Editor's Note:  Minutes received 8/12


Reported by Bob Hinden/Sun

Minutes of the IP over Asynchronous Transfer Mode Working Group (ATM)


   o Review Agenda.
   o Discussion of ``Multiprotocol Interconnect over ATM'' Internet
   o Status of other ATM Groups.
   o MAC Layer Proposal by John Burnett.
   o Presentation on ``Network Layer Architecture for ATM Networks'' by
     Fong Liaw, Sun.

The first half of the meeting was spent discussing the ``Multiprotocol
Interconnect over ATM'' Internet Draft written by Juha Heinanen.  The
document describes three approaches to encapsulating datagrams in ATM.
These can be divided into two classes:  VC Based Encapsulation, and
Multiplexing Encapsulation.

There is general agreement on the VC Based encapsulation method.  In
this approach, one protocol per virtual circuit, the Virtual Circuit
identifier is used to identify the protocol being carried.

The two approaches proposed for the multiplexing are roughly equivalent.
They differ in the manner used to identify the protocols being
encapsulated.  One uses NLPID (from Frame Relay) and the other uses
LLC's (from 802.x LAN). The Group was not able to agree on which was
preferred.  There was some agreement that it would be better to select
only one and that it was not good for uses of ATM to have to choose
between the two, but no consensus was reached.  The Group agreed to
change the name of the document to ``Multiprotocol Interconnect over ATM
using AAL5'' because it better describes the method chosen to do the
encapsulation.  A separate document may be written that describes doing
encapsulation using other ATM adaptation layer protocol.

Dan Grossman gave a presentation on the recent CCITT meeting.  He
reported that the differences between AAL3 and AAL4 have been resolved.
The have been merged to from AAL3/4.  AAL5 specification has been
completed and all major technical issues have been resolved.

Doug Hunt gave a presentation on the status of the ATM Forum.  The forum
completed its first major Document ``UNI Specification''.  They have
begun working on signaling for switched virtual circuits and traffic

Fong Liaw gave a presentation titled ``Network layer Architecture for
ATM Networks''.  It addressed issues which have not been resolved in


private ATM network architectures.  The topics included addressing,
routing, multicast, signaling and connection management, and
connection-less services.


Masuma Ahmed             mxa@sabre.bellcore.com
David Arneson            arneson@ctron.com
Randall Atkinson         atkinson@itd.nrl.navy.mil
Sam Ayers                s.ayers@sybus.com
Ashar Aziz               ashar.aziz@eng.sun.com
Douglas Bagnall          deb@proteon.com
Cynthia Bagwell          cbagwell@gateway.mitre.org
Tony Ballardie           a.ballardie@cs.ucl.ac.uk
Tony Bates               tony@ean-relay.ac.uk
Ken Benstead             kbenstead@coral.com
C. Douglas Brown         cdbrown@sandia.gov
Caralyn Brown            cbrown@wellfleet.com
Alan Bryenton            bryenton@bnr.ca
John Burnett             jlb@adaptive.com
Robert Candela           candela@sceng.ub.com
James Carlson            carlson@xylogics.com
John Chang               jrc@uswest.com
Dilip Chatwani           dilip@synoptics.com
Cheng Chen               ctc@huey.bellcore.com
Dean Cheng               dean@sun2.retix.com
Isaac Choi               ichoi@synoptics.com
George Clapp             clapp@ameris.center.il.ameritech.com
Henry Clark              henryc@oar.net
James Cobban             jcobban@bnr.ca
Rob Coltun               rcoltun@ni.umd.edu
Jim Comen                comenj@interlan.interlan.com
Michael Conn             004387451@mcimail.com
Eric Cooper              ecc@fore.com
Tracy Cox                tacox@sabre.bellcore.com
Michael DeAddio          deaddio@thumper.bellcore.com
Michael DiGioia          digioia@interlan.interlan.com
Hans Dittler             dittler@conware.de
Jack Drescher            drescher@concert.net
Dino Farinacci           dino@cisco.com
Dennis Ferguson          dennis@mrbill.canet.ca
James Forster            forster@cisco.com
Craig Fox                foxcj@network.com
Osten Franberg           euaokf@eua.ericsson.se
Cliff Frost              cliff@cmsa.berkeley.edu
Kathryn Fuller           kathryn@codex.com
Kelly Furlong            kelly@kyle.ksc.nasa.gov
Atul Garg                agarg@synoptics.com
Elise Gerich             epg@merit.edu
David Getchell           getchell@cisco.com
Daniel Grossman          dan@merlin.dev.cdx.mot.com
William Haggerty         haggerty@ctron.com
William Hawe             hawe@erlang.enet.dec.com


Frank Heath              heath@cmc.com
Juha Heinanen            juha.heinanen@datanet.tele.fi
Ittai Hershman           ittai@nis.ans.net
Robert Hinden            hinden@eng.sun.com
Doug Hunt                dhunt@bbn.com
David Husak              dave@synnet.com
J. Lance Jackson         jackson@noc.harvard.edu
George Kajos             kajos@coral.com
Nick Kawaguchi           mamster@lanai.cs.ucla.edu
Kenneth Key              key@cs.utk.edu
Deidre Kostick           dck2@sabre.bellcore.com
Mark Lewis               mlewis@telebit.com
Fong-Ching Liaw          fong.liaw@eng.sun.com
Arthur Lin               yalin@srv.pacbell.com
Ron Mackey               rem@dsiinc.com
Andrew Malis             malis@bbn.com
Allison Mankin           mankin@gateway.mitre.org
Bill Manning             bmanning@rice.edu
Keith McCloghrie         kzm@hls.com
Paul Moran               Paul_Moran@3com.com
Rina Nathaniel           rina!rnd!rndi@uunet.uu.net
Jack Ng                  jkn@network.com
Luc Nguyen               luc@bellsouth.com
Erik Nordmark            nordmark@eng.sun.com
Ari Ollikainen           ari@es.net
Roger Osmond             bytex!rfo@uunet.uu.net
Philippe Park            ppark@bbn.com
Ed Perreault             ed@python.eng.microcom.com
Roy Perry                rperry@uswat.uswest.com
Eric Peterson            elpeterson@eng.xyplex.com
Venkat Prasad            vsp@3com.com
Russell Pretty           pretty@bnr.ca
Scott Quinn              smq@aries.bellcore.com
K. K. Ramakrishnan       rama@erlang.enet.dec.com
Richard Ramos            ramos@mtunm.att.com
David Reiser             dsr@codex.prds.cdx.mot.com
Salvatore Ricci          ricci@mtunm.att.com
Anil Rijsinghani         anil@levers.enet.dec.com
Manoel Rodrigues         manoel_rodrigues@att.com
Christine Ross           ross@warp.interlan.com
Allan Rubens             acr@merit.edu
Anthony Rutkowski        amr@sprint.com
Timothy Salo             tjs@msc.edu
Jonathan Sandberg        Jss@mitl.com
Miguel Sasson            sasson@xylogics.com
John Sax                 jsax@bbn.com
Hellen Sears             sears@interlan.interlan.com
Henry Sinnreich          hsinnreich@mcimail.com
Keith Sklower            sklower@cs.berkeley.edu
Lansing Sloan            ljsloan@llnl.gov
Andrew Smith             asmith@synoptics.com
Frank Solensky           solensky@clearpoint.com
Rajesh Srivastava        rajesh@flash.tandem.com
Brad Steinka             brad@microcom.com


Scott Stein              scotts@apple.com
Roxanne Streeter         streeter@nsipo.arc.nasa.gov
Terrance Sullivan        terrys@newbridge.com
George Swallow           gswallow@bbn.com
Bruce Taber              taber@interlan.com
Marten Terpstra          terpstra@ripe.net
Linda Tom                toml@interlan.interlan.com
Sylvia Tom               tom_sylvia@tandem.com
Stephen Tsun             snt@nsd.3com.com
Ahmet Tuncay             atuncay@synoptics.com
Dono van-Mierop          dono_van_mierop@3mail.3com.com
Ross Veach               rrv@uiuc.edu
Justin Walker            justin@apple.com
James Watt               jamesw@newbridge.com
Luanne Waul              luanne@wwtc.timeplex.com
Liming Wei               liming.wei@eng.sun.com
Jehu Westmark            westmark@ds1.scri.fsu.edu
Chris Wheeler            cwheeler@cac.washington.edu
Rick Wilder              wilder@ans.net
Cathy Wittbrodt          cjw@nersc.gov
Jeff Wong                jaw@io.att.com
Robert Woodburn          woody@cseic.saic.com
Richard Woundy           rwoundy@rhqvm21.vnet.ibm.com
Joseph Zur               zur@fibhaifa.com
