Jerry Stern, Greg Ruth, and Jack Haverty

                         Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.

                               January 12, 1981

       Stern, Ruth, and Haverty       -1-                    Version 1.0
       IEN 164                   January 1981               Preliminary

                               Table of Contents

       1   Introduction.......................................... 2
       2   General Design Considerations......................... 3
       3   Process Management.................................... 5
       4   Interprocess Communication............................ 5
       5   Input/Output.......................................... 6
       6   Memory Allocation..................................... 7
       7   System Clock.......................................... 8
       8   Software Development Tools............................ 8
       9   Future Development.................................... 8
       10   CMOS System Calls.................................... 9
       11   System Generation................................... 19

       Stern, Ruth, and Haverty       -i-                    Version 1.0
       IEN 164                   January 1981               Preliminary

       1  Introduction

            CMOS is a multiprogrammed  real-time  operating  system  for
       BBN's  C-machines.   It is essentially a reimplementation of MOS,
       (1) a PDP-11 operating system developed by SRI.  Whereas  MOS  is
       written in Macro-11 assembly language, CMOS is written in C.  (2)

            Programming  support  for  CMOS  is  provided  by  the  UNIX
       operating  system.   CMOS  itself,  as  well  as  program modules
       written to run as CMOS processes, are edited and compiled on  the
       UNIX  operating  system,  and  object modules are loaded into the
       target machine.  Since both the development and  target  machines
       support  C-based  code,  it  is  also feasible to do some initial
       debugging in the time-shared environment.

            CMOS is a small, simple operating system that  provides  the
       following basic features:

               - multiple processes

               - interprocess communication/coordination

               - asynchronous I/O

               - memory allocation

               - system clock management.

            CMOS development was motivated by the desire  to  produce  a
       C-machine  operating  system  suitable for use in communications-
       oriented applications.  In light  of  favorable  experience  with
       MOS,  it was decided to adapt a version of MOS for the C-machine.
       The choice of C as a system programming language was dictated  by
       the  specific  nature  of  the  C-machine.   The  C-machine  is a
       microprogrammed,  20-bit  machine  which  has   an   architecture
       explicitly  designed  to  support  the C language.  The C-machine
       comes in two models:  the C/50, which has a 1-megabyte (1  "byte"
       =  10  bits) physical address space and no memory management; and
       the C/70,  which  has  a  2-megabyte  address  space  and  memory
       management.   Versions  of  CMOS  have been developed for both of
       these machines, as well as for the LSI-11 and the Z8000.

       (1) Kunzelman, R. C.,  J. E. Mathis,  and  D. L. Retz,  "Progress
       Report  on Packet Radio Experimental Network, Quarterly Technical
       Report No. 8."
       (2)  Kernighan,  B.  W.  and  D.  M.  Ritchie, "The C Programming
       Language", Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1978.

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            It should be noted that, although CMOS is targeted  for  use
       in  several  applications,  it has not yet been used anywhere and
       should be considered as still under development.

            One major motivation for the creation of CMOS was to provide
       an  operating  system for the C machines, for use in applications
       where the memory limitations make LSI-11  approaches  unsuitable.
       Although  CMOS  will run on LSI-11s, this is not an intended use.
       CMOS systems may use processes which exceed the address space  of
       the  LSI-11  architecture,  and  can only be run on C-machines or
       other machines which support the needed memory.

            The important aspects of the CMOS design  are  described  in
       the  following  sections.   The final sections provide a detailed
       description of CMOS  primitives  and  general  system  generation

       2  General Design Considerations

            The design and programming of CMOS have  been  motivated  by
       goals  of style, clarity, and consistency rather than a desire to
       achieve ultimate efficiency.  This is not to say that  efficiency
       issues have been ignored.  CMOS is quite compact and efficient by
       virtue of its  simplicity.   Design  principles  and  programming
       practices  have  not  been  compromised, however, for the sake of
       saving every possible byte or cpu cycle.

            CMOS is designed to be an  "open"  operating  system.   This
       means  that  no  distinct  division  exists between the operating
       system and the application program.  One can view  the  operating
       system as a collection of library routines.  The operating system
       can be easily extended by adding new routines and can be  reduced
       by  excluding  unneeded routines.  The programmer is not confined
       to the outermost interface presented by the operating system.  If
       appropriate,  the  programmer  can  directly  access  lower-level

            Although CMOS is intended primarily for  C-machines,  it  is
       designed  to  be a portable operating system.  The use of a high-
       level language is,  of  course,  the  principal  factor  in  CMOS
       portability.   Small  size  and  simplicity  are  other important
       factors.  The design attempts to minimize the amount of  machine-
       dependent  code  and  to segregate it into separate modules.  The
       I/O system design allows for easy replacement of device-dependent
       modules.   Versions  of  CMOS  exist for the PDP-11 and the Z8000

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            CMOS does not  support  either  virtual  memory  or  virtual
       address  spaces.   The  entire  system  shares a single, physical
       address space.  This lack of  sophistication  is  due,  in  large
       part, to the nature of real-time systems.  Programs and data must
       be continuously  available  in  main  memory  in  order  to  meet
       response-time requirements.  Thus, virtual memory techniques such
       as  swapping  or  paging   are   not   suitable   for   real-time

            The issue of virtual address  spaces  is  more  complicated.
       The  most  common  reason for providing virtual address spaces in
       real-time systems is to overcome an architectural  deficiency  of
       the  computer.  Many computers have small address spaces, yet can
       support a much larger  amount  of  physical  memory.   Therefore,
       multiple  address spaces are required to take advantage of larger
       memory sizes.

            The C-machines do not suffer from this architectural defect.
       The C/50 provides a one-megabyte address space and the C/70 twice
       that.  This is  sufficient  for  all  currently  envisioned  CMOS
       applications.   For  this reason, the current CMOS does not need,
       and does not support, virtual address spaces.  For other machines
       (e.g.,  the  PDP-11),  address space limitations are more severe.
       On these machines, CMOS may be limited  to  a  class  of  smaller

            Other applications may motivate further extensions to  CMOS,
       to  introduce  process  isolation  using  memory mapping, dynamic
       process creation, preemption, or other  additions  to  the  basic

            The use  of  a  single  address  space  gives  CMOS  several
       important advantages over multiple address space systems.  First,
       the single address space is a major contributing  factor  to  the
       overall  simplicity  of  CMOS.   Not only is the operating system
       relieved  of  address  space   management   chores,   but   also,
       programming  and  debugging  are  generally facilitated.  Second,
       data  sharing  among  processes  is   direct,   convenient,   and
       efficient.   In multiple address space systems, memory sharing is
       often a difficult problem.  Third, I/O devices have direct access
       to all of memory.  In multiple address space systems, I/O devices
       are typically restricted to a single address space.   This  often
       produces  a need for extra data copying, especially in connection
       with DMA devices.   Fourth,  an  entire  CMOS  system  is  linked
       together as one composite program.  This means that non-identical
       processes can still share a single copy  of  common  subroutines.
       Multiple address space systems usually cannot match this level of
       code-space efficiency.  The large address space provided by  CMOS
       obviates  the need to artificially split systems into a number of

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       processes because of the address space limitations.

       3  Process Management

            CMOS processes are defined at compilation time.  They cannot
       be dynamically created or destroyed during system operation.  For
       each process, a set of basic attributes is specified including  a
       name, an initial program entrypoint, and a stack size.

            CMOS employs a rudimentary process scheduling method.  Three
       process  states  are defined:  (1) running; (2) ready to run; and
       (3) waiting for an event.   A  running  process  always  runs  to
       completion.   This  means that the processor is relinquished only
       by explicit action of the running process.   It  is  never  taken
       away  by the operating system.  There is no time-slicing or other
       form of preemption.  The next process to run  is  selected  by  a
       simple  round-robin  algorithm.   All  processes  have  a uniform
       scheduling priority.

            This  non-preemptive  scheduling  discipline  has  important
       implications.    First,   processes   must  be  designed  not  to
       monopolize the  processor  for  long  time  periods.   Otherwise,
       crucial  tasks  may  fail  to  be  serviced  in a timely fashion.
       Second, critical program sections (i.e.,  program  sections  that
       can  be  safely  entered  by  only one process at a time) need no
       explicit protection.  The absence of  preemption  guarantees  the
       integrity of critical program sections.

            Interrupt handling creates  a  separate  class  of  critical
       sections  that  are  not  protected by the scheduling discipline.
       These critical sections exist only within  the  operating  system
       and  are  of  no  concern to application programs.  CMOS protects
       these  critical  sections  in  the  standard  manner  (viz.,   by
       temporarily disabling interrupts).

       4  Interprocess Communication

            CMOS processes  communicate  with  one  another  by  passing
       messages  known  as  "events".   For  this purpose, the operating
       system provides primitives called "signal", "wait",  and  "recv".
       The  signal  primitive  permits  a  process  to  send an event to
       another process.  The wait primitive permits a  process  to  wait
       for  an  event  that  may  or  may  not  have  arrived.  The recv
       primitive permits a process to receive an event that has  already

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            An event message contains the sender process  ID,  an  event
       ID,  and  one  word of unspecified data.  The event ID is used to
       indicate the type of event.  Both the wait and receive primitives
       allow  a  process  to select the event IDs of immediate interest.
       The meaning of the data word depends on the event  type.   It  is
       quite  common  for the data word to contain a pointer to a larger
       data structure.

            CMOS provides  a  facility  that  helps  to  automate  event
       processing activities.  A process can designate a procedure to be
       the event handler for a particular event type.   Thereafter,  the
       event  handler  becomes active whenever a special wait primitive,
       called "waith", is  invoked.   For  each  event  received,  waith
       checks  to  see if an event handler has been defined.  If so, the
       event handler procedure is automatically dispatched.  This  frees
       the  caller  of  waith  from the responsibility of having to deal
       with events not of direct interest.  Processing of  these  events
       can be viewed as a background activity.

       5  Input/Output

            CMOS provides an asynchronous I/O facility.  To perform I/O,
       a  process  creates  an  I/O  request  block  (IORB).   The  IORB
       identifies the target device, the type of operation (e.g.,  read,
       write,   abort),  and  information  relevant  to  the  particular
       operation (e.g., buffer areas for data transfer).  The IORB  also
       specifies  an  event  ID.   To  initiate  processing, the IORB is
       passed to the operating system.  When the request  is  completed,
       the  operating system signals an event to the requesting process.
       The event message contains the event ID taken from the IORB and a
       data  word  that  contains the address of the IORB.  In this way,
       the requesting process can easily associate the completion  event
       with the original request.  Status information is returned in the

            A process can direct I/O  to  a  specific  device  or  to  a
       special  "primary" device.  Primary devices are defined on a per-
       process basis and can be either assigned (to a  specific  device)
       or  unassigned.   If  a  process  attempts  to  perform I/O on an
       unassigned primary device,  the  process  is  suspended  until  a
       primary  device  is assigned.  This permits a single device to be
       moved from one process to another and thereby provides  a  simple
       way to share a terminal among several processes.

            The core of the CMOS  I/O  system  is  a  device-independent
       module,  "eior"  (enter I/O request), that provides a centralized
       interface between the application program and the various  device
       driver modules.  As described above, this interface accepts IORBs
       from the application program.  The IORBs are automatically queued

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       on  a  per-device  basis.   If  desired,  requests from different
       processes can be interspersed for the same device.  When a device
       becomes  ready  to accept the next request, the first IORB in the
       device queue, if any, is passed to the appropriate device  driver

            All device driver modules provide a  standardized  interface
       expected by the core I/O system.  This interface consists of four
       entrypoints:  (1) a configuration entry;  (2)  an  initialization
       entry;  (3)  a request entry; and (4) an interrupt handler entry.
       A system configuration table specifies the  driver  configuration
       entry   for  each  device.   During  system  initialization,  the
       configuration entry is invoked to obtain the other  three  driver
       entrypoints, and the size of any per-device data base required by
       the driver.  The initialization entry  is  invoked  automatically
       before  the  first IORB is passed to the driver.  The request and
       interrupt  handler  entries  perform  standard   device   control
       functions.    At   present,  CMOS  includes  driver  modules  for
       asynchronous terminals and for 1822 network interfaces.

       6  Memory Allocation

            CMOS includes routines that allocate and  deallocate  blocks
       of  memory  from  a free storage pool.  Both the operating system
       and  the  application  program  share  a  common   pool.    Three
       allocation  options  are  available  to  control operating system
       behavior in the case of an  allocation  failure:  (1)  return  an
       error code; (2) wait for more memory to become available; and (3)
       cease system operation.

            CMOS  provides  an  allocation  mechanism   only,   not   an
       allocation  policy.  The policy, of course, is the responsibility
       of  the  application  program.    In   practice,   however,   few
       application  programs incorporate a memory allocation policy that
       eliminates the possibility of free  space  exhaustion.   Instead,
       some  applications include a recovery mechanism to deal with this
       problem.  It is reasonable to expect that such a  mechanism  will
       depend  upon  the  continued functioning of the operating system.
       Therefore,  the  operating  system   must   not   itself   become
       immediately disabled as a result of free space exhaustion.

            To prevent disablement, CMOS  depends  on  "reserve  storage
       pools".  A separate reserve storage pool is created for each type
       of object needed by a crucial  function.   The  operating  system
       uses  two  such  pools,  one for event messages and one for timer
       queue entries.  Reserve storage  pools  are  managed  by  special
       allocation  and  deallocation  routines.   The special allocation
       routine first attempts to obtain space from the common pool.   If
       this  fails, space is taken instead from the reserve pool and the

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       IEN 164                   January 1981               Preliminary

       caller is so informed.  If the reserve  pool  is  exhausted,  the
       system dies.

            System primitives that use reserve storage pools  return  an
       indication   of   when  reserve  storage  has  been  tapped.   An
       application program can therefore detect free space exhaustion by
       this  means  or  by  the  direct  failure  of a simple allocation
       request.  At this point, the operating system  will  continue  to
       function  for a period of time (or number of calls) determined by
       reserve storage pool sizes.

       7  System Clock

            CMOS provides a clock management facility that  maintains  a
       time-of-day  clock  and  permits  processes  to set "alarms".  An
       alarm is simply an event that is signalled by the  clock  manager
       after a specified time period has elapsed.  Both the event ID and
       the data word of the event message are specified by  the  process
       that  sets the alarm.  An alarm can be either a one-time alarm or
       an interval alarm  that  is  automatically  repeated  at  regular

       8  Software Development Tools

            All programming support for CMOS software development is now
       provided by the UNIX time-sharing system, via the UNIX C compiler
       and linker.   BBN  has  developed  a  Version  7  UNIX  and  a  C
       compiler/linker to run on the C-machines.

            The same hardware configuration of a C-machine  can  support
       both  the  UNIX and CMOS systems, although not simultaneously, of
       course.  We plan to use the  UNIX  system  development  tools  to
       create  CMOS  systems,  which  can  then  be  run  and  tested by
       bootstrapping the CMOS code in place  of  UNIX  on  the  same  or
       different hardware.

       9  Future Development

            There is a variety of possible  extensions  to  CMOS,  which
       take  advantage  of  the  increased  flexibility  provided by the
       hardware  base.   We  intend  to   pursue   these   as   specific
       applications arise which require additional functionality.

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            The most interesting category of extensions involves the use
       of  the memory mapping hardware available for C machines.  In the
       standard  C-machine  configuration,  the  20-bit  address   space
       provides access to a physical memory of 1 Mbyte.

            Within this physical address space, processes can share  any
       or  all  of the memory, since the process address space is also 1

            The   memory   mapper   hardware   extends   the   machine's
       capabilities  in  two  ways.   The  first  extension provides for
       support of  2  Mbytes  of  physical  memory.   Each  process  is,
       however,  limited  to  1  Mbyte  of  address  space.   The second
       extension lies in the ability of the memory map to support  eight
       independent  active process maps.  This creates an environment in
       which processes can share portions of their address  spaces  with
       the  system  or  other  processes,  with  fast  context switching
       between the eight active processes.   This  removes  two  of  the
       basic  limitations we have encountered in real-time designs based
       on  PDP-11  architectures,  namely,  the  granularity  of  memory
       sharing and the speed of context switching.

            The CMOS environment has not yet been  extended  to  utilize
       these  additional  facilities,  although  we anticipate that this
       effort will begin soon.

       10  CMOS System Calls

            This section describes CMOS system calls  available  to  the
       application  programmer.   These calls are divided into two major
       groups, low-level  functions  and  higher-level  functions.   The
       low-level  functions correspond roughly to the MOS interface, and
       the   higher-level   functions   provide    certain    additional
       capabilities.   The  usage  of  each  system call is described in
       terms of the C language.  Two typedefs are first defined and then
       referenced by a few of the system call descriptions.

       typedef struct {                /* event message buffer */
               char msevent;           /* event ID */
               char mssender;          /* sender process ID */
               int msdata;             /* user data */
       } MSG;

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       typedef struct iorb {           /* I/O request block */
               struct iorb *irnextp;   /* ptr to next IORB on chain */
               int irdevid;            /* device ID */
               char irevent;           /* completion signal event */
               char irpid;             /* requestor's process ID */
               char *irbufp;           /* buffer ptr */
               char irport;            /* port number of request */
               char iropcode;          /* operation code */
               int irbufsiz;           /* buffer size (in bytes) */
               int irstatus;           /* status of I/O operation */
               int irnxfer;            /* number of bytes transferred */
               int irpad[2];           /* mysterious padding */
       } IORB;

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                              LOW-LEVEL FUNCTIONS

       Process Attributes

       Name:     getpid
       Function: convert process name to process ID
       Usage:    pid = getpid (name)

                 char name[];  /* process name to convert
                                  null name => calling process */
                 int pid;      /* process ID for given name */

       Name:     getpn
       Function: convert process ID to process name
       Usage:    pn = getpn (pid, namep)

                 int pid;      /* process ID to convert
                                  0 => calling process */
                 char *namep;  /* place to store name */
                 char *pn;     /* same as namep */

       Name:     getprio
       Function: get primary I/O devices of specified process
       Usage:    getprio (pid, priop)

                 int pid;      /* process ID, 0 => calling process */
                 struct {
                  int idevid;  /* primary input device ID */
                  int odevid;  /* primary output device ID */
                 } *priop;

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       Name:     setprio
       Function: set primary I/O devices of specified process
       Usage:    setprio (pid, idevid, odevid)

                 int pid;      /* process ID, 0 => calling process */
                 int idevid;   /* input device ID, <0 => no change */
                 int odevid;   /* output device ID, <0 => no change */

       Name:     movprio
       Function: move primary I/O devices of caller to another process
       Usage:    movprio (pid)

                 int pid;      /* target process ID */

       Device Attributes

       Name:     getdid
       Function: convert device name to device ID
       Usage:    devid = getdid (name)

                 char name[];  /* device name to convert */
                 int devid;    /* device ID */

       Name:     getdn
       Function: convert device ID to device name
       Usage:    dn = getdn (devid, namep)

                 int devid;    /* device ID to convert */
                 char *namep;  /* place to store name */
                 char *dn;     /* same as namep */

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       Name:     eior
       Function: enter an I/O request
       Usage:    ec = eior (iorbp)

                 IORB *iorbp;  /* I/O request block ptr */
                 int ec;       /* error code */

       Interprocess Communication

       Name:     signal
       Function: signal an event to a process
       Usage:    sw = signal (pid, event, data)

                 char pid;     /* target process  ID */
                 char event;   /* event number */
                 int data;     /* data for target process */
                 int sw;       /* 1 if reserve pool used to queue
                                  signal, else 0 */

       Name:     wait
       Function: wait for any event
       Usage:    wait (msgp)

                 MSG *msgp;    /* ptr to message buffer */

       Name:     waits
       Function: wait for a single specified event
       Usage:    waits (event, msgp)

                 char event;   /* desired event */
                 MSG *msgp;    /* message buffer ptr */

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       Name:     waitm
       Function: wait for one of multiple specified events
       Usage:    waitm (evlist, nev, msgp);

                 char *evlist; /* event list (array) */
                 int nev;      /* number of events in list */
                 MSG *msgp;    /* message buffer ptr */

       Name:     recv
       Function: receive any pending event
       Usage:    sw = recv (msgp)

                 MSG *msgp;    /* ptr to message buffer */
                 int sw;       /* 1 if event returned, else 0 */

       Name:     recvs
       Function: receive a single specified pending event
       Usage:    sw = recvs (event, msgp)

                 char event;   /* desired event */
                 MSG *msgp;    /* message buffer ptr */
                 int sw;       /* 1 if event returned, else 0 */

       Name:     recvm
       Function: receive one of multiple specified pending events
       Usage:    sw = recvm (evlist, nev, msgp);

                 char *evlist; /* event list (array) */
                 int nev;      /* number of events in list */
                 MSG *msgp;    /* message buffer ptr */
                 int sw;       /* 1 if event returned, else 0 */

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       Memory Allocation

       Name:     alloc
       Function: allocate memory block, return if not available
       Usage:    blkp = alloc (nbytes)

                 int nbytes;   /* size of block desired */
                 char *blkp;   /* ptr to allocated block, else null */

       Name:     allocw
       Function: allocate memory block, wait if not available
       Usage:    blkp = allocw (nbytes)

                 int nbytes;   /* size of block desired */
                 char *blkp;   /* ptr to allocated block */

       Name:     allocd
       Function: allocate memory block, die if not available
       Usage:    blkp = allocd (nbytes)

                 int nbytes;   /* size of block desired */
                 char *blkp;   /* ptr to allocated block */

       Name:     free
       Function: free a previously allocated block
       Usage:    free (blkp)

                 char *blkp;   /* ptr to block */

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       System Clock Management

       Name:     alarm
       Function: set alarm to awaken process
       Usage:    sw = alarm (event, data, delay)

                 char event;   /* signal event */
                 int data;     /* signal data */
                 int delay;    /* timeout period in seconds/60 */
                 int sw;       /* 1 if reserve pool used to queue

       Name:     ialarm
       Function: set alarm to awaken process at regular intervals
       Usage:    sw = ialarm (event, data, interval)

                 char event;   /* signal event */
                 int data;     /* signal data */
                 int interval; /* timeout interval in seconds/60 */
                 int sw;       /* 1 if reserve pool used to queue

       Name:     kalarm
       Function: kill any specified pending alarms
       Usage:    kalarm (event, data)

                 char event;   /* event of requests to kill */
                 int data;     /* data of requests to kill */

       Name:     setod
       Function: set time of day
       Usage:    setod (time)

                 long time;    /* time of day */

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       Name:     getod
       Function: get time of day
       Usage:    time = getod ()

                 long time;    /* time of day */

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                            HIGHER-LEVEL FUNCTIONS

       Event Management

       Name:     newev
       Function: generate a new event number, unique system-wide
       Usage:    event = newev ()

                 char event;   /* event number */

       Name:     setevh
       Function: associate an event handler routine with a specified
                 event for this process
       Usage:    oldent = setevh (event, entryp)

                 char event;   /* event to be handled */
                 int (*entryp) (); /* event handler entrypoint */
                               /* if null, cancel event handler */
                 int (*oldent) (); /* previous entryp, else null */

       Name:     waith
       Function: wait for an event; dispatch event handler if one
                 is defined, else return.
       Usage:    waith (msgp)

                 MSG *msgp;    /* ptr to message buffer */

       Name:     waitsh
       Function: wait for an event; dispatch event handler if one is
                 defined; else return if event is the one specified;
                 else ignore event;
       Usage:    waitsh (event, msgp)

                 char event;   /* desired event */
                 MSG *msgp;    /* message buffer ptr */

       Stern, Ruth, and Haverty      -18-                   Version 1.0
       IEN 164                   January 1981               Preliminary

       Synchronous Input/Output

       Name:     read
       Function: read from a specified device; event handlers are
                 active while awaiting read completion.
       Usage:    nbytes = read (devid, bufp, bufsiz)

                 int devid;    /* device ID */
                 char *bufp;   /* buffer ptr */
                 int bufsiz;   /* buffer size */
                 int nbytes;   /* number of bytes read */

       Name:     write
       Function: write to a specified device; event handlers are
                 NOT active while awaiting write completion.
       Usage:    nbytes = write (devid, bufp, bufsiz)

                 int devid;    /* device ID */
                 char *bufp;   /* buffer ptr */
                 int bufsiz;   /* buffer size */
                 int nbytes;   /* number of bytes written */

       11  System Generation

            The following CMOS modules must be linked  into  any  system

            cm_init         Initialization routines.

            cm_data         Process control and configuration tables.

            cm_util         CMOS utilities.

            cm_err          Error message routines.

            cm_proc         Basic process management routines.

            cm_queue        Queue manipulation routines.

            cm_ipc          Interprocess communication routines.

            cm_mem          Memory management primitives.

       Stern, Ruth, and Haverty      -19-                   Version 1.0
       IEN 164                   January 1981               Preliminary

            cm_io           Basic I/O routines.

       In addition to  the  required  modules,  the  following  optional
       modules may be included for specific hardware device support:

            cm_time         Timer management routines.

            cm_tty          Terminal driver routines (to be rewritten).

            cm_1822         1822 driver routines (to be written).

            cm_smd          Disk driver routines (to be written).

            cm_mlc          MLC driver routines (to be written).

       In order to include DDT the following modules must be included:






       Stern, Ruth, and Haverty      -20-                   Version 1.0
       IEN 164                   January 1981               Preliminary


       1. Mathis, J. and  Klemba,  K.,  "The  Micro  Operating  System,"
       Chapter  6  of  Terminal  Interface  Unit  Notebook,  Vol. 2, SRI
       International, March 1980.  <MOS reference>

       2.  Kraley,  M.  et  al.,  "Design  of  a  User-microprogrammable
       Building  Block," Thirteenth Annual Workshop on Microprogramming,
       Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1980.

       3.  Ritchie,  D.M.  and  Thompson,  K.,  "The  UNIX  Time-Sharing
       System,"  Bell  System  Technical  Journal  57(6)  pp.  1905-1929

       4. Kernighan, B.W. and Ritchie, D.M., The C Programming Language,
       Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1978.

       Stern, Ruth, and Haverty      -21-                   Version 1.0
       IEN 164                   January 1981               Preliminary


                    CMOS Error Messages (C-machine version)

       cvdevnm: Device not found

            The mate specified for a device (in the device control table
            initialization data) is not the name of any existing device.

       getdcte: Bad device ID

            The CMOS primitive (e.g. eior, getdn)  was  called  with  an
            invalid device id.

       dlvrmsg: NULL msg ptr

            Due to an internal error (blush).

       mkroom: Memory full

            Insufficient space in the free memory  pool  to  accommodate
            device  driver  data  and/or  process  stacks  during system

       alloc: Invalid request

            The CMOS primitive "alloc" has been called with  a  negative
            block size.

       free: Invalid addr

            The CMOS primitive "free" has been  called  with  a  pointer
            outside the free memory pool.

       allocd: Allocation failed

            An allocation request via the CMOS  primitive  "allocd"  has

       plalloc: Pool empty

            The reserve memory pool has been exhausted.

       Stern, Ruth, and Haverty      -22-                   Version 1.0
       IEN 164                   January 1981               Preliminary

       dschd: Stack overflow

            A process has overrun its stack.  This  may  be  due  to  an
            excessive   depth  of  nested  procedure  calls.   The  only
            solution is to reassemble the system with more stack space.

       getpcte: Bad pid

            A CMOS primitive was called with a non-existent process id.

       mktqe: Bad delay time

            A CMOS clock management primitive was given a timeout period
            of 0 by the caller.

       In addition, there are various fatal conditions trapped by CMOS:

            TRAP: invalid memory addr

            TRAP: illegal instruction

            TRAP: illegal micro call

            TRAP: privileged operation

            TRAP: register overflow

            TRAP: EDAC error

            TRAP: register underflow

       For every trap the following machine status  values  are  printed

            PC = program counter

            PS = program status

            SP = stack pointer

       Stern, Ruth, and Haverty      -23-                   Version 1.0