Remote Network Monitoring WG (rmonmib)

Monday, March 19 at 1930-2200
Thursday, March 22 at 0900-1130

CHAIR:  Andy Bierman <>


MONDAY, March 19 at 1930-2200

Internet Drafts

(A) draft-ietf-rmonmib-apm-mib-03.txt

(B) draft-ietf-rmonmib-appverbs-01.txt

(C) draft-ietf-rmonmib-dsmon-mib-04.txt

(D) draft-ietf-rmonmib-hcrmon-08.txt

(E) draft-ietf-rmonmib-iftopn-mib-04.txt

(F) draft-ietf-rmonmib-tokenring-01.txt

(G) draft-ietf-rmonmib-tpm-mib-01.txt

(H) draft-kalbfleisch-sspmmib-01.txt

THURSDAY, March 22 at 0900-1130

I) Completion of drafts in WG Last Call

  1) RMON MIB For High Capacity Networks (D)

  2) Token Ring Extensions to the RMON MIB (F)

  3) RMON Extensions for Differentiated Services (C)

  4) RMON Extensions for Interface Parameters Monitoring (E)

II) Identify and resolve open issues in the PM drafts

  5) Application Performance Measurement MIB (A)

  6) Transport Performance Metrics MIB (G)

  7) RMON Extensions for Identifying Application Protocol Verbs (B)

  8) Definition of Managed Objects for Synthetic Sources for

     Performance Monitoring Algorithms. (H)