This is a rough draft - Megan 04/21/92

Telnet minutes:
Steve Alexander/INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation

The Telnet working group met the morning of Tuesday, March 17, 1992.

An initial agenda of possible topics included:

	o Authentication Option
	o Environment Option
	o Remote Flow Control Option
	o Encryption Option

A discussion of authentication was held.  It was decided that the 
authentication drafts should be put forth as experimental RFCs after some
minor editorial changes.  Steve Alexander will edit the drafts and send them
on to be published.  The changes include removing several 
authentication types from the list in the main document and specifying the 
Kerberos V4 authenticator in section 2 of the Kerberos IV draft.

Dave Borman has made a minor extension to remote flow control to allow
any character to restart output.  It was decided that Dave will send this 
document to the IESG on his own, since this has not been discussed by
the working group in detail and the change is straightforward.

The Environment option was discussed in detail.  Dave Borman explained
the history behind the VAR and USERVAR separation.  The usefulness of
variables such as PRINTER was debated.  Some group members raised the
issue of tying the environment option to the authentication option; it
was decided that they did not need to be tied together.  It was decided
not to add ACCT/JOB fields to the authentication option.  The group has
decided to put the environment option forward as a Proposed Standard
after some clarification of VAR & USERVAR in section V.  Steve Alexander
will make the changes and submit the document.

No serious discussion of encryption was held.  Steve volunteered to begin
looking at merging encryption with authentication as discussed in Santa Fe.

Action Items:
	- Steve Alexander
		revise authentication documents and submit as experimental
		revise environment document and submit as proposed
		look at merging encryption/authentication
	- Dave Borman
		submit remote flow control option as a proposed standard