Abstracts from files in info-mac/comm/inet/mail/edr as of Sun 21 Nov 2004 #### BINHEX alienmail-rplcr-eudora-lite.hqx **** From: clix@ionet.net (Jeff Click) Subject: Alien Voice Mail Snd Replacer (Eudora Light) Alien Voice Mail Replacement Sound Replace that boring mail tone with the new "Alien Voice" mail sound, a great stereo sound file that informs you of your new communication. The Alien Voice is of a cosmic being who says "You have received new electronic communication" in an ethereal style. Whether your email is sent from Mars, or just good ol' Earth, the "Alien Voice" mail sound makes an extra terrestrial mean of making the arrival of email more enjoyable. The Alien Voice Replacement sound comes in both 16-bit/44kHz and 8-bit/22kHz stereo versions and is available in System 7 format for Claris Emailer and Eudora Pro, and is also available in an automatic updater for Eudora Light, which installs the sound automatically. All versions can be downloaded at the Clixsounds WWW site at: <http://www.edmondsun.com/clix/> This sound is freeware and redistribution of the archive in its entirety is welcome. Instructions are included with the file for proper installation. Please note that a portion of this file is a catalog containing information about the Clixsounds CD-ROM. Clixsounds can be reached at: Internet: clix@ionet.net America Online: CLIXSOUNDS Clixsounds 7301 Skylark Lane Oklahoma City, OK 73162 Phone: (405) 721.3283 FAX: (405) 495.7004 #### BINHEX calles-eudora-plugins-10.hqx **** From: (Carl Backstrom) c-e.backstrom@mailbox.swipnet.se Subject: Calles Eudora Plugins 1.0 This package contains two plugins. Calles Eudora Sender Plugin let you edit the 'From:' field in the email window. Calles Eudora Speedup Plugin gives the program a nice speedup, specially when sending or receiving files. Freeware, brought to you by Nisseb softwares (Carl Bäckström). Requires Eudora (Mac) 1.4 or higher. #### BINHEX cef-esm.hqx **** From: Saint John <StJ@brain-sucker.com> Subject: Uploaded new version of CEF/ESM to info-mac.org Brain-Sucker Productions Releases Upgrade for "Curmudgeon's Eudora Fixer" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA -- 9 Oct 2000 Brain-Sucker Productions is pleased to announce that Curmudgeon's Eudora Fixer has been upgraded to version 1.2. Its companion application, Eudora Sound Mover, remains at version 1.0.1. New in this version: For some reason, the way I checked for version numbers didn't work, and attempting to use it on a copy of Eudora Pro v5.0 failed. This version ought to work. Speaking of upgrading, an easier way to reset all your icons to the expected values has been added. Eudora upgrading programs expect the resources to be unmodified. Choosing "Reset Changes" from the File menu, or command-clicking the "Apply" button, will move the original icons back so that the upgrader can work. What is Curmudgeon's Eudora Fixer? Between version 3.1.3 and version 4.0 of Eudora Pro, the display of the Status column was changed. Instead of letters, such as "S" for "Sent" and "F" for "Forwarded," users saw icons. Some people, the author included, thought that the old way was better. Curmudgeon's Eudora Fixer can generate icons in the user's preferred typeface, size, and style, and therefore will appear similar to the old-style display. Users may select the old-style or new-style icon for each individual Status category, and can even change the letter used for the items. Instructions for a simpler (though less flexible) approach to this enhancement, using Eudora's settings, are also included. Curmudgeon's Eudora Fixer is US$1 shareware. Site licenses are granted liberally; contact the author for details. Documentation in the form of an About box and a text file are also included, and the program makes full use of balloon help. System Requirements: Any Apple Macintosh or other computer running MacOS System 7.0 or later. Qualcomm's Eudora Pro version 4.0 or later is also required. Availability and Contact Information Curmudgeon's Eudora Fixer v1.2 and Eudora Sound Mover v1.0.1 are packaged together, in the form of a StuffIt 5.0 archive, along with some useful mail-related sounds. This archive is available immediately from Brain-Sucker's website: <http://www.brain-sucker.com/cefesm.html>. The author may be reached by surface mail at St. John Morrison PMB 7352 Philadelphia PA 19101 or by email at <stjohn@kagi.com>. The applications are not limited in any way for non-registered users. Payment for either program may be made in cash, check, or money order via surface mail. Non-US currency is acceptable. A secure order page has been set up on Kagi, through which credit cards may be used: <http://orders.kagi.com/?AO&S> Brief description Here is one paragraph suitable for inclusion in new-release notices and ftp catalogs: Curmudgeon's Eudora Fixer and Eudora Sound Mover: Enhancement utilities for Qualcomm's Eudora email client. CEF allows changing the Status column of Eudora Pro 4.0 or later to your choice of the icons or the characters. Selectable font, size, and style are used to create icons which are then installed into Eudora; you can also change the characters which will be used to indicate message status. ESM allows adding and removing sounds to Eudora (Pro or Light, v3.1 or later), which can then be used as alert sounds for mail arrival or problems. Sample sounds are included. Shareware; $1 each. <http://www.dusers.drexel.edu/~stjohn/mac.html#CEF> About St. John Morrison "I'm a psychologist, not a programmer," as I sometimes say. But with the tools available today, you don't really need to be a programmer to release simple applications which enhance peoples' computer experience! My degree is in Human Factors, the study of human-computer interaction among other things. One area of cognitive science that has interested me is mnemonics: the way memory works. To the point, the arrows in the new Status icons didn't have any mnemonic context: there is nothing inherent about the left side of the screen that would say "this has been replied to." But the letter "R" served that purpose well. On the other hand, I liked the "Timed Queue" icon. One of my favorite eZines, TidBITS <http://www.tidbits.com>, recently published a series of articles about Eudora Pro, sparking intense discussion of its interface. I took the opportunity to write "Curmudgeon's Eudora Fixer." It fulfills the human-computer interface goal of enhancing the pleasure of interaction, performing a small but useful task. The Sound Mover was included with the Fixer originally, but it was more appropriate as a separate project. I've had HAL's voice for years, but you needed ResEdit to get the sounds in there (and even then it could cause problems if you don't set the flags correctly). I think the vast majority of people would prefer to use an application meant specially for installing and removing sounds. People like to customize their computing environment-- witness the success of Kaleidoscope. Incidentally, it's pronounced "Sinjon." A lot of people ask about that. Other software by St. John Morrison * Dancing Lum Biggy: A replacement cursor for RJ Cooper Associates' utility "Biggy;" displays a dancing character from the Japanese animation series "Urusei Yatsura" instead of the watch cursor. * Numerous palettes and buttons for WestCode Software's macro utility OneClick, including + Speak Time Button: Announces the time at regular intervals. + Recent Cleanup: Maintains order in the Recent Documents, Applications, and Servers folders in "Apple Menu Items" by discarding aliases according to the user's guidelines. + Backup Palette: Allows regular unattended archiving of important files without backing up unneccesary data. * Quite a number of freeware and shareware applications for the Apple Newton MessagePad, including + TimePak: A variety of clock enhancements, including a large display for the visually handicapped as well as voice announcements in several languages. + Coinflip: The leader in coin-flipping software for the Apple Newton Messagepad. + Babbage Feat Engine: A utility for "Castle Falkenstein," a role-playing game set in the Victorian period. + LifeKeeper: A utility for "Magic: the Gathering," the collectable card game from Wizards Of The Coast. + Set24 and SetAgendaView: Preference enhancements for the clock and Dates application. + Phone Setter: A utility to enhance synchronization to less flexible contact managers. + Death to 1904: A utility which fixes an occasional problem with "rogue" repeating meetings. +- Saint John <StJ@brain-sucker.com> <http://www.brain-sucker.com> -+ | "The children of the night-- what beautiful music they make!" | +- (Bela Lugosi) ----------------------------------------------------+ #### BINHEX curmudgeons-eudora-fixer-11.hqx **** From: Saint John <StJ@mac.com> Subject: Curmudgeon's Eudora Fixer 1.1 Brain-Sucker Productions is pleased to announce that Curmudgeon's Eudora Fixer has been upgraded to version 1.1. Its companion application, Eudora Sound Mover, remains at version 1.0.1. New in this version: A user noted that the contextual menu for the Status column didn't reflect your preferred graphics: it was still the "new style" icons, albeit a little smaller. The problem was that the icons were stored in more than one location and more than one format-- "cicn" as well as "ics8/4/#" for those of you who know what resources are. This was fixed, and now when you click and hold in the Status column, you'll see the icons that you created! (Users who previously ran CEF to change their Eudora icons must run the new version to get this functionality.) A layering problem was also fixed, so that users of Systems prior to Mac OS 8.0 will be able to see all the icons. Availability and Contact Information Curmudgeon's Eudora Fixer v1.1 and Eudora Sound Mover v1.0.1 are packaged together, in the form of a StuffIt 5.0 archive, along with some useful mail-related sounds. This archive is available immediately from Brain-Sucker's website: <http://www.brain-sucker.com/cefesm.html>. The author may be reached by surface mail at St. John Morrison PMB 7352 Philadelphia PA 19101 or by email at <stjohn@kagi.com>. The applications are not limited in any way for non-registered users. #### BINHEX dualing-eudoras-11.hqx **** From: werebo@geocities.com Subject: Dualing Eudora's 1.1 Dualing Eudora's 1.1 By Ryan Maulding <werebo@geocities.com> This apple script will allow two people to use eudora, without giving eather much of a hassle. It switches folders around all over the place so make sure you run the installer first or you're gunna have a few problems! Fixed Sence 1.0: I got it so that the stupid thing now auto looks for eudora by file id, no more can't find file errors!!! I also just tossed the installer source in there, its pretty simple to figure out.. This is Freeware but if you like it alot please send me a couple of bucks at: Ryan Maulding 11221 137th Ave SE Renton, WA 98059 Okay, now that i plugged donations =) you can go off and play with the scripts! Send and Bugs to werebo@geocities.com #### BINHEX eudora-151-docs.hqx **** Date: Mon, 19 Dec 1994 15:43:11 -0800 From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst) Subject: Eudora 1.5.1, an SMTP/POP email client This is the latest version of Eudora from Steve Dorner and Qualcomm. Most of the changes in 1.5.1 are under the hood, although there's a completely new interface for configuring Eudora. Attached to this message are the Fat version of Eudora 1.5.1 and the manual in Word format. #### BINHEX eudora-adams-plug-in-107.hqx **** From: macgeek@pobox.com Subject: Adam's Plug In 1.0.7 Howdy folks! Enclosed is the latest and greatest version of my Eudora Plug-in (v1.0.7) which adds the following panels to your Eudora Settings (from the Read-Me): Color/Desktop: Let's you change some of the colors that Eudora uses and how much of the Desktop you see. X-Headers: Let's you add your own X-Headers (it's fun. Trust me!). Misc. Settings: Changes the Send button text, default text strings and the size that files are split at. You can also change the (Recipient List Suppressed) to whatever you want..... Stationery/Text: Change the stationery file name and tweak how text appears, as well as editing stuff for forwards. Ports and Protocols: For the real geeks among us, change how long it takes before Eudora barfs on you, what port you use or the protocols that you're using. Attributions: Instead of "? wrote:", make it something snazzy and insert an extra <CR>. Date/Time: Change how Eudora displays the time and dates for messages sent/received. Connections: Tweak some minor settings for your connections. Disk Space: Some settings for compacting and buffer size. From: Change how the From: address reads (ie "Real Name <user@host>" instead of "user@host (Real Name)") Logging: Change what is logged and what ain't, as well as the size of your logging files. Suppressed Headers: That's right, suppress the headers that bug you! Normally done with ResEdit, now via Eudora! If you like it, all I ask is some email telling me that you use it, and if you don't, then tell me what you don't like and I'll see what I can do! Also, I'm working on web pages for help/instructions. Check them out! http://www.pobox.com/~gerstein/plugin.html Thanks, adam #### BINHEX eudora-announcer-213-as.hqx **** Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 12:53:11 +0100 From: R.Vertegaal@bsk.utwente.nl (Roel Vertegaal) Subject: EUDORA ANNOUNCER 2.1.3 Applescript Applet This version fixes the icon bug, which caused all Applescript applets to get the Announcer lipstick icon. Please rebuild your desktop after installing this new version and trashing earlier version of Eudora Announcer. Read the README file carefully before using this software! Roel Vertegaal #### BINHEX eudora-auto-send-to-address-as.hqx **** From: Casgrain@ecol.ucl.ac.be (Philippe Casgrain) Subject: Auto-send files to an address (Eudora AppleScript) Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 10:54:50 +0200 --========================_17366220==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Fellow Mac enthusiasts, This is a little AppleScript that I wrote that will allow you to auto-send one or more files to a pre-determined e-mail address (or distribution list, if you have an Eudora nickname for it). Simply duplicate the drag-on script, rename the copy to the recipient's e-mail address or nickname and voila! Drag-and-drop auto-send of as many files as you want! Feel free to re-use this script in your own, and if you think they are good enough, post them! (and send me a copy...) Postcard-ware/E-mail-ware. --========================_17366220==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Auto-send_to_address.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Auto-send_to_address.sit" #### BINHEX eudora-autograph-12-sw.hqx **** Date: Wed, 10 Aug 1994 12:36:44 -0500 From: David Kabal <davidk@Finnegan.EE.McGill.CA> Subject: Autograph 1.2 (Swedish) --========================_12220460==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Autograph 1.2 README Copyright (c) 1993-1994 David Kabal FREE! ** WARNING Autograph only works with Eudora. If you don't have Eudora, give up. If you don't know what Eudora is, give up. You also need System 7. ** WHAT IT DOES Not much. It changes your signature in Eudora. You can drag and drop a text file onto Autograph and it'll change your Eudora signature to that. If you tell it to make a TEXT file into a signature, the next time you double-click on the file, the signature in Eudora will be changed to it. The idea is to have a folder of signatures, any which one can be double-clicked on to change your signature. Drag the whole folder over Autograph if you want Autograph to pick a random one. You can also make a signature that picks up random quotes when it is accessed. Oh yeah, if Eudora happens to be running when you double-click one of the signatures, it'll switch back to Eudora. ** CHANGES SINCE 1.1 -- Now Autograph supports file inclusion for random signatures The file must be in Bongo Bob format, that is, each quote separated by <return>%%<return>. To include a file of this type, you need to know it's complete pathname. On a line of it's own, in the signature, type: #include pathname<return> where pathname should be the path of your quotes file. For example, my disk is named random, so to display a quote from Bongo Bob Data each time I double-click on a signature I put the following line in one of my signatures: #include random:System Folder:Bongo Bob Data You can include more than once, and the rules for finding the Eudora Settings file still apply. ** Recent CHANGES -- Support for Eudora 2.xx and multiple Eudora Folders This version added the ability to select which Eudora Settings file to modify. With no additional information given, Autograph will look for a file called "Eudora Settings" in a folder called "Eudora Folder" inside the active System folder. These can all be aliases.... If you have multiple Eudora folders on your disk, make sure that an alias (or the real thing) of "Eudora Settings". Make sure that it is in the same folder(s) as the signature(s). Easy huh? This works for random signatures too! More explanation: say you have a folder called "Signatures" containing signatures like I do. Your "Eudora Settings" file is somewhere on some disk. Make an alias of it. Drop it in the Signatures folder. Autograph will not look in the System folder anymore! Autograph will use the alias to find your settings file. As long as the alias is called "Eudora Settings" and resides in the same folder as the signature/text file, it will modify this file. This could conceivably be used to modify any file (Why? I don't know). Multiple folders could have different aliases pointing to different Eudora Settings files. Obviously, everyone should have their own set of signatures to avoid conflicts. Eudora 2.x.x note: Make an alias of your SIGNATURE file, not Eudora Settings. Name this alias "Eudora Settings" and put it in the same folder as -- Multi-language compatibility Now the folder (Eudora Folder in English) and file (Eudora Settings) to change are stored in the resource fork of Autograph (STR# 100). If I don't have a version of Autograph in YOUR language, you can make one! -- Random signatures Yes, that feature we've all been waiting for: If you drag a FOLDER over Autograph, it picks a random file in that folder to be your signature. Be careful. Make sure all your files in that folder are acceptable signature files. ** DAVE-WARE If you use it, drop me a line (or smile). ** LEGAL STUFF THIS PROGRAM MUST REMAIN ABSOLUTELY FREE. You can't charge money for the distribution of Autograph, except for normal disk duplication fees. It is copyright (c) 1993-94 David Kabal, and I retain all rights to the code contained herein. You must include this notice when you distribute Autograph. You cannot redistribute a changed version of this program. You can include this on the SUMEX CD-ROM (I get a new one, though, right?) ** WHO? waffler@citr.ee.mcgill.ca OR davidk@citr.ee.mcgill.ca David Kabal 2052 Lambert Closse, #5 Montreal, Quebec CANADA H3H 1Z8 finger/talk: davidk@random.ee.mcgill.ca ** IMPROVEMENTS PLANNED None. Unless you have a REALLY AMAZINGLY GOOD IDEA(TM). ** DISCLAIMER Not responsible for stupid, unfunny or mind-numbingly boring signatures. And you should be responsible if the random signature picker picks a bad one! And if it blows up in your face, you assume all responsibly (look ma, no viruses). ENJOY... --========================_12220460==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="autograph-sw.cpt" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="autograph-sw.cpt" #### BINHEX eudora-autograph-20.hqx **** Date: Thu, 16 Feb 1995 20:41:03 -0500 From: David Kabal <davidk@photonics.ee.mcgill.ca> Subject: Autograph 2.0 by David Kabal What it does ------------ Autograph allows you to easily change your signature in Eudora (an internet mail program). It supports random signatures, multiple signatures and multiple random signatures. Requirements ------------ Eudora (1.4 or better is preferred now), Macintosh, System 7 or better Changes since 1.2 ----------------- o Changed to support new Eudora file names and locations. Please excuse the delay. o Better documentation, I hope! o Fixed that stupid bug (thanks) that caused an extra line-feed to be inserted into an output signature Of note ------- You WILL have to customize if you use Eudora 1.4 or older. David Kabal davidk@photonics.ee.mcgill.ca "Text processing has made it possible to right-justify any idea, even one which cannot be justified on any other grounds." -- J. Finnegan, USC. #### BINHEX eudora-ce-romanian.hqx **** From: pri@mac1.rrzn.uni-hannover.de Subject: Eudora Central European & Romanian Tables These Eudora Tables enable you to send and read e-mail containing special letters from the Croatian, Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, and Sorbian languages. They can be used with any version of Eudora. Supported character sets are: MacCE (Central European), MacRomanian, ISO-8859-2, ISO-8859-13, Windows-1250, Windows-1257, Code Page 775, Code Page 852. Bitmap fonts and keyboard layouts are included. Version 1.3 of tables and fonts now include also the Croatian special letter 'dj'. #### BINHEX eudora-celtic-101.hqx **** From: pri@mac1.rrzn.uni-hannover.de Subject: Eudora Celtic (Welsh) Tables 1.0.1 These Eudora Tables enable you to send and read e-mail containing special letters from Celtic and other West European languages. They can be used with any version of Eudora. They convert between Macintosh Celtic and ISO-IR-182. The Celtic character sets contain the letters 'w' and 'y' with various accents (´ ` ^ ¨) and cover the languages Albanian, Breton, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Gaelic, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Welsh. Bitmap fonts and a keyboard layout are included. Version 1.0.1 includes Celtic international resources in addition to the keyboard layout. #### BINHEX eudora-centeast-europe-12.hqx **** From: april@macb033.rrzn.uni-hannover.de Subject: eudora-central-e-europe-12.hqx These Eudora Tables enable you to send and read e-mail containing special letters from the Croatian, Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Sorbian, and Turkish languages. They can be used with any version of Eudora. Supported character sets are: MacCE (Central European), MacRomanian, MacTurkish; ISO-8859-2, ISO-8859-9, ISO-8859-13 (Unix); Code Pages 1250, 1254, 1257 (MS Windows); Code Pages 775, 852, 857 (MS-DOS and OS/2). Bitmap fonts and keyboard layouts are included. Version 1.2 includes improved tables, more bitmap fonts, references to Central/East European PostScript and TrueType fonts, and hints for trouble-shooting. Andreas Prilop This file may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM. #### BINHEX eudora-choose.hqx **** From: ecco@iname.com Subject: Eudora (choose) - Apple Data Detectors Plug-in Eudora (choose) - Apple Data Detectors Plug-in This is a slightly modified version of the original 'Send mail with Eudora' Script that is part of the Internet Data Detectors package. It is useful if you have different mail accounts and you handle them in different folders starting Eudora with its settings file. Now you have the choice with which setting you want to open the mailto-url. Installation: Copy the file 'Send mail with Eudora (choose)' to the folder 'Actions' which is inside of the folder 'Apple Data Detectors' inside of your System Folder. Now open control panel 'Apple Data Detectors', double click on 'Email Address' and mark 'Send mail with Eudora (choose account)'. Quit control panel 'Apple Data Detectors'. That's it. Requires - Apple Data Detectors - Eudora Contents of this folder Send mail with Eudora (choose) Read Me Eudora (choose) - this text Send your comments to ecco@iname.com Karlheinz Dobler Oct 1997 #### BINHEX eudora-cisco-navs.hqx **** #### BINHEX eudora-conn-scripts-101-as.hqx **** Date: Thu, 23 Feb 1995 23:47:13 -0500 From: st92bb10@dunx1.ocs.drexel.edu (Joshua Megerman) Subject: Eudora Connection Scripts v1.0.1 ©1995 Joshua S. Megerman, Razer's Edge Software megermjs@newton.phsyics.drexel.edu Scripts to automatically reconfigure eudora for various communications options. Requires AppleScript and the QuicKeys OSA Component which are available as a part of Plaintalk 1.3 (get disks 1, 3 and 4 from ftp.support.apple.com and custom install AppleScript). #### TEXT eudora-contrib-notes.txt **** The stuff in this directory was contributed by Eudora users. These are provided on a strictly as-is basis; I cannot help you with these items. They contain their own documentation, for the most part. VACATION INSTALLER This is a HyperCard stack that allows you to install or remove a "vacation" message, if your POP server runs UNIX and supports vacation. (Vacation is a program that automatically notifies people who send you mail that you're off gallivanting instead of answering your mail. You still get the mail.) MacTCP required. EMAIL REFLECTOR STACK This is a HyperCard stack that allows you to maintain one or more sendmail alias files in your home directory on your POP server. With this stack and a little connivance from your systems administrator, you can manage mail reflectors all from the privacy of your own Macintosh. (A mail reflector is an address that sends all the mail it receives to a list of people. It's sort of like a Eudora group nickname, except that anyone can use it, not #### BINHEX eudora-cyrillic-13.hqx **** From: pri@mac1.rrzn.uni-hannover.de Subject: Eudora Cyrillic Tables 1.3 These Eudora Tables enable you to send and read e-mail containing Cyrillic letters from the Belarussian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, and Ukrainian languages. They can be used with any version of Eudora. Supported character sets are: MacCyrillic (MacUkrainian), ISO-IR-111 (KOI-8 or KOI8), ISO-8859-5, Windows-1251, Code Page 855, Code Page 866. Bitmap fonts and keyboard layouts are included. #### BINHEX eudora-dialup.hqx **** #### BINHEX eudora-direct-unix-navs-halcyon.hqx **** #### BINHEX eudora-docs-dm.hqx **** Date: Fri, 2 Jun 1995 22:04:42 -0600 From: michaelz@interaccess.com (Michael C. Zastrow) Subject: Eudora_Docs.DOCM > But I'm unable to conver the MS Word docs to > ClarisWorks...not enough memory. It's a huge > file. Is there a way to convert them? Well I've taken the 1mb MS file and made it into a slightly more useable form. Using the documentation supplied by the author of Eudora, I included all (and enhanced many) of the 150+ graphics; reformatted the text including helpful color coding; and have organized the informative but long-winded Word document into separate Chapters. Hopefully this DOCMaker version of the Eudora manual will help you learn/understand this very fine Internet email application. Feel free to pass it along for others to use. take care, michael Michael C. Zastrow - Seeing Specially Graphics #### BINHEX eudora-easyview-reply-as.hqx **** Date: Wed, 1 Feb 1995 03:48:49 +0100 From: Michel Coste <mic@alor.univ-montp3.fr> Subject: Easy-View Reply - Reply from Easy View with Eudora This is an AppleScript Dan Hinkley wrote... (I dreamed it, Dan made it =;) [I wonder if this Sony ad was global??] If you read Info-Mac Digest or many other digests in Easy View and want to be able to automatically answer to any article, this one is for you! Beware: OSA Menu has problems with the clipboard so don't try to use this script with OSA Menu... You need AppleScript 1.1 to use it. michel coste MiCMAC internet publishing michel_coste@micmac.com #### BINHEX eudora-editing-system-10.hqx **** Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 22:39:38 -0500 From: Jaeson.M.Engle@josaiah.sewanee.edu (Rhys Kyraden (Jaeson Engle)) Subject: EudoraEditingSystem1.0 The attached file should replace EHM1.1 EudoraHeaderMaker v1.1 in the /comm/tcp/mail directory. The Eudora Editing System (EES) is a shareware set of Eudora plugin modules for modifying and customizing Eudora, including the addition of headers for outgoing mail. Thank you, Jaeson Engle Jaeson M. Engle || jme@josaiah.sewanee.edu www server: http://josaiah.sewanee.edu/ Finger me for my Public PGP block. Copyright 1995 Jaeson M. Engle #### BINHEX eudora-email-reflector.hqx **** #### BINHEX eudora-esperanto.hqx **** From: pri@mac1.rrzn.uni-hannover.de Subject: Eudora Latin-3 (Esperanto & Maltese) Tables These Eudora Tables enable you to send and read e-mail containing special letters from Esperanto and Maltese. They can be used with any version of Eudora. Supported character sets are: MacEsperanto, ISO-8859-3, Code Page 853. Bitmap fonts and a keyboard layout are included. #### BINHEX eudora-extra-settings.hqx **** Date: Fri, 6 Jan 1995 10:22:11 -0600 From: gall@umanitoba.ca (Norman R. Gall) Subject: Eudora Extra Settings File Here is a Eudora settings file I hacked together. The last one I sent to the archive was screwed up. Please detete it. It allows one to control attribution lines, add headers, and edit your From: field in outgoing messages through the Settings Panels in Eudora 1.5 and later. Not a great big deal, but I needed them :) If you have other ideas for settings panels, give me a shout. Cheers, Norm Gall University of Manitoba Department of Philosophy Winipeg, MB R3T 2M8 "If people did not sometimes do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done." L. Wittgenstein, CV 50 ---> Finger gall@cc.umanitoba.ca for my pgp public key #### BINHEX eudora-extras.hqx **** #### BINHEX eudora-filter-sounds-10.hqx **** From: h.de.wolf@fokkerspace.nl (Hans de Wolf) Subject: Eudora 3.0 Pro Filter Sounds Here is a Eudora plug-in with filter sounds generated with the PlainTalk software. You can have these sounds played by the filtering mechanism of Eudora 3.0 Pro, which will give you an audio alert for messages that match criteria that you define. To use these sounds, place the plug-in in the "Eudora Stuff" folder in your Eudora folder, and define filters to play these sounds. These sounds are freeware, you may copy or modify these sounds in any way you like. A request: if anyone knows a method of redirecting PlainTalk-generated sound to a sound file (System 7 sound or AIFF or ...) directly, without recording and playback using an external recording device, I would like to know. The archive contains the following sounds: - You received a message with an attachment - You received personal mail - You received an upgrade notice - You received a forwarded message - You received a redirected message - You received a message that requires confirmation - You received a message from a VIP - You received an urgent message - You received a very urgent message - You received a message that requires your attention - You received an important message - You received an encrypted message - A message was put in the trash - A message was answered automatically - A message was forwarded - A message was redirected #### BINHEX eudora-greek-13.hqx **** From: pri@mac1.rrzn.uni-hannover.de Subject: Eudora Greek Tables 1.3 These Eudora Tables enable you to send and read e-mail in Greek. They can be used with any version of Eudora. Supported character sets are: MacGreek, ISO-8859-7 (ELOT 928), Windows-1253, Code Page 737, Code Page 869. Bitmap fonts and keyboard layouts are included. #### BINHEX eudora-ic-helper.hqx **** From: goracke@u.washington.edu Subject: Eudora IC Helper v1.0 Eudora IC Helper (and DropStrip-urlM) version 1.0, by Paul Goracke What it does ------------ With the release of v3.0 of Eudora (Light and Pro), QUALCOMM added a nice URL-launching feature. But it doesn't work well with Internet Config, a program I find very useful. Instead, they use internal aliases, which is fine as long as you only access your Eudora settings on one computer. If you use it on multiple computers, such as in a lab environment, you will need to find the appropriate helper the first time you click a URL on a different machine. That's where Eudora IC Helper comes in-it's a small standalone app which creates a Eudora plug-in containing resources which reflect your helper app choices in Internet Config. It does not modify the Eudora application, and it does not patch any traps. It's quite transparent, and makes an excellent Startup Item. It's not fancy, and doesn't have much in the way of a pretty user interface, but my goal was to have it small, functional, and as invisible to my lab users as possible. Requirements ------------ The enclosed applications require System 7.0 or higher. They are 68k-only, so they should run on any and all currently existing Macintosh that meets the system requirement. If you don't have Eudora 3.0 or higher and/or Internet Config, the programs will certainly run, but they won't be of much use. #### BINHEX eudora-light-155.hqx **** From: mhaveri@walli.walli.uwasa.fi (Matti Haveri) Subject: Eudora Light 1.5.5 fat Eudora Light 1.5.5 runs also on 68000 macs (MacPlus, SE, Classic, Portable, PB100), unlike 1.5.4. That's the ONLY difference to 1.5.4. Eudora needs at least System 7.0*. This is a "fat" version for both 68x and PPC macs. If you need to save disk space unfatten it (with Strip Fat, for example). 68x only version is also available at qualcomm ftp site. <ftp://ftp.qualcomm.com/quest/mac/eudora/1.5/eudora155.sit.hqx> <ftp://ftp.qualcomm.com/quest/mac/eudora/1.5/eudora155fat.sit.hqx> </info-mac/cfg/strip-fat.hqx> #### BINHEX eudora-mish-mail.hqx **** Date: Thu, 19 Jan 1995 02:34:23 +0000 From: diggory@luna.co.uk (Diggory Laycock) Subject: Desktop Mail - MishMail MishMail - By Diggory Laycock An AppleScript Droplet that uses Eudora to bring eMail to your Desktop. Contains: MishMail Droplet Scriptable Text Editor PPPControl Addition FileControl Addition This shareware version of Diggory Laycock has expired please register your copy #### BINHEX eudora-multi-account-20-as.hqx **** From: venache@kappa.ro (Vlad Enache) Subject: eudora-multiple-account v2.0 script Eudora-macc (multiple account) AppleScript script, version 2.0 by Vlad Enache last updated January 30, 1997 # What it is This script automates the task of checking multiple e-mail accounts with Eudora through a PPP connection. It can also randomize the quote at the end of your Eudora signature. If you don't use Eudora, you don't need it. If you have only one e-mail account, you might still want to use it, because it automates the whole process of: - picking a quote randomly from a folder and appending it to your signature, - launching Eudora with the desired settings, - opening the PPP connection (using any PPP settings set defined in "Configure PPP"), - sending any queued mail, - getting the mail from your POP account(s), - closing the PPP connection, and after that - telling Eudora to filter the received mail. It uses the minimum amount of on-line time needed, thus saving you money. It's also very handy to put an alias to it into the Startup Items folder, so that your computer will automatically check your mail whenever switched on. It can even connect and check your mail every x minutes, if you wish. Vlad Enache Journalist, Romania venache@kappa.ro #### TEXT eudora-notes-141.txt **** RELEASE NOTES FOR EUDORA 2.0.1 AND EUDORA 1.4.1. These release notes describe in detail the changes that were made between Eudora 2.0 and Eudora 2.0.1. Most of those changes also apply to Eudora 1.4.1; where they do not, the notation "(2.0.1 ONLY)" appears. Most of these changes involve obscure features and situations. There are two important compatibility issues, involving EuIM/EuOM resources and transliteration; these are covered in the next section. IMPORTANT CHANGES EuIM and EuOM Resource Formats Have Changed The formats for the 'EuIM' and 'EuOM' resources HAVE CHANGED. If you have put EuIM or EuOM resources in your Eudora Settings file or in Plug-In files, you MUST remove them. Use the templates in the new Eudora to rebuild them. Documentation on the EuIM and EuOM resources can now be found in Appendix G of the manual. You don't have to worry about this unless you have added your own EuIM or EuOM resources. Transliteration Table Names Have Changed Eudora now uses standard MIME names for its character sets. With the new version comes two plug-in files; EudoraTables, which you should use, and EudoraTables Helper, which you can give to your correspondents who use older versions of Eudora. Explanations of the changes to the transliteration facility can be found in Appendix E of the manual. You don't have to worry about this unless you are using the Swedish, Danish, or Norwegian transliteration tables. OTHER CHANGES The other changes in this document are grouped into six areas; AppleEvents, Filters, MIME, Attachments, Miscellaneous Features, and Bugs. #### TEXT eudora-notes.txt **** GENERAL STUFF Eudora is an Internet-compatable mailer for Macintoshes. It can be used with MacTCP, the Communications Toolbox, or any of the UUCP implementations for the Mac. Eudora versions 1.4.1 and earlier (that is, everything you find here) is free. Eudora 2.0 is commercial software; please contact eudora-sales@qualcomm.com for details. WHAT'S NEW IN 1.4.1 Eudora 1.4.1 incorporates EudoraTables (if you need to use EudoraTables at all). It reflects the discovery of standard names for the Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish tables. EudoraTable Helper is a plug-in you can give to correspondents with 1.4 or 2.0, if you use one of the national character sets. It will allow the older version to recognize the new names. #### SHELL_ARC eudora-offline-reader-unix.shar **** Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1992 19:16:42 -0400 From: kkirksey@world.std.com (Ken B Kirksey) Subject: Eudora As An Offline Reader This archive contains a short Unix program and document explaining how to use Eudora as an offline UNIX mail reader. If you want to use Eudora, but don't have a TCP/IP connection to your mac or access to a slip server, this file is for you. The program (udora.c) and the document are both in the beta stage. I've gotten the program to compile on a SparcStation, but I'd like to know how it compiles on other unix boxes. Any feedback is welcome and appreciated. Ken #### BINHEX eudora-on-vacation.hqx **** #### BINHEX eudora-pro-snd-replacer-v4.hqx **** From: (Jeff Click) clix@ionet.net Subject: Female Eudora PRO Snd Replacer v4 The Female "Email Sound Replacer v4" is a utility that automatically replaces your boring stock sounds that play when your electronic messages have been retrieved. Version 4 contains an attractive, yet professional-sounding female voice in stereo that says "Your New Email Is Waiting." It sounds great on any Macintosh, and now you can hear it every time you have new email. The Email Sound Replacer v4 is available for Claris Emailer, Eudora Lite and Eudora PRO. All three versions are available in both stereo 16-bit/44kHz and 8-bit/22kHz samples. The 8-bit versions can be downloaded here, but the 16-bit versions are available only at the Clixsounds WWW site at: http://www.edmondsun.com/clix/ The replacer for Claris Emailer and Eudora Lite are automatic sound replacers that simply require your dragging and dropping your emailer program on top of the updater. Please note: You may want to apply the updater to a copy of your emailer program to make sure you wish to keep it, as you cannot undo the replacement. Please refer to the enclosed instructions for more detailed information and assistance. The Eudora Pro version can be used with any other email program that allows user selection of system 7 sounds as email notification sounds. To use the sound, simply drag the file to your closed System Folder, allowing it to be placed into the system file. Then select the sound through your settings as your new email sound. For more information, read the enclosed instructions. Clixsounds can be reached at: Internet: clix@ionet.net America Online: CLIXSOUNDS #### SHELL_ARC eudora-pwserve-1.shar **** Posted-From: The MITRE Corporation, Bedford, MA To: sdorner@qualcomm.com (Steve Dorner) From: dll@mitre.org (Daniel L. Leavitt) Subject: Re: Change password server Date: Tue, 10 Nov 92 10:56:29 EST Sender: dll@mbunix.mitre.org Steve, Here it is. This is the first such program I've ever written so I'd appreciate any constructive comments if anyone cares to send me any. -Dan -------------- /* * poppassd.c Update passwords on the UNIX system from the Eudora "Change Password" * client. Keeps a log of change attempts in /etc/poppassd.log but * suppresses recording of passwords given by the client. * * Must be owned by root, and executable only by root. It can be started * with an entry in /etc/inetd.conf such as the following: * * poppassd stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/poppassd/poppassd poppassd * * and in /etc/services: * * ppassd 106/tcp * */ #### SHELL_ARC eudora-pwserve-2.shar **** To: sdorner@qualcomm.com Subject: Password daemon for MH/Eudora Organisation: BNR Europe, HARLOW, Essex CM17 9NA, GB Phone: +44 279 402423 From: Andrew Macpherson (Postmaster) <A.Macpherson@bnr.co.uk> Steve, Thanks for helping John Bingham out so much. Since you've added a password changer, here is a daemon for those sites which use MH bpop (ie pop support for non unix users from a unix host). If it doesn't work the way you want I'll happily make changes. #### SHELL_ARC eudora-pwserve-3.shar **** #### BINHEX eudora-qa-hc.hqx **** #### BINHEX eudora-quote-char-setting.hqx **** Date: Thu, 26 Jan 1995 18:39:19 -0500 From: rourkem@pobox.com (Rourke McNamara) Subject: Eudora Quote Character Settings The attached file is a plug-in for use with Eudora. It allows you to change the character you use when quoting other people. All you have to do is drop it in your Eudora Folder and then go to the "Settings". Created by Rourke McNamara University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied Science Alpha Pager=(800)666-ALFA; PIN=6112197 rourkem@pobox.com _or_ rourkem@aol.com URL=http://matrix.resnet.upenn.edu/rourke/ #### BINHEX eudora-reply-with-ip-as.hqx **** From: (Erik Bjorling) mikkyo@cruzio.com Subject: AppleScript Eudora Reply with IP 1.0 A simple AppleScript applet I wrote, that runs in background and works with Eudora Pro to reply automatically to incoming requests for your IP number. Useful with internet connections with dynamic addressing where your IP number changes with each connection. Allows people to get your current IP for connecting with your computer for FTP, HTTP, CUSeeMe, or any other net process you might have running. Requires: AppleScript Eudora Pro 2.1.3 or higher TCP/IP Scripting Extension, and OSAX by Atul Butte An Internet connection Instructions included for creation of mailbox and filter in Eudora to handle the incoming messages - see ReadMe. Shareware, see ReadMe. #### BINHEX eudora-rsvp-prefs-14.hqx **** From: Andy Fragen <afragen@cctr.umkc.edu> Subject: Eudora RSVP prefs v1.4 This plug-in came out of the frustration of not being able to change the 'From:' header from the standard format user@host (Real name) to anything else Support for X-Headers Ability to edit the 'From:' field from the composition window. This is freeware. There are no warranties, expressed or implied. If you like it or have other suggestions send email. Eudora RSVP prefs may be freely distributed but must be distributed with this ReadMe file. Version History 1.0 -- initial release 1.1 -- "added" color icon resources to the Settings dialog. They actually reside in Eudora Color Icons 0.3 by Neil K. Guy. Actually, what I did was point to a few of his icon resources. So if you want to have color icons in the Settings dialog they are available at http://www.tela.bc.ca/tela/cmei/cmei.html 1.2 -- fixed the 'From:' DITL notations so they won't be replaced by text from recently opened dialog boxes. 1.3 -- Support for editing the 'From:' field in the composition window added by David M. Rosenberg <rosenberg@mit.edu> and used with his permission. 1.4 -- Enhanced the method of choice to allow editing the 'From:' field using checkbox courtesy of Eric Beaudoin <Eric.Beaudoin@dmr.ca>. Andy Fragen afragen@cctr.umkc.edu http://cctr.umkc.edu/user/afragen/afragen.html January 7, 1996 #### BINHEX eudora-send-file-auto-reply-as.hqx **** From: Casgrain@ecol.ucl.ac.be (Philippe Casgrain) Subject: No Subject! Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 22:58:00 +0200 --========================_18794580==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" This script uses AppleScript lists and Eudora to auto-reply to mail messages. It is very useful when a whole lot of people ask you for the same file over and over again, such as when you posted a distribution offer on USENET. Running the script for the first time will allow you to select the file(s) and subject(s) to match, which will be remembered thereafter. The only way to make the script "forget" theses properties is to re-compile it (with the script editor), so it is advised to always work with a copy of the "virgin" script. Postcard-ware. Check it out! It's less than 15K! [Note to moderators: this file replaces comm/net/eudora-send-file-as.hqx] --========================_18794580==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Send_file,_an_auto-reply_=.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Send_file,_an_auto-reply_=.sit" #### BINHEX eudora-share-as.hqx **** From: iordonez@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Ivan Ordonez) Subject: Eudora Share Enclosed is a small Aplescript application that allows two people with different e-mail addresses to share Eudora on a single computer. Freeware. I hope this is useful to somebody. --Ivan Ordonez Ivan Ordonez iordonez@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/~iordonez #### BINHEX eudora-sounds.hqx **** Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 18:40:33 -0500 From: clix@icon.net (Jeffrey M. Click) Subject: new-eudora-sounds1.0 Here is a great sound to use for your Eudora mail program! It is a high-quality, great female voice that says "You Have New Mail!" Instructions are enclosed to help you install the sounds using Res Edit. #### SHELL_ARC eudora-srialpop.shar **** #### BINHEX eudora-standard-tables.hqx **** From: Andreas.Prilop@altavista.net Subject: Eudora Standard Tables Eudora Standard Tables contain the conversion ("transliteration") tables for the Roman (West European Latin) script. You can use them to exchange mail containing special letters from West European languages. They allow you to specify explicitly the character set of outgoing messages: MacRoman, ISO-Latin-1, IBM850, US-ASCII. They can be used with any version of Eudora - alone or together with other Eudora Tables. #### BINHEX eudora-suite-msw.hqx **** #### BINHEX eudora-tables-helper.hqx **** #### BINHEX eudora-tables.hqx **** #### BINHEX eudora-thai-12.hqx **** From: Andreas.Prilop@altavista.net Subject: Eudora Thai Tables 1.2 These Eudora tables enable you to send and read e-mail in Thai. They can be used with any version of Eudora. Supported character sets are: MacThai, ISO-8859-11 (Unix), Windows-874 (MS Windows Thai), Code Page 874 (IBM Thai). Fonts are not included. If you need Thai fonts, please refer to <http://thaigate.rd.nacsis.ac.jp/krit/thaimac.html>. #### BINHEX eudora-to-database-12-hc.hqx **** From: jacobson@phoenix.net (Doug Jacobson) Subject: Eudora to Database v1.2 ETD v1.2 is a HyperCard stack that reads Eudora mailboxes (don't worry, it only reads them, causing no damage!), and formats the messages into a file suitable for importing into a database or spreadsheet. I've included a template for FileMaker Pro®. The following information is parsed out, in this order: Mailbox Name:, From (Name):, From (e-mail):, To: & Cc:, Subject:, Date:, Reply-To: & In-Reply-To:, Organization:, and of course the original message text. Having your mail in a database makes it much easier to summarize, report on, and use. If you need to use the power of a database on your e-mail, give ETD a try. Version 1.2 adds the ability to translate your message using either the standard Mac ASCII character set or the ISO Latin 1 set, making ETD much more friendly for my West European users. #### BINHEX eudora-turkish.hqx **** From: pri@mac1.rrzn.uni-hannover.de Subject: Eudora Turkish Tables These Eudora Tables enable you to send and read e-mail in Turkish. They can be used with any version of Eudora. Supported character sets are: MacTurkish, ISO-8859-9, Windows-1254, Code Page 857. Bitmap fonts and a keyboard layout are included. #### BINHEX eudora-unix-navs.hqx **** #### BINHEX eudora-wacked-sounds.hqx **** From: (Dave Ulrich) dave@dns.terminal.cz Subject: Eudora Wacked Sounds 1.0 What is this? Well, this is a package of 19 sounds in the form of a Eudora plug-in from the Wacked Sounds creator. It can be used to play sounds for specific events in Eudora as programmed in the filters option. It also includes a little tutorial for those who have no idea how to do so. And includes a normal sys7 sound for editor savvy folk to play with. This is free but not public domain. It is copyrighted to me. If someone plays with the sound and would like to ship it, they may if I receive notification and credit. Any EMail great in any case. And blah, blah, blah. Just read the ReadMe. This may be uploaded anywhere and included on any CD-Rom as long as the package is intact w/the ReadMe. Dave Ulrich Wacked Wares dave@ns.terminal.cz daveulrich@geocities.com http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/8264/ #### BINHEX filter-eudora-forum-10-as.hqx **** Date: Tue, 6 Jun 1995 22:43:42 -0400 From: robert@rp.cam.org (Robert Pellerin) Subject: Filter mac-eudora-forum v1.00; an AppleScript for Eudora "Filter mac-eudora-forum" is a AppleScript conceived under AppleScript v1.00, and destined for Eudora 1.5.1. It allows to filter manually messages from the mailing-list "mac-eudora-forum", by transferring them to the mailbox of your choice. To whoever has already used the AppleScript, it would be easy to change the criterion of selection to filter otherwise the incoming mailbox. #### BINHEX johns-eudora-pgp-10-as.hqx **** From: brinda@cvo.oneworld.com (John Brinda) Subject: Eudora Pro -> MacPGP Scripts v1.0 These scripts are modified versions of those enclosed in the MacPGP 2.6.2 package. They also include small snippets and inspiration via Robert's PGP scripts. They are much improved in my opinion because: 1) They are more consistent in syntax and easier to read. 2) They don't do strange things like save decrypted text as a script property?!? 3) They don't require scripting additions (although it helps). 4) And finally they are compatible with Eudora Pro v2.1.3, or more precisely they avoid a gigantic bug in this particular version. The best way to run these scripts is with OSA Menu 1.0.2 or higher and the scripting additions they like to have handy are Jon's Commands 1.3.6 or higher and Menu Events 1.1.2 or higher. To avoid the bug in Eudora Pro v2.1.3 I had to work on the message in question while the window for it was closed. This is not easy because you can always address the top open window as message 0 but once it's closed you need a more specific reference. Therefore before encryption the selected message is closed and moved to the end of the Out mailbox (or copied to it if it was not already in the Out mailbox). Also before decryption the message is moved to the end of the In mailbox (even if it was already somewhere else). I don't imagine that this is too much of a problem considering that most of the time moving will consist of putting the message right back where it was. But, if anyone has a better idea I'd gladly listen... You can open these scripts in Script Editor and modify them to your heart's content (and I encourage that you do) as they still fall under the GNU General Public License of the original scripts. I don't really intend to maintain these scripts, I just thought I'd put them out in order to save some people the trouble I went throught to make them. #### BINHEX make-eudora-disk-10-as.hqx **** From: dtod@vt.edu (David Carter-Tod) Subject: Make a Eudora E-mail disk 1.0 (AS) This is an AppleScript which automates the process of putting the Eudora settings on a disk. For those who aren't already aware, this is a way that multiple users can use a single application without reconfiguring the settings and without compromising privacy. Is Eudora wonderful or what!? You could just copy the settings folder to a disk, except that this script also prompts users for their e-mail address and real name, filling in the blanks for them, so that they never have to get into the settings dialog. It also uses a settings file that has been renamed to something more obvious. It was designed to make life easier for lab administrators who have multiple e-mail users using their machines. It includes the following features: Will not allow saving the settings on the hard drive Checks e-mail address for illegal characters Administrators only need to know how to configure Eudora. No AppleScript knowledge is required Renamed Settings file for ease of use Simple Read Me for users It requires: Scriptable Finder -- comes with System 7.5 Eudora 1.5.x Stuffit Expander 3.5 or higher Contents of the archive: The script Eudora settings folder stuffed and renamed Read me file You can also access the script and the most up-to-date Read Me from my homepage below. It is freeware, but it'd be nice to get e-mail from satisfied (and dissatisfied) users! Regards #### BINHEX mea-package.hqx **** Subject: MEA package (Multiple Eudora Accounts) From: oishi@geocities.com To All at info-mac The MEA (Multiple Eudora Accounts) package consists of -a script written in AppleScript -a scripting addition -a Read Me The script enables you to use more than one account with Qualcomm's popular email program Eudora. Requires ResEdit to customise properly. l8r Oishi oishi@geocities.com #### BINHEX moji-bake-fixer-131.hqx **** From: hide@soon.com Subject: MojibakeFixer 1.31 - Eudora Plug-in MojibakeFixer is a plug-in module for Eudora 3.0 or later. It will fix and convert corrupted (and unreadbale) Japanese Kanji characters into readable Shift-JIS kanji characters. Because of the nature of this program, it's only useful for those who can read/write Japanese. System Requirements: * Any system and any Macintosh * Eudora Pro or Light version 3.0 or later For more information, please read the documents enclosed. - What's new with v1.31 - v1.31 has added the capability of fixing undecoded Japanese MIME header which is encoded with "Shit_JIS" charset. #### BINHEX quote-spaces-tab-10.hqx **** From: m.frischknecht@ucl.ac.uk Subject: Eudora plug-ins: Quote-Spaces-Tab-1.0.hqx this is another submission to the info-mac collection. In the attachment, there are three free message plug-ins to be used with Eudora 3.x for the Macintosh. They will convert the text (or a selected part) of the email message in the frontmost window (as long as it can be changed, i.e. it's usually an outgoing message). The plug-ins and their converters are: Remove Quote/Spaces Remove Quote: removes quote string (as set in Eudora's settings) from the beginning of the line Remove Prefix Spaces: removes spaces at the beginning of a line Remove First Char of Line: removes the first character in a line Multiple to One Space: reduces occurrences of multiple spaces to a single space Space Tabs Converter Tabs to Spaces: expands tabulators to the appropriate number of spaces Spaces to Tabs: compacts spaces to tabulators Spaces (>1) to Tabs : compacts spaces to tabulators if there are at least two spaces Wrap/Unwrap Wrap: re-wraps text both at occurrence of a space or a hyphen using Eudora's wrap line length; leaves space (or hyphen) at end of line Unwrap: unwraps selection, consecutive lines that end with a space or a hyphen are joined This is the first released version (1.0). The attachment (called Quote-Spaces-Tab-1.0.sit, a Stuffit archive, 35 KB, binhexed) consists of four files, the three plug-ins and a read-me file: Eudora Plug-ins Read Me 16 KB Remove Quote/Spaces 30 KB Space Tabs Converter 26 KB Wrap/Unwrap 23 KB Obviously, this should go into the Eudora subfolder of the archive, comm/inet/mail/edr and it could be called "Quote-Spaces-Tab-1.0.hqx" or "Eudora-Quote-Spaces-Tab-1.0.hqx". All files were checked with Disinfectant 3.7.1; no virus infection were found. Please feel free to put this file on any Info-Mac CD-ROMs you produce. Regards, Markus -- Markus Frischknecht <m.frischknecht@ucl.ac.uk> Dept Biology, University College London, U.K. #### BINHEX rehe-11.hqx **** From: ethan+@pitt.edu Subject: Retrospect Event Handler for Eudora 1.1 Retrospect Event Handler for Eudora is an AppleScript application that sends an email notifying you of backup events. It is great for folks who administer backup on machines they don't get to visit every day. I wrote it, and it's free. Requirements: Retrospect 3.0 or higher, AppleScript 1.1 or higher, Eudora 1.5.5 or higher (Light is fine), and a network connection so that you can send email from the backup computer with Eudora. Ethan Ethan Benatan ethan+@pitt.edu http://www.pitt.edu/~ethan #### BINHEX roberts-eudora-pgp-111-as.hqx **** From: Robert Pellerin <robert@rp.cam.org> Subject: Robert's AS for PGP v1.11.sit; AppleScripts for MacPGP AppleScripts for using MacPGP 2.6.2 with: Eudora, the Finder or any other application. Version 1.11 (November 1995). Changes: - Minor changes to make them Eudora Pro compatible. NOTE: This file contains no cryptographic code (crypto-neutral, export-safe). #### BINHEX super-sleek-10.hqx **** From: wtruppel@uci.edu Subject: SuperSleek Plugin 1.0 for Eudora Greetings fellow Mac enthusiasts, this is the submission of a new plugin for Eudora Light and Eudora Pro, SuperSleek Plugin 1.0. It's the result of a major joint effort with Alejandro López-Valencia <alejolo@sue.ideam.gov.co>, with artwork by Nigel Longrich <longrich@princeton.edu> and it replaces all versions of my previous plugin, Wagner's Prefs, except for versions older than 1.2 (those are used for versions of Eudora earlier than Eudora 2). Due to the addition of so many new features, I'll refrain from going into any further details in this short blurb, but I assure you that if you enjoy Wagner's Prefs then you will want to download and use the SuperSleek Plugin 1.0. By the way, as you'd expect, SuperSleek Plugin 1.0 is free, just like Wagner's Prefs have always been. CAVEATS: PLEASE make sure you read the ReadMe file and the manual, or else you may get lost amongst all the new additions. And don't hesitate to send us (me or Alejandro, but not Nigel, please) email with suggestions, questions, praise, or even flames, should you need or want to. SuperSleek Plugin 1.0 comes with an installer. The installed files and the installer have all been checked for viruses with Disinfectant 3.7.1 and the installer has been compressed into a self-extracting archive. Permission is granted to include this distribution on the Info-Mac CD. ALL other CD designers, vendors, distributors, etc should contact one of the authors first. INSTALLATION: After downloading and extracting the installer, simply double click on it, and follow the instructions on screen. On behalf of myself and my partners on this (ad)venture, Thank you. Wagner Truppel WTRUPPEL@uci.edu #### BINHEX wagners-eudora-prefs-122.hqx **** From: wtruppel@uci.edu (Wagner L. Truppel) Subject: Wagner's Eudora prefs 1.2.2 Greetings fellow Mac enthusiasts, this is the submission of the latest version of Wagner's Eudora prefs, v. 1.2.2. Version 1.1 should be used with any Eudora up to but not including 3.0; version 1.2.2 is specifically designed to work with Eudora Pro or Eudora Light 3.0 or later. * What's new since v. 1.2.1: ** No more hard-wired reply/forward options. ** No more patches to be done to the settings file. ** No more worrying about which installation procedure to follow. ** Removed an option from the Connection prefs that is now available directly from Eudora's own option-handling mechanism. ** Added small icons as required by the display options for the settings window. ** Corrected several interface glitches. ** Added the character "*" and a blank space before the name of the plug-in. (I've done that to all the plug-ins I use. That way I know at once which files in my Eudora folder are plug-ins and which are not.) ** Added PICT file displaying settings for the RFC 934 standard of reply and forward characters. * Installation: Replace any version of Wagner's Prefs in your Eudora Folder older than 1.2.2 with the newer "* Wagner's Prefs 1.2.2" file. CAVEATS: PLEASE read the ReadMe file and don't hesitate to send me email with suggestions, questions, praise, or even flames. All files in this submission have been checked for viruses with Disinfectant 3.6, put together in a folder, and compressed into a self-extracting archive. Permission is granted to include this distribution on the Info-Mac CD. ALL other CD designers, vendors, distributors, etc should contact me first. Enjoy! Thank you. Wagner Truppel #### BINHEX yours-love-sincerely-20.hqx **** From: jonathan.baumgartner@rscs.net (Jonathan Baumgartner) Subject: Yours, Love, Sincerely 2.0 Yours, Love, Sincerely 2.0 is the successor to Signature Randomizer for Eudora. It has been completely rewritten, and contains many new features, including: * Automatically picks signatures in the background at user-defined intervals. * View current and edit new signatures. * Works with Eudora 3.0's Signatures folder. * Randomizes Internet Config's signature. Any app that uses IC's sig can now have random signatures! (Like Newswatcher or Emailer, for example). * Works as a mailto helper for Eudora. YLS should probably go in the /comm/inet/mail directory, since that's where Signature Randomizer for Eudora is. YLS is freeware, but it is not public domain. It is copyright 1995-7 Jonathan Baumgartner. It may be included on CD-ROMs with the author's permission. thanks, jon