Title:          DOjS
Version:        1.10
Entered-date:   2020-07-11
Modified-date:  2020-07-16.0
Description:    A DOS JavaScript Canvas with sound
Summary:        DOjS is a JavaScript-able canvas with WAV and MIDI sound support. DOjS runs in Dosbox and on real hardware or a virtual machine with MS-DOS, FreeDOS or any DOS based Windows like Windows 95/98/ME. If you run it on real hardware you need at least a 80386 with 4MB. I recommend a Pentium class machine (>= 100MHz) with at least 32MB RAM.
Changes:        Added COM and LPT access. More verbose output about detected 3dfx card and found ports at start up.
Keywords:       java, JavaScript
Author:         SuperILU
Maintained-by:  SuperILU
Platforms:      DOS
Copying-policy: Various Licenses, See LICENSE file
Group:          devel
MD5:            444ff0f7a0e48c112e193db41c15a669
SHA:            ff4e7e71fd77fc47cf8f1eb0494c5354c531e1093e739eb7f00d6e50dc416d30