Remote Network Monitoring WG (rmonmib) Monday, December 10 at 1930-2200 Thursday, December 13 at 1300-1500 ======================================== CHAIR: Andy Bierman <> Internet Drafts ---------------- Chartered Drafts [Current Status (*)]: (A) APM-MIB [2 months behind schedule; ready for another WG Last Call] (B) APPVERBS [in IETF peer review (status: reviewer found)] (C) DSMON-MIB [done with IETF Last Call pending approval of -09 terminology clarifications (status Last Call)] (D) HCRMON-MIB [no new issues in this IETF Last Call, ready for IESG action; (status: Last Call)] (E) SSPM-MIB [on schedule; individual submission recently converted to WG document, so this is actually the 5th revision] (F) TOKEN-RING-RMON-MIB [completed and ready to publish at DS; (status: not on IESG radar and RFC not issued)] (G) TPM-MIB [on schedule; under WG development] Related IPPM Drafts: (H) OWDP (I) OWDP Requirements (J) IPPM-MIB Unchartered Drafts: (K) HC-ALARM-MIB (L) Remote Packet Capture (M) Remote Packet Capture Extensions (N) Realtime Application QoS Monitoring (* == is not completely up to date; actual status is shown) Agenda ------ Dec 10) 1) Joint Meeting of the RMONMIB and IPPM WGs (30 min) Discussion of transport measurement framework issues and relationship between APM-MIB (A), SSPM-MIB (E), TPM-MIB (G), IPPM-MIB (J), and IPPM 1-way Delay Protocol (H) (I). 2) Transport Performance Metrics MIB (30 min) Discussion of TPM-MIB (G) changes and open issues. 3) Definition of Managed Objects for Synthetic Sources for Performance Monitoring Algorithms. (30 min) Discussion of SSPM-MIB (E) changes and open issues. 4) Application Performance Measurement MIB (30 min) Discussion of APM-MIB (A) changes and open issues. 5) RMON Framework Document (30 min) Discussion of requirements; Editor selection; Create a Hot Topics List. Dec 13) 6) RMON Extensions for Differentiated Services (15 min) Discussion of clarifications in DSMON-MIB (C) -09 draft 7) SMON MIB (RFC 2613) Advancement (20 min) Discussion of Implementation Reports and any potential changes or corrections to the document before advancement. 8) RMON2-MIB (RFC 2021) Advancement (20 min) Call for Implementation Reports and discussion of any potential changes or corrections to the document before advancement. 9) RMON-PI (RFC 2074) Advancement (20 min) Call for Implementation Reports and discussion of any potential changes or corrections to the document before advancement. 10) Remote Monitoring MIB Extensions for High Capacity Alarms (15 min) Discussion of HC-ALARM-MIB (K) general monitoring issues; Attempt to determine WG interest in this topic, and if any, if this work is already chartered under HC-RMON. 11) Real-time Application Quality of Service Monitoring (15 min) Discussion of RAQMON MIB (N) general monitoring issues; Attempt to determine WG interest in this topic. 12) Remote Packet Capture (15 min) Discussion of general monitoring issues, relationship to IPFX work, and specific proposals (L) (M); Attempt to determine WG interest in this topic.