Revised 2013
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
I am always glad to get your email, but if you have a question, it may take some time before I can reply. So please look for your answer here to save us both time. Thank you! The email address is at the bottom of this page.
About Art Crimes website
- Can I send you my pictures to go on the site?
SURE, PLEASE SEND SOME FOR CONSIDERATION. Send a few JPG sample images. Please don't expect me to publish your first piece. Your work must be at least as good as the other work I typically show on the site. Image format and scanning info. Most material won't be published immediately because of prior commitments and the need to gather a certain amount of material before publishing a new page. Thanks for your patience and understanding. The site is updated almost every month, during the first few days of the month.
- Will you show my outlines or digital sketches?
PROBABLY NOT, sorry. I'm not adding to the sketch section these days, because I want to publish more paintings. If you have a world-class blackbook, though, do send some samples.
- Will you link my site?
I WANT TO. Send your site's name, city, country, and web address so I can figure out where to link it. Mail this info to — which will generate an automatic reply. Do not use this address for sending photos or general mail. Scroll down to the bottom of this page for those addresses. Because there's only one person working on this website (Susan), linking has been sporadic at best for years. No disrespect meant; it's just the sad reality. This is a not-for-profit site that is a side project done for the community's benefit, and I still have a day job.
- Who makes this site and why?
- How do I make good images and scan photos and sketches?
- How should I photograph graffiti for best results?
Graffiti Information
Logos, Images, and Artwork
- Can I link to Art Crimes?
- Can I use your logo?
- Will you put my logo or banner on your site?
PLEASE BUY AD SPACE! I also trade ad space for things to sell in the Wild Art Media store. Contact for rates and info.
- Can I have some of the pictures from Art Crimes for my page?
NO, sorry. Lots of people worked hard to make these pictures available for you on this website. Link to Art Crimes pages, make your own site, but don't bite Art Crimes content for your website. Ask artists directly for images for your site. You need their permission.
- What about sharing images on social networks?
SHARING LINKS IS BEST. Say that you got the images from Art Crimes and link back to the page you found them on, so the images don't become anonymized. Artists deserve proper credit by name, including all the information we try to provide, such as year and city and country.
- Can I use some of the pictures from Art Crimes for a school project?
YES, if you give proper credit to Art Crimes and the artists. You can also quote passages from the articles, interviews and research section and show screen shots of Art Crimes pages, again with proper credit, including the URL for the article. Please tell me when Art Crimes material is useful to you. I also publish student work sometimes when it is done with style and effort, particularly if it presents new material or points of view. I like to publish university-level work. If you plan to make an online version of your school project, please ask for approval. I usually okay it, but it's good to know how the material will be used online.
- Can you draw my name for me?
I CAN'T, but many graffiti artists will. They charge money for their work, so don't bother to ask for free custom designs. Time is money.
- Can you find someone I can pay to do artwork?
Check out the featured artists or ask me about people in your area.
For any kind of job or artwork, say WHERE you are (city and country) and what kind of artwork or service you need, and I'll try to hook you up with the best people for your job.

Buying and Selling Things
- Do you have a catalog? A walk-in store?
NO, but Art Crimes has an online store with several types of products, including spraypaint tips (caps), media, and gear. The store attempts to pay the bills for Art Crimes, so people around the world can continue to enjoy the artwork. Thank you for contributing to this community and educational resource.
- Can I sell my products in your shop?
I HOPE SO. I buy stuff to sell in the Wild Art Media store whenever I can. I also trade advertising space for your goods sometimes, which is a really good deal for magazines from outside the USA, in particular, because it drives people in your country to your website, and it makes it possible for me to afford to sell your magazines.
Thanks for reading this. Other issues? Please email Susan at and I'll try to reply as soon as I can.