Voice Profile for Internet Mail BOF (vpim)

Tuesday, March 16 at 1015-1115

Chair: Glenn Parsons <gparsons@nortelnetworks.com>


The Voice Profile for Internet Mail (VPIM) is currently a Proposed 
Standard (RFC 2421). It is a profile of Internet Mail originally 
intended for sending voice messages between voice messaging systems. 
As such, VPIM imposes several restrictions on the message and transport 
to support the characteristics of voice messaging. Many voice mail 
vendors have implemented systems according to RFC 2421 and are in the 
process of deploying these systems around the world. Most vendors have 
completed (or are currently involved in) interoperability testing of 
VPIM products and have posted their results on the web.

Though VPIM uses Internet Mail, because of its restrictions it is 
still somewhat awkward to send and receive messages from traditional 
desktop email clients. As a result, there is interest in loosening the 
restrictions of VPIM in a new version and make it more of a unified 
messaging protocol.  This would make it easier for desktop clients to 
send and receive voice messages while maintaining support for the 
characteristics of a voice message. VPIM v3 is currently documented in 
several internet drafts (see draft-ema-vpimv3-*): VPIM v3 Goals, VPIM 
v3 Unified Messaging (Primary Content), VPIM Addressing, VPIM v2 - v3 
Interworking and VPIM v3 Specification .

The voice mail vendors and several email vendors have been meeting in 
the VPIM work group at the Electronic Messaging Association (EMA) for 
several years. This team produced VPIM v1 (RFC 1911) and VPIM v2 
(RFC 2421). This IETF meeting is intended to increase exposure to VPIM 
in the wider community, especially as we move to define VPIM v3.

The current plan is to propose VPIM v2 for Draft Standard and VPIM v3 
for Proposed Standard by summer 1999.

For more information, see the VPIM web page: http://www.ema.org/vpim

Mailing list: vpim-l@ema.org
To subscribe: send a message to listserv@ema.org with 
'subscribe VPIM-L' as the subject.


With a 1 hour slot:

00 - Agenda bashing
05 - Brief history of VPIM
10 - VPIM v2 (RFC 2421) interop testing for progression to Draft Standard
20 - VPIM v3 Goals
25 - VPIM v3 Unified Messaging (Primary content concept)
30 - VPIM v2 - v3 Interworking
35 - VPIM Addressing 
40 - VPIM v3 Specification
50 - Wrap up and next steps
60 - Close

With a 2 hour slot (preferable):

00 - Agenda bashing
05 - Brief history of VPIM
15 - VPIM v2 (RFC 2421) interop testing for progression to Draft Standard
35 - VPIM v3 Goals
50 - VPIM v3 Unified Messaging (Primary content concept)
65 - VPIM v2 - v3 Interworking
75 - VPIM Addressing 
85 - VPIM v3 Specification
105 - Wrap up and next steps
120 - Close