Editor's Note:  Minutes received 8/04


Reported by Joyce K. Reynolds/ISI

Minutes of the User Services Working Group (USWG)

The NOCTools2 Working Group session took 15 minutes of the USWG session
to discuss their progress.  They needed to meet in this slot, due to
time constraints.  Darren Kinley has resigned as co-Chair of NOCTools2
due to lack of funding money to continue to attend IETFs.  Robert Enger
will carry on as Working Group Chair.  Additional volunteers were
enlisted to help Robert Enger complete the updated NOCTools catalog.
Joyce Reynolds will rewrite the introduction.  Charlotte Mooers will
assist in updating the indices.  Robert Enger will keep pursuing and
collecting the vendor updates.  Kim Long volunteered to assist in
additional collecting of information.  There are also plans to
incorporate the collected information into WAIS.

Daniel Dern presented a talk on his book in progress, ``Internet Guide
for New Users'' (McGraw/Hill Publishers).  This discussion included what
Dan is doing, the perception of some of the need of these types of
books, and other similar activities (e.g., Zen, EFF, SRI NISC, SIGUCCS,
etc.).  Discussion also focused on publishers and contracts, and
authors' rights.  Daniel provided additional pointers for authors via
what he has learned from his experience.  There is an estimated six
books that will be published by the end of this year focusing on users
and the Internet.

Ed Krol is also working on a book and he passed around a draft copy of
his work for USWG attendees to comment.  Ed's book is due to be
published by the end of this year.  The second chapter of Ed's book,
entitled, ``What is the Internet?''  seemed to Ellen Hoffman and other
USWGers a good start for new users.  Ed made mention that the User
Services Area of the IETF may use this chapter for FYI RFC publication
if he can obtain approval by his publisher.  Ellen Hoffman and Ed Krol
will work together on this endeavor.

Jill Foster provided an update on RARE activities, including a report on
the RARE Information Services/User Services (ISUS) activities.  She
talked about the European Information Service - CONCISE, and how this
effort is expanding (e.g., there are new people teaching new users to
use the networks).  The RARE Status Report has been published, which
includes contributions from eighteen countries.  This report is
available in hardcopy, or on-line.  Jill announced to the USWG the
NSC'92, The Network Services Conference 1992, November 3-5, 1992, which
is being organized in Pisa, Italy this fall by EARN in cooperation with
EUnet, NORDUnet, RIPE and RARE.

Peter Deutsch led a discussion on a USWG project in development
currently called, ``An Internet Quick and Dirty''.  It is intended to be
a short document on descriptions of each network service with pointers
on where to obtain additional information.  At the San Diego IETF, Peter
volunteered to produce this document with the assistance of:  Pat Smith,


Cyndi Mills, Dan Matzke, Ellen Hoffman, Anders Gilner, April Marine,
Jill Foster and Joyce Reynolds.  This project will continue to be
developed within the USWG and will interact with the Network Information
Retrieval Working Group that is currently in formation.

Ideas and thoughts on forming a Working Group on training materials and
having the endeavor be a joint effort between RARE & IETF was discussed.
The USWG decided that a BOF at the next IETF in Washington, D.C. would
be a good start to pursue this topic.  Jill Foster and Ellen Hoffman
volunteered to co-Chair the BOF.

Paul Holbrook briefly discussed the CICNet Resources Guide that has just
been published.


George Abe               abe@infonet.com
George Brett             ghb@jazz.concert.net
Jodi-Ann Chu             jodi@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu
Henry Clark              henryc@oar.net
Alan Clegg               abc@concert.net
James Conklin            jbc@bitnic.educom.edu
Daniel Dern              ddern@world.std.com
Peter Deutsch            peterd@cc.mcgill.ca
Alan Emtage              bajan@cc.mcgill.ca
Roger Fajman             raf@cu.nih.gov
Jill Foster              jill.foster@newcastle.ac.uk
Jim Fullton              jim_fullton@unc.edu
Joan Gargano             jcgargano@ucdavis.edu
Martyne Hallgren         martyne@mitchell.cit.cornell.edu
Alf Hansen               Alf.Hansen@delab.sintef.no
Alisa Hata               hata@cac.washington.edu
Ellen Hoffman            ellen_hoffman@um.cc.umich.edu
J. Paul Holbrook         holbrook@cic.net
Edward Krol              e-krol@uiuc.edu
Sylvain Langlois         Sylvain.Langlois@der.edf.fr
Thomas Lenggenhager      lenggenhager@switch.ch
Hock-Koon Lim            lim@po.cwru.edu
Kim Long                 klong@sura.net
Gary Malkin              gmalkin@xylogics.com
April Marine             april@nisc.sri.com
Cyndi Mills              cmills@nnsc.nsf.net
Charlotte Mooers         mooers@nnsc.nsf.net
Hank Nussbacher          hank@vm.tau.ac.il
Marsha Perrott           mlp+@andrew.cmu.edu
Michael Powell           mdpowel@pacbell.com
Joyce K. Reynolds        jkrey@isi.edu
Bradley Rhoades          bdrhoades@mmc.mmmg.com
Jim Romaguera            romaguera@cosine-mhs.switch.ch
Karen Roubicek           roubicek@faxon.com
Srinivas Sataluri        sri@qsun.att.com
Richard Schmalgemeier    rgs@merit.edu
Jennifer Sellers         sellers@nsinic.gsfc.nasa.gov


Jane Smith               jds@jazz.concert.net
Patricia Smith           psmith@merit.edu
Marten Terpstra          terpstra@ripe.net
Chris Weider             clw@merit.edu
Scott Williamson         scottw@nic.ddn.mil
Yung-Chao Yu             yy@qsun.att.com
Fred Ziegler             ziegler@aspentec.com
