Last updated: Sat April 8 1995

What is Garbo-Ann:

Garbo-Ann is a moderated one-way mailing list which  is used by Garbo
MsDos and Windows archive managers to announce new additions to Garbo
collections.  If you  have questions  or  comments about these  files
please contact the uploader or the archive managers of Garbo.

The announcements  posted  to this  mailing  list are also  posted to
Usenet newsgroup  comp.archives.msdos.announce.   If your  host   has
Usenet News please do not subscribe to Garbo-Ann.

How to subscribe:

Send mail to

and the body of the message should have a line like this:

  subscribe garbo-ann

This server will NOT send program  files (see "Getting files" below).
Please  do  not include   a  signature  because  it  may  confuse the
server. If   you want to  get a  list  of commands   you  can send to
Majordomo send mail to and as the  body of
the message "help"

Getting files:

Please  download files (available  by anonymous FTP)  from the mirror
site that is close to you. (No more valid: If you do not have FTP
access send mail to

  ""   *** Discontinued! ***

and  as the body of the message

  "help"                     *** Discontinued! ***

and you will receive information about getting files via e-mail.)

More information:

There are several informational files you  might want to get (via FTP
or mailserver). Here are some of them:

 Instructions for Garbo ftpmail server (if you do not have FTP)
 The file and the ftpmail server are not available any more!

 Instructions for uploading to Garbo archives

 The recommended formula for your Garbo upload announcements

 The annotated list of MS-DOS files, zipped

 Zipped version of WINDEX.TXT - lists all Garbo Windows files

 In /pc/filelist directory:

 vXXYYY.lst     - Garbo-Ann Digest Vol. XX Nr. YYY
 moder*.zip     - A list of MsDos FTP sites and moderators, by TS + RW
 pd2aw*.txt     - Frequently asked Garbo questions with answers     - comp.archives.msdos.(d/announce) FAQ
 whoiswho.txt   - Whom to contact in Garbo related questions
Contact info and unsubscribing:

Administrative  mail may be  sent to
but  please use  to  add or delete  yourself
from the list.   If you wish  to  unsubscribe, send  e-mail (from the
same address where you were when you subscribed) with this command in
the body of the message: unsubscribe garbo-ann

Ari Hovila,
Moderating at anonymous FTP archives
Computer Centre, University of Vaasa, Box  700, FIN-65101 Finland