Abstracts from files in info-mac/edu/yng as of Sun 21 Nov 2004 #### BINHEX a-camping-story-color-hc.hqx **** From: (Diane Bundy) bundyd@ptialaska.net Subject: CAMPING STORY (color) AUTHOR: Granite Christopher NEEDS: HyperCard or Player, 12" screen, 256 colors are best "CAMPING STORY color " This is a color, interactive, personalized, short story for young readers, about an exciting encounter with a bear. At the beginning the reader is asked six questions; Their name, Their friends name, their favorite song bird ect.... These personal touches are then put into the story. Each page has things to hear and see. At the end of the story the reader can go fishing or take things in and out of the tent. The camp site is a fun place to pretend. There is lots of animals to spot and even a camp guide book in the tent. NOTE: The "preferred size" of your HyperCard memory must be set at least 2000, 3000 for Power Mac's, instructions how are included. #### BINHEX aggies-world-volume-1.hqx **** From: afmoffa@amherst.edu Subject: Aggie's World Aggie's World - is a collection of original illustrated stories. The stories are in verse form, with careful attention to correct grammer, rhyme, and meter. Readers follow the small dramas and adventures of a young boy with an oversized T-shirt and a charmingly naive sense of wonder at the world around him. Two of the tales feature small games, in full color with animation and simple sound effects, that allow the reader to re-create the events of the story. Shareware fee: $5 US. #### BINHEX al-bunnys-typing-class-14c.hqx **** From: sunmoon@voicenet.com (Ming H. Kao) Subject: Al_Bunny_Typing_Class 140c In the previous uploaded version(1.40b), there is a serious bug which blocks an important feature of this program. This version(1.40c) fixs that. Some major changes and bug fixs since version 1.40 are 1. Fix a bug which causes Al Bunny fails to open if the user close Al Bunny last time with speed mode set to "user-defined" 2. Fix a bug in the pre-defined keysets. Now the non-US keyboard user will feel that these keysets make more senses. For example, in level 2 in German keyboard, the user practice 'z' instead of 'y'. 3. Fix a mistake in US-Dvorak keyboard layout file. 4. A change in Racing-Game. Now the obstacle will be moved up after the user enters the string correctly. Thank you very much. Best Regards, Ming H. Kao #### BINHEX alphabet-game-show.hqx **** From: LTLFingers@aol.com Subject: AlphaBet Game Show AlphaBet Game Show Shareware: $12 Author: LittleFingers Software System requirements: Any Mac running system 7+, 4 MB RAM, minimum 14" color monitor In AlphaBET Game Show, players compete by betting points and guessing the letters to the hidden word - complete with theater and audience! A special "Teacher Feature" allows for custom game creation using the words of your choice. This application program is recommended for ages 10 and up. #### BINHEX alphabet-power-25.hqx **** From: (Nick Smith) vortieum@epix.net Subject: Alphabet Power 2.5 This is a Macintosh program designed to give pre-schoolers and kindergarteners practice using their ABC's, colors, and primary addition. It requires 1 Megabyte of RAM and disk space. 256-colors recommended, but not required. Nick Smith Vortieum@epix.net #### BINHEX alphie.hqx **** From: Warren Furman <wfurman@epix.net> Subject: * Alphie v1.3.2 Alphie ====== Alphie is a highly customizable alphabet-drawing program that should be welcomed by anyone teaching children or adults their ABC's. Four editable print/script fonts may be copied or traced and provisions exist for creating your very own. Pads: Main, Big and Legal. Mouse or pen. Drawings can be recorded and stored within each Alphier's folder for later playback. Alphie can be fun and instructive without serious supervisor involvement, but parents and teachers are urged to make generous use of online HELP to take full advantage of Alphie's capabilities. The QuickStart Tour gets you hummin' fast. Recognizable, not perfect letters, should be the goal, but practice does make perfect... ;-) Minimum requirements: System 7. 68030 CPU. 640x480 monitor. About 12 megs hard disk space. =============================================================================== Warren Furman WRFdigitals http://wrf-digitals.hypermart.net #### BINHEX andys-letters-12.hqx **** From: (Robert Schenk) bobs@saintjoe.edu Subject: Andy's Letters 1.2 Andy's Letters is a simple game intended to help preschoolers learn the alphabet. This version should replace any previous versions. Version 1.2 allows for quizzing lower case letters and adds color. It is shareware ($5). Robert Schenk bobs@kagi.com #### BINHEX animals-12-es.hqx **** From: Marc Moini <marc@a9ff.com> Subject: A-N-I-M-A-L-S From Letters and Sounds to Reading! Espa–ol demo A-N-I-M-A-L-S ÁDe Letras y Sonidos a la Lectura! es un nuevo tipo de juego educativo, con un objetivo definido: Reproducir el sonido de las letras del alfabeto y permitir que los ni–os jueguen con ellas para construir palabras. Esta alternativa pr‡ctica a los mŽtodos tradicionales ayuda a los ni–os a comenzar a leer mucho antes y a mejorar su lectura r‡pidamente. ÁY con mucha m‡s diversi—n! Principales caracter’sticas: 1. Basado en investigaciones hechas por cient’ficos y educadores l’deres en el tema. 2. Dise–ado para que los ni–os puedan jugarlo antes de que aprendan a usar el rat—n. 3. Proporciona una retroalimentaci—n precisa a travŽs de exploraciones guiadas para que los ni–os aprendan m‡s r‡pido. 4. Cuenta con tres niveles progresivos para que los ni–os puedan comenzar con el reto adecuado a ellos. 5. Usa voces grabadas de personas nativas del idioma usado. 6. Se edita en diversos lenguajes: actualmente en InglŽs, FrancŽs, Alem‡n y Espa–ol. 7. Ilustrado con cientos de fotograf’as de animales, plantas, juguetes, herramientas, etc. La nueva versi—n v1.2 agrega el nivel intermedio y el soporte para el idioma Alem‡n, adem‡s de contar con innumerables mejoras. Los usuarios de versiones previas pueden obtener la actualizaci—n sin costo alguno. El paquete inicial cuesta solo $29 USD y actualmente corre en las plataformas Mac OS 7, 8, 9 y Mac OS X en modo cl‡sico. www.marcmoini.com #### BINHEX animals-12-fr.hqx **** From: Marc Moini <marc@a9ff.com> Subject: A-N-I-M-A-L-S From Letters and Sounds to Reading! Franais demo A-N-I-M-A-L-S est un nouveau genre de jeu Žducatif, dont l'objectif est le suivant: Faire parler les lettres de l'alphabet pour permettre aux enfants de jouer avec, et ainsi de construire des mots. Gr‰ce ˆ cette alternative interactive aux mŽthodes habituelles, les enfants peuvent commencer bien plus t™t, progresser plus rapidement et de manire plus sžre. Quelques caractŽristiques de ce jeu: 1. Il est basŽ sur des rŽsultats de recherche innovante en psychologie du dŽveloppement et en pŽdagogie. 2. Il est conu pour que les enfants puissent jouer avant de pouvoir utiliser la souris. 3. Une interactivitŽ prŽcise guide l'exploration afin de saisir rapidement les idŽes importantes. 4. Trois niveaux de difficultŽ progressive pour que chaque enfant trouve un dŽfi ˆ sa mesure. 5. Les voix utilisŽes sont celles de personnes s'exprimant dans leur langue maternelle. 6. Multilingue: Allemand, Anglais, Espagnol et Franais sont dŽjˆ disponibles. 7. IllustrŽ par des centaines de photographies d'animaux, de plantes, jouets, etc. La version 1.2 ajoute le niveau intermŽdiaire, permet de jouer en Allemand, et apporte de nombreuses amŽliorations. Mise ˆ jour gratuite pour les utilisateurs des versions prŽcŽdentes. www.marcmoini.com. #### BINHEX animals-12.hqx **** From: Marc Moini <marc@a9ff.com> Subject: A-N-I-M-A-L-S From Letters and Sounds to Reading! English demo A-N-I-M-A-L-S From Letters & Sounds to Reading! is a new kind of educational game, with a unique goal: To make letters of the alphabet talk and let children play with them to build words. This hands-on alternative to the usual methods helps children start much earlier and gain proficiency faster. And it's also more fun! Features include: 1. Based on research by leading scientists and educators. 2. Designed so children play before they can use the mouse. 2. Precise feedback throughout guides exploration so children learn quicker. 3. Three progressive levels so each child can start with the right challenge. 4. Uses recorded voices of native speakers. 5. Multiple languages: currently English, French, German and Spanish. 6. Illustrated with hundreds of photographs of animals, plants, toys, tools, etc. v1.2 adds a new intermediate level and support for the German language, in addition to many enhancements. Users of previous versions may upgrade at no cost. $29 starter package. Currently for Mac OS 7, 8, 9 and Mac OS X's Classic. #### BINHEX area-puzzles.hqx **** From: "Gary Smith" <blevins_smith@email.msn.com> Subject: Area Puzzles Program Name: Area Puzzles Category: Education / Math Description: Middle school (grades 5 through 9) math program. Students are shown a ten by ten grid "sprinkled" with numbers. Students must fill the grid with rectangles so that each rectangles contain one "sprinkle" number that matches that rectangle's area. There are twenty puzzles in the program. Gary Smith gsmith@polymathlove.com. #### BINHEX baby-games-20.hqx **** From: dstoll@atlcom.net Subject: Baby Games 2.0 Baby Games 2.0 Baby Games 2.0 is the perfect computer introduction for children aged 18 months to 4 years. The program is distributed with the English language plug-in which helps young children learn to recognize the alphabet, numbers 1-20, basic geometric shapes, colors, and animals with accompanying sounds. Baby Games is non-competitive and encouraging as well as fun to play and educational. The program makes it fun and easy for the young child to interact with the computer while engaged in learning. Baby Games 2.0 allows for the installation of foreign language plug-ins (German, French, and Dutch versions are available now). A time limited fully functional copy of the program is now available for download. Available for Mac and Windows. Pricing: $15. Minimum System requirements: Mac: System 7.1; 030 processor; 3MB available RAM for 030/040 processors (Virtual Memory or RAM Doubler OK) 6-8MB RAM for PowerPC processors; 6.6 available disk space; display of 256 colors Windows: Win3x; 486 processor; 5MB available RAM; 11.8MB available disk space; sound card; display of 256 colors Download Site: http://www.cyserv.com/dstoll/index.html #### BINHEX bag-riddles.hqx **** From: "Gary Smith" <blevins_smith@email.msn.com> Subject: Bag Riddles program sent to ftp site Program Name: Bag Riddles Category: Education/Math This program is freeware. Description: The program "hides" a number of different colored blocks, then offers fraction and pre-algebra hints to the student. For example: "2/3 of the block are red" or "There are three times as many yellow blocks as green blocks." Can you solve the riddle using just a few hints? The program has an unlimited number of both "Basic" and "Tough" riddles. #### BINHEX be-fruitful-and-multiply151.hqx **** From: bobs@saintjoe.edu Subject: [*] Be Fruitful and Multiply 1.5.1 Attached is version 1.5.1 of Be Fruitful and Multiply, a simple program which illustrates and drills multiplication tables. The program is meant for children in grades 3 to 5. Version 1.5.1 corrects a couple of small bugs. Version 1.5 allowed one to customize the program with one's own sounds,pictures, and text. One must use a resource editor such as ResEdit to customize it. Instructions are included as a readme text document. Conditions of use and distribution are also included in the readmes. Robert Schenk bobs@saintjoe.edu #### BINHEX bone-appetit.hqx **** From: LTLFingers@aol.com Subject: Bone Appetit Bone Appetit (Bone.sit.hqx) Shareware: $12 Author: LittleFingers Software System requirements: Any Mac running system 7+, 4 MB RAM, minimum 14" color monitor As proprietor of the Bone Appetit bone shop, you'll buy and sell bones to your canine customers while learning the art of making correct change. Don't let your inventory run dry or your customers will get grouchy! This full-color interactive application program includes 4 levels of difficulty ranging from making change of $1 to making change of $20. #### BINHEX capitals.hqx **** From: Joe Hammons <hammo@softcom.net> Subject: capitals.sit attached Capitals is a fully functioning shareware standalone application that will teach kids of all ages how to locate our 50 states and capitals. Using text to speech and a full color on-screen map of the United States, the program user can click on any state or capital and the computer will say them. The user can also enter the number of states or capitals he/she wants to be in a quiz. Thanks, Joe Hammons #### BINHEX checkers-birthday-party.hqx **** From: LTLFingers@aol.com Subject: Checkers' Birthday Party Checkers' Birthday Party Shareware: $10 Author: LittleFingers Software System requirements: Any Mac running system 7+, 4 MB RAM, minimum 14" color monitor Checkers the Bear is having a birthday party - and your child is invited! Help Checkers blow up balloons, play Pin the Tail on the Donkey, add candles to his birthday cake, open presents, and much more! This is an interactive educational application program with full color graphics, animation and sound. Children familiar with other Checkers the Bear shareware programs will surely love Checkers' Birthday Party. #### BINHEX checkers-hide-n-seek.hqx **** From: LTLFingers@aol.com Subject: Checkers' Hide 'n Seek Checkers' Hide 'n Seek Shareware: $15 Author: LittleFingers Software System requirements: Any Mac running system 7+, 4 MB RAM, minimum 14" color monitor Another addition to the Checkers the Bear series, Checkers Hide 'n Seek was created for children ages 2 to 8. Checkers is hiding somewhere in his house. Move from room to room while searching for Checkers by clicking on objects. Each time the game is played Checkers will find a new and different hiding place! Color graphics and animations, and hours of fun for little fingers! #### BINHEX checkers-playroom.hqx **** From: LTLFingers@aol.com Subject: Checkers' Playroom Checkers' Playroom Shareware: $17 Author: LittleFingers Software System requirements: Any Mac running system 7+, 8 MB RAM, minimum 14" color monitor Checkers the bear is back and he's brought along his sister, Chelsea, to share some of his favorite toys with your child in Checkers' Playroom. This full-color interactive program offers a series of games that cover patterning, sorting, colors, shapes, counting with numbers 1 to 10, creative play and more! Recommended for ages 2 to 6. #### BINHEX checkers-treasure-hunt.hqx **** From: LTLFingers@aol.com Subject: Checkers' Treasure Hunt Checkers' Treasure Hunt Shareware: $12 Author: LittleFingers Software System requirements: Any Mac running system 7+, 4 MB RAM, minimum 14" color monitor Another addition to the Checkers the Bear series, Checkers Treasure Hunt is the perfect first computer game for preschoolers. Help Checkers get home by clicking on specified colors on the treasure path - and see what kind of treasure you can find! Each time the game is played, a different set of treasure magically appears when the child clicks on each mystery square. Checkers gives your child words of encouragement as they help him find his way home. #### BINHEX childrens-little-book-hc.hqx **** From: (Bengt Fogelberg) kv0020@bf.orebro.se Subject: Childrens little book This is a small program for children, made with Hypercard 2.2. In the program, there are five subjects to use, my friends, a diary, a small quiz, etc. More information in the program and in "READ ME". #### BINHEX clock-fun-10.hqx **** From: Rachel Radin <swampland@charter.net> Subject: Clock Fun 1.0 Clock Fun is a program in which young children can explore clocks and time. It shows both an analog and a digital clock face. The clock hands can be dragged around or the digital time adjusted and the other clock will change to match. There are buttons to make the program speak the time in several ways (for example, "five-forty-one", "nineteen til six", "about five-forty", "about twenty til six", "about quarter til six"). Also the clock can be made to run or stop, or show a random time, or show the current time. Clock Fun will run on any Mac running system 7.5 or later, including running on MacOSX under Classic. Clock Fun is shareware and costs $6.50 per household or classroom. Rachel Radin swampland@kagi.com #### BINHEX coderead.hqx **** From: Joe Hammons <hammo@softcom.net> Subject: coderead via FTP With Code Reader kids of all ages can improve their phonics skills by solving computer generated code sentences. This version contains five phonics sentences and 5 high frequency sentences. Register and send the fee to receive a code to enter and you will instantly have the full version with 152 phonics sentences and 700 high frequency sentences. Register and send the fee and I will E-mail another fully functional program to you that will print these phonics or high frequency sentences in a worksheet format. #### BINHEX coloring-book-32.hqx **** From: James.F.Allison@williams.edu (Jim Allison) Subject: Coloring Book 3.2, Childrens Educational Software, game, multim Coloring Book 3.2 is an upgrade to the very popular Coloring Book 3.0. Now in 3.2 children can paste in their own draw style graphics and color their own pictures. Animation is automatically added to randomly selected objects in the child's drawing. Coloring Book 3.2 is a multimedia activity book for pre-K to elementary level children. Coloring Book goes far beyond the typical coloring program to include many surprising and fun animations and sound effects. Coloring Book offers many avenues for creative play. Version 3.0 earned rave reviews from BMUG, The Washington Apple Pi, and most importantly delighted parents, grandparents and children. Version 3.0 now uses the Mac Speech Manager to add personalized encouragements and greetings to many of the pages. Coloring Book 3.2 now has Story Pages in which short stories are presented to the children a line at a time in scrambled form. The children point and click to read the words and unscramble the story. Older children and adults can create new stories to be presented in the interactive scrambled form. Coloring Book is now Modular. The base program has lots to do and stands alone, but it may be easily enhanced with add on New Pages Modules. Jim Allison #### BINHEX computer-magic.hqx **** From: Joe Hammons <hammo@softcom.net> Subject: commagic via FTP Computer Magic is a fully functioning standalone Macintosh shareware application. The computer does magic tricks with numbers and words and allows kids of all ages to improve their reading and spelling of the most used words in the English language. #### BINHEX cooking-time.hqx **** From: wbryant@mail.comet.net (W.O. Bryant III) Subject: Cooking Time This stack is one of a series designed to entertain a young child and help develop mouse skills. My inspiration was Diane Bundy¹s My Little Kitchen stack. I thought her idea was great, but my younger daughter needed something even simpler, with no reading involved. So, I designed some stacks that consist of only two cards. They are easy to use, colorful, and fun. These stacks were created in Hypercard 2.2. They are set up as stand alone applications. The applications are rather large due to color and sounds, but I think the colors and sounds keep young children interested longer than plain old black and white. If you and yours enjoy this program, keep your eyes open for others in the series. Cooking Time- mouse practice and fun Supper Time- mouse practice and fun Dollhouse Time- mouse practice and fun Color Time- color lessons These programs are freeware. Comments and suggestions are welcome. You can e-mail me at Catzlover@aol.com . #### BINHEX creepin-critter-clocks-111.hqx **** From: "Bruce A. Pokras" <mac-stacks@kagi.com> Subject: Creepin' Critter Clocks 1.1.1 - educational game Creepin' Critter(TM) Clocks 1.1.1 Requires HyperCard Player 2.2 or later (probably already on your Mac whether you know it or not), or any version of Hyper-Stack Player. Changes in this version: For Mac OS 9 users running CCC in the black & white "evaluation mode", a button will appear on the title screen which allows them to turn off the transition effects that CCC displays as the user navigates from screen-to-screen. In some models of Mac running OS 9, these transition effects occur EXTREMELY slowly. The button, which toggles between "Turn Transitions On" and "Turn Transitions Off", allows those OS 9 users who experience the problem to use CCC without having to deal with ultra-slow navigation. OS 9 does not cause any problems in CCC's full color "licensed mode." Welcome to Creepin' Critter Clocks, the fun way for kids to practice their time-telling skills! Creepin' Critter Clocks is an arcade-style learning game that is both challenging and fun. Kids swat bugs (the "Creepin' Critters") or pop bubbles that correspond to the correct answer to a time-telling problem. Points are earned, in true arcade game fashion, for correct answers. The amount of time available to answer a problem can be adjusted to suit the skill level of the child. The arcade-style scoring provides an incentive for decreasing the amount of time, since lower time settings increase the possible scores. There are four types of time-telling practice in Creepin' Critter Clocks: 1) Analog-to-Digital, 2) Digital-to-Analog, 3) Words-to-Analog, and 4) Words-to-Digital. Each type of time-telling practice can be performed by swatting bugs or by popping bubbles. The Analog-to-Digital and Words-to-Digital games are only available to registered users. Upon registering, you will receive a password which will unlock the following additional features: 1) built-in color; 2) the ability to repeat just the incorrectly answered problems; 3) arcade-style "Top Ten" lists for each type of time-telling game; 4) Teaching Mode where the hour can be held constant while the minutes are varied (or vice versa); and 5) the Report feature which records the results of each problem the student attempts in a text file for later review by their parent or teacher. Shareware $10/Mac. $50 for a Site license for an entire school. #### BINHEX creepin-critter-math-421.hqx **** From: "Bruce A. Pokras" <mac-stacks@kagi.com> Subject: Creepin' Critter Math 4.2.1 - educational game Creepin' Critter(TM) Math 4.2.1 Copr. 1993-96, 1999 Bruce A. Pokras - All rights reserved worldwide Requires HyperCard Player 2.2 or later (probably already on your Mac whether you know it or not), or any version of Hyper-Stack Player. Changes in version 4.2.1: For Mac OS 9 users running CCM in the black & white "evaluation mode", a button will appear on the title screen which allows them to turn off the transition effects that CCM displays as the user navigates from screen-to-screen. In some models of Mac running OS 9, these transition effects occur EXTREMELY slowly. The button, which toggles between "Turn Transitions On" and "Turn Transitions Off", allows those OS 9 users who experience the problem to use CCM without having to deal with ultra-slow navigation. OS 9 does not cause any problems in CCM's full color "licensed mode." Creepin' Critterª Math 4.2.1 is an arcade-style learning game which provides children with math practice in a way that is both challenging and fun. They swat bugs (the "Creepin' Critters") or pop bubbles that correspond to the correct answer to a math problem. Points are earned, in true arcade game style, for correct answers. The amount of time available to answer a problem can be adjusted to suit the math skill level of the child. The arcade-style scoring provides an incentive for decreasing the amount of time, since lower time settings increase the possible scores. 1) COUNTING objects up to 10; 2) BEGINNER Math addition and subtraction problems involving numbers no higher than 10; 3) BASIC math facts for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; and 4) ADVANCED two step problems for older children which involve carrying, borrowing and remainders. Upon registering, you will receive a password which will unlock the following features: 1) color; 2) ability to repeat just the incorrectly answered problems; 3) arcade-style "Top Ten" lists for each math operation (includes the date and the maximum possible score, so parents can keep track of their child's progress); and 4) a "report" feature which records the result of each problem in a game and saves them as a text file. Shareware $10.00/Mac; $50.00 for a Site License that covers an entire school. Brought to you by the Mac-Stacks Emporium: http://www.kagi.com/mac-stacks #### BINHEX creepin-critter-mathlite-10.hqx **** From: "Bruce A. Pokras" <mac-stacks@kagi.com> Subject: Creepin' Critter Math Lite - educational game Creepin' Critter(TM) Math Lite 1.0 Copr. 1993-96, 1999 Bruce A. Pokras - All rights reserved worldwide Requires HyperCard Player 2.2 or later (probably already on your Mac whether you know it or not), or any version of Hyper-Stack Player. CCM Lite is a "light" version of the regular, shareware Creepin' Critter(TM) Math educational game. Creepin' Critter Math Lite has enabled all the bonus features of the licensed regular version of CCM, but contains just the "Beginner" math module (in both the Creepin' Critter and Bubble Poppin' formats) instead of the four modules of the regular version. The bonus features include, among other things, a full color interface, Top Ten lists, and the ability to repeat those problems that were answered incorrectly. The Creepin' Critter format is a multiple-choice challenge in which children choose the answer to a question by swatting one of four bugs which are creeping up a wall towards "picture frames" which contain four possible answers. If the incorrect bug is swatted, the other three continue creeping up the wall giving the child further chances to swat the correct bug. If the correct bug is not swatted by the time one of the bugs crawls underneath one of the picture frames, then the correct answer flashes several times and another problem is presented. After finishing a game, the problems which were answered incorrectly or not at all may be repeated. The distance the bugs creep before reaching the picture frames may be decreased, giving the child less time to swat the correct bug, but increasing the possible score. An arcade-style "Top Ten List" shows the child's highest scores, and so gives an incentive to improve. For children who do not like swatting bugs, an alternative Bubble Poppin' game is included. As the name implies, this alternative requires popping the correct bubble among four bubbles which are rising from a bubble bath towards a steam enshrouded ceiling. Floating in the steam are four possible answers to the problem. The regular, shareware version of CCM is available for download in "evaluation mode," and may be upgraded to the fully enabled version by the entry of a password after paying the license fee. CCM Lite is Freeware (Regular CCM is Shareware ($10/Mac; $50 Site License)) #### BINHEX dinosaurs.hqx **** From: joel saleson <js6004@socket.net> Subject: All About Dinosaurs here's a hypercard stack that teaches dinosaurs to children. freeware. I am the author. #### BINHEX dollhouse-time.hqx **** From: wbryant@mail.comet.net (W.O. Bryant III) Subject: Dollhouse Time This stack is one of a series designed to entertain a young child and help develop color skills. It is easy to use and no reading skills are required. These stacks were created in Hypercard 2.2. They are set up as stand alone applications. The applications are rather large due to color and sounds, but I think the colors and sounds keep young children interested longer than plain old black and white. If you and yours enjoy this program, keep your eyes open for others in the series. Cooking Time- mouse practice and fun Supper Time- mouse practice and fun Dollhouse Time- mouse practice and fun Color Time- color lessons These programs are freeware. Comments and suggestions are welcome. You can e-mail me at Catzlover@aol.com . #### BINHEX dot-2-10.hqx **** From: boughter@earthlink.net (boughter) Subject: Dot2 Created By: Doug Boughter Distribution:Freeware This program is a "connect the dot" style program which was created for young kids but will be enjoyed by all. The program has four simple puzzles and utilizes nice color graphics and high quality sound samples. This program was made using SuperCard 2.0 from Allegiant. Enjoy. #### BINHEX europe-geography-2000.hqx **** From: Matt Rilling <Torpedo@compuserve.com> Subject: eurv2kp.hqx - Europe! Geography Game (update) "Europe!" Geography Game Take a trip to Europe! Package of fast paced and challenging European geography games including countries, capitals, major exports and geographical features. Bon Voyage! Now supports native PPC and 680xx (fat binary). By Torpedo Software www.torpedosoftware.com Feel free to redistribute by CD ROM collection or any other means. #### BINHEX ewriter-35.hqx **** From: platypus@peak.org Subject: Easy Writer 3.5 No-nonsense handwriting program gives kids what they need Kids need to see how letters are produced. They can see the finished product all around them every day. Easy writer draws whatever letter or digit the user asks for in a realistic but completely correct way. Sound effects, an extra background, bombs and various inks give the kids just enough control to keep doing it. Easy Writer 1.0 was simple and fun way for kids to view animations of the manuscript letters being drawn with correct stroke and rhythm, and even try to imitate them on screen. Easy Writer 2.12 was colorized and jazzed up with sounds. Easy Writer 3.0 was a dog so you probably never saw it. Easy Writer 3.5 is bilingual (Spanish/English), incorporates cursive, has digits, and allows you to edit the alphabets. Easy Writer has the following shareware pricing: € Single user license, $10 per CPU € Site License $75 (roughly equal to 8 users) and covers all locations for your organization within a 10 kilometer radius of your site. € You can easily register online or use your credit card to register by email! C. R. Dick Platypus Software & Webworks http://www.platypus-share.com platypus@cyberjunkie.com #### BINHEX fantastic-voyage-20.hqx **** From: (Miguel Frias) l41467@alfa.ist.utl.pt Subject: Fantastic Voyage 2.0 Fantastic Voyage 2.0 final version Travel inside the human body. See red cells, glands and even cholesterol! Now you can also kill infections. For additional help see the "About" menu in the game and the text file that comes with this file. This new version fixes some bugs and introduces Infections as well as shooting. New music feature which plays a tune, like in the original game. Please DO read the README file. It is NOT long. #### BINHEX fluffys-adventure-12.hqx **** From: Geobert@aol.com Subject: Fluffy's Adventure 1.2 Fluffy's Adventure is a childrens adventure game. It has color graphics, sound effects, music, an auto-scrolling main scene, and 14 levels. Games can be saved and restored. System Requirements: Macintosh, 16 colors, System 7.x. Fluffy and his good friend Wubbly were taking a boat ride when they ran into a storm. Fluffy's boat sank off of an uncharted island. They must now find a way to get back home. The object of Fluffy's Adventure is to help Fluffy and Wubbly return home safely. This is accomplished by finding all of the pieces required to assemble a new boat and using it to return home. Wubbly will appear from time to time and ask Fluffy for help, or tell Fluffy that a piece of the boat is near by. Although the island is uncharted, it isn't deserted. There are stores where Fluffy can buy food and fix-it shops where broken tools can be repaired. Candy will regenerate Fluffy if his health reaches 0. Candy can be found at some levels, bought at stores or will be awarded when the score reaches 3,000 and again at 6,000. --------------------------- George N. <geobert@aol.com> #### BINHEX frankensteins-helper-30.hqx **** From: <bobs@saintjoe.edu> Subject: Frankenstein's Helper 3.0 Frankenstein's Helper is a mathematical adventure game intended for students in the 6-9th grade levels. Additional info is in the readme doc with the program. Robert Schenk #### BINHEX gameshow-31-x.hqx **** From: Bodine Software Support <support@almorale.com> Subject: GameshowOSX.hqx classroom quiz presentation Game Show Presenter version 3.1 for Mac OS X First OS X native version of Game Show Presenter, a quiz presentation tool used by educators and trainers to make fun, TV-style quiz shows on any subject (especially dry or dull topics). Program includes a quiz editor, complete multimedia game show ready to use with no programming. Game show allows up to 10 players or teams. Works well with multimedia projectors, smartboards and similar display technology. Compatible with many buzzer lockout systems. This trial version has all features, but show is watermarked as "Demo Show" until registered. No time limit. Full version is $79, academic discount rate $49. Product homepage: http://www.almorale.com/quizsoft.html Author email: support@almorale.com System Requirements: Mac OS X, G3 or faster, 800x600 monitor or larger #### BINHEX geo-challenge-10.hqx **** From: Doug Eernisse <deernisse@fullerton.edu> Subject: Geography Challenge v. 1.0 (Education - HyperCard Stack) Geography Challenge version 1.0 is a modest HyperCard stack for Macs that is actually two games: Country Challenge and USA Challenge. When it was originally released (1993) and last updated (1996) it featured only Country Challenge, a multiple choice style game that can be played by up to four players. Country Challenge will effectively test your knowledge of worldwide or regional capitals, and this version has been updated to be politically current as of 2002. The other game, USA Challenge, is new with this version, and features a colorful map of the USA instead of choices. From experience, it is simple enough that kids enjoy playing it. Expect them to soon master all the U.S. states and capitals. Once the "Play" button is clicked, the game will display the name of a state, capital, or "other city" and the object is to click on the corresponding state as quickly as possible. If all 50 states are clicked on fast enough, you will earn a spot on the High Scores listing. Because Geography Challenge is a HyperCard stack, you also need to download Apple's free HyperCard Player application before you can use Geography Challenge, assuming it is not already on your Macintosh. Like the original version, Geography Challenge version 1.0 is postcardware. If you like it, please send us a postcard. The most current version is available from: http://biology.fullerton.edu/deernisse/geochallenge.html #### BINHEX geo-genius-usa.hqx **** From: LTLFingers@aol.com Subject: GeoGenius USA GeoGenius USA Shareware: $15 Author: LittleFingers Software System requirements: Any Mac running system 7+, 4 MB RAM, minimum 14" color monitor GeoGenius USA is an educational program covering all 50 of the United States. There are five sections to this program: 1. States - the user is asked to locate each of the 50 states on the map provided. 2. Capitals - match the capital name with its state on the map. 3. Regions - determine which of the seven regions each state is located in. 4. Time Zones - If it's 6:00 in Hawaii, what time is it in Ohio? Test your time zone knowledge. 5. Fast Facts - click on any of the states to view some fast facts about that state including state bird, flower, tree, song, nickname, motto and some interesting facts about each state and its history. Each time a section is played the order is changed, making this colorful interactive learning program fun for all ages! #### BINHEX geo-genius-world.hqx **** From: LTLFingers@aol.com Subject: GeoGenius World GeoGenius World Shareware: $16 Author: LittleFingers Software System requirements: Any Mac running system 7+, 4 MB RAM, minimum 14" color monitor Do you know where Tajikistan is located? Test your knowledge of world geography with GeoGenius World! The main screen shows you a map of the world broken down into 10 regions by color: South America Central America United States of America Canada and Greenland Europe Middle East Africa Northern Asia Southern Asia Oceania By clicking on a region, you will see the countries of that region up close. Click on the "Quiz Me" button, and see how many of that region's countries you can locate! The United States region tests your knowledge of the 50 states, and the Canada/Greenland region deals with provinces. Full-screen color maps are easy to read and include the new countries formerly known as the USSR. #### BINHEX hiding.hqx **** From: Joe Hammons <hammo@softcom.net> Subject: Hiding Hiding is a fully functional standalone shareware educational application that allows children of all ages to find hidden numbers, letters, high frequency words, shapes, and pictures. Thanks, Joe Hammons #### BINHEX icon-speller-10.hqx **** From: Chuck Smyrniotis, chuck_smyrniotis*@quickmail.apple.com Subject: IconSpeller 1.0 It is with great pleasure that I am submitting my IconSpeller shareware for possible inclusion in the various macintosh archives. IconSpeller is an educational program, it is simple and fun to use. The program displays icons in random order and the user has to unscramble the icon's label by pick-and-click or by typing. It is targeted for kids 6 years of age and older. IconSpeller was created by Chuck Smyrniotis at Rapid Prototyping Technology. Special thanks go to his ten year old son, Christopher, for creating a number of icons and for testing it. IconSpeller requires a Macintosh computer with a color monitor; preferably MacOS 7.0 or higher. It requires 384 KB of RAM and 176 KB of disk space. It is distributed as shareware with a 10 dollar registration fee. Thank you! Chuck Smyrniotis Chuck_Smyrniotis*@quickmail.apple.com (Chuck Smyrniotis) #### BINHEX imagino-11-hc.hqx **** From: Douglas Anderson <un162@victoria.tc.ca> Subject: Imagino 1.1 hc This Story Book was made with HyperCard This Story Book in it's electronic form is Free! and may be freely distributed as long as nothing is changed. And is accompanied with its Read Me File. But all rights to this story, the character Imagino, the name Imagino, and the likeness of Imagino. are reserved by the authors Doug & Susan Anderson. This Story Book is provided as is without any warranties, and the authors assume no responsibility for any damage caused by this HyperCard Stack or the material in this story in anyway. Parents should first read this book as with all books to approve it for thier children. This Story Book is about learning to use Imagination. it's written for young children in the hope they will find it entertaining. This is our first try at something like this, although my wife Susan has credentials in the field of child development, We have written this in the hopes you will give us some feedback, on the idea of the character (Imagino) and the concept in general, or anything you might have to say about it. Our aim is to find a way of eventually getting the character (Imagino) published. To begin simply click the hand at the bottom of the card. To Quit or go to the Home Card click on the house in the bottom left hand corner. The fonts used in this Stack is (Times). Thank You, for any and all input. You can contact us through our E-Mail address: un162@victoria.tc.ca Please drop by the (Imagino's Place) web site: http://www.victoria.tc.ca/~un162/imagino.html #### BINHEX key-wack-20.hqx **** From: Elaine Benfatto <benfatto@cybercom.net> Subject: KeyWack 2.0 KeyWack is a game for babies who like to sit at their parent's Mac and bang the keyboard. KeyWack prevents babies from accidentally opening most programs or documents, and makes banging even more fun by drawing shapes and playing random sounds as the keys are whacked. This program works with any Mac (with System 6.0.2 or higher) but looks best on one with color. The preferences dialog only works on more recent versions of system software. (Version 7.0 or higher, I think.) KeyWack is shareware. All rights are reserved by the author. #### BINHEX keys.hqx **** From: Joe Hammons <hammo@softcom.net> Subject: Keys via FTP Keys is a fully functional standalone Macintosh shareware application for children of all ages to help them improve their reading of 700 of the most used words in the English language as well as sharpen their keyboarding skills as they type letters, words and sentences. The bottom line is for the adult to make sure that the child is using all fingers when typing. #### BINHEX kid-calc-091.hqx **** From: ipapadop@interpower.com.mx Subject: KidCalc! 0.91 KidCalc! is a Cool Calculator for Kids... and the Kid inside us. This is a Big, colorfull calculator with sounds and mistake correction capabilities made specially for kids. Is the first in a series of themed calculators. A great replacement to the one from Apple. Enjoy it! (Shareware $10 US). #### BINHEX kid-grid-11-demo.hqx **** From: VDYG@aol.com Subject: KidGrid: Children's crossword game demo Author: Vivian Gordon KidGrid builds original interactive 9-word crossword puzzles for children (6 - 10) who can identify letters and are starting to spell words. Children can solve each puzzle using color pictures or written clues. A spelling book and error detection help children learn to spell. KidGrid also prints out coloring book pages, builds French and Spanish puzzles, and includes online help. KidGrid runs on Macintosh, System 7 and up. The full program requires 2 megabytes of RAM. I give permission to put it on any of your sites and distribution CDs. #### BINHEX kid-keys.hqx **** Subject: KidKeys From: gansler@cybercom.net I have written a public domain program (called KidKeys) for pre-schoolers. I have a two year old, and found that there is very little commercial software available for children who type and click, but can not yet track a mouse. When a letter or number key is pressed, my program displays that letter or number in large colorful type, and says it using my voice. The entire program is designed very simply to make it as bug free as possible. Those of us with children know how useless it is to say, "Please sit patiently while I reboot with extensions turned off". You can download this program from my web site <http://www.gansler.com/Software.html>, where I also have the source code posted <http://www.gansler.com/KidKeys.c.html>. KidKeys has been tested on a PowerMac 7600, Quadra 650, and a PowerBook 520c. It runs in less than 400k of RAM. The download size of the binhex file is about 114k. Enjoy, Rick Gansler, Boardwalk Software Software Development & Consulting mailto:rick@gansler.com http://www.gansler.com #### BINHEX kid-pix.hqx **** Date: Sat, 17 Aug 91 14:40:07 EST From: Murph Sewall <SEWALL@uconnvm.uconn.edu> Organization: Connecticut's Business School Subject: [*] Kid Pix - freeware paint application for kids (and adults too) This is Craig Hickman's freeware version of Kid Pix. There's a commercial version that supports color paint and enhanced features. This version IS a full featured black & white paint program compatible with System 7 (at least in 24-bit mode without using VM). It was written in Nov 1989 so I'm surprised that 'archie' couldn't find it in any of the 685 archives it searches. Maybe it came and went two years ago? A father recently asked about Macware for children and this is a first rate example. Other parents may want to download Kid Pix and some adults who don't often need a paint program (like me, for example) may find that Kid Pix satisfies their few requirements. HQX'd Compact Pro archive. #### BINHEX kids-animation-maker-it.hqx **** From: support@vse-online.com Subject: Kids Animation Maker IT-1.0.1 Kids Animation Maker IT-1.0.1 The new creativity tool for children Kids Animation Maker is the only animation tool designed for children at the age of up to 12 years. It is very easy to use and quick to learn. Voget Selbach Entertainment developed a unique symbol guided user interface that allows even very young children to play with Kids Animation Maker. KAM is available in English, German, French and Italian. This is the Italian version. Feature highlights: - developed especially for children - very easy to use and quick to learn - unique symbol guided user interface - toolbox for creating new frames - KAM animations are compatible to VSE Animation Maker System requirements: - System 7.0 or greater - 68030, 68040 or PowerPC - 3 MB of hard drive space - 2 MB free memory - Works best with at least 256 colors and 13" monitor For further information, please visit <http://vse-online.com>. #### BINHEX kids-clicks-11.hqx **** From: (Eric Long) 72764.1072@compuserve.com Subject: Kid's Clicks-11.hqx Kid's Clicks is for fun, for education, for memories, or for anything anyone desires it to be. The idea is simple: You have a picture which you click on to hear sounds play; sounds associated with the places on the picture where you click. Part of the fun is finding all the sounds! Make your own modules! This version adds color cursor helper. Needs System 7 & 256 Colors. FREEWARE. Created by Eric Long. #### BINHEX kinder-grid-11.hqx **** From: (Susan Farrier-Kalich) kalich@got.net Subject: KinderGrid 1.1 KinderGrid builds original interactive crossword puzzles for children (4-8) just beginning to identify letters and spell words. Children can solve each puzzle using color pictures or written clues. Animated letter carriers, a spelling train, spelling out loud, error detection and sound effects help children learn to spell. KinderGrid also prints out coloring book pages, builds Spanish and French puzzles, and includes online help. This is a commercial quality shareware program. Susan Farrier Kalich Laser Point Software http://www.laserpoint.com #### BINHEX kk-games-105.hqx **** From: k_kaufman@hotmail.com Subject: KKGames 1.05 KKGames v1.05 KKGames consists of 5 games for children: WordSpell Drag letters to form words; computer will (attempt) to pronounce them. MosaicPatterns Design stained-glass-like patterns using a palette of 256 colors; designs are printable. ColorShapes Drag various geometric shapes around the screen to form pictures; pictures are printable. Five-In-a-Row Roll the dice and practice addition and subtraction skills in placing markers on the game board (1-4 players). PlayNotes Play the on-screen "piano" keyboard; letter-name of note and its position on musical staff is shown. Note plays with any of five available sounds. KKGames requirements: Computer with 68030 or faster processor. Monitor set to 256 colors. Apple's Speech Manager extension is required for "WordSpell". KKGames is free. For further information, contact the author at: k_kaufman@hotmail.com Kurt Kaufman 1/98 #### BINHEX learn-and-play-15-fr.hqx **** From: softmedia@videotron.ca Subject: Learn and Play 1.5 À propos d¹Apprendre et jouer© 1.5 (voir le Lisez-moi pour les modifications) Apprendre et jouer©, partagiciel conçu et réalisé par Serge Beauchamp pour SoftMedia s.e.n.c., est une collection de vingt activités informatiques sur Macintosh destinées principalement à l'usage des enfants du premier et second cycle primaire allant aux élèves de cinquième secondaire. Toutes les activités sont regroupées dans un seul logiciel, pour permettre à l'utilisateur de naviguer entre elles le plus facilement possible. Les activités sont regroupées sous trois rubriques: Éducation, Habiletés, Jeux et Exercices. Chaque activité offre à l'élève non-seulement la possibilité de développer son habileté à utiliser un outil informatique mais aussi lui donne l'occasion de mettre en pratique, tout en s'amusant, des exercices pédagogiques adaptés à ses aptitudes. Quoi de nouveau dans la version 1.5: - Nouvelle section "Exercices". - Deux nouveaux modules dans la section, soit "Lettres" et "Calculs" - Beaucoup moins gourmand en mémoire vive. - Menu "Préférences" amélioré: apparence, etc. - Module de "Pendu" amélioré, suite à vos recommandations; - Amélioration des préférences du module "Secret". - La période d'essai et de 7 jours au lieu de 3. Page web de softMedia: http://www.total.net/~softmedi Best regards, Sylvain Beauchamp SoftMedia _________________ If you have any questions, fell free to send us an e-mail at softmedia@kagi.com .Our web site is available at http://www.total.net/~softmedi . Learn and Play© 1.5 is nearly available!! #### BINHEX learn-and-play-15.hqx **** From: softmedia@videotron.ca Subject: Learn and Play 1.5 Thanks for downloading Learn and Play©. Learn and Play©, a shareware conceived by Serge Beauchamp for SoftMedia s.e.n.c., groups together twenty computer based activities on the Macintosh computer. The modules are aimed at grade school students. However, increasing the difficulty level manages to keep high school students interested. All the modules are grouped in one handy application so that the student can go easily from one to the other. The modules are grouped under the following sections : Education, Skills Games and Exercises. In each module, the user develops skills in using a computer and, in addition, develops academics skills as well, even while having fun. What's new in version 1.5: - Completely new section "Exercises". - Two new modules, "Letters" and "Maths". - The software now need less memory (RAM) - Improvement of the "Preferences" menu: appearence, etc. - Improvement of the module "Hangman", following your recommandations. - Improvement "Secret" preferences. - The trial time is now 7 days instead of 3. SoftMedia's Web page is available at: http://www.total.net/~softmedi _____________________________________________________________ À propos d¹Apprendre et jouer© 1.5 (voir le Lisez-moi pour les modifications) Apprendre et jouer©, partagiciel conçu et réalisé par Serge Beauchamp pour SoftMedia s.e.n.c., est une collection de vingt activités informatiques sur Macintosh destinées principalement à l'usage des enfants du premier et second cycle primaire allant aux élèves de cinquième secondaire. Toutes les activités sont regroupées dans un seul logiciel, pour permettre à l'utilisateur de naviguer entre elles le plus facilement possible. Les activités sont regroupées sous trois rubriques: Éducation, Habiletés, Jeux et Exercices. Chaque activité offre à l'élève non-seulement la possibilité de développer son habileté à utiliser un outil informatique mais aussi lui donne l'occasion de mettre en pratique, tout en s'amusant, des exercices pédagogiques adaptés à ses aptitudes. Quoi de nouveau dans la version 1.5: - Nouvelle section "Exercices". - Deux nouveaux modules dans la section, soit "Lettres" et "Calculs" - Beaucoup moins gourmand en mémoire vive. - Menu "Préférences" amélioré: apparence, etc. - Module de "Pendu" amélioré, suite à vos recommandations; - Amélioration des préférences du module "Secret". - La période d'essai et de 7 jours au lieu de 3. Page web de softMedia: http://www.total.net/~softmedi Best regards, Sylvain Beauchamp SoftMedia _________________ If you have any questions, fell free to send us an e-mail at softmedia@kagi.com .Our web site is available at http://www.total.net/~softmedi . Learn and Play© 1.5 is nearly available!! #### BINHEX letter-drop.hqx **** From: Joe Hammons <hammo@softcom.net> Subject: Letter Drop Letter Drop teaches young children how to match upper and lower case letters as well as learning which letter comes before and after. Letter Drop is freeware and requires the free Hypercard Player. #### BINHEX letter-world-198a.hqx **** From: keith@keithcom.com (Matt Keith) Subject: LetterWorld 1.9.8a - An educational childrens game Letter World is a children's game designed to help them learn associations of letters and words (as well as keep them entertained for awhile). At least 1 Meg of ram should be used to run the game, but 1.2 Meg is suggested and 1.5 Meg is best. It should work with most macintosh systems. The game will work in black and white, but color is a lot snappier (i.e. big nifty factor for the kids). This release is an Alpha release, which means that it has not been fully tested and all the new features have not been finished yet. This is where I need your help. Please try out the game and let me know what features you would like to see added for the final version. Matt Keith Keith Productions http://www.keithcom.com/keithprod #### BINHEX little-red-wagon.hqx **** From: LTLFingers@aol.com Subject: Little Red Wagon Little Red Wagon Shareware: $16 Author: LittleFingers Software System requirements: Any Mac running system 7+, 4 MB RAM, minimum 14" color monitor Little Red Wagon is a preschool application program with six educational games and a "redemption center". These games cover upper/lower case letters, counting with numbers 1 to 10, shapes, colors and patterns, memory skills and mouse manipulation skills. While playing these games your child will accumulate tickets. At the end of the playing session the child can go to the "redemption center" and purchase goodies with their tickets, thus rewarding their efforts. Full-screen color graphics, sound effects and lots of fun for children ages 2 to 6! #### BINHEX logo-p-30-platypus.hqx **** From: dickt@ucs.orst.edu (Thomas Dick) Subject: LogoP; module of the Platypus Collection Keywords: Tiling, Color, Platypus, Puzzle, Hypercard, graphics LogoP is a plug-in to the Platypus Collection. It requires Hypercard 2.1 or Player (or higher), 4 Megabytes or more of of RAM and a color Mac. It has been extensively tested on system 7.1, and has been run through system 6.0.8. IT ALSO REQUIRES a shared resource stack called PLATYPUS COMMON, available at the same sources as this file. LogoP(uzzle) v3.5 ©1993-1995 by Platypus Software is a cerebral challenge where your job is to arrange nine attractive tiles so that colors and designs of adjacent pieces match. You do it by rotating tiles and by swapping any two tiles' positions. You can choose any of eight different graphics for your puzzle. LogoP has been substantially overhauled since the last release. The look has been jazzed up with AddColor, new tools have been added, yet more new designs have been added, ColorCover hides the desktop (for HC 2.1 and above) and the custom colors screen is improved. The last version did not get along very well with other stacks. This one has much better manners. Shareware $5.00 fee entitles you to all future shareware upgrades and any new graphics that we make. Requires a color/greyscale Macintosh and HyperCard 2.0+ or player. (There is an old freeware version for black and white.) Now that it is a color stack, you have to crank up the memory on your Hypercard app before you run it. All color stacks require this and there are getting to be more and more of them. To do this: 1. SINGLE CLICK the icon for your Hypercard or Player App. NOT THE LogoP icon! 2. Do a Get Info from the Finder. 3. Set the minimum and preferred memory to at least 1500K. Try it, if you still can't see color on the splash screen, crank it up higher. Disclaimer: Platypus Software is not responsible for any insanity and/or other mental impairments resulting from the use of this software. Distribution of unmodified folder is unrestricted, providing it is not sold. The puzzle is not in the public domain. Send ideas for new graphics, or comments to: Internet: dickt@ucs.orst.edu, Platysoft@aol.com USMail: P.O. box 1591, Corvallis, OR, 97339 FAX: 503 754 3114 Known bugs: Known to lose color sometimes. Eventually comes back. #### BINHEX lusions.hqx **** From: Joe Hammons <hammo@softcom.net> Subject: lusions.hqx via FTP Illusion Match known as lusions.hqx helps kids of all ages to improve their reading comprehension by matching eight narratives with eight illusions. Illusion Match is a fully functional standalone shareware application. Thanks, Joe Hammons #### BINHEX mac-ematics-215.hqx **** From: "Neil Schulman"<NWCS@delphi.com> Subject: MacEmatics-215 This is the latest update to the successful MacEmatics. This new version fixes all known bugs in the program except one. It fixes the problem with printing results, speech menu, and small other ones not notices. Enhancements include better fraction handling. Now, if the answer of a fraction test is x/1, the answers x/1 and x are now acceptable. Also, if the question is 0/x, acceptable answers are 0/x and 0. The Color menu has gained some more functionality, too. The one last bug is with PowerPC 604 equipped Macs. The fractions tests have corrupted boundaries. I don't know what causes it, but I'll do my best to fix it. If anyone comes up with any other suggestions or bugs, please feel free to send them along. If you have any questions regarding MacEmatics, please send them to nwcs@delphi.com. MacEmatics is a math education program that tests skills and not game playing ability. It requires a 68020 based Mac or higher with a minimum of 640K memory for basic operation. Speech Manager is required for speech and Sound Manager 3.0 or later is required for sound effects. #### BINHEX mankala-platypus.hqx **** From: dickt@ucs.orst.edu (Thomas Dick) Subject: Mankala MODULE; of the Platypus Collection Keywords: Strategy counters Africa mankala mencala kalah capture Platypus Color Hypercard Mankala 3.0 is a plug-in module from the Platypus Collection. It requires Hypercard 2.1 or Player (or higher), 4 Megabytes or more of of RAM and a color Mac. It has been extensively tested on system 7.1, and has been run through system 6.0.8. IT ALSO REQUIRES a shared resource stack called PLATYPUS COMMON, available at the same sources as this file. Please read the documentation. Mankala (an African strategy game) takes about a minute to learn to play. Basically you deal out little black stones from your side around the board clockwise, trying to capture as many from your opponent's side as possible, while at the same time not leaving your side in a vulnerable state. For such a simple game, the complexity of the strategy is remarkable. Mankala 2.0 is a color retrofit of the original freeware version. The basic workings are pretty much the same. The look and feel are a lot jazzier and journalizing has been added so that you may print out the moves if you like. There are a lot of Mankala games around. This one has the best look and feel of any I've seen. Play is realistic, has black stone graphics instead of numbers, and they move at a human speed. Platypus' Mankala boasts a handsome 8 bit color board from the rare borafunkgungo tree -the only tree in the world with a repeating grain! Shareware $5.00 Mankala 2.0 may be distributed by individuals, Sysops, online services and CD companies as long as it is not sold for profit. We would like to know about CD's and online services though! Platypus Software P.O. Box 1591 Corvallis, OR 97339 dickt@ucs.orst.edu PlatySoft@aol.com #### BINHEX match-card-101.hqx **** From: rdavis@metrowerks.com Subject: MatchCard 1.0.1 This is release 1.0 of the card matching game MatchCard. The purpose of this game is to teach children the upper and lower case letters of the alphabet. The user clicks on one card to turn it over, then another card. If the second card has the same letter on it as the first, though in a different case, this is a match. The cards are then removed from the board. If they are different, then both cards are turned face down. This continues until all the cards are gone. Ron Davis Special Agent, metrowerks #### BINHEX math-arithmetic-game.hqx **** From: cmyers@hungryfrog.com Subject: Math_Arithmetic1.0.sit.hqx "This is the much improved decendent of the original Hungry Frog Equation Eaters shareware game awarded Four Mice by MacUser Software Central. The new game is 100 times better. You can't miss a chance to play it. The game teaches arithmetic all the way from addition to absolute value and operator precedence. You can choose to mix and match addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and absolute value in double or triple term equations. Schools can site license. Great for homeschool too! (For Macintosh)" #### BINHEX math-bomber-101.hqx **** From: "Linkman " <wjia@unixg.ubc.ca> Subject: Math Bomber Math Bomber is a fun but educational game for young kids learning Math. It is a simple and easy to use game. You are a helicopter and the idea is to shoot down the bomb with the answer to the question, before it hits the city. #### BINHEX math-counting-game.hqx **** From: cmyers@hungryfrog.com Subject: Math_Counting1.0.sit.hqx Treefrog Math Counting v1.0 040 ftp://ftp.hungryfrog.com/Math_Counting_Game.sit.bin "This program uses the new Treefrog 3D arcade game to teach basic math counting skills. The game is so fun and easy to play that kids don't need any adult supervision. Kids can just sit down and start learning! The game is great for homeschool and the K-12 community. Site licenses are available. (For Macintosh)" #### BINHEX math-market.hqx **** From: bundyd@ptialaska.net (Diane Bundy) Subject: Math Market "Math Market" is a game for children to play which includes fun sounds, bright colors, and photo's. A player answers math problems to earn Math Market Money which may be spent at the Math Market. They may also make enough Math Market money to burst the piggybank. The problems include a choice of (Number Order) using the numbers 1-100, (Addition) using the numbers 1-9, (Subtraction) using the numbers 1-9, and (Multiplication) using the numbers 1-9. Directions can be read at every area of the game. The memory of your HyperCard or HyperCard Player will need to be set up to 3000 for power Mac's and 2000 for other Mac's before the stack will run correctly and show color. Math Market is freeware. I would love to hear what you think. Diane Bundy bundyd@ptialaska.net #### BINHEX math-message-10.hqx **** Subject: Math Message 1.0 From: Oscar Gerardo <htm@primenet.com> If you downloaded a previous version, please download this copy. There was a problem with the original upload. It was compiled improperly. Math Message is designed for teachers who teach Elementary schools and Parents whose children are in Elementary School. The purpose of the program is to create worksheets with a key that contains the alphabet with associated numbers, and a message which consist of blank spaces with the associated math problems. Solving the Math Problem will give the numbers associated with the key. This is Freeware! -Oscar Gerardo #### BINHEX math-numberline-game.hqx **** From: cmyers@hungryfrog.com Subject: Math_Numberline1.0.sit.hqx "This is the latest and greatest decendent of the original math Hungry Frog Integer Eaters shareware game awarded Three Mice by MacUser Software Central. The new game is 100 times better. The easy to learn math game teaches the whole number and integer number lines with automatic feedback and on-screen help. Designed for homeschool and K-12 community. Schools can site license. (For Macintosh)" #### BINHEX measure-it.hqx **** From: Joe Hammons <hammo@softcom.net> Subject: MeasureIt Measure It is a standalone application where kids of all ages will learn how to measure inch, one-half inch, one-quarter inch, and one-eighth inch. They can also measure and read 700 of the most used words in the English language. Until this version is registered, only 5 words will be available to read and measure. Thanks, Joe Hammons #### BINHEX meetch-10.hqx **** From: RoboDog <robodog@geocities.co.jp> Subject: Meetch 1.0 The Meetch is a toy puzzle for kids. A single click on a piece of the board rotates locations of three pieces. Configurations of pieces are changed by clicks. #### BINHEX memory-game-show.hqx **** From: LTLFingers@aol.com Subject: Memory Game Show Memory Game Show Shareware: $8 Author: LittleFingers Software System requirements: Any Mac running system 7+, 4 MB RAM, minimum 14" color monitor Play Memory Game Show to test your memory skills and win prizes, complete with theater and audience. You have the option of creating the prizes of your dreams or using the "default" prizes installed. #### BINHEX min-lilla-pysselbok-hc-sw.hqx **** From: (Bengt Fogelberg) kv0020@bf.orebro.se Subject: Min lilla pysselbok (swedish) This is a small program for children, made with HyperCard. It is written in the Swedish language. Det här är ett litet program, gjort i HyperCard för barn. Det innehåller 6 olika sysselsättningar, bl.a mina vänner, en frågesportsdel, en hemlig dagbok, m.m. Mer information finns i programmet och i "LÄS MIG". #### BINHEX moments.hqx **** From: Joe Hammons <hammo@softcom.net> Subject: Moments Moments is a fully functional standalone shareware program that allows kids of all ages to really learn how to tell time by moving on-screen clock hands with their mouse. Thanks, Joe Hammons #### BINHEX money.hqx **** From: Joe Hammons <hammo@softcom.net> Subject: Money Money will teach elementary aged children the value of coins and bills. The program is freeware and requires Hypercard Player to run. #### BINHEX moose-for-kidpix.hqx **** Subject: moose-for-kidpix From: Grace Sylvan <tigger@sylvan.com> Diane video taped some shots around her Alaskan home then took snapshots from the video tape. She then saved them as JPEG compressed picts. These pictures where taking all within a mile of her house during March and April 1995. Kids can easily open them through "KID PIX" by selecting "Open" under the menu then selecting the photo by name. They seem to enjoy being able to use real photos. This set of photos has eight pictures of MOOSE! #### BINHEX mosaic-patterns-10.hqx **** Subject: MosaicPatterns 1.0 -Graphics program for children; free From: kkaufman@h5.avcnet.org Select from palette of 256 colors; apply colors to "tiles" on template to create mosaic-like designs. Requires system 6.0.5 or newer, color monitor set to 256 colors. This program is free. -Kurt Kaufman kkaufman@h5.avcnet.org Note: This program may be included on an archive CD-ROM compilation. #### BINHEX my-little-kitchen-color-hc.hqx **** From: Diane Bundy, bundyd@ptialaska.net Subject: My Little Kitchen (color) A color upgrade of "MY LITTLE KITCHEN" This is a kitchen for little kids. They can mix frosting. Make gingerbread men cookies. Decorate the cake, and now choose the color of frosting. The appliances make sounds. There is lots of kitchen things to move around and pretend with. Open doors by clicking on door handles and click on words to discover many surprises. There is even a Easter egg hunt. Now with color. Diane Bundy bundyd@ptialaska.net #### BINHEX noah-103.hqx **** From: ferris@bogus.proaxis.com Subject: Noah! 1.03 Noah!(tm) 1.03 from Troposphere Software Hours of Fun for Your Toddler! Noah! is a game for toddlers. Noah! is full of colorful letters, pictures, shapes, and sounds. My son Noah has had many hours of fun playing the game that shares his name, and I hope your child will too! Features: Stereo Sound Effects Hand-Painted 256 Color Graphics PowerPC Native Reccomended for children ages 6 to 36 months old. Requires: * Any Macintosh, Power Macintosh, or MacOS Compatible computer capable of running System 7 (minimum Mac II, 4MB RAM) * Color Quickdraw capable machine (no Macintosh 128K, 512K, Plus, PowerBook 100, Classic, or SE) * 800-1200KB of free memory, depending on your system configuration * 900KB of free disk space for Noah! and it¹s documentation Shareware, $15.00 (US) Be sure to check out Noah! on the web: <http://www.proaxis.com/~ferris/software/noah.html> #### BINHEX notes.hqx **** From: Joe Hammons <hammo@softcom.net> Subject: Notes Notes is a freeware stack for kids that requires HyperCard Player. Using an on-screen keyboard, notes and tunes can be played with many different voices. Thanks, Joe Hammons #### BINHEX outside-10.hqx **** From: Jonathan Scott <songe@shikoku.ne.jp> Subject: Outside 1.0 An Electronic Children's Book. #### BINHEX peekaboo-demo.hqx **** From: VDYG@aol.com (Vivian Gordon) Subject: Peekaboo word game: Demo of a variation on Hangman PEEKABOOx Word Game is a graphical variation on Hangman for young children (ages 4 - 8). As the child guesses the letters in a word, a picture depicting the word is slowly revealed. This is a fun way to learn the meaning of written words and how to spell them. The game can be played in Spanish or French, as well as English. PEEKABOOx Word Game runs on Macintosh, System 7 and up. The full program requires 2 megabytes of RAM. #### BINHEX phon-id-hc.hqx **** From: (Thomas Dick) dickt@ucs.orst.edu Subject: Phon ID Keywords: PHONICS PHONOGRAMS READING PEDAGOGY PLATYPUS HYPERCARD B&W Phon ID is designed to address the beginning phase of reading based on the phonics [as opposed to the see-say] method of reading pedagogy. It is based on "The Writing Road to Reading" by Romalda Bishop Spalding. The idea in Phon ID is for the user to hear a sound and identify--from a field of four-- a phonogram that can represent that sound. Clearly the English language has many ways to write the same sound, but the program is organized so that an ambiguous question will never appear. For example, you will not be forced to choose between "ir", "ur", and "er" (they may all sound identical). Correct answers win you a stack of PlatyBucks. You pay a PlatyBuck for each incorrect answer but you never go in the hole. Incorrect answers provide additional information designed to help the student master the material. An incorrect response will display an example of the correct phonogram making the given sound in the context of a word. The word flashes to draw attention to itself, and speaks if you have HC player 2.3. For example, if you did not choose the oa phonogram when you hear the long o sound, the word "oar" will flash [and possibly speak.] Recommended classroom uses: Let each child only drill enough to earn one stack of PlatyBucks if the material is new to him, or two if it is review. You can have them trade their virtual Platybucks in for a small treat. You can put a large number of children through this drill in a short time, as it moves very quickly. This program should work on B&W Macs and old (6.05) system software. We recommend Hypercard 2.1 Player or better. If you have Hypercard 2.3 you get the additional benefit of the words speaking. dickt@ucs.orst.edu http://users.aol.com/platysoft/ #### BINHEX photos-for-kidpix.hqx **** Subject: photos-for-kidpix From: Grace Sylvan <tigger@sylvan.com> Diane video taped some shots around her Alaskan home then took snapshots from the video tape. She then saved them as JPEG compressed picts. These pictures where taking all within a mile of her house during March and April 1995. Kids can easily open them through "KID PIX" by selecting "Open" under the menu then selecting the photo by name. They seem to enjoy being able to use real photos. This set of photos has four pictures of mountains and three of birds. #### BINHEX platypus-common.hqx **** From: dickt@ucs.orst.edu (Thomas Dick) Subject: Platypus common Keywords: Foundation, shared, central, common, Platypus, Collection, resources, passive Platypus Common is a repository of shared resources for the Platypus Collection. In and of itself it is a passive stack; i.e., it doesn't do anything, and it is not even worth opening directly. However, *ALL* the active modules of the collection "plug-in" to Platypus Common; without it, none of them will work. We designed the collection this way to minimize duplication, facilitate updates, reduce maintainence time, and save hard disk space. The active plug-in modules at the time of this writine are: Knockoffaly -- a real estate trading game knockEdit -- lets you make your own scenarios for Knockoffaly logoP -- a 9 tile puzzle Mankala -- an ancient African game Geo-Puzzlers (there are over 25 different Geo-Puzzlers!) Scrambler -- a 64 tile puzzle PreSchool Playtime -- basic skills for ages 2-6 Easy Writer -- penmanship for ages 4-9 BILINGUAL Jardin de Ninos -- Spanish version of PreSchool Playtime Tangramania -- an ancient Chinese puzzle Reflect! -- dynamic drills on reflection You can get the active modules at the same sources as you got this file. There is no charge for Platypus Common. Platypus Software dickt@ucs.orst.edu, PlatySoft@aol.com P.O. Box 1591 Corvallis, OR 97339 #### BINHEX preschool-play.hqx **** From: platypus@peak.org Subject: PreSchool Playtime Vn 3.0 Preschool Playtime is a deceivingly simple program to teach letter, digit, color recognition, and counting to those youngest of Maccers‹that three-to-six aged group. So simple anybody could program it‹NOT! A successful program for this age group has to be utterly clean and absolutely responsive. It must require no reading, no pulling down of menus, no constraint that the user stick to the front window. Stray clicks can not cause bad or dangerous things to happen. ³Correct² clicks are encouraged by providing interesting sounds, bright colors, and animations. That age old fascinator of human beings, the element of chance, is also used. ³Incorrect² clicks are handled by gently guiding the youngster to click the correct item. (All these goodies carry a price: they make the stack BIG! There is no way around it. If your youngster can drive a mouse, he (or she) can get hours of entertainment from this program at the same time he is acquiring letter, digit, and counting skills. At $10 shareware it¹s a bargain for you ‹ much cheaper, less hassle, and more educational than an amusement park, and once you get your child started, it¹s hands off for you. ALSO AVAILABLE IN SPANISH as Jardín de Niños (incl. Documentation in Spanish). Documentation in Spanish is available for PreSchool Playtime on request. C. R. Dick Platypus Software & Webworks http://www.platypus-share.com platypus@cyberjunkie.com #### BINHEX robert-rhino.hqx **** From: maggie2@ais.net Subject: Robert Rhino-interactive story for kids Robert Rhino is a small application for younger children, (from 2 1/2 years old) being introduced to a computer. It is easy to use and a great tool to introduce children to the Macintosh computer environment. It takes the reader through a short story with colorful paintings, photos, and poems, with large interactive buttons. System Requirements: Robert Rhino requires a Macintosh with 68020 or better, System 7.0 or later, and Quick Time 1.5 or latter. The size of the application is 814k. It requires color Macs only. For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed with application. Thank you, Laurel Nimmer http://www.cl.ais.net/maggie2 Email: maggie2@ais.net Http://www.cl.ais.net/maggie2 #### BINHEX sliding.hqx **** From: Joe Hammons <hammo@softcom.net> Subject: Sliding Kids of all ages can exercise their brains with slide puzzles in this fully functional standalone application. The last puzzle will help children learn the names of animals as well as read 700 high frequency words. Thanks, Joe Hammons #### BINHEX spell-11.hqx **** From: eva.wieselgren@tinnar-torn.se Subject: Spell-11 SPELL is for kids who like to spell their first words. Spell comes with 30 words. When your kid wants more it is easy to make new words. You can use anything saved as PICT or QuickTime as illustrations and/or questions in Spell. Old children or their parents can use Spell to make a simple quiz or test. Spell works like this: The computer shows a picture or plays a small movie. You write a word. If you spell it wrong twice you are shown which letters to use. If you spell it wrong a third time you are shown the right answer. When a level is finished you see your score and you may also get a printed diploma. Spell is very simple to use, made for children who cannot read and who are unfamiliar with computers. You can use the keyboard or click on big letters (in alfabetical order) on the screen. Spell is shareware. The fee is $10. When you register you may download 30 extra words from Tinnar & Torn Minimedia. Spell has on-line-help and a printable manual. Non-commercial distribution of the unregistered version of Spell is allowed. For all other distribution mail to: eva.wieselgren@tinnar-torn.se Spell requires a Mac LC III (Performa 450) or better with at least: 256 colours, 640x480 screen, System 7.1, QuickTime 2.1. For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit our Web page: hhtp://www.pi.se/tinnar-torn Eva Wieselgren Tinnar & Torn Minimedia #### BINHEX spell-right.hqx **** From: peter.peldan@ellemtel.se Subject: SpellRight New: SpellRight now supports registration through Kagi. You may register using cash, check, or credit card. SpellRight is a spelling game aimed at children at age 6 and above. SpellRight contains three games: spelling game, hangman game, and crossword game. The registered version contains more than 250 words with pictures and sound (in the unregistered version, only 30 words can be used), and 20 crosswords (3 crosswords can be used without registering). System requirements: * System 7.0 * Sound Manager 3.0 * > 68040 processor * Color screen capable of > 480*640 resolution. * 1.5 MB free RAM For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit the Web page: http://hem2.passagen.se/peldan/ #### BINHEX stavaraett.hqx **** From: peldan@vanosf.physto.se Subject: StavaRaett StavaRaett is a Swedish children spelling game (the English version will appear soon) aimed at children at age 6 and above. StavaRaett contains three games: spelling game, hangman game, and crossword game. The registered version contains more than 250 words with pictures and sound (in the unregistered version, only 30 words can be used), and 25 crosswords (3 crosswords can be used without registering). System requirements: * System 7.0 * Sound Manager 3.0 * > 68040 processor * Color screen capable of > 480*640 resolution. * 1.5 MB free RAM For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit the Web page: http://hem2.passagen.se/peldan/ Thanks, Peter Peldán peldan@physto.se #### BINHEX supper-time.hqx **** From: wbryant@mail.comet.net (W.O. Bryant III) Subject: Supper Time This stack is one of a series designed to entertain a young child and help develop color skills. It is easy to use and no reading skills are required. These stacks were created in Hypercard 2.2. They are set up as stand alone applications. The applications are rather large due to color and sounds, but I think the colors and sounds keep young children interested longer than plain old black and white. If you and yours enjoy this program, keep your eyes open for others in the series. Cooking Time- mouse practice and fun Supper Time- mouse practice and fun Dollhouse Time- mouse practice and fun Color Time- color lessons These programs are freeware. Comments and suggestions are welcome. You can e-mail me at Catzlover@aol.com . #### BINHEX talking-blocks.hqx **** From: Richard Gleaves <rgleaves@signwriting.org> Subject: Talking Blocks Talking Blocks is a freeware educational simulation/game based on traditional wooden alphabet blocks. Players use the mouse to move the talking blocks around on the screen and spell words. The intended users are first-grade students who are learning to spell. The learning prerequisites are computer mouse skills, the ability to recognize the letters of the alphabet, and a basic knowledge of spoken English. Talking Blocks requires a Macintosh with Apple Speech Manager software installed and screen display set to 800 x 600. It was developed in Macromedia Director 5.0. Source code included. #### BINHEX test-pilot-typer-3.hqx **** From: "Richard MacLemale" <maclemr@gte.net> Subject: Test Pilot Typer 3 - helps students learn keyboarding skills Test Pilot Typer II is a program which helps students learn keyboarding skills. It approaches keyboarding from a different angle - the student becomes a "Test Pilot Typer", and tries to keep up with the ever-elusive Captain Flywell by typing everything he types. Captain Flywell provides encouragement via digital voice samples. Features: 1. Up to 100 students can enter their names into the program. 2. Lessons are designed to be short - no more "type as fast as you can for 10 minutes". 3. Each student chooses their own password. 4. Results from all student lessons are saved for teacher access. 5. Prints reports for all student progress. 6. Prints a certificate after the completion of every 5 levels. 7. Students go through the program in a pre-set order. 8. No cutesy "games" to play - just high interest typing! #### BINHEX time-teacher-114.hqx **** From: Harry Wolfson <wolfson@ll.mit.edu> Subject: Time Teacher v1.1.4 Time Teacher v1.1.4 was written in 1990 to help my sons (Dan and Kevin) learn how to tell time. It displays a simple clock face with a random time and the child has to click in one of four buttons that show the time in decimal format. Clicking on the correct time makes a happy sound and shows a smiley clock face. Clicking on the incorrect time makes a sad sound, shows a sad clock and gives the kid another chance. Time Teacher will run on anything from a 512K to a PowerPC (I think). It has primitive graphics and sounds (to say the least) and is in black and white. Please archive this file as /info-mac/edu/yng/time-teacher-114.hqx Harry Wolfson wolfson@ll.mit.edu 29 December 1993 #### BINHEX tyke-writer-120.hqx **** From: lazarus@icdc.com Subject: TykeWriter - Word Processor for Kids TykeWriter - Word Processor for Kids! Version 1.2.0 Computers are great tools for teaching elementary school age kids to read and write. TykeWriter is a word processing program designed for the special needs of young children. It is fun to use and easy to learn. Children will be proud seeing their creation in print or hearing TykeWriter read it back to them. As the child's skills develop, the teacher or parent can add new features by changing the level setting for that child. These features include setting text style, font and color. An optional tool supports accents for European languages. TykeWriter can be used without the keyboard, using only the mouse and on-screen alphabet. TykeWriter is free for all to use and share. It includes a user guide. New features since version 1.1.3: * Voice Manager Interface allow TykeWriter to read back the child’s composition. * Several bugs fixed System requirements: * 68030 or better * System 7.0 or later (uses only 1MB of DRAM while running) * 1 MB of disk (hard drive) space For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit my Web page: "http://w3.icdc.com/~lazarus/tykewriter.html" Thanks, Dave Lazarus lazarus@icdc.com #### BINHEX type-speak-055.hqx **** From:tim.bobo@chysalis.org Subect: Type&Speak 0.55 Type & Speak 0.55 - is a great little game for young children. Kids can type any phrase they want and the computer reads whatever they type. There are a few more bells and whistles here and there. This is a great tool for kids who are just learning to read. #### BINHEX untrue-zoo.hqx **** From: PShapiro@aol.com Subject: The Untrue Zoo The enclosed hypermedia freeware, "The Untrue Zoo," was created with the nifty new freeware hypermedia construction kit, "MediaLink." Kindly place this file in the education folder of Info Mac. Cheers, - Phil Shapiro Washington DC pshapiro@aol.com #### BINHEX us-puzz-98.hqx **** From: Torpedo@compuserve.com Subject: Uspuzz98 Requires 680xx or PPC, System 7.x and later OK for CD ROM distribution Take a spin across the USA! Macintosh package of colorful and fun map puzzles for the states and capitals of the US. The puzzle pieces consist of states and star icons, which are dragged and rotated by the user to their correct position on the map. The timed game format holds interest and makes learning US geography fun. By Torpedo Software. Thank you as always, Sincerely, Matt Rilling Torpedo Software #### BINHEX usa-puzzle-11.hqx **** From: Matt Rilling <73361.2733@compuserve.com> Subject: "USAPuzzle!" Version 1.1 for Macintosh USAPuzzle! - Version 1.1 for the Macintosh, by Torpedo Software This software includes map puzzles for the states and capitals of the US. The puzzle pieces consist of states and star icons, which are dragged and rotated by the user to their correct position on the map. The timed game format holds interest and makes learning US geography fun. The software requires System 7.x, a mouse, and a color monitor capable of 640 X 480 resolution. Contact: 73361.2733@compuserve.com http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/torpedo Shareware uploaded by the author. #### BINHEX wilbur-worm.hqx **** From: LTLFingers@aol.com Subject: Wilbur Worm Wilbur Worm Shareware: $10 Author: LittleFingers Software System requirements: Any Mac running system 7+, 4 MB RAM, minimum 14" color monitor Can you help Wilbur Worm find the apple orchard? Learn counting skills and upper/lower case letters along the way. This animated, adorable little worm is sure to delight young children ages 2 to 5! #### BINHEX word-spell-16.hqx **** Subject: WordSpell 1.6 From: kkaufman@h5.avcnet.org WordSpell 1.6 is a game that allows the user to drag letters to form a word; the computer will speak the word. Requires system 7.1 or newer; Speech Manager extension and associated voice(s).