From: Ron Boisvert boisvert@nist.gov
Date: June 16, 2015
Subject: Seeking arXiv Editor
The Computing Research Repository (CoRR), also known as the Computer
Science section of arxiv.org, is an open source repository for
preprints in the field of computing. Authors select topic
categorizations when submitting articles, and each such category has a
volunteer editor who checks whether the category is appropriate and if
the submission is indeed a research article. Editors do not generally
review articles for quality, only for appropriateness; such reviews
typically can be done in a minute or so each. I am currently the
gatekeeper for three categories within CoRR: (1) Numerical Analysis,
(2) Mathematical Software, and (3) Computational Science, Engineering
and Finance. CoRR is looking for a volunteer willing to succeed me as
Editor. The position provides one with a unique perspective on current
research being undertaken in these areas. About 2-4 such papers are
submitted each day, so the workload is very modest. If you are
interested in performing this service to the community please contact
From: Eric Polizzi polizzi@ecs.umass.edu
Date: June 17, 2015
Subject: Announcing FEAST Eigensolver v3.0
FEAST is a free high-performance numerical library for solving the
eigenvalue problem, and obtaining all the eigenvalues and (right/left)
eigenvectors within a given search interval or arbitrary domain in the
complex plane. Its originality lies with a new transformative
numerical approach to the traditional eigenvalue algorithm design -
the FEAST algorithm. The algorithm contains elements from complex
analysis, numerical linear algebra and approximation theory. It is
defined as an optimal subspace iteration method using approximate
spectral projectors. The FEAST eigensolver combines simplicity and
efficiency and offers many important capabilities for achieving high
performance, robustness, accuracy, and scalability on parallel
architectures. The package includes flexible reverse communication
interfaces and ready to use predefined interfaces for dense, banded
and sparse systems.
The new version v3.0 of the FEAST package can address both Hermitian
and non-Hermitian eigenvalue problems (real symmetric, real
non-symmetric, complex Hermitian, complex symmetric, or complex
general systems) on both shared-memory and distributed memory
architectures (i.e contains both FEAST-SMP and FEAST-MPI
packages). The new upgrade includes, in particular:
1 Supports for non-Hermitian systems (more than 100 new routines)
2 New and improved quadrature schemes (including Zolotarev
3 Stochastic estimates for eigenvalue counts
4 Expert routines using custom contour
5 Highly-scalable banded interfaces using the new spike-smp solver
The software can be downloaded from the following website:
Remark: FEAST v2.1 (Hermitian-SMP) is also integrated into INTEL-MKL
(Intel MKL Extended Eigensolver)
From: Bruce Bailey bailey@siam.org
Date: June 17, 2015
Subject: New Book, Finite Dimensional Linear Systems
Announcing the May 26, 2015, publication by SIAM of:
Finite Dimensional Linear Systems, by Roger W. Brockett
xvi + 244 pages / Softcover / ISBN 978-1-611973-87-7 / List Price $74.00
/ SIAM Member Price $51.80 / Order Code CL74
Originally published in 1970, Finite Dimensional Linear Systems is a
classic textbook that provides a solid foundation for learning about
dynamical systems and encourages students to develop a reliable
intuition for problem solving. The theory of linear systems has been
the bedrock of control theory for 50 years and has served as the
springboard for many significant developments, all the while remaining
impervious to change. Since linearity lies at the heart of much of the
mathematical analysis used in applications, a firm grounding in its
central ideas is essential.
This book touches upon many of the standard topics in applied
mathematics, develops the theory of linear systems in a systematic
way, making as much use as possible of vector ideas, and contains a
number of nontrivial examples and many exercises.
To order or for more about this book, please visit
http://bookstore.siam.org/CL74/ .
From: Armin Iske iske@math.uni-hamburg.de
Date: June 23, 2015
Subject: Colloquium in honour of Gerhard Opfer, Hamburg, Sep 2015
In celebration of Gerhard Opfer's 80th birthday, a fest colloquium on
“Classical and Modern Topics of Applied Mathematics†will be hosted on
Thursday, 17th September 2015, at the University of Hamburg, Germany.
- Drahoslava Janovska (Prague)
- Jan Modersitzki (Luebeck)
- Wolfgang Sproessig (Freiberg)
- Sou-Cheng Choi (Chicago)
- Lothar Reichel (Kent State)
Up-to-date information and a registration form are now online at
We look forward to seeing you in Hamburg in September!
From: Heiko Gimperlein h.gimperlein@hw.ac.uk
Date: June 23, 2015
Subject: Graduate School on Evolution Equations, UK, Sep 2015
We would like to bring to your attention the "2nd Maxwell Institute
Graduate School on Evolution Equations", to be held at the
International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS) in Edinburgh on
16-18 September 2015.
Arnulf Jentzen (ETH Zurich) and Alessandra Lunardi (Parma) will give
short courses (4-6 hours) on the numerical analysis of stochastic
evolution equations (Jentzen) and on semigroup theory and invariant
measures for parabolic problems (Lunardi).
Their lectures will be complemented with talks by senior participants
Ben Leimkuhler (Edinburgh) and Kevin Painter (Heriot-Watt).
Abstracts and further information are available at
http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/~hg94/evo15 .
The School will include a student session, where postgraduate students
will present their work. Students interested in giving a talk on this
occasion should let us know by July 15th. Some funding is available to
support participation, especially, of Scottish students. If you would
like to apply for funding the deadline is, again, the 15th of July.
We appreciate if you could forward this information to interested
students or colleagues.
From: Jochen Garcke garcke@ins.uni-bonn.de
Date: June 17, 2015
Subject: High-Dimensional Approximation, Germany, Sep 2015
We are organizing the 6th International Workshop on High-Dimensional
Approximation, HDA-2015, which will be held from 14th to 18th
September 2015 at the University of Bonn in Germany.
The workshop covers current research on all numerical aspects of
high-dimensional problems. The scope ranges from high-dimensional
approximation theory over computational methods to engineering and
scientific applications. Participation is open to all interested in
high-dimensional computational mathematics and science.
For more information, please visit the conference website:
Abstract submissions are accepted until 5th of July.
From: Gabriel Wittum wittum@g-csc.de
Date: June 16, 2015
Subject: Modeling Natural Barriers, Germany, Sep 2015
Abstract deadline July 15!
Conference on “Modeling Natural Barriersâ€Â
Sept. 28 - Oct 1, 2015, 75323 Bad Wildbad, Germany
Workshop 1: Modeling Storage in Deep Layers, Mo., Sept. 28, 2015.
Topics include: CO2 sequestration, waste disposals in deep geological
layers, multiscale modeling, numerical methods, adaptivity,
discretizations, Fast and robust multigrid methods, high performance
computing. Invited Speakers: V. Cvetkovic, A. Grillo, M. Resch,
M. Wheeler (Austin). Organizers: S. Attinger, J. Mönig, A. Nägel,
A. Schneider, G. Wittum, J. Wolf
Workshop 2: Modeling the Barrier Function of Human Skin, Sept 29 - Oct
1, 2015. Topics include: Detailed skin models, Modelling and
simulation of transdermal drug delivery, Sorption, Metabolism,
Copermeation, Imaging and morphology reconstruction Invited Speakers
(tentative): Joke Bouwstra, Johanna Brandner, Richard Guy, Johannes
M. Nitsche, Reinhard Neubert, Lars Norlen, Roger Wepf (Zürich)
Organizers: Matthias Bolten, Michael Heisig, Arne Nägel, Mike Roberts,
Gabriel Wittum, Felix Wolf
From: Nick Trefethen trefethen@maths.ox.ac.uk
Date: June 18, 2015
Subject: Lecturer Position, Numerical Analysis, Oxford Univ
The Numerical Analysis Group at Oxford University is advertising a
one-year Departmental Lecturer post combining research and teaching,
to begin September 1. You will be part of a leading research group
including Cartis, Hauser, Suli, Tanner, Trefethen, Wathen, and others
in Oxford's Mathematical Institute set in the glamorous new Andrew
Wiles Building. The application deadline is July 23: see
From: Robert Speck r.speck@fz-juelich.de
Date: June 19, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Methods for HPC, JSC
The Juelich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) is looking to recruit a
postdoctoral researcher in the field of mathematics and scientific
computing, see http://www.fz-
In JSC’s cross-sectional team “Mathematical Methods and Algorithmsâ€Â
you will establish the fields of stochastic partial differential
equations and uncertainty quantification of large-scale simulations as
one of the key competences and work together with domain scientists
from e.g. JSC’s Simulation Laboratories. We are looking for candidates
holding a university degree with a mathematical specialization
followed by a doctoral degree. Scientific expertise in stochastic
analysis and numerical methods for partial differential equations is
essential, first practical programming experience on parallel
computers is desirable.
In our cooperative and interdisciplinary research setting, you will be
able to further expand your personal strengths and expertise. We offer
options for flexible working hours, support with childcare and
solutions suited to your individual situation. The position is
initially limited for 3 years.
We look forward to receiving your application. For a detailed
description of the position and the recruiting process, see
JSC.html .
From: Christian Boehm christian.boehm@erdw.ethz.ch
Date: June 22, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Seismic and Medical Imaging, ETH Zurich
The Computational Seismology Group at ETH Zurich is seeking to appoint
a postdoctoral researcher to work on the development of ultrasound
full-waveform inversion (FWI) methods for the detection of breast
cancer. This project is in close collaboration with our industry
partners SonoView and the Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical
Engineering. The position is full-time (100%) for a duration of 24
months, with possibility for extension. Earliest starting date is
August 1st, 2015.
Further information can be found here:
From: Athanasios Stylianou stylianou@mathematik.uni-kassel.de
Date: June 16, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Applied Analysis, Univ of Kassel, Germany
Deadline: 12 July 2015
Applications are invited at the Institute for Mathematics at the
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Kassel,
Germany (Prof. Dr. D. Knees) for a PhD position starting at 1st
October 2015. The appointment is limited to three years with possible
extensions. The salary is according to the German public service
tariff scale EG 13 TV-H (part-time, 50%). Applicants are expected to
join the research activities at the Group of Analysis (Prof. D. Knees)
and to prepare a PhD project. The research of the group is focused on
the analytical investigation of systems of coupled nonlinear partial
differential equations coming from problems in continuum mechanics and
material sciences. The position also includes a teaching load of 2
hours per week.
This position requires an university degree in mathematics and good
knowledge in the areas of Applied Analysis, in particular on partial
differential equations or calculus of variations. Candidates should
be interested in applications in the natural sciences. For any further
questions, do not hesitate to contact Prof. D. Knees,
dknees@mathematik.uni-kassel.de . Candidates are requested to send
their application electronically (in German or English) mentioning the
number Kennziffer 25877 to the President of the University of Kassel
(bewerbungen@uni-kassel.de). The University of Kassel is an equal
opportunity employer. Applications of women are strongly
encouraged. Disabled persons will be given preference in case of equal
Job offer (in German):
From: Wim Michiels Wim.Michiels@cs.kuleuven.be
Date: June 19, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, KU Leuven
PhD position "Multivariate Polynomial and Rational Interpolation and
Approximation with applications in engineering"
In several theoretical as well as computational mathematical problems,
one wants to work with complicated multivariate functions. However, in
a lot of cases performing operations with these original functions is
cumbersome and requires an unacceptably high computational effort. A
solution to this problem is to replace the original complicated
function by a function that can be handled much more easily, e.g.,
polynomial or rational functions. Within this space of simpler
functions, we can look for the function that optimizes one of several
possible criteria. The computational effort to find, e.g., a minmax
approximant is large. Instead a nearly optimal approximant can be
found by just computing the function that interpolates the original
function in certain well-chosen points, called “good pointsâ€Â. The
“good points†themselves can be chosen in an optimal or nearly optimal
way according to a certain optimization criterion that specifies the
“goodness†of the set of points. Further details can be found at the
project webpage
In this project, we will study “good points†for multivariate
interpolation and approximation for different function spaces as well
as “good representations†for the corresponding interpolant/
approximant. The theory of these “good points†and “good
representations†will be developed as well as the corresponding
efficient and accurate algorithms to compute them and work with
them. We will also study several applications in which these tools
could play a key role.
More info and application instructions at
From: Boris Vexler vexler@ma.tum.de
Date: June 23, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Optimization and Num Meth for Coupled Problems
We offer a PhD Position in the project CoSimO within the International
Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE:
http://www.igsse.tum.de/) at the Technische Universitaet Muenchen.
The topic of the project is development and analysis of numerical
methods for solving optimization or optimal control problems in the
context of coupled multi-physic problems. This is a collaboration
project between the chair of Optimal Control (www-m17.ma.tum.de) and
the chair of Structural Analysis (www.st.bgu.tum.de).
Applicants should hold a master's degree in mathematics or related
areas. They are asked to submit a curriculum vitae, copies of
certifications of academic qualifications held, a copy of a degree
thesis and a letter of recommendation.
Please send you application or question about the project/position to
Prof. Dr. Boris Vexler (vexler@ma.tum.de).
From: Daniele Boffi daniele.boffi@unipv.it
Date: June 23, 2015
Subject: New PhD Program, Mathematics, Italy (Milano-Bicocca, Pavia)
A new PhD program in Mathematics is being started jointly by the
Universities of Pavia and Milano-Bicocca, and by INdAM. Competition is
open for 10 fellowships and 2 unpaid positions. Instructions on how to
apply and information regarding the Academic Board and the research
topics covered by the program are available at the following sites:
It is only possible to apply through the on-line procedure described
in the announcement. Please do not send the application directly to
the Coordinator or to the involved Mathematics Departments.
The deadline is July 8, 2015.
Within the program, the following curriculum is active:
Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modeling
For further information, please refer to Alessandro Russo
alessandro.russo@unimib.it or Daniele Boffi daniele.boffi@unipv.it
From: Chi-Wang Shu shu@dam.brown.edu
Date: June 23, 2015
Subject: Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 63 (2) and 64 (1)
Journal of Scientific Computing
Volume 63, Number 3, June 2015
Error Analysis of Explicit Partitioned Runge–Kutta Schemes for
Conservation Laws, Willem Hundsdorfer, David I. Ketcheson and Igor
Savostianov, pp.633-653.
A Numerical Comparison Between Degenerate Parabolic and Quasilinear
Hyperbolic Models of Cell Movements Under Chemotaxis, Roberto
Natalini, Magali Ribot and Monika Twarogowska, pp.654-677.
Well-Balanced Central Schemes on Overlapping Cells with Constant
Subtraction Techniques for the Saint-Venant Shallow Water System, Suo
Yang, Alexander Kurganov and Yingjie Liu, pp.678-698.
Pressure Recovery for Weakly Over-Penalized Discontinuous Galerkin
Methods for the Stokes Problem, Min Yang, Jiangguo Liu and Yanping
Lin, pp.699-715.
Convergence Analysis of Triangular MAC Schemes for Two Dimensional
Stokes Equations, Long Chen, Ming Wang and Lin Zhong, pp.716-744.
A Radial Basis Function (RBF)-Finite Difference (FD) Method for
Diffusion and Reaction–Diffusion Equations on Surfaces, Varun Shankar,
Grady B. Wright, Robert M. Kirby and Aaron L. Fogelson, pp.745-768.
Contraction and Optimality Properties of an Adaptive Legendre–Galerkin
Method: The Multi-Dimensional Case, Claudio Canuto, Valeria Simoncini
and Marco Verani, pp.769-798.
Computing Interacting Multi-fronts in One Dimensional Real Ginzburg
Landau Equations, Tasos Rossides, David J. B. Lloyd and Sergey Zelik,
Dynamic Model Adaptation for Multiscale Simulation of Hyperbolic
Systems with Relaxation, Helene Mathis, Clement Cances, Edwige
Godlewski and Nicolas Seguin, pp.820-861.
Convexity and Solvability for Compactly Supported Radial Basis
Functions with Different Shapes, Shengxin Zhu and Andrew J. Wathen,
Numerical Analysis of Penalty Stabilized Finite Element
Discretizations of Evolution Navier–Stokes Equations, T. Chacon
Rebollo, M. Gomez Marmol and M. Restelli, pp.885-912.
Local Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for the Functionalized
Cahn–Hilliard Equation, Ruihan Guo, Yan Xu and Zhengfu Xu, pp.913-937.
Volume 64, Number 1, July 2015
Algebraic and Discretization Error Estimation by Equilibrated Fluxes
for Discontinuous Galerkin Methods on Nonmatching Grids, Vit Dolejsi,
Ivana Sebestova and Martin Vohralik, pp.1-34.
A Complete Study of the Ground State Phase Diagrams of Spin-1
Bose–Einstein Condensates in a Magnetic Field Via Continuation
Methods, Jen-Hao Chen, I-Liang Chern and Weichung Wang, pp.35-54.
Analysis and Design of a New Dispersion Relation Preserving Alternate
Direction Bidiagonal Compact Scheme, Rikhi Bose and Tapan K. Sengupta,
On Spectral Analysis and a Novel Algorithm for Transmission Eigenvalue
Problems, Tiexiang Li, Wei-Qiang Huang, Wen-Wei Lin and Jijun Liu,
A New Approach for Numerically Solving Nonlinear Eigensolution
Problems, Changchun Wang and Jianxin Zhou, pp.109-129.
Adaptive Bilinear Element Finite Volume Methods for Second-Order
Elliptic Problems on Nonmatching Grids, Yanli Chen, Yonghai Li,
Zhiqiang Sheng and Guangwei Yuan, pp.130-150.
A Fully Lagrangian Advection Scheme, John C. Bowman, Mohammad Ali
Yassaei and Anup Basu, pp.151-177.
Computing Sparse Representation in a Highly Coherent Dictionary Based
on Difference of L1 and L2, Yifei Lou, Penghang Yin, Qi He and Jack
Xin, pp.178-196.
An Invariant Method of Fundamental Solutions for the Cauchy Problem in
Two-Dimensional Isotropic Linear Elasticity, Yao Sun, Fuming Ma and Xu
Zhou, pp.197-215.
Convergence Analysis of Fractional Time-Stepping Techniques for
Incompressible Fluids with Microstructure, Abner J. Salgado,
An Exponential Integrator Scheme for Time Discretization of Nonlinear
Stochastic Wave Equation, Xiaojie Wang, pp.234-263.
A Higher Order Ensemble Simulation Algorithm for Fluid Flows, Nan
Jiang, pp.264-288.
End of Digest