Installing MacPPP --TCP/IP Access Over Serial Lines
  University of Michigan
  Merit Network, Inc.
  June 1993
 (c) 1993 by Merit Network, Inc. and The Regents of the
 University of Michigan.
 MacPPP was developed at, and is copyrighted by, the Merit
 Network, Inc. and the University of Michigan. Merit and the
 University of Michigan grant an unlimited license for use and
 redistribution of the executable program provided that it is not
 sold for profit, either as is or as part of another product.
 Charges to recover the cost of duplication and distribution are
 permitted. MacPPP is offered "as is"-neither Merit nor the
 University of Michigan make any guarantees about the performance
 or reliability of the software.
 The PPP core software engine is based on public domain code
 written by William Allen Simpson, taken from KA9Q. All
 modifications to the PPP core software engine necessary to
 develop MacPPP and bring the implementation to compliance with
 RFCs 1331, 1332, and 1334 have been performed by Merit Network,
 Inc. and the University of Michigan.
 In recognition of his original work, William Allen Simpson has
 been granted copyright for the PPP core software engine. The TCP
 header compression routines used in MacPPP were written by Van
 Jacobsen and are Copyright 1989 Regents of the University of
 California. These routines were heavily modified by Katie
 Stevens and William Allen Simpson.
 Primary development of MacPPP at Merit Network, Inc. and the
 University of Michigan was performed by Larry J. Blunk. Eric
 Schneider wrote many of the "LAP" interface routines necessary
 for a MacTCP mdev, as well as additional support code. Glenn
 McGregor provided additional code, as well as valuable input on
 the project. Many other individuals also provided input, and
 their support is appreciated.
 Table of Contents
     Acknowledgements 3
     1. About MacPPP
     2. Getting Started
        2.1 Copying MacPPP to Your Macintosh
        2.2 Documentation
     3. Configuration
        3.1 Config PPP Control Panel
            PPP Up/Down
            Open/Close PPP
            Port Name   
            Idle Timeout   
            Echo Interval   
            Terminal Window   
            Hangup on Close    
            Tone/Pulse Dial
            PPP Server
     3.2 Configure Server Dialog Box
            PPP Server Name
            Port Speed 
            CTS (Clear To Send) Flow Control 
            Phone number 
            Modem Init 
            Modem connect timeout 
     3.3 Connect Script Dialog Box
            Wait timeout
     3.4 Authentication Dialog Box
            Authorization ID and Password
     3. LCP and IPCP Options Dialog Boxes
     4. MichNet Dial-in Numbers
 1. About MacPPP
 MacPPP is a Macintosh implementation of PPP, the Point-to-Point
 Protocol, which allows you to use TCP/IP (Transmission Control
 Protocol/Internet Protocol) over asynchronous serial lines.
 MacPPP makes it possible for your Mac to act as a host on the
 Internet, and, therefore, as a peer with other host computers
 around the world. This means that you can use telnet, FTP,
 Gopher and WAIS clients, and other services directly from your
 To use MacPPP, you must be dialing into a terminal server that
 is capable of supporting PPP, such as a Merit/MichNet Secondary
 Communications Processor.
 MacPPP works with applications that use MacTCP, such as NCSA
 Telnet and VersaTerm 4.6 and higher. MacTCP is Apple's control
 panel device that provides a standard network interface for
 TCP/IP applications.
 MacPPP 1.1 is a Line Access Protocol (LAP mdev) driver for
 MacTCP. This version does not support AppleTalk over PPP.
 MacPPP requires MacTCP 1.1 or higher, Macintosh System 6.0.5 or
 higher, and a Hayes-compatible modem for dial-in connections.
 You can also use MacPPP over hardwired, asynchronous
 connections, but the University of Michigan discourages the use
 of these connections in favor of connections to Ethernet local
 area networks.
 Note that using the TCP/IP protocols adds a certain amount of
 overhead to your communications sessions. The additional
 overhead isn't a problem when you are working at higher
 communications speeds, but may slow down communications
 considerably with slower modems, or when you are using certain
 software applications.
 2. Getting Started
 Once you have finished installing and configuring MacPPP, as
 described below, your dial-in TCP/IP sessions will be handled
 automatically. You'll simply click on the 'Open PPP' button on
 the Config PPP Control Panel or start up a software application
 that uses MacTCP. Your modem will dial automatically. You can
 then enter your password and proceed with your dial-up session.
 To configure MacPPP, you must change several settings on the
 Config PPP control panel and the Configure Server dialog box. If
 you are a MichNet user, you may also want to enter your
 authorization code in the Authorization dialog box. All the
 other settings are optional.
 2.1 Copying MacPPP to Your Macintosh
 MacPPP is available for anonymous FTP on the host in
 the file:
 This file is stored in an archived and compressed format, and
 must be decompressed after you copy it to your Macintosh. The
 file /mac/00introduction on the host
 explains how to decompress the file.
 Once decompressed, MacPPP consists of a System Extension with
 the filename 'PPP' and a control panel device with the filename
 'Config PPP'. On System 7.0 machines, these files should go in
 the Extensions and Control Panels folders, respectively. Once
 you have opened the Config PPP control panel, MacPPP will create
 a file called 'PPP Preferences' in the Preferences folder. The
 PPP Preferences file is required for the PPP LAP driver.
 On System 6.x machines, the 'PPP' and 'Config PPP' files should
 go in the System folder. Once you have opened the Config PPP
 control panel, MacPPP will create a file called 'PPP
 Preferences' in the System folder.
 After you have installed the system extension and the control
 panel, reboot your machine.
 2.2 Documentation
 Two documentation files are included when you download the
 file /pub/ppp/macppp1.1.hqx from and decompress the
 file. The first file, 'changes,' contains information on changes
 included in the latest version of MacPPP. The second file,
 /pub/ppp/macppp.txt, contains an ASCII (plain text) version of
 the document you're reading now. A third file,
 /pub/ppp/, contains a PostScript version of the
 document you're reading now.
 3. Configuration
 Follow the steps below to configure MacPPP. Once you've
 completed configuration, you can begin your PPP session either
 by clicking on the 'Open PPP' button on the Config PPP Control
 Panel or by launching an application that uses MacTCP.
   1. On System 7.0 machines, select the MacTCP control panel icon
   and click on 'More ...' On System 6.x machines, under the Apple
   Menu, select 'Control Panel.' Then select MacTCP from the
   control panel window, and click on 'More ...'
   Set up MacTCP for server addressing by selecting "server" under
   "Obtain Address". Do not select dynamic or manual (static)
   addressing. In most cases, the local terminal server will assign
   you a TCP/IP address. Click on the 'OK' button to save your
   changes. You do not need to enter a gateway or TCP/IP address.
   If for some reason you need to statically assign an IP address,
   use MacPPP's IP Control Protocol (IPCP) option button on the
   Configure Server dialog box. Note, however, that PPP will not
   open the connection if the terminal server is not willing to
   negotiate the address you have selected. In general, it is
   preferable to let the terminal server provide the IP address by
   leaving the address at the default setting,, in the IPCP
   dialog box.
   2. Select the PPP icon in the MacTCP control panel.
   3. On System 7.0 machines, select the Config PPP control panel
   icon. On System 6.x machines, under the Apple Menu, select
   Config PPP from the control panel window to bring up the Config
   PPP control panel.
 3.1 Config PPP Control Panel
 The Config PPP Control Panel leads to several dialog boxes and
 windows that you'll use to configure MacPPP.
 You can use the control panel to begin and end your PPP
 sessions. The only parameters you need to set are the Port Name
 and your phone type-tone dial or pulse dial. To enter the phone
 number you want to dial, go to the Configure Server dialog box,
 described in section 3.2.
 Other parameters can also be used to customize MacPPP. These
 optional settings are described below.
 PPP Up/Down
   This icon indicates the current state of the driver-more
   specifically, the PPP IP Control Protocol. 'Open' indicates that
   PPP is ready for IP traffic. 'Down' indicates that it is not yet
   ready for TCP/IP traffic.
 Open/Close PPP
   Click on these buttons to open and close your PPP session, once
   you've configured MacPPP.
   Click on 'Close' to close your PPP session if you want to use
   your serial port to run a traditional asynchronous program, such
   as a terminal emulator. Click on 'Open' to manually re-open your
   PPP session in order to use PPP again.
   When you click on this button, a dialog box with a set of
   counters appears. Click on the Update button on the Statistics
   dialog box to show the current value of the counters and the
   current state of all supported PPP options. These options are
   documented in the PPP RFCs (e.g., RFC 1331). The RFC (Request
   for Comment) series is available for anonymous FTP on the host in the /documents/rfc directory.
   Most users will not need to use the Statistics dialog box.
 Port Name
   The Port Name pop-up menu allows you to select the modem port,
   printer port, or any other serial ports registered with the
   Communications Toolbox. (The Communications Toolbox is included
   with System 7.0, and optional on System 6.x machines.) On some
   Macintoshes with an internal modem, you'll only be presented
   with an "internal modem" option on the pop-up menu.
   The default is the modem port. If you have registered other
   ports, MacPPP will use the Communications Toolbox to
   automatically obtain their names and the names of associated
 Idle Timeout (minutes)
   You can use the Idle Timeout pop-up menu to configure MacPPP so
   that if your PPP session remains idle for a specified amount of
   time, MacPPP will bring up an alert box asking you if you want
   to close the session. You can either close the session or ignore
   the message.
   Leave the setting at None, the default, if you don't want to set
   a timeout interval. If you want to set a timeout interval, click
   on the pop-up menu and select a timeout interval from 5 to 120
 Echo Interval (seconds)
   MacPPP uses a PPP packet called the "LCP (Line Control Protocol)
   echo request" to determine if your connection has been dropped.
   MacPPP sends the requests at the interval you specify; if the
   terminal server does not respond after 3 successive requests,
   MacPPP assumes that the link is down.
   If you leave the Echo Interval pop-up menu set off-the
   default-MacPPP will not send out any echo requests. If you want
   MacPPP to send out echo requests, click on the pop-up menu to
   specify the interval at which MacPPP should send out echo
   requests-from 2 to 20 seconds.
 Terminal Window
   Click on this box to bring up a basic terminal emulator, which
   will appear when MacPPP is connecting with the local terminal
   server. You can then use the terminal emulator to manually type
   any commands needed to put the terminal server into PPP mode.
   Once you have entered these commands, click the 'OK' button to
   start your PPP session.
   If you click on the Terminal Window box, MacPPP will ignore the
   Phone number and Modem init fields in the Configure Server and
   Connect Script dialog boxes.
   Currently, the terminal emulator offers only basic features, and
   does not provide a cursor or scroll bar. Most users will not
   need to use the MacPPP terminal emulator.
 Hangup on Close
   If this box is checked, MacPPP will send the modem a hangup
   string (+++ ATH) when you close your PPP session.
 Tone/Pulse Dial
   Click on the 'Tone dial' or 'Pulse dial' button to select your
   type of phone service.
 PPP Server
   See the next section for information on this feature.
 3.2 Configure Server Dialog Box
 Click on 'Configure server' in the Config PPP control panel to
 display the Configure Server dialog box.
 The only parameter you need to set on the Configure Server
 dialog box are 'Phone number' and 'Port Speed.' If your modem
 defaults are set up correctly, you can ignore the 'Modem Init'
 field. If the defaults are not set up correctly, you'll need to
 enter a modem initialization string, as described below. To
 enter the information needed to identify you to the terminal
 server, go to the Authentication dialog box, described in
 section 3.4.
 Several optional parameters can also be set on the Configure
 Server dialog box. In the figure above, 'MichNet' has been
 selected as the PPP Server Name. The port speed is 9600 bps, and
 the phone number is MichNet's Ann Arbor 9600 bps dial-in number.
 PPP Server Name
   This convenient feature allows you to set up a separate
   configuration for each host you access with MacPPP, assign a
   name to that host, and connect to it by selecting its name on a
   pop-up menu.
   Click on the 'Add Server' button to add a new server. Next,
   enter the server name-MichNet in the figure above-and configure
   any desired options. The name will then be displayed in the PPP
   Server box on the Config PPP control panel.
   Once you've finished adding servers, you can connect to any of
   them by clicking on the PPP Server pop-up menu on the Config PPP
   control panel and selecting the host you want to access. MacPPP
   will automatically establish a connection using the
   configuration you specified.
   Click on the 'Delete Server' option button to delete server
 Port Speed
   Enter the baud rate for the port being used for your PPP
 CTS (Clear To Send) Flow Control
   Click on this box if you want MacPPP to use CTS for output flow
   control. CTS flow control allows a modem to run at the higher
   speeds provided by data compression. Your modem is responsible
   for providing the CTS signal.
   Currently, MacPPP does not support input flow control through
   RTS or XON/XOFF. Be sure that your modem is not using XON/XOFF
   flow control on input or output. If XON/XOFF flow control is
   enabled by default, check your documentation and use the
   appropriate modem initialization string in the Configure Server
   dialog box to disable it.
 Phone number
   Click on this box to enter the phone number of the host you're
   dialing. Several MichNet dial-in numbers are listed at the end
   of this document.
 Modem Init
   Click on this box to enter any initialization strings required
   by your modem. The string must be a Hayes 'AT' command. If your
   modem defaults are set up correctly, you may not need to enter a
   Modem Init string in order to use PPP.
   The Modem Init string is typically used to:
      Disable XON/XOFF flow control
      Enable CTS flow control, if your modem supports it
   MacPPP does not support XON/XOFF flow control. Be sure that your
   modem is not using XON/XOFF flow control on input or output. If
   XON/XOFF flow control is enabled by default, check your
   documentation and enter the appropriate modem initialization
   command in the Configure Server dialog box to disable it.
   CTS flow control allows a modem to run at the higher speeds
   provided by data compression. Your modem is responsible for
   providing the CTS signal.
   If you enter a Modem Init string but the phone number field is
   not set (either because you are not using a modem, or prefer to
   issue the dial command yourself), MacPPP will not send the Modem
   Init command.
   If the phone number field is set, MacPPP will automatically send
   the initialization command 'AT E0V1' to the modem. This will
   disable echoing and put the modem in verbose response mode. An
   'OK' response is expected from the modem. If you have not
   entered an additional modem initialization command in the Modem
   Init box, the phone number will then be dialed.
   If you have entered a modem initialization command in the Modem
   Init box, the command will be sent to the modem after the 'AT
   E0V1' command. MacPPP will again expect an 'OK' response from
   the modem. After MacPPP receives an 'OK' response, the phone
   number will be dialed. You may include any characters in the
   phone number that your modem will accept, e.g., a comma (,) for
   a pause between numbers.
 Modem connect timeout
   By default, MacPPP will wait up to 90 seconds for a response
   from the modem before timing out. If it receives a CONNECT
   response, MacPPP will proceed to the next phase. If a BUSY
   response is received, MacPPP will attempt to redial. Click on
   the Modem connect timeout box to change the timeout interval;
   you can select any number of seconds.
   Click on the option buttons on the bottom of the 'Configure
   server' dialog box to bring up the Connect Script,
   Authentication, and LCP/IPCP dialog boxes.
 3.3 Connect Script Dialog Box
 If you are dialing into a Merit/MichNet SCP, you do not need to
 enter any information in the Connect Script dial box. The SCP
 will automatically sense that you are initiating a PPP session;
 you will not need to supply a 'PPP' string to the SCP.
 If you prefer to use the Connect Script dialog box, you can
 enter up to eight dialog strings to establish the connection.
 All of these fields are optional. Once you've established a
 connection, your modem and the terminal server will exchange
 information contained in the dialog strings to initiate your PPP
 Select the Out button in front of the seven dialog strings to
 indicate that your modem should send out the string. Select the
 Wait button to indicate that the string is expected to be
 received from the terminal server. Control characters can be
 entered using the ^ (caret) convention, e.g., '^m' for a
 carriage return. The <CR> check boxes indicate that a carriage
 return should be appended to the end of the dialog string.
 Placing a '^m' at the end of the string also appends a carriage
 return to the end of the dialog string.
 The backslash (\) is a reserved character in the Connect Script
 dialog box. It can be used as follows for both Out and Wait
     \r      carriage return
     \^      literal '^'
     \\      literal '\'
     \nnn    8-bit octal value
 The following can be used only in Out strings:
     \b      send a break (100  milliseconds)
     \d      delay for one second
     \t     invoke the MacPPP  terminal emulator
 Wait timeout (seconds)
   Click on this box to enter the number of seconds MacPPP will
   wait for each 'wait' string to be received from the local
   terminal server. The default is 40 seconds. By default, if more
   than 40 seconds elapse, MacPPP will abort the attempt to
   establish a connection. An alert box will appear, asking if you
   want to quit MacPPP or retry the connect script from the
 3.4 Authentication Dialog Box
 The only information you need to enter in the Authentication
 dialog box is your authorization ID (authorization code).
 Authorization ID and Password
   Use the Authentication dialog box to enter the information
   needed to identify you to the terminal server. If you have an
   authorization code, enter it here. If you don't know what an
   authorization code is, enter HELP at the Merit/MichNet "Which
   Host?" prompt to access MichNet's free Online Help System.
   Select 'ACCESS Information,' and then 'AUTHORIZATION server
   Authorization codes comprise the host name, a forward slash, and
   your userID. For example, if you are a user at Oakland
   University and your userID is 1234, your authorization code
   would be VELA/1234.
   If you would like to obtain an authorization code, check with
   the computing center at your institution to see if it can
   provide one for you. If it cannot, send e-mail to or call the MichNet Accounts Manager at (313)
   Merit/MichNet recommends that you do not enter your password in
   the Authentication dialog box, even though your password will be
   blanked. Instead, leave this box blank-you'll be prompted for
   your password once you've connected to the local terminal
   Click on this box to specify how many times MacPPP should
   attempt to resend your ID and/or password, if it is unable to
   establish a connection with the local terminal server. The
   default is 10 retries. By default, MacPPP will abort the attempt
   to establish a connection after 10 retries.
 Timeout (seconds)
   Click on this box to enter the number of seconds MacPPP should
   wait for the terminal server to respond to your ID and/or
   password authentication request. You can enter any number of
   seconds; the default is 3 seconds.
 3.5 LCP and IPCP Options Dialog Boxes
   The LCP (Line Control Protocol) and IPCP (IP Control Protocol)
   Options dialog boxes allow you to configure the options that PPP
   negotiates with the local terminal server. In most cases, the
   defaults should work. Changing them is not recommended unless
   you are familiar with several of the documents about PPP in the
   Internet "Request for Comment" (RFC) series (RFC 1331, 1332, and
   1334). The RFCs are available for anonymous FTP on the host in the /documents/rfc directory.
 4. MichNet Dial-in Numbers
 You cannot use MacPPP on the current Ann Arbor 19,200 bps
 dial-in lines. XON/XOFF is set on by default on these modems,
 and MacPPP does not support XON/XOFF flow control.
 Here are the Ann Arbor dial-in numbers that support PPP:
    1200 bps (Bell 212A compatibles such as the Hayes smartmodem)
    2400 bps (V.22 bis compatibles)         764-4800
    9600 bps (V.32 compatibles)             747-3400
 MichNet's free Online Help System provides a complete listing of
 MichNet access phone numbers. To access the help server, simply
 enter HELP at the "Which Host?" prompt and select 'ACCESS