diff -c src.old/bitmaps.c src.new/bitmaps.c *** src.old/bitmaps.c Sun Sep 6 15:41:02 1998 --- src.new/bitmaps.c Fri Nov 13 04:45:17 1998 *************** *** 63,68 **** --- 63,69 ---- #include "smeeting.xbm" #include "stest.xbm" #include "sdr.xbm" + #include "directory.xbm" void init_bitmaps() { *************** *** 95,98 **** --- 96,100 ---- Tk_DefineBitmap(interp, Tk_GetUid("stest"), stest_bits, stest_width, stest_height); Tk_DefineBitmap(interp, Tk_GetUid("secure"), secure_bits, secure_width, secure_height); Tk_DefineBitmap(interp, Tk_GetUid("sdr"), sdr_bits, sdr_width, sdr_height); + Tk_DefineBitmap(interp, Tk_GetUid("directory"), directory_bits, directory_width, directory_height); } diff -c src.old/cache_crypt.tcl src.new/cache_crypt.tcl *** src.old/cache_crypt.tcl Fri Jul 31 14:08:09 1998 --- src.new/cache_crypt.tcl Fri Nov 13 04:45:18 1998 *************** *** 104,111 **** catch {set ixnames [array names fullix]} foreach i $ixnames { if {$ldata($fullix($i),trust) != "sip"} { ! if {$ldata($fullix($i),list) == "norm"} { ! set filename "$dirname/cache/$fullix($i)" write_cache_entry $fullix($i) $filename clear } else { --- 104,110 ---- catch {set ixnames [array names fullix]} foreach i $ixnames { if {$ldata($fullix($i),trust) != "sip"} { ! if {[string match *norm $ldata($fullix($i),list)]} { set filename "$dirname/cache/$fullix($i)" write_cache_entry $fullix($i) $filename clear } else { diff -c src.old/cache_nocrypt.tcl src.new/cache_nocrypt.tcl *** src.old/cache_nocrypt.tcl Thu Mar 26 18:44:22 1998 --- src.new/cache_nocrypt.tcl Fri Nov 13 04:45:18 1998 *************** *** 45,51 **** set ixnames {} catch {set ixnames [array names fullix]} foreach i $ixnames { ! if {$ldata($fullix($i),list)=="norm"} { set filename "$dirname/cache/$fullix($i)" write_cache_entry $fullix($i) $filename clear } else { --- 45,51 ---- set ixnames {} catch {set ixnames [array names fullix]} foreach i $ixnames { ! if {[string match *norm $ldata($fullix($i),list)]} { set filename "$dirname/cache/$fullix($i)" write_cache_entry $fullix($i) $filename clear } else { Only in src.new: directory.xbm Common subdirectories: src.old/html and src.new/html diff -c src.old/new.tcl src.new/new.tcl *** src.old/new.tcl Thu Sep 24 02:47:16 1998 --- src.new/new.tcl Fri Nov 13 04:45:20 1998 *************** *** 10,25 **** set new_wiz_tech_panels \ "info type timing_tech scope_tech media_tech contact accept" ! proc new {aid} { global ifstyle ldata if {[string compare $aid "new"]!=0} { #we need a working variable while we think about editing sessions, #in case we don't commit the changes. set ldata($aid,tmpmulticast) $ldata($aid,multicast) } new_wiz_init $aid $ifstyle(create) } proc new_wiz_init {aid iftype} { global new_wiz_norm_panels new_wiz_tech_panels --- 10,40 ---- set new_wiz_tech_panels \ "info type timing_tech scope_tech media_tech contact accept" ! proc new {aid {w .w0}} { global ifstyle ldata if {[string compare $aid "new"]!=0} { #we need a working variable while we think about editing sessions, #in case we don't commit the changes. set ldata($aid,tmpmulticast) $ldata($aid,multicast) } + + # Hack to handle multiple directory windows: + # Temporarily change the available 'zones' to those that are + # appropriate for creating a new session in this directory: + global zone savedZoneData zoneDataForWindow + set savedZoneData [array get zone] + array set zone $zoneDataForWindow($w) + new_wiz_init $aid $ifstyle(create) } + proc cleanup_after_new {} { + destroy .new + + # Restore the original zone data: + global zone savedZoneData + catch {array set zone $savedZoneData} + } proc new_wiz_init {aid iftype} { global new_wiz_norm_panels new_wiz_tech_panels *************** *** 51,57 **** -relief raised \ -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0 pack .new.f.b.accept -side left -fill x -expand true ! button .new.f.b.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .new} \ -relief raised \ -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0 pack .new.f.b.cancel -side left -fill x -expand true --- 66,72 ---- -relief raised \ -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0 pack .new.f.b.accept -side left -fill x -expand true ! button .new.f.b.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {cleanup_after_new} \ -relief raised \ -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0 pack .new.f.b.cancel -side left -fill x -expand true *************** *** 352,358 **** proc new_wiz_panel_scope_norm {panelnum panels aid} { new_wiz_change_panels ! .new.f.l configure -text "Step $panelnum: Select the Distibution Scope" .new.f.t insert 1.0 "You need to decide how far away you wish the traffic from this session to be received. You can set this using TTL scoping or Admin Scoping. TTL Scoping is the old method - we recommend Admin Scoping." .new.f.t configure -state disabled set next_panel [expr $panelnum + 1] --- 367,373 ---- proc new_wiz_panel_scope_norm {panelnum panels aid} { new_wiz_change_panels ! .new.f.l configure -text "Step $panelnum: Select the Distribution Scope" .new.f.t insert 1.0 "You need to decide how far away you wish the traffic from this session to be received. You can set this using TTL scoping or Admin Scoping. TTL Scoping is the old method - we recommend Admin Scoping." .new.f.t configure -state disabled set next_panel [expr $panelnum + 1] *************** *** 365,371 **** proc new_wiz_panel_scope_tech {panelnum panels aid} { new_wiz_change_panels ! .new.f.l configure -text "Step $panelnum: Select the Distibution Scope" .new.f.t insert 1.0 "You need to decide how far away you wish the traffic from this session to be received. You can set this using TTL scoping or Admin Scoping. TTL Scoping is the old method - we recommend Admin Scoping." .new.f.t configure -state disabled set next_panel [expr $panelnum + 1] --- 380,386 ---- proc new_wiz_panel_scope_tech {panelnum panels aid} { new_wiz_change_panels ! .new.f.l configure -text "Step $panelnum: Select the Distribution Scope" .new.f.t insert 1.0 "You need to decide how far away you wish the traffic from this session to be received. You can set this using TTL scoping or Admin Scoping. TTL Scoping is the old method - we recommend Admin Scoping." .new.f.t configure -state disabled set next_panel [expr $panelnum + 1] *************** *** 429,435 **** .new.f.b.next configure -state disabled .new.f.b.accept configure -state normal -command \ "if {\[create\]==1} \ ! {destroy .new}" .new.f.b.back configure -state normal -command "new_wiz_panel_[lindex $panels $back_panel] $back_panel \"$panels\" $aid" new_mk_session_accept .new.f.f.accept .new.f.f $aid } --- 444,450 ---- .new.f.b.next configure -state disabled .new.f.b.accept configure -state normal -command \ "if {\[create\]==1} \ ! {cleanup_after_new}" .new.f.b.back configure -state normal -command "new_wiz_panel_[lindex $panels $back_panel] $back_panel \"$panels\" $aid" new_mk_session_accept .new.f.f.accept .new.f.f $aid } *************** *** 1451,1463 **** button $win.create -text [tt "Modify"] -command \ "if {\[create\]==1} \ { do_ad_creation $aid;\ ! destroy .new}" tixAddBalloon $win.create Button [tt "Click here to advertise the modified session. Changing the session name may result in some sites seeing duplicate announcements for a while."] } else { button $win.create -text [tt "Create"] -command \ ! "if {\[create\]==1} {destroy .new}" \ -highlightthickness 0 tixAddBalloon $win.create Button [tt "When you've filled out all the above information, click here to create and advertise this session"] } --- 1466,1478 ---- button $win.create -text [tt "Modify"] -command \ "if {\[create\]==1} \ { do_ad_creation $aid;\ ! cleanup_after_new}" tixAddBalloon $win.create Button [tt "Click here to advertise the modified session. Changing the session name may result in some sites seeing duplicate announcements for a while."] } else { button $win.create -text [tt "Create"] -command \ ! "if {\[create\]==1} {cleanup_after_new}" \ -highlightthickness 0 tixAddBalloon $win.create Button [tt "When you've filled out all the above information, click here to create and advertise this session"] } *************** *** 1468,1474 **** -highlightthickness 0 tixAddBalloon $win.help Button [tt "Click here for more help or to turn balloon help off"] ! button $win.dismiss -text "Dismiss" -command "destroy .new" \ -highlightthickness 0 tixAddBalloon $win.dismiss Button [tt "Click here to close this window"] pack $win.create -side left -fill x -expand true --- 1483,1489 ---- -highlightthickness 0 tixAddBalloon $win.help Button [tt "Click here for more help or to turn balloon help off"] ! button $win.dismiss -text "Dismiss" -command "cleanup_after_new" \ -highlightthickness 0 tixAddBalloon $win.dismiss Button [tt "Click here to close this window"] pack $win.create -side left -fill x -expand true diff -c src.old/parsed_plugins.tcl src.new/parsed_plugins.tcl *** src.old/parsed_plugins.tcl Tue Nov 17 09:11:33 1998 --- src.new/parsed_plugins.tcl Fri Nov 13 04:45:31 1998 *************** *** 1,7 **** set applist " vat rat swplayer vic nv wb wbd nte" ! set medialist "audio video whiteboard text" ! set rules " audio.RTP/AVP.0 audio.RTP/AVP.5 audio.RTP/AVP.3 audio.RTP/AVP.7 audio.RTP/AVP.6 audio.RTP/AVP.8 audio.RTP/AVP.109 audio.RTP/AVP.111 audio.RTP/AVP.112 audio.RTP/AVP.113 audio.RTP/AVP.114 audio.RTP/AVP.115 audio.RTP/AVP.116 audio.RTP/AVP.117 audio.RTP/AVP.121 audio.RTP/AVP.122 audio.RTP/AVP.*(DYNAMIC) audio.rtp.pcm audio.rtp.pcm2 audio.rtp.pcm4 audio.rtp.dvi audio.rtp.dvi2 audio.rtp.dvi4 audio.rtp.gsm audio.rtp.lpc audio.rtp.lpc4 audio.vat.pcm audio.vat.pcm2 audio.vat.pcm4 audio.vat.dvi audio.vat.dvi2 audio.vat.dvi4 audio.vat.gsm audio.vat.lpc4 audio.Xing.MPEG video.RTP/AVP.31 video.RTP/AVP.28 video.RTP/AVP.26 video.RTP/AVP.25 video.RTP/AVP.120 video.RTP/AVP.*(DYNAMIC) video.rtp.h261 video.rtp.nv video.rtp.jpeg video.rtp.celb video.rtp.vic video.rtp.ivs whiteboard.udp.wb text.udp.nt" ! set createrules " audio.RTP/AVP.0 audio.RTP/AVP.5 audio.RTP/AVP.3 audio.RTP/AVP.7 audio.RTP/AVP.6 audio.RTP/AVP.8 audio.RTP/AVP.109 audio.RTP/AVP.111 audio.RTP/AVP.112 audio.RTP/AVP.113 audio.RTP/AVP.114 audio.RTP/AVP.115 audio.RTP/AVP.116 audio.RTP/AVP.117 audio.RTP/AVP.121 audio.RTP/AVP.122 audio.RTP/AVP.*(DYNAMIC) audio.vat.pcm audio.vat.pcm2 audio.vat.pcm4 audio.vat.dvi audio.vat.dvi2 audio.vat.dvi4 audio.vat.gsm audio.vat.lpc4 video.RTP/AVP.31 video.RTP/AVP.28 video.RTP/AVP.26 video.RTP/AVP.25 video.RTP/AVP.120 video.RTP/AVP.*(DYNAMIC) whiteboard.udp.wb text.udp.nt" set tooldata(cryptflag:vic) "-K" set tooldata(cryptflag:nte) "-k" set tooldata(cryptflag:rat) "-K" --- 1,7 ---- set applist " vat rat swplayer vic nv wb wbd nte" ! set medialist "audio video whiteboard text directory" ! set rules " audio.RTP/AVP.0 audio.RTP/AVP.5 audio.RTP/AVP.3 audio.RTP/AVP.7 audio.RTP/AVP.6 audio.RTP/AVP.8 audio.RTP/AVP.109 audio.RTP/AVP.111 audio.RTP/AVP.112 audio.RTP/AVP.113 audio.RTP/AVP.114 audio.RTP/AVP.115 audio.RTP/AVP.116 audio.RTP/AVP.117 audio.RTP/AVP.121 audio.RTP/AVP.122 audio.RTP/AVP.*(DYNAMIC) audio.rtp.pcm audio.rtp.pcm2 audio.rtp.pcm4 audio.rtp.dvi audio.rtp.dvi2 audio.rtp.dvi4 audio.rtp.gsm audio.rtp.lpc audio.rtp.lpc4 audio.vat.pcm audio.vat.pcm2 audio.vat.pcm4 audio.vat.dvi audio.vat.dvi2 audio.vat.dvi4 audio.vat.gsm audio.vat.lpc4 audio.Xing.MPEG video.RTP/AVP.31 video.RTP/AVP.28 video.RTP/AVP.26 video.RTP/AVP.25 video.RTP/AVP.120 video.RTP/AVP.*(DYNAMIC) video.rtp.h261 video.rtp.nv video.rtp.jpeg video.rtp.celb video.rtp.vic video.rtp.ivs whiteboard.udp.wb text.udp.nt directory.SAP.SDP" ! set createrules " audio.RTP/AVP.0 audio.RTP/AVP.5 audio.RTP/AVP.3 audio.RTP/AVP.7 audio.RTP/AVP.6 audio.RTP/AVP.8 audio.RTP/AVP.109 audio.RTP/AVP.111 audio.RTP/AVP.112 audio.RTP/AVP.113 audio.RTP/AVP.114 audio.RTP/AVP.115 audio.RTP/AVP.116 audio.RTP/AVP.117 audio.RTP/AVP.121 audio.RTP/AVP.122 audio.RTP/AVP.*(DYNAMIC) audio.vat.pcm audio.vat.pcm2 audio.vat.pcm4 audio.vat.dvi audio.vat.dvi2 audio.vat.dvi4 audio.vat.gsm audio.vat.lpc4 video.RTP/AVP.31 video.RTP/AVP.28 video.RTP/AVP.26 video.RTP/AVP.25 video.RTP/AVP.120 video.RTP/AVP.*(DYNAMIC) whiteboard.udp.wb text.udp.nt directory.SAP.SDP" set tooldata(cryptflag:vic) "-K" set tooldata(cryptflag:nte) "-k" set tooldata(cryptflag:rat) "-K" *************** *** 15,20 **** --- 15,22 ---- set mediadata(icon:audio) "audio" set mediadata(text:video) "Video" set mediadata(icon:video) "eye" + set mediadata(text:directory) "Directory" + set mediadata(icon:directory) "directory" set fmts(audio.vat.gsm) "gsm" set fmts(audio.RTP/AVP.114) "114" set fmts(audio.RTP/AVP.115) "115" *************** *** 48,53 **** --- 50,56 ---- set fmts(whiteboard.udp.wb) "wb" set fmts(video.RTP/AVP.*(DYNAMIC)) "" set fmts(audio.RTP/AVP.113) "113" + set fmts(directory.SAP.SDP) "SDP" set protos(audio.vat.gsm) "vat" set protos(audio.RTP/AVP.114) "RTP/AVP" set protos(audio.RTP/AVP.115) "RTP/AVP" *************** *** 81,91 **** --- 84,96 ---- set protos(whiteboard.udp.wb) "udp" set protos(video.RTP/AVP.*(DYNAMIC)) "RTP/AVP" set protos(audio.RTP/AVP.113) "RTP/AVP" + set protos(directory.SAP.SDP) "SAP" set protonames(RTP/AVP) "RTP" set protonames(udp) "udp" set protonames(Xing) "Xing" set protonames(rtp) "rtp" set protonames(vat) "vat" + set protonames(SAP) "SAP" set fmtnames() "*(DYNAMIC)" set fmtnames(116) "16bit linear 48kHz mono" set fmtnames(0) "PCM u-law 8kHz mono" *************** *** 126,131 **** --- 131,137 ---- set fmtnames(gsm) "gsm" set fmtnames(dvi4) "dvi4" set fmtnames(115) "16bit linear 32kHz stereo" + set fmtnames(SDP) "SDP" set mappings(video.rtp.h261) "{vic -f h261 -t $(TTL) -I $(CHAN) -C $(SESSNAME) $(ADDRESS)/$(PORT)}" set mappings(audio.rtp.lpc) "{vat -r -f $(FMT) -I $(CHAN) -t $(TTL) -C $(SESSNAME) $(ADDRESS)/$(PORT)}" set mappings(audio.vat.dvi2) "{vat $(CRYPTKEY) -I $(CHAN) -t $(TTL) -C $(SESSNAME) -f $(FMT) $(ADDRESS)/$(PORT)$(ID)}" *************** *** 175,180 **** --- 181,187 ---- set mappings(video.rtp.ivs) "{vic -f h261 -Aivs -t $(TTL) -I $(CHAN) -C $(SESSNAME) $(ADDRESS)/$(PORT)}" set mappings(video.RTP/AVP.*(DYNAMIC)) "{vic $(CRYPTKEY) -t $(TTL) -I $(CHAN) -C $(SESSNAME) $(ADDRESS)/$(PORT)$(DOLAYERS)}" set mappings(video.rtp.celb) "{vic -f celb -t $(TTL) -I $(CHAN) -C $(SESSNAME) $(ADDRESS)/$(PORT)}" + set mappings(directory.SAP.SDP) {} set attrs(whiteboard.udp) "" set attrs(video.rtp.h261) "" set attrs(audio.rtp.lpc) "" *************** *** 232,237 **** --- 239,246 ---- set attrs(video.rtp.ivs) "" set attrs(video.rtp.celb) "" set attrs(video.RTP/AVP.*(DYNAMIC)) "rtpmap {rtpmap:$(DYNAMIC)\ PVH/90000}" + set attrs(directory.SAP.SDP) "" + set attrs(directory.SAP) "" set attrnames(orient) "Orientation" set attrnames(id) "Channel Id" set attrnames(sendrecv) "Send/Receive Mode" *************** *** 415,420 **** --- 424,430 ---- set defattrlist(video.rtp.ivs) "" set defattrlist(video.rtp.celb) "" set defattrlist(video.RTP/AVP.*(DYNAMIC)) "" + set defattrlist(directory.SAP.SDP) "" set withattrs(audio.RTP/AVP.*(DYNAMIC)) "{rtpmap:$(DYNAMIC) red/8000} {rtpmap:$(DYNAMIC) red/16000} {rtpmap:$(DYNAMIC) red/32000} {rtpmap:$(DYNAMIC) red/48000} {rtpmap:$(DYNAMIC) WBS/16000/1} {rtpmap:$(DYNAMIC) L16/8000/1} {rtpmap:$(DYNAMIC) L16/8000/2} {rtpmap:$(DYNAMIC) L16/16000/1} {rtpmap:$(DYNAMIC) L16/16000/2} {rtpmap:$(DYNAMIC) L16/32000/1} {rtpmap:$(DYNAMIC) L16/32000/2} {rtpmap:$(DYNAMIC) L16/48000/1} {rtpmap:$(DYNAMIC) L16/48000/2}" set withattrs(video.RTP/AVP.*(DYNAMIC)) "{rtpmap:$(DYNAMIC) PVH/90000}" set macros(vic.video.RTP/AVP.28) "/nv/$(TTL)" *************** *** 520,522 **** --- 530,533 ---- set fmtlayers(video.rtp.ivs) "1" set fmtlayers(video.RTP/AVP.*(DYNAMIC)) "1" set fmtlayers(video.rtp.celb) "1" + set fmtlayers(directory.SAP.SDP) "1" Common subdirectories: src.old/plugins and src.new/plugins diff -c src.old/plugins.tcl src.new/plugins.tcl *** src.old/plugins.tcl Thu Sep 24 02:47:17 1998 --- src.new/plugins.tcl Fri Nov 13 04:45:22 1998 *************** *** 640,645 **** --- 640,649 ---- } } if {[llength $rulelist]==0} { + # Special case for handling SDP/SAP directory sessions: + if {$media=="directory" && $proto=="SAP" && $fmt=="SDP"} { + return [launch_directory] + } set toollist {} foreach subrule $rule { lappend toollist [lindex $subrule 0] diff -c src.old/sap_crypt.tcl src.new/sap_crypt.tcl *** src.old/sap_crypt.tcl Thu Sep 10 18:19:38 1998 --- src.new/sap_crypt.tcl Fri Nov 13 04:45:24 1998 *************** *** 848,853 **** --- 848,858 ---- return 0 } set sess "$sess\nc=IN IP4 [get_new_session_addr $media]/$ttl" + # Use a lower on-the-wire TTL if it would exceed our zone's: + if {[info exists zone(ttl,$zone(cur_zone))] + && $zone(ttl,$zone(cur_zone)) < $ttl} { + set ttl $zone(ttl,$zone(cur_zone)) + } if {$media_layers($media)>1} { set sess "$sess/$media_layers($media)" } diff -c src.old/sd_listen.c src.new/sd_listen.c *** src.old/sd_listen.c Wed Oct 7 11:18:56 1998 --- src.new/sd_listen.c Fri Nov 13 04:45:24 1998 *************** *** 137,142 **** --- 137,143 ---- int ui_visible=TRUE; int debug1=FALSE; jmp_buf env; + unsigned initializationHasFinished = 0; void dump(buf, buflen) char *buf; *************** *** 234,239 **** --- 235,246 ---- rx_sock_addr[*no_of_socks]=malloc(strlen(address)+1); strcpy(rx_sock_addr[*no_of_socks], address); rx_sock_port[*no_of_socks]=port; + + if (initializationHasFinished) { + /* This socket was created after initialization, so start listening now */ + linksocket(rxsock[*no_of_socks], TK_READABLE, (Tcl_FileProc*)recv_packets); + } + (*no_of_socks)++; return(*no_of_socks); } *************** *** 1348,1356 **** } #endif ! while ((doexit==FALSE)||(Tk_GetNumMainWindows() > 0)) { ! if ((ui_visible==TRUE) &&(Tk_GetNumMainWindows() > 0)) { /*Normal mode of operation - with a GUI*/ Tcl_DoOneEvent(TCL_ALL_EVENTS); --- 1355,1365 ---- } #endif ! initializationHasFinished = 1; ! ! while ((doexit==FALSE)||(Tk_GetNumMainWindows() > 0)) { ! if ((ui_visible==TRUE) &&(Tk_GetNumMainWindows() > 0)) { /*Normal mode of operation - with a GUI*/ Tcl_DoOneEvent(TCL_ALL_EVENTS); *************** *** 3600,3606 **** struct advert_data *addata; addata=(struct advert_data *)malloc(sizeof(struct advert_data)); ! addata->sap_hdr=NULL; #endif addata->tx_sock=0; for(i=0;isap_hdr=NULL; #endif addata->tx_sock=0; for(i=0;i {break} bind $lb {break} bind $lb "focus $lb" ! bind $lb "focus ." bind $lb "scroll_to_session %K $list; break" tixAddBalloon $lb Listbox "Click button 1 on a listed session for more information on it or to participate in it. --- 379,385 ---- bind $lb {break} bind $lb {break} bind $lb "focus $lb" ! bind $lb "focus [cw]" bind $lb "scroll_to_session %K $list; break" tixAddBalloon $lb Listbox "Click button 1 on a listed session for more information on it or to participate in it. *************** *** 487,496 **** destroy . } proc give_status_msg {text} { global titlestr ! .f1.l configure -text $text -font [option get . italfont Sdr] ! after 2000 .f1.l configure -text \"$titlestr\" -font [option get . font Sdr] } set fullnumitems 0 --- 507,533 ---- destroy . } + proc handleWindowClose {w} { + global windowForGroupPort + foreach gp [array names windowForGroupPort] { + if {[string compare $windowForGroupPort($gp) $w] == 0} { + unset windowForGroupPort($gp) + } + } + + # If there are no longer any windows open, quit + if {[array size windowForGroupPort] == 0} { + setcw $w + quit + } + + catch {destroy $w} + } + proc give_status_msg {text} { global titlestr ! [cw].f1.l configure -text $text -font [option get [cw] italfont Sdr] ! after 2000 [cw].f1.l configure -text \"$titlestr\" -font [option get [cw] font Sdr] } set fullnumitems 0 *************** *** 785,791 **** set ldata($aid,medianum) 0 } set medianum 0 ! display_session $aid $code # set tfrom 0 # set tto 0 } --- 822,842 ---- set ldata($aid,medianum) 0 } set medianum 0 ! ! # Display the session, but first make sure we use the right window for it: ! global windowForGroupPort ! if {![catch {set w $windowForGroupPort($recvsap_addr,$recvsap_port)}]} { ! set oldCW [cw] ! setcw $w ! display_session $aid $code ! setcw $oldCW ! } else { ! # There's no window for this (group,port) now, but there may be later, ! # so save this entry for later: ! global entryForGroupPort ! set entryForGroupPort($recvsap_addr,$recvsap_port,$aid) $aid ! } ! # set tfrom 0 # set tto 0 } *************** *** 822,833 **** #actually display it #AUTH if {$ldata($aid,key)!=""} { ! add_to_display_list $aid priv } else { if { ($ldata($aid,enctype) == "x509")||($ldata($aid,enctype) == "pgp") } { ! add_to_display_list $aid priv } else { ! add_to_display_list $aid norm } } --- 873,884 ---- #actually display it #AUTH if {$ldata($aid,key)!=""} { ! add_to_display_list $aid [cw].priv } else { if { ($ldata($aid,enctype) == "x509")||($ldata($aid,enctype) == "pgp") } { ! add_to_display_list $aid [cw].priv } else { ! add_to_display_list $aid [cw].norm } } *************** *** 851,857 **** #check if it's already displayed foreach index [array names ix] { ! if {[string compare "[string range $index 0 3],$ix($index)" "$list,$aid"]==0} { debug "session already displayed - why are we here?" return 0 } --- 902,908 ---- #check if it's already displayed foreach index [array names ix] { ! if {[string compare "[lindex [split $index ,] 0],$ix($index)" "$list,$aid"]==0} { debug "session already displayed - why are we here?" return 0 } *************** *** 963,984 **** "highlight_tag $aid leave" if {[ispopped $aid]==1} { $sessbox($list) tag configure t$aid \ ! -foreground [option get . background Sdr] \ ! -background [option get . foreground Sdr] catch {$sessbox($ldata($aid,list)).win$aid configure \ ! -foreground [option get . background Sdr] \ ! -background [option get . foreground Sdr] } } elseif {[listing_criteria $aid future]==1} { $sessbox($list) tag configure t$aid \ ! -foreground [option get . disabledForeground Sdr] \ ! -background [option get . background Sdr] catch {$sessbox($list).win$aid configure \ ! -foreground [option get . disabledForeground Sdr] \ ! -background [option get . background Sdr] } } else { $sessbox($list) tag configure t$aid \ ! -foreground [option get . foreground Sdr] \ ! -background [option get . background Sdr] } } --- 1014,1035 ---- "highlight_tag $aid leave" if {[ispopped $aid]==1} { $sessbox($list) tag configure t$aid \ ! -foreground [option get [cw] background Sdr] \ ! -background [option get [cw] foreground Sdr] catch {$sessbox($ldata($aid,list)).win$aid configure \ ! -foreground [option get [cw] background Sdr] \ ! -background [option get [cw] foreground Sdr] } } elseif {[listing_criteria $aid future]==1} { $sessbox($list) tag configure t$aid \ ! -foreground [option get [cw] disabledForeground Sdr] \ ! -background [option get [cw] background Sdr] catch {$sessbox($list).win$aid configure \ ! -foreground [option get [cw] disabledForeground Sdr] \ ! -background [option get [cw] background Sdr] } } else { $sessbox($list) tag configure t$aid \ ! -foreground [option get [cw] foreground Sdr] \ ! -background [option get [cw] background Sdr] } } *************** *** 1018,1069 **** enter { if {[ispopped $aid]==1} { $win tag configure t$aid \ ! -foreground [option get . activeBackground Sdr] catch {$icon configure \ ! -foreground [option get . activeBackground Sdr]} } else { $win tag configure t$aid -background \ ! [option get . activeBackground Sdr] catch {$icon configure -background \ ! [option get . activeBackground Sdr]} } } leave { if {[ispopped $aid]==1} { $win tag configure t$aid \ ! -foreground [option get . background Sdr] catch {$icon configure \ ! -foreground [option get . background Sdr]} } else { $win tag configure t$aid \ ! -background [option get . background Sdr] catch {$icon configure \ ! -background [option get . background Sdr]} } } popup { $win tag configure t$aid \ ! -foreground [option get . background Sdr] \ ! -background [option get . foreground Sdr] catch {$icon configure \ ! -foreground [option get . background Sdr] \ ! -background [option get . foreground Sdr]} } popdown { if {[listing_criteria $aid future]==1} { $win tag configure t$aid \ ! -foreground [option get . disabledForeground Sdr] \ ! -background [option get . background Sdr] catch {$icon configure \ ! -foreground [option get . disabledForeground Sdr] \ ! -background [option get . background Sdr]} } else { $win tag configure t$aid \ ! -foreground [option get . foreground Sdr] \ ! -background [option get . background Sdr] catch {$icon configure \ ! -foreground [option get . foreground Sdr] \ ! -background [option get . background Sdr]} } } } --- 1069,1120 ---- enter { if {[ispopped $aid]==1} { $win tag configure t$aid \ ! -foreground [option get [cw] activeBackground Sdr] catch {$icon configure \ ! -foreground [option get [cw] activeBackground Sdr]} } else { $win tag configure t$aid -background \ ! [option get [cw] activeBackground Sdr] catch {$icon configure -background \ ! [option get [cw] activeBackground Sdr]} } } leave { if {[ispopped $aid]==1} { $win tag configure t$aid \ ! -foreground [option get [cw] background Sdr] catch {$icon configure \ ! -foreground [option get [cw] background Sdr]} } else { $win tag configure t$aid \ ! -background [option get [cw] background Sdr] catch {$icon configure \ ! -background [option get [cw] background Sdr]} } } popup { $win tag configure t$aid \ ! -foreground [option get [cw] background Sdr] \ ! -background [option get [cw] foreground Sdr] catch {$icon configure \ ! -foreground [option get [cw] background Sdr] \ ! -background [option get [cw] foreground Sdr]} } popdown { if {[listing_criteria $aid future]==1} { $win tag configure t$aid \ ! -foreground [option get [cw] disabledForeground Sdr] \ ! -background [option get [cw] background Sdr] catch {$icon configure \ ! -foreground [option get [cw] disabledForeground Sdr] \ ! -background [option get [cw] background Sdr]} } else { $win tag configure t$aid \ ! -foreground [option get [cw] foreground Sdr] \ ! -background [option get [cw] background Sdr] catch {$icon configure \ ! -foreground [option get [cw] foreground Sdr] \ ! -background [option get [cw] background Sdr]} } } } *************** *** 1082,1089 **** proc show_session_list {list} { debug "show_session_list $list" ! if {$list=="priv"} { ! catch {pack .f4 -side top -fill both -expand true -after .f2} } debug "done" } --- 1133,1140 ---- proc show_session_list {list} { debug "show_session_list $list" ! if {$list=="[cw].priv"} { ! catch {pack [cw].f4 -side top -fill both -expand true -after [cw].f2} } debug "done" } *************** *** 1393,1399 **** } for {set i 1} {$i <= $tagnum} {incr i} { $win tag configure url$i \ ! -foreground [option get . hotForeground Sdr] $win tag configure url$i -relief raised if {$inbrowser} { $win tag bind url$i <1> \ --- 1444,1450 ---- } for {set i 1} {$i <= $tagnum} {incr i} { $win tag configure url$i \ ! -foreground [option get [cw] hotForeground Sdr] $win tag configure url$i -relief raised if {$inbrowser} { $win tag bind url$i <1> \ *************** *** 1402,1422 **** webdisp [set url$i]" $win tag bind url$i \ "$win tag configure url$i \ ! -foreground [option get . activehotForeground Sdr];\ overhref [set url$i]" $win tag bind url$i \ "$win tag configure url$i \ ! -foreground [option get . hotForeground Sdr];\ overhref" } else { $win tag bind url$i <1> \ "get_uri [set url$i]" $win tag bind url$i \ "$win tag configure url$i \ ! -foreground [option get . activehotForeground Sdr]" $win tag bind url$i \ "$win tag configure url$i \ ! -foreground [option get . hotForeground Sdr]" } } } --- 1453,1473 ---- webdisp [set url$i]" $win tag bind url$i \ "$win tag configure url$i \ ! -foreground [option get [cw] activehotForeground Sdr];\ overhref [set url$i]" $win tag bind url$i \ "$win tag configure url$i \ ! -foreground [option get [cw] hotForeground Sdr];\ overhref" } else { $win tag bind url$i <1> \ "get_uri [set url$i]" $win tag bind url$i \ "$win tag configure url$i \ ! -foreground [option get [cw] activehotForeground Sdr]" $win tag bind url$i \ "$win tag configure url$i \ ! -foreground [option get [cw] hotForeground Sdr]" } } } *************** *** 1459,1465 **** frame $wname.f -relief groove -borderwidth 2 set win $wname.f pack $win -side top -fill both -expand true ! set infofont "[option get . infoFont Sdr]" #AUTH #Determine the background colour of the title bar by checking #authentication status. --- 1510,1516 ---- frame $wname.f -relief groove -borderwidth 2 set win $wname.f pack $win -side top -fill both -expand true ! set infofont "[option get [cw] infoFont Sdr]" #AUTH #Determine the background colour of the title bar by checking #authentication status. *************** *** 1799,1805 **** wm title $wname "Sdr: Incoming call from $msgsrc" frame $win.inv -borderwidth 2 -relief groove pack $win.inv -side top -fill x -expand true ! label $win.inv.l -text "Incoming Call" -font [option get . largeFont Sdr] pack $win.inv.l -side top frame $win.inv.f -borderwidth 0 pack $win.inv.f -side top -fill x -expand true --- 1850,1856 ---- wm title $wname "Sdr: Incoming call from $msgsrc" frame $win.inv -borderwidth 2 -relief groove pack $win.inv -side top -fill x -expand true ! label $win.inv.l -text "Incoming Call" -font [option get [cw] largeFont Sdr] pack $win.inv.l -side top frame $win.inv.f -borderwidth 0 pack $win.inv.f -side top -fill x -expand true *************** *** 1845,1852 **** -highlightthickness 0 #TBD ! # -activeforeground [option get . scrollbarActiveForeground Sdr] \ ! # -foreground [option get . scrollbarForeground Sdr] # $win.f0.desc insert 0.0 [text_wrap $ldata($aid,desc) 40] $win.f0.desc insert 0.0 $ldata($aid,desc) $win.f0.desc configure -state disabled --- 1896,1903 ---- -highlightthickness 0 #TBD ! # -activeforeground [option get [cw] scrollbarActiveForeground Sdr] \ ! # -foreground [option get [cw] scrollbarForeground Sdr] # $win.f0.desc insert 0.0 [text_wrap $ldata($aid,desc) 40] $win.f0.desc insert 0.0 $ldata($aid,desc) $win.f0.desc configure -state disabled *************** *** 1857,1863 **** highlight_url $win.f0.desc ! set mf [option get . mediumFont Sdr] pack [frame $win.hidden1 -width 1 -height 1] -side top -padx 0 -pady 0 if {$ldata($aid,tfrom)!=0} { # if {($ldata($aid,no_of_times)>1)||($ldata($aid,time0,no_of_rpts)>0)} { --- 1908,1914 ---- highlight_url $win.f0.desc ! set mf [option get [cw] mediumFont Sdr] pack [frame $win.hidden1 -width 1 -height 1] -side top -padx 0 -pady 0 if {$ldata($aid,tfrom)!=0} { # if {($ldata($aid,no_of_times)>1)||($ldata($aid,time0,no_of_rpts)>0)} { *************** *** 1889,1895 **** #pack $win.authmsg.l -side left -fill x -expand true iconbutton $win.buttons.authmsg -text "Authentication Info" -relief raised \ -borderwidth 1 -command "authinfo $win $bgcolour $fgcolour \"$authm\" "\ ! -font [option get . mediumFont Sdr] -pad 1 tixAddBalloon $win.buttons.authmsg Frame [tt "Display the Authentication Security Information."] incr $win.visible pack $win.buttons.authmsg -side left -fill x -expand true --- 1940,1946 ---- #pack $win.authmsg.l -side left -fill x -expand true iconbutton $win.buttons.authmsg -text "Authentication Info" -relief raised \ -borderwidth 1 -command "authinfo $win $bgcolour $fgcolour \"$authm\" "\ ! -font [option get [cw] mediumFont Sdr] -pad 1 tixAddBalloon $win.buttons.authmsg Frame [tt "Display the Authentication Security Information."] incr $win.visible pack $win.buttons.authmsg -side left -fill x -expand true *************** *** 1897,1903 **** if {$encm != "none" } { iconbutton $win.buttons.encmsg -text "Encryption Info" -relief raised \ -borderwidth 1 -command "encinfo $win $bgcolour $fgcolour \"$encm\" "\ ! -font [option get . mediumFont Sdr] -pad 1 tixAddBalloon $win.buttons.encmsg Frame [tt "Display the Encryption Security Information."] incr $win.visible pack $win.buttons.encmsg -side left -fill x -expand true --- 1948,1954 ---- if {$encm != "none" } { iconbutton $win.buttons.encmsg -text "Encryption Info" -relief raised \ -borderwidth 1 -command "encinfo $win $bgcolour $fgcolour \"$encm\" "\ ! -font [option get [cw] mediumFont Sdr] -pad 1 tixAddBalloon $win.buttons.encmsg Frame [tt "Display the Encryption Security Information."] incr $win.visible pack $win.buttons.encmsg -side left -fill x -expand true *************** *** 1916,1922 **** } iconbutton $win.buttons.info -text $str -bitmap www -relief raised \ -borderwidth 1 -command "get_uri $ldata($aid,uri)" \ ! -font [option get . mediumFont Sdr] -pad $pad tixAddBalloon $win.buttons.info Frame [tt "Click here for more \ information about the session. The information will be in the \ --- 1967,1973 ---- } iconbutton $win.buttons.info -text $str -bitmap www -relief raised \ -borderwidth 1 -command "get_uri $ldata($aid,uri)" \ ! -font [option get [cw] mediumFont Sdr] -pad $pad tixAddBalloon $win.buttons.info Frame [tt "Click here for more \ information about the session. The information will be in the \ *************** *** 1936,1948 **** } iconbutton $win.buttons.contact -text $str -bitmap phone -relief raised \ -borderwidth 1 -command "contact $win $aid" \ ! -font [option get . mediumFont Sdr] -pad $pad tixAddBalloon $win.buttons.contact Frame [tt "Display the name, email address, and phone number of the person who is responsible for this session."] incr $win.visible pack $win.buttons.contact -side left -fill x -expand true # if {($ldata($aid,no_of_times)>1)||($ldata($aid,time0,no_of_rpts)>0)} { # iconbutton $win.buttons.times -text "Detailed times" -bitmap clock -relief raised \ ! # -borderwidth 1 -command "show_times $win $aid" -font [option get . mediumFont Sdr] # tixAddBalloon $win.buttons.times Button [tt "Display detailed information about when this session is active."] # incr $win.visible # pack $win.buttons.times -side left -fill x -expand true --- 1987,1999 ---- } iconbutton $win.buttons.contact -text $str -bitmap phone -relief raised \ -borderwidth 1 -command "contact $win $aid" \ ! -font [option get [cw] mediumFont Sdr] -pad $pad tixAddBalloon $win.buttons.contact Frame [tt "Display the name, email address, and phone number of the person who is responsible for this session."] incr $win.visible pack $win.buttons.contact -side left -fill x -expand true # if {($ldata($aid,no_of_times)>1)||($ldata($aid,time0,no_of_rpts)>0)} { # iconbutton $win.buttons.times -text "Detailed times" -bitmap clock -relief raised \ ! # -borderwidth 1 -command "show_times $win $aid" -font [option get [cw] mediumFont Sdr] # tixAddBalloon $win.buttons.times Button [tt "Display detailed information about when this session is active."] # incr $win.visible # pack $win.buttons.times -side left -fill x -expand true *************** *** 1950,1956 **** if {$ifstyle=="norm"} { iconbutton $win.buttons.tech -text "Media\nDetails" -command \ "popup $aid tech $msgsrc;break" -borderwidth 1 -relief raised \ ! -bitmap tools -font [option get . mediumFont Sdr] -pad 0 tixAddBalloon $win.buttons.tech Frame [tt "Click here for information \ about the media used in the session and their formats, and to start up the \ media tools individually."] --- 2001,2007 ---- if {$ifstyle=="norm"} { iconbutton $win.buttons.tech -text "Media\nDetails" -command \ "popup $aid tech $msgsrc;break" -borderwidth 1 -relief raised \ ! -bitmap tools -font [option get [cw] mediumFont Sdr] -pad 0 tixAddBalloon $win.buttons.tech Frame [tt "Click here for information \ about the media used in the session and their formats, and to start up the \ media tools individually."] *************** *** 2075,2085 **** if {$ifstyle=="tech"} { label $win.heard -text \ "[tt "Heard from"] $ldata($aid,heardfrom) [tt at] $ldata($aid,theard)" \ ! -font [option get . infoFont Sdr] pack $win.heard -side top if {$ldata($aid,source)!=$ldata($aid,heardfrom)} { label $win.src -text "[tt "Originally announced from"] $ldata($aid,source)" \ ! -font [option get . infoFont Sdr] pack $win.src -side top } } --- 2126,2136 ---- if {$ifstyle=="tech"} { label $win.heard -text \ "[tt "Heard from"] $ldata($aid,heardfrom) [tt at] $ldata($aid,theard)" \ ! -font [option get [cw] infoFont Sdr] pack $win.heard -side top if {$ldata($aid,source)!=$ldata($aid,heardfrom)} { label $win.src -text "[tt "Originally announced from"] $ldata($aid,source)" \ ! -font [option get [cw] infoFont Sdr] pack $win.src -side top } } *************** *** 2226,2232 **** set code 0 catch {set code [$fname.d6 delete 0 end;$fname.d6 insert 0 $vars]} if {$code==0} { ! set infofont "[option get . infoFont Sdr]" label $fname.l6 -text "Vars:" -font $infofont entry $fname.d6 -relief sunken -borderwidth 1\ -font $infofont --- 2277,2283 ---- set code 0 catch {set code [$fname.d6 delete 0 end;$fname.d6 insert 0 $vars]} if {$code==0} { ! set infofont "[option get [cw] infoFont Sdr]" label $fname.l6 -text "Vars:" -font $infofont entry $fname.d6 -relief sunken -borderwidth 1\ -font $infofont *************** *** 2265,2271 **** incr $win.visible -1 if {[set $win.visible]==0} {pack forget $win.buttons} frame $win.cinfo -borderwidth 2 -relief groove ! set mf [option get . mediumFont Sdr] pack $win.cinfo -side top -fill x -after $win.hidden2 label $win.cinfo.created -text "Created by: $ldata($aid,creator)@$ldata($aid,createaddr)" -font $mf pack $win.cinfo.created -side top --- 2316,2322 ---- incr $win.visible -1 if {[set $win.visible]==0} {pack forget $win.buttons} frame $win.cinfo -borderwidth 2 -relief groove ! set mf [option get [cw] mediumFont Sdr] pack $win.cinfo -side top -fill x -after $win.hidden2 label $win.cinfo.created -text "Created by: $ldata($aid,creator)@$ldata($aid,createaddr)" -font $mf pack $win.cinfo.created -side top *************** *** 2420,2426 **** proc show_times_english {win aid} { global ldata set timestr [tt "Session will take place\n"] ! pack [message $win.msg -width 400 -justify center -borderwidth 2 -relief groove -font [option get . mediumFont Sdr]] -after $win.hidden1 -side top -fill x -expand true $win.msg configure -text [text_times_english $aid] } --- 2471,2477 ---- proc show_times_english {win aid} { global ldata set timestr [tt "Session will take place\n"] ! pack [message $win.msg -width 400 -justify center -borderwidth 2 -relief groove -font [option get [cw] mediumFont Sdr]] -after $win.hidden1 -side top -fill x -expand true $win.msg configure -text [text_times_english $aid] } *************** *** 2483,2490 **** -highlightthickness 0 #TBD ! # -foreground [option get . scrollbarForeground Sdr] \ ! # -activeforeground [option get . scrollbarActiveForeground Sdr] foreach i [exec ls -a] { .record.f.f0.lb insert end $i } --- 2534,2541 ---- -highlightthickness 0 #TBD ! # -foreground [option get [cw] scrollbarForeground Sdr] \ ! # -activeforeground [option get [cw] scrollbarActiveForeground Sdr] foreach i [exec ls -a] { .record.f.f0.lb insert end $i } *************** *** 2641,2647 **** frame .prefs.f0 pack .prefs.f0 -side top canvas .prefs.f0.c -width 600 -height 300 ! #-background [option get . prefsBackground Sdr] pack .prefs.f0.c -side top set xpos 20 --- 2692,2698 ---- frame .prefs.f0 pack .prefs.f0 -side top canvas .prefs.f0.c -width 600 -height 300 ! #-background [option get [cw] prefsBackground Sdr] pack .prefs.f0.c -side top set xpos 20 *************** *** 2658,2664 **** bind .prefs.f3.mode "focus $binder_tags(show,button)" post_binder .prefs.f0.c show label .prefs.help -relief raised -borderwidth 1 \ ! -font [option get . infoFont Sdr] pack .prefs.help -side top -fill x -expand true frame .prefs.f1 button .prefs.f1.cancel -text [tt "Cancel"] -command {destroy .prefs} --- 2709,2715 ---- bind .prefs.f3.mode "focus $binder_tags(show,button)" post_binder .prefs.f0.c show label .prefs.help -relief raised -borderwidth 1 \ ! -font [option get [cw] infoFont Sdr] pack .prefs.help -side top -fill x -expand true frame .prefs.f1 button .prefs.f1.cancel -text [tt "Cancel"] -command {destroy .prefs} *************** *** 2973,2979 **** -highlightthickness 0 \ -variable prefs(web_webtype) -value startmosaic -relief flat bind_help $win.f.f.r2 [tt "Select this to start a new copy of the web browser for each URL."] ! entry $win.f.f.wwwname -width 10 -relief sunken -background [option get . entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(web_webclient) frame $win.f.f2 radiobutton $win.f.f2.r4 -text [tt "Use sdr's built in web browser"] \ --- 3024,3030 ---- -highlightthickness 0 \ -variable prefs(web_webtype) -value startmosaic -relief flat bind_help $win.f.f.r2 [tt "Select this to start a new copy of the web browser for each URL."] ! entry $win.f.f.wwwname -width 10 -relief sunken -background [option get [cw] entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(web_webclient) frame $win.f.f2 radiobutton $win.f.f2.r4 -text [tt "Use sdr's built in web browser"] \ *************** *** 2983,2990 **** frame $win.f.f2.f label $win.f.f2.f.l1 -text [tt " Proxy:"] label $win.f.f2.f.l2 -text [tt "in the form \"host:port\""] \ ! -font [option get . infoFont Sdr] ! entry $win.f.f2.f.wwwproxy -width 25 -relief sunken -background [option get . entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(web_webproxy) bind_help $win.f.f2.f.wwwproxy [tt "Enter your web proxy in the form ``host:port''. This is optional."] tixAddBalloon $win.f.f2 Frame [tt "Enter your web proxy in the form \"host:port\"."] --- 3034,3041 ---- frame $win.f.f2.f label $win.f.f2.f.l1 -text [tt " Proxy:"] label $win.f.f2.f.l2 -text [tt "in the form \"host:port\""] \ ! -font [option get [cw] infoFont Sdr] ! entry $win.f.f2.f.wwwproxy -width 25 -relief sunken -background [option get [cw] entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(web_webproxy) bind_help $win.f.f2.f.wwwproxy [tt "Enter your web proxy in the form ``host:port''. This is optional."] tixAddBalloon $win.f.f2 Frame [tt "Enter your web proxy in the form \"host:port\"."] *************** *** 3230,3264 **** pack $win.f.n -side top -fill x -expand true -pady 5 label $win.f.n.l -text [tt "Name:"] pack $win.f.n.l -side left ! entry $win.f.n.e -width 30 -relief sunken -background [option get . entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(pers_name) pack $win.f.n.e -side right frame $win.f.e pack $win.f.e -side top -fill x -expand true -pady 5 label $win.f.e.l -text [tt "Email:"] pack $win.f.e.l -side left ! entry $win.f.e.e -width 30 -relief sunken -background [option get . entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(pers_email) pack $win.f.e.e -side right frame $win.f.p pack $win.f.p -side top -fill x -expand true -pady 5 label $win.f.p.l -text [tt "Phone:"] pack $win.f.p.l -side left ! entry $win.f.p.e -width 30 -relief sunken -background [option get . entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(pers_phone) pack $win.f.p.e -side right ! message $win.f.sipa -aspect 400 -font [option get . infoFont Sdr] -text \ "A SIP alias is a name people can put in a session invitation to call you. Normally they will use your username, but if you want sdr to answer calls addressed to a more human-readable name, you can add it here. You cannot add another valid username." pack $win.f.sipa -side top frame $win.f.a pack $win.f.a -side top -fill x -expand true -pady 5 label $win.f.a.l -text [tt "SIP Alias:"] pack $win.f.a.l -side left ! entry $win.f.a.e -width 30 -relief sunken -background [option get . entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(pers_alias) pack $win.f.a.e -side right frame $win.f.ss pack $win.f.ss -side top -fill x -expand true -pady 5 label $win.f.ss.l -text [tt "SIP Server URL:"] pack $win.f.ss.l -side left ! entry $win.f.ss.e -width 30 -relief sunken -background [option get . entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(pers_sipserv) pack $win.f.ss.e -side right frame $win.f2 -borderwidth 0 -relief flat -width 1 -height \ --- 3281,3315 ---- pack $win.f.n -side top -fill x -expand true -pady 5 label $win.f.n.l -text [tt "Name:"] pack $win.f.n.l -side left ! entry $win.f.n.e -width 30 -relief sunken -background [option get [cw] entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(pers_name) pack $win.f.n.e -side right frame $win.f.e pack $win.f.e -side top -fill x -expand true -pady 5 label $win.f.e.l -text [tt "Email:"] pack $win.f.e.l -side left ! entry $win.f.e.e -width 30 -relief sunken -background [option get [cw] entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(pers_email) pack $win.f.e.e -side right frame $win.f.p pack $win.f.p -side top -fill x -expand true -pady 5 label $win.f.p.l -text [tt "Phone:"] pack $win.f.p.l -side left ! entry $win.f.p.e -width 30 -relief sunken -background [option get [cw] entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(pers_phone) pack $win.f.p.e -side right ! message $win.f.sipa -aspect 400 -font [option get [cw] infoFont Sdr] -text \ "A SIP alias is a name people can put in a session invitation to call you. Normally they will use your username, but if you want sdr to answer calls addressed to a more human-readable name, you can add it here. You cannot add another valid username." pack $win.f.sipa -side top frame $win.f.a pack $win.f.a -side top -fill x -expand true -pady 5 label $win.f.a.l -text [tt "SIP Alias:"] pack $win.f.a.l -side left ! entry $win.f.a.e -width 30 -relief sunken -background [option get [cw] entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(pers_alias) pack $win.f.a.e -side right frame $win.f.ss pack $win.f.ss -side top -fill x -expand true -pady 5 label $win.f.ss.l -text [tt "SIP Server URL:"] pack $win.f.ss.l -side left ! entry $win.f.ss.e -width 30 -relief sunken -background [option get [cw] entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(pers_sipserv) pack $win.f.ss.e -side right frame $win.f2 -borderwidth 0 -relief flat -width 1 -height \ *************** *** 3555,3562 **** -highlightthickness 0 #TBD ! # -foreground [option get . scrollbarForeground Sdr] \ ! # -activeforeground [option get . scrollbarActiveForeground Sdr] foreach aid $prefs(show_aids) { $win.f1.l1 insert end $ldata($aid,session) if {$prefs(show_aid_$aid)==1} { --- 3606,3613 ---- -highlightthickness 0 #TBD ! # -foreground [option get [cw] scrollbarForeground Sdr] \ ! # -activeforeground [option get [cw] scrollbarActiveForeground Sdr] foreach aid $prefs(show_aids) { $win.f1.l1 insert end $ldata($aid,session) if {$prefs(show_aid_$aid)==1} { *************** *** 3601,3611 **** proc pref_sess_enable {win} { global prefs if {$prefs(show_showwhich)=="pref"} { ! $win.f1.l1 configure -foreground [option get . foreground Sdr] ! $win.f1.l2 configure -foreground [option get . foreground Sdr] } else { ! $win.f1.l1 configure -foreground [option get . disabledForeground Sdr] ! $win.f1.l2 configure -foreground [option get . disabledForeground Sdr] } } --- 3652,3662 ---- proc pref_sess_enable {win} { global prefs if {$prefs(show_showwhich)=="pref"} { ! $win.f1.l1 configure -foreground [option get [cw] foreground Sdr] ! $win.f1.l2 configure -foreground [option get [cw] foreground Sdr] } else { ! $win.f1.l1 configure -foreground [option get [cw] disabledForeground Sdr] ! $win.f1.l2 configure -foreground [option get [cw] disabledForeground Sdr] } } *************** *** 3632,3638 **** #note this must be done after all admin scope zones have been added. #this must not be called more than once! # ! global zone set no_of_zones $zone(no_of_zones) set zone(sap_addr,$no_of_zones) $sap_addr set zone(sap_port,$no_of_zones) $sap_port --- 3683,3690 ---- #note this must be done after all admin scope zones have been added. #this must not be called more than once! # ! global windowForGroupPort zone ! set windowForGroupPort($sap_addr,$sap_port) [cw] set no_of_zones $zone(no_of_zones) set zone(sap_addr,$no_of_zones) $sap_addr set zone(sap_port,$no_of_zones) $sap_port *************** *** 3648,3654 **** #an old one. #to remove one, specify its name and set sap_addr to "" # ! global zone set no_of_zones $zone(no_of_zones) for {set i 0} {$i < $no_of_zones} {incr i} { if {$zone(name,$i)==$name} { --- 3700,3707 ---- #an old one. #to remove one, specify its name and set sap_addr to "" # ! global windowForGroupPort zone ! set windowForGroupPort($sap_addr,$sap_port) [cw] set no_of_zones $zone(no_of_zones) for {set i 0} {$i < $no_of_zones} {incr i} { if {$zone(name,$i)==$name} { *************** *** 3685,3690 **** --- 3738,3801 ---- proc sdr_delete_session_hook {advert} { } + proc launch_directory {} { + global sd_directory windowForGroupPort + set addr $sd_directory(address); set port $sd_directory(port) + + # If we don't yet have a window open for the directory's (group,port), + # then open one now: + if {![info exists windowForGroupPort($addr,$port)]} { + set oldCW [cw] + global lastWindowNum + set newWindow .w[incr lastWindowNum] + set windowForGroupPort($addr,$port) $newWindow + + # Create the new window: + setcw $newWindow + build_interface again + + # Enter any members that we saw earlier, but couldn't enter back then: + global entryForGroupPort + foreach gpa [array names entryForGroupPort [set addr],[set port],*] { + set aid $entryForGroupPort($gpa) + display_session $aid 0 + } + setcw $oldCW + + # Set up the 'zone' information for this directory, to be used when + # new sessions are created in it. + # Begin with the original set of zones: + global zone; array set newZoneData [array get zone] + + # Then, remove all zones that don't enclose this dir's SAP addr ($addr) + ##### We don't currently do this - this needs to be fixed! + + # Then, replace each remaining zone's SAP address and port with ours: + foreach a [array names newZoneData sap_addr,*] { + set newZoneData($a) $addr + } + foreach p [array names newZoneData sap_port,*] { + set newZoneData($p) $port + } + # Set each zone's TTL to be no larger than ours: + global sd_sess; set ourTTL $sd_sess(ttl) + for {set i 0} {$i <= $newZoneData(no_of_zones)} {incr i} { + if {![info exists newZoneData(ttl,$i)] + || $newZoneData(ttl,$i) > $ourTTL} { + set newZoneData(ttl,$i) $ourTTL + } + } + + # Remember this new zone data: + global zoneDataForWindow + set zoneDataForWindow($newWindow) [array get newZoneData] + + # Finally, start listening to the directory: + sd_listen $addr $port + } + return 1 + } + set fh [font metrics -adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1 -linespace] set fw [font measure -adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1 m] set font -adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1 *************** *** 3720,3726 **** frame .cal.f0 -borderwidth 2 -relief groove if {$ifstyle(labels)=="long"} { label .cal.f0.l -text "Click on a day to show what's on." \ ! -anchor w -font [option get . infoFont Sdr] pack .cal.f0.l -side top -fill x -expand true } --- 3831,3837 ---- frame .cal.f0 -borderwidth 2 -relief groove if {$ifstyle(labels)=="long"} { label .cal.f0.l -text "Click on a day to show what's on." \ ! -anchor w -font [option get [cw] infoFont Sdr] pack .cal.f0.l -side top -fill x -expand true } *************** *** 3731,3737 **** have sessions scheduled. Click on a date to get the listing for that \ day."] ! set fg [option get . foreground Sdr] set tstr [gettimenow] set daynow [fixint [lindex $tstr 2]] set monnow [fixint [lindex $tstr 1]] --- 3842,3848 ---- have sessions scheduled. Click on a date to get the listing for that \ day."] ! set fg [option get [cw] foreground Sdr] set tstr [gettimenow] set daynow [fixint [lindex $tstr 2]] set monnow [fixint [lindex $tstr 1]] *************** *** 3830,3836 **** set eom [lindex $daysinmonth [expr $mon - 1]] } for {set day $som} {$day <= $eom} {incr day} { ! catch { highlight_day $day $mon $syear $first([expr $mon+0]) $monnow [option get . activeBackground Sdr] [option get . hotForeground Sdr] \"$aid\" $t -1 -1} } } } else { --- 3941,3947 ---- set eom [lindex $daysinmonth [expr $mon - 1]] } for {set day $som} {$day <= $eom} {incr day} { ! catch { highlight_day $day $mon $syear $first([expr $mon+0]) $monnow [option get [cw] activeBackground Sdr] [option get [cw] hotForeground Sdr] \"$aid\" $t -1 -1} } } } else { *************** *** 3896,3902 **** set eom [lindex $daysinmonth [expr $mon - 1]] } for {set day $som} {$day <= $eom} {incr day} { ! catch { highlight_day $day $mon $syear $first([expr $mon+0]) $monnow [option get . activeBackground Sdr] [option get . hotForeground Sdr] \"$aid\" $t $r $rctr $o} } } set starttime [expr $starttime + $ldata($aid,time$t,interval$r)] --- 4007,4013 ---- set eom [lindex $daysinmonth [expr $mon - 1]] } for {set day $som} {$day <= $eom} {incr day} { ! catch { highlight_day $day $mon $syear $first([expr $mon+0]) $monnow [option get [cw] activeBackground Sdr] [option get [cw] hotForeground Sdr] \"$aid\" $t $r $rctr $o} } } set starttime [expr $starttime + $ldata($aid,time$t,interval$r)] *************** *** 3933,3949 **** .cal.f0.c addtag $day.$mon withtag \ [.cal.f0.c create rectangle [expr $xpos - 2] $ypos \ [expr $xpos + ($fw*2) +2] [expr $ypos + $fh - 1] -fill $col \ ! -outline [option get . foreground Sdr]] .cal.f0.c addtag t.$day.$mon withtag \ [.cal.f0.c create text $xpos $ypos -anchor nw \ ! -fill [option get . hotForeground Sdr] -font $font \ -text "$daystr"] set taglist($day.$mon) "$aid $tindex $rindex $rctr $off" .cal.f0.c bind t.$day.$mon <1> \ "display_bookings $dow $day $mon $yr \$taglist($day.$mon)" .cal.f0.c bind t.$day.$mon \ ".cal.f0.c itemconfigure t.$day.$mon -fill \ ! [option get . activehotForeground Sdr]" .cal.f0.c bind t.$day.$mon \ ".cal.f0.c itemconfigure t.$day.$mon -fill $fgcol" } else { --- 4044,4060 ---- .cal.f0.c addtag $day.$mon withtag \ [.cal.f0.c create rectangle [expr $xpos - 2] $ypos \ [expr $xpos + ($fw*2) +2] [expr $ypos + $fh - 1] -fill $col \ ! -outline [option get [cw] foreground Sdr]] .cal.f0.c addtag t.$day.$mon withtag \ [.cal.f0.c create text $xpos $ypos -anchor nw \ ! -fill [option get [cw] hotForeground Sdr] -font $font \ -text "$daystr"] set taglist($day.$mon) "$aid $tindex $rindex $rctr $off" .cal.f0.c bind t.$day.$mon <1> \ "display_bookings $dow $day $mon $yr \$taglist($day.$mon)" .cal.f0.c bind t.$day.$mon \ ".cal.f0.c itemconfigure t.$day.$mon -fill \ ! [option get [cw] activehotForeground Sdr]" .cal.f0.c bind t.$day.$mon \ ".cal.f0.c itemconfigure t.$day.$mon -fill $fgcol" } else { *************** *** 3960,3968 **** set title \ "[tt "Sessions on"] $dow $day$ending($day) [getmonname $mon -long]" set blist [split $bookings "\n"] ! set fg [option get . foreground Sdr] ! set hotfg [option get . hotForeground Sdr] ! set ahotfg [option get . activehotForeground Sdr] set booknum 0 set aid "" foreach booking $blist { --- 4071,4079 ---- set title \ "[tt "Sessions on"] $dow $day$ending($day) [getmonname $mon -long]" set blist [split $bookings "\n"] ! set fg [option get [cw] foreground Sdr] ! set hotfg [option get [cw] hotForeground Sdr] ! set ahotfg [option get [cw] activehotForeground Sdr] set booknum 0 set aid "" foreach booking $blist { *************** *** 3981,3987 **** pack $win.f.f -side top -fill x -expand true label $win.f.f.l -text $title pack $win.f.f.l -side left ! label $win.f.f.exp -font [option get . infoFont Sdr] -text "" \ -justify l -anchor w pack $win.f.f.exp -side left -fill x -expand true if {$ifstyle(labels)=="long"} { --- 4092,4098 ---- pack $win.f.f -side top -fill x -expand true label $win.f.f.l -text $title pack $win.f.f.l -side left ! label $win.f.f.exp -font [option get [cw] infoFont Sdr] -text "" \ -justify l -anchor w pack $win.f.f.exp -side left -fill x -expand true if {$ifstyle(labels)=="long"} { *************** *** 3992,3998 **** for {set t 0} {$t < 24} {incr t} { $win.f.c addtag hour$t withtag \ [$win.f.c create text [expr ($t * 20)+10] 5 -anchor n\ ! -fill $fg -font [option get . font Sdr]] $win.f.c create line [expr ($t * 20) +20 ] 20\ [expr ($t * 20) +20 ] 30 -fill $fg $win.f.c create line [expr ($t * 20) +10 ] 20\ --- 4103,4109 ---- for {set t 0} {$t < 24} {incr t} { $win.f.c addtag hour$t withtag \ [$win.f.c create text [expr ($t * 20)+10] 5 -anchor n\ ! -fill $fg -font [option get [cw] font Sdr]] $win.f.c create line [expr ($t * 20) +20 ] 20\ [expr ($t * 20) +20 ] 30 -fill $fg $win.f.c create line [expr ($t * 20) +10 ] 20\ *************** *** 4112,4118 **** $win.f.c addtag t$lnum withtag \ [$win.f.c create text 495 \ [expr 25+$lnum] -anchor w\ ! -fill $hotfg -font [option get . font Sdr]] $win.f.c insert t$lnum 0 $ldata($aid,session) $win.f.c bind t$lnum <1> "popup $aid \$ifstyle(view) advert" $win.f.c bind t$lnum \ --- 4223,4229 ---- $win.f.c addtag t$lnum withtag \ [$win.f.c create text 495 \ [expr 25+$lnum] -anchor w\ ! -fill $hotfg -font [option get [cw] font Sdr]] $win.f.c insert t$lnum 0 $ldata($aid,session) $win.f.c bind t$lnum <1> "popup $aid \$ifstyle(view) advert" $win.f.c bind t$lnum \ *************** *** 4126,4132 **** } } button $win.f.f.dismiss -text "[tt Hide] $day [getmonname $mon -long]" \ ! -command "destroy $win" -font [option get . infoFont Sdr] \ -borderwidth 1 -relief raised -pady 0 -padx 1 \ -highlightthickness 0 pack $win.f.f.dismiss -side right --- 4237,4243 ---- } } button $win.f.f.dismiss -text "[tt Hide] $day [getmonname $mon -long]" \ ! -command "destroy $win" -font [option get [cw] infoFont Sdr] \ -borderwidth 1 -relief raised -pady 0 -padx 1 \ -highlightthickness 0 pack $win.f.f.dismiss -side right *************** *** 4408,4414 **** incr $win.visible -1 if {[set $win.visible]==0} {pack forget $win.buttons} frame $win.authinfo -borderwidth 2 -relief groove ! set mf [option get . mediumFont Sdr] pack $win.authinfo -side top -fill x -after $win.hidden2 message $win.authinfo.authmsg -aspect 600 -text "Authentication Information: $authm " -font $mf -bg $bgcolour -fg $fgcolour pack $win.authinfo.authmsg -side top -expand true --- 4519,4525 ---- incr $win.visible -1 if {[set $win.visible]==0} {pack forget $win.buttons} frame $win.authinfo -borderwidth 2 -relief groove ! set mf [option get [cw] mediumFont Sdr] pack $win.authinfo -side top -fill x -after $win.hidden2 message $win.authinfo.authmsg -aspect 600 -text "Authentication Information: $authm " -font $mf -bg $bgcolour -fg $fgcolour pack $win.authinfo.authmsg -side top -expand true *************** *** 4420,4426 **** incr $win.visible -1 if {[set $win.visible]==0} {pack forget $win.buttons} frame $win.encinfo -borderwidth 2 -relief groove ! set mf [option get . mediumFont Sdr] pack $win.encinfo -side top -fill x -after $win.hidden2 message $win.encinfo.encmsg -aspect 800 -text "Encryption Information: $encm " -font $mf -bg $bgcolour -fg $fgcolour pack $win.encinfo.encmsg -side top -expand true --- 4531,4537 ---- incr $win.visible -1 if {[set $win.visible]==0} {pack forget $win.buttons} frame $win.encinfo -borderwidth 2 -relief groove ! set mf [option get [cw] mediumFont Sdr] pack $win.encinfo -side top -fill x -after $win.hidden2 message $win.encinfo.encmsg -aspect 800 -text "Encryption Information: $encm " -font $mf -bg $bgcolour -fg $fgcolour pack $win.encinfo.encmsg -side top -expand true *************** *** 4453,4458 **** --- 4564,4570 ---- add_admin "Region (ttl 63)" 9875 17 63 add_admin "World (ttl 127)" 9875 17 127 add_ttl_scope 9875 17 + set zoneDataForWindow([cw]) [array get zone] set flag 1 catch {source "/usr/local/etc/sdr/sdr.tcl";set flag 0}