This is only a rough draft - Megan 04/16/92

                          RMON Working Group
                              23rd IETF
                              San Diego

     The RMON WG met in two formal sessions during the San  Diego
     IETF  meeting.  Issues from both RFC 1271 and the developing
     Token Ring MIB were discussed.  What follows is an  encapsu-
     lation of the discussions
     Interoperability Interoperation between two or more indepen-
     dent implementations is a requirement for an RFC to become a
     full  Internet  standard  (RFC  1310).   Accordingly,   Mike
     Erlinger  and  Steve  Waldbusser  discussed their attempt to
     organize two interoperability testing sessions for  Ethernet
     RMON probes and managers.

          1.   Week of May 25th (after InterOp) at CMU in  Pitts-
          2.   Week of Jul 20th (after IETF) at Frontier Software
               in Boston
          It was noted  that  these  interoperability  activities
          were  being  organized  outside  of the auspices of the
          IETF and that Mike and Steve were  reporting  on  their
          progress as part of the IETF WG meeting.

     The first draft of a token ring RMON MIB was  created  about
     6-weeks prior to the IETF at a WG session in Fullerton CA by
     combining the Novell and  ProTools  MIBs.   This  draft  was
     reviewed  with the results described below.  The goal is for
     the editor to have an updated draft on the mailing  list  by
     the  middle  of  April,  and an Internet Draft by the end of
          o+    ringOrder Table
               The MIB editor had left out the  ring-order  table
               because  he  believed  the  information  could  be
               easily obtained from the ring station table.   The
               WG  felt  that the table was so useful that it was
               more than worth the small amount of extra complex-
               ity it added.  It will be put back in.

          o+    ringStationControl Table
               Text needs to  be  added  to  indicated  that  the
               ringStationControl Table and the ringStation Table
               are associated (ifInterface).
          o+    The MAC Address of  the  active  monitor  will  be
               added to the ringStationControl Table.

          o+    NAUN
               Needs to be added to the ringOrder Table  and  the
               ringStation Table.
          o+    Data Packet
               Text needs to be  added  indicating  that  a  Data
               Packet is NOT a MAC Packet.

          o+    tokenStats
               remove the words "including those in bad MAC Pack-

          o+    The AllRoutesBroadcastPckts variable  was  deleted
               from  the basic stats because it already exists in
               the source routing group.
          o+    host Table
               Define a Station  Address as "Station MAC  Address
               minus Source Routing Bits"

          o+    matrix Table
               Make sure to indicate that  Station  Address  (MAC
               Address) does NOT include Source Routing Bits
          o+    MAC vs LLC
               Make sure that MAC  vs.  LLC  vs.  Other  is  well
               defined  as  far  as packet types.  The token ring
               standard will be checked for the correct wording.

          o+    In/out line errors
               Add burst and in/out line errors (similar to  bea-
               cons)  back  into  error  list  in the ringStation
               Table, since  this  can  improve  the  ability  to
               correctly identify a problem domain.
          There was a lot of discussion about whether the TR  MIB
          should  be  usable  by  a non-promiscuous probe.  After
          much debate it was decided that token ring was signifi-
          cantly different from Ethernet and that all of the use-
          ful fault management and configuration  info  could  be
          acquired  by  just  examining  MAC  frames (without the
          overhead of promiscuous  mode).   Accordingly,  the  WG
          decided  to repartition the token ring MIB into (essen-
          tially) four groups:
               1. Promiscuous stats (frames, octets, size distri-
               bution, etc.)
               2. MAC layer stuff (ring station table, ring order
               table,  augmented with MAC layer counts which were
               previously in the stats group  -  these  would  be
               added to the ring station control table).
               3. Ring configuration  information  that  required
               active gathering methods.
               4. Source routing stats

          For each entry in the  History  control  table  both  a
          promiscuous  history  and a MAC layer history (with the
          same parameters) will be generated iff appropriate.
          The Config table will be split  into  a  control  table
          (containing   the   "push   buttons"  update-stats  and
          remove-station and a time of last update), and  a  data
          table which contains the actual data.  All columns must
          be present in the data table, but the  row  only  comes
          into  existence  (or  is  updated)  when  the button is
          actively pushed in the control table.