|             This file written and maintained by glennmcc                    |

Changes since release 1.71;UE01

1.81;GPL,386+ stable for DOS
Release date: Feb 16, 2005

Dec 29, 2004 - Jan 05, 2005
Several changes for supporting 'Unicode punctuation'.

Jan 05, 2005
To prevent the unintentional sending of an incomplete email.
(when an error occurred during attachment process)
And to prevent the unintentional downloading of email again.
"smtp:" and "pop3:" will no longer be written into history.lst

Jan 09, 2005
'nonfatal.ah' will now be used strictly for memory errors.
'err_mail.ah' will now be used for errors occurring during email attachments.

Jan 11, 2005
Recompiled core.exe to use the new version of the graphics library file
built by Joe da Silva. This new library has better support for an even
larger variety of video cards.

Jan 12, 2005
Wwwman.exe will now handle directory listings of 1536 items.
(old limit was 1024 items)
Also, it will no-longer lockup or crash when there are more items
than the limit. When a dir listing is attempted on a dir containing
more than 1536 items, those first 1536 will be shown.

Jan 13, 2005
Small change to insight.exe
selected.dat will no longer be changed when the archive button is used.

Jan 13-16, 2005
In further keeping with 'cleaning up' of history.lst 
Several more mail related files will no longer be written into history.
Jan 29, 2005
Made it configurable via 'Save reference to mail files into History'
on the Options/Prefs. & Perf. setup page.

Jan 22, 2005
Insight.exe will now handle listing over 1500 messages

Jan 26, 2005
Since we have changed the length of the displayed version number.
I had to repeat this 'fix' from 2 years ago. ;-)
Jan 1, 2003
Credit to: Christof Lange,
The version number in the upper-right corner of a page created using the
'P' hotkey is now correctly aligned.

(new code will automatically adjust to changes in version number length)

//!!glennmcc: Jan 26, 2005 -- keep aligned regardless of changes to VER
//also added lowercase 'v' in front of version number
  sprintf(&radka[CONSOLEWIDTH-(9+strlen(VER))],"Arachne v%s",VER);
//  sprintf(&radka[CONSOLEWIDTH-17],"Arachne %s",VER);
//!!glennmcc: end

Jan 26, 2005
While I was at it,
The 'sometimes incompatible' form feed has been removed.

//!!glennmcc: Jan 26, 2005 -- removed due to 'non-universal' compatibility
//  ffeed[0]=12; //form feed?
//!!glennmcc: end

Jan 26, 2005
Fixed a long-standing bug with CSS/Frames
Links in the right and left frames that use CSS will now work correctly.
(still working on top/bottom bug)

Feb 02, 2005
Implemented a combination of my Mail2Hist options
working along with Ray's goback() alterations.

Feb 03, 2005
Linking to the Arachne version number at the top of the screen will
now take us 'Up one level' when we are viewing a remote file.
(will still go to 'about.htm' if we are currently local)

Feb 06, 2005 
Fixed another long-standing bug in which all links on a page were 'dead' 
after doing a Cntrl+Enter 'background download' of one of those links. 

Feb 11, 2005
Thanks to Andrej Cuckov we now have our option of 3 different cursors.
The original 'Hand', an 'Arrow' courtesy of Andrej and a 'Cross'
which I (quite accidentally), stumbled upon in the SRC code.

Feb 15, 2005
Fixed 'stuck pointer' and pointer colors.
(thank you Ray)


1.79;GPL,386+ stable for DOS
Release date: Dec 25, 2004

Oct 17, 2004
Re-enabled HTTPSTUB which allows Arachne to use the Windows DUN
instead of a DOS packet driver. This makes it possible to run
Arachne on machines which have WinModems which simply refuse to
work with a DOS packet driver.
Thanks to Glenn Gilbreath (aka Wizzy), for making this suggestion.

Oct. 26, 2004
Fixed my mistakes from v1.77 in which I had not included all of
the new cookie code written by Joe da Silva.

Thank you very much for all of the help you gave me in fixing this.
(and for not biting my head off)<g>

Nov 10/11, 2004
Changed the numeric file naming convention for received emails
from decimal format to hexadecimal format beginning at Annnnnnn.CNM
This will prevent old saved emails from being overwritten by new ones
with the same filename.
The DEC format resets to all zeros every 3yrs 2mo.
HEX format beginning at Annnnnnn.CNM gives us over 50 yrs.
(many thanks to L.D. Best for suggesting this one and for all the help
 she gave during its implementation)

Nov 17, 2004
Added bytes/sec download rate to the progress indicator.

Nov 23, 2004
Added 'time remaining' to the download progress indicator.

Dec 19, 2004
Changed the default setting of RightMouseGoesBack to 'Yes'
(it will now be the same as before but can be disabled with 'No')
[note: disabling RtMsGB also disables Shft+Enter for going back]

Dec 22, 2004
Small modification to insight.exe so that it will also recognize
'Mailer:' in addition to the "standard" 'X-Mailer:'

1.77;GPL,386+ stable for DOS
Release date: Oct 01, 2004

May 14, 2004
All of these files which are the culmination of many many hours
of pains-taking work by L.D. Best are now in this 'package'


Thank you L.D. ....... You do GREAT work. :))

May 17, 2004
To goback or not to goback... _that_ is the question. ;-)

At the suggestion of Greg Mayman.......

We now have the option to either 'goback' or not
when we 'rightclick' the mouse on the body of a page.
(when not over a link, a graphic or a frame)

Jun 02, 2004
Incorporated the completely new cookie handling routines written by Joe da Silva
(we can now handle cookies 4096 bytes in size)

Jun 02, 2004
Compiled CORE.EXE for 386+ processors.
386+ will now be 'the standard' for this and all future releases.
(286- compile available upon request)

Jun 26, 2004
Insight.exe v3.85.5 re-compiled to include this fix.....

---- in base64.c ----
//!!glennmcc: begin June 26, 2004
//credit to L.D. Best and Michal H. Tyc  
//added to fix the problem of only 12
//base64 encoded attachments being decoded   
//!!glennmcc: end

July 06, 2004
toolbar.tb will now be toolbar.cfg
(all needed changes made in init.c and edittb.ah)

July 24, 2004
Recompiled Insight.exe to include another 'fix' by Michal H. Tyc
v3.85.7 no longer 'garbles' the names of attached files with LFNs

July 25, 2004
Recompiled Insight.exe for 386+ CPUs (other optimizations as-well) 
Michal, Thank you for that suggestion.

July 25, 2004
Recompiled wwwman.exe (a few small changes and optimizations)

Sep 06, 2004
At the suggestion of Sam Ewalt, the default 'homepage' in the distribution
package will no longer be (the out of date), http://home.arachne.cz/
It will now be Michael Poláks new page... http://arachne.cz/

Sep 17, 2004
Made a small change to Authenticated SMTP so that
it now works with even more servers than before.

Sep 30, 2004
Built the packages and uploaded them to my site.
(will announce them tomorrow)

To-do list........

Same as before............ Too many things to list. ;-)

1.75;GPL stable for DOS
Release date: May 08, 2004

Nov 09, 2003
Added 'Authenticated SMTP'
(still in 'beta' stage at this time)
Apr 30, 2004...... no longer 'beta' (see below)

Nov 14, 2003
Wwwman.exe was updated to work with the new core.exe cacheindex listing.
(both now have URLSIZE 512 instead of 256)

Nov 17, 2003
New update to wwwman.exe to include this fix by Michal Tyc

//By the way, I found an error in my old WWWMAN patch (DRVTYPES.CPP):
//new routine by Michal H. Tyc (eMail message at the end of this file)
  push bp;                // I didn't test whether MS-DOS 7.10 trashes bp...
  int 0x25;               // read logical sector
  pop si;                 // throw away the flags saved by INT
  pop bp;                 // bp points to the local variables on the stack
  lea si, [boot + 0x1f0]; // this doesn't modify any flags
//**BEGIN mht 2003-11-17
//sub al, al;
  mov al, 0;
//**END   mht 2003-11-17
  jc q;                   // an error occured during int 0x25
//I missed the fact that 'sub al, al' (left from original code)
//will modify flags anyway, so an error will never be detected.
//Shame on me!
//Please add this to your cleaned WWWMAN code.

Mar 17, 2004
Updated insight.exe to include fix of 
'delete' button on 'trashed' messages. 

Apr 08, 2004
Updated insight.exe again to include this 'bug fix'. 

-- clipped from hdrout.c --- 
//!!glennmcc: begin Apr 08, 2004 -- fix 'bug' where part of the
// subject line ends-up-as text 'hidden' behind the move button
// when a < symbol is in the subject line.

Apr 11, 2004
And one more 'bug fix' in insight.exe

//!!glennmcc: Apr 11, 2004 -- changed the 'testhttp' parameter to 0 
// this prevents the same type of problem from happening when an 
// email address is in the subject line 
// if((*hdr).subj)putformathtmlstr((*hdr).subj,1,1,0); 

Apr 22, 2004
Fixed the problem with a space or a dot at the start of a URL

Apr 27, 2004
Another bug fix for Insight.exe
-- clipped from insight.c ---
//      -->^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^<--
//!!glennmcc: Apr 27, 2002
//added to fix the problem of "no subject" when subject line contains ?Q?

Apr 27, 2004
One more for Insight.exe

There were 6 places where I had to do this..........

-- in hdrout.c --
     puts("&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME=\"cc\" CHECKED>CC");
     puts("&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"cccheck\" VALUE=\"on\">");
//!!glennmcc: Apr 27, 2004 -- placed 'hidden' after 'visible'
// to fix a problem of the checkbox being 'unchecked' not working
// to actually disable that option

Insight v3.85.4 is now ready to go. :))

Apr 30, 2004
Finally decided to finish Authenticated SMTP ;-)

May 06, 2004
Fixed the 'F4/external editor/autodial' bug

May 07, 2004
Incorporated Joe da Silva's changes to ADIAL.C and ATCPIP.C
so that the online timer will work with 'IPaddress BOOTP'

May 07, 2004
--- clipped from HDRAWBMP.C ---
//!!glennmcc: May 07, 2004 -- Michal Tyc pointed out this error
// in rounding which causes some BMPs to be 'skewed' when displayed
//  linebytes=bmp->size_x/2;

To-do list........

Too many things to list. ;-)

1.73;GPL stable for DOS

Release date: Nov 8, 2003
[changes listed by date along with credit to the person suggesting that change]

Jan 1, 2003
Credit to: Christof Lange,
The version number in the upper-right corner of a page created using the
'P' hotkey is now correctly aligned.

Jan 4, 2003
Credit to: Clarence Verge,
Both 'Cookie length' and 'URL length' are now "maxed-out" to the largest
possible setting. (without doing a complete re-write of the routines)
[in addition... 3D text on the GUI screen is now raised instead of indented]

Jan 19, 2003 
Credit to: Bill Weller,
Since 'EMBED' was already re-enabled in v1.71;UE01....
'BGSOUND' is now supported as-well.