From: Mike Dewar mike.dewar@nag.co.uk
Date: June 11, 2015
Subject: Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software 2015
The 2015 Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software will be awarded to
P.E. Farrell (University of Oxford), S.W. Funke (Simula Research
Laboratory), D.A. Ham (Imperial College London) and M.E. Rognes
(Simula Research Laboratory) for dolfin-adjoint, a package which
automatically derives and solves adjoint and tangent linear equations
from high-level mathematical specifications of finite element
discretisations of partial differential equations. The presentation of
the award will take place at the International Congress on Industrial
and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2015) in Beijing.
The need for adjoints of partial differential equations (PDEs)
pervades science and engineering. Adjoints enable the study of the
sensitivity and stability of physical systems, and the optimization of
designs subject to constraints. While deriving the adjoint model
associated with a linear stationary forward model is straightforward,
the derivation and implementation of adjoint models for nonlinear or
time-dependent models is notoriously difficult. dolfin-adjoint solves
this problem by automatically analyzing and exploiting the high-level
mathematical structure inherent in finite element methods. It is
implemented on top of the FEniCS Project for finite element
The Wilkinson Prize is awarded every four years to the entry that best
addresses all phases of the preparation of numerical software, and is
sponsored by Argonne National Laboratory (US), the Numerical
Algorithms Group (UK), and the National Physical Laboratory (UK).
Mike Dewar
Chair, Board of Trustees
From: Vadym Aizinger aizinger@math.fau.de
Date: June 10, 2015
Subject: FESTUNG toolbox for the discontinuous Galerkin method
Announcing the first release of FESTUNG
FESTUNG is an Open Source toolbox for the discontinuous Galerkin
method on unstructured grids, written in Matlab / GNU Octave. It is
primarily intended as a fast and flexible prototyping platform and
testbed for students and developers. It relies on fully vectorized
matrix/vector operations to deliver optimized computational
performance combined with a compact, user-friendly interface and a
comprehensive documentation.
Description of the algorithm and the code routines is published as:
Source code, documentation available on:
From: Ilya Loshchilov ilya.loshchilov@gmail.com
Date: June 13, 2015
Subject: BBComp: Black-Box Optimization Competition, Call for participation
We propose the first black box optimization competition in the
continuous domain where test problems are truly black boxes to
participants. The competition consists of multiple tracks.
The GECCO'2015 track contains a set of "expensive" optimization
problems. The only information known to the optimizer/participant is
the dimension of the problem, bounds on all variables, and a budget of
black box queries. The competition aims at attacking a growing impact
of over-fitting of optimization algorithms to a narrow set of existing
benchmark problems. All the material including the source code in
C/C++, MATLAB, Python and Java is available at
Deadline: June 30, 2015
The results of the competition will be announced during the GECCO'2015
on July 11-15, 2015, Madrid, Spain. Participants do not need to
attend the conference or submit papers, they can choose to be
anonymous to the other participants. The cash prize of 1000 EUR in
total is sponsored by the Microsoft Research - INRIA Joint centre.
Ilya Loshchilov, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany
Tobias Glasmachers, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
From: Jon Lee jonxlee@umich.edu
Date: June 11, 2015
Subject: 2nd Edition, FREE Linear-Optimization Book Available for Download
Second Edition of my FREE Linear-Optimization Book available for
download at:
Associated files (matlab, ampl, etc) in a zip archive at:
From: Christian Vergara christian.vergara@polimi.it
Date: June 13, 2015
Subject: Integrated models for computational medicine, Italy, Jul 2015
During the period July 20-31, 2015 the graduate course in "Integrated
models for computational medicine" will be held in Cortona (Tuscany,
Italy), under the sponsorship of the Consorzio per l'Alta Formazione
in Matematica (CIAFM), the Italian Ministery of University and
Research (MIUR) and Istituto di Alta Matematica (INdAM).
The course will be divided into two modules:
i) Geometrical multiscale models of the cardiovascular system;
Lecturers L. Formaggia & C. Vergara (MOX, Politecnico di MIlano,
ii) Reduced basis, optimal control and application to cardiovascular
modeling; Lecturers: A. Quarteroni & A. Manzoni (CMCS, Ecole
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland)
The school is mainly devoted to PhD students, post-docs and young
researchers who would like to approach the field of scientific
computing for medicine, reduced-order modeling and optimal control.
The emphasis will be on computationally efficient methods and
numerical techniques for cardiovascular applications. NOTICE THAT IT
Interested participants must apply within June, 23rd, 2015 by sending
a detailed CV at smi@fi.iac.cnr.it indicating the course title
"Integrated models for computational medicine".
In case of acceptance, accommodation and half board will be provided.
All the participants will be lodged in the Palazzone or nearby hotels.
More information at the webpage
From: Matrix Methods in Mathematics and Applications, Russia, Aug 2015 ivan.oseledets@gmail.com
Date: June 15, 2015
Subject: Matrix Methods in Mathematics and Applications, Russia, Aug 2015
We are organizing the 4th International Conference on Matrix Methods
in Mathematics and Applications, MMMA-2015, which will be held from
24th to 28th August, 2015 at Skolkovo Institute of Science and
Technology (www.skoltech.ru), located near Moscow in Russia. During
this conference we will have a special event in honor of 60-th
anniversary of Prof. Eugene Tyrtyshnikov.
Conference covers broad range of topic in pure and applied matrix
theory, as well as new matrix/tensor algorithms and applications.
For more information, please visit the conference website:
Applications are accepted until 8th of August, however if you will
need a Russian visa, please consider registered as soon as possible.
From: Manuel Solano wonapde2016@ci2ma.udec.cl
Date: June 13, 2015
Subject: WONAPDE 2016, Chile, Jan 2016
The Center for Research in Mathematical Engineering (CI²MA) of
Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile, is organizing the Fifth
Chilean Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential
Equations (WONAPDE 2016), to be held on January 11-15, 2016. The aim
of the workshop is to present recent developments in Numerical
Analysis of Partial Differential Equations.
Plenary Speakers:
- Pavel Bochev (Sandia National Laboratories, USA)
- Daniele Boffi (Università di Pavia, Italy)
- Christophe Chalons (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-
Yvelines, France)
- Bernardo Cockburn (University of Minnesota, USA)
- Alexandre Ern (Université Paris-Est, France)
- Jay Gopalakrishnan (Portland State University, USA)
- Giovanni Russo (Università di Catania, Italy)
- Olaf Steinbach (Technische Universität Graz, Austria)
- Alberto Valli (Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy)
- Martin VohralÃÂk (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France)
- Call for New Minisymposia: July 31st, 2015.
- Submission of One-Page Abstract: August 30th, 2015.
- Application for Student Scholarships: September 30th, 2015.
Further information: http://www.ci2ma.udec.cl/wonapde2016
From: Pamela Bye pam.bye@ima.org.uk
Date: June 11, 2015
Subject: Theoretical and Computational Discrete Mathematics, UK, Mar 2016
Tuesday 22 – Wednesday 23 March 2016, The Enterprise Centre,
University of Derby
The purpose of this conference is to highlight theoretical and
computational advances in the general field of discrete mathematics.
Papers are solicited from areas including, but not limited to, the
Graph Theory, Network Visualisation, Combinatorics , Combinatorial
Geometry, Combinatorial Algorithms, Number Theory, Discrete
Probability, Matroid Theory, Cryptography, Computer Science,
Large-Scale Networks, Ordered Sets, Designs, Topology, Information
Processing, Discrete Mathematics of Data Mining, Optimization
(Discrete, Combinatorial), Theory and Applications of Sequences.
Further details to be confirmed including instructions to authors; the
submission deadline will be Friday 11 November 2015.
To register your interest, or for queries, please contact the IMA
Conferences Department: e-mail: conferences@ima.org.uk, tel: +44 (0)
1702 354020, Fax: +44 (0) 1702 354 111, Institute of Mathematics and
its Applications, Catherine Richards House, 16 Nelson Street,
Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS1 1EF, UK.
From: Pamela Bye pam.bye@ima.org.uk
Date: June 11, 2015
Subject: 15th IMA Conference on Maths of Surfaces, UK, Sep 2016
14-16 September 2016, University of Bath
The 15th Conference on Maths of Surfaces has now been scheduled to be
held at the University of Bath, UK, in September 2016. A number of
international speakers are being invited.
Four types of papers are sought:
- Research papers presenting new developments in the capture,
representation, manipulation, approximation, fitting, and design of
- Application papers covering novel practical uses of surface
- Survey papers describing the state of the art of an aspect of the
mathematics of surfaces.
- Case studies presenting novel solutions using surface mathematics to
practical problems encountered in industry.
Authors can submit an abstract to ensure alignment with conference
themes; these should be submitted to the IMA Conferences Department by
email to conferences@ima.org.uk by the end of November 2015. Full
LaTeX papers must be submitted by end of January 2016.
Enquiries and further information:
- Dr Bob Cripps, University of Birmingham, r.cripps@bham.ac.uk
- Prof. Glen Mullineux, University of Bath, g.mullineux@bath.ac.uk
- Dr Malcolm Sabin, Numerical Geometry Ltd, malcolm.sabin@btinternet.com
Conference web page -
From: Jim Stewart jrstewa@sandia.gov
Date: June 10, 2015
Subject: Staff Position, Optimization and UQ, Sandia National Laboratories
The Center for Computing Research (CCR) at Sandia National
Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM, has an opening for a staff position
in the broad area of methods and software development for predictive
modeling and simulation. Areas of interest include quantifying
uncertainty in mathematical models, PDE-constrained and risk-averse
optimization, optimization under uncertainty, verification and
validation, inverse problems, model calibration, and mesh
generation. These capabilities will be applied to a variety of
large-scale engineering design and analysis problems that support the
laboratories’ mission areas. This position includes C++ software
development and publication of research results in reports and leading
technical journals. We seek highly motivated individuals with strong
teaming abilities and academic credentials in one or more of the areas
of interest. A PhD in engineering, applied mathematics, statistics, or
a related discipline, is required.
Sandia is required by DOE directive to conduct a pre-employment
background review that includes personal reference checks, law
enforcement record and credit checks, and employment and education
verifications. Applicants for employment must be able to obtain and
maintain a DOE Q-level security clearance, which requires U.S.
For more detailed information, and to access the posting, go to
http://www.sandia.gov, click on "View All Jobs," click on "Advanced
Search," then enter the Job Opening ID (650041). Applicants should
include a detailed CV.
From: Prof. Serafim Kalliadasis s.kalliadasis@imperial.ac.uk
Date: June 11, 2015
Subject: Research Associate Position, Molecular Dynamics
Fixed term appointment for up to 12 months with possibility of
Applications are invited for a Post-Doctoral Research Associate
position funded by the ERC Advanced Grant “Complex Interfacial Flows:
From the Nano- to the Macro-Scale†and EPSRC Grant “Fluid Processes in
Smart Microengineered Devices: Hydrodynamics and Thermodynamics in
Microspace,†under the joint supervision of Professor. Amparo Galindo,
from the Molecular Systems Engineering group and Professor. Serafim
Kalliadasis heading the Complex Multiphase Systems group. The project
concerns the molecular dynamics simulations of fluids in microfluidic
systems and smart microengineered devices. It is in collaboration with
Professor Asterios Gavriilidis and Professor Eva Sorensen
(experimental microchemical engineering; Department of Chemical
Engineering, University College London) and Dr. Marc Pradas (mesoscale
hydrodynamics, critical phenomena and phase transitions; Department of
Mathematics & Statistics, Open University).
The successful candidate should have a PhD (or equivalent) in
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering or other related area and
a strong foundation on molecular dynamics simulations.
If you would like to discuss the project, please contact Prof. Amparo
Galindo at a.galindo@imperial.ac.uk, Telephone: +44-(0)-20-7594- 5606,
or Prof. Serafim Kalliadasis at S.Kalliadasis@imperial.ac.uk,
Telephone: +44-(0)-20-7594-1373, postal address: Department of
Chemical Engineering, Imperial College, London SW7 2AZ, UK.
Our preferred method of application is online via our website
http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/employment (please select “Job Search†then
enter the job title or vacancy reference number EN20150205WW into
“Keywordsâ€Â). Please complete and upload an application form and a copy
of your CV as directed.
Completed application forms should be submitted, together with a CV
that includes a list of publications by the closing date.
From: Kevin Burrage kevin.burrage@gmail.com
Date: June 15, 2015
Subject: Research Fellowship Positions, Queensland Univ of Technology
QUT is offering up to 20 Vice-Chancellor's Research Fellowships for
leading postdoctoral researchers at Level B and C on a three year
fixed- term basis. These prestigious fellowships are available in the
following target areas:
- Behavioural Neuroscience and Imaging
- Data Science, Computational Modelling and Simulation Science
See for more details
From: Peter Hydon P.E.Hydon@kent.ac.uk
Date: June 12, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Kent
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Fixed-term for 36 months)
School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science
University of Kent
Apply online at https://jobs.kent.ac.uk
Job Reference: STM0569
Closing Date: Sunday, 5th July 2015
This full-time position will be offered on a fixed-term contract for a
period of 36 months. Annual Salary: £32,277-£37,397 dependent on
relevance of PhD and experience.
Project title: Finite difference conservation laws
Brief Synopsis: Conservation laws are among a PDE's most fundamental
geometric properties. Yet standard finite difference approximations do
not generally preserve more than a single conservation law. The
project will develop a new approach which discretizes of a given PDE
in a way that preserves multiple conservation laws. This approach is
based on the geometric theory of differential and difference
equations; it uses a combination of numerical analysis and computer
The project would suit a numerical analyst with an interest in
geometric aspects of PDEs. Experience in geometric integration would
be an advantage.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to the project leader, Prof Peter
Hydon, email: P.E.Hydon@kent.ac.uk
From: Dongbin Xiu dongbin.xiu@utah.edu
Date: June 10, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, UQ, Univ of Utah
The Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) Institute at the University
of Utah has multiple openings in uncertainty quantification (UQ) for
complex systems. These are three-year positions with competitive
salary. Candidates with strong background in mathematics,
computational sciences and engineering are welcome to apply. Please
send your CV to Prof. Dongbin Xiu at dongbin.xiu@utah.edu.
From: MIGUEL A. BENITEZ benitez@bcamath.org
Date: June 12, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Positions, BCAM International
IC_2015 Spring / Call for 4 Postdocs
International Call for Postdoctoral fellowships
BCAM, the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
(http://www.bcamath.org) whose mission is to develop high quality
interdisciplinary research in the frontiers of Applied Mathematics,
has opened an International Call for 4 postdocs offering the following
research areas:
Deadline for submission: July 7th 2015, 14:00 CET. Please remember to
select up to two research lines in our Call for postdoc positions
IC_2015- Spring Postdoc, otherwise the application will be
automatically rejected. All postdoc applications must be submitted
on-line at:
Aditionally we would like to announce you that a PhD International
Call will be opened shortly: The Spanish Ministry of Economy and
Competitiveness (MINECO) will publish (planned on June 15th 2015 and
deadline planned on June 30th 2015) the call for PhD grants at Severo
Ochoa Excellence Research Centers. The call offers up to 6 grants to
do the PhD at BCAM with a 4 year duration. This grant also funds the
doctoral course tuition fees (up to 1.500 €) and predoctoral mobility
(up to 4.750 €/ per visit). Those PhD students that defend their
thesis before the 4 year period are issue to a 1 year postdoctoral
contract. The programme is open to students of any nationality. All
the information about this call will publish at the website.
Please for any additional information: recruitment@bcamath.org
From: Tobias Jahnke tobias.jahnke@kit.edu
Date: June 10, 2015
Subject: PhD and Postdoc Positions, Mathematics, Germany
The Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1173 "Wave phenomena –
analysis and numerics" offers several PhD and Postdoc positions.
Starting on July 1st, 2015 the CRC is funded by the German Research
Foundation (DFG). It is jointly run by the Departments of Mathematics
of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), University of Stuttgart,
and University of Tübingen in collaboration with KIT research groups
in optics and photonics, biomedical engineering, and applied
Research topics: The goal of this CRC is to analytically understand,
numerically simulate, and eventually manipulate wave propagation under
realistic scenarios by intertwining analysis and numerics. Please
check our website http://www.waves.kit.edu for more information on the
research directions of the CRC and details on positions.
From: Bernard Haasdonk haasdonk@mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de
Date: June 14, 2015
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Stuttgart
We welcome applications for a research associate (PhD or PostDoc)
position in the research group “Numerical Mathematics†at the
Institute of Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation, University of
Stuttgart, Germany. The university offers an interesting and
interdisciplinary research environment in particular by opportunities
of collaboration within the Cluster on Simulation Technology SimTech.
For a detailed description of the position, see
The position must be filled starting 1 October 2015. Applications
with the usual documents (letter of motivation, curriculum vitae,
degrees and certificates, course list, contact information of 2
referees) should be sent electronically as single PDF file to
Prof. Dr. B. Haasdonk (haasdonk@mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de). Review
of the applications will start on 6 July 2015.
End of Digest