OPS Area RMONMIB WG Meeting Minutes
48th IETF August 2 and 3, 2000
Minutes by Andy Bierman

Review Material

(A) draft-ietf-rmonmib-hcrmon-06.txt
(B) draft-ietf-rmonmib-rmon2hc-00.txt
(C) draft-ietf-rmonmib-rmonhc-00.txt
(D) draft-ietf-rmonmib-rmonprot-ref-01.txt
(E) draft-ietf-rmonmib-rmonprot-mac-02.txt
(F) draft-ietf-rmonmib-iftopn-mib-02.txt
(G) draft-ietf-rmonmib-dsmon-mib-02.txt
(H) draft-ietf-rmonmib-tpm-mib-01.txt
(I) draft-ietf-rmonmib-apm-mib-01.txt
(J) draft-ietf-rmonmib-pmcaps-01.txt
(K) draft-ietf-rmonmib-appverbs-00.txt
(L) draft-cole-sspm-00.txt
(M) draft-bierman-rmonmib-vds-mib-00.txt


1) Status of Internet Drafts under IESG review (A - E)

2) HC TopN Rate Base documentation issue (A - C)

3) Discussion of the IF-TOPN MIB (F)

4) Discussion of the DSMON MIB (G)

5) Discussion of the Virtual Data Source MIB proposal (M)

6) Discussion of the Application Protocol Verbs draft (K)

7) Discussion of Requirements for Synthetic Sources of Performance Measurement (L)

8) Discussion of the Performance Measurement drafts (H - J)


1) Status of Internet Drafts under IESG review

The WG Chair presented a status summary of the I-Ds before the WG. All HC-RMON issues have now been resolved, and those drafts (A - C) will soon be completed. The RMON Protocol Identifier documents (D - E) are completed and will soon be published as RFCs. Refer to the 'RMONMIB WG Status' slides for more details on the status of current drafts.

2) HC TopN Rate Base documentation issue

The WG discussed the issues related to the manner in which the updated 'TopN rate base' MIB objects should be republished.  The WG decided to terminate the RMON-1 HC MIB (C) and the RMON2-HC MIB (B). The normative text in those documents (i.e., the new HC topNRateBase objects) will be moved to MIB modules within the HC-RMON MIB.  In addition, the complete, 'HC TopN' versions of the RMON-1 and RMON-2 MIBs will be included as non-normative appendices in the HC-RMON MIB.  Refer to the 'RMONMIB WG Status' slides for more details on this issue.

3) Discussion of the IF-TOPN MIB

The Interface TopN MIB (F) was presented and then discussed.  There was agreement that the issues raised at the last Interim meeting have been addressed.  The author will finalize the rate normalization mechanism details, and add some examples related to this feature. A WG Last Call will be started for this MIB as soon as the next version is published.

4) Discussion of the DSMON MIB

The DSMON MIB (G) was presented and then discussed.  There were no major issues raised, and there was agreement to start WG Last Call on this document. Such a notice will be posted to the WG mailing list soon. Refer to the 'DSMON MIB' slides for more details on the changes to this MIB.

5) Discussion of the Virtual Data Source MIB proposal

There was an overview presentation of the Virtual Data Source MIB (M). A virtual data source is a conceptual data source, representing a 'selected' subset of the network traffic present on a physical data source, based on some combination of packet selection classification mechanisms.  Refer to the 'Virtual Data Source MIB' slides for more details on this MIB.

A straw poll was conducted regarding interest in working on this MIB at some (TBD) point in the future.  There were at least 7 people in favor, and about 4 people interested in actively participating as co-authors.  There were no objections to this work being done, and several people did not express an opinion.

It was decided that the WG should focus on the drafts already in progress at this time, and not start this work right away.  The issue will be raised again later, and based on the progress of the current drafts, may be started within the next 6 months.

6) Discussion of the Application Protocol Verbs draft

The 'Protocol Directory Extensions for Application Verbs' (K) draft was presented and then discussed. This is the first version of this document, and there are not many verb examples included. The WG must first agree on the higher level concepts, such as terminology, protocolDirTable integration, PI Verb macro format, and what applications to document.

There was some discussion of the term 'verb' as the appropriate word to represent distinct transaction types within a specific application protocol. There was eventually agreement that this term is the most widely used, and has been used for many years, so the term 'Application Verb' will be kept.

The document will be discussed on the WG mailing list and updated before the next IETF. Refer to the 'Protocol Directory Extensions for Application Verbs' slides for more details on this document.

7) Discussion of Requirements for Synthetic Sources of Performance Measurement

The SSPM Framework draft (L) was presented and then discussed.  There is a lot of interest in the WG in pursuing this work as soon as possible. This might be as soon as the current 'PM' drafts are stable.

There is some impact on the PMCAPS MIB related to SSPM requirements. This MIB will be updated (after an offline meeting with the SSPM authors) to better reflect the terminology and requirements of synthetic PM mechanisms.  Refer to the 'SSPM Generated Requirements' slides for more details on SSPM.

8) Discussion of the Performance Measurement drafts


The Performance Measurement Capabilities MIB (J) was discussed in some detail. The MIB will soon be updated with some clarifications, and that version should be ready for WG Last Call.  Refer to the 'PM Capabilities MIB' slides for more details on the changes since the previous draft.

8.2) APM MIB

The Application Performance Monitoring MIB (I) was presented, and then discussed for some time.  The new apmHttpFilterTable generated the most discussion, because of the manner in which it extended the RMON-2 protocolDirTable.  There was agreement that this feature is useful and should be pursued. The author was directed to pursue a different design for this table, which did not utilize a protocolDirLocalIndex without a corresponding protocolDirEntry.

Refer to the 'APM MIB' slides for more details on the recent changes to the APM MIB.  A new version of this MIB will be submitted before the next IETF, and the current draft will be discussed on the WG mailing list.

8.3) TPM MIB

The latest Transport Performance Measurement MIB (H) was not discussed due to lack of time. This document will be updated soon, and any new issues with the current version will be discussed on the WG mailing list.

9) Administrivia

The WG discussed 3 administrative topics during the meeting,

9.1) Interim meeting

There is interest (among a core group of attendees) in another interim meeting, perhaps co-located in the same city as the SNMPCONF Interim, like the previous interim meeting in San Francisco.  The locale will be Knoxville, TN.  The 2 day RMON meeting will be held in early or mid October, on a Monday and Tuesday, with the SNMPCONF interim meeting scheduled to start on Wednesday of that week.  Further announcements will be sent to the WG mailing list as details are finalized.

9.2) SMON MIB Advancement

The WG will start the required tasks needed to advance the SMON MIB (RFC 2613) from Proposed to Draft Standard.  Commercial implementations are already available, and this MIB is eligible for advancement.

There does not seem to be consensus to hold an Interoperability Test Event dedicated to SMON conformance.  This is not required for standards advancement at this stage, but it is very useful. There was agreement that this MIB should be tested along with the new work (e.g., DSMON, IFTOPN, *PM) at a test event arranged by InterWorking Labs some time in the future.

9.3) Mailing list reminder

Issues related to the RMONMIB WG should now be sent to the new mailing list at 'rmonmib@ietf.org'.

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