Welcome to the mAnnouncer README!
The mAnnouncer is a daemon written in Java for making announcements
of SDP-packets using SAP.
The latest version of this package can always be found at
If you download and install this package please send me an email! :-)
1) Make sure you have JDK1.1 (or later) installed
4) Edit the two variables at the top of the file mAnnouncer to reflect
where you have installed JDK and where you have unpacked this package.
5) Copy the file mAnnouncer to a convenient place, such as
*** mAnnouncer.rc
The mAnnouncer.rc files controls that only one announcer is running and
adds a convenient way to starting and stopping the daemon.
1) Edit the two variable at the top of mAnnouncer.rc
2) IF you want the mAnnouncer to start automagically whenever the system
reboots do the following as root:
cp mAnnouncer.rc /etc/init.d
ln -s /etc/init.d/mAnnouncer.rc /etc/rc3.d/S99mAnnouncer
ELSE just copy the mAnnouncer.rc file to a convenient place
cp mAnnouncer.rc /usr/local/bin
*** Usage
Way 1)
Either use the mAnnouncer script directly by
mAnnouncer mySDPfile1 mySDPfile2
Way 2)
Or use the mAnnouncer.rc control script.
* Put all sessions that you want to announce in
* Start the daemon by
mAnnouncer.rc start
You can stop the daemon by
mAnnouncer.rc stop
*** Contact
Send bug-reports, feature-request or just a nice hi to me at
My home-page can be found at .
*** ***
$Id: README,v 1.3 1997/08/15 13:22:50 peppar Exp $