     INDRA Note 1114
     IEN 190
     9th. July 1981

                     Routing and Access Control in

                           UK to US Services

                     Robert Cole and Robert Braden

          ABSTRACT:  The  routing  and   access   control
               problems  for US-UK Catenet operations are
               discussed   and   an   interim    solution
               proposed,  based on addressing mechanisms.
               Given the present generation  of  internet
               gateways,  it  is necessary to curtail the
               use  of  the  full  physical  connectivity
               between the US and the UK to avoid gateway
               routing problems and undesirable paths.

                     Department of Computer Science
                       University College, London
     Routing and Access Control                     Indra Note 1114
     in UK-US Services                                      IEN 190

                              C O N T E N T S

       1.  Introduction...........................................2

       2.  Background.............................................2

       3.  Network Connectivity...................................3

       4.  How it Will Work.......................................5

       5.  Access Control for the PTT Network Connections.........6

       6.  Reconfiguring for Failure..............................9

       7.  Issues in Internetworking.............................11

       8.  Conclusion............................................12

                                 - 1 -           [Cole and Braden]

     1. Introduction

        The removal of the TIP at UCL, and the consequent change to
     TCP-based  service from UCL to the DARPA Catenet, present some
     interesting problems in routing  and  access  control.   These
     problems  are  discussed  here,  and some interim (and ad hoc)
     solutions are presented.

        The changes in connectivity at UCL, and at RSRE, mean  that
     the  extension  of  the  DARPA  Catenet  into  the  UK must be
     considered as a whole;  hence this document also looks at  the
     position of the RSRE network (PPSN) in the routing schemes.

     2. Background

        When UCL moves over to an entirely TCP-based access to  the
     Catenet,  all  of  our  traffic will be routed via a number of
     gateways.  As most of the traffic will  be  destined  for  the
     ARPANET  at  least two gateways will be involved.  UK users of
     hosts on the ARPANET can be divided into two groups:

       1. Authorised MoD  users  --  this  includes  RSRE  and  UCL
          experimental traffic.

       2. All other users

     The MoD authorised users are allowed to use SATNET as  a  path
     for  their  traffic  into  the ARPANET.  The others must use a
     PTT-supplied path to cross the Atlantic and enter the  ARPANET
     through a special gateway.

        The configurations and services UCL are putting forward for
     all  users  is  presented  in [1].  Essentially, MoD users may
     gain access to ARPANET via:

       a. PPSN

       b. TAC (dial-in terminals)

       c. PAD to PSS and UCL

       d. FTP via PSS and UCL

     Other users will access ARPANET via:

       a. PAD to UCL (via PSS or SRCNET)

       b. FTP to UCL (via PSS or SRCNET)

        From UCL, access control is applied for each user  and  the
     appropriate path is selected.

                                 - 2 -           [Cole and Braden]
     Routing and Access Control                     Indra Note 1114
     in UK-US Services                                      IEN 190

        This note describes how the paths are  enforced,  both  for
     forward  and  return  traffic,  and  how  a  number of routing
     problems from dual connectivity are avoided.

     3. Network Connectivity

        The physical connections available between UK  systems  and
     the US are shown in figure 1.  Note:

       i. Gateways are indicated by the letter "G".

      ii. That a single  gateway  has  been  assumed  at  PPSN  for

     iii. A single gateway (G') has been shown at UCL.   When  line
          77  is  removed, and until the C/70 gateway is installed,
          this gateway will be implemented by two smaller  gateways
          having  only  2  and 3 ports.  The exact configuration is
          yet to be decided.

        The "PTT network path" includes  the  concatenated  VAN/PTT
     networks  TELENET  and  TYMNET  in  the  US,  IPSS  across the
     Atlantic, and PSS and SRCNET in the UK.   These  networks  all
     use  X.25, and are joined by X.75 gateways which are not shown
     here.  The gateway which is shown between the ARPANET and  the
     VAN  network  TELENET  is  being built by BBN and is therefore
     know as the "BBN VAN gateway"; it will be sited in the US.

        Across  the  PTT  network  path,  internet  datagrams   are
     encapsulated   within  X.25  packets, over virtual calls which
     are opened as required by the BBN VAN gateway or by  UCL.   We
     use the term "tunnel" for such a path using X.25 encapsulation
     of IP datagrams. A second tunnel is shown,  linking  UCL  with
     PPSN within the UK, using the British Telecom network PSS.

                                 - 3 -           [Cole and Braden]

     Routing and Access Control                     Indra Note 1114
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                         PTT network path
                 G ____________________________________________
                /                   |                         |
               /                    |                         |
              /                     |   ___________           |
             /                      |---| SRC-PSS |           |
      _________                     |   -----------           |
      |       |                     |                         |
      | ARPA  |                __________    PSS Tunnel      /
      | NET   |                | UCLNET |--------------|    /
      |       |                ----------              |   /
      ---------                     |                  |  /
               \      __________    |                  | / ________
                  G --| SATNET | -- G' ---------------- G -| PPSN |
                      ----------    |   ________           --------
                                    |___| C/30 |
                                        | TAC  |

            Figure 1.  Physical Connections For UK-US Access

     The physical connectivity shown in figure 1  presents  several
     serious problems for internet routing algorithms.  The present
     generation of  IP  gateways  [2]  assumes  all  paths  between
     gateways  are  equivalent  in  delay, cost, and administrative
     authorisation.  The various paths shown in  figure  1  include
     violations  of  all  three  of these conditions.  For example,
     routing MoD or ARPANET traffic over the PTT path,  hence  over
     IPSS, between the US and UK will create unacceptable costs.

     As an interim solution, we propose to effectively  reduce  the
     connectivity,  to that shown in Figure 2 [1].  The upper (PTT)
     path provides ARPANET access  for  non-MoD  users,  while  the
     lower (SATNET) path is for MoD use.

                                 - 4 -           [Cole and Braden]

     Routing and Access Control                     Indra Note 1114
     in UK-US Services                                      IEN 190

                   PTT path             _____________
               G -----------------------|  SRC-PSS  |
             /     (IPSS tunnel)        -------------
      |       |
      | ARPA  |                __________  (PSS tunnel)
      | NET   |                | UCLNET |--------------|
      |       |                ----------              |
      ---------                     |                  |
               \      __________    |                  | ________
                  G --| SATNET | -- G' ----------------G-| PPSN |
                      ----------    |   ________         --------
                                    |___| C/30 |
                                        | TAC  |

              Figure 2.  Apparent Connectivity For Service

     4. How it Will Work

        The  reduction  in  connectivity  between   the   available
     physical  connections and the apparent connections is achieved
     by using addresses to convince the ARPANET gateways  they  are
     connected   to  logically  disjoint  networks.   We  also  use
     addressing to ensure that US hosts use the  correct  path  for
     return  traffic.   This is achieved by using different network
     numbers  on  each  path,  enabling  the  US  hosts  to  select
     different gateways.

        Thus, we will represent all non-MoD users as coming from  a
     network  we  will  call SRC-PSS, and all other users as coming
     from UCLNET.  Of course traffic from PPSN is not affected.  In
     this  way  the US hosts will select the ARPANET-SATNET gateway
     (and thus the SATNET path) for MoD authorised  users  and  the
     BBN VAN gateway for all others.

        We can summarise the paths from the UK to the US as:

       1. From PPSN:
          this traffic has a direct link to the SATNET gateway, and
          only allows authorised traffic

       2. From PSS:
          this traffic must pass through access control at UCL  and
          thus the correct path is chosen

       3. From TAC:
          this traffic  has  direct  access  to  SATNET,  but  only
          authorised   users   will   know  the  telephone  number.
          Eventually TIP (TAC) login will increase the security.

                                 - 5 -           [Cole and Braden]
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     We can summarise the US to UK access (including  UK-US  return
     traffic) as a sequence of steps:

       1. The  US  host  will  choose  a  gateway  based   on   the
          destination network number.  For MoD authorised users and
          all US users addressing PPSN and UCL networks, this  will
          be  the  ARPANET-SATNET gateway.  For all other users the
          BBN VAN gateway should be chosen.

       2. Traffic arriving via the VAN gateway and IPSS will  enter
          a  UCL  service host and be forwarded into PSS and SRCNET
          or to a local UCL host as required. The UCL service  host
          will   provide  higher-level  gateways  which  match  the
          differing  protocols  in  the  DARPA  Catenet  and   X.25
          domains:  a transport-service gateway for FTP traffic and
          a terminal protocol converter for terminal traffic.

       3. Traffic arriving from the UCL-SATNET gateway will pass to
          either the TAC, PPSN gateway, or into the UCL network via
          the SATNET Access Machine (SAM) [3].

     5. Access Control for the PTT Network Connections

        Extensive use is made of the PTT networks for carrying user
     traffic  and encapsulated datagrams.  Controls are required to
     ensure that only authorised users are allowed  to  connect  to
     the various entry points of the Catenet.

        There are two areas to be considered:  user  level  access,
     and gateway access for encapsulated IP datagrams (tunnels).

       1. All user level access to the Catenet from PSS and  SRCNET
          is  controlled  at  UCL  by  a  login procedure, both for
          terminal access and file transfer.  This is discussed  in
          [1].  Similarly, any PSS access to PPSN will be vetted by
          the MoD's VAN gateway.

       2. A more serious problem  is  the  misuse  of  the  tunnels
          across  the PTT networks, for two reasons.  First, one or
          both ends of a tunnel may need to treat the opposite  end
          as a "trusted host" with respect to application of access
          controls.  Since the two ends of the tunnel are connected
          with  switched  rather  than permanent circuits, one must
          guard against a third host masquerading  as  one  of  the
          legitimate  tunnel  hosts.   Secondly,  the  virtual X.25
          calls used to carry IP traffic will incur usage  charges.
          Across  the international link IPSS, in particular, these
          charges will be substantial.

                                 - 6 -           [Cole and Braden]

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             Figure 1 shows the two tunnels that are planned.

            1. From UCL to BBN VAN  gateway  via  IPSS.  (Prior  to
               providing  service, we will start accessing IPSS via

            2. From UCL to PPSN via PSS

          The "trusted host" problem  can  be  handled  easily,  by
          having  each end of the tunnel accept calls only from the
          expected host at the other end.  Since  the  PTT  network
          provides the remote host address, this tunnel can only be
          misused by "breaking" the PTT network.

             For example, the UCL end  of  the  "PSS  tunnel"  will
          accept  X.25  virtual  calls  only from the PPSN gateway,
          while the MoD  VAN  gateway  to  PPSN  will  accept  X.25
          virtual  calls  only  from  specified  calling addresses.
          Similarly, UCL will only accept calls from  the  BBN  VAN
          gateway,  and  the  latter will have a list of acceptable
          calling addresses [4].

             Usage charges can pose much greater difficulty.

            i. Accounting

               The IP tunnels and the VAN gateway [3] will  operate
               only  on IP datagrams, and therefore can account for
               usage only  on  the  basis  of  addressing  that  is
               visible  at  that  level  of  protocol.  Thus, it is
               possible to account by internet  host,  but  not  by
               virtual  call  or even individual user.  This forces
               any user-level accounting and  access  control  back
               onto  the hosts at each end of the virtual call, and
               at present no ARPANET hosts are prepared  to  accept
               this responsibility.

                  Haverty [3] has pointed  out  a  further  problem
               with host-level accounting: the internet gateways do
               not ensure correct source addresses in the  internet
               datagrams  they  process.   Thus,  the  VAN  gateway
               cannot rely upon even the  alleged  internet  source
               host of a datagram destined for the tunnel.

           ii. GGP

               It is very undesirable to have internet gateways  on
               both  ends  of a tunnel through a PTT network, since
               GGP  messages  interchanged  by  the  gateways  will
               generate excessive usage charges.  Thus, in Figure 2

                                 - 7 -           [Cole and Braden]

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               the UCL end of the IP tunnel  must  be  an  internet
               host, not a gateway.

                  The PSS tunnel for PPSN  cannot  avoid  this  GGP
               traffic,  but  this path is expected to be used only
               for experiments in alternate routing, and  will  not
               normally exist.

          iii. Retransmission

               There are serious problems with the use of  an  end-
               to-end retransmission protocol like TCP across an IP
               tunnel.   Some  host  implementations  of  TCP   use
               retransmission   timeout   computations   that   are
               incapable  of   adapting  to  long  network  delays,
               causing  execessive retransmissions when calling the
               UK.  The result will be to  create  excessive  usage
               charges which are not under user control.

           iv. Call Multiplexing

               To minimise usage costs, it is necessary to use  the
               X.25  virtual  call  as efficiently as possible.  In
               general, there should be at most  one  virtual  call
               open  for a given tunnel.  When traffic ceases, this
               call should be closed  after  a  suitable  interval.
               The  minimum call duration charge interval should be
               considered  when  choosing  this  idle-call  timeout

                  If both ends of the tunnel  open  calls  to  each
               other simultaneously, two calls will result, and one
               must be closed.  There can be an  agreement  between
               the  two  ends  of  the tunnel that one of them will
               always close a duplicate call.  In  the  absence  of
               such  an  agreement,  a  symmetric algorithm must be
               used to resolve the race.  For  example,  each  side
               can  accept  the  incoming  call and process traffic
               from it, wait for a random interval, and then  close
               the   incoming  call  (unless  the  other  side  has
               meanwhile closed the other outgoing call).   In  the
               event  that  both  sides  wait  the  same  time  and
               therefore  close  their  calls  simultaneously,  the
               algorithm should be repeated.

                                 - 8 -           [Cole and Braden]

     Routing and Access Control                     Indra Note 1114
     in UK-US Services                                      IEN 190

     6. Reconfiguring for Failure

        The weak links in the routing seen by the Catenet  gateways
     are the Atlantic connections.  When one of these breaks, whole
     sections of the UK user population will be disconnected.

        In fact, the physical connectivity allows us to realign all
     UK-US  traffic  onto  the single remaining path, and in theory
     this change is fairly easily made.  In practice, the  cost  of
     using  the  PTT path and the politics of using the SATNET path
     may preclude such operations.  However, we wish to  understand
     the  technical problems in switching from the normal dual path
     to either single path.

       1. SATNET failure
          The MoD traffic via UCL may  be  routed  via  IPSS  quite
          easily.   PPSN may open their own virtual call to the BBN
          VAN gateway, but they would need to  indicate  themselves
          as  neighbours  to  obtain traffic from the US side (this
          requires another null network).  If a gateway at UCL made
          itself  known  as  a  neighbour to the BBN VAN gateway, a
          similar path would exist.  In either case,  traffic  from
          the TAC would be catered for.  See figure 3.

             Notice that the "PTT network path" in Figure 3  really
          constitutes  two  or three different internet networks --
          SRC-PSS, UCLNET, and perhaps PPSN.  For this to work,  we
          require   BBN's  VAN  gateway  to  support  a  number  of
          different "local" networks on the VAN side.   We  believe
          this   to   be  feasible  within  the  general  framework
          described in [4].

                                 - 9 -           [Cole and Braden]

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     in UK-US Services                                      IEN 190

                         PTT network path
                          (IPSS tunnels)
                 G ________________________________________
               /                 |                        |
              /                  |                        |
             /                   |   ___________          |
            /                    |---| SRC-PSS |          |
      _________                  |   -----------          |
      |       |                  |                        |
      | ARPA  |            ______|___  PSS tunnel         |
      | NET   |            | UCLNET |---------------|    /
      |       |            ----------               |   /
      ---------                  |                  |  /
                                 |                  | /
                   __________    |                  |/  ________
                   | SATNET |    G' --------------- G -| PPSN |
                   ----------    |   ________          --------
                                 |___| C/30 |
                                     | TAC  |

         Figure 3.  Alternative paths for SATNET route failure

       2. IPSS failure
          The non-MoD traffic could be switched by making it appear
          to  come  from  UCLNET,  however all existing connections
          would be lost as the addresses change.  To continue using
          the  PSS-SRC  network  addresses via SATNET would require
          UCL to impose a gateway and inform the UCL-SATNET gateway
          of  the  new  neighbour.   The  dynamic  rearrangement of
          Atlantic links requires the gateways  to  issue  redirect
          message and the US hosts to act on them.  See figure 4.

                                    G ------| SRC-PSS |
                                    |       -----------
      _________                     |
      |       |                     |
      | ARPA  |                _____|____ PSS tunnel
      | net   |                | UCLNET |-----------|
      |       |                ----------           |
      ---------                     |               |
               \      __________    |               |  ________
                  G --| SATNET | -- G' ------------ G -| PPSN |
                      ----------    |   ________       --------
                                    |___| C/30 |
                                        | TAC  |

          Figure 4.  Alternative paths for IPSS route failure

                                 - 10 -           [Cole and Braden]
     Routing and Access Control                     Indra Note 1114
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     7. Issues in Internetworking

        The problems,  and  solutions,  discussed  above  represent
     specific  cases  of  more general issues in Catenet design and
     operation.  In [5] [6] [7] Rosen presents a number of problems
     in  the  current  Catenet  design and implementation.  He then
     goes on to propose a new model for  catenet  operation.   This
     section  will  look  at the UCL problems in this context, as a
     contribution to the debate.

        The addressing solution used at UCL to force  a  particular
     route on a packet has 3 disadvantages.

       1. It reduces  the  potentially  rich  connectivity  of  the
          available physical connections to a minimum.

       2. It manipulates Catenet routing  in  an  unacceptable  way
          (i.e. a hack).

       3. It requires complicated manoevres to restore service  via
          alternative   paths  when  the  minimum  connectivity  is
          further reduced by failures.  It is not clear how easy it
          will be to automate any switchover.

     Ideally, the Catenet routing algorithms,  implemented  in  the
     gateways,   should  be  capable  of  knowing  the  full  UK-US
     connectivity without the UK being used as  an  expressway  for
     US-US  traffic.   In  the  present Catenet design and with the
     present Catenet protocols, such full knowledge by the gateways
     would  have  to be constrained by specifying source and return
     routes in each IP datagram.

        In practice we find that dependence upon source routing  is
     impractical,  as  it requires every gateway, and every US host
     that any UK user may access, to support these 'options'.   The
     overhead  of  this  option  on  IPSS/PSS  charges  is  another
     concern.  Even more seriously, source routing would  move  the
     burden of reconfiguration back onto the hosts and, in the end,
     the users.

        In the model put forward by Rosen, gateway routing  may  be
     constrained  by factors such as cost and suitability of paths.
     In the UCL case we should also add political  factors  arising
     from   crossing  national  boundaries  and  Telecommunications
     monopolies.  In the Rosen model the  full  UK-US  connectivity
     would be available to the Switches.  Thus we must look at some
     mechanisms  by  which  we  can  constrain  the  actual  routes
     available to particular classes of traffic.

        The obvious mechanism is to use  a  'class  field'  in  the
     packet  which  identifies  a  potential routing problem to the

                                 - 11 -           [Cole and Braden]
     Routing and Access Control                     Indra Note 1114
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     switches.  However the UK is not alone in its problems, and in
     a  general  Catenet  we  can  imagine  a large number of paths
     having a number of user classes giving  a  very  large  class-
     problem  space.   Of  course,  if  the entire Catenet is to be
     accessible from everywhere, each class/path  combination  must
     have  a  unique  representation to enable the source Switch to
     plan a route.

        The  situation  is  further  complicated  by   allowing   a
     gradation  of  class.   It is not unreasonable to suppose that
     someone may be prepared to pay for a path (such  as  IPSS)  if
     the  first  choice  (say  SATNET)  is  unable  to  provide the
     required  level  of  service  due  to   traffic   loading   or
     malfunction.   Thus  we also need a mechanism that can say 'if
     the delay on path X goes above d then use alternative path Y'.
     Similarly we may have a situation where an administration will
     say 'allow any users of class m on this path as  long  as  the
     loading  is  less  than  n%'.  All of this complexity for each
     packet!  We admit  this  is  an  argument  about  the  distant
     future;  however we should consider these general problems now
     because we already have specific instances of them.

        As a final note, it is worth  pointing  out  that  the  UCL
     addressing  hack  works because all UK-US traffic to the DARPA
     Catenet comes through UCL.  This situation may  not  continue.
     It  is not infeasible that a UK research establishment or a US
     Defense  installation  in  the  UK  (or  Europe)  may   obtain
     independent  access  to  the  Catenet.   Or, the German SATNET
     installation  might   decide   to   increase   their   service
     reliability  by  adding extra connectivity.  Each of these may
     use existing  paths  as  alternatives.   In  these  cases  our
     addressing solution may fall apart, with disastrous results.

     8. Conclusion

        The routing and access control problems for  US-UK  Catenet
     operations   have  been  discussed  and  an  interim  solution
     proposed, based on addressing mechanisms.  Given  the  present
     generation  of  internet  gateways, it is necessary to curtail
     the use of the full physical connectivity between the  US  and
     the  UK  to  avoid  gateway  routing  problems and undesirable

        Access control between  the  PTT  networks  and  the  DARPA
     Catenet has also been covered in some detail.

                                 - 12 -           [Cole and Braden]

     Routing and Access Control                     Indra Note 1114
     in UK-US Services                                      IEN 190


      1. Higginson, P. and Braden, R., UK-US Services,
         Indra Note 1101, IEN 185

      2. Strazisar, G, How to Build a Gateway,
         IEN 109

      3. Cole, R. and Lloyd, P., The SATNET Access Machine,
         Indra Note 1113

      4. Haverty, J.,
         Van Gateway: Some Routing and Performance Issues,
         IEN 181

      5. Rosen, E,
         Issues in Internetting Part 1: Modelling the Internet,
         IEN 184

      6. Rosen, E,
         Issues in Internetting Part 2: Accessing the Internet,
         IEN 187

      7. Rosen, E, Issues in Internetting Part 3: Addressing,
         IEN 188

                                 - 13 -           [Cole and Braden]