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Subject: Re: Freemacs 1.6g
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James Hall writes:
 > Russell,
 > Just wanted you to know that I have updated Freemacs 1.6d - it is now
 > 1.6g ("g=GNU").

BTW, here's some contributions that I never rolled over into Freemacs:

>From Tue, Feb 04 07:58:26 EST 1992
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           Tue, 04 Feb 1992 07:58:26 EST
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	id <9202040554.AA16495@NCoast.ORG>; Tue, 4 Feb 92 00:54:41 -0500
From: Dale Smith <>
Message-Id: <9202040554.AA16495@NCoast.ORG>
Subject: Info bugs in 1.16a
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 92 0:54:41 EST
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL11]

I don't know if this has been fixed or reported before.  If it has,
just ignore me. :-)  No. Wait.  TELL me!

Info (in v 1.16a) couldn't go to a node that had regexp chars in the
node name.  Like ** in mintref.eli.  I just surrounded the offending
arg1's with #(Fregexp-quote,arg1).  Seems to work ok.

There is another (slight) bug.  You can't go to a node with a command
that uses Fcompleting-readline if that node has a ? as part of the
node name.  (like l?) If you type C-q ? it works ok though.

Search through all the nodes to find the one that matches our name.  Return
arg2 if we find a match, and arg3 if we don't.
	#(lp,Node:[ ##(bc,9,d,a)]*#(Fregexp-quote,arg1)[##(bc,9,d,a)(,)],,r)

	#(lp,Node:[ ##(bc,9,d,a)]*#(Fregexp-quote,arg1),,r)

Arg1 is the name of the tag whose entry is to be found.
#(lp,#(Fregexp-quote,arg1):[ ##(bc,9,d,a)]*,,r)

 Dale P. Smith  ( **unemployed** !!!)
>From Fri, Feb 28 20:38:19 EST 1992
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Newsgroups: iesd.mail.freemacs-announce
From: (Richard Flamsholt S0rensen)
Subject: Re: Latex package for Freemacs 1.6a
In-Reply-To: Richard Flamsholt S0rensen's message of 3 Feb 92 01:41:08
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Sender: (Operator)
Organization: Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Aalborg
References: <> <>
Date: 29 Feb 92 01:23:42
Lines: 22

me>   The LaTeX-mode package is also available for anonymous ftp here at
me> AUC from ( in the msdos directory.  This
me> version is always guaranteed to be the newest.

  A minor correction: it's in the msdos/freemacs dir.  Also, I've just
uploaded version 2.31, in case you'd like to know -- the old version
was 2.23.  If you grab the whole freemacs.zoo package it supports a
.emacs like file for preferences and settings (called _emacs) which
makes it much easier to incorporate new versions of different modes
and patches.  I'll probably get around to post it on freemacs-help
Real Soon Now (actually, we should have a freemacs-source group for
short pieces of Mint ... it doesn't really fit into the help group)

  As always, feel free to mail me if you have any problems, ideas or
bugreports -- it's nice to have some feedback.


Richard Flamsholt
>From ncoast!dale@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu Wed, Feb 26 23:58:53 EST 1992
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           Wed, 26 Feb 1992 23:58:53 EST
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	id <9202270425.AA06449@NCoast.ORG>; Wed, 26 Feb 92 23:25:25 -0500
From: dale@NCoast.ORG (Dale Smith)
Message-Id: <9202270425.AA06449@NCoast.ORG>
Subject: freemacs 1.6d CCL bug
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 92 23:25:24 EST
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL11]

Hello Russ,

Thanks for sending me that 1.6d SEARCH.ASM, but would you believe it,
there is a bug in it?  :-)

It seems that case is ALWAYS ignored in character classes. ALWAYS.

Here is a fix.  I didnd't want to go mucking about in the locate routine,
putting jumps around the xlat instructions, so I just re-init the
case_translat_table depending on if we want to fold case or not.  It
tries to be smart and only re-do the table if it needs it.

If you have a more elegant or quicker solution, please mail me.


 Dale P. Smith  ( **unemployed** !!!)
----------- snip it -------
*** old\search.asm	Tue Feb 18 10:41:56 1992
--- search.asm	Tue Feb 25 15:57:00 1992
*** 1,4 ****
! ;History:107,1
  ;Mon Apr 23 23:22:13 1990 Add \( and \) capability (won't work with *)
  ;Sun Apr 22 23:30:23 1990 omatch_NCCL bombed on the first failure to match.
  ;Sun Apr 22 23:12:21 1990 don't bomb locate on null classes.
--- 1,5 ----
! ;History:1218,1
! ;Tue Feb 25 15:57:01 1992 Case was always folded with CCL's
  ;Mon Apr 23 23:22:13 1990 Add \( and \) capability (won't work with *)
  ;Sun Apr 22 23:30:23 1990 omatch_NCCL bombed on the first failure to match.
  ;Sun Apr 22 23:12:21 1990 don't bomb locate on null classes.
*** 1192,1203 ****
  	push	bx
- 	mov	init_case,offset init_case_2
  	mov	bx,0
  	mov	case_ignore_table[bx],bl
  	inc	bl
  	jne	init_case_0
  ;now translate 'a' to 'A'.
  	mov	bx,'a'
--- 1193,1205 ----
  	push	bx
  	mov	bx,0
  	mov	case_ignore_table[bx],bl
  	inc	bl
  	jne	init_case_0
+ 	or	di,di			; want flat?
+ 	je	init_case_2		; no
  ;now translate 'a' to 'A'.
  	mov	bx,'a'
*** 1208,1214 ****
--- 1210,1228 ----
  	cmp	bx,'z'
  	jbe	init_case_1
  	pop	bx
+ 	mov	init_case,offset init_case_folded
+ 	ret
+ 	pop	bx
+ 	mov	init_case,offset init_case_flat
+ 	ret
+ init_case_folded:			; we are folded
+ 	or	di,di			; want flat?
+ 	je	init_case_table		; yes, re-init
+ 	ret
+ init_case_flat:				; we are flat
+ 	or	di,di			; want flat?
+ 	jne	init_case_table		; no, re-init
--------- more snips -----
>From dale@selad.NCoast.ORG Tue, Mar 17 05:24:51 EST 1992
Received:  from uupsi by (UUPC/extended 1.11q) with UUCP;
           Tue, 17 Mar 1992 05:24:51 EST
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	id AA15943; Tue, 17 Mar 92 05:07:13 -0500
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	id AA15332; Tue, 17 Mar 92 05:07:13 -0500 (from dale@selad.NCoast.ORG for
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	id <9203170836.AA21788@NCoast.ORG>; Tue, 17 Mar 92 03:36:25 -0500
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           Wed, 18 Mar 1992 03:21:52 EST
Date:      Wed, 18 Mar 1992 03:21:51 EST
From: "Dale P. Smith" <dale@selad.NCoast.ORG>
Message-Id: <29c6fda1.selad@selad.NCoast.ORG>
To: "Freemacs Workers"	<>,
        "Russell Nelson"	<>
Subject:   recursive-edit, kbd-macro fixes,features

Here are some changes I made to make recursive edit and keyboard
macros a bit more GNUish:

Modified F:recursive-edit and Funwind-recurse so they can be called
from a keyboard macro.

Added recursive-edit and recenter options to F:kbd-macro-query and

Modified F:start-kbd-macro so it would append new keys to the old
macro if given an argument.

Modified F:kbd-macro-query to execute F:recursive-edit if given an
argument.  Also added an error message if not defining or executing.

Call with arg1 = code to execute if the user wishes to continue the function.
	#(Ferror,(Sorry(,) recursive-edit isn't recursive))

[*]#(==,arg1,,(#(Ferror,Garbled recursive edit)))



' ' to continue.
Del to skip the remainder of this one.
C-d to skip this one and any remaining repetitions.
C-r to enter a recursive edit.
C-l to recenter the display.
Any other key stops the macro and executes the key.

			#(an,(Proceed with macro? (Space, DEL, C-d, C-r or C-l)))
		#(Fmessage,Not defining or executing kbd macro)

Start remembering keys into a keyboard macro.
If given an argument, append new keys to last macro.
	#(Fmessage,You are already defining a key!)

>From dale@selad.NCoast.ORG Tue, Mar 17 05:25:00 EST 1992
Received:  from uupsi by (UUPC/extended 1.11q) with UUCP;
           Tue, 17 Mar 1992 05:25:00 EST
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	id AA15962; Tue, 17 Mar 92 05:07:17 -0500
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	id AA15338; Tue, 17 Mar 92 05:07:17 -0500 (from dale@selad.NCoast.ORG for
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	id <9203170836.AA21805@NCoast.ORG>; Tue, 17 Mar 92 03:36:27 -0500
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           Wed, 18 Mar 1992 03:23:05 EST
Date:      Wed, 18 Mar 1992 03:23:03 EST
From: "Dale P. Smith" <dale@selad.NCoast.ORG>
Message-Id: <29c6fdea.selad@selad.NCoast.ORG>
To: "Freemacs Workers"	<>,
        "Russell Nelson"	<>
Subject:   Display local key bindings

I always wanted to be able to see all the local key bindings.
Usually, I would just look at the function that entered that mode, but
I wanted freemacs to do that for me...  So I'm lazy, that's what
computers are for. :-)

This thing works most of the time, it depends on the contents of
##(local-mode-changes).  It won't work with the new #(hk) function
that's in the next version of freemacs.

While I was at it, I modified Fdescribe-mode so it would show the
local bindings.

This requires Usplit-and-goto-other-window.  If you don't have it, delete
the line with it and this one also:



)Local key bindings for ##(buffer-mode.##(ba,-1))-mode:(

	#(Fpad-with,,##(-SELF), ,16)
	is ##(-SELF)(

Look for the string ?-arg1-mode-description and (if successful)
display it's documention in a new buffer.

DPS: Also display local key bindings, even if there is no
No documentation available for )arg1(-mode!


>From dale@selad.NCoast.ORG Tue, Mar 17 05:25:09 EST 1992
Received:  from uupsi by (UUPC/extended 1.11q) with UUCP;
           Tue, 17 Mar 1992 05:25:09 EST
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	id AA15977; Tue, 17 Mar 92 05:07:21 -0500
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	id AA15346; Tue, 17 Mar 92 05:07:22 -0500 (from dale@selad.NCoast.ORG for
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	id <9203170837.AA21850@NCoast.ORG>; Tue, 17 Mar 92 03:37:30 -0500
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           Wed, 18 Mar 1992 03:25:29 EST
Date:      Wed, 18 Mar 1992 03:25:27 EST
From: "Dale P. Smith" <dale@selad.NCoast.ORG>
Message-Id: <29c6fe7a.selad@selad.NCoast.ORG>
To: "Freemacs Workers"	<>,
        "Russell Nelson"	<>
Subject:   add-change-log-entry

For a more GNUish ChangeLog,
Instead of:	##(your-address)
Use:		##(bc,40,d,a)##(env.USER) at ##(env.SYSTEM)##(bc,41,d,a)
But make sure you have USER and SYSTEM set in your autoexec.bat.

What about using ##(env.FULL_NAME) instead of ##(your-name)?

		(  )
		(  )
#(is,(	* ))
#(F:Indented Text-mode)


Name:K.C-x 4 a

>From dale@selad.NCoast.ORG Tue, Mar 17 05:25:17 EST 1992
Received:  from uupsi by (UUPC/extended 1.11q) with UUCP;
           Tue, 17 Mar 1992 05:25:17 EST
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	id AA15991; Tue, 17 Mar 92 05:07:25 -0500
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	id AA15355; Tue, 17 Mar 92 05:07:25 -0500 (from dale@selad.NCoast.ORG for
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	id <9203170837.AA21835@NCoast.ORG>; Tue, 17 Mar 92 03:37:29 -0500
Received:  by selad.NCoast.ORG (UUPC/extended 1.11n);
           Wed, 18 Mar 1992 03:24:08 EST
Date:      Wed, 18 Mar 1992 03:24:06 EST
From: "Dale P. Smith" <dale@selad.NCoast.ORG>
Message-Id: <29c6fe29.selad@selad.NCoast.ORG>
To: "Freemacs Workers"	<>,
        "Russell Nelson"	<>
Subject:   Suggestion for ct primitive

In a previous message by

> At first, I made a dired-mode that only had the date and name. But
> looking at #(ct), it is easy to notice that small modifications can
> make it return also the file size and the attibutes. Well, I did them,
> and here is the result. Follows the code for the new ct primitive and
> the code for the dired mode, and some patches needed so that find-file
> and dired work right with directories.

> Well, this is a new dired-mode, hopefully language- and
> version-independent and also a new version of the ct primitive that
> returns all directory info for a given file. Of course, it could be
> improved, so if anyone...

I like it!  In fact, I had just started playing with something similar
about a week or so before I read this.

How about adding a second parameter to control the extra stuff?  If
there is an arg2, return the file size and attributes etc.  If no
arg2, keep the old format.  That way, old code won't break.

#(ct)		date & time of system
#(ct,file)	date & time of file
#(ct,file,any)	attributes, size, date & time of file

On a somewhat related note, #(ff) returns filenames in lowercase.  If
it returned directory names in uppercase, they would sort (with #(sa))
with the directories first.  Freemacs gets the names from messy-dos in
uppercase anyway, so it would even be faster. :-)  Haven't tried it

Side note:  The new #(Fread-dirname) calls #(Ffd-with-paths).  Should
this be #(Fff-with-paths), or am I missing something?  It seems to
work with #(Fff-with-paths).

Anyway, here is the way I think the new #(ct) should be implemented:

    Remember to change the line in Dput-times to this:
	#(ds,-SELF,    ##(ct,arg1##(-SELF),y))

;Mon Nov 21 11:31:54 1983
	call	getarg1_filename	;get the filename.
	jz	ct_prim_1

	mov	dx,offset filename2
	mov	ah,1ah
	int	21h

	mov	dx,si			;filename in dx for find_first.
	mov	ah,4eh			;find first matching file
	mov	cx,10h			;find subdirs, too.
	int	21h
	jnc	ct_prim_3		;go if we found it.
	jmp	return_null

	mov	ah,2ch			;get hhmm into si, ssxx into bp, ddd into al.
	int	21h
	mov	si,cx
	mov	bp,dx

	mov	ah,2ah			;get mmdd into dx, yyyy into cx.
	int	21h


	call put_ct

	jmp	return_tos



	mov	cx,2
	call	getarg
	push	cx			; save arg2
	jcxz	ct_prim_6		;  if no attributes

	;put attributes ADLSHR

	mov	al,filename2.find_buf_attr
	and	al,37h			;only interesting attributes
	mov	ah,0
	mov	bx,2			;binary
	mov	cx,6
	call	put_number

	;put C time of file modified

	mov	ax,filename2.find_buf_time	;get the hours
	mov	cl,3
	shr	ax,cl
	xor	al,al
	mov	si,ax

	mov	ax,filename2.find_buf_time	;get the minutes
	mov	cl,5
	shr	ax,cl
	and	al,3fh
	xor	ah,ah
	or	si,ax

	mov	ax,filename2.find_buf_time	;get the seconds.
	mov	ah,al
	xor	al,al
	and	ah,1fh
	shl	ah,1				;but they're twoseconds.
	mov	bp,ax

;we have hhmm in si, ssxx in bp, ddd in al.

	mov	ax,filename2.find_buf_date	;get the months
	mov	cl,3
	shl	ax,cl
	and	ax,0f00h
	mov	dx,ax

	mov	ax,filename2.find_buf_date	;get the days
	and	ax,1fh
	or	dx,ax

	mov	ax,filename2.find_buf_date	;get the year.
	shr	ah,1
	mov	al,ah
	xor	ah,ah
	add	ax,1980
	mov	cx,ax

	mov	al,7			;use '   ' as the day of the week.

;we have mmdd in dx, yyyy in cx.

	call put_ct

	pop	cx			; get arg2
	jcxz	ct_prim_4		;  if no file size

	mov	al,' '

	;and last, put the file size

	mov	ax,word ptr filename2.find_buf_size
	mov	dx,word ptr filename2.find_buf_size+2
	cmp	dx,10000
	jae	ct_prim_4		;null if too big (655350000 bytes)
	mov	cx,10000
	div	cx
	mov	bx,10			;old base ten for this
	or	ax,ax			;short file?
	jz	ct_prim_5
	push	dx
	mov	cx,0
	call	put_number
	pop	ax
	mov	cx,4
	call	put_number

	jmp	return_tos

	mov	ax,dx
	mov	cx,0
	call	put_number
	jmp	return_tos

;we have hhmm in si, ssxx in bp, ddd in al.
;we have mmdd in dx, yyyy in cx. And di_points_fbgn

	push	cx			;squirrel yyyy, ssxx, and hhmm away.
	push	bp
	push	si

;we have mmdd in dx, ddd in al.

	xor	ah,ah			;stuff the day of the week.
	add	al,al
	add	al,al
	mov	si,offset day_of_week
	add	si,ax

	mov	al,dh			;get month (1..12)
	dec	al

	xor	ah,ah			;stuff the month
	add	al,al
	add	al,al
	mov	si,offset months
	add	si,ax

	mov	al,dl			;pushed as dx (get date)
	mov	bx,10			;do all conversions in decimal.
	mov	ah,0
	mov	cx,2
	call	put_number
	mov	al,' '

	pop	bp			;pushed as cx (get minutes)
	mov	ax,bp			;we need them in a two-byte register.

	mov	al,ah			;get hours
	mov	ah,0
	mov	cx,2
	call	put_number
	mov	al,":"
	mov	ax,bp			;get minutes back.
	mov	ah,0
	mov	cx,2
	call	put_number
	mov	al,":"
	pop	dx			;get seconds
	mov	al,dh
	mov	ah,0
	mov	cx,2
	call	put_number
	mov	al,' '

	pop	ax			;get the year.
	mov	cx,4
	call	put_number
>From dale@selad.NCoast.ORG Tue, Mar 17 05:25:27 EST 1992
Received:  from uupsi by (UUPC/extended 1.11q) with UUCP;
           Tue, 17 Mar 1992 05:25:27 EST
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	id AA15994; Tue, 17 Mar 92 05:07:26 -0500
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	id AA15359; Tue, 17 Mar 92 05:07:28 -0500 (from dale@selad.NCoast.ORG for
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	id <9203170837.AA21863@NCoast.ORG>; Tue, 17 Mar 92 03:37:31 -0500
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           Wed, 18 Mar 1992 03:26:36 EST
Date:      Wed, 18 Mar 1992 03:26:34 EST
From: "Dale P. Smith" <dale@selad.NCoast.ORG>
Message-Id: <29c6febd.selad@selad.NCoast.ORG>
To: "Russell Nelson"	<>
Subject:   Missing GNUish things

Some things I added for Freemacs:

F:center-line    (was buggy, deleted blank lines and non-word chars)

Name:K.C-x a

Append region to named buffer's point.
#(Fcompleting-readline,Buffer: ,(



Delete the character before the point, converting tabs to spaces.
	#(is,#(Floop, ,#(--,#(--,##(lv,cs),1),#(dm,<)##(lv,cs))))




Center text based on F-fill-column.







>From Wed, Apr 01 04:37:23 EST 1992
Received:  from uupsi by (UUPC/extended 1.11q) with UUCP;
           Wed, 01 Apr 1992 04:37:23 EST
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Received: by (5.57/2.3) Tue, 31 Mar 92 19:30:37 GMT
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 92 19:30:37 GMT
From: (Carlos Garcia)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re:  dired?

Hello, Russ

    I'm not sure what posting you are refferring to, but I'm sending
    you all the functions that I think that are needed to make the
    dired mode work. What I am not sending is the code that must be
    assembled into the emacs.exe file to modify the primitive #(ct).
    If that is what you need, please tell me so.

    I enclose two things: the code that has to be added to the D
    library to make the bulk of the Dired mode, and some patches that
    are needed to make functions in the F library to work correctly
    with a convention needed to know directories from files: directory
    names must always end in a backslash, and files must not, as the
    primitive #(ff) returns. When find-buffer is called with a name,
    it is first absolutized, and the result is sent to find-file or
    dired depending of the ending backslash. Also, some functions did
    not treat right such filenames as .., . and c:\.

    Hope it is of use to you.

    See ya,

    PS. by the way, last time you mailed to me, you said muy gracias.
    I appreciated it a lot. But I must say the right way to say it is
    muchas gracias.

    PSPS. Maybe I remember. You may be referring to the patch I made
    for the dired function that made it to be completing-readline and
    started the whole thing with Pavel. You may not find it because it
    was not a posting called dired, but a posting with subject Patches
    and bugs that had barely two or three functions related to dired.
    If that is the case, go fast to the second appearence to the
    string "-- ". In any case, any thing outside of this posting was
    not mint code written by me, so I am sendin this to you for

-- Here starts the code for the dired mode, to be included in the D library.
Some functions from the original Dired mode (from version 1.6) may be
used tacitly without my knowledge, but I don't think so.

Read a directory in, and go to Dired-mode.
Corregido por Carlos Garcia para que funcione en espa'nol

	#(Fread-dirname,dired: ,(


#(an,Delete all of these files?)
#(Fyes-or-no,Delete all of these files?#(Fmore,##(temp)),(
			#(Fmessage,Trouble deleting #(Ddired-filename): ##(temp))



	#(Fread-dirname,dired: ,(

#(is, )

#(is, )

#(Freadline,Rename to: ,(

Return the complete filename for this line.

Handles doing something on every marked line.




Directory Editor for Freemacs.



This will set the local mode to Dired.  The code is contained in the
D library.

#(Freadline,Copy to: ,(
	#(ex,#(env.COMSPEC),#(env.SWITCHAR)C copy #(Fbuffer-fn)#(Ddired-filename) ##(value),,nul,nul)

#(Flocal-bind-key,K.Down Arrow,D:dired-next)
#(Flocal-bind-key,K. ,D:dired-next)
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.Up Arrow,D:dired-previous)
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.Back Space,D:dired-remove-previous)



Puts the time, attributes and size of the files in the dired buffer
	#(ds,-SELF,    ##(ct,arg1##(-SELF)))

ADLSHR is derived from the format for fa, and means
Attribute, directory, label, system, hidden, read-only
#(an,Reading directory #(Fbuffer-fn) ...)
#(Fmessage,Reading directory #(Fbuffer-fn) ... done)
#(is,    ADLSHR    mmm dd hh:mm:ss yyyy length    Filename.ext(

Column where the filenames are located

-- These are other fixes related to the dired mode. Above all, what
needs to be fixed is the way F:find-file deals with files with strange
names, such as .. and following the convention that directory names
must end in a backslash (\), as is the convention with #(ff). Also, an
attempt has been made to make dired and cd to be completing-readline. It
works fine for me, but has not been thoroughly tested.

Change the current working directory.
#(Fread-dirname,Change directory: ,(



Read a directory name.
		#(Ferror,this is not a directory)

Fbuffer-set-fn, Fabsolute-filename, and Fabsolute-filename-do must be
modified to treat right names such as c:\, .., c:\. and . After I made
this, I noticed that Richard Flamsholt (the guy who rewrote latex
mode) included another fix for Fabsolute-filename. The problem is that
both functions don't do the same. My requirements are that all
the result ends in backslash (\) if and only if the argument is a
directory, that in certain cases may not end in backslash. The four
last test cases must work right.

If a name is given, set the buffer's filename to it, else get rid of any
pre-existing filename.
		#(Ferror,buffer ##(ba,-1) has no namearg3)
		#(SELF,,,-- but it used to)

Given a relative filename, absolutize it.

Boy do we have to be tricky here.  If arg2 and arg3 are empty, then
we're done, all we have to do is include the last component of the
filename.  If arg2 is empty, then we must have gotten two slashes,
which means restart from root.  The bare comma causes the enclosing
Fonly-last to drop the leading junk.  If we have a ..  *after* this,
then drop this component of the pathname.
Carlos Garcia: a little bit of concatenation, if x2 = x3 x2 x2, => x3
= () & x2 = (). Before it was only enforced x2=x3, which also stopped if
the last two names were equal. Also added better treatment for . item.

This corrects how find-file works with names containing . and ..
The problem was that Fff-with-pahts does not work right on a directory
(for example, the root directory). I think the function to blame is
Fonly-fn, that does not work right for the root directory.

Make a buffer current if already loaded, or else load it.
		#(Fread-filename,Find: ,(
		),dirs okay)

	#(Fread-filename,Find file in other window: ,(
	),dirs okay)

This corrects a curious bug: it does not work right with names
ending in a #, as it gets confused with the brackets. In case it does
not get to you, there is a tab between arg1 and the left bracket.

[*]#(ds,temp,arg1 )
#(==,##(temp),arg1 ,(
	##(path)arg1	(,)

>From dale@selad.NCoast.ORG Wed, Apr 01 07:57:10 EST 1992
Received:  from uupsi by (UUPC/extended 1.11q) with UUCP;
           Wed, 01 Apr 1992 07:57:10 EST
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	id AA25227; Wed, 1 Apr 92 07:06:31 -0500 (from dale@selad.NCoast.ORG for
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           Tue, 31 Mar 1992 19:24:44 EST
Date:      Tue, 31 Mar 1992 19:24:43 EST
From: "Dale P. Smith" <dale@selad.NCoast.ORG>
Message-Id: <29d902cd.selad@selad.NCoast.ORG>
Organization: Dale's home machine
To: "Russell Nelson"	<>
Subject:   Fixing bug in 1.6d

Hello Russ,

Well I found the problem with freemacs 1.6d getting wedged on my
cheepo home machine.

The ev primitive now defines a string called env.SCREEN which seems
to be a copy of the screen when freemacs started.  Problem is, the
new code doesn't check to see if I have a CGA or not.  It copies the
screen waiting for the retrace.  That never happens on my Hercules
clone, at least not at that I/O port.  Well, I just NOPed out the
branches and Freemacs came up happy.  You might want to put a check
for CGA around that wait_for_retrace code.

Here is the output from the dos 5 fc command:

Comparing files EMACSOLD.EXE and EMACS.EXE
0000300D: 72 90
0000300E: FB 90
00003012: 73 90
00003013: FB 90

Just to prove it works, here is the current version:

##(lv,vn) 1.6d 

I still want the ASM sources though.  There is another bug in the
regexp code.  CRLF in a negative character class doesn't work right.
There is a test in there to see if the first 2 chars are CR and LF
but it just ignores the outcome of the test.

Thanks again (and again!)

Dale P. Smith
>From Thu, Apr 09 10:36:02 EDT 1992
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          id 2795; Thu, 09 Apr 92 12:56:12 EDT
Date: Thu, 09 Apr 92 12:52:30 EDT
From: Pavel Kolar <PKOLAR@CSPGAS11>
Organization: Institute of Physics CSAS, Prague, CS
Subject: attributes in dired mode

Carlos Garcia opened a new avenue in the dired mode. I think, it is desirable
to propose the change of attributes. This change can be
carried out by some external program, however it is simple to implement
it directly to Freemacs. In the following I propose one possible way how
to do it .The code stems from the Carlos Garcia dired mode with
modification proposed recently by Dale P. Smith.

One should make the following steps:

(1) to change the filters for dealing with hidden and system files in
    ff an ct primitives.

(2) to create "ac" primitive (attribute change). The syntax :


    for corresponding change of attributes. Items can be separated by
    spaces, For instance:

    #(ac,aaaa.aa,S+   H-   )
    #(ac,aaaa.aa,H+ H- H+) equivalent with  #(ac,aaaa.aa,H+)
    #(ac,aaaa.aa,  S+   H-   )

    are legal commands. (Spaces are skipped).

(3) to add the code for ac primitive (for instance into mintprim.asm)

;primitive for attribute change
;Mon Apr 06 17:39:07 1992

        call    getarg1_filename        ;get the filename.
        jz      return_null

        push    si                      ;save filename
        mov     dx,offset filename2
        mov     ah,1ah
        int     21h

        mov     dx,si                   ;filename in dx for find_first.
        mov     ah,4eh                  ;find first matching file
        mov     cx,27h                  ;find ASHR
        int     21h                     ;
        jnc     ac_prim_1               ;go if we found it.
        jmp     ac_prim_9               ;end if not

        mov     al,filename2.find_buf_attr
        push    ax                      ;save attributes
        mov     cx,2
        call    getarg                  ;second argument
        jcxz    ac_prim_8               ;no second argument



        cmp     al,' '                  ;skip spaces if any
        jz      ac_prim_7
        push    cx
        mov     bx,offset attribute_data
        mov     cx,4


        cmp     al,bx]
        jz      ac_prim_4               ;comparison with ASHR
        inc     bx
        loop    ac_prim_3

        pop     cx
        jmp     ac_prim_8               ;error in argument


        pop     cx
        dec     cx
        jcxz    ac_prim_8               ;incomplete argument

        cmp     al,'+'
        jz      ac_prim_5
        cmp     al,'-'
        jnz     ac_prim_8
        mov     al,bx+4]
        xor     al,0ffh
        pop     dx                      ;loads attributes
        and     al,dl
        jmp     ac_prim_6

ac_prim_5:                              ;+ case

        mov     al,bx+4]
        pop     dx
        or      al,dl                   ;new attributes


        push    ax                      ;save new attributes


        loop    ac_prim_2

        pop     cx                      ;loads new attributes
        and     cl,27h
        pop     dx                      ;filename
        mov     ax,4301h
        int     21h                     ;sets new attributes

        jmp     return_null


        pop     ax


        pop     si
        jmp     return_null

;end of ac primitive

Further, you should add ac into the function table in emacs.asm.

(4) to add the corresponding data to the data segment:

          attribute_data        db      'ASHR',32,4,2,1

(5) the following strings should be added
   (the correct behaviour also depends on the functions D:dired-get so I
repeat the code of Carlos Garcia.

#(Flocal-bind-key,K.Down Arrow,D:dired-next)
#(Flocal-bind-key,K. ,D:dired-next)
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.Up Arrow,D:dired-previous)
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.Back Space,D:dired-remove-previous)



Move cursor on attribute and toggle it

This toggles the attribute bit under cursor
#(is,    ##(ct,##(temp2),y))

ADLSHR is derived from the format for fa, and means
archive, directory, label, system, hidden, read-only
#(an,Reading directory #(Fbuffer-fn) ...)
#(Fmessage,Reading directory #(Fbuffer-fn) ... done)
#(is,              Directory = #(Fbuffer-fn)(
)    ADLSHR    mmm dd hh:mm:ss yyyy length    Filename.ext(


Now, in the dired mode you can hit "a" (D:set-attribute) : If the cursor
is outside the attribute region, it jumps inside, and you can
toggle the attribute under the cursor. The new value of attribute is
displayed  via ct - primitive, so it is an independent check.

I hope it's all.


Pavel Kolar,                          kolarp@cspgfu11.bitnet   or
Institute of Physics, Prague          pkolar@cspgas11.bitnet
>From Sat, Apr 18 12:41:39 EDT 1992
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Subject: pre-announce and asking for Nihongo freemacs
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 92 22:34:13 +0900
From: Hisashi MINAMINO <>

Hello, this is my first posting to this ML.

  My friend H.Onishi and I have worked to port freemacs-1.6a
for Japanese major personal computer PC-9801 series and its

  Now he is preparing to post the newsgroup;
fj.binaries.msdos.  So I wanna make pre-announce, and if you
have any comments or suggestions, let me know please.

  Nihongo freemacs (nfreemacs) topics:

	o based on freemacs-1.6a
	o recognizes Nihongo character set (only SHIFT JIS)
	o bug fix (bugs from original freemacs-1.6a)
	  - regexp search algorithm
	  - hardware scroll up/down

	o improvement for PC98
	  - new mint primitives
	  - kanji char operation
	  - Nihongo dired (mint code)
	  - and other Nihongo features

	o differences from original
	  - SGAP value was changed (0x8x -> 0xfx)
	    for SHIFT JIS code, but MINT code is compatible to
	    original one.  *.ed file converter is included to
	    this package.
	  - timer usage (was altered to VSYNC)

	o new c-mode (mint code)
	  - based on Johnathan Vail's c-mode
	  - like GNU Emacs's c-mode (many customizer variables)

nfreemacs is coming soon.

PS: "CC:" is our mailing list in Japan.
  Hisashi MINAMINO <>, Asano lab (Comp Geometry),
  Dept of Applied Electronic Eng., Osaka Electro-Communication University
>From Sun, Jun 07 21:45:21 EDT 1992
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Date: Thu, 4 Jun 92 08:40:26 GMT
From: (Carlos Garcia)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: An improvement to info-mode (albeit small).

    I made some improvements over the info mode, aimed to a greater
functionality and compatibility with GNU. It is not the right
solution, because what is needed is a command like GNU's
narrow-to-region. I thought about it, but it involves to many changes
to the Mint code or a new primitive in the machine code, so this is
all I can do. Hope someone else finds it worthy.

Improvements over the old mode: fixed some bugs, allowed menu defaults,
search and edit commands and use of tag tables. As an addition,
Info_Edit mode has all
Info commands available (well, almost: search is not), and a create
command, to create a new node after the current one. Now a whole file
can be accessed with the * name, or the command g(filename) as the Info
nodes explained (It's rather slow, though). The use of the tag table
improves the speed to the point that all the text copying allows. Another
faster approach would have been redefining all movement commands so that even
if the buffer is bigger, the user cannot move outside of a region.

Also changed all functions that work with input read from user not to
pass that input as an argument, but use ##(value) instead, as the
other way causes problems when re-scanning.

To-do: Info-validate.

Known bugs: A control-L (^L) does not end a node.
	    Menu entries cannot contain commas.

--- Code ----

Now this checks that the file exists before switching buffers, and once
it enters the buffer, sets the mark G to the start of the Tag table, so
that its use is speedy enough. Also, it stays in the current node if it
does not find the requested one.

Copy a node to the *info* buffer.  All .eli files are assumed to be
on the path given by the EMACS environment variable. Node to find is
in the ##(value) string. Uses global mark H.
		#(Ferror,Cannot find ##(value))
)Tag table:(
	#(Fmessage,Node "#(rs,-SELF)##(-SELF)" not found)

Completely new function. It is not totally compatible with GNU, as in
Freemacs one cannot go to the 34234th character in the buffer, and that
was the only information contained by the original tag table. So it
adds an extra number, that is the line number of the node start. The
convention is that the tag table resides from mark G on. This mark is
set each time Info loads a new .eli file.

)Tag table:(

)End tag table)

	#(lp,Node:[ ##(bc,9,d,a)]*,,r)
)	))

Now it tries first to look for the entry in the tag table of the given
node. Also, regexps are quoted before using them. Node * is also supported,
but it does not include the tag table. It would be of no use in regular info
mode, and is automatically generated each time the edit mode changes a node.

Search through all the nodes to find the one that matches ##(value).  Return
arg1 if we find a match, and arg2 if we don't.
	#(lp,Node:[ ##(bc,9,d,a)]*#(Iregexp-quote-value)[\-0-9]*(,),,r)

	#(lp,Node:[ ##(bc,9,d,a)]*#(Iregexp-quote-value)[##(bc,9,d,a)(,)],,r)

Now, the node listing tries first to use the tag table, and then, as a
last resource, searches through the whole file for nodes matching the
prefix given.

	#(lp,Node:[ ##(bc,9,d,a)]*#(Iregexp-quote-value),,r,c)

[*]#(lp,Node:[ ##(bc,9,d,a)]*#(Iregexp-quote-value),,r,c)

This has also been fixed not to change the status of the point and marks
in the info-buffer.

Make a comma-delimited list of node names.

Now it shows the current value as the default menu entry to go to.

A menu begins with "* Menu:".  The prompt is "Menu item: ".
line is a comment.  After the starting line, every line that begins
with a "* " lists a single topic.  The name of the topic--the arg
that the user must give to the "m" command to select this topic--
comes right after the star and space, and is followed by 
a colon, spaces and tabs, and the name of the node which discusses
that topic.  The node name, like node names following Next,
Previous and Up, may be terminated with a tab, comma, or newline;
it may also be terminated with a period.
)* Menu:)
	#(ds,value,#(lp,^\* ,,r)
	#(Fcompleting-readline,Menu item: ,(
* )))
)* )
	#(an,No menu!)

This looked from [, instead of ., and it could get confused by fake entries.

Given the name of an item in ##(value), put the name of the node in
the same string.
The item prefix is in arg1.
* foo:   bar
  0  1   2
	#(lp,:[ ##(bc,9,d,a)]*,,r)
			#(lp,[. ##(bc,9,d,a)(,)],,r)

This did not look for * Menu: at the beginning of line

)* Menu:)
)* ))
* )))

This has been changed to allow for an Info_Edit mode, where all commands
available on info are prefixed by C-c, and editing of nodes is allowed.
To create a new node following the current one, Info-create has been made.
It is bound to C-c c.
To exit Info_Edit mode, C-c C-c, as could be expected.

Each time you change node, it is tested for changes. If it has the modified
buffer flag, replaces the old node, and a new tag table is built. Now it does
not seem to be a problem, but if info buffers are too big, the call to
Info-tagify could be changed to simply delete the tag table.

The editing of the whole file (node *) does not include the tag table.

The convention is that the node to be modified resides between the point and
mark 0. No function should modify both things: the point and mark 0.

Set up local key maps for Info Mode.
#(Flocal-bind-key,K. ,F:scroll-up)

	#(Fmessage,Type C-c C-c to exit from Info_Edit-mode)

If it is non-null, enables editing of info nodes and files

It is similar to info mode, with all keys put with C-c prefix. The
string info-edit, when present, makes Ifind-node to save changes to
this node before exiting.
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.C-c n,I:Info-next)
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.C-c p,I:Info-prev)
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.C-c q,I:Info-quit)
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.C-c u,I:Info-up)
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.C-c m,I:Info-menu)
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.C-c d,I:Info-dir)
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.C-c f,I:Info-follow)
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.C-c l,I:Info-last)
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.C-c g,I:Info-goto)
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.C-c s,I:Info-search-not)
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.C-c c,I:Info-create)
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.C-c C-c,I:Info-edit-exit)
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.C-c b,I:Info-begin)
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.C-c 1,(I:Info-number,1))
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.C-c 2,(I:Info-number,2))
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.C-c 3,(I:Info-number,3))
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.C-c 4,(I:Info-number,4))
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.C-c 5,(I:Info-number,5))
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.C-c  ,F:scroll-up)
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.C-c Delete,F:scroll-down)
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.C-c Del,F:scroll-down)
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.C-c ?,I:Info-help)
#(Flocal-bind-key,K.C-c h,I:Info-goto-help)

[*]#(Fmessage,Search not available in Edit mode)[*]


#(is,File: ##(buffer-number.##(info-buffer))(,  Node: ,


Just to keep the whole thing consistent.

n	Go to the next node.
p	Go to the previous node.
u	Go up a node.
d	Directory node.
g	Goto a node by name.
m	Select from a Menu.
l	Last node.
f	Follow a note.
e	Edit current node.
s	Search a string.
1,2,3,4,5 Go that menu entry.
?	Show help message.
C-c	Prefix for all commands on Info_edit-mode.
C-c c 	To create a node.

This function has been modified to deal with (filename), that means

#(Fcompleting-readline,Node name: ,(

Now, menu entries are found case-insensitively.

Return a comma-delimited list of those item names that begin with ##(value).
The item prefix is in arg1.  The initial point is set by arg2.

Continue searching until all items have been found.

Now info-search is implemented. Not for use in the info edit mode, though.
But there you can get the whole file with node *, or use regular search.

Searches through the current info file in search of a value
#(Freadline,Search: ,(
					#(lp,Node:[ ##(bc,9,d,a)]*,,r)
				#(Fmessage,##(value) not found)

line is a comment.  After the starting line, every line that begins
with a "* " lists a single topic.  The name of the topic--the arg
that the user must give to the "m" command to select this topic--
comes right after the star and space, and is followed by 
a colon, spaces and tabs, and the name of the node which discusses
that topic.  The node name, like node names following Next,
Previous and Up, may be terminated with a tab, comma, or newline;
it may also be terminated with a period.
#(Fcompleting-readline,Note: ,(
	#(Ifind-node,#(Iget-item,*Note ))
	#(Ilist-items,*Note ,(#(sp,[)))

Quote value string so that any metacharacters will be interpreted as
ordinary characters.

Arg1 is the name of the tag whose entry is to be found.
#(lp,arg1:[ ##(bc,9,d,a)]*,,r)



Go back to the node that we visited most recently.
	#(an,This is the first Info node you looked at)

>From Thu, Jun 11 08:42:31 EDT 1992
Received:  from uupsi3 by (UUPC/extended 1.11q) with UUCP;
           Thu, 11 Jun 1992 08:42:31 EDT
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Date: Wed, 10 Jun 92 20:34:19 pdt
From: Raan Young <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Freemacs on HP95LX


I'm a software engineer at HP (the Calculator R&D lab) and I recently
completed hacking Freemacs 1.6a to run on the HP95LX Palmtop PC.  I
thought you would be interested in the changes I made and that you
might want to include them in future releases.  What follows is a
description of the changes.  I'm not sure what is the best format
for you to work with, so I am not including the actual new source
files.  Let me know how you would like them packaged and shipped and
I'll be glad to send them to you.

I should add the caveats that I am not a DOS, 80*86 ASM, or EMACS
expert.  So why am I doing this, you ask?  Because I wanted an editor
for binary files and EMACS is the best thing I've found for that.
I tried several different PC versions and Freemacs was the best
in terms of configurability to allow "easy" binary editing.  Doing
this has been educational in many ways.  The point of all this is
that I don't claim to have produced the best 80*86 code, nor to
have not missed some DOS-ism, nor to have not introduced some subtle
new bug in EMACS.

My real world is unix and vi, but I have started to become seriously
dependent on my 95 and am trying to make it conform to my ideas of
a useful tool.  (I've also managed to get the MKS toolkit, including
ksh and vi, running on the 95.)

I have tested this (only on the 95) and I made a concerted effort
to understand what I was modifying and to do modifications in such
a way as to not break anything else, nor to impact the way Freemacs
would run on other PCs.  BTW -- Freemacs 1.6a, as I picked it up
(ie unmodified) crashes an HP Vectra 486 -- I did not look into 
this at all.  It dies just after reading emacs.ed with a "no memory"
error and it is necessary to reboot the PC.

I intend to distribute this version to some other people around HP,
but will wait to hear how you want to handle these modifications
before distributing on a wider basis.

Modifications fall into two catagories:

  ASM changes, done to deal with differences between the 95 and a regular
  PC.  These were in the area of the display size (95 has a 16x40 display
  which is a window onto a virtual 25x80 screen) and the clock access in
  the timed_input area (95 does not support the .01 sec clock info on int
  21h).  For the display, I made the rc variable setable and added 4 new
  variables.  For the clock I changed it to use int 1ah.

  The display issue was dealt with by making Freemacs work with a window
  size smaller than the actual screen size and allowing the user to 
  specify that size.  This version of Freemacs thus works with a virtual
  screen of any size the user chooses to specify.  This allows the user
  to run on either the "real" 25x80 display on the 95, or the physical
  16x40 display.  Screen sizes are set from environment variables or
  determined on the basis of the hardware.

  MINT changes, done to incorporate the ASM changes into the setup process
  and to deal with a few other oddities in the 95 keyboard mapping.

You can reach me with the email address:

Please let me know what you want to do as far as incorporating these changes.
I provide them to you freely and without any conditions.  Although the current
setup message gives me credit for this work I have no great attachment to that.

Raan Young

Documentation specifics (new #(lv,) and #(sv,) variables):

al (Announce Limit)     Limit on length of announce and overwrite messages (1..)
        Value gives the last column on the screen that will be used for writing
the mode-line, the mini-buffer line, and any screen overwrites.  Note that the
value is decremented by one to allow for the scroll-bar.  This value is also
auto-set by setting either the sc or the rc variables.  Setting this value
while two windows are enabled will confuse Freemacs, be sure to do a delete-
other-windows first.  If the environment variable ACOLUMNS exists, value
will be set to that on startup, otherwise the value is determined from the

br (Bottommost Row)     Limit on number of lines used on screen (1..)
        Value gives the last line on the screen that will be used by Freemacs,
including the mode-line and the mini-buffer line.  This value is also
auto-set by setting the sr variable.  Setting this value while two windows
are enabled will confuse Freemacs, be sure to do a delete-other-windows first.
If the environment variable VLINES exists, value will be set to that on
startup, otherwise it is determined from the hardware.

rc (Rightmost Column)   Rightmost Column on screen (1..)
        Virtual number of columns on the screen. Value gives the last column on
the screen that will be used for writing the Freemacs window(s).  Note that the
value is decremented by one for the scroll-bar.  This value is also auto-set
by setting the sc variable and auto-sets the al variable.  Setting this value
while two windows are enabled will confuse Freemacs, be sure to do a delete-
other-windows first.  If the environment variable VCOLUMNS exists, value
will be set to that on startup, otherwise it is determined from the hardware.

sc (Screen Columns)     Actual number of columns on the display
        Value gives the last physical column on the screen.  This value also
auto-sets the sc and rc variables.  Setting this value while two windows are
enabled will confuse Freemacs, be sure to do a delete- other-windows first.  If
the environment variable COLUMNS exists, value will be set to that on startup,
otherwise it is determined from the hardware.

sr (Screen Rows)     Actual number of rows on the display
        Value gives the last physical row on the screen.  This value also
auto-sets the br variable.  Setting this value while two windows are enabled
will confuse Freemacs, be sure to do a delete-other-windows first.  If the
environment variable LINES exists, value will be set to that on startup,
otherwise it is determined from the hardware.


The 95 pretends it has a 25x80 display.  This means that sc is set to 80
and sr is set to 25, even though the display is actually smaller.  Do not
lie to the 95, it will get confused.  Instead, use the rc and br variables
to restrict the screen area to the 16x40 display.  The al variable can be
set larger to allow the user to see the full message if it exceeds the
rc limit.

ASM specifics:

  In ibm.asm --

  NOTE -- I did not pay any attention to the impact of the changes on 
  the Z100 version.

  Add new variables and assign specific initialization values to
  existing ones.  This is necessary to allow the use of a virtual
  screen that is smaller than the physical one and to have those
  settings survive an execute request from inside Freemacs.

    real_columns  db      80
    real_rows     db      25
          public  screen_rows
    screen_rows           db      25
          public  announce_limit
    announce_limit        db      79
          db      0                       ;in case they access it as a word.
    num_screen_cols       db      80
          public  screen_columns
    screen_columns        db      80

  Add routines to handle updating the user setable variables only
  if the real screen size (as determined from the hardware on 
  start and restart) has changed.  This prevents the user settings
  getting trashed when they fork a shell and assumes the initial
  values are valid (hence the need to init them as above).

          push    ax
          mov     al,real_columns
          cmp     al,screen_columns
          je      set_scr_vars_1
          mov     screen_columns,al
          mov     num_screen_cols,al
          dec     al
          mov     announce_limit,al
          mov     al,real_rows
          cmp     al,screen_rows
          je      set_scr_vars_2
          mov     screen_rows,al
          dec     al
          dec     al
          dec     al
          mov     max_screen_line,al
          pop     ax

  Changes in the init_entry routine to support above.
N:        mov     real_rows,25
N:        mov     real_columns,40
O:        mov     screen_columns,40
O:        mov     num_screen_cols,40

N:        mov     real_columns,80
O:        mov     screen_columns,80
O:        mov     num_screen_cols,80

N:        jne     init_entry_6
N:        call    set_scr_vars
N:        jmp     init_entry_5            ;Yes, ok - but we can't have an EGA.
O:        je      init_entry_5            ;Yes, ok - but we can't have an EGA.
N:  init_entry_6:

N:        mov     real_columns,cl         ;remember how wide it is.
O:        mov     screen_columns,cl       ;remember how wide it is.

N:        mov     real_rows,al
O:        mov     max_screen_line,al

N:        call    set_scr_vars
O:        mov     al,screen_columns
O:        mov     num_screen_cols,al

N:        call    clear_screen
N:        ret

  Made clear_screen and variants into a public routine.  It
  is used to clear the entire screen, even that area outside
  the virtual window.  The variants allow clearing sections
  of the screen.  This is used to clean up the entire screen
  after an overwrite or announce with a limit set past the
  right edge of the virtual window.

          public  clear_screen
          public  clear_prt_scr
          public  clear_rect_scr
          mov     dh,0    
          mov     dl,screen_rows
          dec     dl
          push    bx
          mov     bl,screen_columns
          call    clear_count
          dec     dl
          jns     clear_screen_1
          pop     bx

  In emacs.asm --

  Added new lv and sv primitives to load/store the new variables.

          extrn   screen_rows: byte
          extrn   screen_columns: word
          extrn   announce_limit: word
          db      'al'                    ;Announce Limit
          db      'br'                    ;Bottommost Row
          db      'sc'                    ;Screen Columns
          db      'sr'                    ;Screen Rows
          dw      lv_prim_al
          dw      lv_prim_br
          dw      lv_prim_sc
          dw      lv_prim_sr
          dw      sv_prim_al
          dw      sv_prim_br
          dw      sv_prim_sc
          dw      sv_prim_sr
          extrn   clear_screen: near
          extrn   init_screen: near

          mov     ah,0
          mov     al,max_screen_line
          inc     al
          inc     al
          inc     al
          jmp     return_number
          mov     ax,announce_limit
          inc     ax
          jmp     return_number
          mov     ax,screen_columns
          jmp     return_number
          mov     ah,0
          mov     al,screen_rows
          jmp     return_number
          mov     screen_rows,al
          dec     al
          dec     al
          dec     al
          mov     max_screen_line,al
          call    clear_screen
          call    init_screen
          mov     screen_columns,ax
          dec     ax
          mov     num_screen_cols,ax
          inc     ax
          dec     ax
          mov     announce_limit,ax
          jmp     nuke_screen
  Modifed input_timed to use int 1ah instead of int 21h.  The 95
  does not return .01 sec info.  These changes should have little
  effect on the actual Freemacs timing, since according to our
  DOS experts the .01 sec info is simply derived from 55 ms int
  in hardware and these changes do essentially the same thing
  in software (with less accuracy because of rounding to 50 ms
  int for simplicity).

N:        mov     ah,0                    ;get initial clock-ticks
N:        int     1ah
O:        mov     ah,2ch                  ;get the current hundreths.
O:        int     21h
N:        mov     ah,0                    ;get new clock-ticks
N:        int     1ah
O:        mov     ah,2ch                  ;gtime
O:        int     21h
N:        add     ax,256                  ;make it positive.
O:        add     ax,100                  ;make it positive.
N:        mov     dx,ax
N:        shl     ax,1
N:        shl     ax,1
N:        add     ax,dx

  Modified an_prim to use new limit.

N:        mov     bx,announce_limit       ;end of the line.
O:        mov     bx,num_screen_cols      ;end of the line.

  In execute.asm --

  Modify actually_execute to cancel the affect of init_entry
  dec num_screen_cols after an execute.

N:        extrn   num_screen_cols: word
N:        inc     num_screen_cols         ;fool init_entry if nothings changed

  In redisp.asm --

  Add code to swap the al and rc values to fool chrout into
  writing past the end of the window if the user has set things
  up to do that (allows the full screen for messages on the 95).

          extrn   screen_rows: byte
          extrn   announce_limit: byte
          extrn   clear_rect_scr: near

          mov     bh,num_screen_cols
          mov     bl,announce_limit
          mov     num_screen_cols,bl
          mov     announce_limit,bh

  Modified chrout to perform the above swap and restore
  things when done.

N:        call    swap_al_rc              ;swap limits
N:        call    swap_al_rc              ;back to normal

  Modified chrout_putch to not write past the limit (which
  is actually announce_limit because of above swap).

N:        cmp     dh,num_screen_cols      ;past the limit?
N:        jae     not_chrout              ;yes -- write nothing
N:  not_chrout:

  Modified redisplay to clear the screen to the right of the
  window if an overwrite was done.

N:        cmp     overwrite_flag,0        ;were we overwriting?
N:        je      no_clear                ;yes.
N:        mov     dh,num_screen_cols
N:        inc     dh
N:        mov     dl,max_screen_line
N:        call    clear_rect_scr
N:  no_clear:

MINT specifics:

Changed to fit on the smaller screen.

NOTE -- the setting of window size variables in Fset-variables causes
the screen to be cleared.  Therefore the copyright info is redisplayed
in F&setup-msg.

  [*]#(ow,(-----[Hit any key (space discarded)]----))
  #(==,##(temp), ,,(


  Freemacs -- Version )#(lv,vn)(
    Copyright 1986-1990 Russell Nelson

      HP95LX modifications by Raan Young


          ##(Fmode-parens,##(buffer-mode.##(ba,-1))#(mode-line-mode)##(minor-modes.##(ba,-1))#(n?,kbd-macro-d, Def)) 


Added to get around keyboard mapping on 95.

NOTE -- it is also necessary to remove the key binding for KP-

  Map KP+ to + for HP95LX.

  Map KP- to - for HP95LX.

Added to make useful "colors" on the 95.

NOTE -- there was no F-control-color variable defined.

  Use underline attrib for HP95LX.

  Use inverse video attrib to flag control characters on HP95LX.

Added to support the new primitive variables and handle mapping
environment variables correctly.  Note the call to delete-other-windows
in the Fset-variables routine.  Note also that the setting order in
Fset-variables is important.

  Set real screen width.

  Set virtual screen width.

  Set announce width limit.

  Set real screen height.

  Set virtual screen height.

  Set primitive variables to emacs values.

I have made many other changes at the MINT level, both to meet my own
preferences and to squash this down enough to fit on a 128K ram card.
These include things like ripping out abbrev, history, grep, dired,
most of the help stuff, and all edd files.  To compensate, I have
written an fv function which is similar to ef, but puts the functions
in a read-only buffer and throws the buffer away when C-c C-c is used.
This makes up (a little) for losing all the edd stuff.  It is invoked
from the shortened help menu.  I've also changed quoted-char to allow
hex and octal entry of all possible byte values (0-255) and added a 
literal key mode that returns the "raw" key label generated by it.
You can still enter control chars with C-q C-*.  Let me know if you
are interested in any of this stuff.
>From Mon, Aug 10 22:40:04 EDT 1992
Received:  from uupsi3 by (UUPC/extended 1.11q) with UUCP;
           Mon, 10 Aug 1992 22:40:04 EDT
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          id <>; Mon, 10 Aug 92 19:14 EDT
Message-Id: <>
From: Dale Smith <>
Subject: Re: 1.6d hangs on my computer
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 92 19:14:19 EDT
In-Reply-To: <>; from "Richard Stanton" at Aug 10, 92 8:55 am
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL11]

> I just unzipped 1.6d and tried to run it on my machine, a 12MHz 286 
> with Hercules compatible video. I renamed the original EMACS directory, and
> typed "EMACS". The EMACS announcement appeared, and "ev" was visible at
> the bottom right corner of the screen, but nothing else happened and I had
> to reboot.
> Richard Stanton

I don't have the sources yet (mail servers are slow), but here are the
branches I NOP'ed out to get 16d to run on my hercules card.  This is
the output from the dos 5 FC command:

Comparing files EMACSOLD.EXE and EMACS.EXE
0000300D: 72 90
0000300E: FB 90
00003012: 73 90
00003013: FB 90

Hope this helps.


 Dale P. Smith  ( **unemployed** !!!)
>From Fri, Aug 14 20:13:08 EDT 1992
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Subject: Fix to earlier posted patch: initialization on monochrome adapters
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 92 9:29:42 PDT
From: Hugh Daschbach <>
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL11]
Message-Id: <>

Oops.  I posted my patch without thorough testing.  It fixed the
initialization problem much the same as Russ's posting described, but
it broke #(ex).  Here it is again, without breaking #(ex).

*** execute.asm	Thu Jun 13 23:07:34 1991
--- ../src.mod/execute.asm	Thu Aug 13 22:15:06 1992
*** 1,4 ****
! ;History:134,1
  ;Sun Mar 26 20:54:16 1989 remove reference to textseg.
  ;03-27-88 14:27:20 remove execute_filter code.
  ;03-13-88 12:26:39 remove the execute filter stuff.
--- 1,5 ----
! ;History:342,1
! ;Tue Aug 11 21:55:26 1992 Resolve TASM's confusion over forward reference
  ;Sun Mar 26 20:54:16 1989 remove reference to textseg.
  ;03-27-88 14:27:20 remove execute_filter code.
  ;03-13-88 12:26:39 remove the execute filter stuff.
*** 281,287 ****
  xms_execute_2:				;endif
  				;swap out the memory used by reload routine
! 	mov	emm_parm.bcountl,reload_swap_size
  	mov	emm_parm.bcounth,0
  	mov	emm_parm.dhandle,dx
  	mov	emm_parm.doffset.offs,0
--- 282,289 ----
  xms_execute_2:				;endif
  				;swap out the memory used by reload routine
! 	mov	ax,reload_swap_size
! 	mov	emm_parm.bcountl,ax
  	mov	emm_parm.bcounth,0
  	mov	emm_parm.dhandle,dx
  	mov	emm_parm.doffset.offs,0
*** 335,342 ****
  	sbb	dx,0
  	mov	r_emmp.bcountl,ax
  	mov	r_emmp.bcounth,dx
! 	add	r_emmp.doffset.offs,reload_swap_size
! 	mov	r_emmp.soffset.offs,reload_swap_size+100h
  	cmp	echo_flag,0	;if echo flag set
  	je	xms_execute_4
--- 337,346 ----
  	sbb	dx,0
  	mov	r_emmp.bcountl,ax
  	mov	r_emmp.bcounth,dx
! 	mov	ax,reload_swap_size
! 	add	r_emmp.doffset.offs,ax
! 	add	ax,100h
! 	mov	r_emmp.soffset.offs,ax
  	cmp	echo_flag,0	;if echo flag set
  	je	xms_execute_4
*** ibm.asm	Wed Aug 14 23:07:02 1991
--- ../src.mod/ibm.asm	Tue Aug 11 21:26:54 1992
*** 1,4 ****
! ;History:1116,1
  ;Wed Aug 14 22:47:30 1991 restore the screen to whence it came, not one line lower.
  ;Sat May 04 22:20:32 1991 possible bug in pick_init.
  ;Sun May 13 23:24:24 1990 Add a "scroll_bar" variable.
--- 1,5 ----
! ;History:1141,34
! ;Tue Aug 11 21:25:44 1992 Eliminate retrace wait in read_chars
  ;Wed Aug 14 22:47:30 1991 restore the screen to whence it came, not one line lower.
  ;Sat May 04 22:20:32 1991 possible bug in pick_init.
  ;Sun May 13 23:24:24 1990 Add a "scroll_bar" variable.
*** 1128,1133 ****
--- 1129,1137 ----
  	pop	es
  	assume	ds:nothing, es:nothing
+ 	cmp	ibm_cga,0		;slow refresh?
+ 	je	read_line_2
  	mov	dx,crt_status		;load it only once.
*** 1134,1139 ****
--- 1138,1150 ----
  	lodsw				;get our char into bx.
  	loop	read_line_1
+ 	jmp	short read_line_3
+ read_line_2:
+ 	rep	movsw
+ read_line_3:
  	pop	ds
  	pop	dx

Hugh Daschbach        
Member of the League for Programming Freedom
 -- write to

>From Thu, Aug 13 15:05:25 EDT 1992
Received:  from uupsi3 by (UUPC/extended 1.11q) with UUCP;
           Thu, 13 Aug 1992 15:05:25 EDT
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	id AA10843; Thu, 13 Aug 92 14:35:15 -0400
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	id AA05584; Thu, 13 Aug 92 14:38:04 EDT
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          Thu, 13 Aug 1992 14:07:55 -0500
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          Thu, 13 Aug 92 13:54:25 EDT
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Received: by (smail2.5) id AA00179; 11 Aug 92 22:50:30 PDT (Tue)
Subject: Patch for initialization failure on monochrome adapter
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 92 22:50:29 PDT
From: Hugh Daschbach <>
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL11]
Message-Id: <>

I encountered the same initialization problem previously described by
Richard Stanton and Dale Smith.  It seems to be a problem only on
monochrome display adapters.  I believe the following patch will
resolve the problem (as well as a compatibility problem with tasm

Thank you, Russ, for 1.6d.  I very much like the mint source
organization.  It is great to be able to grep and edit regular source

*** execute.asm	Thu Jun 13 23:07:34 1991
--- ../src.mod/execute.asm	Tue Aug 11 21:57:52 1992
*** 1,4 ****
! ;History:134,1
  ;Sun Mar 26 20:54:16 1989 remove reference to textseg.
  ;03-27-88 14:27:20 remove execute_filter code.
  ;03-13-88 12:26:39 remove the execute filter stuff.
--- 1,5 ----
! ;History:285,36
! ;Tue Aug 11 21:55:26 1992 Resolve TASM's confusion over forward reference HDD
  ;Sun Mar 26 20:54:16 1989 remove reference to textseg.
  ;03-27-88 14:27:20 remove execute_filter code.
  ;03-13-88 12:26:39 remove the execute filter stuff.
*** 281,287 ****
  xms_execute_2:				;endif
  				;swap out the memory used by reload routine
! 	mov	emm_parm.bcountl,reload_swap_size
  	mov	emm_parm.bcounth,0
  	mov	emm_parm.dhandle,dx
  	mov	emm_parm.doffset.offs,0
--- 282,289 ----
  xms_execute_2:				;endif
  				;swap out the memory used by reload routine
! 	mov	ax,reload_swap_size
! 	mov	emm_parm.bcountl,ax
  	mov	emm_parm.bcounth,0
  	mov	emm_parm.dhandle,dx
  	mov	emm_parm.doffset.offs,0
*** 335,342 ****
  	sbb	dx,0
  	mov	r_emmp.bcountl,ax
  	mov	r_emmp.bcounth,dx
! 	add	r_emmp.doffset.offs,reload_swap_size
! 	mov	r_emmp.soffset.offs,reload_swap_size+100h
  	cmp	echo_flag,0	;if echo flag set
  	je	xms_execute_4
--- 337,345 ----
  	sbb	dx,0
  	mov	r_emmp.bcountl,ax
  	mov	r_emmp.bcounth,dx
! 	mov	ax,reload_swap_size+100h
! 	add	r_emmp.doffset.offs,ax
! 	mov	r_emmp.soffset.offs,ax
  	cmp	echo_flag,0	;if echo flag set
  	je	xms_execute_4
*** ibm.asm	Wed Aug 14 23:07:02 1991
--- ../src.mod/ibm.asm	Tue Aug 11 21:26:54 1992
*** 1,4 ****
! ;History:1116,1
  ;Wed Aug 14 22:47:30 1991 restore the screen to whence it came, not one line lower. 
  ;Sat May 04 22:20:32 1991 possible bug in pick_init.
  ;Sun May 13 23:24:24 1990 Add a "scroll_bar" variable.
--- 1,5 ----
! ;History:1141,34
! ;Tue Aug 11 21:25:44 1992 Eliminate retrace wait in read_chars HDD
  ;Wed Aug 14 22:47:30 1991 restore the screen to whence it came, not one line lower.
  ;Sat May 04 22:20:32 1991 possible bug in pick_init.
  ;Sun May 13 23:24:24 1990 Add a "scroll_bar" variable.
*** 1128,1133 ****
--- 1129,1137 ----
  	pop	es
  	assume	ds:nothing, es:nothing
+ 	cmp	ibm_cga,0		;slow refresh?
+ 	je	read_line_2
  	mov	dx,crt_status		;load it only once.
*** 1134,1139 ****
--- 1138,1150 ----
  	lodsw				;get our char into bx.
  	loop	read_line_1
+ 	jmp	short read_line_3
+ read_line_2:
+ 	rep	movsw
+ read_line_3:
  	pop	ds
  	pop	dx

Hugh Daschbach        
Member of the League for Programming Freedom
 -- write to
>From Mon, Sep 14 08:53:16 EDT 1992
Received:  from uupsi3 by (UUPC/extended 1.11q) with UUCP;
           Mon, 14 Sep 1992 08:53:16 EDT
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Date: Sun, 13 Sep 92 09:49:22+020
From: nimrod <nimrod@TAURUS.bitnet>
Message-Id: <9209130749.AA03214@virgo>
Subject: C auto-indenting right-brace

Ever wished that when writing a piece of code like:

   if ((condition1) ||
       (condition2)) {

the closing brace will auto-indent to the indentation of the "if",
and not to that of the opening-brace ?
Well, if you did (and I did), here's a fix to Cget-Indent the looks
if the closing brace is preceded by a right-parenthesis, and if so -
get the indentation of the line with the matching left-parenthesis.

Return the indenting of the current line.
#(lp,##(bc,41,d,a)[ ##(bc,9,d,a)]*,,r)
#(lp,[ ##(bc,9,d,a)]*,,R)

Good luck,

>From Thu, Jan 14 21:44:23 EST 1993
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Date: 14 Jan 1993 16:12:50 -0500 (EST)
From: Michael Downes <MJD@MATH.AMS.ORG>
Subject: Mint questions
Message-Id: <>
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT
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Some vacation time lately gave me a chance to work on my Freemacs
customizations a little, and turn up a few comments and questions.

1. It looks like there might be an erroneous jump in the code for
#(bi): the third argument is returned active if and only if NO error
occurred, instead of being returned active if and only if an error

2. How about changing two-word key names to be one word?

  Back Space --> BackSpace
  Up Arrow --> UpArrow
  Pg Up -- PgUp

3. Fkill-to-buffer-one uses an extra (second) argument for #(ba):


What does the "a" do?

4. Use or nonuse of #(mp) on a string as a flag for treating 8-bit
characters literally seems unreliable, because #(mp) is used to
perform some kinds of editing operations, witness the way the list
last-buffer is modified in Fremember-buffer. Such operations might
well be desirable on text containing 8-bit characters.

Unfortunately I don't have a whiz-bang alternative to suggest. The
only thing that came to mind was using char 255 as an argument flag,
i.e. when the string pointer hits char 255, it discards it but then
treats the following character as an argument marker with everything
after that going much the same as in current Mint. But this would be
problematic if you want to use char 255 for itself in the text being


Item 1 came to my attention while I was trying to write a function
corresponding to GNU Emacs eval-defun, which looks around the current
cursor position to find a definable function, then defines it.  This
is handy when working on code and you want to be able to reexecute a
function definition while debugging and moving around in the code.
I'll send the stuff by separate mail in case anyone is interested in
trying it out.

Michael Downes                     (Internet)
>From Thu, Jan 14 21:45:49 EST 1993
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Date: 14 Jan 1993 17:06:33 -0500 (EST)
From: Michael Downes <MJD@MATH.AMS.ORG>
Subject: Files to follow
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT
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I am sending by separate mail three files: mjd-f.min, mjd-m,min,
mjd-u.min. The main stuff that I had promised to send is the functions
M:eval-defun and M:eval-buffer in mjd-m.min. Mjd-f.min contains
Fprompt-with-default required by M:eval-defun, and I have thrown in
one or two other functions I had lying around that might be useful to
someone.  Mjd-u.min contains a function for timing Mint code, and a
set-variable function since I seem to recall someone asking about that
a while ago. Maybe this should be F:set-variable instead of
U:set-variable but I am not confident that it couldn't be done in a
better way so for the time being I keep it in my personal library.
Comments of course are welcome.

Michael Downes                     (Internet)

>From Thu, Jan 14 21:45:23 EST 1993
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Date: 14 Jan 1993 17:09:10 -0500 (EST)
Subject: mjd-m.min
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;;   M-comment-string is defined here in order to pre-expand it,
;;   rather than in an ordinary function definition below.
;;   [Michael Downes,14-Jan-1993]

In order to make sense of the functions defined in this file you need
to know the canonical form that Mint code has had (as designed by
Russ Nelson): Each function begins with "Name:" + library-letter +
function-name + newline, then continues with a documentation section
of arbitrary length, then ends with the function body, marked before
and after by the special string "[* ]". The primary purpose of the
documentation section (or, at least, an important purpose that the
knowledgeable Mint programmer bears in mind) is to serve as on-call
help for, e.g., the key sequence Help-f (describe-function). To make
this documentation easily accessible for Freemacs, all the
documentation pieces are compiled into .edd files on a per-library
basis, and Freemacs goes to the appropriate .edd file when it needs
to look up any documentation.

Comments in Mint code are simple: everything outside of the function
body, and outside of the "Name:" line, is a comment. There is no
comment facility as such, like the ";" in assembly language, or the
"(*" ... "*)" in C. In fact this rather makes sense, given the design
of the Mint language that treats essentially all characters as
executable code. The one feature that comes close to providing
commentability is the fact that extra arguments beyond the ones
defined for a function are ignored. Thus the conventional no-op
function #(..), which takes no arguments, treats any arguments that
may be given to it as comments. But only in a sense, because the
comment string and the no-op function remain embedded in the function
code after compiling, and are scanned every time the function is
called. Given the speed of Freemacs, this doesn't significantly hurt
execution time if comments are sparse, and are judiciously
excluded from high-iteration loops. The size of the compiled code,
however, also reflects the embedded comments, so that a large number
of comments might have an unpleasant bloating effect on the .ed files.

These restrictions on comments put a bit of a crimp in my programming
style, which normally includes liberal comments in the middle of the
code. The functions defined below are designed to support comments in
the middle of a function body. The default comment prefix is ";;"
(double semicolon): everything following an instance of ;; up to the
end of the line is removed from the function body before it is
compiled. Any tab characters immediately preceding the ;; are also
removed, so that comments can be vertically aligned, asm style, if

One other feature that I'm fond of in other programming environments,
and that I missed in Mint, was the ability to compile just the
function in which the cursor happens to be located at the moment. It
would have been possible to make a function that called
Mstrings-read-do, but Mstrings-read-do assumes the cursor position is
in the "Name:" line of the function that you want to compile, and I
wanted a more ambitious function that would look around for the
nearest "Name:" line, scan for the function body associated with that
declaration, and compile the function if it turns out that the cursor
position is anywhere inside the function, between the "N" in "Name:"
and the "]" in the final "[ * ]". Furthermore, if the current point
turned out to be not inside a function definition, I wanted the smart
function to look further in the current buffer for a function
definition and, upon finding one, highlight the "Name" line and ask
whether this function should be compiled.

These two features---comments in the function body, and individual
compiling of functions---are what dictated the design of the
functions in this file. Here's the approach: To compile a whole
buffer, we first copy its contents into a scratch buffer, then remove
all comments, then start at the beginning and apply #(ds) to each

When compiling just a single function, we still copy it into the
scratch buffer, but now we have to do some preliminary searching in
the base buffer to find the beginning and end of the function that is
to be compiled, before we can copy it into the scratch buffer.

The fact that all comments anywhere in the scratch buffer are removed
before any functions are compiled has the following side effect: In
the documentation part (between the "Name:" line and the first
"[* ]"), any text that is commented out will not be copied into the
.ed file for on-line help. Thus you can use noncommented text to
document the function for the user, and commented text to elucidate
technical details for yourself or other programmers.

Note: Unlike Mstrings-read, M:eval-buffer will find and compile a
function even when the "Name:" line is the very first line of the
current buffer.

Function descriptions:

M:eval-defun looks to see if the cursor is inside a valid function
structure as described above, where `inside' is true if the cursor is
on the `N' in Name:, or at the end of the line containing the final
`[* ]', or anywhere in between. If inside a function, that function is
copied into a scratch buffer, all comments are removed, and the
function is compiled/evaluated/ds'd. If the cursor is *not* inside a
function, then Freemacs will look for the nearest function structure
it can find (preferring forward direction), and if it finds one, it
will highlight the first line and ask if you want to compile that

M:eval-buffer is similar to M:done-editing but internally behaves like
M:eval-defun with respect to comments, scratch-buffer, etc.


This is defined above in order to make the contents fully expanded to
two semicolons and without any embedded tab character, in order to
easily use it in #(lp) via ##(M-comment-string). "Name:" was
changed to "Nxame:" since it would be redundantly pointless to execute
this version of the definition.
The conventional way of defining this would have been something like:
[*];	;[*]

Regexp for the string that marks the beginning of function code.

Regexp for the string that marks the end of function code.
Unlike M-function-start, this does not have to fall at the beginning
of a line.

	This function must scan the beginning and end of the current
function by searching backward for function declaration ('Name:'),
forward for start of function code (Mstrings-delimiter) and then
forward more for end of code. If a valid-seeming function is found,
execute arg1, otherwise arg2.
	Because of the way #(l?) works we should do a bit of backing
and filling before we start looking for the function declaration,
just in case the cursor happens to be initially in the middle
of the 'Name:' string. The least number of characters
between Name: and end of buffer is at least 12, in order
for it to be a meaningful function definition.
(Name: + one character + [ * ] + [ * ])

Assumptions: current point is at mark 0, and the first instance of
"Name:" in the reverse direction is for a function that does not
include current point, therefore we need to look in forward direction.

		#(Fprompt-with-default,Compile this function?,y,n,(
	#(Ferror,Can't find any function to compile)

	Returns arg1 if the original cursor position falls inside the
marks set by Mgo-to-nearest-function. Otherwise arg2.

ASSUMPTION: Current point is at mark 2, located at the end of
the last line of the function body.

;;   When Meval-defun is called, it assumes that marks are placed as
;;   follows (using <1> to show the location of mark 1, and so forth)
;;     <1>Name:Ffunction-name
;;     ...
;;     [ * ]...
;;     ...
;;     [ * ]... <2>
;;   The text between the final [ * ] and <2> is usually, but not
;;   necessarily, null (there might conceivably be a comment there).
;;   <2> is placed at the end of the line. Mark 0 is left at the
;;   original starting position when M:eval-defun was called.
;;   "Home-buffer" is the number of the current buffer, for returning
;;   here later via #(Fkill-buffer). "Exit-code" is code to be
;;   executed when the recursion terminates.


Mmark-up-function is similar to Mgo-to-nearest-function but due
to preliminary processing we know that we will always find a function
following the current point.

This is called with marks assumed set as follows:
-----[ *]<1>
-----<2>[ *]...<3>

The first piece of business that needs to be taken care of is
looking for a possible "Args:(...)" specification of named arguments.
If one is found, then we use the given argument names instead of the
standard names arg1, arg2, .... In either case we pass everything on
to SELF-do in order to get the argument list nicely expanded for
further use.
[*]#(an,[Reading arg2])
		#(Ferror,Problem with "Args:" list)

Arg1 = lib letter (first letter of function name)
Arg2 = full function name
Arg3 = list of arguments
;;   The storing of the documentation still needs to be worked on.
;;   6-Jan-1993 mjd
	#(Ferror,arg1filename unknown)

Remove all comments in the current buffer.
;;   Note that in the look pattern M-comment-string is called in
;;   active mode, in order to resolve anything like ##(bc,n,d,a) that
;;   it might contain.


Compile all the functions found in the current buffer.
;;   Meval-defun copies the region between marks 1 and 2 into a scratch
;;   buffer, then starts at the beginning and recursively compiles
;;   functions until it reaches the last compilable function; then it
;;   kills the scratch buffer and returns to the base buffer.

;;   This function assumes that the current buffer is the scratch
;;   buffer where functions are compiled
		#(Fprompt-with-default,Execute this MINT code,y,n,(

Locate the documentation for the function arg2 in the library arg1.
Execute arg3 if the documentation exists [with point just before the
string-delimiter, and mark 0 just after the Name:xxx], otherwise
execute arg4 if the documentation doesn't exist.
;;   mjd: Modified 1993-Jan-7 to use regexp ^Name:xxx$ as the look
;;   pattern instead of just Name:xxx. This prevents accidental
;;   mismatching with a function name that is a superset of the name
;;   being looked for.

;;   Min-documentation executes arg3 if documentation for
;;   full-function-name is found in the .edd file corresponding to
;;   the given library. Otherwise arg4. If documentation was found,
;;   mark 0 is left at the beginning of the doc-text (after the
;;   "Name:" line) and the point is left at the end of the doc-text
;;   (just before Mstrings-delimiter.
>From Thu, Jan 14 21:45:17 EST 1993
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          Thu, 14 Jan 93 17:08:18 EST
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Date: 14 Jan 1993 17:08:57 -0500 (EST)
Subject: mjd-f.min
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT


;;   Functions in this file provide the following features.
;;   ---Fy-or-n accepts lowercase or uppercase yYnN equally (so if you
;;   accidentally hit Caps Lock Freemacs will still understand you
;;   when prompting for y or n answer). This is important because
;;   otherwise your answer is likely to vanish off screen before you
;;   have time to notice that it is cap instead of lowercase.
;;   ---Fprompt-with-default allows you to put up a prompt like
;;     Do you want to compile this function? [y]
;;   and interpret y, Y, or <return> as a yes answer, with anything
;;   else being interpreted as a no answer. The syntax is sort of
;;   peculiar (see the example in the function's documentation
;;   section) so suggestions for improving it are welcome.
;;   ---Flowercase and Fuppercase are support functions for Fy-or-n
;;   and Fprompt-with-default that change the case of a string held in
;;   memory instead of in a buffer. (Otherwise you would have to write
;;   the user's answer into a buffer, change the case there, then
;;   reread it.)
;;   ---Fautosave. I think someone asked about this a while ago, but I
;;   don't recall now the details of setting it up. If you can figure
;;   out how to use it, fine, otherwise send me mail and I'll
;;   investigate.
;;   Michael Downes 14-Jan-1993

	Lowercase a string, returning the lowercased version as the
result. This is not perfectly robust and may not always be exactly
what is wanted: if arg1 contains unmatched parentheses, bad things
can happen. And the return value is inactive, rather than active,
because of arg1 being enclosed in parentheses.

	This is called recursively to go through the list of characters
and translate them one by one using #(si).

Uppercase a string, returning the uppercased version as the result.


#(Fy-or-n,PROMPT,FUNCT) will wait for a key and execute FUNCT using #(Fr) if
that key is 'y' or 'n'.  Doesn't execute FUNCT if C-g (cancel) is pressed.
It keeps trying until a recognized key is hit.
Modified to accept Y or N also, 20-Dec-1992 mjd.
[*]#(an,arg1 ((y/n)) )

	This is like Fy-or-n but defaults to arg3 if the user enters
anything but (upper or lowercase) arg2 or plain <enter>.
Arg4 should use ARG1 to
access the passed value of arg2 or arg3 (see the definition of
#(Fr)). For example:

#(Fprompt-with-default,Do you want shishkebab,y,n,(
		#(an,YOU GOT shishkebab)
		#(an,YOU GOT pizza)

[*]#(an,arg1 [arg2]: )

Same as F:save-buffers-kill-emacs but doesn't kill.
		#(Fprompt-with-default,Editor modified - save it?,y,n,(
>From Thu, Jan 14 21:45:11 EST 1993
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          Thu, 14 Jan 93 17:09:00 EST
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Date: 14 Jan 1993 17:09:24 -0500 (EST)
Subject: mjd-u.min
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;;   Some of the functions in this file include ";;" comments in the
;;   function body---if your version of done-editing can't handle
;;   them, try using my functions M:eval-defun or M:eval-buffer.
;;   [mjd,14-Jan-1993]

Times a function given as arg1.  Only accurate to the nearest
couple of seconds. Normal usage (for me) is to write a line like


then hit F2 (F:try-it).
#(an,Start: ##(startin-time)...)
#(an,Start: ##(startin-time) End: ##(endin-time) Elapsed: ##(elapsed-time))

Takes 2 args in the form hh:mm:ss (hours, minutes, seconds).
Returns arg1 - arg2, in the same form, or 00:00:00 and error
message if arg1 is less than arg2.
	#(Ferror,Tried to subtract a larger time from a smaller one)


#(Freadline,Set arg1 = ,(

Function to allow setting of individual variables.
Show the current value prompt for a replacement.
;;   This is usually more convenient than F:edit-options which edits
;;   the whole set.
;;   If the first letter of previous function name is a library
;;   letter, then do nothing, otherwise null-out value.
;;   If the second letter of value is "-" then do nothing, else
;;   null-out value.
#(Fcompleting-readline,Variable: ,(
>From Tue, Jun 29 10:57:18 EDT 1993
Received:  from uupsi3 by (UUPC/extended 1.11q) with UUCP;
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        id AA21322 for ; Tue, 29 Jun 93 09:40:07 -0400
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 93 08:38:22 EDT
From: (Keith McLelland)
Received: by (4.1/3.2.012693-Vivid Technologies Inc.);
        id AA13982 for!nelson; Tue, 29 Jun 93 08:38:22 EDT
Message-Id: <>

Hi Russ,

Thank you for letting me know how to get Freemacs 1.6d.  Whatever the problem
was with 1.6a and illegal instructions, it is indeed solved in 1.6d.  I also
see that you and others have made some nice improvements in 1.6d.

Over the years I have accumulated some improvements myself as I mentioned
before.  This seems like a good time to send them along.  I can understand
your problems with time to hack at Freemacs, but I guess you are the person
to send this kind of information to in hopes it will get to the people who
are in position to do the work.  I'm trusting that Email will send reliably
(I'm new at it, having just started at this job where it exists) and am
sending MINT code in the note.

First some genuine bugs:

** One that was introduced into 1.6d is a "`" where an "a" belongs in
read-tab-stop-list-do.  Here is the corrected function (although the problem
will leap out at you when you look at the bad one):


** Scroll-up-other-window doesn't do what it says; I tried fixing it and
ended up with no change in behavior.

** Another that I had fixed before but is still in 1.6d is in the
move-to-window-line function.  Yours doesn't do the right thing and
furthermore doesn't even do the same thing in the top and bottom windows.
Here is one that works:

   Move point to left margin on the line halfway down the screen or
window.  Text does not move on the screen.  A numeric argument says
how many screen lines down from the top of the window (zero for the
top).  A negative argument from the bottom (-1 for the bottom).

** A bug that persists is that parentheses cannot be found; apparently it
gets too excited about their special MINT uses.  This, of course, is probably
in the C code not the MINT.  Don't understand why this doesn't drive everyone
as nuts as it drives me.

** A related problem:  parentheses in C code gum up the indentation.  In
particular they are particularly nasty at the beginning (e.g. a left-side

** A question for C mode:  How do you convince it to use no tabs, only spaces
when indenting in this mode?  It used to do this and coworkers who use other
editors will not be pleased that my C has tabs where theirs doesn't.

** While discussing C:  The mouse used to fail to select in this mode; no
longer has the problem.  But I think it is supposed to be able to select
comments and it does not do that.  A bug??

** A potential bug:  When it says "[More?]" it does not accept any character
that means "NO".

** auto-match-paren is very nice but I have two complaints.  1.  How do you
turn it off; it seems to be a sorcerer's apprentice; 2.  when bottom-percent
is small and the cursor moves to the bottom line you get strange behavior in
which the next line appears invisibly (right arrow or anything that moves
from the edge makes all right).

** From here down are my additions.  First is a set of functions like
move-to-window-line that allow quick motion around a window:

   Move point to left margin on the bottom line on the screen or window plus
the number of lines in the argument.

   Move point to left margin on the line halfway down the screen or
window plus the number of lines in the argument.

   Move point to left margin on the top line on the screen or window plus the
number of lines in the argument.

   Move the window upwards across a stationary cursor.  Default move is 1/3
window; 0 or negative cause no action or motion the other way.

   Move the window downwards across a stationary cursor.  Default move is 1/3
window; 0 or negative cause no action or motion the other way.


** Here is my whole searching suite.  Incremental searching is not my bag and
I hate it when I cannot recover what I searched with before.  This collection
of functions does it all very nicely.  I've given my mode line at the end to
show how I display the regexp/case-insens stuff.  I bind the two "generals",
the "again", the "other way", and the "adjustments" to keys.  I should some
day make the adjustments apply to replacements but never have done so.

Interactive adjustment of whether searches are regexp or not and case-sensitive
or not.
#(Fy-or-n,Regular expression search?,(#(ds,is.regexp,(ARG1))))
#(Fy-or-n,Fold case while searching?,(#(ds,,(ARG1))))

This does another instance of whichever search was last conducted from the
set:  F:search-{for,back}ward[-regexp].  Search-other-way is similar except
that it reverses the direction.
	#(lp,##(,(#(Fmessage,(##( not RE))),
		#(Fmessage,(##( not found))
	#(lp,##(,(#(Fmessage,(##( not RE))),
		#(Fmessage,(##( not found))

		#(Fmessage,(arg1 not found))

	#(lp,(arg1),(#(Fmessage,(arg1 not RE))),
		#(Fmessage,(arg1 not found))

	#(lp,(arg1),(#(Fmessage,(arg1 not RE))),R,C)
		#(Fmessage,(arg1 not found))

		#(Fmessage,(arg1 not found))

	#(lp,(arg1),(#(Fmessage,(arg1 not RE))),
		#(Fmessage,(arg1 not found))

	#(lp,(arg1),(#(Fmessage,(arg1 not RE))),R,C)
		#(Fmessage,(arg1 not found))

This does another instance of whichever search was last conducted from the
set:  F:search-{for,back}ward[-regexp] except that the direction is reversed.
Search-again is similar except that it uses the same direction.


This shows us where we are and what we're doing.
		##(minor-modes.##(ba,-1))#(n?,kbd-macro-d, Def))

** This is a little function pair that is quite useful:


Move to the beginning of the current line.

Thanks, keep up the good work.  I can't volunteer to do a lot of freemacs
hacking, but would always be happy to test stuff, critique ideas, improve
documentation, and that sort of thing.  Put me on your emailing list.
