From: Robert van de Geijn rvdg@cs.utexas.edu
Date: May 15, 2015
Subject: Linear Algebra MOOC starts June 3
In Spring 2014 and Spring 2015, we offered the Massive Open Online
Course (MOOC) titled "Linear Algebra: Foundations to Frontiers" (LAFF)
via the edX platform. While it covers the same topics as do
traditional introductory college linear algebra courses, we try to
link abstraction in the mathematics to abstraction in algorithms and
implementations. For the NA Digest community, this is most easily
explained as that we tie the abstractions in the mathematics to the
layering of the functionality of the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms
(BLAS). The creation of this course was a massive undertaking that
included the writing of a 900+ page set of notes (including detailed
solutions to problems), more than 270 short videos, and programming
assignment in with IPython Notebooks (Spring 2014) and Matlab (Spring
This summer (starting June 3), we will again offer this course. We
will again use MATLAB. (The IPython Notebooks are still available from
the first offering for those who prefer them.) MathWorks has again
graciously offered licenses for MATLAB to participants for the
duration of the course. It is our hope that by offering it during the
summer we will reach new audiences.
Information, with pointers to edX and reviews of the course, can be
found at http://www.ulaff.net.
Offering this course in summer was a last minute decision. Please
help us by spreading the news to interested parties.
From: Roger Ghanem ghanem@usc.edu
Date: May 12, 2015
Subject: Summer School on Uncertainty Quantification, USA, Aug 2015
The Fourth QUEST UQ Summer School will take place at on the campus of
the University of Southern California in Los Angeles from August 19-21
2015. The summer school brings together researchers in UQ from
academia, industry, and government labs to explore new ideas at the
forefront of UQ research. This year's speakers will be Eric Phipps
(Sandia), Heriberto Cabezas (US-EPA), Howman Owhadi (Caltech) and
Youssef Marzouk (MIT). The agenda for this year's summer school, as
well as lodging and registration information can be be found on the
Summer School's website at: http://cadmus.usc.edu/UQ-SummerSchool-
2015/. For additional information, please contact ghanem@usc.edu.
From: Pamela Bye pam.bye@ima.org.uk
Date: May 15, 2015
Subject: IMA Maths of Robotics, UK, Sep 2015
IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Robotics
9 – 11 September 2015
St Anne’s College, University of Oxford
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Topology. Kinematics. Algebraic topology of conï¬Âguration spaces of
robot mechanisms. Topological aspects of path planning and sensor
networks. Differential topology and singularity theory of robot
mechanism and moduli spaces. Algebraic Geometry. Varieties generated
by linkages and constraints. Geometry of stiffness and inertia
matrices. Rigid-body motions. Computational approaches to algebraic
geometry. Dynamical Systems and Control. Dynamics of robots and
mechanisms. Simulation of multi-body systems, e.g. swarm robots.
Geometric control of robots. Optimal control and other optimisation
problems. Combinatorial and Stochastic Methods. Rigidity of
structures. Path planning algorithms. Modular robots.
Statistics. Stochastic control. Localisation. Navigation with
uncertainty. Statistical learning theory. Cognitive
Robotics. Mathematical aspects of Artificial Intelligence,
Developmental Robotics and other Neuroscience based approaches
To register for this conference, please download, complete and return
the application form available on the conference webpage:
For technical queries please contact Dr. W. Holderbaum
From: Mike Heroux maherou@sandia.gov
Date: May 16, 2015
Subject: CSESSP Challenges Workshop, USA, Oct 2015
The Computational Science & Engineering Software Sustainability and
Productivity Challenges (CSESSP Challenges) Workshop will provide an
opportunity for multi-agency collaboration on the common software
challenges the CSE community faces. The organizers encourage
submission of short, thoughtful white papers. Meeting details are
below and available https://www.nitrd.gov/csessp.
Computational Science & Engineering Software Sustainability and
Productivity Challenges (CSESSP Challenges)
An inter-agency workshop sponsored by the Networking and Information
Technology Research and Development (NITRD) / Software Design and
Productivity (SDP) Coordinating Group (CG).
October 15th-16th 2015, Washington DC, USA
The CSESSP Challenges workshop will identify the unique issues around
software productivity and sustainability faced by the NITRD
computational science and engineering (CSE) communities, bringing
together experts from academia, industry, government, and national
laboratories. The workshop will focus on general issues and challenges
of software systems sustainability and productivity with the aim of
making software a first-class issue in the specification, design, cost
and lifecycles management of science and engineering
infrastructures. In this context, the workshop will discuss technical
issues that impact software sustainability, such as software
requirements engineering, high-productivity software engineering,
reproducibility, software maintenance processes, and scalable,
reusable, and portable software system architectures, to name a few.
From: Chiara chiara.puglisi@inria.com
Date: May 12, 2015
Subject: Temporary Developer Position, MUMPS solver, Lyon (France)
The MUMPS solver (http://mumps-solver.org) is a free software for the
solution of large sparse systems of linear equations on high
performance parallel computers. It implements a direct method and is
used in various fields of numerical simulation. A Consortium of users
has recently been created to support the software and ensure its
sustainability. Led by Inria, the Consortium recruits a new scientific
software engineer. In the context of the MUMPS software library and
project, the engineer will support the researchers in transferring
research into the software. He/she will both participate to the
developments and work to ensure the quality of the code and of its
We are looking for a person with:
- Background in linear algebra and familiarity with algorithms
commonly used in sparse direct methods
- Demonstrable experience in developing C and Fortran codes with MPI
and/or OpenMP on Linux/Unix parallel computers
- Good communication skills in scientific English
- Good ability to work in a team
The position is open for 1 year starting September 2015, with
possibility of extension. Further details can be found here:
Please apply by sending an email to Chiara Puglisi
(chiara.puglisi@inria.fr) with a cover letter, a detailed curriculum
vitae and the reference (name and contact information) of at least two
persons who can be contacted.
From: Esmond G. Ng EGNg@lbl.gov
Date: May 13, 2015
Subject: Computational Science Department Head Position, Berkeley Lab
The Computational Science Department in the Computational Research
Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is looking for a
Department Head. The successful candidate will join the Computational
Research Division as a career staff scientist or senior scientist,
depending on qualifications, and will manage a department that
currently has four research groups. The successful candidate will
also have excellent opportunities in conducting research and
development in computational sciences, with an emphasis on
high-performance computing on forthcoming extreme-scale computer
The mission of the Computational Science Department is to perform
innovative research that enhances high performance computational
science application codes used in scientific discovery across a broad
range of scientific disciplines. Members of the Department
collaborate broadly across Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the
DOE National Laboratory community, and with academic, government and
industrial institutions internationally to enable breakthrough
scientific discoveries that make essential use of high-performance
computing capabilities.
Information on the Computational Science Department is available at
Full posting of the position can be found at
From: Simon Shaw simon.shaw@brunel.ac.uk
Date: May 17, 2015
Subject: Chair and Head of Department Position, Brunel Univ
The Department of Mathematics at Brunel University London, England, is
seeking to appoint a Chair and Head of Department. Mathematics is
expected to play a key role in enabling Brunel's recently implemented
strategic plan to increase recruitment in STEM subjects and to further
enhance both its multidisciplinary research, and its research within
the College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences (CEDPS). The
appointee will provide leadership and strategic direction as the
Department of Mathematics enters this crucial new phase and, for the
appropriate candidate, the University will consider recruiting a group
of staff. Further details of this opportunity can be found here:
The closing date is: 9am (BST) on 1 June 2015
From: Scott MacLachlan smaclachlan@mun.ca
Date: May 17, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Memorial Univ of Newfoundland
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position within
the Computational and Applied Geophysics Group (CAGG) and the Memorial
University of Newfoundland Centre for Numerical Analysis and
Scientific Computing. The successful candidate will work under the
supervision of Dr. Ronald Haynes and other CAGG faculty (as
appropriate). The research focus will be the development of novel
optimization approaches to find the location of wells to best locate
and characterize micro-seismic events. Duties will include the
development of an appropriate objective function whose maxima
correspond to the best location for monitoring wells. The postdoc will
be responsible for the investigation and implementation of both
gradient-based and derivative-free optimization methodologies to solve
the problem. Optimization approaches designed to take advantage of
available high performance computing resources will be desirable. A
desired, but flexible, start date of September 1, 2015 is expected.
For full details, see
From: Jeff Linderoth linderoth@wisc.edu
Date: May 16, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Stochastic Integer Programming.
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position working
on a project funded by the Australian Research Council, titled
"Decomposition and Duality: New Approaches to Integer and Stochastic
Integer Programming".
The project is a collaboration of Professors Andrew Eberhard (RMIT,
Australia), Natashia Boland (Georgia Institute of Technology) and Jeff
Linderoth (University of Wisconsin, Madison).
The position is based at RMIT University, School of Mathematical and
Geospatial Sciences, in Melbourne, Australia, under the supervision of
Prof. Eberhard, in collaboration with Profs Boland and Linderoth.
The Postdoctoral Fellowship will be paid under ARC Discovery Project
DP140100985. The successful candidate will be employed at a level in
the range A6-B1, depending on experience and career stage, which comes
with remuneration of $75,172-$84,934 per annum.
The appointment is initially for 1 year. Funding is available for an
additional year by mutual agreement.
To view the position description and find instructions as to how to
lodge your application, go to
Applications close on Sunday 7th June 2015. Applicants are requested
to provide a separate document that briefly addresses each of the key
selection criteria as outlined in the Position Description.
For enquiries, please contact Prof. Andrew Eberhard
andy.eberhard@rmit.edu.au, +61 3 9925 2616
From: Bartosz Protas bprotas@mcmaster.ca
Date: May 14, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Scientific Computing, Fields Institute
Applications are invited for postdoctoral fellowship positions with
the Thematic Program "Multiscale Scientific Computing: from Quantum
Physics and Chemistry to Material Science and Fluid Mechanics" which
is being proposed for the Fields Institute during January-April 2016.
The fellowships provide for a period of engagement in research and
participation in the activities of the Institute. They may be offered
in conjunction with partner universities, through which a further
period of support may be possible. Applicants are requested to list on
the application cover sheet any faculty members at universities
affiliated with the Fields Institute, with whom they share research
interests. They are encouraged to apply directly to these other
institutions as well.
There may also be a number of two-year positions available through the
Fields-Ontario Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. These fellowships
involve one semester at Fields and three semesters at one of Fields'
Principal Sponsoring Universities (PSU). To apply for the two-year
fellowship, applicants should indicate their interest on the cover
sheet and include the names of faculty members at Fields Principal
Sponsoring Universities who may be appropriate as supervisors. The
Fields PSU's are: Carleton University, McMaster University, the
University of Ottawa, the University of Toronto, the University of
Waterloo, Western University, Queen's University and York University.
Eligibility: Qualified candidates who will have a recent PhD in the
area of the Program or a related area of the mathematical sciences are
encouraged to apply. The new deadline to apply is June 8,
2015. Applications will be accepted until all postdoctoral positions
are filled. Fellowship positions are conditional on funding for the
All applications must be submitted via www.mathjobs.org (Fellowship
ID: FIELDS-SCIENTIFICCOMPUTING [#7067]). Interested candidates may
contact Dr. Bartosz Protas (bprotas[at]mcmaster.ca) for further
From: Hans De Sterck hdesterck@uwaterloo.ca
Date: May 16, 2015
Subject: SISC Special Section for CSE15, Software and Big Data
Final Call for Papers - Extended Deadline:
Special Section of the SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC) in
association with the 2015 SIAM Conference on Computational Science and
Engineering (CSE15).
Extended deadline: June 15, 2015.
The Special Section will focus on two themes – CSE Software and Big
Data in CSE – and will feature high-quality scientific computing
papers in either of these two areas (or their intersection).
Please check out the call for papers at
which gives detailed information about the scope of the Special
Section (CSE Software and Big Data in CSE).
From: Suzanne Eves suzie.eves@oup.com
Date: May 18, 2015
Subject: Contents, Information and Inference, 04 (2)
Contents, Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, 04(2)
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA
All Content Free in 2015
For articles in this issue and in our archive:
Compressed subspace matching on the continuum, William Mantzel and
Justin Romberg
Riemannian metrics for neural networks I: feedforward networks, Yann
Riemannian metrics for neural networks II: recurrent networks and
learning symbolic data sequences, Yann Ollivier
From: David G. Yu soic.iapress@gmail.com
Date: May 12, 2015
Subject: Contents, Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing, 3 (2)
Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing
Vol 3, No 2, June 2015
Table of Contents
Chi Zhang, Guoliang Tian, Xifen Huang, Two new bivariate zero-inflated
generalized Poisson distributions with a flexible correlation
structure (pp. 105-137)
Vadim Demichev, Judith Sarah Olszewski, A Central Limit Theorem for
the Volumes of High Excursions of Stationary Associated Random Fields
(pp. 138-146)
V S Vaidyanathan, R Vani Lakshmi, Parameter Estimation in Multivariate
Gamma Distribution (pp. 147-159)
Maksym Luz, Mikhail Moklyachuk, Minimax-robust prediction problem for
stochastic sequences with stationary increments and cointegrated
sequences (pp. 160-188)
Seifedine Kadry, Armen Bagdasaryan, New MLFQ Scheduling Algorithm for
Operating Systems Using Dynamic quantum (pp. 189-196)
Xijian Wang, Tonghua Zeng, Solve thermal explosion model by central
difference and Newton iteration method (pp. 197-205)
End of Digest