IEN 184

                     ISSUES IN INTERNETTING

                 PART 1:  MODELLING THE INTERNET

                          Eric C. Rosen

                  Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.

                            May 1981

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                     ISSUES IN INTERNETTING

                 PART 1:  MODELLING THE INTERNET

1.  Modelling the Internet

     This is the first in a series of  papers  which  attempt  to

deal with the problems of internetting in a comprehensive manner.

By   "internetting",   we   mean   the   establishment   of  data

communications among some set of host computers which cannot  all

access  the  SAME data communications network (though we will, of

course, require  that  each  host  be  on  some  particular  data

communications  network).   The  traditional  approach to getting

data from a host on one network to a host on another is  to  pass

the  data through an intermediate, or "gateway", host, which is a

host on both networks.  As we shall  see,  however,  building  an

internet   which   is   sufficiently  robust,  and  which  offers

sufficiently high performance, to be useful  in  day-to-day  data

communications  operations involves much more than simply pasting

networks together in a pairwise manner.  Rather, it  requires  us

to  build an entirely new network, which can be regarded as being

hierarchically "above" the existent data communications networks.

We shall see that building this new network is  no  simple  task,

but that it raises all the same issues that one must deal with in

building  any  sort  of  data  communications network.  Our basic

approach will be to consider SYSTEMATICALLY the ways in which  an

internet  is and is not similar to "ordinary" data communications

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networks, so that we can easily see how  the  knowledge  we  have

gained  from  studying such networks (in particular, the ARPANET)

can be applied to internetting.  This paper will present a  model

for  the  internet  which  will  help  us to organize the issues;

further papers will deal more  explicitly  with  such  issues  as

internet access, addressing, routing, and congestion control.

1.1  The Model Described

     We  begin by introducing a very general model for a class of

abstract entities called NETWORK STRUCTURES.  A Network Structure

consists of three kinds  of  entities:  SWITCHES,  PATHWAYS,  and

HOSTS.   When  we  say  that a particular entity is a Host WITHIN

SOME PARTICULAR NETWORK  STRUCTURE,  we  mean  that  within  that

Network  Structure it functions as a data sink and/or source, and

does not perform such functions as  store-and-forwarding  traffic

which  originated  elsewhere  and  is destined for elsewhere.  By

saying that a certain entity is  a  Switch  WITHIN  A  PARTICULAR

NETWORK  STRUCTURE,  we mean that, within that Network Structure,

it is responsible  for  store-and-forward  functions,  i.e.,  for

receiving  data  from  a  source  Host,  and sending it (possibly

through a sequence of intermediate Switches) into  a  destination


communications path which has as one endpoint  a  Switch  of  the

Network  Structure,  as  its  other endpoint either a Switch or a

Host of that Network Structure, and NO intermediate  Switches  of

that Network Structure.
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     It  is  important to understand that the notion of a Network

Structure is intended to be an abstraction which we use in  order

to  impose  a  conceptual  organization  on  a  set  of  physical

entities.  It makes no sense simply to  ask  of  some  particular

computer,  is  it  a Host or a Switch, unless one also references

some particular Network Structure.  Saying that  a  computer  is,

e.g., a Switch, attributes to it a certain functionality relative

to a certain Network Structure.  A particular computer might well

be a Switch in one Network Structure while simultaneously being a

Host  within  another Network Structure.  (We will capitalize the

terms "Host," "Switch," "Pathway," and "Network Structure"  as  a

reminder of the abstract nature of these terms.)

     Let's look at some examples.  The ARPANET can be regarded as

a  Network  Structure whose Switches are the IMPs, whose Pathways

are the telephone lines that connect the IMPs,  as  well  as  the

1822  and VDH lines, and whose Hosts are the devices connected to

the IMPs via  either  the  1822  or  VDH  interfaces.   From  the

perspective  of  this  Network Structure, the Pathways (telephone

lines) have no  internal  structure,  but  rather  are  merely  a

passive  and  transparent  medium.  When we say that the Pathways

have no internal structure, we mean simply that they  contain  no

intermediate Switches (i.e., IMPs) and no Hosts of the particular

Network  Structure  (the  ARPANET)  under discussion.  Of course,

this is quite a significant abstraction.  What  we  regard  as  a

simple wire (a telephone line) may in fact be no wire at all, but

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an  entire  network, the telephone network!  Within the telephone

network, there may be any  number  of  fancy  computer  switching

devices,  which  might  be  just  as complicated as the ARPANET's

IMPs.  From the perspective of the telephone company,  one  might

want  to regard each telephone line as a Network Structure, which

contains exactly two Hosts (viz., the two IMPs at the  end-points

of  the  line).   The  Switches of this Network Structure are the

telephone switching devices, and the  Pathways  really  are  just

wires.  Or, if we had reason to, we could regard the ARPANET as a

sort  of  hybrid  Network Structure, whose Switches included both

the IMPs and the telephone company switching devices,  and  whose

Pathways  were  wires terminating either at the IMPs or the other

switching devices.  As it happens, we generally don't  find  this

last  means  of conceptual organization to be very useful.  Since

we have no  control  over,  and  little  information  about,  the

telephone  company switching devices, it is most "convenient" not

to have to think about them,  but  rather  to  just  regard  each

telephone  line  as a simple Pathway, with no internal structure,

and no intermediate Switches.  It is important to understand that

calling the ARPANET a Network Structure whose Switches  are  IMPs

and whose Pathways are telephone lines does not beg any questions

about how the telephone network really works; it is just a matter

of  imposing  a  conceptual  organization that we find useful for

some purpose.

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     Of course, the telephone lines are not the only Pathways  in

the  ARPANET.   Each (local or distant) host is also the endpoint

of a Pathway, though one which really is a wire.  In general,  we

will  find  it  useful to distinguish those Pathways in a Network

Structure which connect Host to  Switch  (ACCESS  PATHWAYS)  from

those which connect Switch to Switch (INTERNAL PATHWAYS).

     Another example of a Network Structure is one whose Switches

are the gateways on the ARPA Catenet, whose Pathways are segments

of  ARPA-controlled  networks,  and  whose Hosts are hosts on the

networks which are part of  the  Catenet.   Within  this  Network

Structure,  the gateways must be regarded as Switches, since they

perform store-and-forward functions, and data from  one  host  to

another  is  routed through a sequence of gateways.  Of course, a

gateway, while a Switch  within  the  Network  Structure  of  the

Catenet,  may  also be a Host within the Network Structure of the

ARPANET.  The proper classification of an entity is a  matter  of

what function it performs within the concrete realization of some

particular  Network  Structure;   the  same  physical  entity may

perform different functions in different  Network  Structures  of

which it is a part.

     We  should  be  a bit more precise about the Pathways of the

Catenet Network Structure.  Suppose there are 4 gateways  on  the

ARPANET.   Then the gateways are fully connected through a set of

12 distinct Pathways (i.e., each gateway has a Pathway to each of

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the other 3 gateways).  Although each of the 12 Pathways utilizes

the ARPANET, we really have 12 distinct Pathways, each  of  which

has  different  characteristics as regards delay, throughput, and

operability.  That is why we said above that the Pathways of  the

Catenet  should  be  identified  with SEGMENTS of ARPA-controlled

networks, rather than with  the  entire  networks.   Furthermore,

each of the 4 Gateways has a distinct Pathway to EACH host on the

ARPANET.   That  is, within the Network Structure of the Catenet,

each of the hosts on the ARPANET (all of which are also Hosts  on

the  internet)  is  MULTI-HOMED  to  each of the 4 Gateways via a

distinct  Pathway.   IN  PRINCIPLE,  THIS  MULTI-HOMING   IS   NO



see, regarding all the Hosts on the Catenet as being  multi-homed

to  the  Switches  (i.e.,  gateways)  of  the  Catenet  is a very

important feature of the network architecture we will propose for

internetting.   We  will  argue  that  many   of   the   problems

encountered  in the current Catenet configuration are a result of

the  failure  to  properly  conceive  internet  hosts  as   being

multi-homed,  and that the lessons learned from a study of how to

do multi-homing on individual packet-switching  networks  can  be

applied fairly directly.

     The  "Network  Structure" model is intended to be completely

general.  We can,  for  example,  handle  an  arbitrarily  nested

hierarchical  internet  by establishing a Network Structure whose

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Pathways are themselves complex internet configurations.  We  can

also  model  overlapping  internet configurations.  Consider, for

example, four machines, A, B, C, and D connected in  order  in  a

ring.    In  principle,  we  could  treat  this  as  two  Network

Structures, one in which A and C are Switches and  B  and  D  are

Hosts,  and another in which B and D are Switches and A and C are

hosts.  This might  be  useful  if,  for  example,  we  have  two

different  internets,  with incompatible gateways, connecting the

same set of  packet-switching  networks.   The  model  should  be

general  enough  to accommodate complex configurations like this.

1.2  Deficiencies of the Old Model

     The idea that the design of an architecture for the internet

should be guided by the  development  of  an  abstract  model  is

hardly original.  The earliest IENs often considered the need for

a  model, but the discussion there seems to be at an insufficient

level of abstraction.  That is, there is much discussion  of  the

need  for  a  "model of a gateway," but no discussion of the need

for a model of  the  internet  as  a  gestalt,  with  a   network

architecture of which the gateways are only a part.

     It   is   apparent   though   that   gateway  designers  and

implementers did work with an IMPLICIT model of the  internet  in

mind.   While  the  gateway  was  the  focus  of much discussion,

however, little critical attention was focussed on  the  implicit

model of the internet itself.  This implicit model represents the

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gateways as ordinary network nodes, and the component networks of

the  internet as ordinary network lines.  Surprisingly, hosts are

not represented at all in this model.  (One  may  be  tempted  to

think  of a host as a sort of piece of one of the "lines" in this

model, but remember that the lines are not supposed to  have  any

internal  structure.)  The internet routing problem was conceived

of as the problem of how to get data from one gateway  through  a

sequence  of  intermediate  gateways  to  a  destination  network

(which, in the model, is a destination line!?).

     Our experience with the Catenet should have  made  it  quite

clear  by  now that the basic idea underlying this implicit model

is overly simplistic.  This basic idea is that the end-user  will

know  what  network his destination host is attached to, and only

needs the gateways to get his data somewhere or other (it doesn't

matter where) on that destination network.  At  that  point,  the

destination  network  is  supposed  to take over, and there is no

further work for the gateways to do.  We  now  know,  of  course,

that things are not so simple.  The way in which the gateways get

traffic  to  the  destination  network  may be very important.  A

particular host on a particular network might be  reachable  from

one gateway on that network, but not from another gateway on that

network.    (This   is   the   "partitioned  net"  problem.)   Or

performance considerations might dictate that a host  be  reached

through one gateway in preference to another gateway on that same

net.  It should not be any surprise that this sort of problem has

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proved  very troublesome in the Catenet, for the problem is built

right into the conceptual mechanism that guided  the  development

of  the  Catenet.   The  fact  that the old implicit model of the

internet contains no representation at  all  of  hosts  makes  it

virtually impossible for gateways that were built with that model

in   mind   to  have  any  means  of  representing  host-specific

information.  It also  makes  it  virtually  impossible  to  take

advantage  of  (or  even  to take cognizance of) the way in which

Hosts can be regarded as being  "multi-homed"  to  the  gateways.

Failure  to model the hosts also makes it difficult to handle the

case of hosts which are not always connected to the same  network

(e.g.,  "mobile  hosts"),  or hosts which are connected to two or

more networks.

     Further difficulties arise from the way  in  which  networks

are represented as "lines."  If a network is like a line, then it

must be either up or down.  There is no way to represent the fact

that  some  "parts"  of  the  "line" can be reached from only one

end-point, but not the other.  That is, it is difficult  to  make

the  internet  system respond to peculiarities in the behavior or

operational status of the underlying  packet-switching  networks,

since  much  of  that  behavior  has  no  analog  in the world of

telephone lines.  Of course, it cannot  really  be  claimed  that

problems  like  these  can  never  be  resolved at all within the

current Catenet configuration, but only that possible resolutions

will not fit easily into the Catenet's architecture, and so  will

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generally  appear to be "kludges" or "hacks" which are grafted on

in order to get around particular operational  problems  as  they

happen  to  arise.   Perhaps a reading of some of the more recent

IENs will bear out this impression.

     In attacking the old implicit internet  model,  we  are  not

simply  trying  to  beat  a dead horse, or to attack a straw man.

Rather, we are just trying to emphasize that the way in which one

initially models or thinks of a  set  of  related  problems  will

necessarily have a large effect on the way the problems are dealt

with  in  the final system.  A good model for the internet should

provide a framework for discussion of internetting  issues  which

enables  us  to place each issue in proper perspective, and which

makes clear the inter-relationships among  the  various  problems

and proposed solutions to them.  When important problems (such as

the "partitioned net" problem) cannot even be stated in the terms

of  a particular model, it becomes clear that that model does not

provide a proper framework for the discussion of the  issues.   A

good model should also make it possible to evaluate the effect of

various schemes as part of an integrated system, making it easier

to  determine  whether  or not some proposed scheme gives rise to

more problems than it solves.  By allowing us to see solutions to

particular problems as part of an integrated  system,  the  model

also  gives  us a means of choosing among different schemes which

seem to solve the same problem, since some of those  schemes  may

fit more easily or more naturally into the integrated system than

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do  others.   A  good  model  should  also  suggest  solutions to

problems that have previously seemed very vexing (we shall argue,

in  subsequent  papers  of  this  series,   for   example,   that

representing  hosts  as  being  multi-homed  to gateways suggests

certain addressing schemes that might  otherwise  be  overlooked,

and  also  subsumes  a  number  of  problems  previously  thought

unrelated under a common rubric).  We believe that the  model  we

proposed  in  the  previous  section  offers a much more coherent

framework; hopefully this will become apparent  as  we  begin  to

work  through  the  issues of internetting in this and subsequent


1.3  The Importance of Pathway Characteristics

     As we have already pointed out, the proposed  new  model  of

the  internet as a Network Structure allows us to see the ARPANET

itself as  an  internet,  built  upon  pieces  of  the  telephone

network.   In  principle,  then, the ARPANET is no different than

the Catenet, which is  an  internet  built  upon  pieces  of  the

ARPANET, SATNET, and various other ARPA-controlled networks.  Yet

it  does  seem  that  the  Catenet  poses problems which are more

difficult and less tractable than are the problems posed  by  the

ARPANET.   Why  should  this  be the case, if the ARPANET and the

Catenet are both internets of a sort?  The answer seems to lie in

the characteristics of the individual  networks  that  constitute

the  Pathways  in these two different "internets."  The pieces of

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the telephone network which transmit data within the  ARPANET  do

so  with  well-known  and well-understood (indeed, with constant)

delay characteristics.  The  capacity  of  these  pieces  of  the

telephone  network  is  also  a  constant.  Many of the ARPANET's

protocols and algorithms (both internally and at the host  access

level)  make  use  of these facts, and break down when applied to

Pathways of significantly different characteristics.  Even within

the ARPANET,  we  have  seen  the  importance  of  modifying  our

protocols  and  algorithms  to  take account of differing Pathway

characteristics.  For example, the line  up/down  protocol  which

each  pair  of  neighboring  IMPs  runs together to determine the

operational status of the line  connecting  them  must  be  tuned

differently  for  lines  of  differing  bandwidths or propagation

delays.  Particular difficulty has  been  encountered  in  making

this  protocol  work  properly  over "line 77," the "transparent"

connection via SATNET to London.  One problem in trying to extend

ARPANET-like protocols and algorithms to the Catenet  environment

is  to  come to a better understanding of how those protocols and

algorithms actually  depend  on  assumptions  about  the  Pathway

characteristics.    Since   many  of  these  assumptions  may  be

implicit, and nowhere  clearly  stated,  this  is  not  a  simple

problem.   As  we  develop our proposed internet architecture, we

will try to  emphasize  the  role  played  by  assumptions  about

Pathway characteristics.

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     (Although  we will be primarily concerned with protocols and

algorithms to be used in the actual day-to-day operation  of  the

internet,  it is worth noting that the variability of the Pathway

characteristics  of  the  internet  also  has  implications  with

respect   to  the  topological  layout  of  the  internet.   When

designing the topology of a packet-switching network,  one  often

makes  use of mathematical tools (often automated) for optimizing

the topology with respect to some cost-function, such  as  delay.

These  mathematical  tools  are  based on particular mathematical

models of networks which  in  turn  are  based  on  results  from

queuing  theory  which  assert  a particular relationship between

delay and load over telephone  lines.   Whatever  the  merits  of

those  mathematical  models  (and  there  is  much to question in

them), they will not be applicable  at  all  to  the  topological

design  of  the  internet.   When a Pathway is a packet-switching

network, rather than a telephone line, it is probably meaningless

even to ask what its bandwidth is, since it just does not have  a

constant  bandwidth.  That is, the maximum throughput that can be

obtained between two gateways over a particular  packet-switching

network  will vary quite a bit over time, and will depend on what

happens to be going on within that  network.   In  addition,  the

relationship  between  delay  over a packet-switching network and

the offered load is much more difficult to  model  mathematically

than  is  the same relationship over a telephone line.  Issues of

how to properly lay out the topology of the  internet  to  obtain

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best  performance or least "cost" probably will not be able to be

dealt with  in  any  systematic  way  until  we  have  much  more

experience with day-to-day internet operations.)

     The  gateways which are currently deployed on the Catenet do

not seem to take Pathway characteristics  into  account  at  all.

Certainly  there  has been no attempt to optimize the gateways to

the particular packet-switching networks that they are  connected

to,  or  even  to  make  the  gateways  take proper notice of the

various protocol messages that the  networks  will  send  to  the

gateways.   To  some  extent,  gateways  really  do seem to treat

packet-switching networks as mere wires, simply throwing the bits

at the network  interface,  and  not  dealing  with  the  various

exception states that continually arise when attempting to access

a network.  One of the main themes that we shall be developing is




the ARPANET IMPs  often  have  to  be  tuned  to  the  particular

characteristics of different telephone lines, and it is that much

more  important  for  the  gateways to be tuned to the particular

characteristics of the packet-switching networks  that  serve  as

Pathways  between  them.  It is important to understand that this

sort of issue does not apply only to the way  in  which  gateways

use the INTERNAL PATHWAYS of the internet, but also to the way in

which hosts and gateways use the ACCESS PATHWAYS of the internet.

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We  will  develop  these issues in much more detail in subsequent


     We have claimed that the only reason we tend to  regard  the

telephone network as a Pathway with no internal structure is that

we  find  it  "convenient" to do so.  If we are going to properly

apply the Network Structure model to the ARPANET, the Catenet, or

any other networking or internetting environment, it is important

to come to a clear understanding of just when it is  and  is  not

"convenient"  or  "useful"  to ignore the internal structure of a

communications medium,  and  model  it  as  a  Pathway.   (Though

ignoring the internal structure of a communications medium is NOT

the  same  thing  as  ignoring  its  delay/throughput/reliability

characteristics;  as we shall repeatedly emphasize, there are  no

conditions  under  which  it  is  possible  to  do  that  without

incurring extreme penalties in  efficiency  and/or  reliability.)

There  are basically two good reasons why we might want to ignore

the internal structure of a communications medium:

     1) Efficiency.  Some algorithms or protocols in the  Network

        Structure may need to be driven off some sort of model or

        representation  of  the  network.   For  example, the SPF

        routing algorithm in the ARPANET  has  a  database  which

        represents  the network topology.  (We will often use the

        term "SPF routing" to  refer  to  the  ARPANET's  current

        routing  algorithm  [1,2],  in  contradistinction  to the

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        ARPANET's original routing algorithm [3].  The  Catenet's

        current  routing  algorithm  is  based  on  the  original

        ARPANET routing algorithm,  but  internetters  should  be

        aware  that  that  algorithm  had  a  number  of  serious

        deficiencies,  especially  under  heavy  load,  and   was

        removed  from  the  ARPANET  over  two  years  ago, to be

        replaced with SPF routing.)  Dividing  a  single  network

        into    several   different   Network   Structures,   and

        representing some of those as Pathways with  no  internal

        structure, may be necessary if we need to keep a bound on

        the  size  of  the  database  while  allowing  the actual

        physical configuration of the  network  to  grow  without

        bound.   This  is one of several important considerations

        driving the internet development.

     2) Partial transparency.  One may want to be able to replace

        the networks  which  underlie  certain  Pathways  without

        having  to  make extensive changes to the software of the

        Switches.  Or one may simply not be able  or  willing  to

        get   any  information  about  some  underlying  network.

        Either of these is a good reason to  try  to  treat  that

        underlying  network  transparently.   Note, however, that

        the  best  that  we  can  hope  to  achieve  is   PARTIAL

        transparency.   If  a  Pathway  is  replaced  by  another

        Pathway of  very  different  characteristics,  we  cannot

        realistically  expect  to  maintain efficient performance

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        without modifying  the  Switches  in  some  way  to  take

        account  of  the new characteristics.  However, it may be

        possible to restrict the magnitude of  the  changes;  for

        example,  perhaps only the software in the Switches which

        are the  endpoints  of  the  Pathways  will  need  to  be

        changed.   This is an issue that we will have to consider

        in  great  detail;  certainly  it  is  one  of  the  most

        important considerations driving the internet effort.

Note  that  these  considerations,  important as they may be, are

really just matters of degree, and generally must be  traded  off

against   other  considerations.   We  can  ignore  the  internal

structure of a Pathway to a greater  or  lesser  degree.   It  is

possible, for example, that we will want our internet gateways to

exchange  information  with  certain ARPANET IMPs, even though in

general we want the internet gateways to be able  to  ignore  the

internal structure of the ARPANET.  The principle of ignoring the

internal  structure of a Pathway is supposed to be a tool to help

us,  not  a  straitjacket  to  prevent  us  from  getting  needed

information.   This  is  another  issue  to which we shall return

repeatedly in subsequent papers of this series.

     One of the aspects of  a  Network  Structure  that  is  most

sensitive  to  Pathway  characteristics,  and  to the decision to

ignore  the   internal   structure   of   a   Pathway,   is   its

MAINTAINABILITY.   Maintainability  is one of the most important,

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though most neglected, areas of network design.  In the long run,

the ability to maintain the network (which means the  ability  to

isolate  faults and to repair them) can have a much larger effect

on the network's efficacy as a communications utility than almost

any other consideration.  In some sense, maintainability  is  the

"bottom  line;"  if a network is subject to repeated inexplicable

failures and degradations, then the users will  be  driven  away,

and  all  the  effort that has gone into careful optimizations of

the algorithms and protocols will have been wasted.  In a complex

Network  Structure,  which  may  include  Pathways  of  arbitrary

internal  complexity, maintainability is a very crucial issue.  A

good example of the kinds of problems that can arise may be taken

from our experience with the ARPANET's line 77 (the "transparent"

connection to the London-TIP via SATNET).  The ARPANET  generally

treats  this  as  if  it were a telephone circuit, even though it

actually consists of a large number of terrestrial access  lines,

SIMPs  (SATNET  nodes),  and  satellite broadcast facilities, any

component of which might fail in its own peculiar way.  When this

special connection was installed, the intention was that it be as

transparent as possible to the ARPANET.  It turns  out,  however,

that  a  side-effect  of treating SATNET transparently is that IT



the  usual  fault  isolation  techniques  do  not  see  into  the

structure of this "line", and hence can say no more than that the

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line  is  up  or  down.   While  this  is  a  consequence  of the

transparent design, it causes great difficulty, especially  since

the  various  components of this line are maintained by different

organizations, each of which prefers to believe that the  problem

is someone else's responsibility.  Furthermore, since the IMPs at

each  end  of  the  line  (which  are  also  Hosts on the Network

Structure  of  SATNET)  don't  realize  that  they  are  actually

accessing another network, and don't use the usual network access

protocol  for  SATNET,  some of SATNET's standard fault isolation

techniques are bypassed too.  A problem that has  been  recurring

with  some  frequency is that the ARPANET's line up/down protocol

just will not bring the SATNET  "line"  up,  even  though  SATNET

itself  seems  to  be  working fine, according to the independent

SATNET monitoring.  At one time, the team of ARPANET  and  SATNET

people  working  on  the  problem  originally  seemed  to  be  in

agreement that the source of the problem was in the design of the

ARPANET's  line  up/down  protocol.   On  further  investigation,

however,  it  turned  out  that  the  real  problem  was that the

terrestrial access line between the London-TIP  and  one  of  the

SIMPs  really  was  experiencing intermittent failures, and hence

that the ARPANET's protocol had been performing correctly when it

refused to bring the SATNET "line" up.   However,  since  neither

the  SIMP  nor  the  London-TIP (really a host on SATNET) treated

this  access  line  as  SATNET-host  access  lines  are  normally

treated,  the  SATNET people found it very difficult to test this

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line by itself in order to do fault  isolation.   If  we  have  a

Network  Structure  whose  Pathways can themselves be arbitrarily

complex and nested internets, then this sort of  problem  can  be

expected   to   arise   with   great   frequency,  UNLESS  PROPER



some of these problems may just be inevitable once we  decide  to

ignore  the internal structure of a Pathway.  The extent to which

this is or is not true is  a  very  important  issue  for  us  to

consider,  since  it  may ultimately be one of the most important

factors in determining whether a reliable, operational, flexible,

and growing internet configuration is really feasible.   We  will

try  to keep maintainability issues in mind throughout our entire

discussion of the internet architecture that we propose.

     To a lesser extent, this sort  of  problem  can  occur  even

purely within the ARPANET.  Since ARPANET links are really pieces

of  the  telephone  network,  it  is  worth  asking  whether  the

transparency of the telephone  network  impacts  our  ability  to

maintain  the  ARPANET.   In  fact,  this  does  sometimes  cause

problems.  When the ARPANET Network Control Center  complains  to

the telephone company that a line is not operational, they really

cannot  provide  the  telephone company with very much data as to

what is really wrong.  Sometimes it takes the telephone company a

long time to fix the problem, and it  is  not  uncommon  for  the

telephone company to claim that a line is fixed and to return the

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line  to  the  ARPANET,  after  which  it  is discovered that the

ARPANET's line up/down  protocol  still  will  not  bring  it  up

(because  the packet error rate is too great).  Yet the situation

is generally acceptable -- the ARPANET itself does a good  enough

job  of detecting when there are problems with the lines, and the

phone company  does  a  good  enough  job  (generally)  of  fault

isolation  within  their  own  network to be able to fix problems

relatively  quickly.   However,  in  a  Network  Structure  whose

Pathways   consist  of  packet-switching  networks,  rather  than

telephone lines, we probably wouldn't  be  so  lucky.   The  more

complex  and poorly understood the Pathways actually are (and the

behavior of packet-switching networks, not to mention  internets,

is  still  quite poorly understood), the less likely it is that a

simple complaint to the maintainer of the Pathway will get timely

results.  As the Pathway characteristics  become  more  and  more

complex,   it  will  become  more  and  more  important  to  have

instrumentation at all levels, including the Switches  and  Hosts

at  Pathway  end-points,  to aid in diagnosing possible problems.

As much as we might want to be able to  regard  the  Pathways  as

fully   transparent,   it   may   turn   out  that  the  sort  of

instrumentation needed to help in fault isolation is dependent on

the particular characteristics of the Pathway.  This  is  another

issue that we will have to keep in mind throughout.

     Wherever  possible,  as  we  develop  our  proposed internet

architecture, we will try to "parameterize" the effect of Pathway

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characteristics  on  the  robustness  and  performance   of   the

architecture.   It will certainly be important to know whether it

is really possible to build  a  robust  high-performance  Network

Structure  out of Pathways with totally arbitrary characteristics

(probably not), and if not, just how many constraints we must put

on  the  Pathway  characteristics  in  order  to  get  reasonable

performance  out of our architecture.  This approach will help us

to get some understanding in advance of how large  and  varied  a

configuration  our  architecture can support.  This approach will

also help us to understand how our architecture can be adapted to

other applications in which we can place  more  constraints  than

would  be  appropriate for the Catenet.  Consider, for example, a

Network Structure all of  whose  Pathways  are  versions  of  the

ARPANET  which are largely homogeneous and under the control of a

single organization.  Within this Network Structure, we might  be

able  to  introduce much more effective and efficient routing and

congestion control mechanisms than in a Network  Structure  whose

Pathways  consist  of many different kinds of networks controlled

by many different organizations with varied interests (e.g.,  the

Catenet).   In  fact,  this  rather homogeneous Network Structure

might not properly be called an "internet" at all; it might  just

be  regarded  as  the ARPANET with area routing.  ("Area routing"

refers to any routing scheme in which a network is  divided  into

several  areas,  such  that  Switches  in each area have explicit

routes only to other Switches  in  the  same  area,  but  not  to

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Switches  in  other  areas.   Routes are available for getting to

other areas, but the internal structure of these other  areas  is

disregarded.  The term is usually applied to routing schemes used

in  single  homogeneous, packet-swtiching networks, as opposed to

internets, however.)  One of the advantages of our model is  that

it   enables   us   to  see  internetting  and  area  routing  as

applications  that  differ  only  in  regard   to   the   Pathway

characteristics of the appropriate Network Structure.

1.4  A Functional View of the Internet

     Let's  look  now  at  how  we might model the OPERATION of a

Network Structure.  There seem to be four main steps involved  in

getting data from a source Host to a destination Host:

     1) A source Host submits  a  message  to  a  source  Switch,

        providing it with the name of a destination Host to which

        the  message  should  be  delivered,  as well as with any

        other information which is needed  to  specify  necessary

        constraints  on  the  characteristics  of  data delivery.

        (Note that we said "the NAME of a destination Host",  not

        the  address  of  a  destination Host.  We will return to

        this very important point in later papers.)

     2) The source Switch must map the name  of  the  destination

        Host  into the address OF A DESTINATION SWITCH.  This may

        or may not be identical to the source Switch itself.   If

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        the name of the destination Host maps to several possible

        destination  Switch  addresses (multi-homing), the source

        Switch must choose one, and this must be one which has  a

        currently operational Pathway to the destination Host.

     3) Using the routing scheme of the  Network  Structure,  the

        source  Switch  must  get  the message to the destination

        Switch,   via   some   (possibly   empty)   sequence   of

        intermediate Switches.

     4) The destination  Switch  must  get  the  message  to  the

        destination Host.

     This  model of operation attempts to make a clear separation

between the protocols which the source and destination Hosts must

use to  access  the  Network  Structure  (steps  1  and  4),  the

protocols  which  the  Network  Structure uses internally to move

data from one point to another (steps 2 and 3), and the protocols

used by the Hosts to talk to  each  other.   This  separation  is

required by the precepts of protocol layering, and also by common

sense,  since  only  with  a clear separation of access functions

from internal functions can we maintain the flexibility  to  make

internal  changes  in the Network Structure without impacting the

access software in the  Hosts.   The  need  for  this  separation

between  access  functions  and  internal  functions is taken for

granted in most ordinary packet-switching applications,  but  has

not  been  incorportated  at  all  into the current Catenet.  The

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current Catenet protocols freely intermix access  functions  with

internal  functions, and in fact there is only a single protocol,

IP, which  contains elements needed for Hosts  to  talk  to  each

other, for Hosts to talk to Switches, and for Switches to talk to

Switches.   This  seems  to be a consequence of the old idea that

the internet is just a series  of  networks  pasted  together  by

hosts  which are on two or more of the networks.  That idea makes

it difficult to distinguish the gateways from the  hosts,  or  to

properly  take  account  of  the  fact that although gateways are

Hosts  in  some  Network  Structure  (that  of   the   individual

packet-switching  networks),  they  are  also Switches in another

(that of the internet).  A proper distinction of access functions

from internal functions seems essential, though,  if  we  are  to

build  an internet which functions as a real network, rather than

as a series of pasted together networks and gateways.

     Any Network Structure which is to be operational  must  have

some  way  of performing these four steps.  Furthermore, in order

for particular applications to get satisfactory  performance  out

of their use of the Network Structure, the Network Structure must

perform these functions under certain constraints with respect to

delay,  throughput,  reliability,  sequential delivery, and fault

detection.  (By "fault detection", we mean  the  ability  of  the

Network   Structure   to   inform   the  user  about  exceptional

conditions,  such  as  the  destination  host's  being  down   or

unreachable.  This constraint is often neglected in the design of

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network  architectures or protocols, but seems quite important in

a robust operational environment.)  The  ability  to  gather  and

report  exception  information  at  various levels of protocol is

important both  for  system  maintenance  and  for  general  user

satisfaction.   Nothing makes a worse impression on a user than a

mysterious degradation in service  about  which  he  can  get  no

feedback.   It is not immediately obvious, though, to what extent

the various protocols used to operate a  Network  Structure  must

ensure   that   these  constraints  are  met.   It  is  generally

understood  that  if  some  application  requiring  inter-process

communication  must  place constraints (such as sequentiality) on

the characteristics of the communications, then  the  application

itself  must  utilize  some high level protocol (at the Host-Host

level, or even higher) which will enforce the constraints, rather

than depending on the low-level communications medium to  enforce

them.   What  seems  to  be less generally understood is the fact

that, in general, and other things being equal,  the  performance

which  some user gets from his high-level protocol will be better

if the  lower  level  protocols  pass  data  to  the  high  level

protocols  in  a way which already satisfies the constraints that

the  high  level  protocols  must  impose.    For   example,   an

application  which requires sequentiality will have to use a high

level protocol like TCP which guarantees sequentiality.  However,

the end user will generally see much better performance, in terms

of throughput and delay, if  the  protocols  below  TCP  maintain

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sequentiality,  since  this will require TCP to do less work, and

put less of a drain on  the  resources  (such  as  buffer  space,

sequence  number  space,  and  host CPU bandwidth) needed by TCP.

The area of fault detection and reporting provides a good example

here.  A user attempting to talk to a dead host  might  find  his

TCP  typing the message "excessive retransmissions" to him.  This

sort of message would not generally  be  too  useful  to  a  user

since,  if  he  is  not a network expert, it gives him no clue of

what the actual situation is.  The average user might  prefer  to

know  that  the  destination  host  is  dead, so he can try again

later, but this information is very difficult, if not impossible,

to obtain solely at the TCP level, although  it  might  be  quite

simple  to  obtain at a lower protocol level.  Of course, putting

more functionality in lower level protocols also has a  cost,  as

well  as  a  potential  benefit,  and  costs often trade off with

benefits in surprising ways.   As  we  shall  see,  producing  an

operational   Network   Structure  requires  a  large  number  of

protocols, and we will attempt to deal with  considerations  like

these as we consider specific protocol issues.  Not surprisingly,

we  will  find  that  cost-benefit  trade-offs  for  both  access

protocols  and  internal  protocols  will  often  depend  on  the

characteristics of the Pathways in the Network Structure.

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1.  J.M. McQuillan, I.  Richer,  E.C.  Rosen,  "The  New  Routing
    Algorithm    for   the   ARPANET",   IEEE   TRANSACTIONS   ON

2.  E.C. Rosen, "The Updating Protocol of ARPANET's  New  Routing
    Algorithm," COMPUTER NETWORKS, February 1980.

3.  J.M  McQuillan,  G.  Falk,  I.  Richer,  "A  Review  of   the
    Development   and   Performance   of   the   ARPANET  Routing

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