From: Jack Dongarra dongarra@icl.utk.edu
Date: April 28, 2015
Subject: Updating LA Software Survey
We are planning to update the survey of freely available software for
the solution of linear algebra problems. The current version of the
survey can be found at:
The aim is to put in “one place†the source code that is freely
available for solving problems in numerical linear algebra,
specifically dense, sparse direct and iterative systems and sparse
iterative eigenvalue problems. Please send Ahmad Abdelfattah
ahmad@icl.utk.edu updates and corrections. We will post a note on the
na-digest when the new list is available.
Jack and Ahmad
From: Michele Martone michelemartone@users.sourceforge.net
Date: May 02, 2015
Subject: Release 1.2 of librsb, Sparse BLAS Software Library
Version 1.2 of the "librsb" library for high performance sparse matrix
computations based on the "Recursive Sparse Blocks" (RSB) format is
out and available for download.
librsb is mainly for iterative methods implementors; it features cache
efficient, multithreaded sparse matrix-vector multiplication, and it
is especially fast in the symmetric and transposed variants. Many
options and further matrix operations are available.
Both Sparse BLAS and the own interfaces are supported (C, Fortran).
Transparently usable in GNU Octave via the sparsersb package/command.
Main improvements of librsb-1.2 are:
- faster runtime autotuning of structure and threads for sparse
matrix-vector/matrix-matrix multiply and triangular solve: now uses
a parallel merge/subdivision based algorithm
- speeded up triangular solution of a matrix by multi-vector
- introduced extension BLAS property blas_rsb_autotune_next_operation
to trigger auto tuning at the next USMV/USMM call
- collection/report of time spent in librsb routines now possible (a
simple built-in profiler)
- further Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) matrix rendering options
- improved benchmark program for large parameter studies (converts and
reuses matrices rather than re-reading them from disk)
- binary performance records write/read/combine support, also with
Intel MKL CSR built-in comparison; LaTeX tables output and stats
Source code (LGPLv3 licensed), documentation, change log and extensive
benchmark results available on: http://sourceforge.net/projects/librsb
From: Jan Hidders a.j.h.hidders@tudelft.nl
Date: April 29, 2015
Subject: EDBT Summer School, Graph Data Management, Spain, Aug 2015
Call for Applications
12th EDBT Summer School on Graph Data Management
31 August - 4 September 2015
Palamós, Spain
The theme for the 12th EDBT Summer School is "Graph Data
Management". The five-day school will be held 31 August - 4 September
2015 in Palamós, Catalonia, Spain. This nice beach village is one of
the most beautiful in Costa Brava, one hour and 30 minutes away from
Barcelona’s airport and one scarce hour from the south of France. We
invite advanced graduate students, postdocs, and other academic and
industrial researchers interested in an intensive study of the
state-of-the- art in graph data management to participate in the
summer school. Application and registration details can be found on
the school website.
Claudio Gutierrez. Universidad de Chile. "Graph Basics."; Sameh
Elnikety. Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA. "Graph Management."; Dennis
Shasha. New York University. "New Graph Algorithmics."; Alexandra
Poulovassilis. Birkbeck, University of London. "Applications of
Graphs."; Roger Guimera. Universitat Rovira i Virgili. "Graph Analysis
through Complex Systems."; Peter Eades. University of Sydney. "Graph
Visualization."; Peter Boncz. CWI and Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam. "Graph Management Benchmarking."; Bin Shao. Microsoft
Research, Beijing. "Parallel Processing of Graphs."
Deadline for application. 30 May 2015.
Notification of acceptance. 15 June 2015.
Deadline for registration. 1 July 2015.
Summer school. 31 August - 4 September 2015.
Further details can be found on the school website:
From: Pamela Bye pam.bye@ima.org.uk
Date: May 01, 2015
Subject: 4th IMA Maths in Defence, UK, Nov 2015
Thursday 26 November 2015, Satellite Applications Catapult,
Harwell Oxford, UK
Still time to submit! Science and technology play an increasingly
important role in equipping and supporting the armed
forces. Mathematics is fundamental to these disciplines, providing a
framework for understanding and solving the varied and complex
problems faced, and is used to model military systems and scenarios.
These models can be used to estimate system performance, suggest
improvements, or find weaknesses of real systems.
Conference Topics The conference will cover the following themes: Data
analysis: data and text mining, data fusion, information
visualization, multidimensional data analysis; Modelling and
Estimation: electromagnetic models, estimation theory, Markov models,
non-linear models, mathematical models, simulation; Operational
Analysis: cost benefit analysis, counter-terrorism, risk management,
intelligence analysis, behaviour analysis; Security: cryptography and
coding, security systems, secure communications; Signal Processing:
adaptive processing, computer vision, digital signal processing,
distributed sensor processing, emitter location, image processing,
signal enhancement, super-resolution, synthetic aperture radar, time
series analysis; Statistical Methods: Bayesian techniques,
classification, detection, identification, tracking, Monte Carlo
methods, particle filters, pattern recognition.
Papers or posters will be accepted on the basis of a 300-500 word
abstract which should be submitted by 14 May 2015 by e-mail to
Further Information
From: Andrea Bonito bonito@math.tamu.edu
Date: May 03, 2015
Subject: Graduate Winter School, Geometric PDEs, USA, Jan 2016
The Department of Mathematics at Texas A&M University is offering a
winter school for graduate students on
"Geometric PDEs and Their Approximations".
January 10 - 16, 2016.
Lecturers: Ricardo H. Nochetto (UMD) and Andrea Bonito (TAMU);
January 11 - 16
Deal.II tutorial: Timo Heister (Clemson); January 10
Short Description: A comprehensive approach to the formulation and
discretization of geometric partial differential equation governing
processes will be provided. The topics discussed will center around
differential geometry, calculus of variations, gradient flows and
discretization using finite element methods. Emphasis will be made to
applications and in particular in biophysics and material science.
Afternoon laboratory sessions will serve as numerical illustration to
the topics discussed in the lectures and will provide insights on the
behavior of the algorithms. During these sessions students will have
the choice of using either MATLAB or deal.ii/C++.
Thanks to the support of the US National Science Foundation and the
Institute for Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, funding is
available to support the travel and local expenses for several participants.
We would appreciate if you could forward this announcement to possibly
interested graduate students.
For more information and registration, please visit
From: Di Liu richardl@math.msu.edu
Date: April 28, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Modeling and computation of Nano-optics, Michigan State Univ
1-2 posdoc postions are available at Michigan State University.
Candidates are expected to be able to implement standard numerical
methods such as finite element methods (FEM). Knowledge on numerical
solutions of Maxwell equations will be preferred. Expertise on
Density Functional Theory (DFT) and its time dependent version will be
greatly valued. Some light teaching load might be involved. The
compensation will be around $50,000 per year. Immediate start dates
are available.
If interested, please contact Di Liu (richardl@math.msu.edu).
From: Federico Poloni federico.poloni@unipi.it
Date: April 30, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, NA/Operations Research, Univ of Pisa
We announce the immediate availability of a fully-funded, one-year
post-doc position at the Department of Computer Science of the
University of Pisa. This position is funded by the research project
"Mathematical models and computational methods for complex networks",
an interdisciplinary effort between the Department of Computer Science
and the Department of Mathematics of the University of Pisa to foster
stricter collaboration between Numerical Analysis and Operation
Research experts for the solution of complex numerical and
optimization problems related to todays' networks (telecommunication,
transportation, energy, social, ...). The candidate should hold a
Ph.D. in Numerical Analysis, Operations Research or Computer
Science. She/he is expected to choose and carry forward about two
different research lines among the several possible ones proposed by
the 14 participants of the project, typically bringing together
aspects of Numerical Analysis and Operations Research, maybe with a
substantial sprinkle of Computer Science thrown in as appropriate. The
participants of the project span several areas of Numerical Analysis
and Operations Research, so finding good matches is not expected to be
hard. Proposing her/his own research lines with analogous
characteristics is also welcome, provided they pick the (varied)
interest of some of the participants to the project. The position is
funded for one year at the standard rate for Italian "assegno di
ricerca" (23336 EUR gross, with low taxation), and some extra money is
available for travel. Candidates of all nationalities are of course
warmly welcome.
Information about application can be found at
http://www.unipi.it/ateneo/bandi/assegni/pra2015/inform. The deadline
for application is May 14, 2015. Interviews with the candidates are
expected to be held on May 28, 2015. Remote interviews are
possible. Formal start of the position is expected on mid June to
beginning of July. Enquiries can be directed to Antonio Frangioni
From: Markus Bause bause@hsu-hh.de
Date: May 04, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Mathematics, Helmut Schmidt Univ Hamburg
Applications are invited for a PhD faculty position (salary E13, 2
years with option of extension) at the Chair of Numerical Mathematics,
Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg. The area of research covers
numerical methods for partial differential equation, in particular
finite element methods, scientific computing and software engineering
in C++ with deal.II on parallel architectures. Teaching in German
language is required.
Candidates should have a strong background from their master studies
in numerical methods and partial differential equations. Good
programming skills are desirable.
More information and application details:
Deadline for application is May 31st, 2015.
From: Boris Kaus kaus@uni-mainz.de
Date: April 30, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Parallel modelling of hydrofracturing for geothermics
I have an open PhD position in my group in Mainz, Germany to develop
codes to simulate hydrofracturing in visco-elasto-plastic rocks using
massively parallel computers, with application to Geothermics. In
case you are interested or you know someone that might be interested
please let them know.
A detailed description of the project, together with application
instructions is given here:
The project should start somewhere this year and is funded for 3 years
through a European Training Network (www.itn-creep.eu). Previous
knowledge in geosciences is not required as training will be provided
as part of the project. Yet, experience in MPI programming and
numerical solution of PDEs is essential.
From: Sander Rhebergen srheberg@uwaterloo.ca
Date: April 29, 2015
Subject: PhD/Masters Positions, Scientific Computing, Univ of Waterloo
One Master and two PhD positions are available in the Scientific
Computing group, Department of Applied Mathematics at the University
of Waterloo. All positions are available within a project on
higher-order accurate discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods
for fluid flow simulations on deforming domains.
Students can start either in September, January or May. Preferred
requirements: good skills in C++, background in Applied Mathematics,
Scientific Computing, or similar.
Contact me at srheberg@uwaterloo.ca for more information and to send
your CV, statement of interests, two letters of recommendation, and
which position you would like to apply to.
From: Shan Zhao szhao@ua.edu
Date: April 30, 2015
Subject: Call for papers, MBMB special issue on Molecular Visualization
The journal Molecular Based Mathematical Biology (MBMB) will publish a
special issue entitled "Computations in Molecular Modeling and
Visualization". The solicited topics of this special issue include,
but are not limited to:
- Structural determination and prediction of molecules or molecular
- Image processing, graphical modeling and visualization
- Molecular shape analysis (geometry-based identification, matching,
docking, etc.)
- Surface/volumetric mesh generation of molecules
- Bio-molecular mathematical simulations
- Molecule-related software or database development
Before submission authors should carefully read over the Author
Guidelines, which are located at
http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/mlbmb. Prospective authors should
submit their manuscript online at http://mlbmb.edmgr.com/. If you have
any question, please contact Professor Zeyun Yu at yuz@uwm.edu.
Tentative Schedules:
Manuscript Due: August 1, 2015
First Round of Reviews: September 1, 2015
Anticipated Publication Date: December 1, 2015
From: Badih Ghusayni badih@futureintech.net
Date: April 29, 2015
Subject: Contents, Intl J of Mathematics and Computer Science, 10 (1)
Contents, International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015:
These papers can be downloaded freely via
1. Johan P. Hansen, Riemann-Roch Spaces and Linear Network Codes
2. H. M. de Oliveira, Shannon and Renyi Entropy of Wavelets
3. Dejenie A. Lakew, On Orthogonal Decomposition
4. Juan Carlos LÃÅ’pez Carreño, Rosalba Mendoza Suárez, Jairo Alonso
Mendoza, Connection Formulae among Special polynomials
5. Badih Ghusayni, A Generalization of Wallis Formula
6. Jeremy Mange, Andrew Dunn, Optimization Procedure for Ramsey Number
Lower Bounds
7. Jamila Ben Slimane, René Schott, Ye-Qiong Song, G. Stacey Staples,
Evangelia Tsiontsiou, Operator Calculus Algorithms for
Multi-Constrained Paths
From: Claude Brezinski claude.brezinski@univ-lille1.fr
Date: May 04, 2015
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 69 (1)
Table of contents for Numerical Algorithms, Volume 69, Issue 1.
A posteriori error estimates of krylov subspace approximations to
matrix functions, Zhongxiao Jia, Hui Lv
An adaptive weak continuous Euler-Maruyama method for stochastic delay
differential equations, B. Akhtari, E. Babolian, A. Foroush Bastani
A HAM-based analytic approach for physical models with an infinite
number of singularities, Dali Xu, Jifeng Cui, Shijun Liao, A. Alsaedi
Cell average image transform algorithms with exact error control,
Francesc Arà ndiga, Pep Mulet, Vicent Renau
A new map for the Chebyshev pseudospectral solution of differential
equations with large gradients, H. A. Jafari-Varzaneh, S. M. Hosseini
Optimized Schwarz methods for a diffusion problem with discontinuous
coefficient, Martin J. Gander, Olivier Dubois
Regularized solution of LCP problems with application to rigid body
dynamics, Constantin Popa, Tobias Preclik, Ulrich Ruede
A new proof of interval extension of the classic Ostrowski’s method
and its modified method for computing the enclosure solutions of
nonlinear equations, Tahereh Eftekhari
Erratum to: “A new proof of interval extension of the classic
Ostrowski’s method and its modified method for computing the enclosure
solutions of nonlinear equations†by “Tahereh Eftekhariâ€Â, Tahereh
On the unbounded parametric tolerable solution set, Evgenija D. Popova
Rigorous integration of non-linear ordinary differential equations in
chebyshev basis, Tomas Dzetkulic
New Hermitian and skew-Hermitian splitting methods for non-Hermitian
positive-definite linear systems, Hossein Noormohammadi Pour, Hossein
Sadeghi Goughery
The inexact fixed matrix iteration for solving large linear
inequalities in a least squares sense, Yuan Lei
End of Digest