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# ======== index for lanz =======

# LANZ: Software for Solving the Large Sparse Symmetric Generalized Eigenproblem
# Mark T. Jones, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439-4844
# Merrell L. Patrick, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27706
# LANZ solves the symmetric generalized eigenproblem,
# \begin{equation}
# Kx=\lambda Mx,
# \end{equation}
# where $K$ is symmetric positive definite and $M$ is
# positive semi-definite.  It is also capable of solving
# \begin{equation}
# Kx=-\lambda Mx,
# \end{equation}
# where $M$ can be indefinite.
# It can find either 1) all
# the eigenpairs in a user-specified range, or 2) the $p$ eigenpairs
# closest to some user-specified value, $\sigma$.
# The LANZ package was developed to run efficiently on a range of 
# architectures, including vector and parallel computers.
# LANZ is an implementation of the algorithm described in
# \cite{jones:lanczos}.  The heart of LANZ is
# the Lanczos algorithm used with spectral transformations
# similar to those described in \cite{nour-omid:implement}.  LANZ uses
# the partial reorthogonalization algorithm, originally proposed
# in \cite{simon:partial}, and expanded upon in \cite{parlett:semi_ortho},
# to maintain semi-orthogonality among the Lanczos vectors.
# In addition, LANZ uses a dynamic shifting algorithm to accelerate
# convergence to desired eigenpairs in a slightly different fashion
# than in \cite{boeing:small_lan_report}.
# \bibitem{jones:lanczos}
# {\sc Jones, M.~T., and Patrick, M.~L.}
# \newblock {The Use of Lanczos's Method to Solve the Large Generalized 
# Symmetric Definite Eigenvalue Problem}.
# \newblock Technical Report 89-67, Institute for Computer Applications in
#   Science and Engineering (ICASE), NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA,
#   1989.
# \bibitem{nour-omid:implement}
# {\sc Nour-Omid, B., Parlett, B.~N., Ericsson, T., and Jensen, P.~S.}
# \newblock {How to Implement the Spectral Transformation}.
# \newblock {\em Mathematics of Computation 48}, 178 (April 1987), 663--673.
# \bibitem{simon:partial}
# {\sc Simon, H.~D.}
# \newblock {The Lanczos Algorithm With Partial Reorthogonalization}.
# \newblock {\em Mathematics of Computation 42}, 165 (January 1984), 115--142.
# \bibitem{parlett:semi_ortho}
# {\sc Parlett, B.~N., Nour-Omid, B., and Liu, Z.~A.}
# \newblock {How to Maintain Semi-Orthogonality Among Lanczos Vectors}.
# \newblock {PAM-420}, Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics, University of
#   California, Berkeley, July, 1988.
# \bibitem{boeing:small_lan_report}
# {\sc Grimes, R.~G., Lewis, J.~G., and Simon, H.~D.}
# \newblock {The Implementation of a Block Lanczos Algorithm with
#   Reorthogonalization Methods}.
# \newblock {ETA-TR-91}, Boeing Computer Servies, Seattle, WA, May, 1988.

file	lanz_file1.tgz
for	code, documentation, makefiles, etc.
size	51 kilobytes

file	lanz_file2.tgz
for	code, documentation, makefiles, etc.
size	169 kilobytes

file	lanz_file3
for	just code, no documentation
size	464 kilobytes
lang	Fortran

file	lanz_file4
size	4 kilobytes
lang	C

# Installation of LANZ, depending on your architecture, may take up
# to 3.5mb of disk space.  After installing LANZ, if you desire, you
# can delete all but one or two files created by the installation
# process.