The Minutes below should be considered a Rough Draft - 4/02/92 Megan

Current Meeting Report   Reported by Peter Kirstein/UCL

The Chair repeated that for the   ODA WG,  some papers are available in  an
electronic form on the UCL-CS info-server:  ""

The documents are accessed  by  standard message systems,  giving a message
body of the form:


where xxxx is the name of the document required.

A number of documents are available in the info-server -  all in text form.
Many  of  the documents are also  stored  in ODA/ODIF format.   The list of
documents currently in the collection is listed in a document called INDEX.

The latest  document  defining  the current status  is  [1]  below.   It is
available  on  the  info-server.    It  gives  details  about  the  current
implementations available for the Pilot.  These are listed below:

PRODUCT                  Supplier   Status   Product  Availability Source
SLATE/ODA  V1.2          BBN/UCL    OK       Slate-yes  Now        UCL
Word-for-Windows/ODA v3  Bull       OK         Yes      4/1        Bull
DECWRITE/ODA             DEC        OK         Yes      Now        DEC
Global View              Xerox      Testing    Yes      Now        Xerox

UCL  started shipping  SLATE/ODA v1.2  in February 1992;   this is based on
SLATE v1.2.   Because of the late shipment,  few have had a  chance to test
it.   BBN is planning to bring out V2 of SLATE during the second quarter of
1992;   we expect SLATE/ODA v2  to be ready for shipping by the end of that
quarter.   The Bull product is being released for shipping on 4/1;  UCL has
tested it for conformity.   The DEC product is available now,  and has been
tested for conformity;   no other site had tried   a recent version of that
software.   The Xerox product was delivered to  UCL  only  just  before the
meeting.  It is still being tested for interoperability by UCL.   

At earlier meetings,  it had been hoped that a  WORDPERFECT/ODA system from
University Politechnic of Catalonia would  become available.  Unfortunately
for  two reasons this  now seems less  likely.   UCL tested  it  during the
summer of 1991,  and it was found non-conformant in  a number  of ways;  no
new  version has been  received  since.   Second,  there seemed  to be some
contractual problems in getting that version used in the Pilot,  because it
included some  software  from  ICL -  which  UPC had not had  permission to
release for the Pilot.   Earlier UPC had stated that they  intended to have
software entirely  of  their own available for the  summer  of  1992  - but
nothing  has been  heard further from  them on that  subject;  the Chairman
could only assume that the WORDPERFECT software could  not become available
for a Pilot in the near future.

During the discussion,  it became clear that there was a requirement to use
a  large number  of  National  characters;   for instance  support  for the
specific Nordic ones were requested by one participant,  and of  Greek ones
by another.   It was considered  desirable to  use character  set switching
according to ISO 8859/4  in  the long term;   mention was made also  of ISO
10041.   Neither the Bull nor BBN implementations  support such characters;
no information was available on the DEC or Xerox ones.

A number  of  additions to  the Q112  profile  of  the  Standard  are under
discussion;   one of these is tables.   If this became  standardised, it is
probable that several of the implementations would include it shortly.

A number of small pilots were mentioned - a Nordic one, one based on Mitre,
one organised by UCL in Europe,  and a  small one at  NASA-Ames.  There was
interest in broader pilots.  The Chair promised to set up a list of ODA and
normal mailboxes.   This list will be available from ietf-osi-oda, and  the
interested parties will be requested to provide their details to the Chair.

So far,  most use of the systems were using X.400  for transport.  Interest
was expressed in working with the Multi-media Mail format  (MIME);  this is
in accordance  with the  Charter,  since this is the output  of the SMTPEXT
group.   The chairman mentioned that it  had already been  assured that ODA
was a recognised Content Type in MIME,  and he promised to investigate when
there   could be integration of MIME with some of the  ODA products.  There
is already a MIME implementation available to UCL,  and he hopes to  add it
to the UCL PP mail system during the next quarter.

It was expected that there would  be substantial experience  with the Pilot
prior  to  the next  meeting   which would take place during the  July IETF
meeting in Boston.


1.  D. Sadok et al:  The ODA Document Convertors, UCL Internal Report No 2,
	 Version 3, March 1992.


     Harald   Alvestrand 
     Dave     Crocker   
     kathy    Dodd      
     Lew      Jenkins   
     Peter    Kirstein  
     Jim      Knowles   
     Dan      Molinelli 
     Brien    Wheeler   
     Linda    Winkler   
     Peter    Yee       

People So Far Receiving SLATE/ODA from UCL

     Velu       Sinhu      OKIDATA        Framingham, Mass  USA      
     Jim        Knowles    NASA-AMES      Mountain View, CA USA      
     Mark       Stansfield Paisley Coll   Paisley           Scotland 
     Mark       Savela     Telecom Res    Otakaari          Finland  
     Erik       Lillevold  NTRA           Kjeller           Norway   
     Encarna    Pastor     U. Pol. Madrid Madrid            Spain    
     Knut       Holm       SINTEF         Trondheim         Norway   
     Trevor     Hales      CSIRO          Carlton, Vic      Australia
     Naresh     Kumar      Touch Com      Campbell, CA      USA      
     Andrew     Macpherson BNR-Europe     Harlow, Essex     UK       
     Paul       Kennedy    DEC            Galway            Ireland