
Click here to see the number of accesses to this library.

file	readme
for	overview of ddsv

file	slpsubhalf.f
for  software to measure the performance of routines SGEFA and
,             SGESL from the Linpack package.

file	linpacks
for    software to run the "Linpack Benchmark"

file	sblas1
for single precision Level 1 BLAS

file	dblas1
for double precision Level 1 BLAS

file	cblas1
for complex precision Level 1 BLAS

file	zblas1
for double complex precision Level 1 BLAS

file	sblas2
for single precision Level 2 BLAS

file	dblas2
for double precision Level 2 BLAS

file	cblas2
for complex precision Level 2 BLAS

file	zblas2
for double complex precision Level 2 BLAS

file	sblas3
for single precision Level 3 BLAS

file	dblas3
for double precision Level 3 BLAS

file	cblas3
for complex precision Level 3 BLAS

file	zblas3
for double complex precision Level 3 BLAS

file	slus.f
for single precision versions of different blocked 
,        LU decomposition algorithms

file	schol.f
for single precision versions of different blocked 
,         Cholesky decomposition algorithms

file	sqrs.f
for single precision versions of different blocked 
,       QR decomposition algorithms

file	benchm.f
for a benchmark program for performance test for Fortran loops.
,      The program executes a number of Fortran DO-loops and lists
,      the execution times for different loop lengths, the Mflops-rates
,      and the performance parameters R-inf and n-half.

file	pcg3d.f
for a preconditioned conjugate gradient code for 3D problems.