Abstracts from files in info-mac/font/tt as of Sun 21 Nov 2004 #### BINHEX bold-finger-10.hqx **** From: morris@eecs.tulane.edu Subject: BOLDfinger PS/TT font 1.0 from Weedhopper Press BOLDfinger is a no-nonsense, take-no-prisoners font with a lot of understated power. BOLDfinger is similar to a lot of corporate logos from the 60s; it's good for corporate letterheads or other places that need impact without shouting. BOLDfinger font is 100% freeware. BOLDfinger was developed by Weedhopper Press; for more WHPress schemes, fonts, etc., visit our website at: http://www.rvgs.k12.va.us/~whpress/ #### BINHEX cachex-thin.hqx **** From: jeni@buffnet.net Subject: CachexThin, a TrueType Font This is a truetype font for Mac.. it's been hand-drawn, it's sort-of tall and thin, and it is actually readable (unlike some of my other fonts.) Use it, love it, whatever. Go ahead and put it on a CD, just a) tell me about it first, and b) offer me a copy for free or otherwise inexpensively. -jeni #### BINHEX chapbook-20-tt.hqx **** From: feorag@antipope.org Subject: Chapbook 2.0 TrueType - 17th century type Chapbook and Chapbook Italic are based on type from the 17th century. This latest version contains many more characters, including a full set of accented characters and the Euro symbol. Less-used characters have been replaced with period dingbats. Freeware. This is the TrueType version. http://www.antipope.org/feorag/freestuff/ #### BINHEX chinacat-tt.hqx **** From: dogstar@kagi.com Subject: China Cat True Type Font Chinacat is a fully featured truetype font, based on the hand lettering/printing style of the cartoonist and comic book artist Hunt Emerson. It comes in two styles - Regular and Thin The Chinacat font is Shareware and copyright 1998 Dogstar, it is completely functional and not disabled or crippled in any way, you can register it using the enclosed application or online at: http://order.kagi.com/?Q8X Updates and the latest revisions to this and other Dogstar fonts are available at: http://www.mamba.demon.co.uk/dogstar #### BINHEX cianan-tt.hqx **** From: feorag@antipope.org Subject: Cianan TT 1.1 Cianan TT is a freeware TrueType font inspired by an old Irish manuscript. Version 1.1 corrects a problem with kerning and quote marks and should replace the earlier version. #### BINHEX collateral-damage-normal.hqx **** From: spirit@internorth.com Subject: Collateral Damage TT - True Type font Mac True Type font. For a full character set of this font (available also in T1 and Windows True Type formats), email spirit@internorth.com for details. The full character set is $5.00. http://www.arcticspirit.com Christopher Hunt spirit@internorth.com Christopher Hunt Arctic Spirit Sportswear 867.920.4587 867.920.4592 fax #### BINHEX dearmach-10-tt.hqx **** From: "Rev. Feorag NicBhride" <feorag@antipope.org> Subject: Dearmach TT - a typeface inspired by the Book of Durrow Dearmach is inspired by the Book of Durrow, an Insular manuscript associated with the monastery at Durrow, County Offaly, Ireland and now kept at Trinity College, Dublin. I've kept much of the roughness of the original handwriting, but the lower-case g has been modernised somewhat to make it more legible, and those characters which did not exist at the time (including all the numerals) are my own creation. Apart from a few of the mathematical symbols, this font has an complete character set. This archive includes the TrueType version for the Macintosh. #### BINHEX demo-lisbos-mac-pc.hqx **** From: olivier.foison@hol.fr Subject: FUN TRUE TYPE DEMO [The font Olisbos has been made for fun and is not professional as you have seen... We took care a lot to make it legible and aesthetic [sic]. The font is on TrueType and PostScript format for PC and Mac. The complete font includes the following characters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 йика”!/?.;,:’+- The demo contains: ABCDEF abcdef 123] New features since version x.x.x: [first version ] System requirements: [MacOS (or Windows)] For more information, please read the documentation enclosed, or visit my Web page: [ http://www.altern.com/foison/INDEX.HTML (French)] #### BINHEX diode.hqx **** From: C.J.Evans@swansea.ac.uk Subject: new truetype font A TrueType font of electronic symbols. These fit together, using any wordprocessor, in order to make complex circuits for radios, amplifiers, metal detectors, etc. Documentation includes an instruction manual, a keyboard picture and a sample circuit, in WORD 4 format. #### BINHEX dupree-tt.hqx **** From: dogstar@kagi.com Subject: Dupree True Type Font Dupree is a fully featured truetype font, based on the hand lettering style of the illustrator and artist Stuart Ritchie. It comes in two styles Regular and Light. The Dupree font is Shareware and copyright 1999 Dogstar, it is completely functional and not disabled or crippled in any way, you can register it using the enclosed application or online at: http://order.kagi.com/?Q8X Updates and the latest revisions to this and other Dogstar fonts are available at: http://www.mamba.demon.co.uk/dogstar Dogstar Fonts are available for both Macintosh and Windows #### BINHEX edje-slant.hqx **** From: jeni@buffnet.net Subject: Edje Slant A TrueType freeware font by Jeni.. It all leanes over to the side, and the caps are roughly triangular. -enjoy! #### BINHEX figheadh-tt.hqx **** From: feorag@antipope.org Subject: Figheadh 1.1 (TrueType) - a knotwork font Figheadh is a shareware typeface for generating knotwork rows of arbitrary length. Version 1.1 fixes a couple of bugs in the earlier release which this file should replace. #### BINHEX game-over-tt.hqx **** From: "Rev. Feorag NicBhride" <feorag@antipope.org> Subject: GameOver TT - a free TrueType font GameOver is a font inspired by arcade games of the early 80s, complete with scan lines! This is the TrueType version. #### BINHEX hefrac-tt.hqx **** From: nwlaser@pacifier.com Subject: Helvetica Fractions TrueType Fraction Fonts are a handy way for Desktop Publishers to add the most commonly used fractions to their documents. Fraction Fonts include the following fractions: 1/2, 1/3, 2/3, 1/4, 3/4, 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 1/6, 5/6, 1/7, 2/7, 3/7, 4/7, 5/7, 6/7, 1/8, 3/8, 5/8, 7/8, 1/9. Fraction Fonts come in diagonal (default) and vertical (hold down shift key) orientations. A Keyboard Layout Chart is included for easy reference. See the Fraction Fonts website at http://www.nwlaser.com/fraction #### BINHEX hooteroll-tt.hqx **** From: dog@mamba.demon.co.uk Subject: Hooteroll True Type Font Hooteroll is a fully featured font based on the hand lettering style of cartoonist and illustrator Johann Kiefersauer, know as Hansi. It comes in two styles - Regular and Light, this package also includes 'Hooteroll jam' a quick and dirty version of the font The Hooteroll font is Shareware and copyright 1999 Dogstar, it is completely functional and not disabled or crippled in any way, you can register it using the enclosed application or online at: http://order.kagi.com/?Q8X Updates and the latest revisions to this and other Dogstar fonts are available at: http://www.mamba.demon.co.uk/dogstar Dogstar Fonts are available for both Macintosh and Windows #### BINHEX japanese-font-package-30.hqx **** From: Mike McGee <inaka@pacbell.net> Subject: Japanese Font Package 3.0 What is the Japanese Font Package? The Japanese Font Package is a collection of Hiragana, Katakana and some special characters that are unique to Japanese. The use of these characters is made possible through a keyboard layout similar to those used in Japan. Rather than using Romanji, each character can be written with the push of a button! The Japanese Font Package includes pictures of the entire Japanese keyboard which have been provided in various graphics formats. (PICT, GIF and JPEG) It is recommended that you print out the keyboard layout and use it to determine which Japanese characters you wish to type. Each key is given a special Japanese character as it's output. The character to the right of the standard letter, is the hiragana or katakana key that will be printed when entered. What files are included with this font package? The Japanese Font Package includes essentially four things: 1. Hiragana Textbook font. This font comes complete with a bitmapped version, a TrueType version, and a PostScript Type 1 version (for use with ATM). 2. Katakana Textbook font. This font also comes complete with a bitmapped version, a TrueType version, and a PostScript Type 1 version (for use with ATM). 3. Keyboard Layout Folder. Inside this folder there are 3 images of the hiragana and katakana layout you will use. These files are all identical, however they have been converted into different graphics formats for easy viewing/printing. These formats are, PICT, GIF and JPEG. Use your favorite graphics program to print out the layout for use with typing in Japanese. 4. This manual! This manual should answer all of your questions, however if you still have questions or comments, you can send email to: inaka@pacbell.net PRICE: Just $15 US. (Shareware) For More Information on The Japanese Font Pack, please check the Inaka Software Web Site at: http://home.pacbell.net/inaka Or send email to: inaka@pacbell.net #### BINHEX joblot.hqx **** From: Phil Long <phil.long@ecm.emap.com> Subject: Joblot font Joblot is a free display font, withe a lumpy outline appearance, almost as though the letters are formed from amoebas! It's odd, but it's free! The file also includes images of other fonts in the FONTASTIC! shareware range. Further information can be found at our web-site: www.fontastic.co.uk #### BINHEX kanji-112-tt.hqx **** From: Jason Parsons <arakasi@hb.quik.com> Subject: Absrtact for Kanji 112 PS1.sit.hqx (Japanese Kanji TrueType font) This set of Kanji is a first on the Macintosh, as far as I know, i.e. it is the first comprehensive set (over 2,500 characters) of well-designed Kanji available - and they're free! If desired, this archive may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM, however all of the original files must remain intact. #### BINHEX mcgannahan-tt.hqx **** From: dogstar@kagi.com Subject: Mcgannahan True Type Font Mcgannahan is a fully featured truetype font, based on the hand lettering/printing style of the artist and illustrator Graham Higgins (aka Pokkettz). The Mcgannahan font is Shareware and copyright 1998 Dogstar, it is completely functional and not disabled or crippled in any way, you can register it using the enclosed application or online at: http://order.kagi.com/?Q8X Updates and the latest revisions to this and other Dogstar fonts are available at: http://www.mamba.demon.co.uk/dogstar #### BINHEX nu-sans-94-tt.hqx **** From: Marty Pfeiffer <martinpfeiffer@home.com> Subject: Nu Sans 9.4 TrueType font--a Scalable Espy Sans Nu Sans version 9.4; March 19, 2000 by Marty P. Pfeiffer at Scooter Graphics. Nu Sans is a font family that brings Apple Computer's "Espy Sans" bitmap font to the printed page. About the Nu Sans font family: Nu Sans is a font family based on Apple Computer's "Espy Sans" and "Epsy Sans Bold" bitmap fonts. Espy Sans and Epsy Sans Bold are fonts designed by Apple's Human Interface people for easy readability on computer screens. Now you can get the look of Espy Sans at any point size with Nu Sans. Improvements in version 9.4: Made the demo version a smaller download and updated the registered version with information about Mac OS 9.0.4 and ATR 2.5.2. #### BINHEX plakativo-tt.hqx **** From: "redbikini.com" <office@redbikini.com> Subject: redbikini Plakativo Truetype font 0.1 redbikini design S. Heyckendorf Stresemannstrasse 254 22769 Hamburg Germany office@redbikini.com For more info visit: http://www.redbikini.com or see the readme file included DISCLAIMER - AGREEMENT Users of REDBIKINI FONTS must accept this disclaimer of warranty: REDBIKINI FONTS are supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of REDBIKINI FONTS. #### BINHEX pythonian-deluxe-tt.hqx **** From: "redbikini.com" <office@redbikini.com> Subject: redbikini PythonianDeluxe Truetype Font 0.1 REDBIKINI FONTS are supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of REDBIKINI FONTS. #### BINHEX rk-ancient-fonts.hqx **** From: "Reinhold Kainhofer" <reinhold@wolfram.com> Subject: RK Ancient Fonts 1 TrueType fonts for Mac for ancient scripts including Sanskrit, old Greek with accents and spiritus, Meroitic (demotic and hierglyphics), old Persian cuneiform, Ugaritic cuneiform, and transscription fonts for these. Sample files are included in the archive. #### BINHEX significa-tt.hqx **** From: "redbikini.com" <office@redbikini.com> Subject: redbikini Significa Truetype font 0.1 redbikini design S. Heyckendorf Stresemannstrasse 254 22769 Hamburg Germany office@redbikini.com For more info visit: http://www.redbikini.com or see the readme file included DISCLAIMER - AGREEMENT Users of REDBIKINI FONTS must accept this disclaimer of warranty: REDBIKINI FONTS are supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of REDBIKINI FONTS. #### BINHEX symbats-11-tt.hqx **** From: feorag@antipope.org Subject: Symbats 1.1 (TrueType) - a Pagan dingbats font Symbats is a Pagan dingbats font. It contains lots of pentagrams, a full set of astrological glyphs, solar and lunar symbols, and much more.This archive contains the True Type version for the Macintosh. A Macintosh PostScript Type 1 version is also available. The differences between this and earlier versions are: * the PostScript and TrueType versions are now available separately * the ReadMe has a few changes to reflect this, plus a change of address and the addition of a URL #### BINHEX vespasian-20-tt.hqx **** From: feorag@antipope.org Subject: Vespasian 2.0 TT - a freeware uncial typeface Vespasian is a typeface based on the script in an 8th century manuscript. Version 2.0 is a radical upgrade with the addition of lower-case characters, accented characters and punctuation. This archive contains the TrueType version. #### BINHEX virtue-211.hqx **** From: wamozart@teleport.com Subject: Virtue 2.11 TrueType font--a replacement for Charcoal Virtue version 2.1, March 21, 1998 Copyright ©1997-1998 Marty P. Pfeiffer at Scooter Graphics. Price: Free! Virtue is my improvement of Apple Computer's "Charcoal" font appearing in Mac OS 8. About Virtue: There is a lot of controversy about Charcoal, and honestly, I think that most of it is unjustified. Basically, a lot of people did not want this font to appear in the Mac OS 8. I think that this feeling is based on a "reverse-engineered" font developed by Greg Landweber for his Aaron extension and Kaleidoscope control panel. Greg built his font from looking at various screenshots and did a good job at making a very complete font. However, the spacing information and special characters characters seemed a little off to me. It seems that Apple couldn't decide whether Charcoal should have two pixels between the letters or just one. This leads to a cramped appearance on screen. So here's what I did: basically, I took his work and tried to space it how I would if I was making Apple's next font. I studied the "Chicago" system font and and used it as a template for my font. After about 2 hours of tinkering, I had a bitmap font that looked really good as a replacement font for Kaleidoscope. About a week later, after tinkering some more, I made even more improvements. And then I decided to create a regular weight of Virtue to go along with it. I tried to carry the unique features of Virtue into Virtue Light. It's currently just a 12 point bitmap font, but I thought that it might be useful for those of us who have smaller screens or are just tired of looking at bold fonts all day. I'd love to hear any comments you may have about Virtue-Light. #### BINHEX wobble.hqx **** From: jeni@buffnet.net Subject: Wobble Wobble is a TrueType font.. it is the first font I've created entirely in Fontographer, and it lives up to the name "Wobble." It's freeware, go ahead and put it on a CD (though I'd love to have a free copy in return..)