(All rights reserved) Mon 28-Jul-2003 The required formula for your garbo.uwasa.fi upload announcements ================================================================= +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | First please check http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/garbinfo/garb1996.html | | "What is Garbo's current incoming uploads open/closed status?" | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ This is file is ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/UPTEXT.TXT. Please see ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/UPLOAD.TXT for our full upload instructions, including a sample session on how to upload. Please do *NOT* email your upload announcement (or its copies) directly to the Garbo moderators. Use only the proper email address alias address given below. Email your MS-DOS upload announcement to pc-up@uwasaX.fi. For Windows 3.1x uploads use win-up@uwasaX.fi, for Windows 95 uploads use w95-up@uwasaX.fi, for Unix uploads use unix-up@uwasaX.fi, for the rare QL uploads use ql-up@uwasaX.fi, and for Mac uploads please use mac-up@uwasaX.fi. Please note: NOT e.g. pc-up@garbo.uwasaX.fi but pc-up@uwasaX.fi. (The X in the addresses is a spamguard to be deleted.) As of February 1995 using this format is compulsory if you wish to have your submission considered for Garbo. If you have absolutely compelling reasons for not using it, please contact the Garbo moderators for discussing the matter. We have made some rare exceptions if there are _very_ good reasons. For example, I am not using this format myself for announcing my own programs. If you are submitting a scientific paper, please naturally write an abstract of your submitted paper as the description in the format below. You _MUST_ use a descriptive subject header, starting with a .zip file name, in your email when you send your upload announcement. It must be in the email's header. Embedding it in the body of the message is insufficient. An example "gismo10.zip Global Integrated Simulation Model uploaded" If the subject is missing in your emailed announcement or the announcement is inadequate, your submission will not be considered. To start with, you must get a positive auto-reply from our autoresponder. Please indicate clearly if you are the original author of the program(s). In the case of submitting a scientific paper you must be the author (or one of the authors) or have his/her unequivocal authorization. The format for MS-DOS uploads below is in two parts. First with comments, then without them to act as your base. Please, use the latter. File name: Example tsutil43.zip --------.--- (max 8 + 3 chars for MS-DOS) (The file name should preferably have a version number, and if it is an update, it must. No two different renditions, however small the difference, are allowed to have equivalent names at Garbo. Furthermore, if the name is extremely common like rm.zip you must make it more unique like I would use rm_ts10.zip in this example). 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 40 chars description: 46 chars description: 59 chars description: (you may choose only one) Replaces: Example tsutil42.zip --------.--- Suggested Garbo directory: (For e.g. a new MS-DOS upload first see /pc/DIRNAMES and /pc/INDEX.ZIP for the contents of the directories). Uploader name & email: (You must use your own full name and have a returnable email address. A company name is not sufficient as the name. Anonymous or aka uploads are rejected outright.) Author or author company: Email address: Surface address: Special requirements: (Put here whatever beyond the basic PC configuration is required. E.g. if the program requires beyond MS-DOS version 3.2, a special video adapter like EGA, 286 or 386, Desqview, mouse, etc). Shareware payment required from private users: Y/N Shareware payment required from corporates: Y/N (A special note to author-uploaders: Garbo's principal moderator and sysadmin must be eligible for a complimentary shareware registration for office usage at the University of Vaasa, on request.) Distribution limitations: (Put here any preconditions on the distribution. The most common are geographical limitations, eg. for North America only, and limitations on redistribution on CD-ROMs. Due to recent trends, this item must be included!) Garbo CD-ROM distribution allowed without preconditions: (Y/N) (The uploader / author must accept and guarantee that the uploaded package may be put on commercial Garbo CD-ROMs without additional restrictions or conditions, requirements of free copies or any other individualized arrangements. This item does _not_ waive in any way the author's copyrights or the possible shareware status of the the package.) Demo: Y/N (Answer Yes if the software is restricted so that it essentially cannot perform the task it was designed to do: e.g. word processors that cannot save files, restricted data size, communication prog with limited time communication, calculators with a highly limited set of functions in comparison with the full version, etc. Expireware, that is programs that cease to function after a certain date, are not accepted at all.) Nagware: Y/N (Answer Yes if the software displays registration reminders or if it requires the user to type in extra characters which are not necessary in the registered version or if it induces delays in the unregistered version. If you are not sure, answer Yes.) Self-documenting: Y/N (Answer Yes only if there is enough information within the program for using all its major features without reading external documentation.) External documentation included: Y / N / Length in Kb or pages Source included: Yes / No / N/A (N/A = Not Applicable) Size zipped / original (in Kb). 10 lines description (not more than 72 chars/line): (Avoid all hype!) Long description (Not more than 200 lines, max 72 chars/line): (Only if necessary. Not required. Avoid all hype!) -------------------------- cut here -------------------------------- File name: One line description: Replaces: Suggested Garbo directory: Uploader name & email: Author or company: Email address: Surface address: Special requirements: Shareware payment required from private users: Shareware payment required from corporates: Distribution limitations: Garbo CD-ROM distribution allowed without preconditions: Demo: Nagware: Self-documenting: External documentation included: Source included: Size: 10 lines description: Long description: -------------------------- cut here -------------------------------- .................................................................... Prof. Timo Salmi Co-moderator of news:comp.archives.msdos.announce Moderating at ftp:// & http://garbo.uwasa.fi/ archives Department of Accounting and Business Finance ; University of Vaasa mailto:ts@uwasa.fi <http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/> ; FIN-65101, Finland Spam foiling in effect. My email filter autoresponder will return a required email password to users not yet in the privileges database.