Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #7
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Info-Mac Digest             Fri, 28 Jan 00       Volume 17 : Issue 7

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Eudora (v. 4.2.2) cache folder
      (Q) Math flashcard program with voice entry?
      [*] 3DMF for MATHEMATICA 1.3.1
      [*] AD Launcher 1.1.1 - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] ATPM 5.12
      [*] CardSaver 2.0
      [*] ChaosZoom 1.0 - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] ClickLock! 1.0.1
      [*] ConvertTextInfos version 1.0.4
      [*] Font Explorer 1.2 - Explore your fonts
      [*] GLMStat 5.0.3;Generalized linear models
      [*] Iconographer 1.0.2: 32-bit Icon Editor
      [*] iMorph
      [*] Invoice Builder 2.0.1
      [*] Language Reader 1.6.1 - foreign language learning
      [*] MacDICT 1.0
      [*] MacDim 2.2.1 - screensaver/dimmer with many features
      [*] MacOSTray 1.1b4 - a MacOSX-like desktop tray
      [*] Molecules 1.1 - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] Organizer 2.8.1
      [*] Painting 1.6.5- A fabulous graphics editor
      [*] PixelGallery 1.0 - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] PlayFreeLotto 7.0.1
      [*] Polyominoes 7.0
      [*] Power Windows 2.1
      [*] PowerReplace 6.6;  powerful text conversion utility
      [*] Scorpion BarCode 1.60
      [*] ShadeCluster 1.1.1 - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] Sound Byte 1.2.2
      [*] Sound Byte 1.2.5
      [*] TetraTrap 1.1
      [*] TimeLabel 1.4
      [*] Tunnelvision 1.1.1 - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] Web Confidential 1.3.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] WebEvent 3.22
      [*] Word List Maker 2.1.9 - text utility
      [*] YP Force Magnetique 1.0 (physics, french version)
      [*] YP Magnetic Force 1.0 (physics)
      [*] YP Vecteurs 1.0 (mathematics-physics, french version)
      [*] YP Vectors 1.0 (mathematics-physics)
      Default Page Size under OS 8.6
      Default Page Size under OS 8.6 - Curioser and curioser ....
      LocalTalk Bridge--does it work?
      Problems with MacOS 9 and PMac G4/AGP, ATM, Apple Guide, Mac OS

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP
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Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 13:27:00 -0800
From: Mark Allen <>
Subject: (Q) Eudora (v. 4.2.2) cache folder

My question relates to the Eudora (v. 4.2.2) cache folder. Is there 
any user-adjustable setting that controls the maximum number of items 
to be saved in this folder before items start to be deleted?


Mark Allen


Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 11:51:28 -0800
From: Mark Allen <>
Subject: (Q) Math flashcard program with voice entry?

Does any math flashcard program exist that accepts voice entry of 
answers? Any recommendations?


Mark Allen


Date: 8 Jan 2000
From: RoboDog <>
Subject: [*] 3DMF for MATHEMATICA 1.3.1

The '3DMF for MATHEMATICA' is software for QuickDraw3D Metafile and
MATHEMATICA. It contains QuickDraw3DViewer and MATHEMATICA packages
"QD3D`QuickDraw3D`*". QuickDraw3DViewer is a tool to show, convert, and
printout 3DMF files. And the MATHEMATICA packages "QD3D`QuickDraw3D`*"
are designed to IMPORT and EXPORT 3DMF. There are two modes ( Text and
Binary ) and three types ( Normal, Stream, and Database ) in QD3D.
QuickDraw3DViewer supports conversion among these formats. In some case,
it's useful to save an object as a plain text. A user can save a file
for 'Simple Text', 'CodeWarrior', and 'MATHEMATICA'. MATHEMATICA 4.0 is

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/3dmf-for-mathematica-131.hqx; 1369 K]


Date: 7 Jan 2000
From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <>
Subject: [*] AD Launcher 1.1.1 - MacDim screensaver module

AD Launcher 1.1.1

AD Launcher is a MacDim screensaver module that launches
the freeware and shareware AfterDark modules.

This PPC/68k stand-alone program can communicate with the
freeware control panel MacDim.

Shareware $5 (or $20 for all our MacDim modules)

System requirements: System 7.0 or later

Main changes in v1.1.1:
- Fixed the bundle bit - should now appear as a real program
- Now opens the present folder in the select folder dialog

At the present time these MacDim modules have been released:
Fireballs, Blackout, ShadeCluster, Tunnelvision, AD Launcher, Molecules,
ChaosZoom and PixelGallery. They can all be downloaded at:

For more information, please visit our web-pages at:

Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Ibrium HB

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/ad-launcher-111.hqx; 208 K]


Date: 8 Jan 2000
From: Chris Turner <>
Subject: [*] ATPM 5.12

December 6, 1999, Etna, NH ( holiday season is 
upon us, and as the staff of About This Particular Macintosh presents our 
December issue, we wish you the very best during this time of joy, and 
for the new year to come.

Kicking things off in this month's Apple Cider, Tom Iovino awaits the 
upcoming year 2000, and looks back on 1999 with some Random Saved 
Thoughts regarding Apple, Microsoft, football and parade balloons.

Publisher Michael Tsai examines the current state of Macintosh software 
from Microsoft, and as usual, doesn't pull any punches.

David Ozab continues his Segments piece, this time with a look at "MIDI 
and the Mac" in this month's How To.

Networking guru Matthew Glidden, of "Three Macs and a Printer", continues 
his 10-part series on networking your Macs with part 5, "Mixing Ethernet 
and LocalTalk Networks." For those of you with a mixture of older and 
newer Macs that need to communicate with one another, this column is for 

This month's Art Department is a bit different, as our graphics guru 
Jamal Ghandour takes on a different form of art--music. Jamal walks you 
through how to burn your own music compilation CDs, turning your personal 
music collection into your own work of art.

In this month's About This Particular Web Site, David Spencer presents a 
cornucopia of sites for your holiday viewing pleasure, from staff 
favorites The Onion and to The Register, Digital Blasphemy, and 
more. Be sure to contribute sites you think other readers might be 
interested in by emailing David.

Our Shareware Editor Bill Lovett has an extensive roundup of software 
that aids the Mac user in one of the staples of computer 
usage--installation. Check out Clean-Install Assistant, Yank, Tome 
Viewer, and Installer Observer. All make excellent holiday gifts for the 
Mac user in your life--with the exception of Yank, they are all free, and 
even Yank is inexpensive for what it does.

The staff reviews a wide range of items just in time for your last-minute 
holiday shopping, including Humongous Entertainment's Backyard Football; 
N2MP3 from Proteron; nik Color Efex!; Guy Kawasaki's latest tome, Rules 
for Revolutionaries; the Rio Player 500; and Handspring's Palm OS PDA, 
the Visor Deluxe.

A great gift idea this year is an ATPM t-shirt, available now. Check our 
web site for more details. Or you could really impress the ATPM reader in 
your life by winning him or her a t-shirt in this month's Trivia 
Challenge, Match the Monikers! ATPM's gift to you this holiday season is 
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/art/zine/atpm-512-pdf.hqx; 2170 K]


Date: 8 Jan 2000
From: rich <>
Subject: [*] CardSaver 2.0

CardSaver is a stand-alone application that creates a database for trading
card enthusiasts to keep track of their collections. Information such as the
name of the card, category, manufacturer, price paid, value, condition, and
other key attributes may be entered. There is even one space per entry where
a downloaded or scanned piece of photo image can be displayed. This demo
version is free and will only run for 30 days until payment of the $10
registration fee is made.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/cardsaver-20.hqx; 3083 K]


Date: 7 Jan 2000
From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <>
Subject: [*] ChaosZoom 1.0 - MacDim screensaver module

ChaosZoom 1.0

ChaosZoom is a MacDim module that renders some incredible graphics on
your screen. This is not a movie - it is real time, never ending calculations!

ChaosZoom is a PPC stand-alone program which can
communicate with the freeware control panel MacDim.

Shareware $5 (or $20 for all our MacDim modules)

System requirements: System 7.0 or later

At the present time these MacDim modules have been released:
Fireballs, Blackout, ShadeCluster, Tunnelvision, AD Launcher, Molecules,
ChaosZoom and PixelGallery. They can all be downloaded at:

For more information, please visit our web-pages at:

Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Ibrium HB

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/chaos-zoom-10.hqx; 147 K]


Date: 8 Jan 2000
From: "Naoto Osato" <>
Subject: [*] ClickLock! 1.0.1

I've updated mouse utility, "ClickLock!" on Osato Utility Room.
This is its information.

*Title: ClickLock!
*Version: 1.0.1
*License: Shareware
*Developer: Osato Utility Room
*Developer e-mail:
"ClickLock! CSM" is attached.
You can switch ClickLock! function with ControlStrip briefly.
Using "ClickLock!", you can drag if releasing button while dragging.
***With standard one button mouse as attached Macintosh!***

You can use ClickLock! with 3 functions.

Press key while dragging, and you can drag if releasing button while

DoubleClick and drag, and you can drag if releasing button while

Shake cursor while dragging, and you can drag if  releasing button while
*Other minimum requirements:
System7.6 or later
Standard mouse

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/clicklock-101.hqx; 621 K]


Date: 7 Jan 2000
From: Cadili <>
Subject: [*] ConvertTextInfos version 1.0.4

ConvertTextInfos 1.0.4 - $5

ConvertTextInfos is a program used to read the data send through a html 
page usually to your email address. The program format the data in a 
readle way for a text editor.

ConvertTextInfos is a shareware you can use for 30 days, after that you 
have to pay your share fee.

ConvertTextInfos version History

1.0.0: The first internet release.
1.0.0b2: Fix an error with the "Power Mac Debugger 2.1a1" (I have add the 
proper SIZE resources).
1.0.1b1: Fix an error with the "AppleEvent Manager" (the structure 
QDGlobals is now static). Add the support of AppleEvent (supports 
kAEQuitApplication and kAEOpenDocuments messages).
Add a suffix (.out) to the processed file. Support multiple file with 
1.0.3: In this version the program ConvertTextInfos has been totaly 
rewritten. The developping environtment now is CodeWarrior and the 
application is totally C++ designed. The file service now use the 
macintosh File Manager directly. Minor fixes: all the incompatibilities 
with the Drag&Drop Manager has been fixed. Now the DB no longer need to 
be rebuilted or the Mac OS Easy Open need to be custumized. The output 
file now have the type 'TEXT' and creator 'ttxt'.
version 1.0.4: In this version the program ConvertTextInfos is Carbon 
revised. The new version is developped using the latest tools available 
at 12/1999 that is CodeWarrior 5.0.3, Carbon SDK 1.0.2b7 and 
UniversalInterfaces 3.3.1b2.
The PPC version of carbon now uses the Navigation Services when available 
instead of the Standard File Manager.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/convert-text-infos-104.hqx; 471 K]


Date: 5 Jan 2000
From: Alexandre Trottier <Alexandre.Trottier@Videotron.CA>
Subject: [*] Font Explorer 1.2 - Explore your fonts

Font Explorer makes it easier and faster to find specific characters in a
font. It shows all the characters of your fonts on a grid. Its zoom feature
lets you see all the details of the glyphs. The key combinations required to
produce specific characters are displayed, including key combinations that
require multiple distinct keystrokes. Font Explorer also gives you the ASCII
codes of all the characters in decimal and hexadecimal. A text entry field
lets you preview and copy text in the selected font and style. And finally,
Font Explorer has an elegant, 3D-style interface. Font Explorer is freeware.

[Archived as /info-mac/font/util/font-explorer-12.hqx; 189 K]


Date: 8 Jan 2000
From: Ken Beath <>
Subject: [*] GLMStat 5.0.3;Generalized linear models

GLMStat is a Macintosh-based statistical program for analysing generalised
linear models. It provides  a macintosh interface and includes many of the
features of other programs. Features of GLMStat are

 - spreadsheet style data entry
 - factors may be represented as either integers or strings (categories)
 - Normal, Poisson, Binomial and Gamma models with appropriate links and
specification of convergence and aliasing parameters
 - Scatter and Residual plots
 - Matrix scatterplots
 - Box and Whisker plots
 - Frequency distribution histograms
 - Descriptive statistics.
 - Output of deviance, parameter estimates, residuals and parameter
 - Saving of data files complete with all model specifications.
 - printing of data, graph and results.
 - Missing values
 - Online Help (under the apple menu) and a brief User Manual.
 - includes example data files for most examples in two of the texts.
 - Individual licences available for $US25. 10 User Site Licences $US100.
Site licences $US200. World site licence $US500. Payment in $US through
Kagi Shareware.
 - Registration includes free upgrades to version 5.x

Unregistered copies are fully functional except that Save and Save As are
disabled and there are some limitations on usage.

Version 5.0.0
 - introduced string and category columns - category columns allow factors
to have named levels eg mild, moderate and severe
 - extensive changes to simplify code for creating model matrices
 - Navigation services
 - changed name of Residuals command to Diagnostics and added leverage to
 - in scatter plots 95% ci for fitted values shown using error bars if
 - export text command enhanced to allow choosing of columns (including
those created during the fit process) and column titles and whether to only
include the current subset
 - added command to display covariances of parameter estimates
 - and a lot of other minor changes

Version 5.0.1
 - fixes a bug which would cause missing values to be read as zeroes if all
other values in a column were non-negative integer but some were zero or
greater than maxlevels so column was converted to real

Version 5.0.2
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/glm-stat-503.hqx; 1300 K]


Date: 8 Jan 2000
From: Mihai Parparita <>
Subject: [*] Iconographer 1.0.2: 32-bit Icon Editor

Iconographer is a an icon editor. It allows you to both change the icons
of items, as well as edit the icon resources used by various programs.
Iconographer has been created from the ground up to edit the new, Mac OS
8.5+, 32-bit icons with 8-bit masks. In addition, it allows you to work
with icons from other platforms (at this moment, Windows .ico files and
Mac OS X Server .tiff files).


System 7.5.3 and above
Appearance Manager (included with Mac OS 8.0 and up)
A Power Macintosh

New :
- Fixed a crash with the move tool.
- Fixed cosmetic issues with pre-Mac OS 8.5 systems.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/iconographer.hqx; 390 K]


Date: 25 Jan 2000
From: "Cece Bell" <>
Subject: [*] iMorph

Gore, Bush, McCain, Bradley and Ventura all get MORPHED with this iMac, G3,
G4 screensaver, which randomly morphs photos on the fly. A different goofy
picture every time! When you get tired of the candidates just add pictures
of your friends or, better yet, your enemies. For use with Darkside or
Afterdark. It's Freeware from HCS. Include on any CD or other compilation.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/imorph.hqx; 741 K]


Date: 6 Jan 2000
From: "Jonathan Hammer" <>
Subject: [*] Invoice Builder 2.0.1

Invoice Builder 2.0.1 is a complete billing solution for the Macintosh.
Version 2.0.1 incorporates many new features and improvements, such as:
- Unlimited Invoices/Entries
- Group invoices into groups
- Faster invoice creation
- Mac OS 9 support
Invoice Builder requires Mac OS 8 and Microsoft Word (to create the
invoices). It will work without Word, but you won't be able to access all
the features.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/invoice-builder-201.hqx; 847 K]


Date: 8 Jan 2000
From: Jacek Iwanski <>
Subject: [*] Language Reader 1.6.1 - foreign language learning

Language Toolkit Reader is an interactive multimedia program for language
learning.  It features the integrated use of text, illustrations, sound,
QuickTime Movies, vocabulary, exercises based on text and sound, and notes on
grammar.  You use the program to access 'lessons' which are prepared
A teacher can prepare multimedia lessons for any target language by using the
companion program 'Language Toolkit Writer'. An associated program 'Verbs &
Nouns' gives access to additional support in the way of dictionaries, and
offers the opportunity for further practice of inflection and translation at
the level of single words.

You can visit to find more

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/language-toolkit-reader.hqx; 2337 K]


Date: 7 Jan 2000
From: "Navdeep Bains" <>
Subject: [*] MacDICT 1.0

MacDICT lets you access a growing number of databases, including Websters 
Dictionary, for free! Other databases include the US Gazetter and the Free
Online Dictionary of Computing. 

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mac-dict-10.hqx; 652 K]


Date: 7 Jan 2000
From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <>
Subject: [*] MacDim 2.2.1 - screensaver/dimmer with many features

MacDim version 2.2.1

MacDim is a popular freeware screensaver/dimmer for Macintosh.

Features include dimming, program/module launching,
energy saving, and password protection.

The MacDim modules Fireballs 1.4.1 (shareware $5) and Blackout 1.0.3 are

Main changes in v2.2.1
- Fixed and tested backlight on Powerbook
- Now automatically enables program launching when a module is added
- Fixed some minor bugs

System requirements: System 7.0 or later

At the present time these additional MacDim modules have been released:
ShadeCluster, Tunnelvision, AD Launcher, Molecules, ChaosZoom and PixelGallery.
They can all be downloaded at

For more information, please visit our web-pages at:

Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Ibrium HB

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/mac-dim-221.hqx; 289 K]


Date: 5 Jan 2000
From: Jerome Tarantino <>
Subject: [*] MacOSTray 1.1b4 - a MacOSX-like desktop tray

MacOSTray 1.1b4 by Jerome Tarantino
Nov. 1998 - Dec. 1999

Kind: Desktop Enhancement
Minimum requirement: MacOS 9
Shareware fee: $10
Description: MacOSTray add a MacOSX-like tray on the right side side of your
desktop to handle disks, servers and printers

Bug Reports: Jerome Tarantino,

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/mac-os-tray-11b4.hqx; 64 K]


Date: 7 Jan 2000
From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <>
Subject: [*] Molecules 1.1 - MacDim screensaver module

Molecules 1.1

Molecules is a MacDim module that displays and rotates models of real
protein molecules as a screensaver. The proteins are described in pdb files,
created and usually used by scientists.

Molecules is a PPC stand-alone program which can
communicate with the freeware control panel MacDim.

Shareware $5 (or $20 for all our MacDim modules)

System requirements: System 7.0 or later

Main changes in v1.1:
- Fixed the mirror error (the molecules were mirrored)
- Fixed a bug in an assembler routine
- Added PPC only notice for 68k users

At the present time these MacDim modules have been released:
Fireballs, Blackout, ShadeCluster, Tunnelvision, AD Launcher, Molecules,
ChaosZoom and PixelGallery. They can all be downloaded at:

For more information, please visit our web-pages at:

Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Ibrium HB

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/molecules-11.hqx; 616 K]


Date: 7 Jan 2000
From: sgandy <>
Subject: [*] Organizer 2.8.1

The Organizer is a calendar, notebook, to do list, daily 
scheduler, phonebook, memo and fax maker. The memo maker is now "smart". 
It can auto magically insert your name and other details. The Organizer 
is a HyperCard stack, thus it requires HyperCard or HyperCard Player 2.x 
to be installed.

The Organizer is shareware the cost is $10 for the year. 

Steve Gandy -- TeachTech

[Archived as /info-mac/app/organizer-283.hqx; 220 K]


Date: 4 Jan 2000
From: Sarwat Khan <>
Subject: [*] Painting 1.6.5- A fabulous graphics editor

Painting 1.6.5 is the latest release of Sarwat Khan's fabulous $20 
shareware graphics program.  Painting is useful for creating 
everything from the simplest icons to the most breathtaking artwork. 
Painting has all the standard paint tools, plus special effects, 
support for multiple file formats, customised colour sets, graphics 
tablet support, intelligent 32-bit icon creation for documents, and 
much more.

Painting 1.6.5 is a quick update to fix bugs introduced in 1.6.4 
while saving documents. PowerPC, 68k and fat binary versions of 
Painting are available. For more information and download links, 
please visit the official web site at <>.
Attachment converted: Mac OS:painting-1.6.5.sit.hqx (TEXT/BNHQ) (000709A8)

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/painting-165.hqx; 1011 K]


Date: 7 Jan 2000
From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <>
Subject: [*] PixelGallery 1.0 - MacDim screensaver module

PixelGallery 1.0

PixelGallery is a MacDim module that works as an image viewer.
When launched (by MacDim) it randomly displays images, one at a time,
with some fading in between. Smooth!

PixelGallery is a PPC/68k stand-alone program can communicate with
the freeware control panel MacDim.

Shareware $5 (or $20 for all our MacDim modules)

System requirements: System 7.0 or later, Quicktime 2.5 or later

At the present time these MacDim modules have been released:
Fireballs, Blackout, ShadeCluster, Tunnelvision, AD Launcher, Molecules,
ChaosZoom and PixelGallery. They can all be downloaded at:

For more information, please visit our web-pages at:

Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Ibrium HB

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/pixel-gallery-10.hqx; 169 K]


Date: 8 Jan 2000
From: Ton Brand <>
Subject: [*] PlayFreeLotto 7.0.1

PlayFreeLotto 7.0.1

What it is: Game that simulates any lotto and calculates all chances
Author: Ton Brand
Computer: Any Mac with HyperCard Player
Mac OS: 7.5 or later
License: freeware

PlayFreeLotto is a freeware game that you can use to discover the chance of
winning the first prize in a Lotto. You can also find out what is your chance
to win other Lotto prizes or nil.
But PlayFreeLotto offers more. You can simulate any Lotto and play your
favorite numbers as if it were for real, but at no cost ! You can start a
series of up to 100,000 drawings to find out if and when you could have won
the first prize, or a lower prize. Further, you can use PlayFreeLotto to
evaluate the relation between statistical chances and reality, which will
make clear to you that playing Lotto to get rich is more likely to make you
Required to use PlayFreeLotto is HyperCard (Player) 2.2 or higher.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/play-free-lotto-701.hqx; 154 K]


Date: 5 Jan 2000
From: Kevin Gong <>
Subject: [*] Polyominoes 7.0

If you like puzzles and thinking games, you'll love Polyominoes!

Polyominoes 7.0 is a challenging game based on polyominoes.  A polyomino 
is a piece made up entirely of squares connected edge-to-edge.  For 
example, a domino is a polyomino with 2 squares.  In Polyominoes, you can 
use pentominoes, tetrominoes, trominoes, hexominoes, or create a set of 
your own pieces!

Polyominoes is really four games in one.
    * In GAME mode, you have a very interesting strategy game in which 
you try to put the last piece on the board.  The pieces can be flipped or 
rotated in any manner.  You can use any of the 100 different boards, or 
create your own boards!
    * In CHALLENGE mode, you're provided with a position from the game 
mode in which you're challenged to find the winning move (and one always 
exists, no matter how hard it is for you to find it!).  It's similar to 
chess mate-in-x puzzles.  If you give up, the computer will show you how 
it's done!
    * In JIGSAW PUZZLE mode, you can try to place all the pieces on any 
of the boards. providing countless hours of jigsaw puzzle fun.
    * In SPANNING PUZZLE mode, you try to "span" the board with the 
fewest number of pieces.  The program keeps track of all of your best 

Compatibility:  Polyominoes is compatible with MacOS versions 7.0 through 
9.0 and with both 68K and PowerPC machines.

Polyominoes is Shareware, $10.00 registration fee.  Polyominoes is 
Copyright 1990-2000 by Kevin Gong (  Please 
visit the Polyominoes Web Site at 
for more information.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/polyominoes-70.hqx; 973 K]


Date: 4 Jan 2000
From: Greg Landweber <>
Subject: [*] Power Windows 2.1

Power Windows 2.1 -- January 3, 2000
by Greg Landweber, coauthor of Kaleidoscope

The Power Windows control panel lets you drag entire windows instead
of dotted outlines. It offers both solid and translucent window dragging
and is the only such utility to support the Finder's popup windows (aka
tabbed windows or drawers) introduced in Mac OS 8.

Version 2.1 now supports a limited form of multitasking during solid 
dragging, which lets background applications redraw the windows that 
were initially covered. It also fixes minor glitches with translucent 
dragging and with Kaleidoscope.

The shareware fee is $10 (registered users of 1.x can upgrade for $5;
registered users of version 2.x do not need to pay an upgrade fee).

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/power-windows-21.hqx; 100 K]


Date: 7 Jan 2000
From: Han <>
Subject: [*] PowerReplace 6.6;  powerful text conversion utility

Announcing the release of PowerReplace 6.6! PowerReplace is a powerful
text conversion utility. It does the conversion using a small file called
"Filter". The syntax of filter is very easy to understand. PowerReplace is
also an utility to build text conversion application. It can create small
stand-alone daughter-application called "SelfReplace", who makes your
favorite conversion more easily and efficiently.

PowerReplace can replace character (including NULL, CR, LF, TAB) or string
by any other string. By use of the asterisk-sign(*) representing any
indeterminate string, it can replace also a string only whose two
extremities are known. It supports all character set, hexadecimal string
and regular expression(pattern) for find/replace.

New features (ver. 6.5 -> 6.6):

- Developer version available. If you buy the developer version for US$500,
you can distribute your own SelfReplace as shareware. Developer version
a small program to generate user code for your SelfReplace.

- Fixed the long time wait bug when convert folder containing many files of
different types.

- Increase partition memory for SelfReplace. It seems that MacOS 8.5 or later
asks more memory.

For more information, please read the Readme file enclosed,
or visit my web page:

Guoniu Han

[Archived as /info-mac/text/power-replace-66.hqx; 1127 K]


Date: 5 Jan 2000
From: Tech Support <>
Subject: [*] Scorpion BarCode 1.60

Scorpion BarCode 1.60

The Scorpion BarCode software helps with easy creation and printing of
all major bar code symbologies in EPSF or PICT file formats including
EAN-13 (With or without Add-On codes), EAN-8, EAN-128, UPC-A (With or
without Add-On codes), UPC-E, Code-128,  Code-93, Code-39, Codabar, ITF
(Interleaved Two Five), ISSN, ISBN, PostNet (5 digit / 9 digit / 11
digit), RM4SCC, Pharmacode and MSI.

With drag and drop simplicity plus AppleScript support, this complete
utility software also provides templates for a custom labeling system.
The Scorpion BarCode software also supports Balloon Help and Apple Guide
to simplify the user experience. The Apple Speech Manager provides voice
support through the Voice Assistance feature. The entire User Guide is
built into the onscreen help.

Full details available from <> or eMail

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/scorpion-bar-code-16.hqx; 377 K]


Date: 7 Jan 2000
From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <>
Subject: [*] ShadeCluster 1.1.1 - MacDim screensaver module

ShadeCluster 1.1.1

ShadeCluster is a MacDim screensaver module that renders
realtime shaded 3D clusters on your screen.

ShadeCluster is a PPC/68k stand-alone program which can
communicate with the freeware control panel MacDim.

Shareware $5 (or $20 for all our MacDim modules)

System requirements: System 7.0 or later

Main changes in v1.1.1:
- Fixed the bundle bit - should now appear as a real program
- Fixed a bug in an assembler routine
- Modified the program icons

At the present time these MacDim modules have been released:
Fireballs, Blackout, ShadeCluster, Tunnelvision, AD Launcher, Molecules,
ChaosZoom and PixelGallery. They can all be downloaded at:

For more information, please visit our web-pages at:

Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Ibrium HB

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/shade-cluster-111.hqx; 203 K]


Date: 4 Jan 2000
From: Chris Smolinski <>
Subject: [*] Sound Byte 1.2.2

Sound Byte turns your Mac into a cart machine for playing sound recordings.
Sound Byte is ideal for radio stations and audio/TV productions, to quickly
and easily play a variety of recorded sounds, such as jingles,
advertisements, songs, sound effects, and more.

Sound Byte handles all of the audio formats supported by QuickTime, including:
* AU
* MP3

Sound Byte comes in three flavors:

Sound Byte Lite supports a single rack of carts, or up to 75 recordings total.

Sound Byte supports five racks of carts, or up to 375 recordings total.

Sound Byte Pro supports fifty racks of carts, or up to 3750 recordings total.

Shareware: $79

Chris Smolinski

Web URL:
Macintosh Software, Shortwave Radio, Spy Number Stations

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/sound-byte-122.hqx; 391 K]


Date: 6 Jan 2000
From: Chris Smolinski <>
Subject: [*] Sound Byte 1.2.5

Sound Byte turns your Mac into a cart machine for playing sound recordings.
Sound Byte is ideal for radio stations and audio/TV productions, to quickly
and easily play a variety of recorded sounds, such as jingles,
advertisements, songs, sound effects, and more.

Sound Byte handles all of the audio formats supported by QuickTime, including:
* AU
* MP3

Sound Byte comes in three flavors:

Sound Byte Lite supports a single rack of carts, or up to 75 recordings total.

Sound Byte supports five racks of carts, or up to 375 recordings total.

Sound Byte Pro supports fifty racks of carts, or up to 3750 recordings total.

Shareware: $79

Chris Smolinski

Web URL:
Macintosh Software, Shortwave Radio, Spy Number Stations

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/sound-byte-125.hqx; 393 K]


Date: 8 Jan 2000
From: RoboDog <>
Subject: [*] TetraTrap 1.1

TetraTrap is an accessory using QuickDraw3D and QuickTime's special
effects. In this 3D world, there are a plate, a sphere, and a gasket.
The plate and the sphere are texture-mapped objects. The sphere spins
and is trapped by the rotating gasket. The gasket changes its color as
the time goes by. TetraTrap can load a still image file as the texture
map. Various import formats that QuickTime supports are allowed. Special
effects: fire, cloud, and water ripple, are shown in front of the view.
Flying-thru is done by keyboard input.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/tetra-trap-11.hqx; 638 K]


Date: 4 Jan 2000
From: Bernhard Liebl <>
Subject: [*] TimeLabel 1.4

TimeLabel 1.4

TimeLabel is a project managment utility to help you keep track of how
much time you spend on projects. It's easy to use and integrated into
the system through an additional menu in the menu bar, so you don't have
to deal with floating windows or the like. System Requirements: 68K or
PPC, System 7.1.1 or higher.

Version 1.4 fixes some minor bugs, supports automatic session prompting
and remembers the control's window settings.

TimeLabel can be included in CD-ROMs or posted to any software archives
or BBS's.

For more information read the "Read Me" file.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/time-label-14.hqx; 688 K]


Date: 7 Jan 2000
From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <>
Subject: [*] Tunnelvision 1.1.1 - MacDim screensaver module

Tunnelvision 1.1.1

Tunnelvision is a MacDim screensaver module that renders
a variant of the classical demo tunnel object on your screen.

Tunnelvision is a PPC stand-alone program which can
communicate with the freeware control panel MacDim.

Shareware $5 (or $20 for all our MacDim modules)

System requirements: System 7.0 or later

Main changes in v1.1.1:
- Fixed a bug in an assembler routine
- Added PPC only notice for 68k users

At the present time these MacDim modules have been released:
Fireballs, Blackout, ShadeCluster, Tunnelvision, AD Launcher, Molecules,
ChaosZoom and PixelGallery. They can all be downloaded at:

For more information, please visit our web-pages at:

Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Ibrium HB

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/tunnel-vision-111.hqx; 150 K]


Date: 8 Jan 2000
From: Vince <>


New version includes improved script reporting and automatic problem 


Vince Menanno
Phone: 602-956-7080
Fax: 602-956-6754


PHOENIX. December 17, 1999. Over the last few years, DocuScript has shown 
itself to be an invaluable tool for Filemaker developers looking to 
troubleshoot and document their projects. Now with improved script 
reporting and automatic problem detection, it has become even easier for 
developers to rediscover their scripts.

Aim DocuScript at a FileMaker project and it will extract every script in 
every file and quickly generate a series of reports -- starting with an 
overview of the files in the project, right down to the individual script 
steps. Click on a reference to an external script, and DocuScript 
instantly jumps to that script. Move through scripts step by step, or let 
DocuScript trace through an entire script for you and build a 
hierarchical report of every instruction, every external script, and 
every recursion. 

One of the new features in DocuScript 2.0, and one that will appeal to 
anyone responsible for large FileMaker projects, is the small, but 
powerful Problem Dot. DocuScript now automatically searches through all 
your scripts and marks any file containing an error, including such 
things as broken relationships, missing fields, and missing layouts. 
Click on a file name and you'll find another Problem Dot next to each 
problem script. Click on a script and continue to follow the dots 
straight to the bugs.

You can generate a Problem Report that summarizes all the problems found 
by DocuScript, or perform your own customized searches across all the 
files in your project. Search for a field name, a status function, or any 
of the standard FileMaker terms built into the DocuScript search engine.

With all this script information gathered together, DocuScript is also 
the perfect tool for documenting your projects. You can add comments 
anywhere in the project database generated by DocuScript or easily copy 
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/docuscript-demo-20.hqx; 2101 K]


Date: 7 Jan 2000
Subject: [*] Web Confidential 1.3.1J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the Web Confidential package.

"Web Confidential is easy to use, secure, and well-integrated"- Adam C. Engst, TidBITS 

Where do you keep your confidential data?

Like most people these days, you've probably got a growing number of
user IDs, passwords, registration keys, PINs, serial numbers, and
the like, stored in various places on your Mac or scribbled on
miscellaneous pieces of paper around your home or office. When you
stop and think about it, you probably have more of these pesky bits
of information scattered about than you realize.

Now there is a software program to manage passwords and the like:
it is called Web Confidential. It uses an intuitive, easy-to-use
cardfile metaphor which will enable even novice users to get up to
speed in no time. Power users will find a large number of options
to enable them to configure Web Confidential to meet their specific

Web Confidential offers 448-bit encryption.

Changes in version 1.3.1J:

Mac OS 9 features a new version of the Keychain Manager (v2) and some
modifications were made to Web Confidential to support it. Version 1.3.1
fixes a bug that would occur when importing from the Keychain under Mac
OS 9.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/web-confidential-131-jp.hqx; 434 K]


Date: 4 Jan 2000
From: James <>
Subject: [*] WebEvent 3.22

Here is a copy of our Macintosh web-based calendar and scheduling 
software.  It runs on MacOS 8.0+ with the WebTen server software from 
Tenon Intersystems (  We also have a MacOS X Server 
version that runs without any additional requirements.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/web-event-322.hqx; 585 K]


Date: 5 Jan 2000
From: Jacek Iwanski <>
Subject: [*] Word List Maker 2.1.9 - text utility

Word List Maker is a powerful and easy-to-use program, for generating
sorted word-lists of several kinds from one or more text files. It can
generate word-frequency lists, present the words in the reverse order of
letters, indicate the number of letters contained in each word, or sort
letters. You can use it to analyze texts, to make anagrams, word-frequency
lists, various indexes, spelling lists, to analyze words by their endings

The spelling filter is included. The spelling dictionaries are available
separately. The built-in grammar filter allows you to extract verbs, nouns,
adjectives etc. from any text file.

For more information about my software please visit:

Jacek Iwanski.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/word-list-maker-219.hqx; 1903 K]


Date: 7 Jan 2000
From: Yves Pelletier <>
Subject: [*] YP Force Magnetique 1.0 (physics, french version)

YP Force Magnetique is the french version of YP Magnetic Force.

YP Magnetic Force is a teaching tool for physics lessons.  It simulates the
magnetic force exerted on a particle moving in a magnetic field.  The user
can change the electric charge, the velocity and the magnetic field.  The
three vectors velocity, magnetic field and magnetic force are displayed in
a three dimensionnal coordinate system which can be rotated in the desired

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/yp-force-magnetique-10.hqx; 262 K]


Date: 7 Jan 2000
From: Yves Pelletier <>
Subject: [*] YP Magnetic Force 1.0 (physics)

YP Magnetic Force is a teaching tool for physics lessons.  It simulates the
magnetic force exerted on a particle moving in a magnetic field.  The user
can change the electric charge, the velocity and the magnetic field.  The
three vectors velocity, magnetic field and magnetic force are displayed in
a three dimensionnal coordinate system which can be rotated in the desired

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/yp-magnetic-force-10.hqx; 252 K]


Date: 7 Jan 2000
From: Yves Pelletier <>
Subject: [*] YP Vecteurs 1.0 (mathematics-physics, french version)

YP Vecteurs is the french version of YP Vectors.

YP Vectors is a teaching tool for physics/mathematics lessons.  It is used
to learn about vectors and components.  YP Vectors displays a vector in two
dimensions, and its two components.  The user can change the magnitude and
the direction of the vector using the mouse.  A window shows the numerical
value of the magnitude, the direction, the x component and the y component
of the vector.  The user can change the scale used to draw the vector.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/yp-vecteurs-10.hqx; 259 K]


Date: 7 Jan 2000
From: Yves Pelletier <>
Subject: [*] YP Vectors 1.0 (mathematics-physics)

YP Vectors is a teaching tool for physics/mathematics lessons.  It is used
to learn about vectors and components.  YP Vectors displays a vector in two
dimensions, and its two components.  The user can change the magnitude and
the direction of the vector using the mouse.  A window shows the numerical
value of the magnitude, the direction, the x component and the y component
of the vector.  The user can change the scale used to draw the vector.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/yp-vectors-10.hqx; 246 K]


Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2000 14:21:42 +0100
From: "F.J. Lalor" <>
Subject: Default Page Size under OS 8.6

Since I upgraded to OS 8.6 I find that the default page size in the Page
Setup dialogue for is <A4 Small> whereas I use <A4>. Up to S 7.6 at least
(I didn't stay long enough in OS 8.5 to be sure) my experience had been
that once another size had been chosen for an application the new setting
persisted. Not so with OS 8.6 - a new size will persist only for the
current document and then reverts to the default. The only work-around that
I know of (suggested by another reader when I posted on this previously) is
to create a stationery pad with the A4 size pre-set but this is not all
that convenient for my purposes. Is there any way of altering the default
Fergus Lalor


Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 11:41:43 +0100
From: "F.J. Lalor" <>
Subject: Default Page Size under OS 8.6 - Curioser and curioser ....

Since my recent posting on this topic I did what I should have done
straight off and consulted the latest edition of Mac Secrets. Yes - the
problem is noted and a solution is provided. Choose a new page size in the
Page Setup dialog and then <Option-Click> the OK button. A new dialog box
appears asking if you want to save the new setting as the default. Just
click on OK and you're away for slates. Well ...... er,  no, actually. The
original 'factory' default setting *still* persists. Help .... please? 8-(
Fergus Lalor


Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2000 11:28:05 -0600
From: (Real People)
Subject: LocalTalk Bridge--does it work?

I'd appreciate hearing from anyone with experience using Apple's LocalTalk =
Bridge software to grant Ethernet access to LocalTalk printers and =

When I try it, it keeps quitting with a "network numbering conflict."  The =
accompanying dox are pretty sparse, and I gather it's no longer supported =
by Apple.

The alternative seems to be a $99 box from Farallon or Asant=E9, but they =
have restrictions as to the shape of the LocalTalk network (i.e., no =
intermediate RJ-11 wall plugs, although intermediate computers are OK).

Please respond directly to and I'll =
summarize to the list.  Cheers, and happy new millenium,
Gib Henry

The box said "Requires Windows 95 or better," so I bought a Macintosh.


Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 15:14:47 +0100
From: Paolo Bartoli <>
Subject: Problems with MacOS 9 and PMac G4/AGP, ATM, Apple Guide, Mac OS

I have found some problems working with MacOS 9 installed on a PowerMac

1) Apple Guide
on startup the Apple Guide icon is crossed as the extension isn't loaded.

2) Adobe Type Manager 4.5.2
It's installed with MacOS 9 (it comes bundled with the system. On startup,
as with Apple Guide, the icon is crossed. After that I get an alert bow
saying "Unable to install Adobe Type Manager because ATM needs more memory
or other system resources" (or something like that - was translated from
italian....). Even giving more memory to ATM doesn't solve the problem, and
don't know about "other system resources"...

3) computer freeze
Suddenly, apparently with no resons, the G4 freezes and I have to restart
it. It happens with no regular time interval and with no relation to a
particular application.

4) is it still possible to install MacOS 8.6?
I'm running a PMac G4/AGP/350 that comes with MacOS 9. I have talked to
different people getting contrastig answers. As I can understand, AGP G4
work only with MacOS 9, but some friend reported they're working with OS
9/G4 (with AGP??). Is there any official Apple source where I can find a
list of System/Macintosh compatibility?


**   Arch. Paolo Bartoli
**   (



End of Info-Mac Digest