Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #218
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Info-Mac Digest             Sat, 12 Dec 98       Volume 16 : Issue 218

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Extensions Strip 1.9
      [*] A Better Finder Select 1.2.1
      [*] Address Pad Preview Release 1
      [*] Apple Wizards December 1998
      [*] Castle Wolfenstein Deluxe First Release
      [*] Catakig 1.10
      [*] Christmas Screensaver 98
      [*] Christmas Screensaver 98
      [*] CP290 Director 1.2 - Control of X10 CP290 Home Automation Syste
      [*] Diet Sleuth 2.1.0
      [*] eMailCleaner 0.7.1
      [*] Food Service Navigator
      [*] Hide Folders 2.2
      [*] MiniCalendar 2.1.1 - "A calendar for your Mac"
      [*] On-Line Joke Book 4.0
      [*] PandoDownload.sit
      [*] Process Manager 1.4
      [*] QuickEncrypt 3.0.2; a flexible and secure encryption utility.
      [*] QuoEdit 0.45
      [*] QuoEdit 0.45
      [*] QuoEdit 0.451
      [*] Sanakirja v1.0
      [*] Skylight 1.1 Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] StatistFunctions2.1 / HyperCard stack statistical PDFs and CFDs
      [*] StatistFunctions2.1 / HyperCard stack statistical PDFs and CFDs
      [*] TimeCache 2.0.2

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Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 16:16:49 -0700
Subject: [*]  Extensions Strip 1.9

Extensions Strip hosts control strip modules in the most flexible
environment out
there.  Its theme is "extensions with a global interface" because of the extra
power it gives to modules, especially the Extensions Strip savvy ones.  Included
in the package are two useful modules, a few icon themes, and developer stuff

1.9 Short Summary: Full 8.5 compatibility and ES runs as a background-only app.

To download:

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/extensions-strip-19.hqx; 436K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 16:16:48 -0700
Subject: [*] A Better Finder Select 1.2.1


"A Better Finder Select" is a contextual menu plug-in for the Macintosh
Finder, which allows users to quickly select all files matching a given
criterum. The utility implements selection based on file name, creator and
type. It also supports Linux-type wildcards. "A Better Finder Select" is a
simple, yet surprisingly powerful utility which is fully integrated into
the Macintosh Finder.

This new version contains many improvements and new features, including:

* selection based on the file and creator type both separately and in
combination (e.g. select all gif image files created by Adobe Photoshop)

For more information, as well as a demonstration of ABFS, please visit our
web site at:



A PowerMacintosh with MacOS 8 or later.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/abf-select-151.hqx; 711K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 16:16:57 -0700
Subject: [*] Address Pad Preview Release 1

As the name suggests, this program will allow you to manage the addresses,
phone numbers, email and homepage URLs of your friends without resorting to
more complex (and cluttered) applications. I gave this program such a
generic name so that it can fit nicely under your Apple menu along with the
other desktop utilities provided with Mac OS. By default, Address Pad will
also behave like a typical Apple menu application (i.e. opening a default
document when launched). This behaviour can be changed through the
preferences window.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/address-pad-pr1.hqx; 445K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 16:16:54 -0700
Subject: [*] Apple Wizards December 1998

Apple Wizards is pleased to announce the availability of our December
1998 issue.  Jam-packed with tips, tricks, reviews, and humor, the
December issue includes a feature article on desktop video, in-depth
reviews of  the hot game Tomb Raider II, ReSorcerer 2.2 (for resource
editing), Icon Dropper 2.2 (an icon management utility), and Food Chain
(a puzzle/mind game).  All this plus humor, shareware, tutorials on HTML
and 3D graphics, evangelism, and much, much more!

Think different.  Think Apple Wizards.

[Archived as /info-mac/art/zine/apple-wizards-dec-98.hqx; 1537K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 17:44:26 -0700
Subject: [*] Castle Wolfenstein Deluxe First Release

Castle Wolfenstein 3.0

Life can be frustrating. So can Castle Wolfenstein. If you still play
Wolfenstein 3D and you want to challenge yourself, download Castle
Wolfenstein today! Absolutely free. You download the real thing. No money
payment needed!

About 30 levels of terror, tricks, traps, and puzzles.

New enemies, walls, and objects.

>From the author of Temple of Doom, First Strike, Dragon Cavern, and the
Compact Maps.

Requires the full version of Wolfenstein 3D

If you don't have Wolfenstein 3D, e-mail me at

Visit my site at

Josh Mills

[Archived as /info-mac/game/com/wolf/castle-wolfensteinr1.hqx; 1626K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 16:16:59 -0700
From: cklipsch@Radix.Net
Subject: [*] Catakig 1.10

Catakig is a fat Macintosh application for emulating the Apple ][, ][+,
and //e models of personal computers.  Full documentation can be
found on the Web at this address:

The current version is 1.10, which supercedes 1.10b and all other
previous versions.  A detailed list of changes is at the above Web

Colin Klipsch  <>

[Archived as /info-mac/app/catakig-110.hqx; 1021K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 16:17:08 -0700
Subject: [*] Christmas Screensaver 98


Last year, we were glad that our screensaver warm a lot of hearts, so
this year we decided to put new ones, attached, please find two of our
latest screensavers. Merry Christmas!


[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/xmas98-crew.hqx; 1099K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 16:17:09 -0700
Subject: [*] Christmas Screensaver 98


Last year, we were glad that our screensaver warm a lot of hearts, so
this year we decided to put new ones, attached, please find two of our
latest screensavers. Merry Christmas!


[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/xmas98-signature.hqx; 555K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 16:17:00 -0700
Subject: [*] CP290 Director 1.2 - Control of X10 CP290 Home Automation Syste

Release 1.2 of CP290 Director has a new lower shareware price ($10).  CP290
Director is Macintosh software that controls the original X10 home
automation computer controlled interface, model number CP290. It completely
replaces the Macintosh software that comes with the CP290, and has unique
features not found in other Macintosh-based CP290 controllers such as
MouseHouse and Xtension.

CP290 Director does not have to be running at all times to control the
CP290, since it takes advantage of the CP290'S ability to store events for
later execution.  In addition to the standard CP290 features, CP290
Director supports the following additional features:  1) the ability to
specify that an event is to occur at sunrise or sunset (plus or minus a
specified time interval); 2) the ability to specify a specific date on
which an event is to occur, and optionally the interval in days thereafter
that the event should be repeated; and 3) the ability to specify that the
event should occur only on even days or on odd days.

System requirements:
* System 7 or greater
* Macintosh with at least 4 MB of RAM

For more information, please read the documentation enclosed, or visit the
CP290 Director Web page:


John Woodward

[Archived as /info-mac/app/cp-290-director.hqx; 634K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 17:44:33 -0700
Subject: [*] Diet Sleuth 2.1.0

Diet Sleuth 2.1.0:

Diet Sleuth is a nutritional database and personal health logbook for the

Diet Sleuth allows you to keep track of what foods you eat each day, and
their nutritional value. For each day, you select the foods you have eaten,
and the number of servings of each. Diet Sleuth will automatically
calculate your caloric intake, fat grams, carbohydrates, fiber, protein,
cholesterol, along with sodium, potassium, and calcium.  You can select
from over 5000 different foods from 21 catagories, including fast food,
lunchmeat, junk food, seafood, and baby food.  In addition to the included
food groups, you can create and edit your own foods in a separate catagory.
You can also create a catagory of favorite foods to quickly access commonly
used foods. A built-in Recipe Editor allows you to quickly enter a custom
recipe, with the nutritional information automatically calculated, based on
the ingedients.

You may also track your weight, and estimate your percent body fat, and
calories burned, along with your projected weight loss. Graphing functions
are also available.

The URL to download a copy of Diet Sleuth is

Shareware, $20. Evaluation copy allows 30 days of use.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/diet-sleuth-210.hqx; 1010K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 17:44:29 -0700
Subject: [*] eMailCleaner 0.7.1

With this appliction text will be converted for sending it readable as eMail
to the internet.
Only text who is writen in English can be transfered to the internet without
problems. Text written in other languages like German, Scandinavian, Polish,
Ukrainian an many others else make problems when sending as eMail to the
internet. All characters who are not used for the English language may be
replaced with undefined symbols.
It doesn't care in which language the text was written and if someone
receives the text on a wintel computer or another computer platform.
This package includes an English and German version of this application, but
of course you can use it on a MacOS with an other language to convert text
in many languages.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/email-cleaner-071.hqx; 338K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 16:17:02 -0700
Subject: [*] Food Service Navigator

Attached is a copy of Food Service Navigator version 1.02.  FSN is a cost
control system designed for restaurants and other food businesses. This
copy is a free 45 use trial. The cost of the program is $795.00. FSN
attacks both cost of goods and labor cost. If you have any questions or
comments please contact us.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/fsn-102.hqx; 3053K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 16:16:51 -0700
Subject: [*] Hide Folders 2.2

Hide Folders 2.2

(c) Jochen Pier, Cyclon Softworx

"HideFolders" is a drag-and-drop application to hide folders (hence the
name) with a simple password protection.

Drop a selection of folders or files onto "Hide Folders 2.2" to hide them.
You will be asked to enter a password.  A document will be created - use it
to show (with password) or hide the folders (or files).

New in version 2.2

- Possible to select shutdown - option
- Default name for documents is now "Hide/Show foldername"
- New easteregg.
- File named "Clear Up!" will be called, if Hide Folders quits regular.
- New logo, web - and email- adress.

  -- Jochen Pier

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/hidefolders-22.hqx; 123K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 16:17:06 -0700
Subject: [*] MiniCalendar 2.1.1 - "A calendar for your Mac"

Announcing the release of MiniCalendar 2.1.  MiniCalendar is your
ordinary Kaleidoscope savvy system calendar.  Its main goal is to
provide the user with a basic calendar for any month between January
1582 and December 29940.

MiniCalendar is not designed to replace full function date books,
rather it is designed to complement such programs.  Programs such as
Claris Organizer or Now Up-To-Date excel at managing appointments and
dates, but are clumsy when it comes to looking up what day your
birthday is going to fall on next year. MiniCalendar fills this niche
nicely.  Since MiniCalendar is small and easy enough to use, you will
want to leave it running so you will always have access to a calendar.

As you'd expect from Catara, MiniCalendar is robust, 100% PowerPC native,
easy to use, and efficient.  For $5 shareware, it makes a nice addition to
MacOS 8.x.

Who will use MiniCalendar?

  - Users who need to look up dates, but do not need a full scale date
  - Kaleidoscope / Aaron users who want a more unified system appearance
  - Users who want to show off to their PC friends that the Mac is not
only year
    2000 compliant but year 29940 compliant!
  - Or anyone who needs quick access to a calendar

New in Version 2.1.1

  - MacOS 8.5 Compatible
  - Better Support for Kaleidoscope.
  - Fixed a small bug in the current date drawing routines.
  - Various other improvements and bug fixes

System Requirements

  - 680x0 or PPC
  - Color Quickdraw
  - System 7 or MacOS 8.0
  - 256K of Free Memory

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/minicalendar-211.hqx; 417K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 16:16:55 -0700
Subject: [*] On-Line Joke Book 4.0

The On-Line Joke Book Volume 4 is a collection of clean jokes and stories.
The OLJB V4.0 is created in DOCMaker format and can be read by  any
Macintosh using System 6.08 or later.Updated twice yearly with all-new
jokes, you  can join a mailing list for future editions.
Thanks - Edward Goss -

Checked for viruses with SAM 4.5.1 Dec 98 Virus Defs
This program may be included on any CD
Suggested link: HyperArchive/Archive/art/book/on-line-joke-book-40.hqx
Thanks again!

[Archived as /info-mac/art/book/on-line-joke-book-40.hqx; 130K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 16:17:03 -0700
Subject: [*] PandoDownload.sit

This provides an alternate set of quotes to the Biblical Quotes that come
up every Monday in !PandoMural 1.0.2. for the Mac

[Archived as /info-mac/app/pando-download.hqx; 5K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 16:16:52 -0700
Subject: [*] Process Manager 1.4

Process Manager is a FreeWare control strip module that allows you to view and
switch with ease between your Mac's processes (running programs.)  It works with
Control Strip and is Extensions Strip Savvy.

1.4 Short Summary: PPC native under Control Strip 2.0 and has improved
process balloons.

To download:

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/process-manager-14.hqx; 39K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 16:16:46 -0700
Subject: [*] QuickEncrypt 3.0.2; a flexible and secure encryption utility.

QuickEncrypt 3.0.2

Release 8; by David Sinclair.

Drop a file on this application to quickly and securely encrypt it, or
decrypt previously encrypted files.  It supports two encryption formats;
the original, and a new text-based one.  Supports self-decrypting archives,
so you can send encrypted data to another user without them needing to have

It is very configurable and has many features, including support for files
of an unlimited length, multiple worksets, user-controlled password
limitations, default passwords, automatic encryption and/or decryption,
verification of validity, the option of a standard source folder and
various destination options, opening files once decrypted (via
AppleEvents), and more.

Shareware, US$25.  You can register via e-mail using your credit card:
<> or <>.

The latest version can be obtained from the Dejal Userware web pages:


Requires Mac OS 7.0 or later; compatible with Mac OS 8.

QuickEncrypt 3.0.2 fixes two rare but important bugs:

   o  Fixed a bug with the rare combination of options where folders
      were deleted with the Encrypt All Files Separately option and
      a deletion option chosen.  Now the folder heirarchy is left in
      place with the aforementioned option (files are still deleted).
      Thanks to John DiFonzo for reporting this bug.

   o  Fixed a related bug where encrypted files are deleted even if
      the Only Encrypt Files option is selected, and vice versa.

[Archived as /info-mac/cmp/quick-encrypt-302.hqx; 439K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 17:44:19 -0700
Subject: [*] QuoEdit 0.45

QuoEdit is a simple text editor for plain (monostyled) text that runs
on System 7 and later. QuoEdit 0.45 is free.

  Intended to provide quick operations.
  Powerful scripting.
   (It also can record, run and save tasks without the Script Editor!)
  Multiple levels of undo and redo for each document.
  WorldScript savvy.

[New features]
  Navigation Services.
  Live scroll.
  More Appearance savvy.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/quo-edit-045.hqx; 424K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 17:00:28 -0700
Subject: [*] QuoEdit 0.45

QuoEdit is a simple text editor for plain (monostyled) text that runs
on System 7 and later. QuoEdit 0.45 is free.

  Intended to provide quick operations.
  Powerful scripting.
   (It also can record, run and save tasks without the Script Editor!)
  Multiple levels of undo and redo for each document.
  WorldScript savvy.

[New features]
  Navigation Services.
  Live scroll.
  More Appearance savvy.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/quo-edit-045.hqx; 424K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 17:44:31 -0700
Subject: [*] QuoEdit 0.451

QuoEdit is a simple text editor for plain (monostyled) text that runs
on System 7 and later. (Version 0.451 is fixed version of 0.45.)

  Intended to provide quick operations.
  Powerful scripting.
   (It also can record, run and save tasks without the Script Editor!)
  Multiple levels of undo and redo for each document.
  WorldScript savvy.

[New features of 0.45]
  Navigation Services.
  Live scroll.
  More Appearance savvy.

Lyomei Sakai

[Archived as /info-mac/text/quoedit-0451.hqx; 424K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 17:44:28 -0700
Subject: [*] Sanakirja v1.0

Michael Augustsson
Amanuensv=E4gen 3:301
104 05 Stockholm
Phone: +46 70 483 16 85

Welcome to Sanakirja - a program that width the help of different
dictionaries, lets you translate words from one language to another
language, se a words explanation etc. (it depends on the dictionary).

Other programs are: program to create dictionaries and a program that
translates number either into swedish or finnish text.


To be able to use these programs you must be using System 7.x or MacOS 8.x
or higher and have 4 MB of memory.

The programs have been tested under System 7.5, System 7.6, MacOS 8.1 and
MacOS 8.5 on the following computers: LC III, PowerMac 7100/90, PowerMac
G3/233 and APS mpower 200. But the programs should also function on any
System 7.x machine. Please let me know if they doesn't.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/sanakirja.hqx; 2734K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 17:44:23 -0700
Subject: [*] Skylight 1.1 Kaleidoscope Scheme

Skylight is a blue and gray Kaleidoscope scheme developed to take
advantage of the functions of Mac OS 8.5. It comes complete with 32
bit-color icons, and a desktop picture. You need to have Kaleidoscope 2.0
or better installed on your computer, but it will run on any machine with
Mac OS 7.1 or better installed.

Thank you,

Billy Martin

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/skylight-11.hqx; 1254K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 17:44:21 -0700
Subject: [*] StatistFunctions2.1 / HyperCard stack statistical PDFs and CFDs

StatistFunctions version 2.1
This HyperCard stack by Oscar van Vlijmen computes many statistical
functions with high accuracy.
Combinatorial functions e.g.: draws, permutations (and factorials even for
large numbers!), variations, combinations.
Probability density functions e.g.: hypergeometric (Lucky 10, Lotto),
binomial (football toto), negative binomial, multinomial, Poisson, normal.
Cumulative distribution functions e.g.: standard normal and inverse,
binomial, negative binomial, negative exponential, Erlang, gamma, beta, chi
square, F, T, Cauchy, Rayleigh, error function.
Just for free I've thrown in an Erlang B/C traffic calculator. Can also be
used for very large traffic units and number of trunks.
Many functions are clearly explained, although this stack is not a course
in statistics.
Emphasis is on statistical usefulness and accuracy, even for big numbers,
not on frills.
=46reeware; not to be used for commercial applications; not on CD-ROM=92s.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/statistfunctions-21-hc.hqx; 76K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 17:00:30 -0700
Subject: [*] StatistFunctions2.1 / HyperCard stack statistical PDFs and CFDs

StatistFunctions version 2.1
This HyperCard stack by Oscar van Vlijmen computes many statistical
functions with high accuracy.
Combinatorial functions e.g.: draws, permutations (and factorials even for
large numbers!), variations, combinations.
Probability density functions e.g.: hypergeometric (Lucky 10, Lotto),
binomial (football toto), negative binomial, multinomial, Poisson, normal.
Cumulative distribution functions e.g.: standard normal and inverse,
binomial, negative binomial, negative exponential, Erlang, gamma, beta, chi
square, F, T, Cauchy, Rayleigh, error function.
Just for free I've thrown in an Erlang B/C traffic calculator. Can also be
used for very large traffic units and number of trunks.
Many functions are clearly explained, although this stack is not a course
in statistics.
Emphasis is on statistical usefulness and accuracy, even for big numbers,
not on frills.
=46reeware; not to be used for commercial applications; not on CD-ROM=92s.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/statistfunctions-21-hc.hqx; 76K]


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 16:17:05 -0700
Subject: [*] TimeCache 2.0.2

PandaWare(r) TimeCache(tm) 2.0 is an upgrade to the popular Macintosh time
tracking application for freelancers, consultants and small companies.
TimeCache 2.0 now tracks expenses along with time (and resulting charges) for
any number of clients and projects. You can apply different billing rates to
user-defined billing categories. TimeCache totals charges for every data
entry. TimeCache automatically times your work, or you can enter time in hours
or minutes. You can print daily reports or job reports. TimeCache 2.0 also
automatically creates reports that summarize time and charges by billing

Among the new features in TimeCache 2.0:
    Easier data entry
    Ability to record time in units ranging from one to 30 minutes
    Ability to record negative payments, signifying payments or credits
    Ability to track client numbers and project estimates
    The ability to mark selected time and expense entries
    Great flexibility in choosing items to print
    Mac OS 8 Appearance Manager support

You can try TimeCache 2.0 for free. If you like it, register your copy with
The PandaWare Company and we'll send you a registration key that lets you
unlock your copy of TimeCache 2.0 for unlimited use.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/timecache-20.hqx; 1733K]



End of Info-Mac Digest