util :          Utilities from broad category
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the util directory
1nrcolor.zip    NRich WebColor (decode colors to rrggbb#)
1st65i.zip      Teacher's GradeBook / Grading Package for Windows
acctmn13.zip    Time usage tracking program for Windows 3.1
achart12.zip    Ascii char table and more v1.2
aclite.zip      Harvests/converts Internet data
aclock.zip      Astronomy clock v1.12
advent.zip      Advent Calendar v1.0
aimspice.zip    Aim-Spice (student version) v1.1
alm30f.zip      Almanac for Windows v3.0f (great)
alw113.zip      Astronomy Lab v1.13
alwin15.zip     Active Life v1.5 time management system (good)
am_bb40.zip     Bank Book for Windows - bank account tracker
am_bc40.zip     Book/Magazine Catalog for Windows
am_ca41.zip     Car Book Plus for Windows
am_cb41.zip     Contact Book Plus for Windows
am_cc40.zip     Coin Catalog for Windows
am_cr40.zip     Calendar/Reminder for Windows
am_dn40.zip     Daily Notes for Windows -keep track of your notes
am_hc40.zip     Hardware Catalog for Windows
am_ib42.zip     Internet Book for Windows
am_mc40.zip     Movie Catalog for Windows, simple + easy to use
am_mu40.zip     Music Catalog for Windows (casettes, CDs, records)
am_pb41.zip     Phone Book for Windows with dial function
am_sc40.zip     Software Catalog for Windows
am_so40.zip     Student Organizer for Windows
am_sp40.zip     Sport Card Catalog for Windows
am_st40.zip     Stamp Catalog for Windows
arf32.zip       Retrieves web pages found by Lycos, etc to your disk drive
at12.zip        Application Timer v1.2 launches programs at a speci time
atlus.zip       Atlus v1.00 computer-based US Atlas (good)
audit.zip       Heap Auditor; a utility to monitor the GDI, user + global heaps
backee28.zip    Backup and directory/file synchronizer, B. Cordes
batcat10.zip    Floppy-disk and CD-ROM Catalog
bcalc2.zip      Business Calculator v2.00
bcr324.zip      BusinessCards, Universal Organizer, M.Dvorkin
benchg11.zip    PC mag Windows benchmark v1.1 (also PM) (works?)
billc20.zip     Professional Time and Billing system
bjsim202.zip    Blackjack Systems Evaluator, P. Kennedy
brythm.zip      Biorythm utility for MS-Excel
builder.zip     The application builder/launcher v2.1
calclu10.zip    Check lost disk space with different cluster values
cbill13.zip     Client Biller invoice maker and client tracker
ccplus12.zip    Credit card database
checkers.exe    (Freeware) Checkers Program v1.0
chgcrs10.zip    Allows you to change the arrow and hourglass cursors
chief291.zip    Chief's Installer Pro for Win16 and Win32, A. Olowofoyeku
clinr2.zip      Prints case liners for audio cassettes v2.1
clockr23.zip    A personal/network program scheduler
clust104.zip    File cluster viewer with approx. search, Y.Roumazeilles
cman11.zip      ClockMan v1.1; Clock Manager - alarms (good)
cmate10.zip     Chat room text-to-speech utility
cookie.zip      COOKIE v2.0; cookies
cpuuse14.zip    CPU usage meter v1.4
cripwin2.zip    Text file scramble/unscramble utility, req. VBRUN300.DLL
crssmk11.zip    Create, solve (online), print crosswords, G. Schleicher
cswism12.zip    System Resource Monitor for Windows
cswiwe14.zip    WinExit Fast windows exit utility
cura22.zip      Curacao v2.2 a simul. of the sterile insect release method
cursor.zip      Choose cursor (good)
cusbut10.zip    Custom buttons v1.0
datcon10.zip    Data Conversion v1.0
db11us.zip      dbf-Browser v1.1; shows dBase files
dc111.zip       Single pass disk copier v1.11
delta3_2.zip    Windows uninstaller, reports changes and undoes them
dimcalc2.zip    Calculator/converter of dimensioned quantities, G.Hart
dllchk10.zip    Reports which DLLs Windows program calls and vica versa
dngr20.zip      Word for Windows macro; Dinger insert dingbat chars
dr6win.zip      DR DOS 6.0 update for Win 3.1
drwat079.zip    Dr Watson v0.79; UAE Diagnostic + Log Utility
dskmfw30.zip    DiskMan hard disk, floppy etc. cataloguing
dtaphn11.zip    Dataphone - A practical phonebook
dvimsw24.arc    TeX .dvi previewer v2.4 for Win3
ecu13.zip       The Earth Centered Universe v1.3a sky visualization (good)
edesk.zip       Executice desk Windows PIM utility
epsflt.zip      EPS file Import filter DLL for Word for Windows v1.1
eqs.zip         Eyes (works?), qtime v1.3, status v2.4
evntmn14.zip    An easy to use Task/Alarm scheduler
exit.zip        Exit button v1.0 (works?)
ezy282.zip      EasyHelp/Web Creates Windows Help + Web Pages
finst152.zip    Freeman Installer + Uninstaller v1.52, K. Tong
flipper.zip     Flipper; change orientation of the printer port/land
fmapp11b.zip    Applications menu for Windows File Manager, H.Knight
fmgrd208.zip    File Manager Guard v.1.5, A.Belogortseff
fmsu326.zip     File Manager StepUp, adds features to FM, A.Belogortseff
fmtb224.zip     File Manager Toolbar by A.Belogortseff
fracview.zip    FracView for Windows v1.03
glue.zip        Glue v1.0; glues DOS programs to Windows programs
graph.zip       Graph f(x) v2.0
grepw30.zip     GREP for windows, A.Catorcini
gtk15.zip       Global time keeper, T. Hirtle
gtools.zip      GTOOLS.DOC v1.0; WinWord macros
hbw20.zip       Home budget - Manage your home budget, S.Drew
helllp23.zip    Winhelp help file author tool for WinWord
helllp24.zip    WinHelp author tool for WinWord 2.0 + 6.0, E.Guy
hmhtm130.zip    Multimedia hypertext HTML maker
hotkey.zip      Hotkey; assign prgms to a keystroke + StartUp; from any dir
hpcalc.zip      HP like calculator v3.00
hres2_1.zip     Human Resource Application, progwhiz inc.
htmasc12.zip    HTMASC 1.2 HTM to TXT Converter
hyptrk32.zip    WinHelp extender; tracking/word-search/multi-print
i_m421aw.zip    Integrity Master antivirus, Win3.1x front, W.Stiller
inform1b.zip    Informant v1.00 (beta 1) system load graph
inspro.zip      EDI install pro v1.0; installer for Windows
inswin.zip      EDI install v1.3; installation program
inv2_1.zip      Inventory Application, progwhiz inc.
ipmgr_10.zip    IP Manager - manage IP addresses, S.Davenport
issumn12.zip    Issue Manager issue/problem tracking system, G.Reinacker
jafclc11.zip    JafCalc 1.1 - Calculator for Windows, J.A.Ferguson
jargona.zip     The online jargon file v2.9.8 (Help file format)
jgibar11.zip    Intelligent Iconbar for Windows FileManager, J. Galanes
jrunzp10.zip    Fast and easy unzipper, req Pkunzip
jwps16.zip      Windows PGP Shell v 1.6, J.Snyder
keepkey1.zip    Modify keyboard and mouse functions
kf200.zip       K-Free v2.0; display free mem + disk, win info
kiviat.zip      KIVIAT v1.0 sys information graphically
lalaunch.zip    Windows launch utility for LaTeX progs, G.Gutt
lasvegas.crd    Important phone numbers from Las Vegas
lblwiz21.zip    Versatile Label Program for Win 3.1, F.Pellegrino
litz200.zip     Compresses, encrypts, uuencodes / decompresses, decrypts
mark30.zip      MARK30 v1.33; mark old Windows Apps for new Windows v3.0
match110.zip    Match v1.10 a text file comparison prg (good)
mathgraf.zip    Mathgraf v2.4.1 define + plot math functions (problems...)
met10.zip       PeekMessage - polling perf. meter for windows, T.Ronkko
moontl04.zip    Current phase of the moon v0.4 (MoonTool)
motto.zip       Motto program
mpro96.zip      A Tree-View Contact Manager/PIM
ms20.zip        Monitor Saver v2.0
mscpls21.zip    Music cataloguing system
multip.zip      Multipad v3.00 notepad with multiple files poss. (w C)
muzpak1.zip     Muzika v1.0 musical notes editor
neweye.zip      Interactive eyes v1.0
nonag.zip       Mark old Windows executables for Win3
nonag2.zip      Gets rid of those annoying nag/brag screens (works?)
nosheet1.xlm    No open sheet during Excel startup
nr16-112.zip    NetRoad offline HTM Browser, G. Ko
nsnoop1d.zip    Give you access to Netscape Cache Files, Jeffrey A. Judd
nsv11a.zip      NeoSoft Viewer: lets you look at the contents of files
nswitc22.zip    Trap loading of notepad if file too big, M.Brewerton
omnicn10.zip    Unit conversion util for Windows 3.x, P.Jones
org140.zip      Organize! your desktop (appointments) PIM v1.4 (good)
osetup21.zip    O'Setup, Windows application installation utility
panic221.zip    Program manager/task manager enhancements
passgn40.zip    Random password generator 4.0, T. Hirtle
pd0805.zip      Microsoft Smartdrive v4.2 (slower disk-write)
perfm202.zip    Performance Meter v2.02
pgpwin11.zip    PGP MS-Win Shell (+ Vis-Basic src) v1.1
pinup13.zip     Pinup Notes v1.3 post-it notes
polltakr.zip    Poll Taker v1.0 automatic questionnaire (good)
pprboy.zip      Picks wallpapers randomly
pshell29.zip    Pshell v2.09 command-line shell (slow)
pw1118.zip      Run 32-bit Apps under Win3.1
pwrm154.zip     Win 3.1 notebook battery monitor, H.Boch
qmmal11a.zip    QuikMenu Mailbox: easy-to-use office E-Mail utility
qrun205.zip     Program launching utility for Windows, P.Damsten
qtask13.zip     Taskmanager with commnd line, history, emacs completion
raise105.zip    Auto-Raise windows v1.05 (good)
rcalc103.zip    RPN Calculator v1.03
rcpwin20.zip    Recipe Maker v2.0; recipe organization (good)
recrun.zip      Recorder Run; attach icons to macros v1.0
restpm.zip      Restore the Windows program manager
riteon23.zip    Send keystrokes by right and middle mouse buttons
rotcube.zip     Rotating cube for Screen Peace
rp105.zip       RunProg v1.05, run maximized,minimized etc (good)
rpncl12c.zip    Reverse Polish Notation Calculator, P.Mattila
rptp12.lzh      Ron's print to printer program v1.2
rptvw21.zip     Report viewer and data extract system, R. Cecrle
rtg12.zip       Random test generator, T. Hirtle
runit10.zip     RunIt! v1.0; fast alternative to Program Manager
savebmp.zip     Utility to handle .bmp pictures, P.Foggia
scicalc1.zip    Scientific Calculator for Windows, R.Loewy
secch2.zoo      Second Chance v2.0 associate files (good)
seeker12.zip    SEEKER - Search For Many Words In Many Files, M.Brewerton
si130e.zip      Store It lets you manage your own knowledge base, B. Olivero
sked122.zip     Windows appointment scheduler, F.Feingold
sl-10.zip       SuperLoad v1.0 (enhance run+load in win.ini)
smesme2a.zip    Transfer files between computers (with floppy disks)
smtbrd10.zip    SmartBoard, Windows Clipboard Extender
spacem30.zip    Powerful duplicate file search and delete utility
spells13.zip    Spelling checker, checks Text/Write/Clipboard
stab230.zip     Stab230 is a financial technical analysis product for Windows
stdm15.zip      Demo/Tutorial Builder, M.Kvitchko
strip10.zip     Stripcalc v1.0 calculates transmission line props
strtmn11.zip    Manages multiple Windows StartUp group configs
suprrm.zip      SoftBlox resource monitor v1.00 (great)
sw.zip          StopWatch v1.02
sysgraf4.zip    System Graph v4.00 (good)
sysuse13.zip    Sysuse v1.3 system load graph
tame260.zip     TAME v2.60; reduce overhead of the multitasking programs
tcc100s.zip     Customizable Unit Converter, C.Malamas
tclk106.zip     Talking Clock v1.06
tempdump.zip    Removes all files from specified machine temp areas
timclk11.zip    Time/project usage tracking program
tits.zip        The Interactive Task Switcher (tits)
tm101.zip       Taskman v1.01 Task Manager
tmac_21u.zip    Windows utility for accessing Macintosh disks
tsd20.zip       Create, search + print student directory, R.Summers
turing.zip      Turbo Turing Machine v1.0 (computer simulation)
typemate.zip    Delay before typematic starts v1.4
uc12.zip        Ultraclip v1.2 clipboard utility
ucal4016.zip    Multipurpose calculating tool for Win 3.1x, D.Corbier
unictrl1.zip    Keyboard simulator for physical deficients
univ20.zip      Universe v2.0 star simulation
utl105.zip      Close(r), Run, Exitw + Clean
vbswch10.zip    Switch VBRUN/BWCC.DLL on/off
verdsk11.zip    Check HD floppies for errors
vinfo10.zip     Check DLL/VBX/EXE/OCX file versions
vlnch22a.zip    File viewer and launcher, P.Mattila
vmerg127.zip    Visual File Diff/Merge Utility v1.27, O.Cherkasova
vtid344.zip     Calculations, projections and graphs for saving, W. Odlum
w3setcom.zip    Stuff com3+4 memory addresses into low memory (w ASM)
wab2b.zip       Winascii v0.02b (like Unix 'strings')
wck30n.zip      WinCheck v3.0n checkbook progr (great)
wcmd110.zip     Windows Command Line Interface v1.10
wcron23a.zip    Wcron v2.3a periodical Task Scheduler
wdbwin10.zip    WindBase v1.0 Windows database (promising)
webcol10.zip    Web Colour 1.0 - HTML colour code editor, J.Terhune
wexec101.zip    Command Line Editor Wexec v1.01 (great)
wfind30.zip     Powerful File Finder for Win 3.1, D.Branson
wfview02.zip    Textfile viewer, alone or on File Manager's menu, S.Huseby
wfx304.zip      Winfax Pro 3.0 to 3.04 update
whisk26a.zip    Whiskers v2.6a mouse utility
wimatk25.zip    Winimage transaltion kit - translate to foreign language
winalt21.zip    Alter date, time, + file attributes in Windows, J.Bair
winaux.zip      Winox directs Aux output to the mono display
winb30a.zip     WinBatch v3.0a Batch Language
wincli3.zip     WinCLi v3.00; command line interface
wincrd.zip      Windows cardfile text conversion program
windig20.zip    Win3.1 data digitalization prog. , D.Lovy
windiz10.zip    A Windows zip file ID reader/generator
wineyes.zip     WinEyes v1.02 (xeyes/eyecon)
winfnd10.zip    WinFind v1.0 find file (promising)
winhv20.zip     Win Hex View v2.0
winima25.zip    Winimage 2.5 Disk image utility
winpark.zip     Park hard disk heads
winprb10.zip    Parabola v1.0 numerical differeniator/curve-fitter
winsp201.zip    WinSpell v2.01 check spelling in any appl (good)
winstart.zoo    WinStart Installer v1.0 automatic applications loader
winutil.zip     Ascii, Colours, Freemem
winwait.zip     To Windows or not to Windows ...
wipew20.zip     Wipes files under Windows 3.1, C.Feroldi
wlght17a.zip    Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 uninstaller, L. Cassioli
wmerge11.zip    Merges many text files into one file
wnbrag.zip      Change the screen win3 displays at startup (easily)
womenu31.zip    Powerful/easy menu to launch Windows applications
wordweb.zip     Utility that finds definitions, synonyms etc.
wpost32b.zip    WinPost v3.2b -  electronic Post-It Notes (good)
wrd6view.zip    Microsoft Word Viewer version 6.0
wrksft15.zip    Workshift v1.5 organize groups of programs
wru311.zip      WRU v3.11 file finder (where are you) (great)
wsc-217e.zip    McAfee VirusScan for  Windows
wscan117.zip    McAfee VirusScan for Windows V117
wsmooth.zip     A text browsing utility (PC mag) WinSmooth v1.c (w C)w
wsp300.zip      English text-to-speech application, G.Kung
wsplit13.zip    Split large files fit to floppies
wtch11.zip      WTouch v1.1 set date/time stamp
wtime20.zip     World Time display time in 150 metrop/geographic locations
xantippe.zip    Xantippe v1.59; hyperlink information workbench (good)
xtimlog2.zip    Application for personal time usage recording
yrpswd16.zip    Manage users and their encrypted passwords, Y.Rochat
zpad210.zip     Dictionary lookup (also for DOS) and spell check by L.Zou