Multicast & Anycast Group Membership BOF (magma)

Monday, August 06 at 0900-1130

CHAIRS:	Brian Haberman <>
        Bill Fenner <>


   Agenda Bashing               Chairs         5 minutes
   Document Status              Chairs        15 minutes
   IDMR Status                  Fenner         5 minutes
   IGMP Proxying                Fenner/He     15 minutes
         - draft-ieft-idmr-igmp-proxy-01.txt
   IGMP Snooping                Christensen   15 minutes
         - draft-ietf-idmr-snoop-01.txt
   Multicast Source Filter API  Fenner        10 minutes
   MIB Discussion               Fenner        15 minutes
   IGMPv3 Interactions          Martin        10 minutes
         - draft-ietf-idmr-igmpv3-and-routing-01.txt
   MSNIP for IGMP Proxying      He            15 minutes
         - draft-he-msnip-igmp-proxy-ext-00.txt
   Author Recruiting            Chairs        10 minutes
   MAGMA Future                 Chairs         5 minutes

Description of Working Group:
 Group management protocols are crucial to the operation of both
 multicast and anycast within the Internet.  These protocols allow hosts
 to inform routers of their membership status within groups. This
 working group will be responsible for developing the functionalities
 required for group membership reporting and other related actions.  This
 group will also address the initial authentication and access control
 issues associated with anycast group membership; this is likely to be
 limited to shared secrets and message authentication codes (MACs) much
 like current routing protocol security.  Other aspects of Anycast,
 including architecture and routing, are outside the groups scope.
 The draft names listed below are the starting point for the work in the
 MAGMA specifications will include:

 - Core IGMPv3/MLDv2 specifications.  These specifications will describe
   the protocol used between hosts and routers to share group membership
   information.  IGMPv3 and MLDv2 build on IGMPv2 and MLDv1 by adding
   two types of source-specific filtering; "include" (in which the
   system tells the router exactly which sources it desires) and
   "exclude" (in which the system tells the router that it does *not*
   desire a list of sources).
 - IGMPv3: The IDMR working group has submitted this for Proposed
   Standard. MAGMA takes ownership after publication as RFC.
 - MLDv2: draft-vida-mld-v2-00.txt
 - Multicast Source Filtering API.  This specification describes the
   API used to interact with IGMPv3 and MLDv2 to indicate source
 - draft-ietf-idmr-msf-api-01.txt
 - Host determination of network group membership.  In a multicast
   environment, systems may be interested in learning whether or not
   there are any group members, in order to save the trouble of sending
   data that nobody is listening to.
 - Multicast Source Notification of Interest Protocol:
 - Multicast forwarding in tree topologies using IGMP/MLD Proxying
   Create a single document from:
   o draft-ietf-idmr-igmp-proxy-00
   o draft-he-mixed-igmp-proxy-00
 - Source-Specific Multicast (SSM) consideration document.  This work
   will describe the use of IGMPv3/MLDv2 in an SSM environment.
 - draft-holbrook-idmr-igmpv3-ssm-01.txt
 - Considerations for "IGMP snooping" switches (switches that watch IGMP
   exchanges in order to determine multicast forwarding behavior)
 - Multicast Router Discovery: The IDMR working group has submitted
   this for Proposed Standard. MAGMA takes ownership after publication
   as an RFC.
 - Snooping Considerations: draft-ietf-idmr-snoop-00.txt
 - Group management MIBs
   - update RFC 2933 for IGMPv3
   - update RFC 3019 for MLDv2
 - Interaction between IGMP/MLD and routing protocols
   - draft-ietf-idmr-igmpv3-and-routing-00.txt
 - Extensions to MLD supporting anycast group memberships including
   authentication and access control mechanisms
    - draft-haberman-ipngwg-host-anycast-00.txt
 In addition, this working group will coordinate with other IETF working
 groups where multicast and anycast group management protocols are