhancements
For more details and instructions on how to obtain the code, visit us
at http://www.StochSS.org .
Linda Petzold and Chandra Krintz
University of California Santa Barbara
Per Lotstedt and Andreas Hellander
Uppsala Universiteit
From: Qi Ng qwng@wspc.com
Date: July 21, 2015
Subject: New Book, Frontiers in Approximation Theory
Hardcover / ISBN: 978-981-4696-08-1 / List Price: US$88 / Quote
WSMTH0820 now for 20% discount on this book. More information
available at http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/9649
In this monograph we present recent work of last five years of the
author in Approximation Theory. It is the natural outgrowth of his
related publications. Chapters are self-contained and advanced courses
can be taught out of this book. An extensive list of references is
given per chapter.
The topics covered are diverse. The first eight chapters are dedicated
to fractional monotone approximation theory introduced for the first
time by the author, taking the related ordinary theory of usual
differentiation at the fractional differentiation level having
polynomials and splines as approximators. Very little is written so
far about fractional approximation theory which is at its
infancy. Chapters 9–10 are dedicated to the approximation by discrete
singular operators of Favard style, e.g. of Picard and
Gauss–Weierstrass types. We continue with Chapter 11 which is about
the approximation by interpolating operators induced by neural
networks, a connection with computer science, a very detailed and
extensive work covering all aspects of the topic. We finish with
Chapter 12 about approximation theory and functional analysis on time
scales, a very modern topic, detailing all the pros and cons of the
The book’s results are expected to find applications in many areas of
pure and applied mathematics. As such this monograph is suitable for
researchers, graduate students, and seminars of the above subjects,
also to be in all science libraries.
From: Daniel Ruprecht daniel.ruprecht@usi.ch
Date: July 21, 2015
Subject: Cardiac Modeling and Simulation, Switzerland, Aug 2015
Registration is still open for the ‘’Cardiac Modeling and Simulation’’
in Lugano, Switzerland, from August 24 to August 28 this year.
The summer school is part of the PhD-program “Foundations in
Mathematics and Informatics for Computer Simulations in Science and
Engineering†(FoMICS) and organized in close cooperation between the
Center for Computational Medicine in Cardiology (CCMC) in Lugano and
SIMULA in Oslo, Norway.
We are delighted to announce the following lecturers:l
Ellen Kuhl (Stanford University)
Mark Potse (USI Lugano and Inria Bordeaux)
Christoph Schwab (ETH Zurich)
Samuel Wall (Simula Oslo and Oslo University)
Martin Weiser (Zuse Institut Berlin)
Please consult the following website for more information:
From: David Bindel bindel@cs.cornell.edu
Date: July 28, 2015
Subject: Development of Modern Methods for Linear Algebra (DMML), USA, Oct 2015
Workshop on Development of Modern Methods for Linear Algebra (DMML)
UC Berkeley, Oct 23-24, 2015
Registration deadline: Oct 1.
This workshop is dedicated to James Demmel for his leadership in
modern high-accuracy and high-performance linear algebra solvers and
for his promotion of numerical linear algebra to a broad audience
through software, teaching, and collaboration. Workshop themes
- Linear algebra software design
- Scalable communication-avoiding methods
- High-performance and auto-tuning
- High-accuracy computations and error analysis
- Application-inspired methods
- Connections between numerical linear algebra and other areas of
- Promotion of numerical linear algebra through teaching and
From: Anja Milde komso@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
Date: July 27, 2015
Subject: Mathematical MSO for Energy Conservation, Germany, Oct 2015
7th KoMSO Challenge Workshop, “Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and
Optimization for Energy Conservationâ€
October 8-9, 2015
Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Karlstraße 4, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany
Energy efficiency remains the second pillar of the Energiewende. In
keeping with its energy concept, it is the German government’s
long-term objective to reduce energy consumption by 50 percent until
2050 compared to the respective figures in 2008. It is the goal of
this workshop to evaluate the potential of mathematical modeling,
simulation and optimization (MSO) for energy conservation in
industrial systems and processes and to identify new relevant MSO
methods in this respect. Practical aim of this workshop is to lay the
content-related groundwork for a call for proposals, e.g. with the
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) or the Federal
Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi). Furthermore, this event
serves as platform for industrial and academic exchange regarding the
complex issue of mathematical MSO for energy conservation. We kindly
invite your contribution and participation. Note that the number of
participants is limited. Please register for free at
http://www.komso.org. Preferred workshop language is English.
Abstract Submission: Sept. 7, 2015
Registration: Sept. 27, 2015
From: Farid Bozorgnia faridb@kth.se
Date: July 17, 2015
Subject: Nonlinear Science, Portugal, Oct 2015
UT Austin | Portugal CoLab Program:
Autumn School in Nonlinear Science, 5-9 October 2015, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal
The school aims at bringing together prominent researchers, known for
their expertise in modeling, analysis and simulation of nonlinear
phenomena, and graduate and post-graduate students from around the
world for five days of research training. The school comprises an
intensive program of week-long short courses complemented by tutorial
sessions run by post-graduate students. It will focus on non-local or
nonlinear partial differential equations with applications ranging
from phase transitions and free boundary problems to porous media
flows and contaminant transport in subsurface environments.
We expect to be able to fund the local expenses of up to 25 students.
Confirmed speakers
Clint Dawson (ICES/UT Austin, USA)
Peter Knabner (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)
Tuomo Kuusi (Aalto University, Finland)
K.R. Rajagopal (Texas A&M, USA)
Alexei Novikov (PennState, USA)
Details and online registration can be found at:
From: Jiahao Chen jiahao@mit.edu
Date: July 20, 2015
Subject: HPTCDL Workshop, USA, Nov 2015
Held in conjunction with SC15: The International Conference on High
Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis in Austin,
Submission date: Monday, August 31, 2015
Workshop date: Sunday, November 15, 2015
Website: http://hptcdl.github.io
Organizers: Jiahao Chen, Alan Edelman, Wade Shen, and Andy Terrel
Call for papers
Dynamic high-level languages such as Julia, Maple®, Mathematica®,
MATLAB®, Octave, Python/NumPy/SciPy, R, and Scilab are rapidly gaining
popularity with computational scientists and engineers. This workshop
aims to bring together users, developers, and practitioners of dynamic
technical computing languages, regardless of language, affiliation or
discipline, to discuss topics of common interest. Disciplines
affiliated the broad umbrella of computational science and
engineering, such as physical sciences, biological sciences, social
sciences, digital humanities, mathematics, statistics, computer
science, all share common challenges associated with the
implementation of computational models in extant programming
languages. Examples of such topics include code performance, the use
of abstractions for composability and reusability, the two-language
problem, best practices for software development and engineering, and
the implications of such code design decisions for applications in
visualization, information retrieval and big data analytics. We
expect that these challenges are common to researchers and programmers
in academia, national laboratories and industry.
From: Matthew Dixon mfdixon@usfca.edu
Date: July 17, 2015
Subject: High Performance Computational Finance, USA, Nov 2015
The eighth workshop on high performance computational finance shall
take place on November the 20th in Austin, TX. It brings together
practitioners, researchers, vendors, and scholars from the
complementary fields of computational finance and high performance
computing in order to promote an exchange of ideas, discuss future
collaborations and develop new research directions. Financial
companies increasingly rely on high performance computers to analyze
high volumes of financial data, automatically execute trades, and
manage risk.
We seek submissions that cover various aspects of computational
finance. In addition to submissions that deal with performance and
programmability challenges, theoretical analysis, algorithms, and
practical experience in computational finance.
Submission deadline: August 21st, 11:59 EST
Author notification: September 18th
Final version due: October 2nd
Please see http://ewh.ieee.org/conf/whpcf/ for further details.
From: Daniel B. Szyld szyld@temple.edu
Date: July 21, 2015
Subject: Mid-Atlantic NA-Day, USA, Nov 2015
This is the first announcement of the 2015 Mid-Atlantic NA-Day, to be
held at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA on Friday 13 November
The purpose of this one-day meeting is to provide a forum for Graduate
Students and Postdoctoral Fellows, i.e., researchers and practitioners
at the very beginning of their careers, from the Mid-Atlantic region,
to exchange ideas in numerical analysis, scientific computing and
related application areas. More established scientists are encouraged
to attend as well.
Keynote Speaker: Misha Kilmer, Tufts University.
"Model Reduction for Nonlinear Image Reconstruction Problems."
Abstract Deadline is 1 October 2015.
There will be no registration fee, but we ask participants
to please register.
Submissions, registration, hotel info and more at:
Questions? write to us at naday@temple.edu
From: Stefano De Marchi demarchi@math.unipd.it
Date: July 18, 2015
Subject: Constructive Approximation and Applications, Italy, Sep 2016
4th Dolomites Workshop on Constructive Approximation and Applications
(DWCAA16), Alba di Canazei (Trento, Italy), Sept. 8-13, 2016
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Costanza Conti (Florence); Armin Iske (Hamburg);
Elisabeth Larsson (Uppsala); Norm Levenberg (Bloomington); Gerlind
Plonka (Goettingen); Grady Wright (Boise)
- Approximation theory in imaging science
- Meshless methods
- Multivariate polynomial approximation and pluripotential theory
- Numerical integration, integral equations and transforms
- Sparse approximation
- Poster Session
Deadline for submission of abstracts: April 30, 2016
From: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore MASrecruit@ntu.edu.sg
Date: July 23, 2015
Subject: Faculty Positions, Nanyang Technological Univ
School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
1) Faculty Positions at all Ranks
The Division of Mathematical Sciences in the School of Physical and
Mathematical Sciences invites applications for positions at the ranks
of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Lecturer, and
Senior Lecturer. We are looking for candidates with Ph.D. degrees in
Mathematics or closely related fields. Specifically, in Computational
Mathematics, Financial Mathematics, Mathematical Physics,
Optimization, Pure Mathematics, Statistics. Successful applicants are
expected to maintain an active research program, attract and supervise
graduate students, and to participate in undergraduate and graduate
teaching. Salary and benefits are internationally competitive.
2) Faculty Positions at all Ranks in Data Analytics
The Division of Mathematical Sciences in the School of Physical and
Mathematical Sciences invites applications for positions at the ranks
of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor in Data
Analytics. We are looking for candidates with Ph.D. degrees in Applied
Mathematics or closely related fields. Evidence of excellence in
research is required. Specifically, in Data mining of massive data
sets, Computational Statistics, Urban Analytics, Health Analytics.
Experience with industrial projects is a prerequisite, and industrial
work experience is desirable. Successful applicants are expected to
maintain an active research program, seek out and participate in
industrial collaborations, attract and supervise graduate students in
our new Masters of Analytics program, and to participate in
undergraduate and graduate teaching. Salary and benefits are
internationally competitive.
To apply, please refer to the Guidelines for Submitting an Application
for Faculty Appointment at:
and send your application package to MASrecruit@ntu.edu.sg.
For enquiries, please send them to: Bernhard Schmidt (Search Committee
Chair), bernhard@ntu.edu.sg
From: Steve Campbell slc@math.ncsu.edu
Date: July 17, 2015
Subject: Tenure Track Position, North Carolina State Univ
The Department of Mathematics at North Carolina State University
invites applications for one or more tenure-track position(s)
beginning Fall 2015, depending on the availability of funding. We are
seeking exceptionally well-qualified individuals with research
interests compatible with those in the department in the general area
of applied mathematics. Candidates must have a PhD in the mathematical
sciences or related areas; a successful post-doctoral experience; an
outstanding research program; a commitment to effective teaching at
the undergraduate and graduate levels; and demonstrated potential for
excellence in both research and teaching. The Department of
Mathematics has strong research programs in applied and pure
mathematics. Many members of the department participate in
interdisciplinary programs and research groups. Information about the
department is available at http://www.math.ncsu.edu. Among the areas
of interest are dynamical systems, control, numerical analysis
including numerical linear algebra, stochastic systems and
Submit your application materials at
http://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/ncsu. Please include curriculum vitae,
at least three letters of recommendation, and a description of current
and planned research. You will then receive instructions to complete a
faculty profile at http://jobs.ncsu.edu/postings/42548. For questions
concerning the position contact: math-jobs@math.ncsu.edu. North
Carolina State University is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative
Action Employer, and welcomes all persons without regard to sexual
orientation. The College of Sciences welcomes the opportunity to work
with candidates to identify suitable employment opportunities for
spouses or partners. Priority will be given to applications received
by 15 November 2015.
From: markus melenk melenk@tuwien.ac.at
Date: July 28, 2015
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Numerics of SPDEs, TU Wien
Tenure track position in "numerical methods for stochastic
differential equations"
The successful candidate is well-established in a current, active
research area in the field of numerical methods for stochastic partial
differential equations. Possible focus areas include efficient methods
for high-dimensional problems, multilevel Monte Carlo methods,
stability properties of stochastic differential equations, stochastic
FEM, applications of stochastic differential equations in science and
technology. Proven ability to attract research funding and
international visibility is desired. Teaching experience, including
supervision of Master Theses, is a plus. While knowledge of German is
not a prerequisite, willingness to learn German is expected. The
position is a "Laufbahnstelle" in the Austrian university system. That
is, the initial appointment is for up to 6 years; the position is made
permanent after a positive evalulation and promotion to "associate
Application deadline is September 16, 2015.
Please send applications to Elisabeth Karner
Please contact J.M. Melenk (melenk@tuwien.ac.at) for further questions
regarding the position.
From: Alvin Bayliss a-bayliss@northwestern.edu
Date: July 28, 2015
Subject: Tenure Track Positions, Applied Mathematics, Northwestern
The Department of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics is
recruiting for two positions for the upcoming year. For further
information please see
From: Arslan Ornek arslan.ornek@ieu.edu.tr
Date: July 27, 2015
Subject: Professorship Position, Izmir Univ of Economics
Assistant/Associate Professor
Institution: Izmir University of Economics
Location: Izmir, Turkey
Faculty : Engineering and Comp. Sciences - Industrial Eng. Dept.
Posted: 16/06/2015
Application Due: Open Until Filled
Type: Full Time
The Department of Industrial Engineering at Izmir University of
Economics, Turkey invites applications for assistant/associate
professor positions. The Department currently offers courses in the
BSc., and MSc. Programs.
Area of Specialization: The candidate should have expertise and
demonstrated published work on Industrial and Systems Engineering
theory and applications in general and stochastic processes/modelling
in particular.
Responsibilities: Undertaking teaching, research, and scholarly
Job Specification: Candidates must possess a Ph.D. in the area of
Industrial Engineering or in a similar discipline, e.g., Computer
Science with appropriate teaching experience, references and related
industry or research experience.
Good communication skills are required in both written and spoken
Application Process: Interested candidates are invited to submit their
Curriculum Vitae including their education, professional experience
and publication information to the email below:
Email : arslan.ornek@ieu..edu.tr
Dr. Arslan Ornek
Industrial Engineering Department
Izmir University of Economics
From: Yousef Saad saad@cs.umn.edu
Date: July 28, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Linear Algebra, Univ of Minnesota
A Postdoctoral Associate position is available to work on research
projects related to numerical linear algebra methods, with emphasis on
solution methods for eigenvalue problems. The projects involve the
development of high performance algorithms, the analysis of these
algorithms, and their parallel implementation and use in practical
Applicants must have a good background in numerical linear algebra in
a broad sense. They should have experience in parallel computing (MPI,
OpenMP, ..), numerical methods in general, and sparse matrix
techniques in particular. A Ph.D. in Computer Science, applied
mathematics, or a field related to scientific computing is required.
For more information or to apply online please access the following
employment link: http://www1.umn.edu/ohr/employment/ [Click on
`External Applicants'. Then search (keywords) for job 303085]
There is no deadline for applying - but the selection process will
begin two weeks after the posting of this announcement and the
position will remain open until it is filled.
From: Iain Duff iain.duff@stfc.ac.uk
Date: July 22, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Positions, STFC-RAL Numerical Analysis Group
We are inviting applications for two postdoctoral positions in the
Numerical Analysis Group at STFC-RAL in Oxfordshire, UK.
The successful candidates will join the Numerical Linear Algebra for
Future and Emerging Technologies (NLAFET) project funded by the
European Commission involving Inria, Umea University, University of
Manchester and STFC-RAL. The positions will focus on design,
implementation, and evaluation of parallel algorithms for numerical
linear algebra with regards to extreme-scale challenges. The research
at RAL will principally be on sparse direct solvers that are highly
scalable and thus suitable for future and emerging large scale
computers. The algorithms developed will be validated on several
applications targeted by NLAFET, such as power systems, computational
fluid dynamics, and astrophysics. The research will be done in close
collaboration with established researchers in the Numerical Analysis
Group as well as with other partners in NLAFET.
Candidates should have a PhD in applied mathematics or computer
science and expertise in numerical linear algebra and/or high
performance computing.
This post offers a full-time 36-month research appointment.
Informal enquiries may be made to: Iain Duff .
To apply, please go to the STFC recruitment portal at
The deadline for applications is 31st August 2015 and interview for
short-listed candidates will be held on 25th September 2015. The
appointment can begin on 1 November 2015 or at a mutually agreed date
later in the year.
From: Ilya Safro isafro@clemson.edu
Date: July 21, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Discrete Optimization and Multigrid, Clemson Univ
We are looking for an excellent candidate for a Ph.D. position in the
School of Computing at Clemson University beginning Spring 2016 or
Fall 2016. The candidate will work under the supervision of Dr. Ilya
Safro on combinatorial scientific computing, and large-scale discrete
optimization. Some projects will include collaboration with national
The ideal candidate should have a solid background in
- theoretical computer science, discrete mathematics, algorithms
- numerical methods (in particular, in linear algebra)
- C/C++
Basic knowledge of multigrid and optimization is a big plus.
Some experience in the following areas will be considered as an
advantage (not mandatory)
- HPC and parallel programming/MPI/OpenMP/Hadoop
- graph/network libraries (such as Boost Graph Library, LEDA, and
- scientific computing libraries (such as PetSc)
Please send your application to Ilya Safro at isafro@clemson.edu. The
application should include one pdf with
- cover letter or/and essay
- resume
- grades
- contact details of 2-3 references
The subject line must contain "PhD Application (CSC)".
The School of Computing has 42 faculty members, more than 400
undergraduate majors, and over 200 graduate students collectively
across its three divisions: Computer Science, Visual Computing, and
Human-Centered Computing. Clemson University is located in Clemson,
South Carolina, a college town on beautiful Lake Hartwell at the
foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, conveniently situated within a
2hr drive from both Atlanta and Charlotte. Clemson has an enrolment of
approximately 20,000. U.S. News & World Report has ranked Clemson in
the Top 20 nationally among public universities, and Clemson ranks
number 5 among U.S. universities in supercomputing.
From: Simon Shaw simon.shaw@brunel.ac.uk
Date: July 21, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, FEM/SPH Coupling
A PhD studentship including fees (at UK/EU rates) and bursary is
available at Brunel University London in Mathematics and the National
Structural Integrity Research Centre (Brunel). The focus of the
research will be on the development of methods for the coupling of
total Lagrangian SPH (Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics) methods to FEM
(Finite Element Methods) in the specific case of quasi-static and
dynamic elasticity. The SPH/FEM coupling should allow for more
accurate modelling of: damage initiation, evolution and localisation;
crack initiation, propagation, and branching. Initially, the
developments will be carried out in 2D with intention to be extended
and implemented into a 3D non-linear finite element/SPH code. The new
developments will be validated and applied to selected industrial
For further detail please, in the first instance, see the document at:
From: Felix Kwok felix_kwok@hkbu.edu.hk
Date: July 20, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Hong Kong Baptist Univ
We invite applications for a three-year, full-time PhD studentship on
"Parallel Numerical Methods for nonlinear PDEs" within the Department
of Mathematics at Hong Kong Baptist University. The expected start
date is October 2015 (with some room for negotiation). The project
will be supervised by Dr. Felix Kwok and will involve the design,
analysis and implementation of innovative parallel methods for solving
large- scale nonlinear PDEs that arise in practical applications.
The successful applicant should have good knowledge in partial
differential equations and/or numerical analysis. Experience in
implementing numerical algorithms is a plus. The PhD student will be
required to take coursework, complete an approved programme of
supervised research, present the research undertakings and findings
and pass an oral examination on the written thesis. For reference,
full-time research students at HKBU were offered HK$14,100 per month
as studentship in the academic year 2013/14.
A list of research interest and recent publications by Dr. Kwok can be
found at http://www.math.hkbu.edu.hk/~felix_kwok/research.htm. For
more information on the project, please contact Dr. Kwok at
From: Marco Donatelli marco.donatelli@uninsubria.it
Date: July 24, 2015
Subject: PhD Positions, Univ of Insubria (Varese-Como), Italy
Outstanding students are sought for 7 Ph.D. fellowships in "Computer
Science and Computational Mathematics" at the Department of Science
and high Technology, University of INSUBRIA Varese-Como, Italy,
The call for the application is available at the website
The application deadline is 7th September 2015.
The applicants will be interviewed within the end of September 2015.
The successful candidates will work in a multidisciplinary
environment, developing skills in Computer Science and Scientific
Computing. During the Ph.D. program, the students will attend 4
courses with final exam, and summer schools. Short visits abroad will
be also possible during the first two years. The students will carry
out original research in Computational Mathematics, and the results of
their work will be reported in their Ph.D. theses.
For further information the applicants may contact either Prof. Marco
Donatelli (marco.donatelli@uninsubria.it) or Prof. Claudio Gentile
From: Iain Duff duff@cerfacs.fr
Date: July 26, 2015
Subject: Proceedings, Sparse Days at St Girons III
The annual CERFACS Sparse Days in 2015 was much enhanced by scheduling
it within the CIMI semester (http://cimi-semester-hpc.fr) working in
collaboration with our colleagues in the CERFACS-IRIT common lab.
There were over 100 attendees, half of whom were from outside France
and a quarter from the United States. The meeting was held in St
Girons, Ariege entitled "Sparse Days in St Girons III" in recognition
of two previous conferences that we organized in St Girons in 1994 and
The meeting was held from Sunday 28th June until Thursday 2nd July and
was memorable both for the excellence of the 40 talks and 2 posters as
well as the fantastic hospitality of our hosts in St Girons and
Ariege. Such was the success of the meeting that we do not feel
inclined to wait as long as ten years to repeat the event and venue so
watch this space around 2020 for St Girons IV!
Copies of the presentations at the meeting are available from the
End of Digest