Reported by Joyce Reynolds/ ISI


   o New WG - SSPHWG - Site Security Policy Handbook
   o SSPHWG's next meeting, Tuesday, June 12th, at USC/Information
     Sciences Institute
   o Premier of the RFC FYI Series (RFC1150, FYI1)
   o NOCtools Catalog Published (RFC1147, FYI2)
   o Karen Bowers resignation from NRI as of April 30th
   o The User Services Area report will be presented by Joyce Reynolds,
     need input from User-Doc, NISI Chairs.

Reports from User-Doc and NISI

Tracy LaQuey announced that the User-Doc Bibliography is ready for the
Internet Draft Process.  Final changes or amendments to the Bibliography
have a deadline date of May 15th.  After the Internet-Draft process then
the RFC FYI publication, the User-Doc WG will terminate and go back into
the USWG.

Dana Sitzler updated the USWG group on NISI acitvities.  NISI's first
meeting focused on discussion of the old NISI charter and a survey of
``where we are now'' (i.e., a survey of existing informational types,
retrieval mechanisms, and current NIC specialties and relationships).
Specifically, how to get information to people.  A draft will be sent to
the NISI mailing list.

Distribution and Announcement Handbook

Bob Enger presented the DAWG document to the USWG.

   o The immediate role of the IETF in broadly distributing information
     to the Internet community is to make use of communications avenues
     already developed by other organizations.
   o The purpose of this handbook is to:  1) identify and provide
     specifics on various existing distribution resources, and to 2)
     consider possible long term distribution methods.
   o The intent is for this to be a handbook that can be used by all the
     IETF Working Groups to announce and/or distribute their documents
     as their charters dictate.
   o There had been some question at the Tallahassee meeting whether
     DAWG should be in the USWG or NISI realm.  It was decided that this
     handbook will stay with the USWG.


A suggested format of the DAWG template was drawn up:

               To:  (Audience)
               From:  (Provider)

                     How to obtain
                          Internet community
                          Other Audience

Discussion shifted to queries about, ``Do we need to make this handbook
an RFC??''  The general concensus is that the DAWG handbook will be an
IETF internal document only, specifically to help the IETF Area
Directors and IETF WG Chairs ``get the word out'', beyond the normal
distribution via RFC memos.

Quail Report

Gary Malkin was unable to attend at the very last minute, so Joyce
Reynolds presented his report.

   o Concern was expressed about authoritative answers.
   o Questions shoud be generalized, so should answers.
   o If answers are not definitve, the answer should not be given.  We
     should bring the asker up to speed and then point him/her in the
     right direction for further information.
   o There should be an update plan.  Gary has planned to do so, at each
     IETF plenary.
   o The Q/A draft document needs to be restructured.

The input from this discussion will be reported to Gary...further
discussion will take place on the Quail mailing list.

``Intro Packages'' - a new user electronic application

Continued discussion from last USWG meeting on what the information is
going to be, what already exists, and what needs to be defined.

Additional research is needed.  Martyne Hallgren, Karen Roubicek, and
Joyce Reynolds will do further research and report at the next USWG


Next USWG meeting will be at UBC, where the USWG will continue
discussion and research on:

   o DAWG
   o QUAIL
   o Intro Packages


    Alison Brown    
    Ted Brunners    
    Jeff Ca'pente   
    Wilson Dillaway 
    Greg Dobrich    
    Robert Enger    
    Martyne Hallgren
    Ole Jacobsen    
    Tracy Laquey    
    Marilyn Martin  
    David Miller    
    Berlin Moore    
    Donald Morris   
    Marc-Andre Pepin
    Ron Roberts     
    Karen Roubicek  
    Jim Sheridan    
    Dana Sitzler    
    Mary Stahl      
    Allen Sturtevant
    G W Cady                       ?
    Carol Ward      
    John Wobus      
    Aileen Yuan     
