TELNET Working Group
Chairperson:  Dave Borman/Cray

Reported by J.K. Reynolds, modified by Dave Borman


   o Does RFC 854 (Telnet) need to be updated and re-issued?

   o Do any of the option RFCs need to be updated and re-issued?

   o What new options are needed?

   o What about international character sets?

   o What does BINARY mode really mean?

   o How do you avoid option negotiation loops?

   o What Telnet options are MUST? SHOULD? MAY? DONT?

   o How do you flush input and output?

   o 7 bit NVT vs 8 bit NVT vs 8 bit BINARY

   o Telnet to other protocol translation


       1. Adelman, Kenneth A./

       2. Borman, Dave/

       3. Hedrick, Charles/

       4. Karels, Mike/

       5. LoVerso, John/

       6. Mamakos, Louis A./

       7. Mercado, Marjo F./

       8. Reinstedler, Jim/

       9. Replogle, Joel/

      10. Reynolds, Joyce K./

      11. Roselinsky, Milt/cmcvax!

 12. Salo, Tim/

 13. Schofield, Bruce J./
 14. Solensky, Frank/

 15. Vance, L. Stuart/

 16. Westfield, Bill/

 17. Wilder, Rick/

 18. Wintringham, Dan/


Opening Comments:
Telnet Option draft RFCs - What are in the queue??

   o Borman's Telnet Linemode:  This is in the queue now for
     becoming an RFC. It has been handed off to Phill Gross.

   o Berstein's Q-Method:  For later discussion in this meeting,
     see item 6

Borman presented proposed agenda to group and asked what else
should be included:
Bill Westfield lobbied for a document on Telnet with X.3
negotiations -- he was overruled.  It was decided that this along
with item 10, was out of the scope of this group.
RFC 854 and Postel - Is there a justification for a "revised"
Telnet spec??  There seemed to be general agreement that a better
approach would be to answer all the other questions first, and
that would decide this question for us.
The next item up for discussion was possible future options for
Telnet that are needed.

 Pursue??_  What_to_include:_
    Yes     User Name (who you're going in as, i.e., name,

            acct, etc.)
    Yes     Authentication (get rid of RLogin) (Authentication
            and encryption are somewhat related.)
    Yes     Environment
 Possibly   System Type
    Yes     Encryption (Encryption and authentication are
            somewhat related.)
   Maybe    Compression (data) (A subcase of encryption??  A
            maybe, depending upon encryption.)
    Yes     don't Telnet Option (Bill Westfield working on this one.)

Big Topics:

     Go through which Telnet options are not needed.
     Send a message out to a mailing list asking who currently
     uses what telnet options.  The following list is what we
     came up with at the meeting.  Those marked with YES were
     changed from "no", those marked with a ?  no one was sure
     on.  (This is re-constructed from memory, so please let me
     know if I made a mistake...  -Dave B.)

 Number_  Name_                                     RFC_   NIC_   DPH_  USE_
    0     Binary Transmission                       856   -----   yes   yes

    1     Echo                                      857   -----   yes   yes
    2     Reconnection                              ...   15391   yes    no
    3     Suppress Go Ahead                         858   -----   yes   yes
    4     Approx Message Size Negotiation           ...   15393   yes    no
    5     Status                                    859   -----   yes   yes
    6     Timing Mark                               860   -----   yes   yes
    7     Remote Controlled Trans and Echo          726   39237   yes    no
    8     Output Line Width                         ...   20196   yes    no
    9     Output Page Size                          ...   20197   yes    no
    10    Output Carriage-Return Disposition        652   31155   yes    no
    11    Output Horizontal Tabstops                653   31156   yes    no
    12    Output Horizontal Tab Disposition         654   31157   yes    no
    13    Output Formfeed Disposition               655   31158   yes    no
    14    Output Vertical Tabstops                  656   31159   yes    no
    15    Output Vertical Tab Disposition           657   31160   yes    no
    16    Output Linefeed Disposition               658   31161   yes    no
    17    Extended ASCII                            698   32964   yes    no
    18    Logout                                    727   40025   yes    no
    19    Byte Macro                                735   42083   yes    no
    20    Data Entry Terminal                       732   41762   yes  no ?
    21    SUPDUP                                734 736   42213   yes    no
    22    SUPDUP Output                             749   45449   yes    no
    23    Send Location                             779   -----   yes    no
    24    Terminal Type                            1091   -----   yes   YES
    25    End of Record                             885   -----   yes    no
    26    TACACS User Identification                927   -----   yes  no ?
    27    Output Marking                            933   -----   yes    no
    28    Terminal Location Number                  946   -----    no    no
    29    3270 Regime                              1041   -----    no  no ?
    30    X.3 PAD                                  1053   -----    no    no
    31    Window Size                              1073   -----    no   YES
    32    Terminal Speed Option                    1079   -----    no   YES
    33    Remote Flow Control                      1080   -----    no   YES
    34    Linemode                                  TBA   -----    no   YES
    35    X Display Location                       1096   -----    no    no
   255    Extended-Options-List                     861   -----   yes   yes

Clarifying Timing Mark RFC
Does anyone use STATUS??

What's wrong with the current Telnet spec:

   o old stuff
   o what to update

Other Issues:
Borman's concept of the new Telnet Working Group:

     This group is not to disband, but upon completion of their
     activities, go dormant from time to time, and start up and
     become available as a group to review Telnet draft RFCs, needed.

Discussion/Issues of 7 bit, 8 bit binary:

  1. Delay problem between client and server, interrupt character,
     interrupt systems, interrupt marker - Linemode really helps
     you here in this realm.

  2. Interrupt - telnet process can control things, output prompt
     between the two.

  3. Host Requirement RFC document - discussion regarding "clean
     wording" of Telnet in the Host Requirement RFC. In particular,
     a statement on 7, 8 bit data passing; 8 bit should NOT be used
     for parity bit.

  4. Should anything be said in the Host Requirement RFC re:  7, 8
     bit??  What about the statement of "SHOULD or MUST" negotiate

  5. Should the Telnet standard be changed/updated to reflect the
     context of Host Requirements RFC??

  6. Items d and e were not resolved at this meeting.  There is a
     need to soften the wording on the Telnet statement that's
     going into the Host Requirements RFC. Borman to talk to

  7. Bernstein's Q-Method RFC. Postel asked the Telnet WG to review
     and comment.  Group comment is that it should not be issued as
     an RFC. Part of it should be rewritten, and incorporated with
     whatever we release for a replacement/update to the Telnet
     RFC. It was felt that the real world was not having problems
     with option negotiation loops, so it isn't a problem that
     requires an immediate solution.

Conclusion of meeting:

   o Telnet WG will meet in Hawaii.

o Interim discussions will continue on the
