Abstracts from files in info-mac/comm/ara as of Sun 20 Mar 2005 #### BINHEX ara-client-203.hqx **** Date: 8 Jul 1993 17:28:49 -0500 From: "Cerro, Joseph A" <cerro@mbcl.rutgers.edu> Subject: [*] ARA Client Version 203 Enclosed is a Binhexed Compact Pro file containing the excellent AppleTalk Remote Access Client version 2.03 by Ron Duritsch, which I downloaded from America Online. Version 2.03 fixes a CCL menu bug. This should replace /communications/ara-client-20.hqx. The following is the author's description: "ARAClient is a control panel/application maker that adds value to AppleTalk Remote Access. It adds several features that save time, keystrokes, RAM, and add a measure of security. Most users could care less about the details of telecommunications, they just want to get connected. This utility provides a one-step connection scheme that promises to let users forget all the details of network telecommunications. Users must be using system 7 as well as have already installed Apple's AppleTalk Remote Access software. ARAClient, and the Connector applications it makes, are intended to be used in place of the Remote Access application that Apple provides." This file has been checked with Disinfectant 3.2. This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0. <<<<<< Attached TEXT file follows >>>>>> #### BINHEX ara-commander-21-demo.hqx **** From: (Ron Duritsch) trilo@one.net Subject: ARACommander 2.1 demo ARACommander 2.1 is a control panel that works with the resources and extensions of ARA to provide a more complete, flexible, easier-to-use, and more secure alternative to Apple's client software. It requires Apple's ARA 1.0 or 2.x software and System 7.x. This version has been updated specifically to be compatible with Apple's ARA 2.1, and it's use of a "Modem Scripts" folder. Also new for ARAScripter 2.1 is the ablility to turn ARA "Answer calls" on or off via AppleScript. This is a fully functional demonstration version that will expire 30 days after first use. The file is also avaiable at: <ftp://ftp.one.net/trilobyte/ARAC2.1.hqx> ARACommander 2.1 features include a full scheduling capability. Connections can be scheduled at any time and be completely unattended. Disconnection can be unattended as well, by specifying a number of minutes of idle time before disconnection occurs. Full support for scripting with AppleScriptt is also provided. A special application called ARAScripter serves as a scriptable ARA client. Scripters may enable any of the features of ARACommander through script commands, and have full control over the entire range of the connection process. One of the central features of ARACommander are Connectors, mini applications that go beyond the basic capabilities of Apples's connection documents or ARA aliases. The ARACommander control panel can create Connectors that automatically connect to an ARA server when launched. You can also use the control panel to connect to an ARA server. ARACommander is $25, with site licenses available. Visa and Mastercard accepted. Trilobyte Software 6982 Devon Drive Middletown, OH 45044 Internet trilo@one.net Compuserve 73740,2472 America Online: trylobyte #### BINHEX ara-control-strip-10d2.hqx **** From "bpstein@weizmann.weizmann.ac.il (Ullrich Steiner)" Fri Mar 10 11:35:53 1995 Date: Fri, 10 Mar 1995 21:25:01 +0200 From: bpstein@weizmann.weizmann.ac.il (Ullrich Steiner) Subject: AppleRemoteAccess ControlStrip Module 1.0d2 --========================_11267202==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Dear Umich Archivists, enclosed I am submitting a control-strip module which I wrote to facilitate the connection/disconnection process to a Appletalk Remote Access server. For detailed instructions see the ReadMe file. The present version is still under development, but has been used by myself and others for the last two month without apparent major problems. Version 1.0d2 should make it better compatible with the Desktop Strip. Please send bug reports and suggestions to: bpstein@weizmann.weizmann.ac.il --========================_11267202==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="ARA_ControlStripModule.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ARA_ControlStripModule.sit" #### BINHEX ara-plus-103.hqx **** From: Jean-Philippe Nicaise <nicky@yoda.fdn.org> Subject: ARA+ 1.03 (ARA communication utility) Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1993 01:28:14 +0100 Here is the latest version of ARA + (v 1.0.3) by Benjamin Herrenschmidt. This is a very useful addition to Apple Remote Access I use everyday because of the automount feature (though I also have QuickKeys). It is also compatible with ARA 2.0. ARA+ 1.0.3 is a US$ 20 (FF 100) shareware and Benjamin can be reached at benh@tatooine.fdn.org ----- ARA+ is a little application (it uses 120K of RAM) which displays a status bar. This status bar contains the state of AppleTalk Remote Access along with some way to control this state: if your are connected to a remote host, you have a "Disconnect" button on the right of the status bar, else you have a popUp of connection files. This popUp if configurable. The status bar has two position "small" and "large". "large" is the default one and can be changed with the little switch on the left of the window. When in "small" position, if you are connected you have the connection time and the little "D" button, if you are disconnected you have only the popUp. In "large" you always have the popUp or the button with full title AND the status message. ARA+ adds many features to ARA: It knows some AppleEvents: you can establish a connection and disconnect with AppleEvents. A little aete resource allows you to use these AppleEvents with AppleScript. A future version will implement more AppleEvents. There is a "Smart disconnect" feature (enable by default) which will try to unmount all the remote AppleShare volumes before disconnecting. ARA+ can add volume mounting informations to connection files in order to automount these volumes when a connection is established. ----- #### BINHEX ara-scripting-addition.hqx **** From: (Guillaume) guyom@lorien.imaginet.fr Subject: ARA Scripting Extension Hi there, As a Macintosh developer for now more than eight years, I wrote an AppleScript Extension, allowing complete control over ARA connexions. I'd like to distribute this software as a ShareWare, and I was told to send it to this address for a large internet spread. Cheers, Guyom Guillaume "Guyom" Besse Full Resource Group #### BINHEX ara-server-201-10-client-updt.hqx **** Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 16:13:49 -0800 From: kee@kagi.com (Kee Nethery +1 510 843 6140) Subject: [*] Apple ARA Server 1.0->2.1.0 Client Enablers --========================_18502760==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Apple Provides Software to Allow ARA 2.0.1 Servers to Accept Calls from ARA 1.0 Clients Dateline: Cupertino, California--August 23, 1994 Description: Apple Computer, Inc. today announced the availability of software that allows custmers using the latest server software for Apple Remote Access (Version 2.0.1) to accept calls from Apple Remote Access (ARA) Version 1.0 clients. The new software, available immediately at no charge to ARA customers in the U.S., is easy to install and enables both Apple Remote Access Personal and MultiPort Servers (versions 2.0.1) to accept calls from ARA 1.0 clients. The server software does not provide any additional enhancements beyond enabling Version 1.0 clients to access Version 2.0.1 servers nor does it add ARA 2.0 functionality to the ARA 1.0 client (In fact, no changes need to be made to any 1.0 client). Customers that do not require connections from ARA 1.0 clients to 2.0.1 servers do not need to update their remote access server software. Significance: The latest version of the Apple Remote Access product family includes both hardware and software which allows individuals or workgroups to easily access information and services remotely over a variety of connections, ranging from telephone lines to cellular telephone links. The product family includes the Apple Remote Access Personal Server for Macintosh(R), Apple Remote Access MultiPort Server and Apple Remote Access Client for Macintosh. Additionally, the product line includes expansion products such as an X.25 network expansion kit and the Apple IP Gateway. Availability: The Apple Remote Access Update is available immediately at no charge to current Apple Remote Access customers in the U.S. The software update can be obtained from users groups and electronic bulletin boards such as e*World, Compuserve or AppleLink. This software enhancement is subject to terms and conditions and is void where prohibited by law, taxed or restricted. Contacts: Emilio Robles John McCreadie Apple Computer, Inc. Regis McKenna, Inc. (408) 862-5671 (408) 974-4398 -30- Apple, the Apple logo, and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. --ENDS-- Note to admin folks. I have been asked to have you post this by Eric Gould, Product Line Manager, Apple Business Systems <egould@applelink.apple.com>. Should you have any questions about posting this software, please contact Eric Gould. --========================_18502760==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="ARA_Server_Updater.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ARA_Server_Updater.sit" #### BINHEX ara-strip.hqx **** From: steiner@janus.u-strasbg.fr (Ullrich Steiner) Subject: ARA Controlstrip Module Lets you connect/disconnect from a ARA server. Indicates when a connection is established by its ICON. This version (1.0d5) fixes several bugs and replaces arastrip1.0d2. #### BINHEX ccl-usrob-ara2.hqx **** Date: Tue, 16 Aug 1994 10:23:19 -0700 From: suresh@cheme.caltech.edu (Suresh Guptha B.A.) Subject: ARA 2.0 scripts for USR modems --========================_18329850==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" This ARA 2.0 scripts can be used with all US Robotics modems. Obtained from USR. --========================_18329850==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="USR-2_0.ARA" #### BINHEX kingmax.hqx **** From: Werner <werda@pacific.net.hk> Subject: ara modem script for kingmax v90 modem attached dear archivar, i think it should go in the comm/ara/modem scripts folder. the help text is: This Modem Script is designed to work with the Kingmax KFM5600-CF PCMCIA Card modem on a Macintosh computer. To use it, place it in the System/Extensions/Modem Scripts folder. The script is provided on an as-is basis and is not guaranteed to be fit for any particular purpose. While I cannot promise to be of any help I still would like to hear of any problems encountered. Best Regards, Werner Dahn (werda@pacific.net.hk) This Modem Script is designed to work with the Kingmax KFM5600-CF PCMCIA Card modem on a Macintosh computer. To use it, place it in the System/Extensions/Modem Scripts folder. The script is provided on an as-is basis and is not guaranteed to be fit for any particular purpose. While I cannot promise to be of any help I still would like to hear of any problems encountered. Best Regards, Werner Dahn (werda@pacific.net.hk) #### BINHEX modified-imac-modem-script.hqx **** From: "Kathleen/Thomas Maiello" <maiello@nac.net> Subject: Modified iMac Modem Script for Apple Remote Access Modified iMac Modem Script (CCL) for Remote Access 2/29/00 This is a modified version of the iMac v90 modem script from Apple Computer. It is for use with the Remote Access and Modem control panels. It will probably only work with an iMac internal modem. Modifications include: - Does not allow connections less than 28.8Kbps. The script will keep redialing until a connection above 28.8K is obtained or the user cancels. The minimum allowable speed can be changed by editing the script. - "Modem not responding" errors should be eliminated. - Different modem initialization string. It may improve the reliability of the connection. - Sets the modem speaker volume to low. - Sets the "port speed" to 230400 bps instead of 115200. To use it, place it in the System/Extensions/Modem Scripts folder. Then open the Modem control panel and select it. The script is provided on an as-is basis and is not guaranteed to be fit for any particular purpose. I hope it is of use. Questions or comments can be sent to Tom Maiello at maiello@nac.net. #### BINHEX scr-att-comsphere-3820plus.hqx **** Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 11:19:27 -0400 From: "Husk.David" <husk@niehs.nih.gov> Subject: ARA script for a Comsphere_3820Plus Enclosed is an AT&T ARA script for a Comsphere_3820Plus modem. It is being forwarded from George Warner (see below) who wrote the script. I believe the script is unoffical. Note: George Warner warnergt@aloft.att.com Cheers Husk #### BINHEX scr-att-dataport-144.hqx **** From: qubridge!warnergt@aloft.att.com Date: 20 Mar 93 01:57:21 U Subject: ARA AT&T DataPort Subject: Time:1:50 AM OFFICE MEMO ARA AT&T DataPort Date:3/20/93 Enclosed is an ARA file for the AT&T DataPort 14.4/FAX. I wrote it and used it to transmit this file. It has been tested with the AT&T DataPort 14.4/FAX but should work with any of the DataPort models. P.S. This is the first file I've ever posted to an ftp site. Let me know if I did everything correctly. #### BINHEX scr-att-paradyne-comsphere-3810.hqx **** Date: 16 Feb 1993 21:08:14 -0700 From: "Peter Thornewell" <Peter_Thornewell@p3.lanl.gov> Subject: AT&Tccl.sit.hqx AT&Tccl.sit.hqx This is a CCL for the AT&T Paradyne Comsphere 3810 modem. Actually it's a quick hack from the Hayes Smartmodem 2400 but changed to allow access at upto 14.4kbaud. I had to write this quickly as we needed it for our Shiva LAN Rover-E so I haven't used any of the modem's advanced features (but apparently ARA does it's own data compression etc, so these may not be required). This CCL has not been written by AT&T and hence it is not approved by them (but it still works!). Pete Thornewell <pmt@p3.lanl.gov> <<<<<< Attached TEXT file follows >>>>>> #### BINHEX scr-avtek-11.hqx **** From: "Andrew Jeffrey" <Andrew_Jeffrey@ms-gw.uow.edu.au> Subject: AVTEK ARA Scripts Date: 23 Apr 1994 00:35:38 +1100 These are the latest (v1.1) ARA scripts written for the AVTEK brand of modems sold in Australia. They were downloaded from the NetComm BBS and will suit nearly all Avtek modems. If you didnt already know, Avtek are basically cheap (less featured) NetComm modems. Cheers Andrew Jeffrey <<<<<< Attached TEXT file follows >>>>>> #### BINHEX scr-ccl-scripts.hqx **** From: Pascal Gosselin <pascal@CAM.ORG> Subject: Submission Date: Wed, 22 Jul 92 10:23:33 EDT Here is a bunch of AppleTalk Remote Access CCLs that I have collected. A collection of AppleTalk Remote Access CCL files. If your modem is not supported in the ARA 1.0 package, you may find it here. #### BINHEX scr-dataplex-496.hqx **** Organization: Faculty of Arts, The University of Sydney, AUSTRALIA From: Gilbert.Taylor-Wood@faculty.arts.su.edu.au (Gilbert Taylor-Wood) Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1992 13:20:12 +1100 Subject: ARA script for DPX496/0SI 8 Enclosed is a ARA script for the Dataplex 496 modem (known in the US as the OSI 8196). If you use it and find any bugs please contact me. Gilbert Gilbert Taylor-Wood gtw@arts.su.edu.AU Network Manager Faculty of Arts A14 The University of Sydney Fax +61 2 692 2045 NSW 2006 AUSTRALIA SysAdmin: The ghost in the machine [BinHex Data Attached (DPX496)] #### BINHEX scr-digicom-scout-plus.hqx **** Date: 20 Dec 1992 21:49:37 -0700 From: "Kateley, Jim" <sphns@msgate.corp.apple.com> Subject: ara-Digicom Scout+1.0.sit.hqx Hello there, Here's version 1.0 of my Digicom Scout+ script for AppleTalk Remote Access. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop me a line. If I am able I will reply, but please remember this is not my real job... :-) Jim Kateley Apple Computer Inc. Disclaimer: This is me talking #### BINHEX scr-direct-serial.hqx **** Subject: [*] ARA script for direct serial links Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1993 18:16:15 +0400 From: Vladimir Butenko <butenko@stalker.srcc.msu.su> Organization: STALKER GmbH The ARA script for Direct Connection (i.e. for a direct serial link or for other links with PortConnector(tm) installed) The "phone number" parameter is used to set the desired port speed, the values supported are: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 version:1.0 Copyright (c) 1993, Stalker GmbH -------------------------------- #### BINHEX scr-fastmac-v34.hqx **** Date: Sat, 8 Apr 1995 12:14:59 -0700 (PDT) From: Tom Herzog <therzog@willamette.edu> Subject: ARA CCL File for FastMac V.34 This is a connection script for AppleTalk Remote Access for MacWarehouse's FastMac V.34 $139 Modem. I have no connection to anyone, I'm just passing it along. thanks to: Erik Geiger <elessar@cs.wisc.edu> #### BINHEX scr-focus-144.hqx **** Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1993 19:00:49 -0500 (EST) From: Peter Cohen <peterco@eff.org> Subject: FOCUS 14.4 Data+Fax Modem ARA Script --1430394104-534048981-731635500:#4752 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Enclosed is a binhexed file. This file is an AppleTalk Remote Access script suitable for the FOCUS 14.4 Data+Fax Modem. This file should be copied to the Extensions folder, and then selected using AppleTalk Remote Access's Setup control panel device. For help with this file, or for any other info about FOCUS product, online queries should be directed to focus@applelink.apple.com. Tech Support is also available from 8-8 EST at (800) 647-7744 (domestic) and (617) 938-8088 (international). This file is distributed with the full permission of FOCUS Enhancements (I do tech support for them). +-----------------+------------------------------------------------+ | Peter A. Cohen | No, I don't reflect my employer's opinions. | | peterco@eff.org | Heck! My employer doesn't even know I'm here! | +-----------------+------------------------------------------------+ --1430394104-534048981-731635500:#4752 Content-Type: APPLICATION/octet-stream; name="144.hqx" Content-ID: <Pine.3.05.9303081900.C4752@eff.org> Content-Description: #### BINHEX scr-gv-mgs-variable-speed.hqx **** Date: Tue, 16 May 1995 16:23:03 -0600 From: thornewell@lanl.gov (Peter Thornewell) Subject: Global Village Variable CCls This CCL scripts is used with AppleTalk Remote Access version 2.0.x and the Global Village Mercury, Gold and Silver modems, both PowerPort and Teleport. They allow the user to choose the speed that they wish to communication at. It is based on the Global Village Merc/Gold/Silver script and my original hack for the Teleport and PowerPort modems In this version I have limited the connection speeds to only the one specifed using the AT command S37=??. I've check it out with a GV Teleport Gold and Powerport Mercury, but only at speeds upto 14.4kbs (I've only got one Mercury). How It Works: The ARA CCL language supports a command 'ASK'. This allows the user to type in a text string. This string can then be printed, either to the screen or to the modem. (As far as I know I can't do any string comparisons with it, or access it in any other way!! If any one knows any different please let me know.) This string is then sent out to the modem which has had 'echo' enabled. The string is then read back in from the modem and is then compared with1200,.... to select the appropriate speed via modem 'ATS37=...' . Please note that these scripts have no yet been approved by Global Village and are supplied as is with no warrenty etc. However, they work for me and that's all I was ever bothered about anyway. Have fun , and let me know if there are problems, Pete Thornewell (thornewell@lanl.gov) ps I'll get round to writing the CCL for the Platinum when I get access to the AT command set and the report codes from the modem. (Of course the easiest way is for Global Village to send me a modem...) #### BINHEX scr-gv-teleport-slower.hqx **** Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1993 18:48:30 PST From: The Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu> Subject: [*] Global Village Teleport ARA slower-speed scripts Since AppleTalk Remote Access apparently does not support varying the speed of the connection, on marginal lines it is sometimes necessary to connect at a slower speed. Otherwise, a burst of noise can cause the modems to attempt to retrain and hang up the ARA connection. These scripts from Global Village allow connections at various slower baud rates for the Teleport modems. Bill Lipa lipa@camis.stanford.edu [Archived as /info-mac/comm/ara-gv-teleport-slower.hqx; 15K] #### BINHEX scr-hayes-scripts.hqx **** Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1993 14:32:47 +0100 From: lucatell@ictp.trieste.it (Adriano Lucatello) Subject: ARA scripts for Hayes modems --========================_3346362==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" The archive contains some ARA scripts to be used with some fast Hayes modems, such as Optima, Ultra, and Accura 144. Downloaded from Hayes BBS. Hope they turn up useful for some people over the net. Adriano Lucatello --========================_3346362==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="ARA&Hayes_modems_scripts.sit" #### BINHEX scr-intel-ex.hqx **** Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1992 15:20:23 EDT From: Jim Gaynor <gaynor@agvax2.ag.ohio-state.edu> Subject: Intel ARA scripts These are AppleTalk Remote Access scripts for the Intel 9600EX and 14.4EX modems. The one for the 9600EX is based on the Microcom MacModem script (slightly cleaned up), and the one for the 14.4EX is based on one of the Telebit v.32bis scripts. I wrote them for my own use, figured someone else might find them useful as well. Freely distributable, just please don't take credit for my kludge. :-) No warranties, implied or express. (archive as ara-intel.hqx) --- Jim Gaynor | "Man-of-Many-Beeping-Sounds-and-Flashing-Lights" - KAJ OSU/ACS/FMS/OCES | <gaynor@agvax2.ag.ohio-state.edu> or <gaynor.4@osu.edu> Disclaimer: Everything stated here and above is -my- opinion. Mine mine mine! "We're here as the official representatives of the Y chromosome" - M Silverberg --- Cut Here --- #### BINHEX scr-interlink-iq6.hqx **** From: craig@ecel.uwa.edu.au (Craig Richmond) Subject: ARA CCL script (Interlink IQ6) ARA CCL for the Interlink IQ6 modem sold in Australia. Not well tested but dialed/answered on ARA personal server 2.0.1. #### BINHEX scr-maestro-modems.hqx **** From "Andrew Jeffrey <a.jeffrey@uow.edu.au>" Fri Sep 10 19:10:16 1993 Date: 10 Sep 1993 21:21:19 +1000 From: "Andrew Jeffrey" <a.jeffrey@uow.edu.au> Subject: Maestro Modems ARA scripts The following files are two ARA scripts that can be used on the following Maestro modems. 96M (Also known as the V32 Super Executive) 144M 144FM These modems are built and designed by Maestro Australia (with which I have no connection or association). These scripts were written between myself, Martin Levins (much thanks for putting up with my inaccurate e-mails) and Maestro. They are Public Domain. I suggest they are archived in the comms folder as ara-maestro-ccls. Cheers Andrew Jeffrey <<<<<< Attached TEXT file follows >>>>>> #### BINHEX scr-magnum-144.hqx **** Date: Wed, 27 Jul 1994 15:59:46 -0500 From: "Husk.David" <husk@NIEHS.NIH.GOV> Subject: Magnum 144 ARA.sit.hqx MacWarehouses 144 Magnum FAX modem ARA Downloaded from their free BB #### BINHEX scr-magnum-288.hqx **** Date: Fri, 20 Jan 1995 12:32:14 -0500 From: "Husk.David" <husk@NIEHS.NIH.GOV> Subject: ara script MAgnum 288 Here is the Magnum 28.8 ARA script. It was downloaded from MacWarehouse's public BB. Cheers THANKS! patrick #### BINHEX scr-megahertz-a2-144.hqx **** Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 17:56:42 -0500 From: benner@neb.com (Jack Benner) Subject: MHZA2144.sea --========================_12292422==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" This submission contains an ARA CCL script for a Megahertz PCMCIA Modem (14.4 kbps Data/Fax) FLASH ROM w/ MNP-10. It was obtained from the Megahertz BBS. I have tested it with the XJ2144 PCMCIA modem on a Powerbook 520c running 7.1.1 with the Apple PCMCIA Expansion Module. No problems have been encountered using this script. This is a self-extracting archive and contains the CCL and README files. benner@neb.com --========================_12292422==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="MHZA2144.sea" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="MHZA2144.sea" #### BINHEX scr-motorola-power-v34.hqx **** Date: Sat, 8 Apr 1995 15:22:54 -0400 From: tlaz@riker.neoucom.edu (Tony Lazcano) Subject: Power 28.8 ARA script An ARA script for the Motorola Power 28.8 modem. It should work with other Motorola V.34 modems. #### BINHEX scr-netcomm-11.hqx **** From: "Andrew Jeffrey" <Andrew_Jeffrey@ms-gw.uow.edu.au> Subject: NetComm ARA Scripts Date: 23 Apr 1994 00:40:41 +1100 These are the latest (v1.1) ARA scripts for NetComm brand modems sold in Australia. They support all modems including the new vFast modem (SmartModem M11F) although I have yet to get it to work at 28.8K :( They were downloaded from the NetComm BBS. Cheers Andrew Jeffrey <<<<<< Attached TEXT file follows >>>>>> #### BINHEX scr-power-user.hqx **** Date: Wed, 16 Jun 93 13:51:42 PDT From: daver@sunspot.ssl.berkeley.edu (David Ray) Subject: ARA Power User A friend of mine recently wrote this custom ARA script for his new 14.4 modem, and decided to put together this package for people interested in writing their own ARA scripts. The package includes a read-me file that describes how to write your own custom ARA scripts. I haven't seen anything like this in the archives so I have gotten permission from him to submit the package. It is a binhexed, self-expanding archive with three files; The "Power User" MNP Linktool script, a text only version of the same file, and a read-me that descibes how to roll your own. -David Ray daver@sunspot.ssl.berkeley.edu #### BINHEX scr-pp-14400.hqx **** Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1992 14:59:26 -0400 From: Christopher Davis <ckd@eff.org> Subject: Practical Peripherals 14400FXSA ARA scripts Downloaded from the PPIFORUM on CompuServe. Permission is granted for noncommercial distribution as long as the files are distributed together and unmodified. The PP14400 is a nice, relatively inexpensive V.32bis modem with a very cool LCD on the front for call progress & status. #### BINHEX scr-pp-9600-sa.hqx **** Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1992 12:54:05 PDT From: Bill Lipa <lipa@camis.stanford.edu> Subject: [*] ARA script update for PP9600SA modem This script was posted on Usenet in response to a query of mine. I have converted the script text into a document with the correct type and creator. From: kevin_tavenner@gateway.qm.apple.com (Kevin Tavenner) Subject: ARA & Practical Peripherals 9600SA The 'Practical Peripherals 9600SA' script that is shipped with AppleTalk Remote Access does not function consistently with the Practical Modem 9600SA. This is normally experienced while using a Quadra X00 with the '040 cache on. It appears that the modem command processor requires quiet time between the "OK<cr><lf>" response from the modem and the receipt of the next command from the ARA CCL interpreter. This required quiet time seems to be on the order of 5-10ms. The following script meets this requirement in the simplest way - a "Pause 1" is inserted in front of every "Write" command! This inserts a 200ms delay (Quadra 700, cache on) that allows the modem command processor to recycle for the next command. The disadvantage of this approach is that the CCL execution times for dialing and hanging up are increased by about 1s. The speed of the ARA connection is unaffected since the CCL interpreter is only used for initiating and terminating connections. #### BINHEX scr-prometheus-ultima.hqx **** From: bms@shield.eng.pyramid.com (Bruce Schlobohm) Subject: [*] ARA script for Prometheus Ultima Home Office modem Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1993 11:18:20 -0800 (PST) This is the AppleTalk Remote Access script for the "Prometheus Ultima Home Office" modem. This script was downloaded from the Prometheus BBS (503) 691-5199 (14.4k 8N1) from their file named promodem.ara. -- bruce schlobohm bms@pyramid.com #### BINHEX scr-selic-240.hqx **** Date: Wed, 28 Oct 92 10:35:47 +0100 From: tffjs@fy.chalmers.se (Johan Swahn) Subject: ARA script for Selic Modem 240 Enclosed is an Appletalk Remote Access (ARA) script for Selic Modem 240 that I have written. The Selic Modem 240 is a modem manufactured by Selic AB in Gothenburg, Sweden. The modem has been sold mainly on the Scandinavian market. Johan Swahn (tffjs@fy.chalmers.se) #### BINHEX scr-supra-fax-modem-ara1.hqx **** From: Matthew Johnson <mgj@doc.ic.ac.uk> Subject: Supra multiple CCL's for ARA 1.0 Date: Fri, 27 May 1994 11:38:24 +0000 --========================_15623452==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Dear Archivists, The following CCL scripts come from the Supra Technical Support BBS, and are for use with various Supra Modems, under ARA 1.0. They extend the ability to work in adverse conditions above that of the already on your archive. ------ Enclosed are the CCL's Supra offers for use with our SupraFaxModem and AppleTalk Remote Access 1.0. These CCL's will work with following modems*: * SupraFaxModem V.32bis * SupraFaxModem V.32 * SupraFaxModem 144LC * SupraFaxModem 144PB * For SupraFaxModem Plus use the CCL provided with ARA. For the SupraModem 2400 and SupraModem 2400 Plus use the Hayes 2400 CCL provided with ARA. Desription of the various CCL's: SupraFaxModem V.32bis This is the standard CCL to be used with all the SupraFaxModems listed above SFM V.32bis - S110=3 This CCL should be used by the initiator of a call when line quality is poor. It will have the modems connect at 4800 then upshift to the highest speed that the line quality will permit (maximum 14,400) SFM V.32bis - S110=0 This CCL can be used on the Client or Host end when line conditions are very poor.It will limit carrier speeds to 9600 and below. SFM V.32bis/9600 - S110=0 This CCL also allows carrier speeds up to 9600 but also sets the serial port speed at 9600. This should be used on those Macs where high speed serial communication is a problem SFM V.32bis/9600/NHW - S110=0 This CCL is the same as above one but it disables hardware handshaking and uses Xon/Xoff (software) flow control instead. ----- I have not sought permission to re-post these CCL's due to the distance between me and Supra US, they were emailed by a third party. However since they should only help existing Supra owners run their modems as initially expected I don't forsee any objections on their part, especially since they are freely available on their BBS. Matthew. --- Matthew G. Johnson IC-Parc William Penney Laboratory Imperial College London SW7 2AZ --========================_15623452==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Supra_ARA_1.0_(94=2=23)" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Supra_ARA_1.0_(94=2=23)" #### BINHEX scr-supra-fax-modem-ara2.hqx **** From: Matthew Johnson <mgj@doc.ic.ac.uk> Subject: Supra CCL's for ARA 2.0 Date: Fri, 27 May 1994 11:46:04 +0000 --========================_15623452==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <please ignore the second of the two mails entitled > < "Supra multiple CCL's for ARA 1.0" > <it is a copy of this one with an incorrect title > Dear Archivists, The following CCL scripts come from the Supra Technical Support BBS, and are for use with various Supra Modems, under ARA 1.0/2.0. ------ Enclosed are the CCL's for Apple Remote Access and the SupraFaxModems. These files will work for both ARA 1.0 and ARA 2.0. They will not work if you are running LineShare=81 from Stalker Software, SDMS LineShare Lite=81 included with Supra Digital Messaging System or with the Line Manager feature included with FAXstf=81 3.0. In those cases please use the CCL that is provided with that software. These CCLs support all SupraFaxModem models including the SupraFaxModem 288, SupraFaxModem V.32bis, SupraFaxModem 144LC, SupraFaxModem 144PB, SupraFaxModem Plus. Changes in this release are: Improved reporting of connection speeds with the SupraFaxModem 288 modem; =46ixed blind dialing problem that existed for some SupraFaxModem models; =46ixed manual dialing problem in ARA 2.0. Supra Technical Support ----- I have not sought permission to re-post these CCL's due to the distance between me and Supra US, they were emailed by a third party. However since they should only help existing Supra owners run their modems as initially expected I don't forsee any objections on their part, especially since they are freely available on their BBS. Matthew. --- Matthew G. Johnson IC-Parc William Penney Laboratory Imperial College London SW7 2AZ --========================_15623452==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Supra_1.0=2.0_CCL's.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Supra_1.0=2.0_CCL's.sit" #### BINHEX scr-supra-fax-modem.hqx **** Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1992 13:42:31 -0800 From: macweek@macweek.ziff.com Subject: SupraFAXModem V.32bis ARA An ARA script for the Supra Fax Modem with V.32bis. This is straight from Supra (via CompuServe). ========================================================================= Robert Hess America Online: RHessJr MacWEEK Systems Administrator CIS: 72511,333 301 Howard CONNECT: MACWEEK San Francisco, CA 94105 AppleLink: MACWEEK (415) 243-3576 (voice) GEnie: MACWEEK (415) 243-3651 (fax) #### BINHEX scr-telebit-qblazer-201.hqx **** Date: 20 Dec 1992 21:48:18 -0700 From: "Kateley, Jim" <sphns@msgate.corp.apple.com> Subject: ara-QBlazer-2.0.1.sit.hqx Hello there, Here's version 2.0.1 of my Telebit QBlazer script for AppleTalk Remote Access. Changes from earlier versions are mostly cleaning up comments and changing things around for consistency. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop me a line. If I am able I will reply, but please remember this is not my real job... :-) Jim Kateley Apple Computer Inc. Disclaimer: This is me talking #### BINHEX scr-telebit-t2500.hqx **** Date: Sun, 26 Jul 92 08:44:43 -1600 From: chester@CIMCAD.me.ntu.edu.tw (chester lin) Subject: ARA script for Telebit T2500 Hello, I just write an ARA script for this modem and would like to submit it to Info-Mac on Sumex-Aim Cheers, Chester Lin chester@cimcad.me.ntu.edu.tw ------------------------------------ CUT HERE ------------- This ARA script for Telebit T2500 modem needs to be used with a cable with DTR hang-up control. Hardware flow control is NOT supported. Chester H. Lin Taipei, Taiwan 10/26/92 #### BINHEX scr-telebit-t3000-wb-104.hqx **** Date: 20 Dec 1992 21:53:42 -0700 From: "Kateley, Jim" <sphns@msgate.corp.apple.com> Subject: ara-T3000-WB-1.0.4.sit.hqx Hello there, Here's version 1.0.4 of my Telebit T3000/WorldBlazer (v.32bis) script for AppleTalk Remote Access. Changes from earlier versions are added RTS handshaking to improve performance on 8MHz 68000 based Macintoshes, compatibly with Telebit ROM's up to LA7.01a, cleaning up comments and changing things around for consistency. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop me a line. If I am able I will reply, but please remember this is not my real job... :-) Jim Kateley Apple Computer Inc. Disclaimer: This is me talking #### BINHEX scr-twincom-v32bis.hqx **** Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1992 17:12:13 -0600 From: Andrew.Miller@cbis.ECE.Drexel.EDU (Andrew Miller) Subject: ARA modem script Dear Post People, Please post this Appletalk Remote Access Modem Script (Info-mac/comm). I recieved it Twincom for use with their 14.4k V.32/V.42bis modems. Thank you. #### BINHEX scr-ultima-home-office.hqx **** From: "Jim Golden" <jim_golden@qmbridge.calstate.edu> (by way of igorl@uiuc.edu (Igor Livshits)) Subject: ARA script for Ultima Home Office Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1993 19:15:58 -0600 --========================_19716960==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" RE>ARA script for Ultima Home Office Modem >Does anybody have a working script for the Ultima Home Office modem? >We can't get a few of them working properly. > > Thanx, > Sid Bernstein > sidb@pica.army.mil I am using ARA with the Ultima Home Office, I am enclosing two scripts that I have used , if your mail system can not handle enclosures, I am also sending it to Info-mac or you can download it from Prometheus BBS at (503)691-5199. Jim Golden Jim_Golden@qm.calstate.edu Chancellors Office California State University Attachment converted: Eris:Prometheus Ultima Home Offi (mlts/slnk) (00003417) Attachment converted: Eris:Prometheus 144 Series (mlts/slnk) (00003418) --========================_19716960==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Prometheus_ARA_scripts.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Prometheus_ARA_scripts.sit" #### BINHEX scr-usrob-sportster-14400.hqx **** Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1992 00:07:45 -0500 From: "Erik A. Johnson" <johnsone@uxh.cso.uiuc.edu> Subject: comm/ara-usr-sportster-14400.hqx Here is an ARA script for the USRobotics Sportster 14400 that I downloaded from USR's Tech Support and Sales BBS in Skokie, IL. I've used it only a couple of times, and so far it works great! Erik A. Johnson \ Internet: johnsone@uxh.cso.uiuc.edu \ | ------------------------\ AmericaOnline: ErikAJ \ --+-- Graduate Student \--------------------------------------------\ | Aero/Astro Engineering \ "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and \ | University of Illinois at \ the truth, and the life; no one comes to \ | Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) \ the Father except through me.'" (Jn14:6) \ (Standard disclaimer: I didn't write the script and I have nothing to do with USRobotics ... and as far as the University of Illinois ... they hardly know I exist -- I'm only a grad student!) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #### BINHEX scr-usrob-sportster-28800.hqx **** Date: Tue, 15 Nov 1994 18:09:50 -0700 From: robertso@sdsc.edu (MR Mac - Michael Robertson) Subject: USR Sportster 28.8 CCL file for ARA --========================_21993302==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" This ONLY works if you have version 2.0 of ARA and their new 2.8.8 Sportster modem. (And USR needs to better organize their ftp.usr.com site. I found this in the non-intuitive "dl08" directory!!) --========================_21993302==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="USR2_0_1.ARA" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="USR2_0_1.ARA" #### BINHEX scr-usrob-vterbo.hqx **** From: ehfm@midway.uchicago.edu (Eric Hoffmann) Subject: ARA-USRobotics-vterbo-19200 Date: Sun, 23 Jan 1994 22:29:45 -0600 --========================_17602912==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ARA file for the newer vterbo Courier and DS modems. A USR to USR link can maintain a connection at 21,600bps using ASL. A USR to another vterbo modem can connect at 19,200bps. --========================_17602912==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="ara-usrob-vterbo-19200.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ara-usrob-vterbo-19200.sit" #### BINHEX scr-various.hqx **** #### BINHEX scr-worldblazer-pep.hqx **** Date: Sat, 11 Jul 92 06:10:10 CDT From: werner@rascal.ics.utexas.edu (Werner Uhrig) Subject: ATR driver for WorldBlazer (PEP) [Apple Talk Remote driver for WorldBlazer Telebit modem, in PEP mode -- Gordon] #### BINHEX scr-zoom-288.hqx **** From: richthw@halcyon.halcyon.com (Richard T. White) Subject: ARA-Zoom 28.8 Script Date: Tue, 31 May 1994 18:35:17 -0600 The files enclosed are ARA scripts for the new Zoom 28.8kbs modem. (I think the Magic modems are made by Zoom Telephonics as well and should be compatible). The Zoom VFX V.Fast script attempts to link at 28.8 bps and should automatically fall back to the fastest speed possible depending on the line quality. I have found that it is not possible to reliably use 28.8 bps on my phone system, so I have included several other scripts that will force a connection at the baud rate specified. (24000 baud seems to work the best for me). All the scripts use 38,400 baud to communicate with the modem and error correction/data compression are turned off. -------------------- #### BINHEX scr-zoom-faxmodem-v32.hqx **** Date: Sat, 22 Aug 92 10:40:50 PDT From: survit varshney <xsvarshn@aunix.fullerton.edu> Subject: Official Zoom V.32 ARA Script Hi, here is the official Zoom faxmodem V.32 ARA script. The one posted earlier (V.32 Turbo) had problems with V.32 bis modems. This script does not (hopefully) have those problems. Binhexed, compacted with compact pro. I will work with 14.4 Zoom Fax Modems. Please direct any questions to Zoom Telephonics. Thanks! #### BINHEX scr-zoom-v32bis.hqx **** Date: Wed, 21 Oct 92 15:54:27 PDT From: Suvrit Varshney <xsvarshn@aunix.fullerton.edu> Subject: ARA Script for Zoom V.32 bis Modems (resubmission) This is the ARA script for Zoom V.32 bis modems. The official script released by Zoom crashes the program after disconnection. This script is close to the official script and does not crash after disconnection. Please replace the appropriate script with this one. This script may also work with 9600 baud modems although I'm not sure about this. Those who have 9600 baud Zoom modems and are having probs while disconnecting the modem can try this script. Thanks! #### BINHEX scr-zyxel-u1496.hqx **** Date: Thu, 3 Dec 92 21:42:18 +0100 From: Roland Mansson <Roland.Mansson@dna.lth.se> Subject: ara-zyxel-u1496.cpt.hqx AppleTalk Remote Access script for ZyXEL U-1496. Based on Apple's "US Robotics Courier V.32/V.32bis - 9/2/91" script. Changes suggested by Nick Doshi, ZyXEL USA, Oct 2, 1992. The changes are commented in the script. The script that ends in (5) answers the phone after five rings. Modified by Roland Mansson, Lund University Computing Center, Sweden, Oct 20, 1992. #### BINHEX scr-zyxel-u1496e-plus.hqx **** Date: Fri, 16 Apr 93 13:29:52 MET From: Wolfgang Hammerschmidt <hammers@haema101.gsf.de> Subject: ARA script for ZyXEL U - 1496E+ modem RE: Zyxel ARA script for ZyXel U - 1496E+ modem Hello everybody! Surprise, surprise! We bought two ZyXEL U -1496E+ modems a week ago and found out by accident that they support 19200bps! Thus, it was necessary to rewrite the modem script for Apple Talk Remote Access to make it work with this new generation of modems. Since this script might be of interest to many new users of Zyxel modems for the Macintosh it would be a good idea to have it posted in info-mac/comm! Thanks much. This CCL script now supports the newest ROM version and 19200bps speed (April1993) for which I didn+t get any written information although the modem does support this feature. In general, the script supports 57600 baud from Mac to Modem and back. The settings work with a pair of ZyXEL modems (at 19200bps!) and with at least two other modems from different manufacturers on a Plus and on a Quadra 700 including callback, mixed pulse and touch tone dialing, etc. Since some national telephone systems or switchboard telephone equipments don+t give the anticipated dialtone, I have included an escape sequence to override this necessity just in case (changes the script from X6 to X3). If there are any problems please let me know. However, I cannot guarantee that this hack will work for every ZyXEL modem. If it works for you, drop me a line, please. My E-mail address is <hammers@haema101.gsf.de> Greetings! #### BINHEX scr-zyxel-u1496e.hqx **** Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1993 19:30:33 +0100 From: Sigurd.Meldal@ii.uib.no (Sigurd Meldal) Subject: ZyXEL U1496e ARA script submission The ZyXEL U1496e script in the archives never did work for me with modems running at more than 9600 bps. There was not even a string for 16800 bps, and answering malfunctioned as well. So, here is a hacked version, which functions well in the tests I have submitted it to: High speeds (14400 bps and 16800 bps), callbacks and at least one non-ZyXEL call-in modem (an Apple Express Modem). I suggest you replace the archived copy with this one. Best regards, Sigurd Meldal