Editor's note:  These minutes have not been edited.

Here are the minutes from the tspatm BOF. 

You can find most of the presentations listed below at ftp://ftp.nexen.com/pub/ip-atm/tspatm-96mar/ . The one exception is Yakov's talk (#11), which is at
ftp://ftp.nexen.com/pub/rolc/96mar/Rekhter-PIM-ATM.* . 

Minutes of the RSVP and INTSERV over ATM (tspatm) BOF 

Los Angeles IETF, 6 March 1996 1530-1730. Chaired by Andrew Malis.
Reported by Jeffrey Dunn, Evi Nemeth, and Andrew Malis. 

This BOF met with the intention of both presenting technical proposals for adapting Integrated Services and the RSVP protocol to ATM subnets, and discussing the procedure the IETF should use to pursue the work. There were 170 attendees. 

1. Agenda Bashing
2. Int-Serv ATM interface (Partridge)
3. Support for RSVP based services over an ATM network 
(Birman, Guerin, Kandlur)
* draft-birman-ipatm-rsvpatm-00
4. RSVP and IP over ATM (Berson)
5. Issues for RSVP and Integrated Services over ATM 
(Borden, Crawley, Krawczyk, Baker, Berson) * draft-crawley-rsvp-over-atm-00 (distributed via email) 6 Native ATM Support in the Internet (Jackowski) 
* draft at ftp://ftp.netmanage.com/pub/outgoing/nativatm.txt or 
http://www.netmanage.com/netmanage/natm.html 7. Current Status of ST2 over ATM experiment at NTT 
Telecommunication Networks Laboratories (Suzuki) 8. Another IP Signaling Protocol using IP (IP-SVC) (Fujikawa) 
* draft distributed by email
9. Session Identity Notification Protocol (Goto) 
* draft-goto-sinp-01
10. A Framework for Supporting RSVP Flows Over ATM Networks 
(Onvural, Srinivasan)
* draft-onvural-srinivasan-rsvp-atm-00.txt (distributed via email) 11. Support for Sparse Mode PIM over ATM (Rekhter, Farinacci) 
* draft-rekhter-pim-atm-00
12. A word from the Transport Area Director 

Due to the length of the agenda, the chair asked that the presentations be as brief and succinct as possible. 

Int-Serv ATM interface

Craig Partridge's talk made the argument that it is easy to map from the Guaranteed and Controlled Load services to ATM connection quality of services specifications, and he discussed some proposed mappings. There are still some issues to be addressed, especially delay measurement.

Support for RSVP based services over an ATM network 

Dilip Kandlur proposed RSVP changes to optimize its performance over ATM and leverage ATM features such as signaling and traffic management. In particular, he proposed that mechanisms be added to RSVP to allow ATM shortcut VCs to be established. He also proposed changes in ATM signaling to permit a better fit to the int-serv QoS specifications.

RSVP and IP over ATM

Steve Berson gave an overview-oriented talk as he compared RSVP and ATM features and mechanisms, and presented a variety of scenarios of how both homogeneous and heterogeneous multicast reservations could be mapped to ATM. His goal is to make the interworking of the two technologies as seamless as possible.

Issues for RSVP and Integrated Services over ATM 

Eric Crawley listed a number of issues that must be addressed in order for RSVP to run over ATM, and proposed a problem division and plan of action that included IETF working groups, the ATM Forum, IEEE, and possibly other organizations.

Native ATM Support in the Internet

Steve Jackowski presented ST2 /ST2+ as a possible alternate to RSVP for providing the Integrated Services QoS over ATM and other heterogeneous subnet technologies. 

Current Status of ST2 over ATM experiment at NTT Telecommunication Networks Laboratories

Muneyoshi Suzuki presented the current status of NTT's ST2 over ATM experimentation, using TV quality motion-JPEG video and CD/DAT quality stereo audio transmissions. 

Another IP Signaling Protocol using IP (IP-SVC) 

Kenji Fujikawa presented IP-SVC, which is a mechanism for establishing soft-state IP-level "SVCs" over an underlying PVC-based ATM network. It is currently being tested using a Japan-wide PVC ATM network.

At this point, the meeting was running low on time, and the chair announced that agenda items 9-11 would be postponed. He then turned the floor over to Allison Mankin, the Transport Area Director. She announced the IntServ over Foo (isfoo) BOF, which was specifically charged with discussing the formation of a working group to apply the Internet Integrated Services architecture to various subnet technologies, including ATM. [The BOF met the following morning and heard the remaining presentations, and the BOF resulted in the formation of the issll (Integrated Services Over Specific Lower Layers) working group. Send a subscribe request to issll-request@mercury.lcs.mit.edu to joint the wg's email list.] 

Following Allison's presentation, the WG adjourned. 

End of Minutes