Abstracts from files in info-mac/game/adv as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

#### LINK       _Realmz     ****

#### BINHEX     ace-realmz-5-module.hqx   ****

From: drysdall@mailserv.waikato.ac.nz
Subject: ACE Realmz 5 module

This package is designed for use with the application "ACE!" version 1.2.1.
ACE! is a save game (character) editor which uses plug-in 'modules' to
extend it's use. The complete ACE! package can be obtained from any
Info-Mac mirror (version 1.2.1 is the most recent).

The "Realmz 5.x" module allows you to edit character files from Realmz
version 5.0 or higher. The original Realmz module supplied with ACE will
not correctly open Realmz 5 character files.

This file should be archived in the 'game' directory.

This file has been checked for viruses with Disinfectant version 3.7.1.

Permission is given for this program to be included on the Info-Mac CD rom.

Richard Drysdall, University of Waikato, New Zealand.

#### BINHEX     adventure-30.hqx   ****

From: Andrew Plotkin <andrewp@magnet.com>
Subject: Adventure (Colossal Caves) R3

The Interactive Original
By Willie Crowther and Don Woods (1977)
David M. Baggett's 1993 reconstruction, ported by Graham Nelson
Release 3 / Serial number 951220 / Inform v1600 Library 6/1

Everyone knows this one. "You are inside a building, a well house 
for a large spring." 

This game is freeware. It is derived from the source code for a TADS
version of this game. The TADS source is by David M. Baggett, and is
copylefted under the terms of the GNU Public License.

This application requires System 7, and 1.6 megs of free memory. If
you don't have System 7, or you want a non-Mac version of this game,
or you just want to try a different interpreter, please look in
ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/. There are also lots of other text
adventures there. (Including the TADS version and source mentioned

If you wish to discuss putting this game on a CD-ROM, or anything
like that, please contact: 

Graham Nelson (nelson@vax.ox.ac.uk)

[archive in: Games/Adventure. This is a 350-point version of the
game, from earlier sources than the 550-point version that was
archived in 1991. It's probably best to keep both around.]

#### BINHEX     adventure-island.hqx   ****

From: xphiler@home.com
Subject: Adventure Island 

Adventure Island is a little game I wrote where the purpose is to get off an
island that you've been shipwrecked on. It's an RPG. 

Kim :)

#### BINHEX     adventures-of-sean-22-hc.hqx   ****

From: tegelaar@star.net (tegelaar)
Subject: The Adventures of Sean 2.2

A wacky interactive cartoon where you play Sean, a character that seems to
continuously find himself in bad situations. Funny stuff. New version
includes a way to save the game to a file, a menubar, and other minor bug
fixes. Now runs on Hypercard Player.

If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me at tegelaar@star.net

Again, I thank you for your time.
Andrew Tegelaar
Rancid Tomato

#### BINHEX     afm-18.hqx   ****

From: khadpe@psu.edu
Subject: Another Fine Mess 1.8

Another Fine Mess is an adventure game for Mac OS. The tangled worlds of 
Ray's Maze await you. Seek your fortune or die trying! Visit eerie moors, 
a desolate battlefield, and an ancient castle. Battle bureaucrats, sand 
pirates, and other horrific monsters. Challenging puzzles and fantastic 
treasures abound. Another Fine Mess is multi-layered, with plots and 
sub-plots, and puzzles inside of puzzles. But it is also non-linear--that 
is, you don't have to finish one area before moving on to the next. Like 
real life, you can move freely, discovering as you go. The initial plot 
is simple: You are searching for treasure. But as you move through the 
worlds of the Maze, you will become involved in a number of more complex 

This is the second game in the Ray's Maze series. The game features 
excellent graphics with multiple story lines. The game was created with 
the World Builder adventure game creation system.

The author asks a $10 shareware fee. For more information, e-mail 

The game runs on all Macs, but sound doesn't work on XL, AV, or PPC 
models. It may be necessary to increase the Preferred Memory Size on 
newer Macs if the game freezes when opened. To increase memory, just 
single click on the Another Fine Mess icon, then select Get Info from the 
File menu. Version 1.8 fixes several minor bugs, adds some new hints, and 
is slightly less deadly.

Marc Khadpe
Penn State University

#### BINHEX     amot-18.hqx   ****

From: khadpe@psu.edu
Subject: A Mess O' Trouble 1.8

"...if a detailed, nonlinear plot, plenty of puzzles to solve and strange 
worlds to explore are what counts with you, you're in luck, because 
Trouble provides that -- at a rock bottom price. Everything from the 
graphics to the gameplay to the written descriptions of the rooms is of 
professional quality."
    -- Mac Home Journal, October 1994

A Mess O'Trouble is a multi-layered, richly-textured graphic adventure 
game that will keep you entertained for days or even weeks. (And you 
don't have to know anything about the first game to play this one.)

A Mess O'Trouble keeps violence to a minimum, without being boring, 
insipid or "politically correct". Even when defeating  the most 
villianous creatures you will use your brain more than your gun. 

A Mess O'Trouble takes place in the twisted worlds of Ray's Maze, a 
multi-dimensional spacial anomaly. Explore old mines and search for lost 
gold in an authentic Nevada ghost town. Learn the secrets of Techtron 
artifacts in the Void. Escape from the mysterious Isle of Lucy. Battle 
bureaucratic bungling in Monolith City, and discover the weirdness and 
wonders of the Enchanted Forest.

The result of over 1000 hours of work, this game includes 137 sounds, 300 
scenes, dozens of characters, more than 1400 objects, and some of the 
best black & white graphics you've ever seen. All this AND plenty of wit 
and humor too! 

A Mess O' Trouble should run on any Mac OS computer running System 3 or 
higher. Sounds may not work on the Macintosh XL or any AV or PowerPC Mac.

Version 1.8 fixes a major bug that prevented the game from being 
completed when playing as Dawn.

The author is Ray Dunakin (raydunakin@aol.com), and he asks for a $10 
shareware fee if you like and keep the game.

Marc Khadpe
Penn State University

#### BINHEX     babel.hqx   ****

From: erkyrath@netcom.com
Subject: Babel: a text adventure

Release 2
By Ian Finley

This application requires System 7, and 1.6 megs of free memory. If
you don't have System 7, or you want a non-Mac version of this game,
or you just want to try a different interpreter, please look in
ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/. There are also lots of other text
adventures there.
If you wish to discuss putting this game on a CD-ROM, or anything
like that, please contact the author:
Ian Finley (mordacai@ix.netcom.com)

#### BINHEX     bears-night-out-r4.hqx   ****

From: erkyrath@netcom.com
Subject: A Bear's Night Out: a text adventure

An adventure game in text format.

#### BINHEX     blades-of-exile-101.hqx   ****

From: spidweb@spidweb.com
Subject: bladesofexile.v101.sit.hqx

Blades of Exile is an exciting role-playing system for the Macintosh.
Featuring the award-winning interface of Exile III, it includes not only 3
full-length adventures, but the ability to design your own adventures and
play the adventures of others. Many hours of role-playing fun! It's from
Spiderweb Software, Inc. $30 shareware. Requires 256 colors, 13" screen,
System 7. Contact: Spidweb@spidweb.com. http://www.spidweb.com

- Jeff Vogel
Keeper of Exile
Spiderweb Software, Inc.

#### BINHEX     blobbo-102-lite.hqx   ****

From: (Glenn Andreas) gandreas@skypoint.com
Subject: Blobbo 1.0.2 Lite

Blobbo 1.0.2 Lite is a game of strategy - you must pick up all the toy
chests in each level without falling victim to various interlocking
traps and pitfalls.  Lots of sound, animation, and general sillyness
combine with addictive puzzler that will provide many hours of
entertainment.  The full 25 levels are included, along with a couple
saved games to help you along.

For a $20 registration fee, you can get the full version of Blobbo that
includes a level editor so you can share your creations as well as the
ability to record and playback solutions (solutions for all 25 levels
also included).

Blobbo works in both B&W and color, on any mac from a MacPlus running
6.0.8 on up.

Version 1.0.1 Fixes Level 18 (Drill Push 1)

Version 1.02 Corrects my address, adds web page location, makes it
possible to use to mouse to rest on the canoe.

This program may be included on CDROMs

Glenn Andreas                                 Author of Macintosh games:
gandreas@skypoint.com, gandreas@aol.com             Theldrow 2.3
http://www.skypoint.com/members/gandreas            Blobbo 1.0.2
ftp://ftp.skypoint.com/pub/members/g/gandreas   <---- Available here!

#### BINHEX     castle-chaos-10.hqx   ****

From: anthonyz@netos.com
Subject: CastleChaos.sit.hqx

Castle Chaos is a turn based fantasy adventure game where you guide 1 of 
4 heroes through a chaotic castle.

*Advanced "critical percent" & "fatigue" systems that represent your 
hero's health more realistically than hit points. 
*Entire castle is randomly generated for each game. You'll never play the 
same game twice. 
Chose warrior, archer, mage, or thief as your hero and learn their unique 
strengths and weaknesses. 
*Loads of variety: find treasure chests, master keys, potions, corpses, 
cursed rooms, blessed rooms, secret doors, and more! 
*Complete, well-documented manual included. 
*Themed music soundtracks included.

Thank you very much!
Long Live the Mac
-Modern Ancient Software

#### BINHEX     castle-quest.hqx   ****

From: Everly@InterPac.Net (Loren Everly)
Subject: Castle Quest

        This is a graphical adventure game where you travel through some
castles to rescue a princess.

#### BINHEX     christminster-30.hqx   ****

From: Andrew Plotkin <andrewp@magnet.com>
Subject: Christminster R3 (text adventure)

An Interactive Conspiracy by Gareth Rees.
Release 3 / Serial number 951107 / Inform v1502 Library 5/12

This application requires System 7, and 1.6 megs of free memory. If
you don't have System 7, or you want a non-Mac version of this game,
or you just want to try a different interpreter, please look in
ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/. There are also lots of other text
adventures there.

Gareth Rees (gdr11@cl.cam.ac.uk)

#### BINHEX     coh.hqx   ****

From: nitehawk@ccomm.com
Subject: AD&D Complete Handbook of Outcastia

The AD&D Complete Handbook of Outcastia is the perfect role-playing
supplement. New Races, New Classes, New Skills, New Spells, and much, much
more! This also gives gamers the option to use a new land to roam within
in. A must have for anyone who role-plays, DM and player alike!! This
Handbook is an official supplement to the AD&D Character System by Data
Dimensions software.

Strive to be different...

#### BINHEX     combat-aid-10.hqx   ****

From: Benjamin Birney <benyb2@aol.com>
Subject: Combat Aid 1.0

#### BINHEX     crystal-ball-306.hqx   ****

From: CrystalBall <crystalballmac@yahoo.com>
Subject: Crystalball updated

Numerous Bug fixes from 3.0.5

3rd Edition (D&D) Dungeons and Dragons DM Utility. Random Treasure Generator
based on Encounter Level, Experience Award Calculator Quickly create any
character class (3rd editon) from the Players Handbook, Monster Manual,
Psionics Handbook, and Oriental Adventures. Generate you own Monsters to
throw at your players. Combat utility for DM's to keep combat simple and
moving quickly. Generate literally millions of random names for People and
Places. A must for any MAC Dungeon Master.

Download the Carbonized OSX version at

#### BINHEX     curses-16.hqx   ****

From: Andrew Plotkin <andrewp@magnet.com>
Subject: Curses R16 (text adventure)

An Interactive Diversion
Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1995 by Graham Nelson.
Release 16 / Serial number 951024 / Inform v1600 Library 5/12

This story file is copyright (c) Graham Nelson 1993, 1994, 1995, but
may be freely distributed and used provided no profit is involved and
provided it is not modified in any way. It contains no fragments of
code written by anyone other than the author. The author was
extremely tempted to hide an important clue here, but thought better
of it. No trade marks are (knowingly) used. All characters and
locations are imaginary, and any resemblance to real persons (living
after 1900) or places (except in antiquity) is accidental.

This application requires System 7, and 1.6 megs of free memory. If
you don't have System 7, or you want a non-Mac version of this game,
or you just want to try a different interpreter, please look in
ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/. There are also lots of other text
adventures there.

If you wish to discuss putting this game on a CD-ROM, or anything
like that, please contact: 

Graham Nelson (nelson@vax.ox.ac.uk)

#### BINHEX     dark-seed-solution.hqx   ****

From: "Michael Salsbury"  <salsbury@gate.usaor.net>
Subject: Darkseed Solution

This Microsoft Word file contains a walkthrough for the game Darkseed by 
Cyberdreams.  It is a complete walkthrough, not a list of hints, etc.

Any questions or problems, feel free to email me.

Michael Salsbury (salsbury@usaor.net)

#### BINHEX     dark-sun-roller-25.hqx   ****

From: (Michael LaBauve) demon@bendnet.com
Subject: Dark Sun Character Maker 2.5

This program creates, maintains, modifies, and prints characters for TSR's
original Dark Sun Boxed Set campaign setting.  Performs most functions
requiring dice and a few others.  Shareware:$5

#### BINHEX     death-blade-111-updt.hqx   ****

From: creality@earthlink.net (Robert Chancellor)
Subject: Death Blade 1.1.1 Updater

For those who already have Death Blade 1.1, here is the smaller update 
package. This update only works if you have version 1.1. Version 1.0 
users will have to download the full version.

#### BINHEX     demon-world-demo.hqx   ****

From: mccarty@sprintmail.com
Subject: Demon World

Demon World (description)

Sword Dream 3D scenario demo (requires Sword Dream 2.1), where you fight 
a Demon Lord in his own dimension (sequel to Valley of Doom).

#### BINHEX     dice-x.hqx   ****

From: Andrew Merenbach <amerenbach@mac.com>
Subject: DiceX 1.0.5

This is my attempt at a free, AppleScript Studio dice-roller for RPG 
games. The main reason I programmed this was a lack of satisfaction from 
existing dice-rollers. You can enter the number of dice, number of 
sides, and put in an optional bonus, and this program will roll the dice 
for you; there's also a "memory" feature where you can save/restore 
values for the number of dice, sides, bonus, and result.  You may also 
optionally drop the lowest die (and/or the highest one).

This program *requires* Mac OS 10.1.

#### BINHEX     dicer-133-hc.hqx   ****

From: az591@freenet.toronto.on.ca (Adrian Gudas)
Subject: Dicer 1.3.3

The new version of Dicer is here! Dicer is a dice-rolling utility for 
gamers. It can roll as many dice as you want as many times as you want, 
and all you have to do is hit a few keys. It now keeps a log of 
everything you've rolled, so you can backtrack if you missed a few, or if 
you're rolling stats and you want to see what you have so far. There's 
also a mouse-free mode for speed during an exciting battle or adventure. 
But don't take my word for it -- get it yourself!

Fee: Postcard
Requires: HyperCard Player 2.2 or newer
Author: Adrian Gudas (az591@torfree.net)

#### BINHEX     draculas-castle-24.hqx   ****

From: AlStaff@aol.com
Subject: Dracula's Castle v2.4

Dracula's Castle is a text adventure game created by Al Staffieri Jr. The
object of the game is to defeat the evil vampire, find the treasure that is
hidden somewhere on the island, and leave the island with the treasure. Input
commands to move around the island and search for items that may help you.

This is a well put together text adventure game which took a long time to
develop and debug. If you like text adventures, then please try this one.

Shareware fee: $5

-Fix a bug that didn't remove a certain item from the inventory list after it
was used.
-Matches can no longer be lit when in water.
-Vampire no longer always says the same thing.
-Add some additional commands, mostly to do the same things in different ways.
-Minor changes to some text and some commands.

Al Staffieri Jr.

#### BINHEX     dune-eternity-1-01.hqx   ****

From: nms@paston.co.uk (Gordon Phillips)
Subject: Dune Eternity

Dune Eternity is an adventure game based upon The Chronicles of Dune by
Frank Herbert, It contains original music and graphics.
Dune Eternity was developed on World Builder on a macintosh performa
running system 7.5.
Dune Etenity is fully tested but may cause some problems on system 7.6 and
above, hence v1.-01

#### BINHEX     duraci-1.hqx   ****

From: doom127@earthlink.net
Subject: Duraci- Chapter 1

Enclosed in this Email is Duraci, beginnings.

Duraci is the latest work from Shareware author and College student Daniel
Davis. It is a first person perspective adventure game, in which you play
the role of a retiring pickpocket who is drawn into an adventure beyond his
Explore the old shack, wander about the world of the stone people, learn
the secret of the mouse, all while trying to find your way home.
Download it today!

File size
500k Compressed
1.5MB uncompressed

System requirements
Mac II
2MB disk space
QuickTime (3.0 with QT Musical Instruments recommended)
A sense of adventure

#### BINHEX     exile-20.hqx   ****

Subject: Exile II v2.0
From: (Jeff Vogel) spidweb@WOLFENET.com

Exile II: Crystal Souls is the hit enormous, award-winning fantasy
role-playing game for the Macintosh. Explore over 100 towns and dungeon
levels as you try to save your land from a devastating invasion by a
seemingly invincible foe.  Exile II is the sequel to the shareware hit
Exile: Escape From the Pit, but no experience with that game is required.
$25 shareware.  Requires 2 MB RAM, 256 colors, 13" screen, System 7. 

#### BINHEX     exile-ii-20.hqx   ****

From: takemoto@xtal0.harvard.edu (Darin Takemoto)
Subject: Exile II 2.0

This is the latest version of Jeff Vogel's shareware adventure/role-playing game
Exile II. It is a game reminiscent of the old Ultima games, with a huge world and
a multifaceted plot.  You can play about one third of the game before paying the
shareware fee.  Note:  I am not the author.  I am posting this to macgifts so
that the game gets a well-deserved wider distribution.

Darin Takemoto

#### BINHEX     exile-iii-103.hqx   ****

From: spidweb@WOLFENET.com
Subject: exile3.v102.sit.hqx
Sent:        2/20/97 2:41 AM

Exile III: Ruined World is a massive, fascinating role-playing game for the
Macintosh. It has gorgeous, professionally done graphics, an elegant one-click
interface, and a fascinated, twisting plot. Your people are trapped in a cavern
nation far below the surface of the earth. Your mission: find a way for them to
escape. It's from Spiderweb Software, Inc. $25 shareware. Requires 256 colors,
13" screen, System 7. Contact: Spidweb@aol.com. http://www.spidweb.com

#### BINHEX     fantquest-game.hqx   ****

From: tjstone@wkpowerlink.com
Subject: FantQuestgame.

Fantasy Quest is a graphics/sound/text adventure game filled with many
places to explore and puzzles to solve.

Fantasy Quest will run on the Mac Classic, Plus, SE, II, SI or IIci with
1Meg of memory.  System 6 or 7 is required.

32 bit addressing (as on the IIci) must be turned off for the game to run
(In "Control Panels" using the "memory" control make sure 32-bit addressing
is set to "off").

This SHAREWARE game may be included on the commercially available CD-ROM of
the archives.

#### BINHEX     fawn-2.hqx   ****

From: Greg Gillis <armadillogames@home.net>
Subject: fawn2-12-hc.hqx

Game Description:

The thrilling sequel to the original "Fawn" HyperCard adventure game,"Fawn
2" features an epic storyline, dramatic animated battles (in full colour, no
less...), and cool sound effects. Prepare for an exciting adventure as you
attempt to unravel the mystery of what happened to the protagonists from the
first game (don't worry... no experience with the first game is required to
play "Fawn 2").

With over 200 cards full of adventure, you'll wet your pants when you
realise that "Fawn 2" is freeware...

Game Requirements:

HyperCard or HyperCard Player version 2.3 or greater

#### BINHEX     fawn-hc.hqx   ****

From: azwald@io.org
Subject: Fawn

"Fawn" is an exciting role playing game (RPG), set on a futuristic world
in outer space.  It features several hours worth of gameplay, battle
scenes, a detailed inventory system, and much more.  Best of all, "Fawn"
is freeware!

HyperCard 2.3 (or HyperCard 2.3 Player) or greater
68030 or faster CPU (PowerPC recommended)
256-colour display (16-bit display recommended)
System 7 or greater, and 3 or more MB of free RAM
        Inclusion of this file on CD-ROMs is okay by me! :)

#### BINHEX     fighting-fantasy-fighter-hc.hqx   ****

From: az591@freenet.toronto.on.ca (Adrian Gudas)
Subject: Fighting Fantasy Fighter

Fighting Fantasy, a role-playing game book series by Steve Jackson and 
Ian Livingstone, has a great structure and battle system. But the battle 
system can be very annoying! Instead of cheating and "fudging" your 
rolls, try this. Fighting Fantasy Fighter will fight out your battles for 
you, and it can even use Luck when you want it to! It can also roll a 
character (and an enemy) for you to duke it out with.

Requires HyperCard Player 2.1 or above. Letterware.
Problems? Questions? eMail me at az591@torfree.net.

#### BINHEX     fire-witch-101.hqx   ****

From: Neil Demause <neild@echonyc.com>
Subject: John's Fire Witch v. 1.01

John's Fire Witch, a snack-sized beginning to intermediate difficulty 
text adventure written using TADS. Shareware. Contact 
baker-j@ix.netcom.com for distribution information.

#### BINHEX     game-with-fields-hc.hqx   ****

From: cindy@halcyon.com (Cindy M. Carney)
Subject: Game w/Fields

Game w/Fields is a "shell" for developing your own games.  It has a 
graphic interface, and is similar to the "Deja Vu" game that came out 
years ago.  I finished the shell, some simple objects, and basic room 
descriptions eons ago, but never finished it, because of lack of artistic 
ability on my part.  ; )  By giving this to the HyperCard public, I hope 
to inspire some kid (or game-loving adult!) to "flesh it out" and give it 
life, and have them experience the thrill of programming their OWN 
adventure game!

-- Cindy M. Carney

#### BINHEX     gate-kanji.hqx   ****

From: Joerg Kienzle <jkienzle@di.epfl.ch>
Subject: Mac game submission: Gate

Gate is an action-adventure game for the Macintosh. Escape the castle's
prison, battle enemies, solve puzzles, and defeat your captor to restore
peace to the land.

A homepage with screenshots of the game can be found at:

System requirements:
PowerMac or 68k Mac (at least 68020 processor)
4 MB memory, 4.5 MB of hard disk space
640 x 480 screen with 256 colors / grays or better
System 6.0.7 or later

Two versions of the game are available:
Gate.sit.hqx contains the English, French and German version
GateKanji.sit.hqx contains the English, French, German and Kanji version

#### BINHEX     gate.hqx   ****

From: Joerg Kienzle <jkienzle@di.epfl.ch>
Subject: Mac game submission: Gate

Gate is an action-adventure game for the Macintosh. Escape the castle's
prison, battle enemies, solve puzzles, and defeat your captor to restore
peace to the land.

A homepage with screenshots of the game can be found at:

System requirements:
PowerMac or 68k Mac (at least 68020 processor)
4 MB memory, 4.5 MB of hard disk space
640 x 480 screen with 256 colors / grays or better
System 6.0.7 or later

Two versions of the game are available:
Gate.sit.hqx contains the English, French and German version
GateKanji.sit.hqx contains the English, French, German and Kanji version

#### BINHEX     giza-217.hqx   ****

From: Bob <mancarella@caesarsoftware.com>
Subject: Giza 2.1.7

Giza Version 2.1.7

Inside Mac Games says: This game is a shareware gem. Stunning 3D graphics
that rival many commercially-distributed games, nice sound and music, and a
level editor to boot! If you're at all interested in adventure games, be
sure to check this one out. A major update from the 1.x versions distributed

Giza is a 3D, first person perspective, fully texture-mapped adventure game
avaialable only on the Mac.

You are a scientist. You' ve just discovered that the great pyramids of
Egypt will soon be destroyed! The secrets that can save them lie within the
pyramids themselves. You must collect the vital information before it's too
late. But be careful- you could get yourself killed!

Giza is full of secrets, gold and dangers. Tricks, traps and evil
inhabitants of the pyramid that will try to stop you. Find the special ring,
transporters, secret passageways and magic potions that can help you.
Explore 25 levels of mystery and adventure.

Use the Giza editor to create your own pyramid levels! Challenge your
friends with levels you created. Upload them for others to try. It's easy --
anyone can create exciting new levels in minutes.

#### BINHEX     gm-screen-pro-11.hqx   ****

From: Ontologist@aol.com
Subject: GM Screen Pro 1.1

Designed by the author of over thirty professionally published adventures and
game-related products, GM Screen Pro is intended to be the best general
role-playing game aid software available.

GM Screen Pro is a shareware SuperCardr Standalone application that provides
a role-playing game (RPG) referee with a variety of useful tools. It also
serves as the front end for a variety of expansion modules (including
adventures and enhancements). 

The software has the following features:

-Modular Expandability.
-Dice Pads.
-Dice Strips.
-Graphic Tools.
-Time Records.
-Text Loader.
-Text Import.
-Online Help.

Version 1.1 Adds

-Monitor bit depth controls + internal memory management.
-More dice strips.
-Backdrop options.
-Bug fixes.

Bonus: GM Screen Pro includes the sample, ready to play FRPG adventure "Ghost

GM Screen Pro is optimized to run on just about any Mac or Mac compatible
running the Mac OS, from 680x0 based Macs to the PowerMacs. It requires
System 7.0 or newer as well as at least 2MB of RAM (it prefers 4 MB). The
program looks best on a Mac with 8-Bit or better video. It will run in black
and white, but will not be as esthetically pleasing. The program does not
require the QuickTime extension to run, but it does require it to play

#### BINHEX     heroes-2-cheat.hqx   ****

From: glindquist@harmonic.com
Subject: Heros II Cheat

This is a cheat for the Macintosh Game Heroes Of Might and Magic II.



#### BINHEX     hunter-in-darkness.hqx   ****

From: Andrew Plotkin <erkyrath@netcom.com>
Subject: Hunter, in Darkness: a text adventure

"Nearly -- nearly. The animal stink is rank and close. You raise
your crossbow, try to peer beyond dark, wet stone."

Hunter, in Darkness
A Cave Crawl 
By Andrew Plotkin
Release 4

"Hunter, in Darkness" is copyright 1999 by Andrew Plotkin. It may be
copied, distributed, and played freely.

This application requires System 7, and 1.6 megs of free memory. If
you don't have System 7, or you want a non-Mac version of this game,
or you just want to try a different interpreter, please look in
ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/. There are also lots of other text
adventures there.

If you wish to discuss putting this game on a CD-ROM, or anything
like that, please contact:

Andrew Plotkin (erkyrath@netcom.com)

#### BINHEX     invasion-aliens.hqx   ****

From: jzack@suffolk.lib.ny.us
Subject: Invasion of the Goofy Aliens 1.0.0

Invasion of the Goofy Aliens 1.0.0 - After the aliens landed, everybody
thought it was pretty neat. But after a while, it soon became clear that
there was something wrong...very wrong. They were a pain in the neck!
They acted like the Earth was a giant playground and they trampled over
everything! Here's where you come in. After days of aliens raiding your
refrigerator, overfilling your bathtub and trashing your house playing
twister, you snap and start shooting at them with your pea shooter. And
it worked - they split! Now armed with your pea shooter and a mission to
rid the world of these pesty aliens you are determined to chase them off
the face of the Earth! System Requirements: Invasion of the Goofy Aliens
should run on any grayscale or 265 color mac with 5 megs of ram running
version 6.04 or later.

#### BINHEX     jail-break.hqx   ****

From: eswain@tiac.net
Subject: Jailbreak 1.0

Jailbreak 1.0
by Asa Swain

This is a new game by AArdvark software. You are an agent who has been
captured in an enemy jail. Using only your wits and the few items around
you you must escape. There are beautiful graphics, lots of items and
several difficult puzzles. This game was created with StoryMaker. It is
small and shouldn't take too long to beat. The regestired version has some
easter eggs and a walkthrough. Please check out the official AArdvark
Software webpage at


Asa Swain
AArdvark Software

#### BINHEX     jewel-of-arabia-16.hqx   ****

From: James Shaw <jhs@CS.Princeton.EDU>
Subject: Jewel of Arabia 1.6

Jewel of Arabia: Dreamers is a fantasy role-playing game (RPG)
set in ancient Arabia. Jewel of Arabia takes the RPG to new heights 
by coupling a rich world and engrossing storyline with beautiful 
animated graphics. The game requires 13MB of memory and 15MB of
hard-disk space. For more information, visit Quarter Note Software's
web page at www.qnote.com.

#### BINHEX     jigsaw.hqx   ****

From: Andrew Plotkin <andrewp@magnet.com>
Subject: Jigsaw R3 (text adventure)

An Interactive History
Copyright (c) 1995 by Graham Nelson
Release 3 / Serial number 951129 / Inform v1600 Library 6/1

Jigsaw is copyright (c) Graham Nelson 1995, but may be freely
distributed and used provided no profit is involved and provided it
is not modified in any way. No trade marks are (knowingly) used.
Resemblance to real places is intentional, and on rare occasions real
historical figures appear, but those still alive have only walk-on

This application requires System 7, and 1.6 megs of free memory. If
you don't have System 7, or you want a non-Mac version of this game,
or you just want to try a different interpreter, please look in
ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/. There are also lots of other text
adventures there.

If you wish to discuss putting this game on a CD-ROM, or anything
like that, please contact: 

Graham Nelson (nelson@vax.ox.ac.uk)

#### BINHEX     journey-162.hqx   ****

From: (Gokhan Ozar) ozar@ug.bcc.bilkent.edu.tr
Subject: The Journey 1.6.2 (Adventure game to upload)


An Interactive Adventure Game For The Macintosh

You take a challenging journey to reach a spaceship
awaiting you at the top of a mountain in
order to set off to your planet which is located in another
galaxy, with your report about the Earth.

Featuring over 100 scenes and 60 realistic sounds, and
interactive graphics, the game also lets
you save where you leave off.

You receive a special code at the end of
the game using which the player can get winner awards.

The Journey 1.6.2 is shareware ($10)

#### BINHEX     legendary-lair-101.hqx   ****

From: Robert Steely <robsteely@nc.rr.com>
Subject: legendary-lair-101.bin Abstract

File Name: legendary-lair-101.hqx
Program Name: Legendary Lair
Version: 1.0.1
Creation Date: 8 May 2001

System Requirements: Any PowerPC Mac with Mac OS 7.6.1 or higher, 24 Mb RAM,
and 256-color monitor.

Description: Legendary Lair is a turn-based, strategic, adventure game where
the player explores and collects treasure while battling intelligent
monsters through an infinite number of computer generated dungeons. The
player and monsters choose from a repetoire of 51 different spells and
abilities. Unlike many games, the monsters here, remember their friends and
enemies and are just as likely to fight each other as they are the player.
Legendary Lair's built-in monster and item editors allow the user to create
his/her own creatures and objects, adding up to 32,000 entries to each
library. Users are free to redistribute their libraries however they choose.
The game is further enhanced by auto-mapping and 1,000 hand-drawn sprites
and 250 digitized sounds. This product is shareware. Until registered, some
features are disabled.  An upcoming OS X upgrade will be free to all
registered users.

Distribution: Legendary Lair may be freely distributed in unregistered form
as long as its installer remains intact and all documentation accompanies
the game. Note that this game will not run directly from CD or other locked
media. It must be installed on the user's hard drive first.

Author: Robert L. Steely
E-mail: steelysoft@nc.rr.com
Web: www.steelysoft.com

Recommended Directory: /info-mac/game/adv/

Note to Archivist: This file, legendary-lair-101.hqx, replaces an older
version of the game, legendary-lair-10b3.hqx that can be found at path:
/info-mac/game/. Please delete the old version and upload the new version
to: /info-mac/game/adv/. The adventure directory is a more suitable place
for the game. Thanks.

#### BINHEX     light-shelbys-addendum-11.hqx   ****

From: Neil Demause <neild@echonyc.com>
Subject: The Light - Shelby's Addendum v. 1.1

A sci-fi mystery text adventure, written with TADS. $10 shareware. 
Contact mlkuehl@students.wisc.edu for reprint permissions.

#### BINHEX     lmt-demo.hqx   ****

From: Likely Software <skinnerp@gte.net>
Subject: Describing LMTdemo.sit

The object of this Preview version of Likely Software's upcoming 3D
adventure, is to open the portal to the Gate World, where it is assumed your
stepfather was led to.

#### BINHEX     louis-street-adv.hqx   ****

From: Lisette Gagne <lgagne@gis.net>
Subject: Re: Louis Street Adventure Game Abstract

"The Louis Street Adventure"
Shareware (fully functional)
Challenging adventure game.
Graphics, animation, sound.
Works on any color capable Macintosh.
StoryMaker adventure game format.
Tutorial/instructions included in Read Me file.

-You must find your way through the exciting maze of Louis Street, where
you can find valuable hidden objects, meet various characters and
challenges, and are presented with certain tasks that you must complete to
win the game. You go to a yard sale (spend your money wisely!), collect
cash, exchange goods, free a leprechaun, enter mysterious jump doors and
help a lot of people before you win the game. When you successfully
complete the game, you are congratulated at a cookout PARTY!--

#### BINHEX     mac-wesleyan-10.hqx   ****

From: Neil Demause <neild@echonyc.com>
Subject: MacWesleyan v. 1.0

This is a text adventure set at Wesleyan University in Connecticut, 
written by Neil deMause (neild@echonyc.com). Copyright 1995 by Neil 
deMause. It is freely distributable over the internet; anyone interested in
for-pay distribution methods (such as CDs) should contact the author for

#### BINHEX     map-of-vast-mines.hqx   ****

From: agnew@cae.wisc.edu
Subject: PoD- map of vast mines

Map of the 20x20 room 'vast' maze-like section of the mines for Prince of
Destruction. Built from screen shots, somewhat inspired by maps for the old Amiga
game "Dungeon Master" :) Quite helpful for finding Tomes (and your way out).

-Eric Agnew / agnew@cae.wisc.edu

#### BINHEX     maya.hqx   ****

From: brian@gazsoftware.com
Subject: Maya

You are an archaeologist in search of the Scepter of Quetesoma.  After 
weeks of searching, you stumble upon a non-descript tomb and volunteer to 
enter.  Will you find the scepter, and, more importantly, will you make 
it out alive?

Maya is an adventure game created using GameMaker by Al Staffieri 

#### BINHEX     mister-monster-maker-10.hqx   ****

From: akko@enter.it (Luca Accomazzi)
Subject: Mister Monster Maker 1.0

The attached file contains Mister Monster Maker 1.0, a companion
application to Sword Dream, the role playing game for Macintosh.

Sword Dream is a modular, never-ending game: the application itself is just
an engine which allows the player to enjoy the actual adventure (also known
as a "scenario"). There are currently five different scenarios available,
and at least four more are under development.
In the past, Scenario developers had to use ResEdit to create their worlds.
Mister Monster Maker can be used instead of ResEdit: its helpful templates,
inspired by the Assistants in ClarisWorks, allow the designer to create
freely, and quickly: monsters and treasures, spells and encounters and more
- over a dozen entities.

This new utility is part of an on-going effort to relase a completely new
version of the game - Sword Dream 3D, which will hopefully be finished
before Christmas.
MMM is accelerated for PowerPC. For all details of the program, or to
download the current release of Sword Dream (v1.7.1), please check

#### BINHEX     mr-cats-quest-32.hqx   ****

From: MattBeedle@foxchange.com
Subject: Mr. Cat's Quest 3.2

Mr. Cat's Quest 3

This is Mr. Cat's Quest 3, the first cave game by Foxchange Shareware. It should fall
under the adventure gaming catagory. This game is 1.5MB, stuffed in .hqx,
and 3.4MB unstuffed. The game needs 2 - 4MB of RAM and QuickTime to play to
background music.

#### BINHEX     mud-haven-13.hqx   ****

From: janus22@home.com
Subject: MudHaven1.3

Mud-Haven is a comprehensive, telenet-based, Macintosh client designed
specifically for multi user dungeons/dimensions (MUDs).  Some of the more
prominent features designed to make mud life easier include aliases,
advanced triggers, macro keys, arrow key navigation, multiple connections,
dual connections specially designed for multi-playing, user friendly
easy-edit interface, multiple appearance options, and a variety of other
shortcuts and automated tasks that give you a significant advantage while
mudding.  Mud-Haven also provides a plethera of muds pre-set into its
intuitive mud manager, ensuring hours upon hours upon hours of pure mudding

webPage: http://members.home.net/janus22/MudHaven/index.html
e-mail: DarkSide@kagi.com

- 3 megs of RAM (4 megs optimal)
- Internet connection
- 68k or PPC processor

#### BINHEX     netrpg-259.hqx   ****

From: Erich.G.Bratton-1@tc.umn.edu
Subject: NetRPG 2.59

NetRPG is an internet server which lets a group of friends role-play over the
net, with the players working together (or not) and a DM running the show. NetRPG
allows players to talk with one another using a mud-like interface, ready
weapons, set an armor class, have hit  points, store online character sheets,
calculate and run combats using initiative rolls, resolve attacks and distribute
damage between players and monsters, store and retrieve ASCII maps to facilitate
showing exactly where the action is occuring, roll dice either in the open or
privately shown to only the player and DM, and allows the DM to fudge attack
rolls when a plot line necessitates a critical hit or miss or whatever. All of
these features (and more!) combine in NetRPG to make live internet role-playing
not only possible, but very enjoyable!

New in 2.59:

/MOVE ALL & /MOVETO ALL commands let the DM move all icons at once /MAP FOR
command lets the DM get a look at exact what a player can see from their vantage
point Minor bug fixes for some mapping problems NetRPG Manual is now up to date

More info at:



#### BINHEX     not-adventure-ii.hqx   ****

From: (Dave) valiant@mordor.com
Subject: Notadventure II

Notadventure II is a fun-filled text adventure game spoofing Adventure 
(Crystal Cave)...it is an unusual game (but it is much easier to get 
the crystals). The objective: to get the crystal and get home. The 
game will take you all the way home (so if you get killed before you 
get home, try it again). It is designed to keep you alive in the first 
half. Note that it is really played for humor, and there are many 
surprises throughout. (This game is really much easier than Crystal 

This version should run on all Macs from the 512 (pre-Plus) on up. It 
was compiled using MS QuickBasic. The source code is gone, so this is 
the last version. (The first version ran on the DataGeneral Eclipse). 

-- Dr. David Zatz (valiant@mordor.com)

#### BINHEX     odyssey.hqx   ****

From: laschbre@tcccom.net
Subject: Odyssey

Abstract of Odyssey: (place in games)

You are Bill Fey, Alaska’s very finest at search and rescue operations. 
The rest of the team is away near Anchorage trying to control a disaster
there, when you received an urgent fax.
...and then it was time for action.

Game genre:  Adventure/Role-playing
Author:  Nick Aschbrenner with TrailBlaze Software

System Requirements for Odyssey (version 1.0):
System 8.0 or higher
Monitor with 256 colors or better

#### BINHEX     omega-0802.hqx   ****

From: (Sheldon Simms) sheldon@future.atlcom.net
Subject: Omega 0.80.2 (1.0) - A Roguelike Game

This is a new port of the roguelike game, Omega, to the Mac. It is based
on the most recent Omega sources, Omega 0.80.2. Several known bugs
in the 0.80.2 release of Omega were fixed in this port and the ASCII
text representation of the game world has been replaced with 8x12
graphical icons. This port is a 68k binary requiring System 7 or better,
and 640x480 color video or better. Distribution is governed by the
following except from the license distributed with the program -

  Anyone may make a copy of omega, and distribute the copy, so long
  as this license remains accessible (via the 'P' command). Distribution
  must be free of charge (except, possibly, for the physical medium).

-Sheldon Simms

#### BINHEX     omega-file-converter.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 20 Feb 1996 00:27:40 +0900 (JST)
From: Fukuda Yoshibumi <fuk@st.rim.or.jp>
To: macgifts@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU
Subject: OSFC75to80.sea.hqx

   Omega Saved File Converter 75to80 (OSFC) is a file conversion utility
for Omega, a rogue-like multi-dungeon game (If you want to know more
about Omega, you should find and download the Omega executable). OSFC
converts a data file which was saved in Omega ver.0.75 to another file
which can be read by Omega ver.0.80.
Una ola desde el mar.
                                                Yoshibumi Fukuda
 e-mail: fuk@st.rim.or.jp, homepage: http://www.st.rim.or.jp/~fuk/

#### BINHEX     path-to-fortune.hqx   ****

From: Andrew Plotkin <andrewp@magnet.com>
Subject: The Path to Fortune R3 (text adventure)

"The Path to Fortune"
Volume One of "The Windhall Chronicles"
Designed by Jeff Cassidy
Written by Jeff Cassidy and C.E. Forman
Programmed by C.E. Forman, using Unix Inform 5.5
Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 by Jeff Cassidy and C.E. Forman. All rights reserved.
(Type HELP for instructions and registration info.)
Release 3 / Serial number 960118 / Inform v1502 Library 5/11

This game is not freeware, although it can be freely distributed
(provided that no profit is involved). To encourage future
development of "The Windhall Chronicles," we're asking players to
donate a $10 shareware fee.

In return for your goodwill, you'll receive a complete set of maps
for the game, and a hint book in the style of Infocom's Invisiclues,
spiced up with trick questions and a list of fun stuff to try.
(Please note that, while the game itself is freely distributable, the
maps and hint booklet are NOT.)

This application requires System 7, and 1.6 megs of free memory. If
you don't have System 7, or you want a non-Mac version of this game,
or you just want to try a different interpreter, please look in
ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/. There are also lots of other text
adventures there.

If you wish to discuss putting this game on a CD-ROM, or anything
like that, please contact: 

C.E. Forman (ceforma@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu)

#### BINHEX     phantasie-10.hqx   ****

Subject: Phantasie
From: (Jonathan Scott) genso@shikoku.or.jp

Phantasie 1.0 ©1996 by Jonathan Scott

Phantasie is a computerized role-playing game that puts people back in the
driver's seat.  Phantasie gives the referee the ability to design his own
spells, species, individuals, adventures and magic items.  The referee then
uses that information with the Phantasie software to run games.

I hope you enjoy it.  It was a long time in the making.

#### BINHEX     probe-demo.hqx   ****

From: mccarty@sprintmail.com
Subject: Valley of Doom

The Probe (description)

Sword Dream 3D scenario demo (requires Sword Dream 2.1), where you have 
to find and destroy an evil presence in a sci-fi environment.

#### BINHEX     quest-of-yipe-2.hqx   ****

From: (Yipe! Software) kev@ecst.csuchico.edu
Subject: Quest of Yipe! II

It would probably be classified as a roleplaying or adventure type of game.

  -Kevin Kinell
   Yipe Software

#### BINHEX     regicide-v8-hc.hqx   ****

From: gudas@interlog.com (Vid Gudas)
Subject: Regicide v8 -- A game of historical slaughter

Regicide is a game by Ridiculum Software that lets you wreak havoc upon
King George, King Henry, Queen Liz, and God (the Programmanar). You buy
weapons, some armour, and then some magic. Then you can try your luck in
the mines before going into the dreaded Arena. We wrote this game for the
Ursula Franklin HyperCard Challenge in Toronto, Canada.

Fee: A pair of underwear
Needs: HyperCard 2.3 or HyperCard Player 2.3
By: Adrian Gudas, Nick Davidson, and Ivan Lange (Ridiculum Software)
Updates: http://www.interlog.com/~gudas/regicide.html

#### DIRECTORY  rlmz   ****

#### BINHEX     rogue.hqx   ****

From: rick@kagi.com (Rick Holzgrafe)
Subject: Rogue

Here is the classic Unix game Rogue, ported to the Macintosh. Rogue was
originally written by Ken Arnold, Michael Toy, and Glenn Wichman; this
release is based on the UC Berkeley public version by Timothy Stoehr. It is
a straight-forward port and presents ASCII characters in a 24x80 terminal
emulator window; no Mac graphics, menus, or other shortcuts have been

Requires System 7 or later; compatible with any Macintosh.

In accordance with the UC Berkeley copyright which permits modification and
distribution but prohibits profiting from the results, this release is

#### BINHEX     rpg-map-maker-35.hqx   ****

From: fmenneteau@mipsys.com
Subject: RPGMapMaker 3.5
RPGMapMaker is a a tool for drawing maps with polygonal grids.

This kind of maps are used in Role Playing Games, but can be designed for
any other purposes.

In addition to having most of the capabilities of a real painting program
(such as lines, rectangles, ovals and round rectangles, drawing and filling
with color and pattern, text, rubber, pipettes tools, etc.), RPGMapMaker has
also unique features that greatly simplify map-building, such as:

* Various kinds of grids. You can create a grid map made of hexes
(well-suited for world, region or village maps), or with squares
(well-suited for dungeon maps) or with lozenges (well-suited for pseudo-3D
castle and dungeon maps).
* Seven layers static map. Includes one layer for the grid, three
pre-allocated layers (one for color and drawing, one for terrain tiles and
one for text and lines). Also three extra layers (also one for drawing, one
for terrain tiles and one for text and lines) can be allocated on demand.
For example, you can change a polygon color without losing the terrain that
lies on top of it, build a map for the DM eyes only and a map for his
players, etc. * Interactive maps. Static maps can be linked between each others as in a
hyper-text document. This allows you to design a continent, then zoom-in to
a country, then zoom-in to a city, then zoom-in to a house, then zoom-in to
the cellar of the house, then zoom-in to the dungeon beneath the house,
etc... Of course, you can also zoom-out.
* Layers manager. This feature allows you to allocate and free the three
extra layers, to choose which layer is visible and which layer is not, and
select which layer is the active one (an active layer is a layer where
drawing occurs). * Various dimension units. You can specify the map dimensions in either cm
or m or km. Alternatively, you may prefer to use the ft, ya or mi dimension
units. * Grid polygon color filling in just two clicks (three if using patterns).
Allows you to use one to select the color and one to select the filling
area. * Predefined terrains tiles. RPGMapMaker comes with several predefined
libraries for building regions, villages, castles and dungeons. They are
available in either black and white or in colors.
* Terrains editor. If you do not like the terrain tiles and wish to modify
them, use the terrain editor. Of course, if you are talented, you can also
create new terrain tiles from thin air!
* Terrain Organizer. This tool allows you to quickly reorganize a terrain
library and transfer tiles between libraries.
* Random terrain generator. This tool allows you to generate random terrains
made of up to four differents "regions" (for example water, mountain, plain,
etc.). * Random maze generator. This tool allows you to generate random mazes,
caverns and dungeons. For dungeons, rooms number can be generated.

#### BINHEX     scenario-maker-171-updt-fr.hqx   ****

From: @@terminator.rs.itd.umich.edu
Subject: French Scenariomaker updater

Well, you've got it: the updater for the French version of ScenarioMaker
(v1.6.2 -> 1.7.1).
Hope everybody's happy!!

Nicolas Meyer

#### BINHEX     scenario-maker-171-updt.hqx   ****

From: (Luca Accomazzi) akko@enter.it
Subject: Updater for ScenarioMaker to v1.7.1

The attached file contains an updater for ScenarioMaker, US version 1.7.1.
ScenarioMaker is the application used to create scenarios (adventures) for
use in Sword Dream, the role playing game for Macintosh.

This will upgrade a copy of ScenarioMaker US v1.6.2 to version 1.7.1.
Version 1.7.1 is accelerated for PowerPC and contains some bug fixes. For
all details of the changes in this version, or to download Sword Dream,
please check http://www.comenius.com/dream/

#### BINHEX     scenario-maker-3d-dr1.hqx   ****

From: akko@enter.it (Luca Accomazzi)
Subject: Scenario Maker 3D DR1

The attached file contains Developer Release 1 of the Scenario Maker 3D

ScenarioMaker 3D is used to create 3D environments to be used in Sword
Dream 3D. Sword Dream 3D is a three-dimensional adventure gaming system for
the Macintosh. Your surroundings are in three-D (just like in Marathon,
Doom or Descent). Still, this isn't a shoot-em-up videogame: it's a
think-first, act-later game. And it's fun for days, not minutes...

Sword Dream 3D itself is undergoing final beta testing and will be released
in the next two weeks. Both Sword Dream 3D and ScenarioMaker will be made
available in English, French and Italian.

A read-me file in the package describes the 3D features for this program. A
full-length manual in Microsoft Word 5.1 format can be downloaded from
Full details on Sword Dream 3D are available at
A complete list of the features for the 3D Engine in Sword Dream 3D, and
how they will be supported in the subsequent Developer Releases for
ScenarioMaker 3D can be found at http://www.comenius.com/dream/TN28.html

Hardware requirements: a 68040 or PowerPC Macintosh, with 14", 256 colors
monitor, and System 7.

ScenarioMaker 3D is freeware and can be freely re-distributed. For more
info, use e-mail. mailto:akko@enter.it

   Luca Accomazzi
   akko@enter.it    (primario)
   akko@ilmioweb.it (Macformat Italia)

#### BINHEX     scenario-maker-3d-dr2.hqx   ****

From: (Luca Accomazzi) akko@enter.it
Subject: Scenario Maker 3D DR2

The attached file contains Developer Release 2 of the Scenario Maker 3D

ScenarioMaker 3D is used to create 3D environments to be used in Sword
Dream 3D. Sword Dream 3D is a three-dimensional adventure gaming system for
the Macintosh. Your surroundings are in three-D (just like in Marathon,
Doom or Descent). Still, this isn't a shoot-em-up videogame: it's a
think-first, act-later game. And it's fun for days, not minutes...
Dream 3D is distributed under the shareware system: try it first, pay if
you like it.

Both Sword Dream 3D and ScenarioMaker will ultimately be made available in
English, French and Italian.

A read-me file in the package describes the 3D features for this program. A
full-length manual in Microsoft Word 5.1 format can be downloaded from

The Sword Dream 3D WWW site can be reached at http://www.comenius.com/dream/
Ther's you'll find full details on the game, and will be able to download a

Hardware requirements: a 68040 or PowerPC Macintosh, with a 14", 256 colors
monitor, and System 7.

ScenarioMaker 3D is freeware and can be freely re-distributed. For more
info, use e-mail. mailto:akko@ilmioweb.it

Luca Accomazzi
akko@enter.it    (primario)
akko@ilmioweb.it (Macformat Italia)

#### BINHEX     scenario-maker-3d.hqx   ****

From: akko@enter.it
Subject: ScenarioMaker 3D, developer release 7

ScenarioMaker 3D is used to create 3D environments to be used in Sword
Dream 3D. Sword Dream 3D is a three-dimensional adventure gaming system for
the Macintosh. Your surroundings are in three-D (just like in Marathon,
Doom or Descent). Still, this isn't a shoot-em-up videogame: it's a
think-first, act-later game. And it's fun for days, not minutes...
Dream 3D is distributed under the shareware system: try it first, pay if
you like it.

ScenarioMaker is Mac OS 8-aware. This means that my application can still
be used under System 7, but it gains new features if run under the new,
exciting Operating System from Apple.
* Dialog boxes are moveable
* Error messages contain an explanation of the steps needed to recover, and
are moveable
* All windows and dialog boxes retain the Platinum Appearance (including
focus rings), even if the Systemwide platinum appearance is turned off for
compatibility reasons in the Appearance control panel.
* Windoids are for real - they float in front of other windows, and
disappear when you bring the application to the background.
* ScenarioMaker is ready for Switchable Themes - future versions of the Mac
OS will allow us to change the user interface. ScenarioMaker will
automatically take advantage in full of the new theme.
* Enhanced menu handling


Both Sword Dream 3D and ScenarioMaker are available in English, French
and Italian. A read-me file in the package describes the 3D features for
this program. A full-length manual in Microsoft Word 5.1 format can be
downloaded from ftp://ftp.comenius.com/pub/software/mac/dream/ The Sword
Dream 3D WWW site can normally be reached at
http://www.comenius.com/dream/ There you'll find full details on the
game, and will be able to download a copy. As I write this, the Internet
site at www.comenius.com (and the file download area at
ftp.comenius.com) are both down, and I don't know when they'll be back
online. We are creating a backup FTP area. If you have problems finding
the files you need, contact me via e-mail. My address is in the last
paragraph of this document. Hardware requirements: a 68030 or better Mac
OS computer, with a 14", 256 colors monitor, and System 7. ScenarioMaker
3D is freeware and can be freely re-distributed. For more info, use
e-mail. mailto:akko@ilmioweb.it

#### BINHEX     sd-3d-black-tower.hqx   ****

From: akko@enter.it
Subject: Heroes of the Black Tower - a game scenario for Sword Dream 3D

The attached file contains Heroes of the Black Tower - a game scenario for
Sword Dream 3D version 2.1.

This is version 1.0.1 of the game scenario. It fixes a small bug, recently
discovered by a player, where the game would stop and complain about a
missing resource. No new game elements were added for this release.

Sword Dream 3D is a fantasy adventure gaming system. Old role playing games
had you play over a boring 2D map. In Sword Dream 3D, your surroundings are
in three-D (just like in Marathon, Doom or Descent). Still, this isn't a
shoot-em-up videogame: it's a think-first, act-later game.

And it's fun for days, not minutes: Dream 3D accepts plug-in adventure
games, or "scenarios". Anybody can create a 3D scenario using the free
tools we are providing, which allow anyone to create new monsters, spell,
objects, buildings, traps, riddles, characters, music and more.

Full details on Sword Dream 3D are available at http://www.comenius.com/dream/
All other available scenarios can be downloaded from

The game scenario can be freely redistributed on the Internet, inside
CD-ROMs and via BBSs.

#### BINHEX     sd3d-black-tower.hqx   ****

From: akko@enter.it

Subject: Heroes of the Black Tower - a game scenario for Sword Dream 3D

The attached file contains Heroes of the Black Tower - a game scenario for

Sword Dream 3D version 2.1. This is the final version, and replaces the

public beta we uploaded on the Net in mid May '97.

Sword Dream 3D is a fantasy adventure gaming system. Old role playing games

had you play over a boring 2D map. In Sword Dream 3D, your surroundings are

in three-D (just like in Marathon, Doom or Descent). Still, this isn't a

shoot-em-up videogame: it's a think-first, act-later game.

And it's fun for days, not minutes: Dream 3D accepts plug-in adventure

games, or "scenarios". Anybody can create a 3D scenario using the free

tools we are providing, which allow anyone to create new monsters, spell,

objects, buildings, traps, riddles, characters, music and more.

Full details on Sword Dream 3D are available at http://www.comenius.com/dream/

All other available scenarios can be downloaded from


The game scenario can be freely redistributed on the Internet, inside

CD-ROMs and via BBSs.

#### BINHEX     sd3d-tournoire.hqx   ****

From: akko@enter.it
Subject: Les Héros de la Tour Noire - a game scenario for S&S  3D

The attached file contains "Les Héros de la Tour Noire", a French
language scenario for Sword Dream 3D. This is the scenario we suggest
that players try first. Version 1.0.1, French. Contains release notes.
Requires Dream v2.1 or greater.

Sword Dream 3D is a fantasy adventure gaming system. Old role playing games
had you play over a boring 2D map. In Sword Dream 3D, your surroundings are
in three-D (just like in Marathon, Doom or Descent). Still, this isn't a
shoot-em-up videogame: it's a think-first, act-later game.
Sword Dream 3D is a full adventure gaming system, and is endless and
modular by design. Dream allows players to download new adventures and
continue their adventuring inside the new mileu.

Full details on Sword Dream 3D (along with the application itself - in
English, French or Italian) are available at http://www.comenius.com/dream/
English and Italian versions of this scenario, along with all other
available scenarios can be downloaded from

The game scenario can be freely redistributed on the Internet, inside
CD-ROMs and via BBSs.

#### BINHEX     sea-dreams-111.hqx   ****

From: jzack@suffolk.lib.ny.us
Subject: SeaDreams 1.1.1

SeaDreams 1.1.1 - An Overboard Adventure. The object of this fantasied
game is to find pirate's hidden treasure deep within the depths of the
ocean's bottom. Don't be surprised if it's a somewhat, to some,
valuable, wooden barreled, scuttlebutt!?  You're deep in the drink 'n
stranded on the sunken ship Titanic, taken over by the mad dog souls of
a bunch of dirty rotten nasty old scurvy pirate thieves. Their hidden
treasure in a cave somewhere down there too...Find it..Sure ya can.
SeaDreams is like a giant maze similar to a Hypercard adventure game but
this was made using Supercard. System Requirements: SeaDreams should run
on any grayscale or 265 color mac with 5 megs of ram running version
6.04 or later.

#### BINHEX     shade.hqx   ****

From: Andrew Plotkin <erkyrath@eblong.com>
Subject: Shade: a text adventure

"Odd, how the light just makes your apartment gloomier. Pre-dawn
darkness pools in the corners and around the tops of walls. Your desk
lamp glares yellow, but the shadows only draw your eyes and deepen."

...A one-room game set in your apartment.

   *** SHADE ***
A brief story by "Ampe R. Sand" (Andrew Plotkin)
Release 3

SHADE is copyright 2000 by Andrew Plotkin. SHADE may be distributed
for free, but not sold or included in any for-profit collection
without written permission from the author.

This application requires System 7, and 1.6 megs of free memory. If
you don't have System 7, or you want a non-Mac version of this game,
or you just want to try a different interpreter, please look in
ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/. There are also lots of other text
adventures there.

If you wish to discuss putting this game on a CD-ROM, or anything
like that, please contact:

Andrew Plotkin (erkyrath@eblong.com)

#### BINHEX     so-far-r6.hqx   ****

From: erkyrath@netcom.com (Andrew Plotkin)
Subject: So Far: a text adventure

Perhaps you would enjoy a play.

   An Interactive Catharsis
   by Andrew Plotkin           

(Not a time travel game.)

Release 6 / Serial number 961218 / Inform v1502 Library 5/12

So Far is copyright 1996 by Andrew Plotkin. It may be copied,
distributed, and played freely.                 

This application requires System 7, and 1.6 megs of free memory. If
you don't have System 7, or you want a non-Mac version of this game,     
or you just want to try a different interpreter, please look in
ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/. There are also lots of other text        
adventures there.

If you wish to discuss putting this game on a CD-ROM, or anything
like that, please contact:

Andrew Plotkin (erkyrath@netcom.com)

#### BINHEX     spam-50.hqx   ****

From: gudas@interlog.com (Adrian Gudas)
Subject: SPAM 5.0 Text-adventure maker

SPAM is a simple text-adventure maker (Single Player Adventure for the
Macintosh). Frusterated with TADS or AGT? This is as basic as you can
get. The manual is only about one page long!

Requires: Any Mac (I mean *ANY* Mac)
Fee: Freeware

#### BINHEX     spider-and-web.hqx   ****

From: erkyrath@netcom.com
Subject: Spider And Web: a text adventure

A vacation in our lovely country! See the ethnic charms of the
countryside, the historic grandeur of the capital city. Taste our
traditional cuisine; smell the flowers of the Old Tree. And all
without leaving your own armchair!

Spider And Web
Interactive Fiction
By Andrew Plotkin.

(Again, not a time travel game.)

Release 4

Spider And Web is copyright 1997-8 by Andrew Plotkin. It may be
copied, distributed, and played freely.

This application requires System 7, and 1.6 megs of free memory. If
you don't have System 7, or you want a non-Mac version of this game,
or you just want to try a different interpreter, please look in
ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/. There are also lots of other text
adventures there.

If you wish to discuss putting this game on a CD-ROM, or anything
like that, please contact:

Andrew Plotkin (erkyrath@netcom.com)

#### BINHEX     star-guardian-2-100-hc.hqx   ****

From: (Harley Bradley) nomsdos@ecentral.com
Subject: StarGuardian2

This is the award winning adventure game from MagicHat Shareware.  The
graphics are nothing short of stunning.  This game trully puts Myst to
shame.  It has graphics that provoke ooo's & aahs and a point 'n click
interface that makes game play go smoothly along.  Not too hard, not too
simple.  The music and sound effects will surprize you.

"Best work to date.  This game is captivating and pure fun."
 ....Leslie Wooddavis  author of Rune Logic

It's honorware which means it's fully functional with no shareware
messages to annoy you.  Registered users can get hints and /or help by
contacting nomsdos@ecentral.com

#### BINHEX     sword-dream-171-ppc-patch.hqx   ****

From: (Luca Accomazzi) akko@enter.it
Subject: Sword Dream 1.7.1 for PPC problem and fix

A few PowerPC users recently wrote me about a problem in Sword Dream 1.7.1.
On inspection, I found a bug in the current version of the CodeWarrior
Pascal compiler (the development system we are using for Dream). My code is
safe and sound, but the compiler inserts a bug. (You are interested in the
technicalites? Byte-aligned access to data fails and returns garbage if
made inside a nested function call. OK, so maybe you don't care).
The net results is that now and then Dream will refuse to load an
encounter, say that the scenario file is corrupted, and quit.
This patch works around the bug.

This patch can be applied over any localized version of Sword Dream 1.7.1
(English, French and Italian). It is only useful for PowerPC users. It
should also prevent similar problems - that is, surfacing of the same
compiler bug in other parts of the Dream application - in the future.

Questions? Contact akko@enter.it
Looking for more Dream scenarios, info and software? Surf at

#### BINHEX     sword-dream-171.hqx   ****

From: (Luca Accomazzi) akko@enter.it
Subject: Sword Dream 1.7.1

The attached file contains a full copy of Sword Dream, the premiere
shareware role playing game for the Macintosh.
Inside the archive you'll find the English version 1.7.1. The same sites
which stock copies of Sword Dream usually keep the French version, too. For
more info of Sword Dream, point your browser to

Dream 1.7.1 is accelerated for Power Macintosh and sports a full-length
original soundtrack. It's a thoughful game of magic and wonder, with
beautiful 256-color graphics and a real, easy to use Mac interface.

If you already own Sword Dream, you can find and download an updater,
smaller in size. If you didn't try Dream before, be certain to download one
or more scenarios, too. We suggest you start from "Spirit of Darkness".

For enquiries, contact akko@enter.it

#### BINHEX     sword-dream-confrerie.hqx   ****

From: akko@enter.it
Subject: La Confrerie - a game scenario for S&S 3D

The attached file contains "La Confrerie", a French language scenario for
Sword Dream 3D.

Sword Dream 3D is a fantasy adventure gaming system. Old role playing games
had you play over a boring 2D map. In Sword Dream 3D, your surroundings are
in three-D (just like in Marathon, Doom or Descent). Still, this isn't a
shoot-em-up videogame: it's a think-first, act-later game.
Sword Dream 3D is a full adventure gaming system, and is endless and
modular by design. Dream allows players to download new adventures and
continue their adventuring inside the new mileu.

Full details on Sword Dream 3D (along with the application itself - in
English, French or Italian) are available at http://www.comenius.com/dream/
English and Italian versions of this scenario, along with all other
available scenarios can be downloaded from

The game scenario can be freely redistributed on the Internet, inside
CD-ROMs and via BBSs.

#### BINHEX     sword-dream-ii-3d-demo.hqx   ****

From: Luca Accomazzi, akko@enter.it
Subject: Sword Deam II demo

This is the latest release of our Sword Dream II 3D Demo.
I think Alex (our graphics programmer) really did a great job. Please note
that the graphics are not final, yet. You'll notice that walking characters
have a black box around them and roofs don't fit well with walls. All of
this will be fixed by our main designer, Eugenio, in the next days - but it
isn't a code problem.

The final Sword Dream II release is still projected for year end.

The demo can (and should) be redistributed. Feel free to do so.

We didn't test this extensively on PowerPC. If you find problems, don't
hesitate to tell me (akko@enter.it).


Correspondents writing me as
should switch to
as the former will be discontinued
sometime soon.

#### BINHEX     systems-twilight-11.hqx   ****

From: Andrew Plotkin <erkyrath@eblong.com>
Subject: System's Twilight 1.1.0: An Abstract Fairy Tale

System's Twilight: An Abstract Fairy Tale
   Version 1.1.0 (freeware)

This game is a story and a puzzle. The story is made up of several
parts, not all of which may be obvious. The puzzle is made up of many
puzzles, some of which aren't obvious at all.
That's all I'll tell you. The rest you get to figure out yourself. 
Have fun.
Puzzle-game enthusiasts will notice that this game is in the style of
Cliff Johnson's classic puzzle games, "3 in Three" and "The Fool's
Errand". However, be assured that the story and all the puzzles are
original. In fact, as far as I know, all twelve *kinds* of puzzles are
original. The interface is a step forward as well, allowing full
control over your character's movement and the ability to pick up and
carry objects.

It is compatible with System 6.0.7 or System 7 or later, any Macintosh
or Power Mac, and can be played on monochrome, 16-color, or 256-color
displays. It requires only 1 meg of free memory. Complete help about
the interface is available under the Help/Balloon menu (or, under
System 6, the Apple menu.)

I do not give out hints on the puzzles, because I hate to spoil other
people's fun. If you want help, you may have some luck asking on the
Usenet group comp.sys.mac.games.adventure, or on other on-line games

System's Twilight is freeware. (Previous versions were shareware,
but as of January 2000, you can play the entire game for free. This
version of the game no longer asks for registration codes.)

This program is copyright 1993-2000 by Andrew Plotkin. Anyone may copy
or distribute it freely, as long as no money is charged for it. This
program may not be sold or included in a for-profit collection without
written permission from the author.

"And Aholibamah bare Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah: these were the

#### BINHEX     task-maker-223.hqx   ****

From: (Dave Friedman) dave@fun2play.com
Subject: TaskMaker 2.2.3

TaskMaker continues to be one of the most successful shareware games for the
Macintosh. David and Tom report over 3,000 registered users world-wide. With
the interactive, built-in tutorial, beginners (and even people who have never
played dungeon games before) find TaskMaker an easy game to get started, and
a hard game to stop. No experience necessary!

It is recommended that all users switch to this latest version of TaskMaker.
In recent prior versions (v2.2 & v2.2.1), a handful of registered
PowerPC users, especially those running virtual memory, RAM Doubler, or Speed
Doubler, would experience crashes when TaskMaker examined their registration
number. This version, v2.2.3, fixes that problem.

Storm Impact, Inc.

#### BINHEX     the-cursed-puzzle.hqx   ****

From: xx053@seorf.ohiou.edu
Subject: The Cursed Puzzle

The Cursed Puzzle is a Macintosh game.  It should be put with the other Mac
adventure games.  It may not run on a power Mac but it will run on any
other Mac.  The goal of the game is to find all the puzzle pieces.  You
explore a graphical world to do so.  You can full menu, picture, font,
icon, etc.. functions too.  

#### BINHEX     the-demuth-province.hqx   ****

From: eswain@tiac.net
Subject: The Demuth Province

The Demuth Province 1.0.3
by Asa Swain

This is the first in a trilogy of games about your life as a youth in the
Demuth Province. This adventure games was created with GameMaker. You have
been exiled fromm your village until you can find the Xaria flower and
prove your manhood. The Demuth provinde is a vast land for you to explore.
You must brave dark forests, trecherous trails and finally delve deep into
a mountain in your quest for the Xaria flower. This game has sound, over
240 scenes, hand drawn graphics many puzzles and graphics and in
un-crippled shareware. You must have 1 Meg of RAM (2 megs preferred), 2.1
megs of HD space, and a 16 color monitor (B&W works but the graphics are
ugly). If you enjoy this game be sure to regestir (only $5) to get a
walkthough, maps and personalized copy. E-mail me at eswain@tiac.net.
Enjoy! (Bonus: this game is garunteed to be almost bug free!)

Asa Swain
AArdvark Software

#### BINHEX     the-probe-demo.hqx   ****

From: mccarty@sprintmail.com
Subject: The Probe

The Probe (description)

Sword Dream 3D scenario demo (requires Sword Dream 2.1), where you have 
to find and destroy an evil presence in a sci-fi environment.

#### BINHEX     the-trials-of-achenar-hc.hqx   ****

From: (Scott Sams) SbSams@a-o.com
Subject: The Trials of Achenar 1.0

A fantasy Role Playing adventure game for Macintosh featuring color 
graphics, sound, music and animation.  You are a young apprentice wizard 
trying to learn the trade.  Requires Hypercard player which should come 
with all macs and at least 5 megs of RAM.  File size approx 3.4 megs 


Scott Sams

#### BINHEX     theatre-20.hqx   ****

From: Andrew Plotkin <andrewp@magnet.com>
Subject: Theater R2 (text adventure)

An Interactive Night of Horror.
Written by Brendon Wyber and Graham Nelson.

THEATRE is Copyright (c) 1995 by Cave Rock Software Ltd. All rights reserved.

The Lyric Theatre short story is Copyright (c) 1989 Joel Furr.

THEATRE is copyright but permission is given for this game to be
freely distributed by any and all possible means. Note, no costs may
be charged for except for the distribution costs. In the author's
opinion, if you paid for this program and you didn't get it on a
CD-Rom filled with other programs, you have been cheated.

Although this game uses the data file format of Infocom's ZMachine it
contains no code that was written by them.

The actual game THEATRE was designed by Brendon Wyber.
Theatre Release 2 (Serial Number 951203 / Build 1062).
THEATRE was written using the Inform compiler by Graham Nelson.

This application requires System 7, and 1.6 megs of free memory. If
you don't have System 7, or you want a non-Mac version of this game,
or you just want to try a different interpreter, please look in
ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/. There are also lots of other text
adventures there.

If you wish to discuss putting this game on a CD-ROM, or anything
like that, please contact: 

Brendon Wyber (brendon@caverock.co.nz)

#### BINHEX     twisted-16.hqx   ****

From: khadpe@psu.edu
Subject: Twisted! 1.6

"Twisted!" is an intriguing adventure from Ray Dunakin, the creator of 
"Another Fine Mess" and "A Mess O' Trouble." In this exciting game you 
begin as a storm chaser tracking tornadoes. The sky is dark and ominous, 
and you've got a job to do...

Before too long you end up in the Land of Ooz, a bizarre fantasy world 
filled with strange creatures, fascinating puzzles, and intriguing plot 
twists. There's treasure to find, problems to solve, and civilizations to 
save! Along the way you'll find plenty of humor, horrendous puns, and 
some political satire that might just make you think.

You'll encounter Mushkins, Woggles, a Pumpkin Village, Zirconium City, 
and more in this amazing game. The result of months of full-time work, 
this game includes hundreds of sounds, dozens of characters, and some of 
the best black & white graphics you've ever seen. 

This game will work on any Mac OS computer. Sounds may not work on the 
Mac XL, PowerPC Macs, or AV Macs.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For a PowerPC you may need to increase the memory 
partition to run this (or any other World Builder) game.  Suggest 
increasing memory partition to 1024K by single clicking the Twisted 
application, selecting "Get Info" from the File menu, and increasing 
"Preferred Size" to 1024.

The author asks a $15 shareware fee if you like and keep the game. The 
author can be contacted by e-mail at raydunakin@aol.com.

Version 1.6 fixes minor bugs and adds some alternative spellings for 
certain words.

#### BINHEX     ultima-3-142.hqx   ****

From: Leon McNeill <beastie@lairware.com>
Subject: Ultima III (Exodus) fantasy role playing game 1.4.2

Ultima III (Exodus) is a modern update of the original computer 
fantasy role playing game that served as inspiration for so many 
games that followed.  Ultima III Macintosh features animated 32-bit 
color graphics, digital sound effects, a beautiful stereo soundtrack, 
characters that speak to you, and 3D raytraced dungeons.  DANGER: You 
will become addicted to this game!

Items new to version 1.4.2:
 o  Fixed a bug which caused crashes on pre-Mac OS 8.5.
 o  Menu bar & Control Strip now properly hide themselves in all OS versions.
 o  Compiled 68K code (largely untested)
 o  More small bug fixes and improvements.
Version 1.4.1:
 o  Fixed bug in character creation dialog.
Version 1.4:
 o  Many graphics now 32-bit (millions of colors)
 o  Party organization interface greatly improved
 o  Optional auto-heal feature
 o  Character statistics screen can be used to trade and equip items
 o  Minor improvements and bug fixes

This file has been uploaded to info-mac.org as "ultima3-142.hqx" 
This binary archive may be included on any freeware/shareware 
collection CD-ROMs.

#### BINHEX     ultima3-character-edit-112.hqx   ****

From: (Michael Trent) mtrent@msn.fullfeed.com
Subject: Ult. 3 Character Editor 1.1.2

Version 1.1.2 May 1996: Removed unnecessary reference to a Low-Memory
global. Added lots of Balloon Help. Intelligently dim the 'Save' button.
Improved dialog updating.

Use the Ult. 3 Character Editor to give your characters a boost, or to turn
them into PURE GODS! Freeware.

This software may appear on Info-Mac archive CDs.

#### BINHEX     ultima3-editor-10d6.hqx   ****

From: Michael Trent, mtrent@msn.fullfeed.com
Subject: Ultima III Editor 1.0d6

Version History
Version 1.0d6 March 1996: Development Release:
* Now supports Ultima III 1.3's new variable size Map format!!!
* If a Window can't do graphics offscreen, it will perform updates on-screen.
  This might look a little weird, but it's better than crashing.
* Offscreen Graphic scrap spaces are no-longer stored for each window. They
  are now created on demand. This means updating a window might be a little
  slower; it also reduces the RAM needed for each window by about 85%.
  With 1 meg of RAM, I was able to open all the Map Windows, with over 100k
  remaining in available RAM. Nifty!
* Map Windows now zoom when you click the zoom box. (a much requested feature)
* The Window Menu is complete, including window stacking, horizontal and
vertical tiling, and window zooming.
* Controls now deactivate properly when the windows containing them are
made active/inactive.
* Windows have a pleasant grey look to them. Aaron users might like this.
* There is a Progress Dialog when opening/saving Scenario Files.
* More miscellaneous bug-fixes.
* the Ultima III Editor is now Free - it is no longer distributed as shareware.

Ladies, Gentlemen, and Others
The Ultima III Editor is a scenario editor for Ultima III '95 (by Leon
Use it to edit scenario information within Ultima III, or make your own
scenario files to share with your friends.

For more info, read the full Read Me! file.

I am the author. the Ultima III Editor is NOW FREE!!!.
This software may appear on Info-Mac archive CDs.

#### BINHEX     uncle-zebulons-will-20.hqx   ****

From: (Magnus Olsson) mol@df.lth.se
Subject: Uncle Zebulon's Will, release 2.0 - adventure game

This is a short text adventure game in the Infocom tradition. Release
1.0 won first prize in the TADS division of the First Annual
Interactive Fiction, 1995.

Release 2.0 fixes a few small bugs and misfeatures and extends the
vocabulary and the behaviour of some objects.

"Uncle Zebulon's Will" is freeware. This archive contains a Macintosh
application and documentation.

This release replaces all previous versions.

#### BINHEX     valley-doom.hqx   ****

From: mccarty@sprintmail.com
Subject: Valley of Doom

Valley of Doom (description)

Sword Dream 3D scenario (requires Sword Dream 2.1), where you fight a 
Demon Lord.

#### BINHEX     virtual-maze-book.hqx   ****

From: bobs@saintjoe.edu
Subject: Virtual Maze Book

There are great many ways to have a computer organize randomness into a
maze, and some are more interesting than others. In May of 1997 I released
Virtual Maze Book Lite 1.1 which included two very limited methods of
making mazes. This version, 2.0.1,  adds a robust method which should give
enough variety to satisfy all but the most rabid maze fans.

Though the program includes a primitive capability to solve the mazes on
the screen, its strength is in producing mazes for printing on paper.  This
reason for this emphasis is that the program was developed in the process
of designing two books of mazes which have been published by Dover.
Included with the program are several specialized maze fonts which will
allow one to print at high resolution.

If you enjoy mazes or know someone who does, this is a must download. This
version of the program is free. Instructions on how to upgrade to a more
complex version of the package are given in the readme.

Robert Schenk <bobs@kagi.com>

#### BINHEX     wanderer-i-121.hqx   ****

Subject: Wanderer I - The Cult of Misery v1.21
From: (Quinn Dunki) dunki@catwoman.calgary.sgi.com

Abstract for Wanderer I - The Cult of Misery v1.21

This an extensive, full-featured Ultima-style role playing game. It should
provide hours of gameplay for all Ultima and RPG fans.

Best of all, it's free! Watch for the commercial-quality sequel coming soon!

Requires 68020+ Mac, 8 bit colour, 8 megs of RAM. Binhexed self-extracting

This software is freeware- it may be distributed on CDROM, by ftp, web,
you like.


 /\_/\   Quinn Dunki              Meow                            /\_/\
{ - - }  dunki@calgary.sgi.com     "Maybe you can help me find   { - - }
 \ T /   dunki@cpsc.ucalgary.ca     the woman behind the cat"     \ T /
  ~^~    dunki@acs.ucalgary.ca                      --Catwoman     ~^~

#### BINHEX     wcii-maps-30.hqx   ****

From: gseckel@bigfoot.com
Subject: WCII Maps v3.0.sit

Warcraft II Maps 3.0 - The Battle is just beginning...

About v3.0
Maps created from the original immagination of ...mine!! Great maps for a
Saturday evening, when you have nothing to do. Or, if you have, you prefer
to play Warcraft II.

This file contains 5 maps I create for Warcraft II©, Mac version (is there
something else?). To play them, you need the "Warcraft II" game, created by
Blizzard Entertainment©.  System requirements are the ones the game needs.

These maps are freeware, so you can use and abuse them all you want, you
can give them to your friends, put them on any commercially available
CD-ROM, or you can trash them. But, if you like some of them, send me an
email telling me so. I will be glad to receive it.

And I will be glad, too, if you do something good for our Apple or Mac
(evangelize a Wintel user, buy another Mac, pay for the shareware, etc.).

These Maps were checked with Disinfectant 1.7.

German A. Seckel
My site - http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/6317/
The Mac Zone - http://members.tripod.com/~docgas/index.html

#### BINHEX     weather-22.hqx   ****

From: "Malcolm Bowers" <weatherman@zfree.co.nz>
Subject: Weather 2.2 - A utility for role-playing games

Weather is a weather-generating system for any role-playing game. It is useful for
fantasy and SF authors, too. It lets you quickly add realistic weather and other
background information to your game or story. You can easily create custom calendars
and weather patterns to suit multiple campaign worlds. Weather 2.2 is an update from
Weather 2.1: it adds the ability to print cards, new keyboard shortcuts, improvements
to calculations and display, and updated contact details. 

Weather is a HyperCard stack that can be used on any Macintosh computer with HyperCard
or the HyperCard Player, version 2.1+. At least a 68040 Mac and PowerBook-sized screen
are recommended. Full help is included in the stack.

Weather 2.2 is freeware, and may be freely distributed unaltered, with accompanying
files, on CD-ROMs or anything else.

#### BINHEX     wheel-of-the-teachings-20.hqx   ****

From: Brian Kelley <bkelley1@nycap.rr.com>
Subject: Wheel of the Teachings 2.0

"Wheel of the Teachings" is a gentle adventure game, incorporating 
Buddhist teachings.  As you walk through a painted landscape, your goal 
is to find and collect all of the hidden wheels.  Each wheel represents 
one spoke of the Buddha's Noble EightfoldPath.  For each 2 wheels you 
discover, you will then be able to find one of the Four Noble Truths.  
Along the way, you'll also find many of the Buddha's teachings, in the 
form of suttas from the Pali Canon.

New in version 2.0
--all teachings are now from the Pali Canon, and are sourced

"Wheel of the Teachings" is made available for free, as a gift of Dhamma.

#### BINHEX     world-builder-12.hqx   ****

From: khadpe@psu.edu
Subject: World Builder 1.2

World Builder is Bill Appleton's famous graphic adventure game creation 
program. Originally a commercial program published by Silicon Beach 
Software, it was out of print for many years. Then in August of 1995 Bill 
graciously released it into the public domain.

World Builder is an easy-to-use, easy-to-learn application for creating 
adventure games with sound and black and white graphics. It is free, and 
you may sell or distribute any games you make with it, royalty-free.

The following components are included in this package:
* World Builder 1.2
* Sound Converter 1.1
* Sound Library #1
* Ray's World Builder Demo 1.0
* World Template 1.0
* Ray's World Builder Template 1.1
* Ray's Documentation

World Builder requires Mac OS 3 or later. Sound may not work on the 
Macintosh XL or any AV or PowerPC computer.

World Builder is Public Domain; however, William C. Appleton retains the 
copyright on the name, code, and ideas. This program is no longer being 
developed or supported, but comments and questions regarding World 
Builder may be sent to Ray Dunakin (raydunakin@aol.com).

Version 1.2 adds 32-bit compatibility and additional supporting files.

Marc Khadpe
Penn State University

#### BINHEX     worlds-apart-21.hqx   ****

From: Andrew Plotkin <erkyrath@eblong.com>
Subject: Worlds Apart (v2.1): a text adventure

Worlds Apart: An Interactive Fugue
By Suzanne Britton (tril@igs.net)
Version 2.1

Getting Started

This is a TADS game, and therefore requires a TADS or HTML TADS
interpreter. Specifically, it requires an up-to-date (2.5.1 or better)
interpreter.  This package includes HyperTADS 1.1.3, which is an HTML
TADS interpreter for the Macintosh based on HTML TADS 2.5.1. It should
be everything you need to play the game. If HyperTADS doesn't suit you,
there are other TADS interpreters for the Macintosh. Check the TADS Page
at http://www.tela.bc.ca/tela/tads/ for advice on how to obtain and
install the right interpreter for your system.

If you do not use HyperTADS, you should set your display to use a
fixed-width font if you can. Otherwise, formatting will look odd in a
few places.

If Interactive Fiction is a new thing to you, or you just want to
refresh your memory, you can get some general playing instructions
within the game by typing INSTRUCTIONS. Specific information on Worlds
Apart is available by typing ABOUT, and hints are available via the HINT

This work is copyrighted freeware.  The game package may be distributed
on all public archives.

The Worlds Apart homepage is located at
http://www.igs.net/~tril/worlds/. Check there for information on new

#### BINHEX     wumpus-10.hqx   ****

From: "Joseph J. Strout" <joe@strout.net>
Subject: Wumpus! 1.0 (game of strategy and luck)

Version: 1.0
Requirements: PowerMac, Mac OS 7.5 or higher, color display
Wumpus is a single-player game of strategy and luck, a graphical adaptation
of the classic "hunt the wumpus" game.  Wander the caverns in search of the
legendary Wumpus, armed with only a single tranquilizer dart, a lantern, a
few sticks of dynamite, and a canary.  Deduce its location and avoid
hazards in order to get the Wumpus before it gets you!

Wumpus is freeware, and also available at: http://codenautics.com/wumpus
Feel free to distribute at will, including CD-ROM archives, as long as the
program and its resources are not modified.

#### BINHEX     yipe-iii.hqx   ****

From: kev@ecst.csuchico.edu
Subject: Yipe!III

  Yipe! III v1.3 is an adventure/roleplaying game.  You will fight
monsters and find treasures in your quest to save the town.

  Yipe! III features: 
More monsters than ever, including a feature that will allow people to
distribute their own monster files.
Learn special abilities like backstab of invisibility.
Avoid wall spikes, pits, and other traps.
Ride rafts across water to find secret treasures.
The Yipe! III new and improved casino!
Much much more...

  Needs 256 colors and system 7.0.1 or above.