RMONMIB WG Meeting Minutes IETF #54 July 15, 2002 Minutes by Andy Bierman Review Material --------------- (A) draft-ietf-rmonmib-tpm-mib-06.txt (B) draft-ietf-rmonmib-sspm-mib-04.txt (C) draft-ietf-ippm-metrics-registry-01.txt (D) draft-ietf-rmonmib-framework-00.txt (E) draft-siddiqui-rmonmib-raqmon-mib-01.txt Minutes ------- 1) Implementation Reports The WG still needs to collect and publish complete implementation reports for the RMON-2 MIB (RFC 2021), the RMON Protocol Identifier Reference (RFC 2895), and the SMON MIB (RFC 2613). Very few reports have been received for these documents. The final reports will be published in September. It is possible that the WG will recommend to the IESG that the RMON-2 and SMON MIB be advanced, and the objects that have not been documented will be deprecated and removed from the standards track. 2) Application Performance Measurement MIB The recently completed version of the APM-MIB was discussed by the group. The WG Editor was reminded to make the following changes the next time the draft is published: - add WG contact info to the MIB - apmReportControlReportNumber has syntax 'Unsigned32' and apmReportIndex has a syntax of 'Unsigned32 (0..2147483647)'. The syntax for these objects should match. - the apmTransactionTable needs a read-only object added to indicate if the transaction is in progress or recently finished. - the following smilint errors need to be addressed: ./APM-MIB:296: [4] object identifier name `apmAppDirectoryResponsivenessType' longer than 32 characters ./APM-MIB:370: [4] object identifier name `apmAppDirectoryResponsivenessBoundary1' longer than 32 characters ./APM-MIB:380: [4] object identifier name `apmAppDirectoryResponsivenessBoundary2' longer than 32 characters ./APM-MIB:394: [4] object identifier name `apmAppDirectoryResponsivenessBoundary3' longer than 32 characters ./APM-MIB:404: [4] object identifier name `apmAppDirectoryResponsivenessBoundary4' longer than 32 characters ./APM-MIB:414: [4] object identifier name `apmAppDirectoryResponsivenessBoundary5' longer than 32 characters ./APM-MIB:424: [4] object identifier name `apmAppDirectoryResponsivenessBoundary6' longer than 32 characters ./APM-MIB:1910: [4] object identifier name `apmExceptionResponsivenessComparison' longer than 32 characters ./APM-MIB:1926: [4] object identifier name `apmExceptionResponsivenessThreshold' longer than 32 characters ./APM-MIB:1934: [4] object identifier name `apmExceptionUnsuccessfulException' longer than 32 characters ./APM-MIB:2033: [4] object identifier name `apmTransactionResponsivenessAlarm' longer than 32 characters ./APM-MIB:2079: [6] redefinition of identifier `RMON-MIB::rmonConformance' ./APM-MIB:970: [1] index element `apmNameClientAddress' of row `apmNameEntry' must have a size restriction ./APM-MIB:1523: [1] index element `apmReportServerAddress' of row `apmReportEntry' must have a size restriction ./APM-MIB:1743: [1] index element `apmTransactionServerAddress' of row `apmTransactionEntry' must have a size restriction ./APM-MIB:2112: [6] current group `apmUserDefinedApplicationsGroup' is unconditionally optional ./APM-MIB:2163: [6] current group `apmTransactionGroup' is unconditionally optional ./APM-MIB:2173: [6] current group `apmExceptionGroup' is unconditionally optional ./APM-MIB:2188: [6] current group `apmNotificationGroup' is unconditionally optional 3) Transport Performance Metrics MIB (A) The latest version of the TPM-MIB was discussed by the group. The following issues were raised, and some additional changes were approved. A WG Last Call will be started as soon as the changes are made. A summary of the changes is listed here: - update IMPORTS clause to align with APM-MIB - rename metericDefId to TpmMetricDefId; keep tpm prefix consistent throughout the document - add column in tpmMetricDefTable that is an OID which points to the IPPM-REGISTRY-MIB (C) value (or other OID for non-IPPM metric, or 0.0 for none) that is the global ID for the metric. Call it the tpmMetricDefGlobalID object. - change abbreviation 'curr' to 'cur' throughout - look at RFC Editor nits page and make fixes (no hyphenated words at end of line, etc) - split references into normative and informative (2 sections) - fix all smilint errors and warnings (not listed here) 4) Definition of Managed Objects for Synthetic Sources for Performance Monitoring Algorithms. (B) The latest version of the SSPM-MIB was discussed by the group. The most significant issue raised was support for multicast traffic in the MIB. It was decided not to add this feature to the MIB at this time, because it is not clear what objects need to be added. This topic may come up again for a future version of the SSPM MIB. A WG Last Call will be started for the current draft. There are some smilint errors and warnings that need to be addressed in the final version before RFC publication, but no new objects or significant changes to any existing objects expected. 5) RMON Framework (D) The initial version of the RMON Framework was discussed by the group. The following changes were agreed upon: - add details on the APM MIB - add section for DSMON MIB (RFC 3287) - add section for High Capacity Alarm MIB <draft-ietf-rmonmib-hc-alarm-mib-01.txt> - add diagram of Overview of RMON in terms of Network Topology, Monitoring techniques, and monitoring methods (from email by Lester D'Souza on 7/11/2002) 6) RTCP Extensions for Voice over IP Metric Reporting Alan Clark presented an I-D for the transfer of voice related metrics, using extensions to RTCP (draft-clark-avt-rtcpvoip-01.txt). There was a lot of interest in using this work as a mechanism for reporting statistics from a RAQMON Data Source (RDS) to a RAQMON Report Collector (RRC). Text would need to be included in a RAQMON document to define how the particular fields from this protocol were converted and applied to MIB objects in the RAQMON MIB. The group decided to follow the progress of this draft further. If the RAQMON work gets chartered in the RMONMIB WG, then official coordination between the RMONMIB and AVT WGs would be required to resolve technical issues related the use of this draft within the RAQMON framework and MIB. 7) Real-time Application Quality of Service Monitoring MIB (E) The RAQMON MIB was discussed by the group at the end of the meeting, although it is not an officially chartered work item. The RAQMON charter proposal (emailed to the WG mailing list on 5/31/2002) was also discussed. The group agreed upon three deliverables for this work: - Extensions to the RMON Framework to support RAQMON - PDU formats for RAQMON data transfer between an RDS and an RRC - RAQMON MIB to expose statistical data collected from one or more RDSs There was significant interest expressed by the group to pursue this work within the RMONMIB WG. A charter proposal has been finalized and sent to the Area Directors for consideration.