Sun Jan 2 10:33:06 EET 2005
The /pc directories at MS-DOS FTP archives
For the annotated file list see
For the detailed contents of the TS-packages (/pc/ts) see
animation :     Animation players and example animation files
arcers :        MS-DOS archiving (compression) programs
arcutil :       Utilities for archiving programs
artificial :    AI and Neural Networks related files
assembler :     Assembler programming
astronomy :     Astronomy related programs and utilities
autocad :       AutoCAD LISP modules and utilities
baker :         Baker's New Product Information news service files
batchutil :     MS-DOS batch programming and usage related material
bbs :           Bulletin board information and utilities
bgidriv :       BGI graphics drivers
binedit :       Binary and hexadecimal editors
bootutil :      System boot utilities
business :      Business related material
c-lang :        Material for C and C++ programmers
cad :           Computer Aided Design related files
calendar :      Calendars and calendar related utilities
cd :            CD-ROM and CD-audio related material
cmd4dos :       4DOS command shell and utilities
cmdutil :       Command utilities and processors
comm :          Communication utilities for the PC
connect :       Communication utilities for the PC vs other systems
crypt :         Encryption / decryption programs
culture :       National, culture and related utilities
database :      DataBase programs and files
decode :        Encoding and decoding on the PC
demo :          Demonstration versions of select, commercial, etc programs
dirutil :       Directory listing and maintenance related utilities
diskcopy :      Utilities for copying entire disks
diskutil :      Disk maintenance related utilities
doc-hard :      Hardware related documentation and information
doc-misc :      Miscellaneous information and documentation
doc-net :       Net service (news, ftp, etc) related information
doc-soft :      Software related documentation and information
doshelp :       Help utilities for MS-DOS
editor :        Text editors and related utilities
education :     Educationally oriented programs
educgames :     Educational games
emulator :      Emulators for various non-MS-DOS systems
envutil :       MS-DOS environment handling utilities
exam :          Examinations + solutions for (Timo's) university lectures
execomp :       Executable (.exe and .com) compression utilities
filecopy :      File copying utilities
filefind :      Finding files
filelist :      File lists and statistics
fileutil :      File maintenance and handling related utilities
fonts :         Fonts
format :        Disk formatting utilities
gif :           Informational .gif pictures and material
gifapoll :      Astronomy gifs of the Apollo missions to the Moon
gifaster :      Astronomy gifs of asteroids and comets
gifcraft :      Astronomy gifs of shuttle, satellites and probes
gifearth :      Astronomy gifs of the Earth
gifgalax :      Astronomy gifs of galaxies
gifinner :      Astronomy gifs of Mercury and Venus
gifjovmn :      Astronomy gifs of the Jovian moons
gifjupit :      Astronomy gifs of Jupiter
gifmars :       Astronomy gifs of the Martian system
gifmoon :       Astronomy gifs of the Moon
gifnebul :      Astronomy gifs of nebulas and such
gifnept :       Astronomy gifs of the Neptune system
gifpluto :      Astronomy gifs of Pluto and Charon
gifsatur :      Astronomy gifs of the Saturn system
gifslevy :      Astronomy gifs of P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet
gifspart :      Space Art, Astronomy gifs, artists' renditions
gifstar :       Astronomy gifs of stars etc
gifsun :        Astronomy gifs of the Sun
gifunid :       Miscellaneous astronomy gifs of unidentified targets
gifuran :       Astronomy gifs of the Uranus system
gifutil :       Utilities for viewing and handling GIF pictures
goldies :       Old versions worth retaining or just old versions
graphics :      Graphics programs and utilities
ham :           Ham and other radio related programs
hypertext :     HyperText programs and authoring
incoming :      For users' uploads. FIRST READ !!!
keyboard :      Keyboard related utilities
linguistics :   Files related to the science of linguistics
link :          Linked material (to waive some version numbers)
mail :          Electronic mail related utilities
math :          Mathematical programs
memacs :        MicroEMACS text editor material
memutil :       Memory maintenance utilities
menu :          Menu systems and utilities
miscutil :      Collections of utility assortments
mouse :         Mouse (pointing device) stuff
net :           Network related files
passtime :      Instructive, quality pastime programs
pcmagutl :      Individual utilities and updates related to the PC Magazine; Formerly distributed with PC Magazine's then editor Robin Raskin's permission dated in July 1994; The files have been deleted as per pcmagutl.txt
pcmagvol :      The volume collections of the PC Magazine; Formerly distributed with PC Magazine's then editor Robin Raskin's permission dated in July 1994; The files have been deleted as per pcmagvol.txt
pd2 :           Garbo news and other special information + reviews
plot :          Function and other plotting programs
postscript :    Postscript (output formulation) related material
printer :       Printer related utilities
proaudio :      Pro Audio Spectrum soundcard material
programming :   Miscellaneous programming material
queue :         Submissions queued for later consideration
research :      Scientific research papers; Acc, Fin, OR, Prod.Ec, CS
sb :            Sound Blaster utilities and sounds
science :       Miscellaneous science related material
screen :        Screen related utilities
security :      PC system access prevention utilities
show :          Shows, demonstrations, displays, not for marketing
sound :         Scream Tracker and other sound programs and files
source :        Source code material
spell :         Spelling and grammar checking
spreadsheet :   Spreadsheet programs
stat :          Statistics programs
stock :         Stock market related material
sysinfo :       PC system information utilities
sysutil :       MS-DOS system related utilities
termprog :      Telecommunication programs
termutil :      Utilities for telecommunication programs
tex :           Public Domain PC-TeX
ts :            Programs by Prof. Timo Salmi
tsr :           Terminate and stay resident programs and utilities
turboobj :      Turbo Pascal object based programs
turbopa1 :      Outdated, non-functional or incomplete Turbo Pascal material
turbopa45 :     Turbo Pascal versions 4.0, 5.0 and 5.5 specific material
turbopa6 :      Turbo Pascal version 6.0 specific programming material
turbopa7 :      Turbo Pascal version 7.0 or 6+ specific programming material
turbopas :      Generic Turbo Pascal programming language material
turbovis :      Turbo Pascal TVision oriented programs
turbspec :      Special requirement TP programs, protected mode, BP, etc
txtutil :       Text processing utilities
unix :          Unix like MS-DOS programs and material
util :          Miscellaneous utilities
virus :         Virus fighting utilities and information