LDUP Minutes

0) Agenda Bashing

No additions or changes were made to the agenda.

1) LDAPv3 Replication Requirements


This version represents the WG's first attempt to address IESG feedback and comment. Some list discussion has taken place and appears to be circling in on consensus relative to language to address IESG comments.  There are also some off-list discussions that are being resolved with the assistance of the Applications ADs. We expect that this document will be ready to re-submit to the IESG for consideration for publication as an Informational RFC by mid-April.

2) LDAP Client Update Protocol


As of the last WG meeting there were believed to be small, non-contentious issues to be resolved with the document. It became obvious during this WG meeting that there may be a larger number of issues to discuss on the list that previously anticipated based on the number of people who have actually commented on it. Therefore, more list discussion and a revision of the document are expected. Despite this expectation, this document is Still considered to be one of the next documents we will be delivering to the IESG for consideration for publication as an RFC, in this case, as a standards-track document.

3) LDUP Update Reconciliation Procedures


Changes were made to the document based on list discussion. The slides used during the meeting by the document editor show the details - these slides will be submitted for inclusion in the Proceedings as well as to the WG mailing list. There are still some issues to resolve relative to synchronizing this document with the content of the LDAP Replication Architecture document.

4) LDAP Replication Architecture


This revision resulted from a major overhaul of the prior version to bring its content into convergence with other WG documents and list discussion.

Specific changes are documented in slides used by the document editor presenting at the WG meeting. These slides will be submitted for the IETF proceedings and also will be posted to the WG mailing list. When the question about this document being ready for WG Last Call was raised, the room generally indicated that more time on the mailing list would be appropriate. One particular issue on which the architecture document is dependent is the selection or specification of an administrative model for replication by the WG.

5) LDUP Replication Information Model


This document is in a holding pattern, so to speak. The issue of selecting an administrative model for replication should be resolved before its revised.

6) LDAP Subentry Schema


This document has been withdrawn from WG consideration. A similar WG deliverable may or may not be needed depending on WG consensus relative to the selection or specification of an administrative model for replication. The question was raised about the X.500 administrative model being sufficient for the needs of LDAPv3 replication. This particular way of resolving the administrative model issue will be considered by the WG along with other options

7) The LDUP Replication Update Protocol


Not revised prior to the WG meeting. It is expected to enter WG Last Call along with the URP document. A revision of this document may be needed once the URP document is believed to be stable enough to enter WG Last Call.

8) General Usage Profile for LDAPv3 Replication


Not revised prior to the WG meeting. This document is expected to be the last to mature of all WG documents because it is a profile of how to make use of all other specifications.

9) Profile for Framing LDAPv3 Operations


Not revised prior to the WG meeting. This document has the same issue/dependency as the LDAP Subentry Schema and the LDAP Replication Information Model documents. an administrative model needs to be selected or specified by the WG before there is any utility in either revising it or adopting one or more individual contributions to take its place.

10) Mandatory LDAP Replica Management


This document has been significantly fleshed out since the last WG meeting.

There are issues flagged in the document which are known to need WG discussion to stabilize the document's content. The specific issues are documented in slides presented during the WG meeting. These slides will be submitted for inclusion in the IETF proceedings as well as be posted to the WG mailing list.

11) LDUP Access Control Design Team

The co-chair present at the WG meeting presented a status report on the recently formed LDUP Access Control Design Team. Specifically, a terse mission statement and proposed team work plan was presented to the WG.  There were some concerns expressed about the lack of any obvious status reports into the WG being included explicitly in the work plan. There were also concerns raised about how far the proposed work plan goes down the path of allowing for the possibility of the current design team members actually creating specifications for access control in the context of LDAPv3 replication.  A third area of concern was not having the design team membership included in the document presented during the WG meeting. The co-chair agreed to do the following to help alleviate these concerns:

        i) revise the design team's work plan to include explicit status reports and inputs to the WG
        ii) add a list of design team member names with e-mail addresses to the work plan
        iii) post the resulting document to the WG mailing list for further discussion

12) WG Charter Bashing

The room consensus was that the WG charter needs to be revised to address:

        + actual versus anticipated publication of revisions to WG documents
        + the formation of the LDUP Access Control Design Team
        + the current dependency of the WG charter on the Access Control deliverables of the soon-to-conclude LDAPEXT WG
        + the LDAPv3 framing/grouping concept
        + an administrative model for replication
        + replication-relevant access control input from the LDUP Access Control Design Team

During this discussion topic, the WG room was polled for likelihood of attendance by WG participants and document editors of an LDUP meeting in Japan. Only one document editor raised their hand indicating that they were planning to be at the next IETF meeting in Japan. Therefore, unless list consensus indicates that there is value in scheduling a session at the next IETF meeting, the LDUP WG will defer meeting until the Fall IETF meeting in Atlanta, GA.